No ssl connection. Always update outdated apps

Most of the time computer users spend on the Internet. In the browser, they get acquainted with the news, watch movies, play games and do much more. A big problem is the appearance of malfunctions when trying to connect to sites. One of the errors that can occur unexpectedly is a failure SSL connections. It manifests itself as an SSL Connection Error in the browser. As part of the article, we will look at how to fix the SSL connection error.

Why does an SSL connection error occur

In each situation, the cause of the SSL Connection Error is individual. It can be called both by the server from which information about the site is requested, and by the user's computer. If the source of the problem is the site visitor's computer, the solution should be sought in the browser from which the resource is being accessed.

SSL Connection Error is a typical error for browsers based on the Chromium platform. These browsers include not only Google Chrome, but also its various analogues: Yandex.Browser, modern versions of Opera, Comoda Dragon and others. In all of them, the cause of the error is a problem with the client authentication certificate.

How to fix SSL connection error

If an SSL connection error occurs, the browser will not be able to access one or more sites due to the appearance of an SSL Connection Error message in the window. To continue using the Internet in full, you need to get rid of the problem. Below is what to do if the SSL connection error appeared in Google Chrome, but the instructions are universal, and the problem is similarly fixed in other browsers:

  1. Refresh your browser. If you encounter any problems related to connecting to sites on the Internet or playing content on them, you must first install the latest version of the browser. Most often, the Google Chrome browser is updated automatically or prompts the user to download latest version, but many ignore the recommendations, which leads to various problems.

To update Chrome browser, you need to go to the settings and click on the "About" item. Next, you need to pay attention to whether the latest version is installed. If not, then the browser will need to be updated.

  1. Examine installed extensions. Often, browser performance problems arise due to various extensions. Inexperienced users may accidentally install virus extensions that harm the computer. Also, some licensed extensions may conflict with certain sites or scripts running on them, which will result in an SSL connection error.

To check if the error is related to extensions, go to google settings Chrome and then switch to "Extensions". Disable any extensions that are running and try again to connect to the site where the SSL Connection Error message was displayed. If the error persists, go to the next step.

  1. Reset your proxy settings. To connect to sites on the Internet, Google Chrome uses proxy server settings. They can go astray for various reasons: due to the actions third party extension, a virus, one of installed programs on the computer and so on.

Resetting your proxy settings to default is fairly easy. Just go to Google Chrome settings, select "Show additional settings"And in the "Network" column, click on the "Change proxy server settings" button. Next, it remains to select the option with automatic detection of parameters and you can try to launch the site on which the SSL error connection error.

  1. Make sure that the problem is not related to the antivirus. Antivirus applications do not work perfectly and can cause various problems when connecting to sites on the Internet. To check if the antivirus is related to the SSL Connection Error, you need to disable the anti-malware program and try to go to the site.

Important: Disable the antivirus only if you are sure that the site you are visiting does not contain viruses.

If disabling the antivirus helped fix the SSL error, you will need to find an item in its settings that allows you to create an exception for the SSL protocol.

When none of the above tips help to get rid of the problem, you should make sure that the site is in this moment available. It is possible that the error occurs on the server side, and it is not possible to access the resource from all devices.

An SSL verification error occurs in the Opera web browser if your computer was unable to verify the site's certificate. Perhaps this resource belongs to scammers, and the browser warns you of the danger. But if the error began to occur when trying to connect to already familiar websites, you need to look for the problem inside the system. This article describes what can cause these problems and what to do to fix them.

There are many reasons why an SSL error pops up in Opera. This may be caused by the operation of any applications, configuration features Windows systems, network problems and so on. This list contains the most common causes:

  1. No connection to the server. Here users are powerless. You need to wait until the problem with the equipment is resolved.
  2. A firewall, firewall or antivirus program is blocking the connection to this resource. You can try disabling these services to see if they are the source of the problem. If so, then you need to configure them correctly.
  3. Virus attack - some viruses and malicious scripts can prevent you from surfing the Internet. Such an error lies with a banal scan operating system antivirus program.
  4. Wrong time and date on your personal computer. During the SSL check, Opera looks to see if the certificate has expired. If your system time is in a hurry - the browser may think that the certificate is no longer valid.
  5. The SSL on the website has indeed expired. Think you might not want to switch to this resource. It may belong to scammers and change the way your OS works with built-in scripts.

Disabling Firewall and Antivirus

To check if the validation error is caused by operating system protection mechanisms, they must be temporarily suspended. There are many interfaces of anti-virus programs, it will not be possible to describe them all. Most likely, you can turn off the antivirus by right-clicking on its tray icon, and choosing the action "Suspend" or "Turn off".

A firewall is a special protective windows service. It blocks certain programs from accessing the Internet. To turn it off, follow the instructions below:

Setting up system protection

If after the above steps the error has disappeared, then it is these programs that need to be configured. First, you will need to add the Opera web browser to your antivirus exceptions. How to do this can be found in the instructions for your specific distribution of the program.

To allow network access for Opera in your firewall, do the following:

Changing the computer time

If you find that your system clock is slow or fast, you need to adjust it. The best thing is to start automatic synchronization with some server so that they do not go astray again:

What is SSL

SSL is a special protocol for creating a secure Internet connection. Along with HTTPS, it allows you to ensure the security of users' personal data. If you work with the site via HTTPS, this means that all data that your computer exchanges with the server is encrypted. No bots or third parties will be able to intercept packets and capture confidential information.

SSL is a certificate system. There are several certificate authorities - trustworthy companies that verify various Internet resources. If a website meets all security requirements, it receives a certificate for a while. When the secure connection expires, a new check is performed.

If you visited a new, unknown resource, and saw a warning, you should be careful. This site may be dangerous for your computer. Search the web for reviews about it, see how high it is in the rankings of Yandex and Google search results.

It's no secret that very often when entering a certain resource or when authorizing on a site, the user receives a message stating that an SSL error has occurred (SSL_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR), and the requested page does not open. Why? This is what we will now find out, and at the same time we will consider possible reasons its occurrence and the simplest methods of elimination.

What does it mean and how to deal with it

In general, each user must clearly understand that there is nothing critical in the appearance of such a failure. Just for some reason, the computer system cannot connect to remote server through the SSL protocol, which is a secure connection.

As already understood, a message containing the string "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR: SSL protocol error" indicates that a secure (secure) connection is being blocked by something. What exactly, it’s quite difficult to say right away, but it can be argued with confidence that there are several main reasons for this. What are these reasons and how to bring the system to life, now it will be considered.

In addition, it is immediately worth noting that such problems mainly appear during login authentication, say, in social networks like VKontakte, on mail servers like Mail.Ru, to search engines like Google, etc. Naturally, there is a way out of this situation.

Checking the system for viruses

Code 107 does not indicate a specific reason. Nevertheless, it is believed that one of the possible, moreover, the most common options may be damage HOSTS file due to exposure to viruses or malicious codes.

What to do in such a situation, I think, is already clear. It is advisable to check the system not with a regular scanner, but with some portable independent utility. Unfortunately, some viruses can "hang" in random access memory, so to be sure, you should use boot disks like Kaspersky Rescue Disc, which load their own interface before Windows even starts and do a full due diligence check.

Setting the date and time

This may seem strange to many, but the SSL error "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" may be the result of incorrect due date and time. The fact is that the server has its own parameters, and when you connect to it via a secure connection, verification is performed. If a mismatch is found, the server identifies the connection attempt as insecure and blocks it.

In this case, you need to set the correct parameters, but you just need to do this not through the settings of the operating system itself, but through the BIOS, followed by a reboot computer terminal or laptop.

We update the operating system

Sometimes the problem of SSL connection failures can be that the latest updates are not installed on the system.

True, for the most part this applies to Windows XP with the mandatory installation of Service Pack 3. Installing the appropriate update in many cases solves the problem.

Disable antivirus scan

Quite often there is a problem that consists in blocking an SSL connection by antivirus packages. In most cases, this is inherent in the package Eset Smart Security, starting from the fifth version.

To fix the problem, it is recommended to disable HTTPS and SSL checking in the antivirus, and also use the exclusion list to add a browser application to it. In other antiviruses, this situation can also occur. In general, the output is the same.

Using the Brandmauer Exclusion List

The exclusion list is also useful when changing firewall settings. This mainly concerns the appearance of the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error in Google services, itself search engine or even a browser.

As it is already clear, you need to go to the security settings and add the corresponding Internet application to the list of allowed nodes. It is also advisable to clear cookies and cache in Google browser Chrome if it's the default. You can also try to install in the browser automatic settings proxy server, but this is not always necessary. In theory, the problem should disappear.

Choosing a browser

Now a few words about the preferences in terms of Internet browsers used. Not all of them are equal, and the problem, when all of a sudden the SSL error “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR” appears, may be related to this software. True, the situation here is more with outdated software, so it is advisable to update the version of the default browser to the latest one.

However, according to some experts, ideally it is best to use the standard Internet Explorer even though a lot of people don't like it. There is no such problem in the tenth version of Windows. There and Edge browser, which replaced the standard Explorer, is more powerful. However, the standard Windows browser with the settings and parameters set by default, it does not create such a problem (unless it is only when changed by the user himself).


As you can see, the SSL error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR), although it is quite common, is nevertheless eliminated in the simplest ways. In addition, it is in no way connected with the malfunctions of the “OS” itself. In general, it all comes down to either updating the system or the corresponding software, or disabling certain types of checks.

In the work of any browser sometimes there are problems. Opera is no exception, in which an SSL error can occur. Before we deal with its elimination, let's see what causes it to appear.

Reasons for the error

In most cases, an ssl opera error indicates that there is something wrong with the system. This problem usually indicates that the connection to the server cannot be established. Often the error is fixed quite simply. It may arise due to antivirus program or firewall. They can block the connection, which is why it will not be established. In this case, the error will occur not only in Opera, but also in other Internet browsers, for example, also in Google Chrome. You will learn more about the causes of such an error in Google Chrome and how to solve this problem.

In addition, the problem also appears in the opposite case, for example, when a computer is infected. In such a situation, you just need to install an antivirus and scan the system. Also, the causes of the error may be a failure in the time settings or outdated version browser, so it will be useful.

Attention! Often an SSL error is displayed if you want to visit a site with an expired or untrusted certificate. In principle, you can go to the resource, however, such a step entails the possibility of infecting the computer with malware.


After the problem has been diagnosed, you should see how to get rid of it. So, ssl opera error how to fix is ​​enough frequently asked question for novice users. If the problem occurs due to an antivirus program, then to check this, disable it and restart your browser. In the case when everything is in order, you will need to change the antivirus settings. They differ in each program, but the main thing to do is to add the Internet browser to the exceptions and reduce control over incoming and outgoing traffic. The firewall will also need to make a lower level of protection.

Often the cause of an SSL error is a lost date on the computer. In order to fix this, you need to click on the date in the tray and set the correct one. Now consider what needs to be done directly in the browser. The SSL error can be fixed by going to the Cookies section and checking the box next to the suggestion to save local data. In addition, we do the following. Open Opera and go to the main menu.

  1. After that, select the Settings item.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the Advanced section.
  3. In the left part of the window, select Security from the list.
  4. Click the Security Protocols button.
  5. Put a highlight next to Enable SSL
  6. Click OK and restart the browser.

In Windows XP SP2, a similar problem may also occur. In this case, you can get rid of it if you update the version to SP3. It is also necessary to add that, which will reduce the risk of an error. It is also worth running a system scan for viruses from time to time.

As you can see, the SSL error in Opera, as well as in other browsers, is usually fixed quite simply. The main thing is to find the reason why it appeared. This can be either a failure in the date on the computer or a change in browser settings. In some cases, the easiest way is to set the default options and see if the error persists. If it still appears, then you need to disable the antivirus, because often it is he who blocks the connection to a particular site. In rare cases, the error appears due to infection of the computer. malware. In such a situation, it will be necessary to scan the files, and delete the infected ones or place them in quarantine.

As you know, any application or program can fail one day - nothing is perfect in the world. So in the Google Chrome browser, you can expect an SSL connection error. What does it mean and how to deal with it?

An SSL connection error occurs when opening a site, and any resource can become such a site, including both popular and not so popular ones. The error literally means the following: “Unable to connect to the server. The problem could be due to a server or client authentication certificate that you don't have."

Here is what the error looks like in the browser:

Please note that it can occur not only in, but also on a number of other browsers that are based on Chromium:, New Opera, Comodo Dragon, etc.

Problem and solution

I would like to immediately note that the reasons for which there is given error in the browser may not be related. Therefore, the solution for each case will be individual. Therefore, I will talk about several possible solutions.

  • The first step is to update your browser. Yes, the same Chrome is automatically updated, but in some cases the update can be disabled by the user. In addition, a glitch in the application itself cannot be ruled out. Therefore, we click on the settings button, select the “Help / About browser” item and see if it is installed current version browser.

  • We follow further. Pay attention to the antivirus system. The fact is that it can block the SSL protocol as potentially dangerous, so it simply blocks it. In this case, you can try to disable the antivirus screens for a while and check if the site opens in this case. In addition, in the settings of the anti-virus program itself, you need to create an exception for this type of protocol.
  • If used Windows version XP SP2, it needs to be upgraded to SP3. Such a solution was found on one of the forums and, according to the answers of users, it turned out to be very effective.
  • Theoretically, the problem may lie in installed plugins in the browser itself. Go to settings, select "Extensions" and disable all extensions available there. If after that you were able to enter the site, it means that the problem is in the extension and you just have to find which one is blocking the connection (disable the extensions one by one and you will find the culprit).

  • Check your proxy settings. Go to your browser settings, find the "Network" subsection and click on the "Change proxy settings" button. If a proxy server is specified in the network settings, it is possible that the matter is precisely in it. Select " Automatic detection settings" and go to the site.

  • Alternatively, the problem may be in the site itself. But until the owner of the site deals with it, you are unlikely to be able to get to the site itself.

You can tell us about your solutions to the problem with the help of comments.

A computer