Promotion in Yandex search. Promotion in Yandex Maps and Google Maps

(Last update: 01/01/2020)

Hello again, friends! Welcome to my blog to learn with me the intricacies of the popular WordPress platform. Leading Internet spam and optimization specialist at Google Matt Cutts said that WordPress is an excellent CMS for a website in search engines. You, ladies and gentlemen, have made the right choice by deciding to create your project on WordPress. Today we have an important topic - correct setting Yoast SEO plugin.

It's time to talk to us about SEO optimization of your blog/site on WordPress. At different times, it was necessary to use several plugins for these purposes, for example, Platinum SEO or All in One SEO Pack, Breadcrumb NavXT and others. I present to you the best SEO plugin in the universe - Yoast SEO.

Considered the best WordPress SEO plugin - Yoast SEO

Time does not stand still and good plugins are replaced by even better ones. One of these plugins that has appeared is Yoast SEO for a WordPress site (old name WordPress SEO by Yoast). One of the best SEO plugins will now take on all the tasks of optimizing your website. Post updated.

WordPress Yoast SEO plugin is - automatic creation(site map) for search engines Google systems, Bing and Yandex; the ability to confirm your site for the webmaster’s account (will add a meta verification tag to your home page).

Setting up the display of your site in search results (write an SEO title and Meta description description; “Breadcrumbs” for your blog; setting up an RSS feed, editing files and htaccess directly from the administrative panel; analyzing the page when writing an article and much more, about what will be said below.

SEO Yoast WordPress Plugin

Yoast SEO Plugin #1

Yoast SEO - #1 SEO Plugin WordPress plugins. More than 5 million users have installed it, wow! It is updated very often, in my opinion more often than others installed on me. Comrades, improve your WordPress SEO: Work on the quality of your content and get a fully optimized WordPress site with the help of Yoast SEO plugin. Installation of the module occurs as usual, from the WP admin panel, in a standard way. Section Plugins - Add new. In the plugin search field, enter SEO Yoast, the first one will be in the list of plugins. Click Install:

SEO section with subsections

Setting up Yoast SEO

What settings SEO plugin can you produce? Naturally, we go from the very beginning: click General. Tab - console. You should see a notification about the start of the Yoast SEO setup wizard, as well as problems with your site and notifications (if any) that you will fix when setting up the plugin. Let's first make the initial SEO settings. Click the link: Get started quickly with the Yoast SEO Setup Wizard!

Primary SEO setup

After this, a special page will open in a new browser tab where the plugin will help you configure SEO to suit the needs of your site!

Select Yoast SEO settings according to your preference

Go through all 12 steps, noting the settings you need. Then return to your admin area and continue with the settings. Next tab Features. Yoast SEO offers many different services. You can activate/deactivate some of them below. Click on the question mark to get more information about the service:

General - Yoast SEO - Features

Enable everything, although everyone must decide for themselves, and by default all services are enabled. Many people here ask how to include a sitemap in Yoast SEO sitemap xml for search engines? This is where it turns on. It is also written there in Russian letters: XML sitemap - Include the Sitemap XML files that Yoast SEO generates.

An XML sitemap (sitemap.xml) tells search engines which pages of your site need to be indexed and when last update, update frequency and importance relative to other pages on the site. The sitemap.xml file can help search robots find all the pages of your site and correctly determine the importance of the pages. To report search engines location of the sitemap.xml file, you must specify the file URL in tools for webmasters (Yandex.Webmaster, Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools) and add a link to the map in robots.txt.

You can even view it immediately (not yet configured) by pressing ? and the corresponding link. And in the future you can find your XML sitemap here:

yoast seo create sitemap

Go ahead. Tab - Webmaster Tools. Use the following blocks to verify your site in different search engines. This setting will add a verification meta tag to your home page. This is when search engines ask the webmaster to confirm the rights to the site. You receive meta tags and insert the digital part into the required fields. Only mail ru is missing. Yes, by the way, he explained in great detail how to confirm the rights to the site different ways, read. This setting will add a confirmation meta tag to your site:

Enter the verification code to verify your site with Webmaster Tools

Don't forget to save all changes - blue button. Go to the page: Display in search results, General tab. Here, select the title separator. It will be shown between your post title and the site name. The symbols will appear in search results. And you definitely need to specify an SEO title for your site, and also, importantly, a meta description.

Meta description is a meta description of a site page. The description meta tag, unlike meta keywords, is valid and sufficient effective way influence on the presentation of the site in search results. The meta name description content is used when generating a snippet to describe the site in search.

For example, I have it written like this:

Displaying your site in search results

And in Yandex search my blog is presented like this:

WordPress Mania blog in Yandex search

You can define the title and description for the main page of the site as you wish.

Next, there is the "Content Types" tab. This is where the xml sitemap setup in Yoast SEO begins. It used to be different, but now it’s made it much clearer and simpler. Now it all comes down to answering a simple question: do you want this or that to appear in search engines (include in the sitemap or not)?

Setting up sitemap xml Yoast SEO

The settings on this page allow you to specify how the default search result will look for any content type. You can choose what type of content appears in search results and the default description option. You can make custom settings in the appropriate sections of Yoast SEO to ensure that your content is available for indexing by search robots.

For example, answering "Yes" to the "Show posts in search results" question in Post Settings will ensure that your articles will appear in the XML sitemap and therefore in search results.

Include posts and pages in the XML sitemap, and the date as you wish.

URL settings for individual Posts

Of course, you can exclude individual posts from the XML sitemap in the Yoast SEO meta block under the post editor. Click on the gear and select the one you need:

You can exclude a post from the XML sitemap in the Yoast SEO meta block

In the Media tab you need to - Redirect attachment URL to attachment file - enable Yes. If you upload a media file (such as an image or video), WordPress not only stores your media file, but also creates a URL for it. The pages with these URLs are almost empty: they only have your media and maybe a title (if you added one). For this reason, if you never use these URLs, it is better to deactivate them and redirect them to the media object itself.

Media and attachment URLs

In the Taxonomies tab, you need to choose: to include in the sitemap xml or not - categories, tags and archives by format? You can add headings to the map, but I don’t think the rest is necessary. As for the labels, I still haven’t found an answer to whether they are needed on the map or not. Decide for yourself.

Next up is the Archives tab. There is a hint in the archives: If you keep your personal blog, the author's archive will completely coincide with the home page. This is called the duplicate content problem. If this is your situation, you can either disable it (this will happen on the home page) or add noindex,follow to the link to exclude it from search results. Please note that links to archives may still be out of your theme and you will need to remove them individually. An archive by date may also appear as duplicate content in some cases.

Setting up archives

If your topic is missing bread crumbs, then you can configure them - Tab - Breadcrumbs, and then embed the code in your template (for advanced users):

Yoast SEO Breadcrumb Settings

I told you a long time ago how to add Yoast breadcrumbs to a theme. RSS feed settings. RSS Tab: This feature will automatically add content to the RSS feed. You can add links to your site in each post, protecting the content from automatic aggregators, and indicating the original source address to search engines. Whether you need it or not, decide for yourself. And I'll move on.

It’s good that the plugin is in Russian and the settings have hints (click on the question mark), which makes it easier for us to configure the module. The next subsection of the plugin is Search Console. You can connect the plugin to Google Search Console so you can track how Google indexes your site. By giving Yoast SEO access to your account Search Console, you can see and fix crawl errors right from the plugin!

Search Console - Yoast SEO

Now let's look at the Social Networks subsection - tab - Accounts. Indicate your social media profiles. In order to inform search engines about which social network profiles are linked to your site. Enter the links, save changes and go to the Facebook tab. Activate Open Graph metadata if you want Facebook and others social media display images and a snippet of text in the preview if someone shares a link to your site. That is, it is beautiful to post/share on social networks - Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest:

Add Open Graph metadata

  • Import and Export - Import settings from other SEO plugins and export settings for reuse on (another) blog.
  • File Editor - This tool will allow you to quickly edit files that are important for your SEO, such as robots.txt and .htaccess (if you have one).

The tool will allow you to edit files important for your SEO, such as robots.txt and .htaccess

  • Group Editor - This tool will allow you to quickly change the titles and descriptions of your posts and pages without editing individual pages.
  • Text link counter.

We're done with the settings. Now how to use the SEO plugin. When created new entry SEO Plugin adds useful features below the post editor. Snippet - what a fragment of a post will look like in search results. Change the snippet as you need. The feature of the plugin is - keyword, he will check it in the title of the article; page title; Page URL; content; in meta description:

Analyzing your text for readability

Click on the Eye icon (highlight the result in the text) and the plugin shows/highlights on the page the places for correction. So, perhaps we’ll end our story at this point. Learn, use, improve SEO and get first place in search results - Welcome.

Modules such as Breadcrumb NavXT, Category SEO Meta Tags, Google XML Sitemaps and others can be replaced with one Yoast SEO plugin. Personally, I have already switched to WordPress SEO Yoast. I wish the same for you. Just right for us, beginners and not only.

P.S. The popular WordPress plugin Yoast SEO has released an update (version 11.0) that allows you to correctly implement markup.

From others available options What makes this proposal different is the fact that it solves two problems:

  • Simplifies markup implementation;
  • Combines disparate pieces of markup produced by most Schema implementations into a nested structure.

Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack () are two of the best plugins regarding website SEO optimization. Choose based on personal preferences, but do not forget that you cannot install both plugins on your resource (not recommended).

And that's all I have. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments. Good luck.

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In this article, I will try to talk in as much detail as possible about the ways and methods of optimizing a blog or website on the WordPress CMS. Perhaps some or even many of the methods presented will be familiar to you. Because, in general, WordPress optimization site is always identical. Sometimes other approaches or its individual components are simply used. Most likely, I won’t be able to include absolutely all the features and methods, but I will try to touch on most of them.

I'll start from the beginning. So that you can follow the recommendations step by step and not forget something important. It is also worth noting that you have most likely already implemented some settings. Therefore, if some point has already been done, just move on to the next one.

And I'll start with basic settings the WordPress engine itself. As practice and communication with blog subscribers shows, some even have difficulties here.

CNC setup.

CNC is a very important component for SEO website optimization. Since search engines react positively to sites that have “Human Understandable Urls” configured. In other words, sites with addresses like wpmaster.?p=123.

To configure the CNC, go to the section Settings . Here you will see a warning that you should not experiment with this section if you do not know what to do. By and large, this procedure should be done at the site development stage, and not when the site has already been indexed.

Setting up CNC links in WordPress

Personal observation, URLs with dates are not particularly shown in search engine results. Not because they don’t exist, but because these URLs are tied to a specific time. Agree, it is stupid to rank an article highly in 2019, the address of which is 2010. This automatically equates it to outdated information. Therefore, I recommend installing the setting Post title. In this case, there will be no time reference and the address will be clear at first glance.

Attention! You need to be as careful as possible with this setting. As soon as you change the standard links to the CNC, be sure to check whether the VI redirects from old addresses to new ones. You can check this as follows. Open any article for editing and copy the numbers in the address bar, for example: /post.php?post=2839 &action=edit.?p=2839 . If you were automatically redirected to new address CNC, that means everything is fine. In principle, it shouldn’t be any other way. Now WP does the redirect automatically, so there is no need to install additional plugins.

Circular links.

IN WordPress templates Cyclic references are very common. They usually don't attract much attention. And not all masters think that it is necessary to get rid of them. I think it is necessary. After all, SEO optimization does not consist of a magic button, but of large quantity minor improvements. And getting rid of circular links is a good improvement in terms of SEO.

How to find a circular link? Typically, such links are located in article titles, site menus and sitebars. Also, circular links include the logo in the site header. If you go to home page and click on the logo, the page will reload. Another obvious example of such links is the site menu. If the menu contains, for example, a blog item, or any other page. In any case, these links will lead the user to themselves. In terms of SEO, this is a minus.

How to remove circular links? To remove them from your site, you need to use a small script. Which, depending on the page address, turns on or off a link leading to itself. The script below will need to be inserted at the end of the functions.php file. But for greater portability, I advise you to create a simple plugin and place the code in it. So that, if necessary, you do not have to make changes to the template, but simply disable the plugin with all its contents. Believe me, this is simply necessary for further modernization of the site.


Before starting any manipulations with source code, I recommend installing and configuring the Child Theme Configurator plugin. First create a child theme, and then make all the code edits in it. I wrote about how to create and configure it correctly in this article: Child themes for WordPress. Or, disable theme updates. To do this, open the style.css file and at the very top, in the version field, set the values ​​to 9.9.9.

Removing circular links in menus and categories. // remove circular links in menus and categories function no_link_current_page($p) ( return preg_replace("%((current_page_item|current-menu-item)[^]+>([^