Online scanning of the system, files and links for viruses. How to check your browser for viruses Check a script for viruses online

Hello, I’ll show you what you need to do to check a website for viruses online completely free of charge. The thing is great, but make your choice responsibly, some people have incorrect data, check out our review of 8 resources.

List of resources

Checking via Yandex and Google

There is no check, but there is an autonomous site parser for malicious code that monitors the state of the resource when the robot crawls it. To use you need to have Yandex and Google Webmaster. How to register is not the topic of this article. In the office we find the “diagnostics” section and the “security and violations” sub-item.

If everything is in order, then the inscription will be as in the screenshot. In Google Webmaster you need to go to “Security Issues”. If everything is normal, the online service will write approval.

It is not possible to perform a check upon request; it occurs in automatic mode. Regularly log into the webmaster account of the Yandex and Google search engines.

How to search for viruses for free with

I was hooked by the simplicity follow the link, enter the name and wait five seconds for processing.

Owns quick check for the presence of the site in the blacklist of search engines. Plus it checks for redirects and the presence of junk code that poses a danger to the visitor. For beginners, it is suitable for one-time use once a day.

Dr web quick check

Many people don’t know that Dr web has online virus scanner for websites. Fill in the domain name and click on the check button.

After checking, a results pop-up window will appear. If 3 icons are smiling, it means it’s ok, below are the suspicious files and check, if it says Ok it means it’s clean.

The Doctor Web service is fast, giving you the opportunity to look at potential problems. There is information, but I expected more from DrWeb.

Xseo: checking for presence in prohibited databases

Unknown online program with a huge arsenal a large number parameters. There is also a virus check, which is simple but worth listening to. Go in and fill out the domain field.
. In the right column are the rest of the free tools.

Virustotal: will run 65 antiviruses for free

Virus analysis from virustotal boils down to parsing on popular sites and displaying the results. Here is the official website and enter the domain.

The report does not contain numbers or symbols; it contains a table of popular antivirus scanners with the result of the check, safe - green, red - infected.

Out of 65 scanners, one level of infection was shown. Quterra we’ll talk about it below, the blog is clean. For me, the virus scanner from virustotal is the most democratic and gives you a choice. After reading the reviews, I came to the conclusion that if no more than three are fighting, then it’s fine, but if not, then we need to look for a worm. checking your website for viruses online has become easier offers to check the site for viruses online. There is a lot of information for your free reports, then what is given for a fee? Seriously, as a webmaster I was afraid of three mistakes with home page. It turned out to be unfamiliar plugins. Official address and according to the old scheme, name and check.

There will be a long check of the resource from head to toe, including all pages. Be patient, the detection results are truly encouraging. After the analysis, click “detailed report” In menu three active sections, the errors themselves and suspected viruses are located in the “scanned files analysis” section.

  1. Tab section.
  2. Malicious. I point to the autoptimize plugin file, which absorbs all the site styles, thereby speeding up loading.
  3. Suspicious. Medium threat level. I found a threat in the author's comment.
  4. Potential threats. I found it again with the autoptimize code.

To view threats, click on the required section and find the suspicious file and the code itself.

  • Link to a suspicious object.
  • The “view code” link opens a pop-up window with a piece of code that does not meet security rules.

I concluded that autoptimize provides an opportunity for hacking, we need to look for an alternative.

Rescan Russian scanner

New online tool, address here, distinctive feature: in Russian and enough information. Check and start as standard.

After a few seconds, it will issue a report that the wpsovet has passed the test on all points. The service boasts of cooperation with major hosting providers, timeweb, hostland, fastvps and others, it’s difficult to check, but we’ll take their word for it.

Sucuri: surprised

Go to the address and insert the site data by clicking scan website.

All points are good except the last one, but how did he determine that WordPress was not updated to latest version, hid information about the engine version on the blog. I was surprised, but I didn’t think so. In the third point: lack of safe SSL connections and https protocol.

Aw-snap: checking all pages

I’ve known aw-snap for a long time, I’ve moved more than once. Scans source and all pages for errors and viruses. The address is here, don't look at the outdated design and tabular layout. Enter your address and view the report.

I see that the main errors are in the CSS, more precisely in the use of the display:none property, which hides the content from the visitor. I can’t fix this bug; it’s based on this method of hiding elements under different conditions.

Kaspersky: adding virus sites to the database

You have found a virus and infected resource, you can enter it into a special Kaspersky online database. We go to this address, insert the domain of the resource being checked, simultaneously choosing whether it is clean or infected.

Depending on the choice, Kaspersky will check the resource and decide whether to blacklist it. I don’t quite understand how it works and how to find out the result of a virus scan.

Bottom line

Other popular antiviruses cannot check a website for viruses online, neither nod32, nor Avast, nor eset. They have.

I can summarize after checking with all antiviruses online:

  • We need to look for a replacement for the autooptimize plugin.
  • Regularly update the engine and plugins.
  • You'll have to change the comments.

Goodbye to everyone, and in conclusion there is a video.

Among the many antiviruses, utilities and scanners, it is very easy to get lost and it is difficult to understand how exactly to check a site for viruses. Next we will talk about this in more detail.

1. Use online check:

  • Sucuri - here you can check your website for viruses and malware for free. Quite a popular and accurate online scanner.
  • Web Inspector from Comodo is a free online virus and malware scanner. The site describes the symptoms of site infection. You can treat your site for free if you find similar symptoms on your site.
  • The free Ai-bolit service is one of the most popular solutions among technical support hosting. There is an online scanner and installer on Personal Computer. Quite reliable service.
  • Virusdie is also distributed free of charge and you can check for viruses online. Very comfortably.
  • VirusTotal is a good and very well-known resource around the world that checks whether your site is in the virus database of the most popular antiviruses and other similar services.

We recommend checking each of them to eliminate the possibility of a site being mistakenly identified as safe. For example, if you came to the site new virus, then at the time of verification not all services may have time to add it to their database.

2. Check via Google and Yandex

Who better than the most popular search engines should be able to search for viruses on websites. If your sites are not added to Google Webmaster Tools and Yandex-Webmaster, then do it urgently. Because In addition to checking for viruses, these services provide a lot of usefulness for website owners. There is no point in writing about how to use them, because... their interface changes approximately every six months.

Google has another service for checking a site for viruses GoogleSafeBrowsing. You just need to enter the name of your site in the appropriate window and click on the magnifying glass icon.

3. Check offline

Now let's check the site files directly on your computer. This check can identify most hacks that are not particularly active and may go undetected when using the online services we described above.

First, you need to download the site files to your computer.

Important! Do not run any site files or edit them on your computer. IN otherwise, your computer may also be infected with site viruses.

  1. Al-Bolit is a very popular tool. Since it can be used offline by installing it on your computer, we couldn’t help but add this scanner to the review.
  2. ClamAV- free antivirus, suitable for any OS: Linux, BSD and Windows. You can install it on your computer and “run” the files. Virus databases are updated every 4 hours.

Important! Make sure that there is no conflict between the antivirus for the site and your antivirus for the computer (if you have one). In theory, everything should be fine, but if not, be sure to write to us about it.

When removing malicious code, do not think that you have cured the site. Yes, you have restored the site, but the “hole” through which it was hacked remains, and 99%, that after a short time, the hack will happen again. Therefore, we have prepared tips for you on how to treat an infected site and how to improve site security.

Also, if you know other search methods that are not described here, write them in the comments and they will be added to the article. And feel free to ask questions, our experts answer them very quickly.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to raise problem of website infection with viruses, because for me and many other webmasters it has become topical and very relevant.

Everyone probably has an antivirus on their computer and it is believed that it will be enough to update the plugins included in it on time (read about mine) to protect yourself from infection. But often the enemy comes from the rear, namely from your own computer (as happened to me).

Therefore, at the beginning of the article I want to immediately bring ways to check a website for viruses(online, script or locally), and also give recommendations so that you do not step on the same rake as me, exposing all your Internet projects to infection and getting them partially or even completely blocked in search engines. Scary?

At least at the moment, the situation is being resolved for me, but for you, based on my experience, everything should go much faster or not arise at all. Go.

How and where you can check a website for viruses - online services

The best option would be not to get infected at all, and if this does happen, then it is better when you yourself notice the virus on your site, and not find out about it when it is blocked in search results or the browser you use.

Search engines are forced to take such tough measures in order to avoid a general epidemic, but the resources that fall under their hot hand are having a hard time (in the continuation of this article I will describe in detail my feelings about this).

By the way, search engine sanctions are not always timely and justified, and the sanctions they use in this moment The system for detecting and blocking viruses is, one might say, in its infancy.

This can be seen from the example I described just below, or you can remember the story of blocking the results of a large number of Runet forums, because ended up on the list of sites that distribute viruses (by accident or justifiably - it’s not entirely clear). Therefore, all other resources loading media data from it were also blocked (a similar situation happened to me, but we’ll talk about this a little later).

Attention! Immediately after detecting an infection, save log files of access to your server (or request them from the hoster). Depending on the server settings, they can be periodically deleted, and without them it will be quite problematic to find hacking methods and the vulnerabilities that the malware took advantage of to prevent re-infection.

So, how can you check your website for viruses?? Popular online verification services may be suitable for this, which I will provide in this list, and you can add it (if desired) in the comments:

In addition to online services, you can check your site for viruses in the following ways:

What to do if infected and how to protect yourself from it

Not long ago a video appeared from the Yandex team on the topic what to do if infected with a virus, where the following points were highlighted:

  1. What types of infection are there?
  2. How to find malicious code on a website?
  3. What to do first:
    1. Change passwords (first of all access to ftp and ssh, as well as to the database and administrative panel)

Even if you remove the malicious code from the site, if you do not take the security measures described above, you are at high risk of becoming infected with the virus again.

To search for virus code You can use the hints displayed in Yandex Webmaster or look at its help for examples of scripts that you should look for. If you don’t understand anything at all, then write to technical support via Webmaster (there is always a corresponding link in the right column). After discussion, in the end they will simply show you the place where you should remove the virus (well, they will probably also tell you how to do this).

How to check the effect of a virus on a website yourself? You need to clear the cache in your browser, delete cookies and access your resource from the search results so that the malicious code does not understand that you are the owner and does not hide its identity from you. See the video below for more details.

Check the script files for obfuscation (code obfuscation - stands out clearly against the general background), and also look at .htaccess, located in the root of the site and in other folders where it occurs. Attackers very often add to .htaccess mobile redirect code— visitors to your website who come from smartphones or tablets will be redirected to some other resource.

It’s even worse if the virus adds a regular redirect to .htaccess, because in the latter case your site may be completely removed from the search engine results. Sometimes infection occurs even at the server level, when a special module is added to Apache, which is a virus.

If you have a backup of the engine distribution, you can use programs or online services (for example, DIFF CHECKER) compare current content engine with what it was before the virus attack.

Well, or you can simply delete all the files on the server and upload what is in your backup. It is possible that one of the extensions or changes made you'll have to add it again, but it's still better than living with the virus.

And finally, what was promised video from Yandex, which tells you how to check the site yourself for viruses, as well as all the addresses and describes how to identify and remove malicious code:

There is also a very useful video - How to remove malicious code from a website yourself:

  1. Reliable antivirus with a fresh database. I don’t know which one exactly, but there are no ideal ones. Personally, I use Doctor Web.
  2. Something to complement it. Since the time of infection I have been using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, both as a scanner and as a monitor. It does not create any special load and is able to block potentially dangerous sites.
  3. I advise you to be manic about updating your website engine ( and ), as well as plugins and extensions for it.
  4. The same goes for updating browsers, FTP managers, flash players, Java and other nonsense through which passwords can be stolen or a virus can be introduced. Personally, I use the Surfpatrol plugin in all browsers, which informs about the appearance of updates or vulnerabilities in a particular component.
  5. Always relevant problem with secure password storage, including in filezil (by default they are not encrypted there). For myself, I found a solution in the form.

  6. Read this article to the end to understand what a arrogant fool I was and learn a lesson from my mistakes.

Why do you need to check your website for viruses? A cautionary tale

My story of infection began in mid-November 2012 and I really want to hope that it is now over. I mean that most of the sites I am currently involved with as a webmaster are infected with viruses. I have some kind of strange nature (apparently I’m Russian to the core) in terms of protection from a perceived threat - I always rely on chance.

As a result, I lost several tens of thousands of rubles (I wish I could connect it right away and sleep peacefully), and now I’ve still lost a lot of money necessary problems With blocking sites by Google and Yandex for distributing and infecting users' computers with viruses.

By luck, the site did not attach full program, but only covered with a shock wave, although it could have... But let's talk about everything in order. My bright belief is that the theft of virtual money and infection of sites with viruses happens to anyone, but not to me, and besides, the problem of hacking and infection should be taken care of by the developers of specially designed safe work programs (and DoctorWeb). Let them have a headache.

In general, the Trojan got onto my computer quite routinely and not alone, but in the company of dozens of others. There was even an option with a screen lock (a banner asking you to pay for access to your own computer), which I bypassed quite easily. DoctorWeb periodically complained about infected objects, but by and large nothing bad happened during the year. It was impossible to carry out a full anti-virus scan of the system, because it would take a long time and at the same time it would be impossible to fully work with the computer due to its lag.

Well, one “wonderful” evening, when I, thoroughly exhausted from writing and publishing the next opus, was looking forward to an hour and a half or two hour of well-deserved rest while watching the next masterpiece of bourgeois cinema, a terrible incomprehensible thing happened. Mine started giving an error. Well, I think it’s normal, the server is probably overloaded now and in half an hour everything will normalize by itself.

No matter how it is. I had to go into my account and try to find the reason for this disgrace. I decided to first check the RSS stream that my blog sent with the debugger built into this service. It turned out that at the end of the RSS feed code there were tags for loading some script with a suspiciously Abrokodabr name. There was no way it could have been in the code of the tape, and even written at the very end (I’ll add it to the side).

Searching the web for the name of the script did not yield anything (apparently a randomly generated name). Okay, I think now I’ll have to remember where RSS in WordPress comes from, get into the code and try to edit something with my scanty brain. However, realizing the complexity of this process, I decided to look for easier ways, namely, I looked at the code of the page itself, with the just published article.

And horror of horrors, below was a call to the same mysterious script. Once again I went online with queries related to viruses on the site and ways to check them and detection. I came across advice to first look at the index.php file, which lives in . Well, I was a little taken aback - at the very bottom there was a call to this script.

Registered by whom? Well, certainly not by me, because I haven’t been drunk for a long time and I don’t suffer from sleepwalking either. The feeling was like a sickle... I am not the chosen one and not invulnerable, and my blog is not protected from hacking and virus infection. Well, I quickly removed the call to this script from index.php. I copied all the blog files via FTP to my computer (read about) and, using the built-in search capabilities for file contents, tried to find traces of it in other files.

Phew... Nothing anywhere. Using advice from the same Internet (how many benefits it brought into our lives and how many new dangers it created along with it), I set about changing access passwords to my blog from all sides: hosting control panel, control panel virtual server, access data to the site via FTP and password for the database.

I changed everything and at the same time was glad that the search most likely did not notice the fact of infection, because I have caching enabled using the collected Html pages with a weekly lifespan. But as always, I managed to notice, index and take everything into account. True, there were no sanctions or blocking this time, for which, in general, we thank him, because he could have mowed down.

However, a month later, one of the readers contacted me with a question about viruses detected by Google on his website and asked for clarification on what to do and how to understand the data on his domain on the “Safe Browsing” page of this search engine. To be honest, I have only seen a page like this once, when a client site that I created a hundred years ago was infected and which managed to pick up something during that time. More precisely, there were redirects written in .htaccess to resources that infect users’ computers. But that's not the point.

This Dear Reader not only provided a “Safe Browsing” page for his site, but also indicated that for my domain () such a page also has a record of the fact that the site was infected with a Trojan and this happened at least less than 90 days ago:

The inscription surrounded by an orange frame appeared a little later and I also have a heartbreaking story about this, full of secrets, riddles and sprinkling ashes on my head. By the way, you yourself can view possible virus complaints and complaints, which the great and terrible Google has for your resource. Just replace my domain in this line with yours. Not scary?


In general, Google did not miss anything and put my blog under control as unreliable in terms of possible virus infection, although at that time the number of infected pages it found was zero. Not now, but since it happened once, then in the future you need to keep a lid on me, so that if something happens, you can immediately slam me.

After a couple of days, my traffic from this search engine began to drop, and today it is lower than what it was before by about a quarter (although, against the backdrop of the growing number of visitors from Yandex, this is now not so noticeable). Is this related to the leaked virus? And Google knows him.

But this was not enough for me and I, apparently, decided to further aggravate the situation with my truly Russian carelessness, because I assumed that only one single site from those with which I work on my computer was infected. It turned out that this is not so, and through logical reflection and conclusions I can now say that passwords were pulled from my.

What’s noteworthy is that I clearly remember that when I sat down to write the very opus, during the publication of which a virus was discovered on the site, I traditionally launched Filezilla, because I upload illustrations () to the blog not by means, but directly to the hosting via FTP. And this same Filezila immediately wanted to update, but I stopped him, because I didn’t want to waste time on this. Most likely, this was a security update, although, of course, this is not a fact.

But anyway, one of main methods of protection protects against hacking and virus infection of a computer or website timely update software . These updates are often driven by security holes that have been discovered and patched, rather than by the addition of new functionality. Moreover, as it turned out later, my browsers, flash player, and Java were not updated in time.

Just not long before I read that another hole was found in Java and it was recommended to update. Well... we (that is, I) are busy people and there is no time to waste time on trifles that most likely will not be useful. Well, I got a Trojan on my computer, and then a virus on my website. Just like with a WebMoney wallet - everything is as usual.

It was only later, in retrospect, that I thought about timely updating of critical computer components and installed the extension in all browsers Surfpatrol, which promptly reports the appearance new version or a new hole in a vital component of the system (read about other useful ones, and).

And, of course, I launched a full computer scan with Doctor Web, which worked for almost a day (scanned several tens of millions of files - I have accumulated backups of various sites over the years...). I found a dozen Trojans and cleared them all after rebooting.

By this time, I had read on the Internet about the need to install the already mentioned Surfpatrol, and also installed it in addition to the antivirus Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, who found a dozen more nasty files on my computer and began to block sites that he thought were unreliable, which I tried to open from my computer (including one of mine, and Serch, and...).

I repeated the same thing on the computers of my household members who are sitting in the same room with me. local network. True, at first they lashed out at Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, which blocked some of their favorite sites, but after explaining the process of adding such resources to the Black List of this software, the moans and cries faded away.

Website blocking in Google and Yandex for viruses

In this way, I strengthened the rear, completely forgetting and not realizing that the enemy had already received what he needed - access to all five sites, the passwords for which were stored in the Filezil installed on my computer. The enemy had a lot of time and it took me much longer to clean the files on the web server from the consequences of his interference.

Second wave of troubles associated with the penetration of viruses or malware, rolled in after the New Year holidays. I don’t remember what happened before and what happened later, so I’ll tell you as I tell you. One young but promising site experienced a significant drop in traffic during the holidays. This is normal, but what was abnormal was that this traffic did not want to return.

I began to search for the reason using scientific poking and somehow ended up in the Yandex results, where this very project took second place in the search query. The position remains unchanged, but there is no traffic. Mystery. For some reason I decided to follow the link from this search and was quite surprised that I didn’t get to my resource, but ended up somewhere in the wrong place.

The epiphany came quite quickly, because I again found in index.php from the root of this website (already at its beginning) a whole block coded in base64 malicious code. There was still standing in front of him eval, which also indirectly indicated that it was time to check the site for viruses.

In general, base64 itself is used quite often, for example, beautiful green checkmarks on the site are encoded into it, which you can see in the “I use it to make money” block (top right). In my style.css file it looks like this:

Well, that fragment of the encoded virus script (not pictures, as in the example) looked even more voluminous. I did not decipher it, because everything was clear anyway. This virus was found not only in index.php, but also in two more files from the root of the site (not manually, of course, but by searching the contents of the files in Total Commander).

By the way, I left the infected archive with a website backup as a trophy and now, when I tried to open the index.php file, I received a warning from Doctor Web (ten days ago he was silent as a fish):

Well, when full check archive with an infected site backup, Doctor Web found those three files with the redirect virus:

I, of course, am not an expert, but I dare to suggest that this signature had not yet been added to the Doctor Web database at that time, but appeared in it relatively recently. In any case, the Doctor did not prevent me from opening files with this virus.

Having cleaned the site, I immediately noticed the emerging traffic, which was now going in the right direction, and was not meanly redirected to some affiliate program. My soul felt better, but the search did not leave this matter unattended. In about five days this young site was blocked by both Yandex and Google, as a malware distributor and traffic again dropped to almost zero. It was a shame that the malware was no longer there, and the search response was clearly late.

However, I did not argue with them, but simply went to the Google panel for Webmasters and on the “Status” tab - “ Malware» clicked on the button sending the site for review. Naturally, the example given there did not contain any malware. Sorry, but then there was no time to take screenshots, but in the absence of viruses found on the site submit button for review doesn't appear. But you will find it without me - right above the list of found problem pages:

Next I went to Yandex panel for Webmasters and made sure that on the “Security” tab my site was also recognized as a virus distributor and blocked. There was no button to submit for review, so I simply wrote to their technical support (link in the right column). I didn’t take screenshots then either, so I’m showing you with a pure example:

I don’t remember who reacted first (in my opinion, it was Yandex), but after about a day or two, information about viruses found on the site disappeared from the panels for Webmasters, and after a while the blocking in search results and browsers was lifted. They consisted of the inability to go to this resource from search results and blocking their opening in some.

These were Google browser(it’s clear why), Yandex browser and Firefox to the heap, because there was a corresponding extension, which, having received a signal from Google about the presence of a virus, confidently blocked the site, although three dozen other sources of virus danger, where this application also got information, said that Everything is fine. You can't argue with Google.

In general, at the moment, traffic to this project has returned in full and the ratio of visitors coming from both search engines has remained unchanged. This makes me happy. But everything could have been much simpler and more prosaic, had I not been lazy back in November, when the first bell rang, change passwords FTP access not only for the site, but also for all other sites.

And so the story continued. One day, in the CSS style markup file of one of the sites, I encountered a strange problem.

But if the iframe loads something from another resource, and This site is on the list of those infected with a virus. from Google and Yandex, then nothing good can be expected from such a combination.

Well, according to the already established practice (to choose from the possible options the one that will cause the greatest problems in the future), my script was installed under the domain of that Joomla project, which was completely covered with shells and was generating cache at a crazy pace. At one “wonderful moment”, while working with a site in Chrome, I suddenly discover that the browser does not allow me to access one of the pages, cursing “loudly” and claiming that it is for me dangerous in terms of infecting your computer with viruses. We've arrived.

I wanted to start banging my head on the table (I had the same desire a little later, when my blog hit).

By the way, almost simultaneously a message from Google in English arrived in the mail (it is automatically sent in such cases to the type [email protected]., so do not enter such addresses, for example, in, and start monitoring them). Naturally, with trembling hands, I went to the already familiar section of G. Webmaster’s interface to see how bad everything was in terms of virus danger.

It turned out that not all pages of the site were blocked, but only 19 of them (they are what is mentioned in the above screenshot of the “Safe Browsing” window from Google), and when you click on them in the Google Webmasters panel, you can read about the reason for the blocking . The search giant complained about a social voting iframe that was loading data from a virus-infected site. I didn’t take screenshots because I didn’t have time for that.

What is noteworthy is that five days before these events I cleaned that ill-fated site (and in its webmaster panels from Yandex and Google not a word was said about viruses), but I did not prove this, and with bulging eyes began to frantically look for everything pages of your blog where votes were displayed and all codes for calling them should be deleted.

I got it done in an hour, quickly submitted my blog for review in the Google Webmasters panel, and within a few hours information about virus danger has disappeared from this panel, and an hour later the blocking of supposedly infected pages in Chrome was lifted. In general, it passed, but a decent amount of nerves were lost.

I really hope that my saga ends here, at least for the near future. I also hope that you will not step on the same rake as me, and at the first danger or suspicion, throw off your laziness and rush change passwords for all management those sites that, in theory, could be accessed by criminals. And also clean your computer from viruses and strengthen antiviral protection.

Also check the settings for sending you messages from the Yandex and Google webmaster panels, because timely detection of a danger is in itself a good thing. It's better to indicate those mailboxes(it doesn’t matter or), in which you periodically monitor the Spam folder, where messages about your site being infected can easily end up.

Well, sometimes use the online tools for checking a site for viruses mentioned just above, and in case of suspicion, you can download the files to your computer and check with an antivirus or the Aibolit script in Denver, if the hosting of this check does not work.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Until recently, anti-virus scanning of websites was available only to qualified specialists who understood methods of combating malicious code on websites. Now it has become easier to analyze a website with an antivirus; large quantities scanning tools, however, not all of them can guarantee a full scan, and even fewer can cure. We will talk about the various existing approaches to scanning and their treatment and compare them with the capabilities that Virusday provides.

Services for checking websites for viruses without installing software

The easiest to create and least effective are services that scan generated site page codes. Such services allow you to check a site with an antivirus superficially - by going through the available HTML pages websites JS scripts (JavaScript) to detect the presence of malicious codes. The use of such services does not require any knowledge or skills from the owner.
All you need to do is simply enter the address in the required field on the service page and click the “Check” button.

The service will begin crawling the available pages of the resource of the specified page, moving between the pages of the site following the links found on them and checking the HTML code for the presence of suspicious fragments. Also, such services usually scan files of .JS scripts included on pages, since they, like HTML, are available in explicit form. In addition to their basic functionality, such online scanners check for the presence of the specified URL in blacklists of search engines and browsers. You can check for yourself whether your site has been blacklisted, for example, here:

Google check (Google Safebrowsing):

Yandex check (Yandex Safebrowsing):
In both cases, you need to substitute the address of your website instead of

After scanning is completed, such a scanner will produce a result containing a list of threats found and the site files affected by them. However, it is impossible to cure your site with such a service (it is only possible to check the site for viruses, i.e. for their presence or absence), since it does not have access to your resource. In addition, the main problem is the inaccessibility of PHP files for the scanner. PHP files are inaccessible to users, however, in most cases these files contain malicious codes. Also, but quite rarely, malicious codes can even be contained in the resource database, and their detection and removal requires access to the DBMS.

Services with manual upload of files for scanning and treatment

Often on the Internet you can find the definition of such a service as a “site for checking files for viruses,” however, you need to understand that these are full-fledged serious services, much more than just sites.

In addition to simple online scanners, there are also slightly more advanced services with which verification is also available. Such resources allow you to upload any of your files from your computer on their page and check it immediately with many anti-virus databases for threats. Undoubtedly online check the virus detection here will be more complete than in the case of the previously described services. Here you can check all types of files from .html to .php. The only limitation can be the size of the uploaded file, the maximum threshold of which is set by the service itself. The obvious disadvantages of this approach are both the need to first download your website files to your computer, and the impossibility of disinfecting website files, even despite scanning them completely.
Just imagine how many files you will have to check one by one (usually, such services allow you to upload files one at a time), if there are hundreds or tens of thousands on the site? Such a service will also not be able to cure a file by removing malicious codes from it. Such services usually do not provide such functionality, since their entire operating principle is based on checking files using foreign signature databases, and their owners (usually large companies developing anti-virus software) will not provide them to the service provider. On their side, antivirus software developers who provide file scanning services will not treat them either, because such services are free.

We do not know whether Kaspersky allows you to check sites for viruses online. The company announced an online file scanner, however, it seems that the laboratory has discontinued this project and Kaspersky no longer allows downloading files, as well as checking the site for viruses.

Here we can say that this (second) type of file scanning service is also not an antivirus, but is only an inferior diagnostic complex, which is also not very convenient when there are a large number of files on a website. You won't be able to scan a website with this service either.

Services for scanning and treatment with the need to provide FTP access

Services of the third type are already almost full-fledged antiviruses. They allow you to detect viruses and threats on websites in files of all types. They allow you to remove malicious codes, however, there are also disadvantages and some limitations.

First, you need to give such an FTP service access to your site. This is not always convenient for website owners, who often have no idea what FTP is, or, conversely, advanced owners or administrators who are well versed, but have set restrictions on accessing their server via FTP. Also, this method of connecting to your server implies an increase in traffic on your server for the sole reason that for checking and treatment, the service will download files to itself and then upload them back to your server. In addition, such a connection is not always stable and can break at the most inopportune moment of work, possibly damaging some of the files.

Secondly, in most cases, such services are not automatic full-fledged antiviruses. Often, all the treatment work is performed by real people who access the site via FTP. This fact does not always please the owner. The main problem is the inability to quickly respond and eliminate threats. After all, a person is not a machine. He needs more time to analyze and perform operations, which he often doesn’t have. Search engines will not wait for a specialist to cure the site, but will simply place it in a ban (blacklist) at the first check, which, as is known, is carried out more than once a day.

Services for scanning and treatment without the need to provide FTP access. Full-fledged online antivirus websites.

Such services are very rare. They can be called full-fledged antiviruses for websites. They don't need FTP access to your site. They do not require installation or configuration. They are completely autonomous. All operations are performed automatically in accordance with the configured settings, often optimally selected by default. There is only one copy.

Virusday is the first representative of a new type of service for automatically checking and eliminating threats and malicious codes on a website. Only with such a service can you be calm about your position in search results, since if your files become infected, they will be disinfected before search engines detect them.

The Virusday cloud service helps solve the problem of finding and treating viruses, monitoring performance and centrally managing websites (created using JS, PHP and HTML) on VDS and DS servers and is intended for ordinary users and website owners, programmers, system administrators and web studios. The antivirus does not require installation and is managed remotely through your Virusday account. For the service to work, you need to place the synchronization file, offered for downloading when adding a new site, to the root directory of the corresponding site using, for example, FTP.

All you have to do is register and place one special file synchronization to the root of your sites. Add your sites to the list. Manage on one page, see their status, scan results and removal of threats. Automatic scanning with an interval of 24 hours is enabled when a new site is added to the list, but manually you can change the settings of each resource individually, setting the scanning interval to, say, 6 hours. Website virus test happens automatically.

You can check the site for viruses for free, however, in order to cure website from viruses you will need to connect a paid account.

You can view infected files with selected fragments of malicious code, disinfect sites with one button, receive reports on infection and treatment results on email. Virusday allows you to forget about problems with viruses on websites and do what you are really interested in.

Website management in Virusday

In the control panel of a specific site, you can scan and disinfect the site by clicking the “Scan” or “Disinfect” button in the “Antivirus” section panel. The scanning and treatment process can take a long time and depends on the size of your site.

Site treatment

The treatment process is carried out in exactly the same way as scanning, however, in this case, infected files are immediately treated or deleted. Before treatment, we recommend that you make a complete archive of the site, since the treatment process involves deleting, editing files or database records of your site.

Treatment and scan reports

You can view the latest (current) scan and treatment report in the Antivirus section below the dashboard. By default, the list of detected threats is displayed in the form of a table traditional for antiviruses (the switch is in the “Details” position). You can view the contents of infected files with a highlighted malicious code in them simply by clicking on the infected file in the “Visual” mode or by clicking on the link to the infected file in the “Detailed” mode.

Server information

In the “Server Data” section you can view the current data of your server (the server on which your website connected to Virusday is located) and its basic settings. Also, here you can re-download the synchronization file if it is deleted from the server and the site is unavailable for Virusday. If the site is unavailable for the service for some reason, instead of the “Rights are confirmed, the site is synchronized with the Virusday cloud” indicator, you are asked to download a unique synchronization file and upload it to the root directory of your site.
Register now at .

Recently, the Internet has become the main habitat for viruses, since only there they can effectively spread on user computers. Gone are the days when systems were infected through disks or flash cards. With the increase in the amount of downloaded information, the number of infected computers has increased, as users perceive a threat from the Internet as something abstract and something that will not affect them.

Unfortunately, it is not. Neglecting basic security can jeopardize our data stored on hard drives . Infections of computers of large corporations became indicative ransomware virus, which extorted money for unlocking, and otherwise encrypted the data. Most contracted it due to simple carelessness.

Prevention of infection

First of all, you need to use antivirus programs. Most of them are capable filter traffic, in advance warning users about the danger lurking in the resource being opened. Even free versions can significantly enhance computer protection.

Secondly, you should go to browsers, in which it is built checking sites. They warn about the danger that awaits users on a particular site. One of these is Yandex browser. It has it built in by default plugin, which scans the site and limits access to openly malicious resources. If a user tries to access such a page, they will see a warning message and a prompt to close the tab.

Thirdly, try don't cross via suspicious links in in social networks. VKontakte itself warns that the site may be dangerous, so do not neglect the advice of the service. Most infections occur this way.

Using Google to check

This option is suitable for website owners who want to make sure that their creations will not harm users of the World Wide Web. If the site does not belong to you, then you will not be able to check it through search engines.

To begin, let's go to webmaster panel. It is located at (you need to log in to your Google account). After that, click on the button “ Add resource" and enter the link to the site in the window. After that, click “ Add».

After this we will be required confirm rights to the site. To do this you need to place HTML template on the resource so that Google can identify us. We carry out all the steps from the instructions and click “ Confirm».

After confirmation, we can view all the information about our site. To do this, select the tab “ Security issues" If there are viruses on the page, the system will notify us about it. If not, we will see this picture.

Yandex for checking for viruses

By and large, in Yandex we repeat the same procedure as in Google:

Doctor Web and Kaspersky

For the most part, by checking a site through these two services, you can be 97% sure that the site does not contain viruses. These laboratories have devoted years to developing antivirus programs, so there is no doubt about their competence. Let's start with Doctor Web.

Let's go to the official website In addition to checking for viruses, you can view an extensive selection information about viruses and their spread. The main part of the page is the address bar in the middle, which enter the link to the resource you are checking and click “ Check».

After a while we will get detailed description checks carried out, as well as a conclusion about the danger or safety of the page.

Job " Kaspersky"is built on the same principle. However, here we can also check files. Enter URL in the address bar and click check.

Unlike the previous service, we are not burdened with verification details, but are given the result immediately.

Other online services

In addition to those already discussed, there are other services for checking links:
