What is the portable charger called? Portable chargers for mobile phones

It's no secret that modern mobile consumer electronics have one unpleasant feature, namely the need to constantly recharge the battery hidden in the case, due to which, in fact, the operation of the gadget is possible. The same applies to new generation phones, which, due to their technology and advanced functionality, have become excessively voracious in terms of energy consumption. No matter how long your smartphone runs on a single battery charge, it is still not enough, and provided that you use it quite often, the issue of extending battery life becomes even more relevant. In this article we will talk about portable batteries for mobile phones, - about their characteristics, design features. We will also consider a number of interesting models that are relevant in this moment.

Why do you need a portable battery?

As mentioned above, the battery (that is, the battery) in modern smartphones requires constant recharging. Gadgets are becoming faster, more powerful, larger, but in terms of autonomy, almost nothing changes. The average battery life today rarely reaches 8 hours or more; under heavy load this value is reduced to 5 hours. And even if you stretch the existing capacity with all your might, it is almost impossible to achieve autonomy for at least two days. It sounds sad, but it's true, no matter what gadget manufacturers say. Naturally, the problem did not remain without a solution, and since it is not possible to significantly improve the autonomy of the gadgets themselves, you can use an additional battery. In the case of old-style phones that can be disassembled after receiving full access to the battery, you can replace the main battery. But there are fewer and fewer such phones; they have been replaced by monolithic cases similar to the iPhone. In this case, the additional battery is an external portable battery for the phone.

How does a portable battery work?

As obvious as it may sound, an external portable battery works the same as a regular (internal) one. The changes concern a slightly modified design in accordance with the scope of application of such a battery. Essentially, this is a series of power cells that are soldered to a power controller (similar to those found in smartphones). Then ports for recharging the battery itself and one or more ports for charging smartphones, tablets, laptops and the like are built into this design. Despite the simplified design compared to a smartphone, the rechargeable battery works on the same principles as in a phone, therefore the battery remains the most dangerous object in any gadget. Like any other device, an external battery has a number of characteristics that you should rely on when choosing a portable battery for your phone. How to choose the right model based on its technical equipment and what is really worth paying attention to?

Portable battery capacity

The main parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a device. It is this indicator that determines how much additional “life” time your smartphone will receive, which means that in fact this figure indicates the efficiency of the battery as a whole. This value is directly related to the battery capacity of your smartphone. Just like the capacity of other compact batteries (smartphone, tablet or smartwatch), the battery capacity of an external battery is measured in ampere-hours, namely milliamp-hours. When choosing the optimal capacity value, first of all you need to find out the battery capacity of your smartphone (smartphones or tablet), and then find external battery with a value of at least one and a half to two times greater, so that you have the opportunity to recharge your phone (another gadget) at least once. Let's say your phone has a 2500 milliamp-hour battery. If you want to get at least one additional recharge cycle, then you should look for an external battery with a capacity of 4000-5000 milliamp-hours. It would seem that this is overkill, but in fact, the actual battery capacity always differs from that declared by the manufacturer (especially true for solutions from China). The device also loses charge even when inactive. The best option when purchasing would be a battery with a capacity of 6,000 milliamp-hours for smartphones and 12,000 milliamp-hours for tablets.

Discharge current

Everything is simple here: in order to share electricity with a phone or tablet, a portable battery needs a certain current strength. Typically, a smartphone needs one ampere (1A) to fully charge. With tablets and their giant batteries, a lot of power is needed, at least two amps (2A). Some portable batteries are equipped with several ports from one to three amps. This option is suitable for those who plan to charge several devices of different types at once. You can find out the exact information about how much current your gadget needs by looking at the label on the charger.

How to charge a portable phone battery?

Another serious point that careless buyers often overlook is the method of recharging the portable battery itself. The fact is that some models have a specific socket connection and are generally powered only from a computer or laptop, which has a detrimental effect on the speed and efficiency of charging. Such devices are outdated and are now almost never produced, but you can still come across them. It is better to make sure that the gadget you are purchasing is equipped with a standard micro-USB port and can be charged from the mains.

Design, size and weight

When choosing a device design, you should pay attention to two important details:

  • The on and off button must be recessed into the body so that the gadget does not accidentally turn on in a bag or pocket and begin to supply energy to nowhere;
  • The specified battery capacity must match its size; no one can fit a 12,000 milliamp-hour battery into a case the size of a watch.

Portable phone battery - how to choose?

Even knowing certain specifications and features of external batteries, the question of choice remains open, since the creation of such devices is carried out by the most different companies. Some make batteries exclusively for specific smartphones, others make universal options. In some solutions, the emphasis is on external performance, in others on the technical aspect and reliability.

If you imagine an average solution that will definitely suit everyone, then it should have the following characteristics:

  • Capacity from 6000 to 12,000.
  • 1A port or several different ones at once.
  • Weight no more than 500 grams.
  • The price is approximately 1,000 rubles (anything that is much cheaper is also much inferior in quality).

This knowledge is already quite enough to start an independent search suitable battery, but it’s still worth making specifics. Next, we will look at various portable batteries for phones. The rating of the most interesting solutions on the market, notable for their colorful exterior, unusual design or extremely low price, is presented below.

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank

Cost: 990 rubles.

Capacity: 10400 milliamp-hours.

A popular gadget from the Chinese company Xiaomi, which is famous for its dumping prices on fairly high-quality and well-designed devices. Xiaomi Mi Power Bank was no exception. This is a very compact and stylish gadget with a capacious battery inside. The finish is made of anodized aluminum in the style of a MacBook. High-quality, proven power cells from LG and Samsung are installed inside. As for the capacity, its actual value is 6250 milliamp hours. Xiaomi is honest with the buyer and explains this by saying that half of the capacity is wasted. This is a good portable phone battery Samsung Galaxy S6, since this is what the tests were carried out on, and it is capable of charging twice from the battery. At the same time, the Mi Power Bank hardware is fully optimized to work with other modern smartphones. In general, we have an excellent portable battery for a phone, user reviews confirm this fact. Owners of the device praise its premium design, low cost and good ergonomics. There are also critical reviews, but they mainly concern defective samples and fakes.

OZAKI O!Tool D26

Cost: 2,490 rubles.

Capacity: 2600 milliamp-hours.

An extravagant and intricate battery robot that attracts with its unusual style and compact size. There is nothing remarkable about its design or capabilities. It will hardly be able to fully charge a modern smartphone, and its body is made of cheap plastic. If you are ready to sacrifice everything for a stylish toy that will look cool in your hands and easily fit even in a shirt pocket (the height of the gadget is only 6 centimeters), then you should pay attention to the brainchild of OZAKI, but at the same time prepare 2,490 rubles (by the way, for this money can buy two Xiaomi Mi Power Banks).

Apple Smart Battery Case

Cost: 9,790 rubles.

Capacity: 2365 milliamp-hours.

This gadget is made in the form factor of a case and has a very narrow focus - it is suitable only for three phone models: iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7. This battery has a number of interesting features. Firstly, it is made of expensive silicone, durable and resistant to damage. Secondly, it has a rather unusual design, namely a bulge in the central part of the case (where the battery is located). Thirdly, with this case you can simultaneously charge your smartphone and use the same cable. There are also disadvantages, which include the impressive cost and the ability to charge the iPhone only once. It turns out that we have before us an incredibly expensive gadget, with low capacity and a very contradictory design, but at the same time the only one that is tightly coupled with the iPhone (even at the software level) and thus gives the very emotions of integrity and thoughtfulness for which the Apple corporation is famous.


Cost: 1,890 rubles.

Capacity: 10,000 milliamp-hours.

This is perhaps the most inexpensive portable solar phone battery available. Yes, that’s right, the device can be charged using solar energy; for this purpose, a special panel is installed on its body that converts the sun’s rays into electricity. The gadget boasts two USB ports that supply current with different strengths (you can charge your phone or tablet). On a sunny day, SOLAR 10 will become an indispensable assistant, and if it rains, it can be charged from a regular electrical outlet or computer. The power type is user selectable manual mode, by using special key on the body.

Lepow Virtue

Cost: 3,989 rubles.

Another one that attracts attention with its bright appearance, but does not impress with other characteristics. The body is made of hard, matte plastic and small glass inserts. The lower part of the case is painted in a pleasant orange tint; the upper part has two displays: one of them displays a charge indicator, the other shows the same, but in the form of a pulsating neon heart. The gadget turned out to be heavy, not very functional, but at the same time surprisingly cute. Moreover, recently this beauty has dropped significantly in price. Before high price scared many users away from purchasing this miracle.

Powermonkey Extreme

Cost: 14,900 rub.

Capacity: 9000 milliamp-hours.

The most advanced portable battery on the list. A true Swiss Army knife in this area of ​​electronics. By purchasing Powermonkey Extreme, you get not only a classic battery, but also two solar ones. The kit includes a complete set of adapters for different smartphones and tablets, there are also modifications for connecting cameras and DVD players. There is a hard case for transportation and a compact strap (to hook onto a belt, for example). The battery itself is made of durable materials, as the device is designed for use in extreme conditions. Overall this is a good portable phone battery that can handle extreme conditions. Owners of the device, travelers and fishermen appreciated the gadget, singing its praises on various forums. Users complained only about the high cost.

Modern mobile devices and all kinds of gadgets are equipped with many fashionable and useful functions and applications. Yes, and the most difficult ones mobile games Amazing graphics and features. It is thanks to such applications that any smartphone “sits down” almost throughout the day. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose a more powerful one for your phone. Or choose an additional one

The main reasons why you simply need to choose a new charger

So, the phone began to discharge frequently and quickly. First, you need to decide on the root cause, and only then look for the most optimal ways to solve the problem. So what could be the reasons for early discharge?

If the smartphone or tablet is new, the instructions state a certain operating time, but in fact, the device works several times less, then the reason may lie in the settings. As a rule, on the phone itself you can adjust the brightness and energy consumption or disable several applications that drain the charge.

It’s another matter if the smartphone is configured, for a long time It worked quite well, but over time it began to discharge much faster. Here, most likely, internal Charger or an external phone battery. The only solution is to replace the element. To do this, you can use either a branded battery or a universal analogue.

Types of external batteries

Despite the prevalence cell phones and smartphones, there are currently only three main types of batteries in the world:

  • Lithium-ion. This is perhaps the most common external battery for charging your phone. It has a more optimal balance of durability, safety and energy intensity than other analogues. Also, such elements are endowed with a special “memory effect” and discharge rather slowly. But they age quickly, even with constant use.
  • Nickel-cadmium. They were recognized as the most harmful and were put on the shelf. They were used only in the very first phones due to their low cost. In addition, the higher their energy intensity, the larger their physical size.
  • Lithium polymer. These are cheaper and more advanced external batteries for cell phones. Therefore, such elements have adopted all the positive aspects of the original sample, and also become more environmentally friendly.

Features of operation and operation

A mobile phone is a rather complex and delicate mechanism. And each of its elements has own characteristics and requires certain operating conditions, including the battery itself. Therefore, there are several rules that you can follow to significantly extend the life of your phone battery:

  • When using, you must strictly follow the operating rules specified by the manufacturer, i.e. do not overheat, do not get wet or overcool.
  • Try to avoid physical damage to the element.
  • External ones cannot stand frequent blows and falls.
  • You should not open the batteries yourself just for fun.
  • The battery should only be replaced and recharged when the device is turned off.
  • It is not recommended to constantly charge the gadget for a long time (more than a day).
  • The more and more often the battery is used, the better.

Myths about mobile batteries

Over the entire period of their existence, mobile phones have practically become overgrown with various fictions and legends that scare naive users. Several of them concern their most important detail.

Parameters to consider when choosing chargers

When choosing an additional external battery for your phone, you should consider many factors (in addition to the manufacturer and quality of materials). As a rule, experts identify several main parameters by which these elements differ. Therefore, knowing these features, you can choose the appropriate option.

  • Capacity of the presented battery. The operating time without additional recharging directly depends on it. As a rule, 4000-6000 mAh is sufficient.
  • Current strength. If the battery is used to power more than just a smartphone, then you need to choose a device with a power of 1-3 A. For regular phone A device that produces 1 A is enough.
  • Charging method. It is better to choose a gadget that can be powered from several sources at once: a regular electrical outlet and via a USB connector.
  • Battery indicator. This element is simply necessary in the daily use of smartphones and phones. There are several options for displaying charge: by changing color or numbers. The numerical indicator provides much more accurate information about the condition of the battery, but it also costs much more.
  • Number of ports used. Thrifty and prudent users choose instances with the largest number of them. But, as a rule, the need to charge several devices at the same time is quite rare. Therefore, 2-3 ports are enough.

Several features to pay attention to when choosing batteries

In addition to the basic parameters that you need to pay special attention to, there are several additional qualities. They can significantly facilitate and prolong the operation of the presented gadgets.

It is best to choose an external battery for your phone, on which the power button will not stand out against the background of the body. After all, if you press it accidentally, you can get a rather unpleasant surprise. It would also be useful to have a special flashlight in the device to make it easier to find in the dark.

In order to protect a valuable item from all kinds of dust or water, as well as to protect against small impacts, it is necessary to choose devices with a special case. Such devices will cost a little more, but their service life will obviously be longer.

Lovers of modern innovative technologies will appreciate the presence of such features as Wi-Fi and NAS Server. With their help, you can not only easily use and distribute the Internet, but also save various data on a special memory card.

It will be useful for any battery and after all, in the summer we are not always near any power source.

To purchase a high-quality battery that will last long enough, you should approach this issue with all seriousness. Before making your final choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common options, compare characteristics and reviews. And only then will it be possible to buy one for the phone.

  1. First of all, this device should be convenient enough, light and compact to fit easily in any bag.
  2. A charger from the same company as the main device will be much better suited than similar analogues. In addition, in this way you can protect yourself from low-quality goods.
  3. It is better to clarify in advance whether a purchase can be returned and under what conditions. The charger may simply not fit.

Comparison of the most common external batteries

There are many external telephone batteries available. There are probably as many of them as there are mobile devices. In this case, everyone chooses their own external battery for their phone. Reviews are what attention is paid to first. Therefore, here are some subjective opinions about the most popular models:

  • Mini vampire. There is a standard USB connector. Convenient to adjust current and voltage. Among the disadvantages is low efficiency.
  • Boost stabilizer. This battery charges almost all known mobile devices and can also be charged from any power source. The only drawback is that it requires an external battery pack.
  • Specialized energy storage device "Proglot". Universal battery. It has a variety of dedicated connectors for all kinds of devices, and its internal batteries can be easily replaced. The downside is the lack of adapters.

Universal external battery

As global all-knowing statistics show, almost every city resident has two or more mobile devices, as well as a laptop and several other gadgets. Therefore, many people strive to purchase a universal external battery for their phone, but so that it fits other devices.

This choice allows you to kill several “birds with one stone” at once: the ability to simultaneously charge all available gadgets from one device, saving money and space. At the same time, the operating rules for such devices are the same as for highly targeted batteries. In addition, modern stores can offer a huge number of batteries of different prices, characteristics and quality. Therefore, this is the most optimal choice for any user.

There is no need to buy an additional power supply for your smartphone. If you wish and have certain abilities, you can easily make a homemade external battery for your phone.

The most common homemade products are charging from batteries and from the sun. Each of them has its own characteristics. In the first case, you need a resistor, a suitable plug, 4 batteries and a special box for them. The principle of operation is simple - a resistor connects the power elements to the plug and transfers the charge to the mobile device. The downside is that the batteries need to be constantly changed.

In the case of solar charging, you can simply buy special flashlights that charge from the sun, and take the necessary elements from there. Next, a circuit is connected using a diode, and the structure is tucked into some kind of box.

Today, every person has a smartphone. This rectangular brick has literally conquered the world. The device is quite useful, but unfortunately it lacks autonomy. The phone battery does not last long. Usually after 2-3 years you have to replace the battery. Let's figure out which battery to buy.

Battery for phone and smartphone

Good to know!

Today, many batteries are equipped with a charge controller. This device helps monitor the charge-discharge process. In addition, in the event of an emergency, for example, the battery gets very hot, the controller will turn off the battery. If cooled, the same thing will happen.

How to choose a battery for your phone?

Tips before choosing:

  1. Capacity denomination. The larger it is, the longer the device can work. mah - means capacity in milliamp hours.
  2. Complete match with the old battery. Identical type of previous battery.
  3. Voltage. Usually it comes from 3.7 volts. Some models may have more or less.
  4. The size must match the old battery.
  5. Location of contacts.
  6. What type? Lithium-ion or others.
  7. Before purchasing a battery, look at the technical data sheet of your smartphone. Usually they specify what kind of battery is required.
  8. Price. Sometimes manufacturers mislead consumers. They sell a supposedly high-capacity battery for little money, but at a low cost. Be careful, such batteries are made of poor quality and their capacity is much lower than declared.
  9. Guarantee. Each manufacturer produces their own. The shelf life of a phone battery is on average 1 year. Typically this figure varies from 6 months to 3 years.
  10. It is best to purchase a Li-ion (Have an automatic shutdown when fully charged) or Li-pol battery for your phone.
  11. How many times can you discharge and charge the battery? The most common is 1000 times.
  12. The case, how durable it is. It is desirable that it be aluminum.
  13. Ask the seller if there is protection or a thermostat.

Phone battery life is affected by:

  1. Screen type
  2. Networks: GPS, Wi-fi, 3G, 4G.
  3. Supported Features.
  4. Backlight.
  5. Delivered programs.

Frequent charging of the battery leads to rapid wear!

Phone battery manufacturers

The list below presents popular companies that manufacture batteries for smartphones.

  • Gigabyte GT
  • MaxPower
  • JustMobile
  • Unitech
  • Kensington
  • Batimex
  • HiCapacity HP
  • Fonmedia
  • Cluestar
  • Ansmann
  • TelForceOne
  • Hipower
  • Cisco
  • Intermec
  • Apple
  • Pulsar
  • Activejet
  • Cipher Lab
  • Prestigio
  • MyPhone
  • Belkin
  • Whitenergy
  • Datalogic
  • Uniross
  • Honeywell
  • Fujicell
  • Extreme
  • Blackberry
  • Garmin
  • Blue Star
  • Tellsson
  • Dexim
  • GSmart
  • Nokia
  • Motorola
  • Samsung
  • Siemens

Buy lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery packs. The brand must be famous. Protect the battery from cold and heat. There are no super-capacious batteries at a low price - this is a hoax. Typically the battery lasts about 2 years.

When should you change your phone battery?

With average smartphone use, the battery needs to be changed every 2 years. Usually by this time the charge lasts for a couple of hours. But if you rarely use the phone, then replacement can be done after 3-4 years.

Signs that the battery It's time to change on your phone:

  1. Doesn't hold much charge.
  2. You have to charge it every few hours.
  3. You have to wait more than 3 hours for a charge.
  4. The phone turns off by itself.
  5. The battery is damaged.

Question from a user! Does the age of manufacture of a phone battery matter and does this period affect the quality and service life of the battery?

The timing naturally has an effect. Lithium polymer batteries created in 2018 and sold in 2019 will last 3 years. Nickel cadmium may begin to leak and corrode.

Where do I sell phone batteries?

Most people go to purchase a battery for a smartphone at:

  1. Radio shop and radio markets.
  2. Online store.
  3. Company store.

In the first case, the user will receive a small selection of batteries for the phone. But sellers in such places can give good advice.

The second will have a wide selection. But you should pay attention to the reviews and reliability of the seller.

In the third option, you will receive an expensive battery, but with a guarantee.

How much does a phone battery cost?

The cost of a battery for a mobile phone with an Android on average fluctuates around 1000 rubles.

Can a phone battery explode?

Such a battery causes an explosion in the following cases:

  1. Poorly made.
  2. Does not have a charge controller.
  3. Very worn and swollen.

So be careful!

Where should I throw away my phone battery?

Such batteries must not be thrown into a general trash bin. To get rid of them, you should find a collection point for such batteries and take them there. At the moment, not all cities have such branches. Perhaps yours has it. The article: “” will help you understand this issue in more detail.

How to reduce battery consumption for your phone?

To do this, follow the tips below:

  1. Reduce display brightness.
  2. After using the Internet, do not forget to turn off data transfer.
  3. It is better to delete or turn off applications that you do not use. Every running application consumes energy.
  4. When you go to bed, either turn off your phone or turn on the “ In airplane».
  5. If there are battery saving settings, turn them on.

How to increase the battery life of your phone?

  1. The battery needs to be charged to 100%.
  2. You shouldn’t use up the entire charge; it’s better to connect it to it at the 35-50% stage.
  3. It is not recommended to leave your phone connected to the network overnight.
  4. After the display shows information that the smartphone is fully charged, turn it off.
  5. Use only the original charger.
  6. Do not charge near heating devices or direct sunlight.
  7. Once every 30 days it costs by fully charging and fully discharging.

How to store your phone battery?

Types of phone batteries

After analyzing the history of battery development, it turned out that there are only 4 types of phone batteries.

Nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd)

This type of battery was first manufactured back in 1899. Due to multiple shortcomings, it has not become widespread. Although they are quite strong and durable. Can withstand extremes of high and low temperatures. In addition, they can withstand multiple charging.

The main disadvantage that outweighs all the advantages is their toxicity. Cadmium is a toxic substance. Besides this type The phone battery has low energy capacity. Production costs are very high. And the periodically manifested memory effect forces you to do it frequently. This is not very convenient.

Nickel metal hydride batteries (Ni-MH)

These batteries are made of nickel. The main positive properties are good capacity and low production costs. Previously, this type of battery was used in large budget phones with limited functionality.

Their main disadvantage is the memory effect. You put it on charge at 30% of the battery indicator and after that the phone turns off when it reaches this number. This property is less pronounced than that of the type described above. These batteries also take a long time to charge.

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion)

Today, this type is the most relevant! Their main advantage over competitors:

  1. Compact dimensions.
  2. Big.
  3. Slight self-discharge.
  4. No memory effect.
  5. Show stable performance.

Such batteries for mobile phones work stably and for a long time.

Among the negative aspects, one can note the high cost, in contrast to nickel batteries. They do not tolerate cold well. At minus 20 0 C there is a risk of electrolyte leakage. These power supplies should not be kept in a discharged state. The service life may be shortened. They are subject to wear and tear regardless of whether they are used or not.

Lithium polymer batteries (Li-Pol)

This removable battery for a smartphone is made using lithium salts and a polymer electrolyte. This approach allows you to create charging battery for phones of various shapes. Thinness and ductility are the main features of these batteries.


  • High energy consumption, about the same as lithium-ion internal batteries for phones.
  • The cost is significantly lower than those described.
  • Large number of charge/discharge cycles.


  • They operate unstably at low temperatures.
  • Strong overcharging and deep discharge are harmful. To prevent this, a voltage controller is built in. And this affects the cost of the product.

Reinforced batteries for phones

These models are also called powerful batteries with increased . In contrast, they have compact dimensions. Their dimensions match the original battery of the device. Most often, the devices are made in China or Japan.

The main energy capacity starts from 2450 mAh and ends at 5500 mAh. These battery characteristics allow you to significantly increase the performance of your smartphone! And unleash its full potential.

Main characteristics of batteries for phones

The data in the table will help you choose the right batteries for cell phones.

Phone battery device

Like any other battery, it has a positive and a negative pole. It also has a basis. Inside contains electrolyte and various chemicals. You can read more about the structure of a phone battery in the article:.

Power bank for phone

Such long-lasting batteries have conquered the consumer market. In fact, these batteries are very convenient. You can go on a trip and not worry about not having an outlet nearby.

The main advantages of Power Bank for the phone

  • Good durable case.
  • Large capacity.
  • The ability to recharge a portable phone battery many times.

How to choose Power bank for your phone?

When buying a travel battery for your phone, pay attention to the following things:

  • Dimensions. Decide what you are going to use the backup for. If you take it for your phone, then it should easily fit in your pocket, bag or backpack. Please note that the dimensions must be optimal. A 12000 mAh battery will not fit into a miniature case.
  • The material from which it is made. Metal body durable, but has significant weight. Plastic is many times lighter. If the power bank will not be used in extreme conditions, then you can take a plastic one. The stability of operation does not depend on the case.
  • Capacity. It should be twice the capacity of the installed battery. Naturally, the higher the better. It is advisable to buy an additional 6000 mAh power bank, but if your budget is small then go for 4000 mAh.
  • Current strength. The batteries usually contain this information on the label. Usually it is 0.5-1 ampere.
  • Charger. It is better to purchase a device that contains both the ability to recharge from USB and from a wall outlet. This type of USB battery for a phone is called hybrid. Preferably with a current of 1-2 A.
  • Features such as the presence of a charging indicator, power button, number USB connectors are chosen according to the user's taste. There is only one benefit from them: convenience.
  • Make sure that the on/off button is completely immersed in the housing. This will prevent accidental startup.

The portable battery has a voltage of 3.7 volts. Smartphones and other mobile devices require a 5 volt charge. This suggests that there is a loss of energy potential of up to 30%. Cheap Chinese batteries generally have 50% of the declared capacity.

How does it work?

A spare storage battery for a phone functions similarly to a simple battery built into a mobile smartphone.

A number of power cells are soldered into the power controller. After that, ports for recharging the battery are built in. Then one or more ports are installed to charge the smartphone.

We connect the Power Bank to the phone, and its battery begins to charge! Electricity flows from the donor to the additional battery of the smartphone.

How much does a power bank cost?

Prices for a stand-alone battery for a phone depend on the capacity; the larger it is, the higher the cost. For example, a power bank with a capacity of 10,000 mAh can be found for 2,000 rubles. If its capacity is 5,000 mAh, then 1000 – 1500 can be achieved.

Rules for using a power bank battery for a phone

  1. When replacing the external battery with a new one, turn off the power to the device. Otherwise there may be memory distortion.
  2. To expand slightly, perform up to 5 discharge-charge cycles. This means that you need to completely discharge the remote battery and charge it to one hundred percent.
  3. Do not suddenly move a portable phone battery from warm to cold and back. Before charging, let it sit for a while and come to room temperature.
  4. Do not recharge for more than 24 hours. As soon as the battery is charged, a special chip will turn off the charging process.

The most optimal solution purchase Power Bank for 6,000 – 12,000mAh.

External battery for smartphone with solar batteries

Today such a battery is very popular. It will be indispensable on hikes and various outings.

The main characteristics of the average solar battery:

  1. Li-ion type.
  2. Different colors: black, orange, blue, yellow, green, etc.
  3. Capacity 10,000 mAh. It may be less or more.
  4. Output voltage 5 volts.
  5. Current strength is 1-2 A.
  6. Some models have fast wireless charging.
  7. USB port.
  8. Built-in solar panel that allows you to get energy from the sun.
  9. Material: plastic or metal.
  10. Housing protection.
  11. Weight about 300 grams.

These are approximate characteristics of a typical solar power bank.

Thus, a battery charger for a phone will help out a traveler who is far from civilization or in a place where there is no outlet.

How many times have you suffered from your smartphone running out of power at the most inopportune moment? What if you need to make an urgent call or wait for an important message? It’s good if there is an outlet or computer nearby that you can quickly charge your device from. But what if they are not there? The solution is to use an external battery (power bank). The Internet project “Be Mobile” has collected tips that will help you choose best option for you.

First, let’s define what an external battery is and what its advantages are. An external battery or Power Bank is a portable high-capacity lithium-ion battery that can be used to charge a variety of mobile devices: phones, smartphones, tablets or e-books. This battery is capable of storing energy within itself for a long time. You can take it with you to work, school, on a business trip or while traveling.

The portable charger can be made in various form factors with a housing made of plastic, polycarbonate or metal. On sale you can find models in the form of boxes, bars, disks, cones and tubes in a variety of colors.

The Power Bank is charged from the electrical network or from any device with a USB output (for example, a computer or laptop).

All external batteries are equipped with one or more USB ports. Modern phones, smartphones or tablets can be charged using a USB cable, which in most cases is included with the device.


The main parameter when choosing an external battery is energy capacity. Everything here is simple and clear. The larger the capacity, the more energy the device stores, and the more expensive it is. Capacity is measured in mAh - milliamp hours.

Currently on sale you can find portable chargers with a capacity ranging from several hundred milliamp hours to several tens of thousands. You can estimate the level of charge you will need based on the battery capacity of your smartphone or tablet.

For example, in an average smartphone the battery has a capacity of 2,000 mAh, in high-performance and expensive models - from 2,500 to 3,000 mAh. This means that a fully charged 5,000 mAh external battery will be enough for 2-2.5 charging cycles. A fully charged 10,000 mAh external battery will last for 4-5 cycles. If portable charging is necessary for your tablet, then you should choose from models with a larger capacity, for example, 20 or 30 thousand mAh.

Currently produced portable power sources use lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. Depending on the type and design option, the nominal voltage at the battery output may be different (3.7, 4.2 or 7.4 V), while the standard bus voltage USB power supply is 5 V direct current. Obviously, in this case, a battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh with a nominal voltage of 3.7 V, even under ideal conditions, will not work for even an hour and a half when powering an external load connected via a USB bus and consuming a current of 1 A. In addition, the amount of electricity that can be stored rechargeable batteries having the same capacitance but different voltage will be different.

Tip 2: look at the current strength, it affects the charging speed


Another factor that affects the charging speed is the current strength. The more amps, the faster the charging speed. For phones and smartphones, this figure should be at least 1 ampere. IN otherwise the process itself will occur extremely slowly. To fully charge, it will take 3 or 4 times longer than from the mains.

For tablets, devices with a current of 3 A or more are preferable. The ideal option is 4 A.

Tip 3: trust, but check, because the declared capacity does not always coincide with the real one


Another important point is the actual capacity of the Power Bank. The fact is that many manufacturers embellish the performance of their products. Of the 50 models of portable chargers that we tested over the past year, 46 had a capacity significantly less than stated. On average the difference was 25%.

For example, the manufacturer indicated that the external battery has a capacity of 10,000 mAh, but in reality it is 7,800 mAh. The difference is due to both the dishonesty of the developers and the improper storage of batteries during transportation and subsequent sale.


The actual capacity is also affected by such an indicator as self-discharge.

On average, external batteries with a full charge are discharged by 5% within two weeks. This is worth considering if you do not use Power Bank for a long time. To activate electrolytic reactions, you should charge the device before use.

Keep in mind that the battery capacity will decrease over time. Our measurements show that with active use, a high-quality battery loses its capacity by 15% per year, the cheapest models - 35%.

To control the charge level, almost all Power Banks use LED indicators. And some external batteries are equipped with LED displays that show the exact state of charge in percentage.

Tip 5: choose a power bank with multiple USB ports to simultaneously charge your friends’ smartphones


Some models of portable chargers have several USB ports for connecting two, three or even more mobile devices at once. This option is suitable for simultaneous recharging, for example, when you go on a trip with friends. It's comfortable. You can all charge your phones, smartphones and even tablets together.

You often ask us where you can be guaranteed to buy a high-quality external battery cheaply. We cannot give a definite answer. Of course, the reliability of purchasing from a large Russian online store or retail chain is higher, but the prices there are also higher. It is worth remembering that little-known Chinese sellers have a peculiarity: they can deceive. Their external batteries are much cheaper than their branded counterparts; they often indicate a capacity 2 or 3 times higher than the real one. Prices that are too low can be a trap. Although branded Power Banks in such stores can be fakes.



If you need compactness, you can pay attention to ergonomic models, for example, Anker Astro E1. This battery will not take up much space in your bag or pocket.



The ideal option would be batteries with a capacity of about 10,000 mAh. This is approximately three times more than the battery of a modern smartphone, which means that even taking into account the loss of energy during charging, it will be enough to fully restore the gadget’s charge several times. A high-quality example of such a power bank is the Anker PowerCore 10400 mAh model.

Another option for a high-quality external battery with universal functionality is the Aukey PB-N42 10,000 mAh.

Supports fast and wireless charging


If universal options are not your option, then you should pay attention to models with additional functions. For example, a power bank with fast charging support will be able to charge compatible gadgets much faster than usual. If the battery is capable of delivering a consistently high current (about 2A), then even without fast charging support, your gadgets will charge stably and relatively quickly.

Among the ones we recommend is the Baseus Wireless Charge Power Bank 8000 mAh external battery. Its main feature is the presence wireless charging Qi standard. That is, to charge a smartphone, you don’t need to connect a wire to it, just put it on an external battery and that’s it. Charging started. In addition to wireless charging with a current of 1A, the device supports a wired USB connection of two compatible devices, while the output current to the USB connectors is 2A.

A good option for iPhone is the Zikko PowerBag 6000 mAh external battery. The main difference from popular Xiaomi external batteries is MFI certification, which means the battery is compatible with all Apple devices. Device supports fast charging- the output current to the USB connectors is 2.4 A. In order to monitor the battery capacity, there are special LED indicators at the end. A nice bonus is that the smartphone is connected to the battery using the included Lightning cable.

With record capacity


If you need a strategic boost of power, check out the HyperJuice 26,000mAh AC Battery Pack. This giant can quickly charge absolutely any device, including a tablet, other portable equipment and even a laptop. There are 2 USB output connectors here. One provides a maximum charging power of 3A at a voltage of 5W, and the other provides a current of 2.4A. A nice bonus is the ability to provide 220W power to any electrical appliances with a power consumption of up to 100W. You can connect a laptop, a flashlight, and even a blender to this battery.

The HyperJuice AC Battery Pack case is made of aluminum alloy, which perfectly protects the device from external mechanical influences.

We hope that our tips will help you buy a truly high-quality external battery and charge your phone, smartphone, laptop or e-reader without any problems.

What is a portable phone charger called? In the current age of high technology, each of us has many different gadgets. These are smartphones and e-readers. players and iPads,
What is the portable phone charger called? Mobile charging for phone
What is the portable phone charger called?

What is the portable phone charger called?

In the current age of high technology, each of us has many different gadgets. These are smartphones and e-readers. players and iPads, tablets and laptops. All this electronics operates from the energy accumulated by the battery during recharging from the mains or other power source. But when you go on vacation in nature or are, for example, on a long bus trip, charging your equipment becomes problematic.

Of course, there is a way out of this situation, and not even just one. You can purchase an additional battery for your mobile phone instead of a charger - this will significantly save your time. If the phone runs out, you should insert a second battery and you can continue communicating. But in this case, you will have to buy separate batteries for each gadget and carry them with you, and this will result in unnecessary and unjustified expenses.

Benefits of a portable phone charger

Another alternative is to buy a charger that does not need electrical network. Simply connect it to your mobile phone using a cable. Such a device is often called pocket-sized, since it has very small dimensions and weight, and the charging process itself can take place in your suitcase, bag, or simply in your pocket. This device (by the way, they are also called external batteries) is becoming increasingly popular for one simple reason - it is very convenient! Let's talk about the benefits of a portable charger for your smartphone or regular mobile phone:

  1. The main advantage is the versatility of such a device, because with the help of one single device you can charge almost any of your gadgets.

  2. The external battery is universal, and therefore it is convenient to use it on a family trip, charging the mobile phones of all family members in turn.

  3. Some types of portable devices (we'll talk about them a little later) do not require an electrical outlet at all, but are charged from alternative energy sources.

  4. This universal portable charger makes a great gift for anyone. modern man who uses the telephone.

Types of pocket phone chargers

There are several types of such chargers. The most important difference is the power of the charger, designed for a phone or, say, a netbook. We will look at the types of so-called low-power chargers designed specifically for mobile phones and other portable devices:

External battery for phone: selection criteria and how to use

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The best external battery for your phone

Battery capacity is one of the most important criteria for choosing a phone. Everyone wants their device to serve for a long time and not fail at the most crucial moment. However, battery power is limited, and even on the most modern smartphones it will eventually run out, especially if you actively surf the Internet, use a GPS navigator, or play games. In some cases, it is critical that the phone remains turned on while charging it is not possible. For example, if you are on the road or find yourself in an unfamiliar city. In this case, a suddenly dead phone can cause a panic attack.

Taken from the site: usb102.ru

To prevent such annoying situations and always be in touch, you should purchase an external battery for your phone. It's small portable device will help you charge your battery at any time. When choosing such devices, there are several important characteristics to keep in mind.

How to choose a portable charger?

When choosing a portable battery, you should consider the following indicators:

  • Battery capacity

  • Current strength

  • Number of USB connectors

  • Accessories

  • Additional features

Battery capacity

One of the most important indicators is the capacity, which is expressed in milliamps per hour (mAh). When choosing a device, be guided by the fact that the external battery exceeds the capacity of the device being charged by approximately 2.5-3 times. As a rule, the actual capacity of the battery does not correspond to what is stated by the manufacturer. Therefore, they cannot boast of 100% efficiency. Therefore, a battery with a capacity of 5000 mAh will not be able to charge a device with a 2500 mAh battery 2 times. For small devices A battery with a capacity of 5000-10,000 mAh will do. Having studied the volume of the device, you will know how to choose a portable battery for your phone and not make a mistake.

The efficiency of your portable battery depends on the amperage. For older phones, 0.5 A is enough, and for more modern smartphones and tablets - 1 A. It is worth choosing a battery that will suit your phone. But it is also advisable that before choosing a portable charger, you should make sure that it has a “fast charging” function.

Taken from the site: palladium.ua

Number of USB connectors

If the device has two connectors, then you can charge two devices at the same time - yours or a friend's. This is very convenient, for example, if two important devices are discharged.


As a rule, the standard PowerBank package includes adapters for various types connectors - microUSB, Lighting, old Apple connector, miniUSB. It will be useful to have in the package network adapter for PowerBank.

Additional functions

As a rule, all modern external batteries have special indicators that allow you to visually assess the amount of charge remaining. There are also models with digital LCD indicators.

For safety reasons, batteries are equipped with automatic shutdown systems that protect devices from sudden power surges and short circuits. Some devices have automatic load shut-off features that help prevent wasted energy.

Many power banks have LED lights, which will help you get lost in the dark. Also, some devices are equipped with additional gadgets such as wi-fi, flash drives and even hand warmers. Before choosing a portable phone charger, be sure to evaluate their list of features and choose the ones you need most.

Rating of portable chargers

There are several leaders on the market whose characteristics are superior to models from other manufacturers. We’ll talk about them now, and try to find out which is the best external battery to buy for your device.

Canyon CNE-CPB44 - the best portable battery

Taken from the site: shark.sk

Compact, inexpensive and convenient PowerBank that will save you in difficult times. It is so small and light that you can hide it in your pants or shirt pocket without any hassle. A powerful current of 1A allows you to charge your phone with the same efficiency as from a wall outlet. The battery case is durable. Thanks to 4 indicators, you will always know how much charge is left in the device. The device is also equipped with a powerful LED flashlight. The battery capacity is 4400 mAh.

Samsung EB-PN915B

Taken from the site: mvideo.ru

Portable battery from a well-known Korean company. The device boasts an impressive 11,400mAh capacity. The current power is 2A, which allows you to charge any phone in the shortest possible time. Separately, it is worth noting the ability to charge two devices simultaneously. The battery has a built-in cable 6 centimeters long. The charge level is indicated by corresponding indicators on the surface of the device.

The design for PowerBank was created by Subgsil, which wanted to draw attention to the problem of survival rare species animals, images of endangered fauna were applied to the front side of the battery.

InterStep PB16800 - the best external battery for your phone

Taken from the site: reditstudio.ru

This compact battery has an impressive energy reserve of 16,800 mAh. This amount of charge is enough for the longest trip. The oblong design of the device makes it convenient to use. The battery has a powerful built-in flashlight, as well as two USB outputs for connecting to external devices. A current of 2 A allows you to charge the device as quickly as possible. In total, the battery lasts for 500 charges.

Hiper SLIM3500

Taken from the site: sidex.ru

This portable battery has a stylish and elegant design. Thanks to the thin 4.5mm body, you can carry the device with you in your pocket without unnecessary inconvenience. The battery capacity is 3500 mAh. The current strength is 1 A. The LED indicator will always keep you informed about the current charge of the device. This PowerBank comes with a USB adapter.

ASUS ZenPower ABTU005

Taken from the site: stolica.ru

The battery of this portable battery is enclosed in an aluminum case that is no larger in size than a credit card. The output current is 2.4 A, which is comparable to charging from a regular outlet. Charging time will be approximately 2.5 hours. The battery itself has a capacity of 6600 mAh, so it will last for a long time. The device is also equipped with an emergency shutdown system, which will protect the device in case of a short circuit.

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 16000 - the best portable charger

Taken from the site: krutmobile.com.ua

Xiaomi has taken a leading position in the electronics industry, offering the best price-quality ratio. Their portable batteries are no exception in this regard. The device has a capacity of 10200 mAh. The presence of two ports allows you to charge two devices at once. The current on both ports is 2.1 A. This is enough to charge the battery of a tablet or smartphone in a couple of hours. The amount of charge in the battery can be recognized by the indicator on the device.

Canyon CNE-CPB100

Taken from the site: petromap.ru

The Canyon company became famous for producing portable batteries. The CNE-CPB100 model boasts a capacity of 10,000 mAh and the presence of two USB connectors. This way, you can charge two devices at once. The output current power is 2 A. The compact dimensions of the device make it easy to carry in your pocket or purse. Separately, it is worth noting the affordable price of the device.


Taken from the site: compw.ru

TP-Link decided to experiment with the shape of the device and created an elongated rectangle instead of the usual flat battery. The design, unusual for powerbanks, looks very nice and is practical.

The device capacity is 10,400 mAh. This volume is enough to charge the currently popular iPhone 6S 4 times.

The device has as many as 6 degrees of protection against sudden energy surges or short circuits. The battery is equipped with two USB ports with a current capacity of 1 and 2 amperes. TP-Link engineers also equipped the gadget with a blue LED flashlight. Thus, the device will not only save your phone from sudden shutdown, but will also help you find your way in the dark.

Canyon CNE-CPB78

Taken from the site: kupi.tut.by

A worthy product from a well-known manufacturer of mobile peripherals - Canyon. CNE-CPB78 has a cute and compact design. You can also add to the list of advantages the presence of two USB ports and a built-in LED flashlight. The impressive 6800 mAh battery capacity allows you to charge the phone in a matter of hours, and the battery lasts for 3-4 full charging cycles. Also a significant plus is the affordable price.

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 10000

Taken from chipmart.ru

Another product from a famous Chinese manufacturer. This is a fairly recent development from Xiaomi, which has become lighter and more compact than its predecessors. The battery was enclosed in an aluminum case, which should reliably protect your device from external influences. At the same time, the Powerbank weighs only 200 grams. The battery capacity is 10,000 mAh. This is enough to fully charge any modern smartphone three times. In this case, the battery itself is fully charged in 5.5 hours. The amount of available charge can be determined by the corresponding indicators on the device.

We hope this TOP will help you choose the best portable charger. To this rating portable batteries We have included the most popular devices that have received the most recognition from consumers. But when choosing, you still need to focus on the performance of your device, so as not to make a mistake.

Portable phone chargers: what they are and how they work

The main problem with modern phones and tablets is small capacity battery Most smartphones barely survive until the evening or die at the most inopportune moment. Large screens, powerful 4G and 5G apps all suck up battery capacity and drain your phone at the most inopportune times. Is there a real opportunity to extend its service life and not get into an unpleasant situation? The solution is simple - use portable chargers for your phone, recharging it if necessary at your workplace, in a car or on the subway. In this article we will talk about how to choose the right portable charger for your phone and how to use it correctly.

You've probably encountered a situation where your phone runs out of charge at the most inopportune moment. It’s good if this happens at home or in the office, where it can be recharged. But if you go on a trip and use your smartphone as a navigator, if you urgently need to take an important call or check your email, and it takes several hours to get to the nearest outlet, then only a portable charger or a spare battery will help you, which you will have to charge separately or carry with you .

Classic Power Bank for charging

Working with a spare battery is not always convenient - the phone will have to be disassembled, replaced, and turned off. In some models, the battery is not removable at all, so this trick will not work. Portable charging is preferable for this.

Most chargers are batteries that charge from a USB connector and transfer charge through a cable to the phone. There are also various exotic chargers from solar battery or a fire, but they are mainly of interest to tourists. In our article we will focus on the so-called Power Banks, which are colloquially called external batteries. Let's look at what types of portable batteries there are for charging your phone, how they differ, and which device you can choose to play it safe.

Portable phone batteries are very popular in the market these days.

What is Power Bank

Power Bank is essentially a universal battery suitable for charging any devices via USB or mini-USB connector. It is an array assembled from several small batteries connected into one unit and packaged in a beautiful case. The battery capacity depends on the number of elements; in popular models it varies from 5 mAh to 15 mAh.

The Power Bank case can be plastic or aluminum, it contains 1-2 outputs, charge indicators, a power button and other additional options. For example, some models have a built-in LED that allows you to use the Bank as a flashlight. But the main task of the device is to charge phones, smartphones, tablets and other devices.

More about capacity

If you are choosing a portable charger for your mobile phone, be sure to pay attention to the number of “mach” (mAh) or milliamp-hours. It is in them that the capacity is indicated and how much your smartphone will charge depends on this indicator.

Attention: The larger the capacity of the Power Bank, the greater its weight and size. There is no need to buy overly powerful devices for your smartphone if you only need to recharge your phone occasionally - this will be an unreasonable waste of money, and carrying a huge and heavy device will be inconvenient.

Inside the Power Bank there are modern lithium-polymer or lithium-ion batteries, the main advantage of which is the minimum self-discharge current and high specific energy intensity. They can withstand up to 500-600 charge/discharge cycles, after which they slowly begin to degrade. On average, when charging the phone 2-3 times a week, they last for 5-6 years, which is quite a decent period for modern batteries.

Solar charging will be useful for tourists and travelers

Now let's figure out how to choose the right container. There are currently devices on sale with capacities from 2 to 20mAh. Find out what the battery capacity is on your phone. Add 20% to this and you get the required capacity.

Example: Your smartphone has a 2200mAh battery. To fully charge, you need to use a Power Bank with a capacity of 2200+2200*0.2=2640. That is, theoretically, a bank with a capacity of 2.5 mach is enough for you to fully charge, but it’s better to play it safe and take 3.

Tablets have more high-capacity batteries, so devices with a capacity of 7-15 mach are suitable for them.

Calculating the number of charging cycles

Let's consider one subtlety of portable phone chargers that you must know and take into account before choosing. Many people believe that if the battery capacity is 3mAh, then by purchasing a 15mAh charger you can charge the phone 5 times. But this is a deep misconception. If you are choosing a bank that can charge the battery several times, then carefully read the following information.

  1. Batteries self-discharge. If you charge a 15 swing device to 100%, then after two days its capacity will be 14, after another 2 days it will be 11, etc. different devices different degrees of self-discharge, but it is present everywhere.

  2. Power Bank is not 100% efficient. So, the battery has an output voltage of 3.7-3.5 volts (depending on the state of charge), while USB requires 5 volts. Therefore, a step-up transformer is included in the bank circuit, which also eats up part of the capacity. It is noteworthy that in the phone these 5 volts are converted back to 3.7 volts and the loss occurs again.

On average, a bank is able to give away 70-80% of its capacity when charging real capacity. And if in the city these losses are insignificant (“by feeding” the phone from the Power Bank, you can get to a full charge), then for travelers this can become a problem. Therefore, be sure to purchase devices with a margin of 20, or even 30 percent, in order to get the desired values.

Example: if the capacity of your smartphone battery is 2200mAh and you plan to charge it from the bank at least 5 times, then 2200*5=11000+11000*0.3=14300. A capacity of 15,000 Mach will be enough to charge the device the required number of times before the batteries inside begin to degrade.

How to choose the right one

Now you know what a portable phone charger is called, how to correctly calculate the capacity and reserve. Let's figure out which device is suitable for your phone.

The key advice is to decide in what format and when you need recharging. If you use your phone for work and in 99% of cases out of 100 it lasts all day, and you charge it every night, then a small key fob with a capacity of 1mAh that you can carry on your keys will be enough for you. It will not overload your pocket or get in the way, and this capacity is enough to charge the phone by 30-40 percent and easily reach the classic charger.

A standard charger is the size of a pack of cigarettes.

When considering small pocket chargers for phones, you should focus on batteries built into the cases. These are quite interesting devices, the main advantage of which is their compact size. You simply purchase a convenient protective case for your phone and with it you get an additional 2-3 thousand mAh battery, capable of fully charging your smartphone if necessary.

Charge currents

Native phone chargers have such a parameter as charging current. It can vary from 0.5 to 1.5 Amperes (sometimes even 2 A). The higher the current, the faster the battery charges. For pocket chargers, this parameter is lower than for wired ones, and is usually 0.2-1 A. When choosing a device, remember that the higher the charging current, the sooner the device will charge. Do not buy inexpensive devices with minimal performance - very often they only provide maintenance of the battery charge, without actually charging the phone (during operation, the smartphone consumes as much or even more than what a weak Power Bank gives it). Buy devices with power over 0.5 A, and preferably 1 A, then your phone will charge in 3 hours instead of 5.

Li-Ion devices

The most common types of chargers are devices powered by lithium-ion batteries type 18650. They are similar to ordinary AA batteries, but are larger in size. Output voltage is 3.7 volts, standard capacity is 2500 mAh, weight is 45 grams. Li-Ion batteries can withstand up to 600 charges without degradation; by 1000 charge cycles they lose 20% of their capacity. The main advantage of elements on lithium-ion devices is their long service life, low self-discharge current, light weight and lack of memory effect.

One of the disadvantages is the violation of the battery seal, which manifests itself when the device overheats - do not leave it on the battery, in the sun under the car window, or in other places with high temperatures. Overheating when charging does not occur on modern high-quality devices - special protection is installed in the unit.

Attention: Today on the market there are a lot of fakes from unscrupulous manufacturers promising 30,000-50,000 mAh in inexpensive devices. Buy only branded Power Banks from trusted places.

Li-ion batteries inside charging

Let us note the approximate dependence of capacity on mass - 5,000 mach weighs at least 100 grams. Therefore, a 50,000 device will weigh a kilogram, and not 300 grams, as promised in various online stores. However, such a system for determining the real capacity is not a panacea - the Chinese have learned to put weights in the case to convince buyers that the characteristics are real. You can check the capacity using a multimeter or calculations.

Li-Polymer devices

Lithium polymer batteries are considered more advanced devices compared to lithium ion batteries. The electrolyte in them is a special polymer with lithium gel. They are rectangular plastic bags with two terminals. The package contains electrolyte and working elements. The Power Bank case reliably protects unstable batteries from damage. Key advantages include low weight, high energy density per unit volume, and absence of memory effect. The downside is a complex circuit that protects the battery from overheating and provides a specialized current charging mode. Also, you should not allow the battery to be deeply discharged, since it may not turn on (you will need to apply voltage directly to the contacts, bypassing the circuit, to revive it).

Attention: Buy only certified lithium polymer devices, as counterfeits often fail. They are prone to fire, releasing enormous amounts of heat and gas that is extremely harmful to health.

It is from these batteries that fires start and phones burn out. If a short circuit occurs while charging, the device may cause a serious fire.

Polymer battery without case

If you want to be always in touch or your phone plays an important role in your life, then a portable charger is a must-have in your pocket. The main thing is to decide on its capacity and weight. For travelers who spend a week without a power outlet, powerful batteries with a capacity of 15-30 thousand mach are suitable, for office employees small 1-3 thousand batteries. We recommend that you purchase original chargers so as not to be disappointed in them - today there are a lot of fakes on the market. A quality item will not be cheap. The average price of an original bank is $30-40.

If you have a phone and a tablet, you can purchase a device with two outputs - it can charge them simultaneously. There are many options on the market, do your research before making your final choice.
