Converting energy-saving lamps into a power supply. What can you get from an old energy-saving lamp? Radio components for reuse


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry"s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries , but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Switching power supply from an energy-saving lamp

One of the most simple ways Making a switching power supply with your own hands from “improvised means” involves converting an energy-saving lamp for such a power supply. Since the main reason for the failure of compact fluorescent lamps is the burnout of one of the filaments of the bulb, almost all of them can be converted into a switching power supply with the required voltage.

In this particular case, I converted the electronic ballast circuit of a 15-watt light bulb into a 12-volt, 1-amp switching power supply.

Each lamp manufacturer has its own sets of parts with certain ratings in the circuits of manufactured electronic ballasts, but all circuits are standard. Therefore, in the diagram I did not show the entire lamp circuit, but indicated only its typical beginning and the piping of the lamp bulb. The electronic ballast circuit is drawn in black and red. Red– the bulb and the capacitor connected to two filaments are highlighted. They should be removed. Green The colors on the diagram indicate the elements that need to be added. Capacitor C1 - should be replaced with a larger capacity, for example, 10-20u 400v.

A fuse and input filter are added to the left side of the circuit. L2 is made on the ring from motherboard, has two windings of 15 turns of twisted pair wire Ø – 0.5 mm. The ring has an outer diameter of 16mm, an inner diameter of 8.5mm, and a width of 6.3mm. Choke L3 has 10 turns Ø – 1 mm, made on a ring from the transformer of another energy-saving lamp.

You should choose a lamp with a larger emptiness of the Tr1 choke window, since it will need to be converted into a transformer. I managed to wind 26 turns Ø – 0.5 mm on each half of the secondary winding. This type of winding requires perfectly symmetrical winding halves. To achieve this, I recommend winding the secondary winding in two wires at once, each of which will serve as a symmetrical half of the other.

I left the transistors without radiators, because... the expected consumption of the circuit is less than the power consumed by the lamp. As a test, 5 meters RGB was connected to the maximum glow for 2 hours LED strip, consumption 12v 1A.

The failure of the battery of a cordless screwdriver or other power tool is not the most pleasant event, especially considering that the cost of replacing this element is comparable to the price of a new device. But perhaps unplanned expenses can be avoided? This is quite possible if you replace the battery with a simple homemade energy-saving pulse-type power supply, with which the tool can be charged from the mains. And the components for it can be found in an affordable and ubiquitous product - this.

Energy saving light bulb ballast source

DIY UPS from a fluorescent lamp

In most cases, to assemble a UPS, the electronic choke of the epra should only be slightly modified (with a two-transistor circuit) by using a jumper, and then connected to a pulse transformer and rectifier. Some components are simply removed as unnecessary.

Homemade power supply

For weak power supplies (from 3.7 V to 20 watts), you can do without a transformer. It will be enough to add a few turns of wire to the magnetic circuit of the choke lamp in the ballast, if, of course, there is room for this. A new winding can be made directly on top of the existing one.

MGTF brand wire with fluoroplastic insulation is perfect for this. Typically, little wire is required, while almost the entire lumen of the magnetic circuit is occupied by insulation, which determines the low power of such devices. To increase it, you will need a pulse transformer.

Pulse transformer

A feature of the described UPS version is the ability to adapt to some extent to the parameters of the transformer, as well as the absence of a circuit feedback passing through this element. This connection diagram allows you to do without a particularly accurate calculation of the transformer.

As practice has shown, even with gross errors (deviations of more than 140% were allowed), the UPS can be given a second life and it turned out to be operational.

The transformer is made on the basis of the same inductor, on which the secondary winding is wound from varnished winding copper wire. In this case, it is important to pay special attention to the inter-winding insulation made from a paper gasket, because the “native” winding of the inductor will operate under mains voltage.

Even if it is covered with synthetic protective film, it is still necessary to wind several layers of electrical cardboard or at least ordinary paper with a total thickness of 100 microns (0.1 mm) on top of it, and the varnished wire of the new winding can be laid on top of the paper.

The diameter of the wire should be the largest possible. Vitkov in secondary winding there will not be many, so their optimal number can be selected experimentally.

Using the specified materials and technology, you can obtain a power supply with a power of 20 or a little more watts. In this case, its value is limited by the area of ​​the magnetic circuit window and, accordingly, by the maximum diameter of the wire that can be placed there.


To avoid saturation of the magnetic circuit, only full-wave output rectifiers are used in the UPS. In the event that the pulse transformer operates to reduce the voltage, the most economical is the zero-point circuit, but to implement it you will need to make two completely symmetrical secondary windings. When winding manually, you can wind it in two wires.

A standard rectifier assembled using a “diode bridge” circuit from ordinary silicon diodes is not suitable for a pulsed UPS, since out of 100 W of transmitted power (at a voltage of 5 V), about 32 W or more will be lost on it. Assembling a rectifier using powerful pulse diodes will be too expensive.

UPS setup

After assembling the UPS, you need to connect it to the maximum load and check how hot the transistors and transformer are. The limit for a transformer is 60 - 65 degrees, for transistors - 40 degrees. When the transformer overheats, they increase the cross-section of the wire or the overall power of the magnetic circuit, or perform both actions together. If the transformer is made from a lamp ballast choke, it will most likely not be possible to increase the cross-section of the wire and you will have to limit the connected load.

How to make an LED power supply with increased power

Sometimes the standard power of a lamp's electronic ballast is not enough. Let's imagine a situation: there is 23 W, but you need to get a power source for charger with parameters 12V/8A.

In order to implement your plan, you will have to get computer unit food that turned out to be unclaimed for some reason. The power transformer along with the R4C8 chain should be removed from this block, which performs the function of protecting power transistors from overvoltage. The power transformer should be connected to the electronic ballast instead of the choke.

It was experimentally found that this type The UPS allows you to remove power up to 45 W with slight overheating of the transistors (up to 50 degrees).

To avoid overheating, it is necessary to install a transformer with an increased core cross-section in the transistor bases, and install the transistors themselves on a radiator.

Possible mistakes

As already mentioned, the inclusion in the circuit as an output rectifier of a conventional low-frequency diode bridge inappropriate, but increased power The UPS shouldn't do this anyway.

It is also pointless to try to wind the base windings directly on the power transformer for the sake of simplifying the circuit. In the absence of load, significant losses will occur due to the fact that the maximum current will flow into the bases of the transistors.

As the load current increases, the transformer used also increases the current in the bases of the transistors. Practice shows that when the load power reaches 75 W, saturation occurs in the magnetic circuit of the transformer. This leads to deterioration in the performance of transistors and their overheating.

To avoid this, you can wind the current transformer yourself by doubling the cross-section of the core or by folding two rings together. You can also double the diameter of the wire.

There is a way to get rid of the base transformer that performs the intermediate function. To do this, the current transformer is connected through a powerful resistor to a separate winding of the power heater, implementing a voltage feedback circuit. The disadvantage of this option is that the current transformer constantly operates in saturation mode.

The transformer cannot be connected in parallel with the choke present in the ballast converter. Due to the decrease in the total inductance, the frequency of the power supply will increase. This phenomenon will lead to increased losses in the transformer and overheating of the output rectifier transistors.

The increased sensitivity of Schottky diodes to exceeding the reverse voltage and current values ​​should be taken into account. Trying to install, say, a 5-volt diode into a 12-volt circuit will likely result in the element failing.

Do not try to replace transistors and diodes with domestic ones, for example, KT812A and KD213. This clearly leads to deterioration in the performance of the device.

How to connect a UPS to a screwdriver

The power tool must be disassembled by unscrewing all screws. Typically, the screwdriver body consists of two halves. Next, you should find the wires that connect the engine to the battery. These wires can be connected to the UPS output using soldering or heat-shrink tubing; twisted wires are not recommended.

To enter the wire from the power supply, a hole must be made in the tool body. It is important to take measures to prevent the wire from being pulled out in the event of careless movements or accidental jerks. The simplest option is to crimp the wire inside the housing near the hole with a clip made from a short piece of soft wire folded in half (aluminum will do). Having dimensions exceeding the diameter of the hole, the clip will not allow the wire to come off and fall out of the housing in the event of a jerk.

As you can see, an energy-saving light bulb, even if it has served its intended life, can bring considerable benefits to its owner. A UPS assembled on the basis of its components can be successfully used as a source of energy for cordless power tools or a charger.


This video will tell you how to assemble a power supply unit (PSU) from energy-saving lamps.

Energy-saving light bulbs are widely used for both domestic and industrial purposes. Over time, any lamp becomes faulty. However, if desired, the lamp can be revived by assembling a power supply from an energy-saving lamp. In this case, the filling of a failed light bulb is used as components of the block.

Pulse block and its purpose

At both ends of the tube fluorescent lamp There are electrodes, an anode and a cathode. Applying power causes the lamp components to heat up. After heating, electrons are released, which collide with mercury molecules. The consequence of this is ultraviolet radiation.

Due to the presence of phosphor in the tube, the phosphor is converted into the visible glow of the light bulb. The light does not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time after connecting to the power supply. The more worn out the lamp is, the longer the interval.

The operation of a switching power supply is based on the following principles:

  1. Converting alternating current from the electrical network to direct current. In this case, the voltage does not change (that is, it remains 220 V).
  2. Transformation of DC voltage into rectangular pulses due to the operation of a width pulse converter. The pulse frequency ranges from 20 to 40 kHz.
  3. Supplying voltage to the lamp using a choke.

Source uninterruptible power supply(UPS) consists of a number of components, each of which has its own marking in the circuit:

  1. R0 - plays a limiting and protective role in the power supply. The device prevents and stabilizes excessive current flowing through the diodes at the time of connection.
  2. VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4 - act as bridge rectifiers.
  3. L0, C0 - are transmission filters electric current and protect against voltage surges.
  4. R1, C1, VD8 and VD2 - represent a chain of converters used during startup. The first resistor (R1) is used to charge capacitor C1. As soon as the capacitor breaks through the dinistor (VD2), it and the transistor open, resulting in self-oscillation in the circuit. Next, a rectangular pulse is sent to the diode cathode (VD8). A negative indicator appears, covering the second dinistor.
  5. R2, C11, C8 - facilitate the start of operation of the converters.
  6. R7, R8 - optimize the closing of transistors.
  7. R6, R5 - form boundaries for electric current on transistors.
  8. R4, R3 - are used as fuses during voltage surges in transistors.
  9. VD7 VD6 - protect power supply transistors from return current.
  10. TV1 is a reverse communication transformer.
  11. L5 - ballast choke.
  12. C4, C6 - act as isolation capacitors. Divide all the tension into two parts.
  13. TV2 is a pulse type transformer.
  14. VD14, VD15 - pulse diodes.
  15. C9, C10 - filter capacitors.

Note! In the diagram below, the components that need to be removed when remaking the block are marked in red. Points A-A connected by a jumper.

Only a thoughtful selection of individual elements and their correct installation will allow you to create an efficiently and reliably operating power supply.

Differences between a lamp and a pulse unit

The circuit of the energy-saving lamp is in many ways similar to the structure of a switching power supply. That is why it is not difficult to make a switching power supply. To remake the device, you will need a jumper and an additional transformer that will issue pulses. The transformer must have a rectifier.

To make the power supply lighter, the glass is removed fluorescent light bulb. The power parameter is limited by the highest throughput of the transistors and the size of the cooling elements. To increase power, it is necessary to wind additional winding on the inductor.

Modification of the block

Before you start remaking the power supply, you need to choose output power current The degree of modernization of the system depends on this indicator. If the power is in the range of 20-30 W, there will be no need for deep changes in the circuit. If the planned power is more than 50 W, a more systematic upgrade is needed.

Note! At the exit from the power supply there will be constant pressure. It is not possible to obtain an alternating voltage at a frequency of 50 Hz.

Power determination

Power is calculated according to the formula:

As an example, consider the situation with a power supply having the following characteristics:

  • voltage - 12 V;
  • current strength - 2 A.

We calculate the power:

P = 2 × 12 = 24 W.

The final power parameter will be higher - approximately 26 W, which allows for possible overloads to be taken into account. Thus, to create a power supply, a fairly minor intervention in the circuit of a standard 25 W economy lamp will be required.

New components

New electronic components include:

  • diode bridge VD14-VD17;
  • 2 capacitors C9 and C10;
  • winding on the ballast choke (L5), the number of turns of which is determined empirically.

An additional winding performs another important function- is a separating transformer and protects against voltage penetration to the UPS outputs.

To calculate the required number of turns in the additional winding, perform the following steps:

  1. Temporarily apply a winding to the inductor (approximately 10 turns of wire).
  2. We connect the winding to the load resistance (power from 30 W and resistance 5-6 Ohms).
  3. We connect to the network and measure the voltage at the load resistance.
  4. We divide the result obtained by the number of turns and find out how many volts there are for each turn.
  5. We find out the required number of turns for a permanent winding.

The calculation procedure is shown in more detail below.

To calculate the required number of turns, divide the planned voltage for the block by the voltage of one turn. The result is the number of turns. It is recommended to add 5-10% to the final result, which will allow you to have a certain margin.

Do not forget that the original inductor winding is under mains voltage. If you need to wind a new layer of winding on it, take care of the inter-winding insulating layer. It is especially important to observe this rule when PEL type wire in enamel insulation is applied. Polytetrafluoroethylene tape (0.2 mm thick) is suitable as an interwinding insulating layer, which will increase the density of threaded connections. This type of tape is used by plumbers.

Note! The power in the block is limited by the overall power of the transformer involved, as well as the maximum possible current of the transistors.

Making your own power supply

You can make a UPS yourself. This will require minor modifications to the electronic throttle jumper. Next, the connection is made to the pulse transformer and rectifier. Individual elements of the scheme are removed due to their unnecessary use.

If the power supply is not too high-power (up to 20 W), it is not necessary to install a transformer. A few turns of conductor wound around a magnetic circuit located on the ballast of the light bulb is enough. However, this operation can only be carried out if there is sufficient space for the winding. For example, a conductor of the MGTF type with a fluoroplastic insulating layer is suitable for it.

Usually not much wire is needed, since almost the entire lumen of the magnetic circuit is given over to the insulation. It is this factor that limits the power of such blocks. To increase power you will need a pulse type transformer.

A distinctive characteristic of this type of SMPS (switching power supply) is the ability to adapt it to the characteristics of the transformer. In addition, the system does not have a feedback loop. The connection diagram is such that there is no need for particularly accurate calculations of the transformer parameters. Even if a gross error is made in the calculations, the uninterruptible power supply will most likely function.

A pulse transformer is created on the basis of a choke, on which a secondary winding is superimposed. As such, varnished copper wire is used.

The interwinding insulating layer is most often made of paper. In some cases, a synthetic film is applied to the winding. However, even in this case, you should additionally protect yourself and wrap 3-4 layers of special electrical protective cardboard. As a last resort, paper with a thickness of 0.1 millimeter or more is used. Copper wire imposed only after this safety measure has been provided.

As for the diameter of the conductor, it should be as large as possible. The number of turns in the secondary winding is small, so the appropriate diameter is usually selected by trial and error.


To prevent saturation of the magnetic circuit in the uninterruptible power supply, only full-wave output rectifiers are used. For a pulse transformer operating to reduce voltage, a circuit with a zero mark is considered optimal. However, for it it is necessary to make two absolutely symmetrical secondary windings.

For a switching uninterruptible power supply, do not regular will do a rectifier operating according to a diode bridge circuit (using silicon diodes). The fact is that for every 100 W of transported power, the losses will be at least 32 W. If you make a rectifier from powerful pulsed diodes, the costs will be high.

Setting up an uninterruptible power supply

When the power supply is assembled, all that remains is to connect it to the largest load to check whether the transistors and transformer are overheating. The maximum temperature for the transformer is 65 degrees, and for transistors - 40 degrees. If the transformer gets too hot, you need to take a conductor with a larger cross-section or increase the overall power of the magnetic circuit.

The above actions can be performed simultaneously. For transformers made from choke balances, it will most likely not be possible to increase the cross-section of the conductor. In this case, the only option is to reduce the load.

High Power UPS

In some cases, the standard ballast power is not enough. As an example, let's take the following situation: you have a 24 W lamp and you need a UPS for charging with characteristics of 12 V/8 A.

To implement the scheme, you will need an unused computer power supply. From the block we take out the power transformer along with the R4C8 circuit. This circuit protects the power transistors from excessive voltage. We connect the power transformer to electronic ballast. In this situation, the transformer replaces the inductor. Below is a diagram for assembling an uninterruptible power supply based on an energy-saving light bulb.

It is known from practice that this type of block makes it possible to receive up to 45 W of power. The heating of the transistors is within the normal range, not exceeding 50 degrees. To completely eliminate overheating, it is recommended to install a transformer with a large core cross-section into the transistor bases. Transistors are placed directly on the radiator.

Potential Bugs

There is no point in simplifying the circuit by applying the base windings directly to the power transformer. If there is no load, considerable losses will occur, since a large current will flow into the transistor bases.

If a transformer is used with an increase in load current, the current in the transistor bases will also increase. It has been empirically established that after the load reaches 75 W, saturation occurs in the magnetic circuit. The result of this is a decrease in the quality of the transistors and their excessive heating. To prevent such developments, it is recommended to wind the transformer yourself using a larger core cross-section. It is also possible to fold two rings together. Another option is to use a larger conductor diameter.

The base transformer, which acts as an intermediate link, can be removed from the circuit. For this purpose, the current transformer is connected to a dedicated winding of the power transformer. This is done using a high-power resistor based on a feedback circuit. The disadvantage of this approach is the constant operation of the current transformer under saturation conditions.

It is unacceptable to connect the transformer together with the choke (located in the ballast converter). IN otherwise Due to the decrease in overall inductance, the UPS frequency will increase. The consequence of this will be losses in the transformer and excessive heating of the rectifier transistor at the output.

We must not forget about the high responsiveness of diodes to increased performance reverse voltage and current. For example, if you put a 6-volt diode in a 12-volt circuit, this element will quickly become unusable.

Transistors and diodes should not be replaced with low-quality electronic components. Operating characteristics of the element base Russian production leave much to be desired, and the result of replacement will be a decrease in the functionality of the uninterruptible power supply.

The author of the article clearly showed how to disassemble and what can be obtained for reuse from an old energy-saving lamp. In this way, you can “return” part of the money paid for this lamp in due time. If you manage to save the case with the base, then it can be used to make other lamps. Nowadays it is fashionable to make LED lamps with your own hands using improvised materials.

Burnt out energy saving lamp

Hi all,

Today I want to show you how you can make the most of that money you invested in an energy saving lamp by extracting its useful parts after it has burned out.


The purpose of this Instructable is to show you a source of free parts you can use for the following projects and reduce energy waste.

You can get these parts from energy saving lamps:

  • Capacitors
  • Diodes
  • Transistors
  • Reels

Required tools:

  • flat screwdriver or saw/cutting tool
  • desoldering pump
  • soldering iron

Please read the following text for your own safety. I don't want people to get hurt so read and please be careful.

Readme file:

  • Before you start, make sure the glass body of the energy-saving lamp is broken! If it is broken, you need to seal it in a bag or some kind of container to avoid exposure to the mercury inside the lamp.
  • Be very careful not to damage the glass and the lamp body! Do not try to open the lamp by turning the glass body or trying to break it or anything like that.
  • Do not try to open the lamp immediately after it has burned out. It contains a high voltage capacitor, which must perform first! Don't touch printed circuit board If you don't know if the capacitor stays charged or you may get an electric shock!
  • I think that best advice To dispose of burnt out or broken energy saving lamps, place them in a container (like a bucket with a lid or something) and keep the container in a safe place until you find a place to recycle them.
  • Please do not throw energy-saving lamps in the trash! Energy-saving lamps are environmentally hazardous and can harm people!

Step 2: Open the lamp housing

Disassembling an old energy-saving lamp

OK. Let's begin. Let's look at things first. Most cases are either glued or pinned together. (Mine was cut together, as are most of the other lamps I still have open.)

You should be able to open the case by prying it open with a screwdriver or by cutting it open with a saw.

In both cases you must be careful not to damage the glass body! Be very careful.

Once you have opened the case, you just need to cut the wires leading into the glass case so that you can put it in a safe place to get rid of this danger.

Step 3: Remove the PCB from the case

Sometimes the case cannot be saved.
The driver board for the energy-saving lamp is ready for wiring.

Now you need to remove the board from the case.

Be very careful not to touch the PCB with your bare hands! There is a high voltage capacitor (a large electrolytic capacitor can be seen in the photo) on the board, which could still be there! Try removing it from the circuit by cutting the stem and putting it in a safe place. (Make sure you don't touch your feet!)

Once the high voltage capacitor is removed from the board there will be nothing left to fear. Now you can begin to unsolder all useful elements.

Step 4: Unsolder all useful parts

Parts that we managed to unsolder

Now take your soldering iron and desoldering pump and spare parts.

As you can see in the picture there are a lot of useful parts on the PCB so you should be able to assemble a large number of useful elements for your project :)

OK it's all over Now. I hope I was able to provide you with some useful tips, and I hope you liked my Instructable :)

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