Do-it-yourself 4g antenna connection to a modem. Do-it-yourself external antenna for iota

To access the Internet, I use a 4G (LTE) USB modem, though in this moment it works in 3G mode, because. the LTE (4G) network in my area has just started to be launched and it is in testing mode. I live in my own, wooden house, and before it was sheathed with metal siding, my modem had no problems receiving a signal. But after sheathing the house with siding, problems began with the signal level in the house. The fact is that metal has a shielding effect, and the whole house is covered with metal, the roof is also metal. The screenshot clearly shows the low signal level, the reception speed was 1.5 - 2 Mbps.

Minimum signal level without antenna

In the summer, I solved the problem with signal reception by putting the modem out the window to the street, during rain, the modem was removed into the house. But with the advent of winter, it was necessary to look for another solution to the problem. That's when I remembered the little car antenna with a magnet mount, this antenna was lying around in my garage for three years, because the car radio did not work well with it. the antenna was too small.

Third generation networks are most often deployed at a frequency of 2100 MHz. This is the accepted global standard for 3G. Therefore, the receiving antenna should not be large. I did not go into abstruse calculations, but simply decided to test my car radio antenna in working with a modem. To do this, I cut off the native plug from the radio antenna, because. for the antenna connector of the modem, he, of course, did not fit, stripped the central core and simply inserted it into the modem connector. To prevent the wire from falling out, I taped it to the modem with electrical tape. Then I put the antenna through the window to the street (the window closes perfectly), fixed it to the siding with a magnet and launched the modem program on the computer.

Car radio antenna with modem

The signal level became maximum, the speed of the modem in HSPA + mode was 14 - 18 Mbps when downloading from the network, when uploading to the network, the speed was about 6 Mbps. I was happy as an elephant, now I'm waiting with Ali for the ordered plug, then it remains to solder it to the antenna and rejoice. By the way radio antenna of this type costs much less than a 3G antenna.

Simple antenna for 4G modem

The essence of the video is not that the modem hangs on a string on the window, but that it is to buy an antenna (the principle of operation of which is the same as described by me) for 1-3t.r. not worth it! And it's easier to buy, wife, mother, girlfriend, finally chocolate for yourself and do what is on the video! Is it really so difficult to understand, before you write your exclamations about what a simple lace will add there, you will at least catch the meaning.

Cardboard. Aluminum foil, metallized textolite, etc. Scotch, electrical tape.
USB extension.
Your fantasy and nothing more. This is the easiest way, which gave almost 10 megabits of Internet speed, there are others, but so far this one works at 1000% of labor costs.


  1. Yes, you are all correct. At my work, too, the modem does not catch well, the modem in the extension cord (3.5 meters) also does not catch much better. But instead of cardboard with foil (like yours), I used a Frisbee disc (plate), also with foil, and lo and behold, everything worked for 5+. cut off the edge board on the disk, glued the food foil onto silicone. placed the modem in the center, drilled a hole for the cable.
  2. And if you catch on the roof of a private house only? Also cardboard? The cable will be long and the modem will not even work on it. I once bought a directional antenna for 2k and did not regret it, I had 3G Internet in the village alone). Now we have a clear 4G signal, civilization has come to us.
  3. Firstly, the modem is already hot, but here in the Sun and under the reflector ... Secondly, it is called a reflector for the internal antenna, if the antenna, then the output was also not small. And they are not the same antennas, there are many benefits from them, not everyone has the main socket in the modem.
  4. Damn, I have a megaphone, I live in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg and 14 Mbps for 3g is not enough for me. LTE signal weak, the modem constantly flies from it to 3g. I wanted an antenna so that the LTE modem would catch stably. But I watched your video, where you rejoice at LTE at a speed of 6 Mbps and decided that I was snickering.
  5. I always doubted the effectiveness of this kind of handicraft. Got me one fine day low speed Internet and I decided to go through YouTube in search of a solution to the problem. It just so happened that out of the mass of this kind of video, this was included. Well, I think: what the hell is not joking, I'll try, the more it's done quickly. I wrapped a thin flexible cutting board with baking foil, attached a modem to it on an extension cord (1.5 m) with two clothespins to the long side. And I rejoiced: the speed has risen to 200 kbps. up to 7-10 Mbps. The signal increased from -69 RSSI to -55 RSSI. To improve reception, try the modem vertically and horizontally. I have a stable reception in horizontal.
  6. Conventional signal amplifiers like Connect 2.0 work like that, there is foil in parabolic plastic. I bought one myself, because I was too lazy to fiddle with foil on the roof, and it was not expensive. If you send it to the tower, then everything works fine.
  7. The easiest way to amplify (and better than any of the most expensive antennas) a 3G4G signal is to use satellite dish. I used 0.9 meters Supral in the country. To protect the modem from external influence I used a piece of pipe from a siphon + a rubber plug from a drain + sealants, I installed all this in place of the SAT converter in the antenna. The plate should be tilted STRONGLY down - not vertically, like everyone else on Tricolor or NTV +. Then I installed an electric junction box next to the antenna and removed the TP-Link TL-MR3020 with the modem and connected it to my native USB wire, and from there derived twisted pair to the house, and there already on the main ZyXEL router Keenetic Lite. Without a dish, the reception was 3G with periodic disruptions and a peak speed of no more than 2 Mbps. With the antenna, 4G reception became stable (3 sticks out of 5, and in any weather the speed is about 15 Mbps, ping 35-45. The operator in this place does not have 4G coverage at all on the map.
  8. A life hack about the fact that it is better not to buy a car with an engine, but simply to lower an empty body down a hill. The principle of operation of the antenna is not just to catch the signal, but also to amplify it. And your effect can be achieved by bringing the laptop to the window. + If the USB cable is too long, the modem will periodically be cut down due to a lack of power. So if bad signal, make an antenna and connect it to the modem.

How to increase the speed of 4g LTE Yota? How to install a mimo antenna?

I bought an iota modem, but there is no speed?
What to do if the Internet from Yota does not want to work?
How much do you have to pay for Iota, and how profitable is it?

If you have a low speed 4g LTE from Yota in Tomsk, or in any other city, then you will need to boost the signal using a Mimo antenna.
Mimo antenna really increases the signal by 10-15 times, verified from our own experience.
Now iota has begun to work more stable, and better.

What you need to increase the signal:
1. MIMO antenna (Internet signal amplifier)
2. Coaxial cable
3. Pigtails
4. Any modem (Not Iota)


  1. The people, if anyone wants to fasten the Mimo antenna to the iota modem, then there are MS 156 connectors, look for pigtails for him. Thanks to Denis Kulkov for the hint, and if anyone has a huawei, then in the comments the answer to the pigtails is already given.
  2. For those who follow the example of the author, as M. Gorky wrote “... so that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years ...” (in our case, money spent. So, 4G from Yota - remember these values: Yota works in the LTE range in two subbands: Band3 (1800) and Band7 (2600).In cities, this is usually B7, in the suburbs B3.B7 has a higher carrier frequency and higher transmission speed, B3 has everything indicated below, but the range is better.Modems that you will buy for Yota must support at least these two subbands in the LTE segment and support antennas made using MIMO technology (two connectors).The antennas that you will buy must support the frequency range 1700-2700 (well, at least 1800-2600) and be MIMO antennas. You can buy an antenna without a box and pull cables from the antenna to the modem. In this option, there will be high losses on the cable and connectors, regardless of the quality of the cable. You can buy an antenna with a box and install the modem in this box by connecting the antenna to the modem with pigtails, and connect the modem to the router with a USB cable - the losses will be minimal, but these modems are not designed to operate at negative temperatures, so in winter there may be problems until the exit modem out of order. In general, something like this, if on the fingers. Other operators use other subranges.
  3. from what you wrote, I took 1700-2700 ... but I took under 3-4 g the Internet from Iota, Megafon, Beeline or MTS for the Moscow region. I do not know which provider you will use and at what frequency it operates in the region where you will install the antenna, therefore I cannot give you an exact answer due to insufficient initial data in the question. Suddenly you will be “taken away” to some Skylink?
  4. Yota works on Lte via FDD in Band 3 (1800) and Band 7 (2600), everything else is superfluous. Now I am writing from the country: ZyXEL 4g III, Huawei E3372, Agata 2×2 MIMO Box (1700-2700). Here even any 3G with great difficulty and only in some places, but I have 5Mbps. easily.
  5. That's right, colleague! And to heat the modem in winter, you can use a simple 12-volt heater, now there are a lot of them.

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Devices / 11/14/2017

External antenna for 4g lte modem do it yourself

A Russian person will never refuse this if he has the opportunity to save money. If in the country or outside the city, in an apartment or cottage, the Internet speed is low, why buy additional devices? Let's tell you how to make the simplest and cheapest external antenna for a 4g lte modem with your own hands.

Characteristics of external amplifiers for the modem

Antennas are signal amplifying devices. They are different types:

  • narrowly focused;
  • sector;
  • omnidirectional.

The simplest are omnidirectional. They can receive and transmit a signal in all directions with the same intensity. An example is a conventional quarter-wave vibrator. To put it simply, this is an ordinary piece of wire having a length of a quarter wave of the received signal.

Sector is able to limit radiation in a certain sector. For example, if you put a sheet of iron behind an omnidirectional antenna, you get a sector antenna with a sector of 180 *. Such a sheet of iron is called a screen.

The most efficient is a directional antenna, which is a special case of a sector antenna. Due to the selection (of course, accurate calculation in fact) of the curvature of the screen, you can get a narrowly directed beam of radio wave radiation.

The two main characteristics of any transceiver are sensitivity and gain. Sensitivity affects the quality of the received signal, the gain - transmitted. These parameters are measured in dBi. Sensitivity is measured as a negative number, gain is positive. The more modules of these numbers - the better, the better your device. For example, a sensitivity of -75dBi is worse than -83dBi. The gain of 11dBi is better than that of 6dBi. The higher these parameters, the greater the range of the established connection.

DIY simple external 4g antenna

An ordinary collecting focusing external amplifier for a modem is sold in a store and costs money.

If you have a case from an old PC (and they usually feel sorry for throwing them away and taking them to the country - suddenly it will come in handy), then you can make an external 4g directional antenna with your own hands. You will need the whole body, scissors for iron and will have to buy USB cable for an external amplifier.

We will not describe the steps, they can be seen from the drawing.

And here is the result.

You can simplify the design.

If there is no piece of metal, take thick cardboard and cover it with foil.

If you are too lazy to paste over, look in the kitchen among the dishes. You can make just such an antenna for a 4g modem with your own hands.

Thanks to the user Ukshuinik, who was not too lazy.

DIY 4g panel antenna

For the manufacture of external homemade antenna for a do-it-yourself 4g lte modem you will need:

  • Galvanized iron sheet for panel size 334mm*290mm and for four patches each size 118mm*70.5mm.
  • Coil of copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm.
  • A piece of copper foil for cutting a patch with a diameter of 21 mm.
  • Styrofoam for patches.
  • Adhesive for gluing patches to foam.

All sizes external device indicated on the drawing.

Make a drawing of an external amplifier on paper in full size, lay out the patches. Then bend the wire and solder it to the patches. Drill a hole for the cable plug in the base and solder the plug. Then cut out circles from the foam, glue them to the base in place of the patches. Glue the design on top.

To use such an external antenna to amplify the 3g / 4g signal with your own hands, the modem must have a cable connector.

Do-it-yourself Kharchenko antenna for a 4g modem

The device is named after the engineer who first invented it. This is a powerful external antenna for usb modem 4g is made by hand, a diagram of the desired option can be found on the Internet. We will present the simplest one.

All parameters are calculated depending on the frequency of reception and transmission of the modem.

You will need copper wire, a sheet of aluminum 2mm thick. First you need to bend the wire so that in the middle its sides do not touch. And solder the ends.

A hole for the cable is drilled in the center of the plate.

Then a wire is attached to the platinum. It should not touch the reflector.

Distance 3.6 cm.

If the modem has a connector for an amplifier, then it remains only to connect. If not, then you also need to prepare it yourself. Need copper foil for printed circuit boards. Wind the modem 2/3. Solder the cable. Make a second layer. And fix it.

Today, many citizens use wireless internet, but at the same time they strive to increase the speed of its operation. After all, excellent access is guaranteed when the modem is located close to base station mobile operator. In this regard, those who work on the Internet far from the station are content with low speed. Is there a technical way to solve this problem? The best option is a 4G antenna with my own hands.

What is a Kharchenko antenna and how does it work

The so-called Kharchenko antenna, which is designed for a 3G modem, is homemade model. There is nothing particularly complicated in her device. The zigzag design was proposed by the scientist K. Kharchenko back in the 1960s. Today it is quite popular among radio amateurs, not only because of its simple device, but also excellent repeatability, as well as broadband. The latter advantage applies particularly well to the helical design.

According to their own device, models can differ quite a lot. Based on the size of the plate, the frequency of the design changes significantly. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that homemade antennas may include objects made of plastic and metal.

The antenna for the modem can be of different types. The simplest is omnidirectional. It can receive and transmit a signal in all directions equally intensively. In particular, this may be a simple quarter-wave vibrator. To put it simply, this is a piece of wire that has a length of a quarter wave of the signal that is being received.

A sector antenna can implement radiation limitation in a particular sector. In particular, if an iron sheet is placed behind an omnidirectional device, then a sectoral structure will be obtained. Its sector will be 180 degrees. Such an iron sheet is called a screen.

The most efficient is the directional design. By choosing the right screen curvature, you can make a narrow beam that will emit a radio wave.

The main antenna nodes are:

  • a vibrator on which induction occurs, guidance of a wave of electromagnetic oscillations that are sent by a transmitter of a cellular operator;
  • a cable together with a matching unit that transmits an induced signal directly from the vibrator;
  • signal transmission node from the cable directly to the modem input;
  • a reflector that eliminates interference, as well as reflected signals to increase receiving power.

Do-it-yourself Kharchenko antenna is an excellent device for everyone who wants to have high-quality communication without having to spend large sums of money. It is very simple to make it even for an ordinary person who does not have the appropriate professional skills. The result is truly excellent. This design will last for a long time.

Making an external antenna

As a rule, a do-it-yourself external antenna for a 4g modem is endowed with two square components. The performed calculation of the Kharchenko antenna for a frequency of 2100 MHz shows that the dimensions of the sides of the component should be 53 millimeters each.

However, to reduce the internal resistance of the antenna, craftsmen advise making not square components, but diamond-shaped ones, in which the angle is 120 degrees.

Detailed instructions are given in this video:

How to boost 4G signal?

In order to increase the effective use of the USB modem antenna, it is equipped with a reflector - a steel plate. It can be made from foil textolite. The distance between the antenna and the reflector should be 36 millimeters. In order to create a distance between the antenna and the reflector, you can use some kind of cap or box.

For many years I have been following the latest in the field mobile technologies. It used to be my hobby, but now it has grown into a professional blog, where I am happy to share the accumulated information with you. All instructions, life hacks, compilations the best programs and tariff plans I have personally tested it myself.

Many people in modern world uses Mobile Internet- with the help of it, a person can remotely communicate, receive information and even work. But the provider does not always provide users with a stable connection speed due to the characteristics of communication reception, which may be limited by terrain features, a large distance to the transmitter, and other factors.

A homemade antenna for a 3g modem will help you improve the speed and range of signal reception. We offer you some instructions on how to make an antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands.

Kharchenko's method

Recently, we wrote how to make an antenna for receiving television with our own hands. But did you know that you can make a homemade antenna for a 3G modem in the same way?

We will need:

  • Copper wire or wire, you need a section of about 30 centimeters;
  • 50 or 75 ohm coaxial cable;
  • A piece of foil or a DVD as a reflector;
  • Tools: knife, soldering iron, pliers, glue, ruler and pencil;
  • Plastic bottle cap to separate the antenna from the reflector.

Making a Kharchenko Bisquare

In the photographs of homemade antennas for 3G modems, you can see its approximate appearance. To get started, you need to do copper wire marking with a pencil: the length of the outer side of each of the squares should be approximately 35-36 mm.

Gently bend the wire along the markup, helping yourself with pliers. You should get a symmetrical design of two squares touching at the corners. Remove the remaining pieces of wire.

Make a hole in the cover, thread the end of the cable through it. Separate the cable, exposing the inner conductor and the shield for soldering.

Next, solder the antenna to the cable and connect it to the modem. Soldering is as follows: solder the central core to the middle of the antenna on one side, and the screen on the other. Then move the cover to the antenna, you can further strengthen and insulate the structure with glue or sealant.

Through the hole, insert the reflector disk into the wire, move it to the antenna and glue it to the cover. Solder to the cable on the other side the connector for connecting to the modem. Connect the antenna to the modem. Enjoy the result of your work!

Antenna “double ring”

The next way to create a homemade antenna is more difficult to perform, but gives a greater effect. To complete it, you will need:

  • Copper wire or wire;
  • Reflector - a flat long tin can, a piece of foil, etc.;
  • 75 ohm coaxial cable;
  • A short metal tube into which a cable can be threaded;
  • Connector for connecting the antenna to the modem;
  • Tools: soldering iron, knife, ruler and pencil.

Detailed manufacturing instructions:

  • Look on the Internet for a Bi-Loop antenna scheme for a 3g modem - on it you will see a design similar to the Kharchenko antenna, but in the form of two rings;
  • Make a marking on the wire with a pencil: for waves with a length of 2050 MHz, the length of each ring should be approximately 146 mm;
  • Gently bend a double ring from the wire. It is also possible to make two rings with gaps about 3 mm long and solder their ends to each other, leaving the gaps open;
  • Build a reflector. Minimum dimensions: height - 120 mm, width - 170 mm. Any metal panel will do; from improvised means, you can use foil or tin from a tin can;
  • Make a hole in the middle of the reflector through which to insert metal tube- on the antenna connection side, the length of the tube must be approx. 18 mm! Solder the tube to the reflector on the other side;
  • Separate the cable with a knife: the screen should be soldered, and the conductor should be slightly exposed;
  • Thread the cable into the tube and solder the antenna to it: upper part should be soldered to the conductor, and the bottom to the copper tube;
  • Solder the tube and cable sheath;
  • Additionally, to amplify the signal, you can use satellite dish by installing the finished antenna on the bracket;
  • The other end of the cable should be connected to the modem connector using a soldering iron;
  • Connect antenna to modem. Ready!

Now you know several ways to make an antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands. The above methods should help you solve problems with low Internet connection speed.

Photo antennas for 3g modem

A computer