Samsung phone is not charging. What to do if the phone does not charge properly

The mobile phone has become so firmly established in our lives that many no longer imagine how they could do without it. Every owner is familiar with the situation when you need to make an important call, or receive a message, and the mobile phone battery is treacherously discharged, or even worse, there is a charge, but nothing happens. How to charge the phone if the socket is broken?

Method one

This method of how to charge the phone if the socket is broken is the easiest and does not require any skills at all. True, the battery of the mobile phone will suffer and will not be able to withstand repetition. All that is required is to remove the battery and hit it hard on something hard, such as a table or stone. You will be able to make 1 or 2 calls.

Method two: a frog to help

The next way to charge a phone if the charging socket is broken is very expensive and does not justify the cost, but it is suitable if you or your loved ones have a "frog". It's universal Charger with a special groove where the mobile battery is inserted. This method has its drawbacks:

  1. At its cost, the "frog" significantly exceeds the costs in comparison with the service center.
  2. You will not be able to use your phone until the battery runs out.
  3. Some user reviews of the device noted a battery failure during charging.

Method 3: Direct charging without using the socket

If you have some skills in working with electricity, then this method of charging the phone if the socket is broken can be done at home. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the battery from your mobile phone.
  2. Disconnect from the network first.
  3. Remove the insulation from the wire
  4. Clean up the veins. Find plus and minus.
  5. Locate the correct terminals on the battery. Observe the polarity of the wires and the device itself.
  6. Fix the cores, after which you can plug the plug into the outlet.

Important! This method cannot be used if you are alone. There must be someone who can help you with a possible electric shock.

Method four

The described method will tell you how to urgently charge the phone if the socket is broken. Take an ordinary knife and heat it on fire. Attach it to the battery. By increasing the temperature, the battery will recover for a short time. This method is best used only when the call is more important than the cost of the battery. Follow the rule: when heating the battery, act quickly and carefully, otherwise it may swell. Heating the battery itself will make it possible to make a call lasting about 5 minutes, but the battery will have to be replaced.

Travel way to charge your phone

The previous methods described how to charge the phone at home if the socket is broken and there is no “frog”, but what if the situation turned out to be exactly the opposite: do you urgently need to call in the country or on a hike? And in this case, there is a way to make a call, unless, of course, the necessary materials are at hand. In order to make a charger yourself, you will need several metal plates, a small piece of copper wire, and salt water. If you are going on a hike, for example, you can take everything you need with you in advance, in case extreme situation. The described method will be able to recharge the phone by 5%.

The plates are buried in the ground and wrapped around copper wire. The structure is watered with salt water. The charger is ready. In case iron is not available, it can be obtained as follows: metal pins are stuck into existing products, for example, lemons or apples and wrapped with wire.

Is it possible to go to extreme measures

The following methods of charging the phone, if the socket is broken and there is no “frog”, are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, they can damage the battery. Otherwise, it is better not to spare time and take the mobile phone to the service.

Do-it-yourself socket replacement or service center?

Can I fix the charging socket myself? Theoretically - yes. But do not forget about the functions that this connector performs:

  1. Through the charging socket, files are transferred from the phone to the computer and vice versa. This is perhaps the most important function, in addition to charging the gadget, given how much important data can be stored in a memory card.
  2. Through the charging socket, you can charge the phone directly from the computer using a special cord that comes with the mobile.
  3. Through the charging connector, you can connect your mobile to the TV to view photos and videos.
  4. Some other possibilities.

Charge your iPhone without using a charger

If you are the owner of an iPhone, then the hiking method described above will not be useful to you. Alternative sources have appeared on the market that can convert the energy of the environment into electricity. Only use them without visiting the salon will not succeed.

If you have no experience in repair cell phones, it is better not to undertake repairs on your own, as a careless movement can finally finish off your smartphone, which costs much more than the services of service centers. In addition, you can only aggravate the breakdown and the repair will cost more than the amount that could have been originally.

If the socket is OK, but there is no charging

If in order, and the phone does not charge, there may be a breakdown in the charger. In this case, you can charge your mobile phone via the USB port by connecting it to a computer or tablet.

How to choose a service center

It is best to give the phone to a branded service of the same brand as the device. Service certificates are required. View reviews of the selected service on the site.

If your phone's battery isn't charging properly, don't assume it's just the battery or the charger that's the problem. Based on personal experience, the problem and its solution may be much easier than you think. If your smartphone or tablet is charging poorly or not charging at all, then check out 10 ways to fix these problems.

Why is the device not charging?

Problems arise in one way or another. Either the phone does not want to charge at all when it is connected, or the process is too slow. Here are some solutions for you.

1. Bad contact

Very often, the metal coating inside the USB port and micro USB has poor contact, either through a manufacturing defect or cable wear.

All you have to do is turn off the device, remove the battery if possible, and clean the contacts inside with something like a needle or toothpick. Do this very carefully and carefully, then insert the battery and connect the charger again. 9 times out of 10, that's all you need.

2. Clean the charging port from dust and third-party fibers

Do you keep your phone in your jeans pocket? If so, then fibers may be the culprit: we've already lost count of how many times our clothing's fibers have caused a malfunctioning charger.

You can also repair the charging port by blowing compressed air through it.

3. Try another cable

The most fragile part of the charger is the cable. It is constantly bent, which over time can damage it.

The easiest way to diagnose a damaged cable is to take another one and see if it works properly with your device. If so, you know that the original charger wire is defective. If not, then you need to look for a solution further.

4. Use a different adapter

You have ruled out the presence of problems with the cable, then you need to check the performance of the charging device itself. This is much easier to do if you can pull the wire out of the adapter. We've come across a lot of chargers where the USB ports have worn out due to the endless plugging and unplugging of the cable.

Also check the charging/wiring function on other phones as this will help rule out the possibility that this is a problem with your smartphone. In addition, you must make sure that the outlet is working.

5. Remember - Safety First

Do not charge your gadget near water or in extremely hot or humid conditions. Do not keep the device connected to the charger for too long. Don't leave it charging all night when it only needs 2-3 hours. This may cause damage hardware.

If you want to replace the charger or its cable, be careful: cheap third-party adapters are quite dangerous. Recently, there have been many cases of fires in mobile phones because of them.

The video below captures one of those cases:

6. Replace battery

Life battery does not last forever, and after several years of use, it loses its capacity. The more often you charge and discharge it, the sooner it will deteriorate. Of course, if the battery stops working after six months of use, then you need to apply for a warranty from the seller.

Some defective batteries are easy to identify by appearance. If it is swollen, then it should be replaced immediately.

7. Charge from the right source

Charging from an outlet will always be faster than from a computer, because its USB ports have too little power. Thus, the phone charges much faster from the outlet.

Also, the problem may be that you are using an adapter from another device, for example, from a Bluetooth headset, which is not designed for your gadget. This adapter does not supply enough current. When latest models high-end smartphones, you may have a device that supports fast charging but the adapter is not suitable.

8. Update the software or roll back to the previous version

Updates software can degrade battery life mobile phone, especially when the old device gets a fresh one android version. Newer smartphones and tablets are often optimized for the benefits latest version ON.

If this happened to you and you can't find a solution, try rolling back to previous version. Of course you can try first full reset, as recommended by the manufacturers so as not to put the data on the device at risk due to old version Android.

Likewise, sometimes offline work smartphone can be significantly improved with a fresh update.

9. Try turning it off

The use of heavy applications during charging affects the duration of the process. For example, if you are chatting on Skype or playing games, then the device will take longer to charge.

Therefore, put the device on charge in the off state or in flight mode.

10. Calibrate the battery

Sometimes, the battery level displayed on the screen may differ from the actual one. Because of this, the behavior of the phone may seem strange to you.

Problems with charging your phone is one of the most common reasons for contacting us for repairs. There is nothing surprising in this, because mobile devices charge almost every day, but not always everything goes "smoothly". It happens that the cord was pulled and the charging socket was damaged, or they used the "Chinese" charger or charged the phone from the cigarette lighter in the car. The reasons for the appearance of problems with charging can be different.

What can you do yourself?

  1. Check the serviceability of the cord and charging unit. The advice is banal, but often the problem is in them. The cord "frays" and there is no contact, and the memory unit may fail due to voltage fluctuations in the network. Don't rush to buy new ones - try borrowing from friends/neighbors and make sure the phone starts charging. And if it comes to buying a cord or charging - take only the original ones, or check on the spot. If the accessories are of poor quality, the phone may also not take a charge.
  2. Clean the charging connector from dust. Often in the Lightning socket (iPhone and iPad) or micro USB ( Android phones) dirt accumulates, due to which there is no contact of the lace and the phone does not charge. To clean the socket from dust, it is advisable to turn off the phone and remove the battery (if provided for by the design of the device). Then carefully! without any effort! use a toothpick to pick out debris from the connector.

If these manipulations did not help, then ...

Not without repair

1. Replacing the charging socket


  • the phone does not react in any way to the connection of the charger;
  • the cord "departs" - if you hold it at an angle, charging goes on;
  • the micro USB socket is loose and most likely detached from the motherboard;
  • oxides are visible in the nest after moisture has entered (for example, after rain);
  • contact group damaged.

Repair options: sometimes recovery helps, but it is better to replace the nest. On the different models phones are designed different types connectors. The most popular - micro USB - are usually soldered to the board. There are options when the sockets are installed on a cable and it is more cost-effective not to solder, but to change the cable assembly. For example, this is the situation on all iPhones.

2. Restoring the electronics of the charging circuit

This is a more severe case. It usually occurs if you used non-original accessories or low-quality car chargers after water gets inside the phone.


  • when the phone is connected to the charger, the battery icon shows that the charge is on, but if you turn off the charger, the battery percentage remains at the same level or becomes even lower;
  • The phone does not turn on and does not respond to the power button. This is due to the fact that in many models the charging controller and the power controller are one microcircuit.
  • the phone is very hot and the battery is quickly discharged, the phone does not hold a charge.

Repair options: depends on the fault. A preliminary diagnosis is required. Perhaps everything will be done by washing in alcohol (), perhaps you will have to re-solder the charge controller chip.

3. Battery replacement

Problems with the battery can occur after improper operation of the device (in severe frost or vice versa overheating), as well as after the expiration of the life chemical element(average period of work lithium-ion batteries- 2 years).


  • the phone itself turns off at 15-30% of the charge, especially if you turn on the 3G Internet, a camera with a flash or a flashlight;
  • the battery is swollen and the cover sticks out, the display peels off, the case opens like a shell - in case the built-in battery;
  • the smartphone quickly gains, but holds a charge a little, percentages jump from one value to another on their own;
  • in winter, in the cold, the phone turns off when you try to make a call or just by itself.

Repair options: battery replacement. It is advisable to make a preliminary diagnosis to make sure that the cause is exactly in the battery.

According to service center employees, charging problems are one of the most common reasons for contacting them. Sometimes this is due to really serious problems, for example, the failure of the power controller, which requires replacement of components. But most often, problems with charging the device can be solved by yourself. Here is a list of steps, in order of increasing difficulty, that you can perform yourself before contacting a repair shop.

1. Remove debris, dust and grains of sand

If you do not part with your smartphone for a minute, carry it in your jeans pocket and drag it to the sea, then sooner or later so much garbage will accumulate in the gadget's charging socket that it will completely refuse to charge. So the first thing to do is visual inspection USB port. Then blow it out with a can of compressed air and gently clean it with the bristles of a stiff toothbrush.

2. Clean the contacts of the USB port from oxidation

Sometimes the charging of the device does not occur due to oxidation of the contacts. This happens especially often if the smartphone has not been used for a long time or is operated in adverse climatic conditions. In this case, cleaning the contacts with a toothbrush dipped in alcohol, or even with a thin needle, can help you out. Do not forget to first turn off the smartphone and remove the battery from it, and perform the operation itself as carefully as possible.

3. Replace the cable

The next weak link to check is the USB cable. Their life is often full of trials and hardships, so it is not surprising that some of them may die without any warning. The easiest way to check for this problem is to take a known working cable from another device and connect it to your gadget. If the problem persists, then proceed to the next step.

4. Test the power adapter

The charger is also often a source of problems. We are talking about the very small box that plugs into the outlet. First of all, touch it to check the temperature. Too hot adapter, as well as too cold, can serve as an indirect sign of a breakdown. Make sure the cable connection socket is good and clean it if necessary. Try to find another power adapter that suits your needs.

5. Buy a new battery

Modern technology has made batteries much more tenacious than before, but still not eternal. Each battery has its own life span, expressed in the maximum number of charge and discharge cycles. If you use your gadget intensively and it is already several years old, then it is likely that the battery life is running out. To test this, simply take it out and make sure it doesn't have any bulges, smudges, or other signs of aging. However, it is most reliable to check the voltage supplied by the battery using. If it is too low, then you should look for a replacement in service center or online stores.

6. Do a factory reset

If you went through all the points and none of them helped you figure out the cause of the problem, then perhaps the whole thing is software failure. operating room android system collects device usage statistics in order to prevent the battery from completely draining. In some devices, a full discharge leads to failures of the built-in power controller, which, in turn, prevents the device from accepting a charge as usual. In this case, resetting the device to factory settings can help (do not forget to do a backups important data). Of course, this is an extreme measure and you need to resort to it only if you have already tried everything else.

In this article, I tried to describe the most common problems with charging gadgets and how to solve them. Of course, in real life there may be many more. Write about the cases you have encountered in the comments.

Kirill Sobolev

If the hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they grow from.

Initially, the mobile was a simple device for making calls. Now this multifunction device, without which a person will not be so comfortable. With careless use, the power socket sometimes breaks. In this case, you should know how to fix the phone charging connector or charge it in another way.

How to fix a phone charging socket by changing position

It is necessary to immediately indicate that it will not be possible to repair your device in this way. A broken power socket will remain so and repair cannot be avoided. This half-measure is necessary in situations where there is no required amount for repairs, but you need to use your mobile phone. Instructions on how to charge the phone if the socket is broken:

  1. Connect the charger to the device, plug into the network.
  2. Try to wiggle the cord by moving the plug up and down.
  3. If the battery cannot be charged because the contact has come loose, doing so may short it out.
  4. If the cell phone has detected the charger, try to fix this position. Try placing books or other objects under the wire so that the mobile phone can lie there overnight and the battery is charged.

Before carrying out such a manipulation, make sure that the problem is really in the connector, and not the battery. When used for a long time, they have the ability to stop holding a charge. In this case, you should buy new battery rather than deal with an allegedly damaged nest. . If the matter is really in the connector, then repair is unlikely to be avoided. Keep in mind that such manipulations with the wire can further loosen the connection point or break it completely.

Replacing the charging connector with a universal "frog"

In a critical situation, when you don’t know how to charge your phone, if the socket is broken, you can use universal charger. Sometimes the device is called a “frog”, it is relatively expensive, so it’s not a fact that it’s better than giving the device for repair. This device has a special groove into which you need to insert the extracted from mobile battery. However, this method has several obvious drawbacks:

  • during recharging, the smartphone is turned off, you can not use it until the battery is charged;
  • the cost of the "frog" is high and sometimes does not justify the costs;
  • among user reviews there are situations when the charger broke the battery.

The charging connector on the phone is broken - we charge directly

If you don't know how to change the charging socket on your phone, you can try recharging the battery by removing the need for the power socket. The method is relatively complex and requires some skills from the field of working with electricity. The bottom line is this:

  1. You need to remove the battery from your phone.
  2. Cut off the insulation from the charger wire, expose the wires (disconnect from the outlet).
  3. Strip the wires, determine where the plus and minus are.
  4. Locate the corresponding terminals on the cell phone battery. It is important to observe the polarity of the wires and the device.
  5. Fix the wires and plug the plug into the socket.

It is strongly not recommended to use this method if you are not 100% sure of your skills. You should not carry out manipulations when you are alone at home, there must be a person nearby who could help you with a possible electric shock. It should be borne in mind that this connection option is not normal for the battery and can lead to breakdown or premature exhaustion.

How to replace the charging port on your phone

The only proven way to get rid of the problem is to put the matter in the hands of professional workers. Perhaps after being told how much it costs to fix a phone charging jack, you don't want to use any "workarounds". In modern devices, this connector still performs the function of connecting to a computer, transferring data, so its breakdown greatly reduces the functionality of the device. This is a microcircuit that cannot be repaired at home on its own. Phone repair often results in a round sum and you should be prepared for this.

In this case, it is best to contact a certified center. The ideal option would be a branded service point of the same manufacturer as your mobile. They know all the intricacies of the device of their products and will be able to provide qualified assistance to fix the breakdown. Inexperienced or inaccurate workers can aggravate the situation and lead to even greater damage to the device.

Video: how to replace the power connector on the phone

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