Epson cartridge chip resetter diagrams. Resetting Epson chips: what is it and how is it done? "classic" scheme eddie matejowsky

Epson printers in Russia for a long time considered "popular". Ease of refilling, better color reproduction, reliable when used skillfully, these printers made the best choice. The printing technology of these printers made it possible to print with almost any liquid dye. Which could not but give rise to many companies making paint for these printers.
At first, this state of affairs did not bother Epson. Printers were sold at high prices. Users were simply pointed out to the "insufficient" quality of third-party consumables. But over time, the situation has changed. Lexmark, the most backward company at that time, dramatically changed its marketing policy, starting to sell printers at a loss, but at prices several times lower than its competitors ... skimming the cream on high price unique cartridges. Epson was in the most disadvantageous position among manufacturers ... Epson cartridges did not have any patented technological delights and were easily repeated by third-party consumable manufacturers. Epson's turnover began to fall. The company has long been supported by High Quality their printers and the most high resolutions until a breakthrough came in thermal inkjet ... Print resolutions reached a level that completely satisfies the needs of most users ... To stay in the market sector, Epson had to build in the same "patent technological sophistication" - the Intellidge chip ... The printer began to keep records paint, keeping its current level in the chip. When the ink consumption in the cartridge chip reached 100%, the printer insistently asked to replace the cartridge, refusing to print. In vain did the users try to pour ink into the cartridge... The chip prevented the printer from being deceived. Moreover, having disassembled the cartridge with interest, many saw that the paint was NOT ENDED there! This was the firm's first disappointment. We realized that we were DECEIVED ... It soon turned out that this was not the only surprise of Epson ... "Pampers" of cheap models just finished off the remaining respect for the company ...
But the chip did not stop tankers, many enthusiasts were looking for methods to bypass protection, someone through EPROM and printer service programs, and someone found protection flaws using the "scientific" poke method ... When the protection vulnerabilities became known to everyone, the company applied in new lines Second generation chip... The printer tightened control, priority was given to the information in the chip... The company could already enjoy the victory... but then it came. Chip protocol has been hacked...


The first successful chip reset experiments were described by Australian photographer Eddie Matedjowski... he also proposed the scheme and free program to reset chips (
More fully and clearly described the protocol SergeSh ( ... Then Alex ( created the Cartridge Tools program (sources are available to everyone) having made a "background" for the future in it :) ... The program was tested and brought into working condition by the joint efforts of the participants of the forum on Xbit ( ... Eddie's original scheme was also finalized, more stable options appeared .. As the protocol and the peculiarities of its communication with the printer were studied, a new ANTICHIPA scheme appeared :) ... The self-resetting chip has already been created, it is being sold with might and main and the most "low-cost" options for its implementation are being sought ... However, all this only equalized Epson with other suppliers , added profits to the consumables industry ... Our main merit, no matter how proud it sounds, is that we have almost halved consumables by our actions! ... In any case, people win, and Epson is also in a better position than before the introduction of chips. Conclusion: Lexmark is to blame :)


Chips of the first generation are easily reset "software" using the SSC Service program, which also has a lot of useful functions) ...
Alex's program (our guy from St. Petersburg) - which allows you to work with any of the schemes that exist at the moment ... latest version The program is completely self-sufficient and, if the scheme works correctly, it immediately works.
Eddie's program (Austalian photographer) - which works fine ONLY with the very first circuit of the same Eddie, or other variants of this CIRCUIT WITHOUT A TRANSISTOR - which inverts the readable data

In the latest models Epson printers a second-generation chip is used, which excludes the software ability to reset ... Therefore, a "hardware" part is needed ...
The fact is that the Chip works with 3.3v signals, and the computer port outputs - 5v. The above schemes, with varying degrees of probability, try to “convert” the signal from the port as close as possible to 3.3v ...

Start with simple circuits. The complication of the circuit, although it removes some of the shortcomings of the previous one, still adds new ones ...

By the way, I strongly recommend that at least add a transistor to the classics (second circuit), and put resistors between ground and zener diodes to adjust the output voltage to 3.3v ... Problems will disappear ... By the way, mikruha in the third simply replaces zener diodes ... it is more convenient to adjust exits... costs 4 rubles... its foreign analogue 4050BD(BG)...(Like 10 rubles)

The difficulty is in the spread of the output parameters of the ports of different boards and the components you use for circuits ...
Here are some recommendations from the conference participants (SergeSH), which are generally trivial:

1. Do not make long wires (more than 25 cm) from the LPT to the circuit and from the circuit to the chip.
2. If possible, use a flat cable for connections.
3. Make connector contacts gold-plated or nickel-plated.
4. Check (call) that the connection to the chip is good.
5. At the very beginning, use low frequencies for firmware and reading (Parameter Sleep=1 in epson.ini)
6. Double-check the correct connection to the port, very often the 7,8,9 LPT output (POWER voltage on the CHIP) is mistakenly soldered to 6,7,8 LPT or even 5,6,7 LPT ... (DATA-0 is 2 LPT output)
7. It is necessary to achieve the output voltage of 3.2-3.4V

Which LPT pins are involved?

1LPT- not used!
4LPT- DATA (we pass the address on it and write)
5LPT-RW (for old chips)
6LPT- reserved
10LPT- Checking the presence of the chip (GND is present, not - high level)
11LPT - Chip type selection (First type - high level, second type - ground)
12LPT- Check if the resetter is connected (Connect with 9LPT)
13LPT- SELECT (we read on it)
14-17LPT is not used!

Port desoldering if you look "at the computer"

13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14


Here are several schemes of resetters (reprogrammers) that were assembled by different people and now it has become available to anyone who knows how to hold a soldering iron in their hands.
The material is taken from the site

Attention! To work with new program Alex's schemes need to be supplemented!
LPT 10-12 are additionally involved... Details at the end...


Ratings of all resistors 1Kom
If the circuit does not work, then try to reduce the values ​​​​of R7 to about 500 ohms ...
In older versions of the Alex program, you need to set the InvertIn13=0 parameter in epson.ini


Ratings of all resistors 0.5-1.5Kom
The circuit is devoid of problems with the resistor R7.


Scheme for those who have problems with the voltage at the outputs.
Reads and resets any chips... Tested by me on chips for s42, s43, s60, s62, s70, s82, s63, 680, 915, 790 printers...
With the addition of resistor R4, the entire red chain began to work normally ... It must be selected until the voltage at VDD becomes about 3.3-3.4v.

4. SCHEME Silver2003

All circuits require the addition of LPT10-12. (For auto tuning resetter)
(LPT 10) Check if the chip is inserted. If you do not want to breed on the circuit, then just short to ground (GND).
(LPT 11) Chip type. For chips of the first type (old) we connect to LPT 9. For chips of the second type (new) we connect to ground (GND).
(LPT 12) Determination that the resetter is connected. Connect to LPT 9.

For example, you can short 10 to ground, 12 to VDD, and select the type of chip 11, if necessary, with a switch.


First- chips latest models(Chips of the second type in the base)
Second- the first chips from Epson (Chips of the first type in the database)

Resetter setup

Do all the steps below with a circuit without a chip connected to it

I will not describe how to do this in Eddie's program ... although similar settings are also present there ...

I will consider Alex's program, it is more convenient ...

Requires Alex's DubugCartridgeTools.exe program

RESET - corresponds to LPT 2
CLK - corresponds to LPT 3
DATA - corresponds to LPT 4
RW - corresponds to LPT 5
VDD (POWER) - corresponds to LPT 7, 8, 9

Set - Set values ​​to the appropriate LPT pins
Read - read information on corresponding LPT pins

Clicking Read should display:
Circuit with input inversion (depends on what kind of circuit you have assembled)
Chip found in contactor (depends on how you wired LPT10)
Received type of chip in the contactor: 2 (depends on which chip you have selected in hardware)
At the input DATA log. 0 (normal value when power off

Now, alternately checking the boxes in the appropriate boxes, check the voltages at the outputs of the circuit
0 - unchecked, 1 - checked
00000 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW, VDD ~0; "DATA input log."=0
00001 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW ~0, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
10001 -> voltage on CLK, DATA, RW ~0, RESET, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
01001 -> voltage on RESET, DATA, RW ~0, CLK, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
00101 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, RW ~0, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
00011 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA ~0, RW, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11001 -> voltage on DATA, RW ~0, RESET, CLK, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
01101 -> voltage on RESET, RW ~0, CLK, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11101 -> voltage at RW ~0, RESET, CLK, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11111 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1

Too low voltages (between 2.45 and 2.90) can also cause problems in the future... When you connect the chip, it will probably go down...

To increase the voltage, try to reduce the values ​​​​of the resistors, or if it’s really bad, use my circuit with a PU4 chip (THE CHIP IS JUST FOR CONVENIENCE OF VOLTAGE REGULATION, YOU CAN JUST PUT ADDITIONAL RESISTORS OF THE TYPE R4 IN THE SECOND) in it, the output voltages will be equal to the voltage on POWER, except for DATA, which is additionally affects LPT 13... At least for me all the values ​​have risen from 2.2v to ~3.25v only when using a microcircuit (the only exception is DATA on which ~ 3.15v).

I did everything correctly, but the chip is not written (or in the report FF, 00). What should I do?

It is necessary to achieve an output voltage of 3.3v! That is why the chip is read unstable!

Decrease the speed. Simply lowering the speed reduces the power consumption of the chip.

Some of them "left" chips simply won't allow to write more than 4-9 bytes... They can also be simply unstably readable... There are many reasons... Therefore, the program may swear at the discrepancy between the information written and read from the chip

Also, the Chip may have just "changed the address" ... the probability that at 111 is almost 99%

So... A small educational program so to speak...
1. It is known that all Type II chips in printer cartridges are the same, and cost PARALLELLY!
2. Each of the chips contains: Response address, Type of printer (or maybe cartridge), Release date, Manufacturer ... There is probably another, but less important ...
3. The first nine bytes (32 in total) contain information about paint, cleaning and initial initialization ...
4. The response address, located in the last nibble ... Therefore, in order to change it, you need to write it there new address...
5. Information is written to the chip sequentially with the least significant bit forward (that is, to write something to byte 8, you need to write “something” in the first 7 ...
6. There are only Eight addresses, not 16 as it might seem at first glance
7. The last (highest) bit is the control bit (1-write or 0-read)
8. Chips of old types do not need an address at all, since the chips were checked independently on old printers ...

The first thing you need to restore the chip is the firmware that needs to be “filled” into the chip ... You can use the base FULL firmware for a specific type of printer... To add information to the database, you will need Tools.exe and FULL 32 BYTES filled into the chip...

If your printer is not in the database, then send the Report.txt created by the program for each chip to the address indicated there (or help) (indicating the printer model and cartridge model) ... they will be included in the database within a week ...
You can also get these 32 bytes yourself using Report.txt, CartDataTool.exe, Tools.exe

It is noticed that the chip most often changes the address to 111, which is caused by errors during zeroing ... sometimes the chip changed the address to 000, which is caused by poor contact of the connectors or OVERHEATING when soldering wires to the chip :)

How to make a connector?

There are already many options. Read the documentation for Alex's program, read the forum pages...
From myself, I will say the following ...
As for the contactee... I have it made from the head of a dead 680 printer... :)

Also C42 owners you can use the printer head...

Unsoldering a narrow cable from below


You can use the same thin cable to connect the resetter to the head or by removing the cover from the printer (you lost the warranty for it with the thought of refueling) with a connector for flat cables...
Pluses - you don't need to take out the cartridge, and therefore let the air in your head... Steam with the connector...
Minus - the probable wear of the cable (connectors) of the printer, the possible breakage of the lid latches. You can solder an additional connector (reason) to the main board and bring everything out, but this is almost a 100% warranty denial (you can, of course, do everything carefully)

Proposal from Roman Builov

We put transparent plexiglass on the cartridge from the side of the chip.
We mark the middle of the contact pads. Remove and drill 1mm holes.
We take a microcircuit with gilded legs (K 140 UD in a round metal case). The legs should not be soldered or trimmed, because. their ends will serve as contacts with the chip. We bite off the legs and bend them with brackets. one end
brackets are inserted into the hole, and the other is melted into the plexiglass with a soldering iron.
Brackets are placed not in parallel as in the printer, but in a circle. In places
fusion into plexiglass, solder the wires, which will go to the resetter.
We check that the contacts in the holes spring freely and protrude by 3 mm.
We put it on the cartridge and mechanically fasten it with an elastic band from curlers.
Checked. It took 30 minutes to make.

Suggestion from forum member Gennady

Drill on a blank of foil textolite with a step of 2 mm in
checkerboard pattern, it will just turn out in the center of the site, holes with a diameter of 1.5mm,
cut foil into strips from holes,
insert L-shaped elastic gold-plated wire-contact from the telephone
RJ connector and solder. Solder the wires of the programmer to the same sites. The programmer is ready. You can further ennoble: strengthen with hot-melt adhesive, put on
protective cover, etc.

Suggestion from forum member lev

The circuit is almost like from Roman Builov, but instead of the legs from the microcircuit, I use gold-plated contacts from the connectors of old computers, they are thicker, sharp and square in cross section,
and instead of a spring I use a guitar string - you bend the string and contact in the form of G
(It turns out like a bracket). If they are soldered together, and it springs well, and the contact is gold-plated, and the contact area is larger, it means that it contacts better,
and so that the contacts fall on the chip, you adjust it according to the cartridge

Suggestion from forum member Ort

Contact device version based on telephone socket, the pitch of the contacts is exactly the same. Kind of color. 3.82 KV . As long as I can tell. that it is larger than the usual six pin. It is designed for 10 contacts and is designed for mounting on printed circuit board. One part is removed from the socket, where all the contacts are attached. It needs to be tweaked a bit. BUT, on the other hand, all contacts are springy and seem to be gilded.
The only thing that gnaws at me is that it somehow still needs to be installed and aimed.
Outlet brand computer networks RG45.
Type of contact device and socket details
View of the contact device in detail, 15 KV.
All holes visible
Can understand how to bend contacts
If it breaks when bent, then it is necessary to anneal it slightly, just pass it through the flame of a kitchen burner gas stove.
The picture shows 1 option, sloppy, if you try, it will turn out what you need.

Suggestion from Silver2003 forum member

The other day I took apart my C42 and rang a small flat cable. It goes to the board at the back of the printer, and the contacts go from bottom to top in the same order. If the printer is used at home, then you can modify it. We solder the wires from this board to some connector (6-pin jack is possible), and from another of the same connector to the board that stands in front of the cartridges (instead of a small cable). This board must be removed from the slot behind the cartridges and installed in a convenient place at the back of the printer, and the chips removed from the cartridges must be soldered to it. Now, in normal mode, we use a jumper with 2 connectors, which we insert into the newly installed connectors, and in programming mode, insert the programmer connector into the connector that goes to the small board with chips. There are 100k resistors on a small board
on the case through the Clc, Data, Reset circuit, through the Reset chain it costs 120 Ohms in series, and from 3V there is a capacitance on the case. These parts cannot change the programming mode.
Now we are not tied to the chips on the cartridges.
By the way, I highlighted the Silver scheme "and separately

The material is taken from the site

There are more than 20 million inkjet and laser printers in the world that use cartridges with chips. Most original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) now supply the market with hundreds of printer models, hundreds of cartridge numbers, and a corresponding number of unique OEM chips. And this number continues to grow.

Time goes fast. And today, hardly any of the users of inkjet printers can remember when the first chips on Epson cartridges appeared.

This happened over 15 years ago, when color cartridges still had simple design: plastic container divided by partitions into three or five ink compartments different color. The compartments were filled with soft foam, the purpose of which is to keep the ink inside the cartridge and ensure that it is delivered evenly at the speed necessary for quality printing, without streaks and blobs. Such cartridges could be easily and repeatedly refilled with compatible inks, ie. fill each compartment with ink certain color, and reuse.

But, one day, Epson installed chips on its cartridges - small seven-pin microcircuits - to protect against counterfeiting of its products.

written on the chip simple program, consisting of two parts:

  1. Greetings. When installed in the printer, the cartridge "gets acquainted" with it and, if the cartridge is suitable, then further operation of the printer is allowed, but if not, you will not be able to print, which will be signaled by blinking indicators on the printer and corresponding messages on the monitor screen.
  2. Ink used count from this cartridge. When the ink level of any color reaches a certain critical value, printing is blocked and, despite the fact that the ink levels of other colors have not yet fallen so low, the cartridge had to be replaced with a new one. It turned out that such a seal was too expensive.

The chips of each cartridge, each printer model are different, but, in any case, their main function is to be an intermediary between the printer and the cartridge, without which the printing device cannot be used for its intended purpose.

Chips are usually installed in a prominent place in the cartridge. This is a plus as they can be easily detected, replaced or reprogrammed.

At the same time, you should be aware that an exact copy of the design and information recorded on the chip is considered a counterfeit of chips, which is a violation of the rights intellectual property, OEM patents and is punishable by law. However, under the European Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, adopted in 2002, printer manufacturers are required to produce printers with recyclable consumables and not prohibit their refilling. Thus, the refilling of cartridges is permitted by law. But how to overcome difficulties with chips? There are several options for solving this problem for EPSON chip cartridges.

Reset original chips.

According to original equipment manufacturers, new technologies are also applied in the interests of the consumer. Chip cartridges are easier to use. Chips allow you to control the resource of cartridges, informing the user that the cartridge is running out of ink. These little smart plates are responsible for quick warnings and constant updates on the status of the cartridge. There is no need to store spare cartridges until the chip signals that it is time to add “fuel” to the printer. At the same time, some users replace the cartridge with a new one, while others refill the used cartridge and restore (zero) the chip using special programmers (in a simple way, “nullers”).

We offer 2 types of programmers:

This programmer is designed to reset Epson inkjet printer chips:

  • Epson Stylus C41/ C42/ C43/ C44/ C50/ C60/ C61/ C62/ C63/ C64/ C70/ C80/ C82/ C83/ C84
  • Epson Stylus Color 680/ 685/ 777/ 777i/ 880/ 900/ 980
  • Epson Stylus Photo 780/ 785/ 790/ 810/ 820/ 825/ 830/ 835/ 870/ 875/ 890/ 895/ 900/ 895/ 910/ 915/ 925/ 935/ 950/ 960/ 1270/ 1275/ 1280/ 128 5/1290/ 2000P/ 2100/ 2200
  • Epson Stylus Photo R200/ R300/ RX500/ RX600/ R800

Programmers automatically determine the type of cartridge. To restore (zero) the chip, without removing the chip from the cartridge, press it against the contacts of the programmer. During the zeroing process, the programmer's LED flashes red, and the green light indicates the end of the process. Now the printer will recognize the cartridge as new, ie. The ink consumption countdown for printing will start again from 100%, regardless of the amount of ink refilled.

Using the YXD368 programmer, you can reset not only cartridge chips, but also maintenance tanks of plotters.

Programmers work flawlessly under the following conditions:

  1. The supply battery has not been discharged.
  2. You have ensured good contact between the chip plates and the programmer pins. In case of poor contact, not a green, but a red LED light will light up.
  3. The programmer may only be used for its intended purpose.

Use of compatible chips.

Compatible product developers also created replacement chips for two types that still exist today. If the design and program are not copied at the same time, this is not a counterfeit of chips, but an alternative product.

Single use chips (one-step) can only be used once. With such chips, all compatible cartridges for Epson inkjet printers are sold, for example, JetTec cartridges:

On appearance they are different from the original ones, but they do their job perfectly - the printer recognizes a compatible cartridge as suitable for printing, although it warns that it is different from the original one. One-step chips can be purchased separately and installed in the cartridge when refilling. In some cases, programmers for compatible chips are created. Chips and programmers for compatible HP No. 177 analog ink tanks, which we have for sale, can serve as an example.

In the case of refillable cartridges for Epson 7800/9800 plotters, you can use the same programmer as for original cartridges- YXD368.

Reusable Chips- auto-reset (auto reset). Such chips do not require the use of any programmers for recovery: empty cartridges are refilled, and the ink levels are reset automatically. When the chip has counted the standard for of this type the amount of ink used, the corresponding indicator flashes red to warn you that the ink is running low and lights up red when the cartridge is empty. In this case, if you are using compatible cartridges with auto-zeroing chips, you only need to simulate the replacement of the cartridge - move the carriage with the cartridges to the replacement position and park again.

With the advent of separate ink tanks (separate for each color) and the complication of their internal structure, it has become increasingly difficult to refill them with compatible inks. Therefore, new developments of compatible products have appeared on the market: refillable cartridges with auto-zeroing chips.

The cartridges are hollow inside, contain no filler and are sold empty - without ink. The same cartridges, connected by thin flexible tubes with ink tanks, form a continuous ink supply system (CISS) designed for high-volume printing. When installing compatible cartridges into the printer, a standard “getting to know” procedure is carried out and the printer recognizes the refillable cartridges or CISS as suitable for use.

Combined system.

But everything would continue to be so simple if it weren't ... so complicated. Because of a large number fakes on the market, as well as the growing popularity of compatible Supplies, OEMs are making more and more efforts to protect their interests. Therefore, the latest line of Epson printers, namely Epson Stylus C79/C91 and Epson Stylus Photo R270/R290, have cartridges with new generation chips. These are no longer 7-, but 9-pin chips.

But this is not the main thing. The manufacturer periodically makes changes to the software of these printers, so compatible chips that work with printers released, for example, in March 2007, become inoperative if you try to apply them to printers of the same model released in the fall of that year. At the same time, original cartridges with chips are suitable for printing, regardless of the date of their production. For many users, this is difficult to understand. And the secret is that initially, already in the very first cartridges for the R270, there were changes in the program of their chips, but they were activated in turn, as printers came out with next update software. This happens directly when cartridges are installed in the printer and information is exchanged between them. Compatible chips had a built-in program similar to the current one. working version. Therefore, manufacturers of compatible products suffered losses due to unsold chips, refillable cartridges and CISS. As a result, complex CISS were created, providing for the use of one original cartridge, and not participating in printing, - they began to fight the manufacturer with his own weapons.

To activate newest update programs built into the newly released printer, this original cartridge must be a representative of the set already installed in the printer once. It is assumed that the presence of an original cartridge in the CISS design will help protect against failures during subsequent software updates, which can be activated at any time by any, but unknown to us, way: both when installing cartridges in the printer, and at the time specified by the manufacturer, for example , on a specific day, or after a certain number of original cartridge sets have been used, or an absorbent pad has been replaced, etc.

In any case, one truth can be clearly seen from the foregoing: the industry of compatible products is working quite successfully and worthy of competing with OEMs, offering users alternative products.

Epson printers in Russia have long been considered "popular". Ease of refilling, better color reproduction, and reliability when used skillfully, made these printers the best choice. The printing technology of these printers made it possible to print with almost any liquid dye. Which could not but give rise to many companies making paint for these printers.
At first, this state of affairs did not bother Epson. Printers were sold at high prices. Users were simply pointed out to the "insufficient" quality of third-party consumables. But over time, the situation has changed. Lexmark, the most backward company at the time, dramatically changed its marketing policy, starting to sell printers at a loss, but at prices several times lower than its competitors ... skimming the cream off the high price of unique cartridges. Epson was in the most disadvantageous position among manufacturers ... Epson cartridges did not have any patented technological delights and were easily repeated by third-party consumable manufacturers. Epson's turnover began to fall. The company held on for a long time due to the high quality of its printers and the highest print resolutions, until a breakthrough came in thermal inkjet printing ... Printing resolutions reached a level that completely satisfies the needs of most users ... To stay in the market sector, Epson had to build in " patented technological sophistication "- Intellidge chip ... The printer began to keep track of ink keeping its current level in the chip. When the ink consumption in the cartridge chip reached 100%, the printer insistently asked to replace the cartridge, refusing to print. In vain did the users try to pour ink into the cartridge... The chip prevented the printer from being deceived. Moreover, having disassembled the cartridge with interest, many saw that the paint was NOT ENDED there! This was the firm's first disappointment. We realized that we were DECEIVED ... It soon turned out that this was not the only surprise of Epson ... "Pampers" of cheap models just finished off the remaining respect for the company ...
But the chip did not stop tankers, many enthusiasts were looking for methods to bypass protection, someone through EPROM and printer service programs, and someone found protection flaws using the "scientific" poke method ... When the protection vulnerabilities became known to everyone, the company applied in new lines Second generation chip... The printer tightened control, priority was given to the information in the chip... The company could already enjoy the victory... but then it came. Chip protocol has been hacked...


The first successful chip reset experiments were described by Australian photographer Eddie Matejowski... he also suggested a scheme and a free program for chip reset (
More fully and clearly described the protocol SergeSh ( ... Then Alex ( created the Cartridge Tools program (sources are available to everyone) having made a "background" for the future in it :) ... The program was tested and brought into working condition by the joint efforts of the participants of the forum on Xbit ( ... Eddie's original scheme was also finalized, more stable options appeared .. As the protocol and the peculiarities of its communication with the printer were studied, a new ANTICHIPA scheme appeared :) ... The self-resetting chip has already been created, it is being sold with might and main and the most "low-cost" options for its implementation are being sought ... However, all this only equalized Epson with other suppliers , added profits to the consumables industry ... Our main merit, no matter how proud it sounds, is that we have almost halved consumables by our actions! ... In any case, people win, and Epson is also in the best position than before the insertion of the chips. Conclusion: Lexmark is to blame :)


Chips of the first generation are easily reset "software" using the SSC Service program, which also has a lot of useful functions) ...
Alex's program (our guy from St. Petersburg) - which allows you to work with any of the schemes that exist at the moment ... The latest version of the program is completely self-sufficient and immediately works if the scheme works correctly.
Eddie's program (Austalian photographer) - which works fine ONLY with the very first circuit of the same Eddie, or other variants of this CIRCUIT WITHOUT A TRANSISTOR - which inverts the readable data

The latest models of Epson printers use a second-generation chip that excludes the software ability to reset... Therefore, a "hardware" part is needed...

The fact is that the Chip works with 3.3v signals, and the computer port outputs - 5v. The above schemes, with varying degrees of probability, try to “convert” the signal from the port as close as possible to 3.3v ...

Start with simple diagrams. The complication of the circuit, although it removes some of the shortcomings of the previous one, still adds new ones ...

By the way, I highly recommend at least adding a transistor to the classics (second circuit), and putting resistors between ground and zener diodes to adjust the output voltage to 3.3v ... Problems will disappear ... By the way, mikruha in the third simply replaces zener diodes ... it is more convenient to regulate the outputs... it costs 4 rubles... its foreign counterpart 4050BD(BG)...(Like 10 rubles)

The difficulty is in the spread of the output parameters of the ports of different boards and the components you use for circuits ...

Here are some recommendations from the conference participants (SergeSH), which are generally trivial:

1. Do not make long wires (more than 25 cm) from the LPT to the circuit and from the circuit to the chip.

2. If possible, use a flat cable for connections.
3. Make connector contacts gold-plated or nickel-plated.
4. Check (call) that the connection to the chip is good.
5. At the very beginning, use low frequencies for flashing and reading (Parameter Sleep=1 in epson.ini)
6. Double-check the correct connection to the port, very often the 7,8,9 LPT output (POWER voltage on the CHIP) is mistakenly soldered to 6,7,8 LPT or even 5,6,7 LPT ... (DATA-0 is 2 LPT output)
7. It is necessary to achieve the output voltage of 3.2-3.4V

Which LPT pins are involved?

1LPT- not used!
4LPT- DATA (we pass the address on it and write)
5LPT-RW (for old chips)
6LPT- reserved
10LPT- Chip presence check (GND is present, not - high level)
11LPT - Chip type selection (First type - high level, second type - ground)
12LPT- Check if the resetter is connected (Connect with 9LPT)
13LPT- SELECT (we read on it)
14-17LPT is not used!

Port desoldering if you look "at the computer"

13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14


Here are several schemes of resetters (reprogrammers) that were assembled by different people and now it has become available to anyone who knows how to hold a soldering iron in their hands.
Material taken from the site
Attention! To work with Alex's new program, the schemes need to be supplemented!
LPT 10-12 are additionally involved... Details at the end...


The ratings of all resistors are 100 Ohm.

If the circuit does not work, then try to reduce the values ​​​​of R7 to about 500 ohms ...

In older versions of the Alex program, you need to set the InvertIn13=0 parameter in epson.ini



Diagram for those who have voltage problems

at the exits. Reads and resets any chips... Tested by me on chips for s42, s43, s60, s62, s70, s82, s63, 680, 915, 790 printers...

With the addition of resistor R4, the entire red chain began to work normally ... It must be selected until the voltage at VDD becomes about 3.3-3.4v.


Ratings of all resistors 0.1Kom
The circuit is devoid of problems with the R7-3Kohm resistor.

4. SCHEME Silver2003

All circuits require the addition of LPT10-12. (For automatic resetter setting)

(LPT 10) Check if the chip is inserted. If you do not want to breed on the circuit, then just short to ground (GND).
(LPT 11) Chip type. For chips of the first type (old) we connect to LPT 9. For chips of the second type (new) we connect to ground (GND).
(LPT 12) Determination that the resetter is connected. Connect to LPT 9.

For example, you can short 10 to ground, 12 to VDD, and select the type of chip 11, if necessary, with a switch.


First- chips of the latest models (Chips of the second type in the database)
Second- the first chips from Epson (Chips of the first type in the database)

Resetter setup
Do all the steps below with a circuit without a chip connected to it

I will not describe how to do this in Eddie's program ... although similar settings are also present there ...

I will consider Alex's program, it is more convenient ...

Requires Alex's DubugCartridgeTools.exe program

RESET - corresponds to LPT 2
CLK - corresponds to LPT 3
DATA - corresponds to LPT 4
RW - corresponds to LPT 5
VDD (POWER) - corresponds to LPT 7, 8, 9

Set - Set values ​​on corresponding LPT pins

Read - read information on corresponding LPT pins
Circuit with input inversion (depends on what kind of circuit you have assembled).
Chip found in contactor (depends on how you wired LPT10).
Received chip type in contactor: 2 (depends on which chip you have selected in hardware).
At the input DATA log. 0 (normal value when power off).

Now alternately, by checking the boxes in the appropriate boxes, check the voltage at the outputs of the circuit

0 - unchecked, 1 - checked
00000 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW, VDD ~0; "DATA input log."=0
00001 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW ~0, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
10001 -> voltage on CLK, DATA, RW ~0, RESET, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
01001 -> voltage on RESET, DATA, RW ~0, CLK, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
00101 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, RW ~0, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
00011 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA ~0, RW, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11001 -> voltage on DATA, RW ~0, RESET, CLK, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
01101 -> voltage on RESET, RW ~0, CLK, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11101 -> voltage at RW ~0, RESET, CLK, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11111 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1

Too low voltages (between 2.45 and 2.90) can also cause problems in the future... When you connect the chip, it will probably go down...

To increase the voltage, try to reduce the values ​​​​of the resistors, or if it’s really bad, use my circuit with a PU4 chip (THE CHIP IS JUST FOR CONVENIENCE OF VOLTAGE REGULATION, YOU CAN JUST PUT ADDITIONAL RESISTORS OF THE TYPE R4 IN THE SECOND) in it, the output voltages will be equal to the voltage on POWER, except for DATA, which is additionally affects LPT 13... At least, all my values ​​have risen from 2.2v to ~3.25v only when using a microcircuit (the only exception is DATA on which ~ 3.15v).

I did everything correctly, but the chip is not written (or in the report FF, 00). What should I do?

It is necessary to achieve an output voltage of 3.3v! That is why the chip is read unstable!

Decrease your speed. It's just that when the speed decreases, the energy consumption of the chip decreases.

Some of the "left" chips simply won't let you write more than 4-9 bytes... They can also be simply unstably readable... There are many reasons... Therefore, the program may swear at the discrepancy between the information written and read from the chip

Also, the Chip may have just "changed the address" ... the probability that at 111 is almost 99%

So ... A small educational program, so to speak ...
1. It is known that all Type II chips in printer cartridges are the same, and cost PARALLELLY!
2. Each of the chips contains: Address of response, Type of printer (or maybe cartridge), Release date, Manufacturer's company ... There is probably another, but less important ...
3. The first nine bytes (32 in total) contain information about paint, cleaning and initial initialization ...
4. The response address, located in the last nibble ... Therefore, in order to change it, you need to write the new address there ...
5. Information is written to the chip sequentially with the least significant bit forward (that is, to write something to byte 8, you need to write “something” in the first 7 ...
6. There are only Eight addresses, not 16 as it might seem at first glance
7. The last (highest) bit is the control bit (1-write or 0-read)
8. Chips of old types do not need an address at all, since the chips were checked independently on old printers ...

The first thing you need to restore the chip is the firmware that you need to “fill” into the chip... You can use the FULL firmware database for a specific type of printer... To add information to the database, you need Tools.exe and the FULL 32 BYTEs filled in chip...

If your printer is not in the database, then send the Report.txt created by the program for each chip to the address indicated there (or help) (indicating the printer model and cartridge model) ... they will be included in the database within a week ...
You can also get these 32 bytes yourself using Report.txt, CartDataTool.exe, Tools.exe

It is noticed that the chip most often changes the address to 111, which is caused by errors during zeroing ... sometimes the chip changed the address to 000, which is caused by poor contact of the connectors or OVERHEATING when soldering wires to the chip :)

How to make a connector?

There are already many options. Read the documentation for Alex's program, read the forum pages...
From myself, I will say the following ...
As for the contactee... I have it made from the head of a dead 680 printer... :)

Also C42 owners you can use the printer head...

Unsoldering a narrow cable from below



You can use the same thin cable to connect the resetter to the head or by removing the cover from the printer (you lost the warranty for it with the thought of refueling) with a connector for flat cables ...

Pluses - you don't need to take out the cartridge, and therefore let the air in your head... Steam with the connector...
Minus - the probable wear of the cable (connectors) of the printer, the possible breakage of the lid latches. You can solder an additional connector (wires) to the main board and bring everything out, but this is almost a 100% warranty denial (you can, of course, do everything carefully)

Proposal from Roman Builov

We put transparent plexiglass on the cartridge from the side of the chip.
We mark the middle of the contact pads. Remove and drill 1mm holes.
We take a microcircuit with gilded legs (K 140 UD in a round metal case). The legs should not be soldered or trimmed, because. their ends will serve as contacts with the chip. We bite off the legs and bend them with brackets. one end
brackets are inserted into the hole, and the other is melted into the plexiglass with a soldering iron.
Brackets are placed not in parallel as in the printer, but in a circle. In places
fusion into plexiglass, solder the wires, which will go to the resetter.
We check that the contacts in the holes spring freely and protrude by 3 mm.
We put it on the cartridge and mechanically fasten it with an elastic band from curlers.
Checked. It took 30 minutes to make.

Suggestion from forum member Gennady

Drill on a blank of foil textolite with a step of 2 mm in
checkerboard pattern, it will just turn out in the center of the site, holes with a diameter of 1.5mm,
cut foil into strips from holes,
insert L-shaped elastic gold-plated wire-contact from the telephone
RJ connector and solder. Solder the wires of the programmer to the same sites. The programmer is ready. You can further ennoble: strengthen with hot melt adhesive, put on a protective cover, etc.

Suggestion from forum member lev

The circuit is almost like from Roman Builov, but instead of the legs from the microcircuit, I use gold-plated contacts from the connectors of old computers, they are thicker, sharp and square in cross section,
and instead of a spring I use a guitar string - you bend the string and contact in the form of G
(It turns out like a bracket). If they are soldered together, and it springs well, and the contact is gold-plated, and the contact area is larger, it means that it contacts better, and in order for the contacts to hit the chip, you adjust it according to the cartridge

Suggestion from forum member Ort

A version of the contact device based on a telephone jack, the pitch of the contacts is exactly the same. Kind of color. 3.82 KV . As long as I can tell. that it is larger than the usual six pin. It is designed for 10 pins and is designed for mounting on a printed circuit board. One part is removed from the socket, where all the contacts are attached. It needs to be tweaked a bit. BUT, on the other hand, all contacts are springy and seem to be gilded.
The only thing that gnaws at me is that it somehow still needs to be installed and aimed.
Computer network socket brand RG45.
Type of contact device and socket details
View of the contact device in detail, 15 KV.
All holes visible
Can understand how to bend contacts
If it breaks when bent, then it is necessary to anneal it slightly, just pass it through the flame of the burner of the kitchen gas stove.
The picture shows 1 option, sloppy, if you try, it will turn out what you need.

Suggestion from Silver2003 forum member

The other day I took apart my C42 and rang a small flat cable. It goes to the board at the back of the printer, and the contacts go from bottom to top in the same order. If the printer is used at home, then you can modify it. We solder the wires from this board to some connector (you can use a 6-pin jack), and from another of the same connector to the board that stands in front of the cartridges (instead of a small cable). This board must be removed from the slot behind the cartridges and installed in a convenient place at the back of the printer, and the chips removed from the cartridges must be soldered to it. Now, in normal mode, we use a jumper with 2 connectors, which we insert into the newly installed connectors, and in programming mode, insert the programmer connector into the connector that goes to the small board with chips. On a small board, there are 100k resistors per case along the Clc, Data, Reset circuit, 120 Ohms are in series along the Reset circuit, and from 3V there is a capacitance per case. These parts cannot change the programming mode.
Now we are not tied to the chips on the cartridges.
By the way, I highlighted the Silver scheme "and separately

The material is taken from the site

Epson printers in Russia have long been considered "popular". Ease of refilling, better color reproduction, and reliability when used skillfully, made these printers the best choice. The printing technology of these printers made it possible to print with almost any liquid dye. Which could not but give rise to many companies making paint for these printers.
At first, this state of affairs did not bother Epson. Printers were sold at high prices. Users were simply pointed out to the "insufficient" quality of third-party consumables. But over time, the situation has changed. Lexmark, the most backward company at that moment, dramatically changed its marketing policy, starting to sell printers at a loss, but at prices several times lower than its competitors ... skimming off the high price of unique cartridges. Epson was in the most disadvantageous position among manufacturers ... Epson cartridges did not have any patented technological delights and were easily repeated by third-party consumable manufacturers. Epson's turnover began to fall. The company held on for a long time due to the high quality of its printers and the highest print resolutions, until a breakthrough came in thermal inkjet printing ... Printing resolutions reached a level that completely satisfies the needs of most users ... To stay in the market sector, Epson had to build in " patented technological sophistication "- Intellidge chip ... The printer began to keep track of ink keeping its current level in the chip. When the ink consumption in the cartridge chip reached 100%, the printer insistently asked to replace the cartridge, refusing to print. In vain did the users try to pour ink into the cartridge... The chip prevented the printer from being deceived. Moreover, having disassembled the cartridge with interest, many saw that the paint was NOT ENDED there! This was the firm's first disappointment. We realized that we were DECEIVED ... It soon turned out that this was not the only surprise of Epson ... "Pampers" of cheap models simply finished off the remaining respect for the company ...
But the chip did not stop tankers, many enthusiasts were looking for methods to bypass protection, someone through EPROM and printer service programs, and someone found protection flaws using the "scientific" poke method ... When the protection vulnerabilities became known to everyone, the company applied in new lines Second generation chip... The printer tightened control, priority was given to the information in the chip... The company could already enjoy the victory... but then it came. Chip protocol has been hacked...


The first successful chip reset experiments were described by Australian photographer Eddie Matejowski... he also suggested a circuit and a free chip reset program (
More fully and clearly described the protocol SergeSh ( ... Then Alex ( created the Cartridge Tools program (sources are available to everyone) having made a "background" for the future in it :) ... The program was tested and brought into working condition by the joint efforts of the participants of the forum on Xbit ( ... Eddie's original scheme was also finalized, more stable options appeared .. As the protocol and the peculiarities of its communication with the printer were studied, a new ANTICHIPA scheme appeared :) ... The self-resetting chip has already been created, it is being sold with might and main and the most "low-cost" options for its implementation are being sought ... However, all this only equalized Epson with other suppliers , added profits to the consumables industry ... Our main merit, no matter how proud it sounds, is that we have almost halved consumables by our actions! ... In any case, people win, and Epson is also in a better position than before the introduction of chips. Conclusion: Lexmark is to blame :)


Chips of the first generation are easily reset "software" using the SSC Service program, which also has a lot of useful functions) ...
Alexa's program (our guy from St. Petersburg) - which allows you to work with any of the currently existing schemes ... The latest version of the program is completely self-sufficient and immediately works when the scheme works correctly.
Eddie's program (Austalian photographer) - which works fine ONLY with the very first circuit of the same Eddie, or other variants of this CIRCUIT WITHOUT A TRANSISTOR - which inverts the readable data

The latest models of Epson printers use a second-generation chip, which excludes the software ability to reset ... Therefore, a "hardware" part is needed ...
The fact is that the Chip works with 3.3v signals, and the computer port outputs - 5v. The above schemes, with varying degrees of probability, try to “convert” the signal from the port as close as possible to 3.3v ...

Start with simple diagrams. The complication of the circuit, although it removes some of the shortcomings of the previous one, still adds new ones ...

By the way, I strongly recommend that at least add a transistor to the classics (second circuit), and put resistors between ground and zener diodes to adjust the output voltage to 3.3v ... Problems will disappear ... By the way, mikruha in the third simply replaces zener diodes ... it is more convenient to adjust exits... costs 4 rubles... its foreign analogue 4050BD(BG)...(Like 10 rubles)

The difficulty is in the spread of the output parameters of the ports of different boards and the components you use for circuits ...
Here are some recommendations from the conference participants (SergeSH), which are generally trivial:

1. Do not make long wires (more than 25 cm) from the LPT to the circuit and from the circuit to the chip.
2. If possible, use a flat cable for connections.
3. Make connector contacts gold-plated or nickel-plated.
4. Check (call) that the connection to the chip is good.
5. At the very beginning, use low frequencies for flashing and reading (Parameter Sleep=1 in epson.ini)
6. Double-check the correct connection to the port, very often the 7,8,9 LPT output (POWER voltage on the CHIP) is mistakenly soldered to 6,7,8 LPT or even 5,6,7 LPT ... (DATA-0 is 2 LPT output)
7. It is necessary to achieve the output voltage of 3.2-3.4V

Which LPT pins are involved?

1LPT- not used!
4LPT- DATA (we pass the address on it and write)
5LPT-RW (for old chips)
6LPT- reserved
10LPT- Chip presence check (GND is present, not - high level)
11LPT - Chip type selection (First type - high level, second type - ground)
12LPT- Check if the resetter is connected (Connect with 9LPT)
13LPT- SELECT (we read on it)
14-17LPT is not used!

Port desoldering if you look "at the computer"

13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14


Here are several schemes of resetters (reprogrammers) that were assembled by different people and now it has become available to anyone who knows how to hold a soldering iron in their hands.
The material is taken from the site

Attention! To work with Alex's new program, the schemes need to be supplemented!
LPT 10-12 are additionally involved... Details at the end...


Ratings of all resistors 1Kom
If the circuit does not work, then try to reduce the values ​​​​of R7 to about 500 ohms ...
In older versions of the Alex program, you need to set the InvertIn13=0 parameter in epson.ini


Ratings of all resistors 0.5-1.5Kom
The circuit is devoid of problems with the resistor R7.


Scheme for those who have problems with the voltage at the outputs.
Reads and resets any chips... Tested by me on chips for s42, s43, s60, s62, s70, s82, s63, 680, 915, 790 printers...
With the addition of resistor R4, the entire red chain began to work normally ... It must be selected until the voltage at VDD becomes about 3.3-3.4v.

4. SCHEME Silver2003

All circuits require the addition of LPT10-12. (For automatic resetter setting)
(LPT 10) Check if the chip is inserted. If you do not want to breed on the circuit, then just short to ground (GND).
(LPT 11) Chip type. For chips of the first type (old) we connect to LPT 9. For chips of the second type (new) we connect to ground (GND).
(LPT 12) Determination that the resetter is connected. Connect to LPT 9.

For example, you can short 10 to ground, 12 to VDD, and select the type of chip 11, if necessary, with a switch.


First- chips of the latest models (Chips of the second type in the database)
Second- the first chips from Epson (Chips of the first type in the database)

Resetter setup

Do all the steps below with a circuit without a chip connected to it

I will not describe how to do this in Eddie's program ... although similar settings are also present there ...

I will consider Alex's program, it is more convenient ...

Requires Alex's DubugCartridgeTools.exe program

RESET - corresponds to LPT 2
CLK - corresponds to LPT 3
DATA - corresponds to LPT 4
RW - corresponds to LPT 5
VDD (POWER) - corresponds to LPT 7, 8, 9

Set - Set values ​​on corresponding LPT pins
Read - read information on corresponding LPT pins

Clicking Read should display:
Circuit with input inversion (depends on what kind of circuit you have assembled)
Chip found in contactor (depends on how you wired LPT10)
Received type of chip in the contactor: 2 (depends on which chip you have selected in hardware)
At the input DATA log. 0 (normal value when power off

Now, alternately checking the boxes in the appropriate boxes, check the voltages at the outputs of the circuit
0 - unchecked, 1 - checked
00000 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW, VDD ~0; "DATA input log."=0
00001 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW ~0, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
10001 -> voltage on CLK, DATA, RW ~0, RESET, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
01001 -> voltage on RESET, DATA, RW ~0, CLK, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
00101 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, RW ~0, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
00011 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA ~0, RW, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11001 -> voltage on DATA, RW ~0, RESET, CLK, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=0
01101 -> voltage on RESET, RW ~0, CLK, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11101 -> voltage at RW ~0, RESET, CLK, DATA, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1
11111 -> voltage on RESET, CLK, DATA, RW, POWER > 2.7 V; "DATA log."=1

Too low voltages (between 2.45 and 2.90) can also cause problems in the future... When you connect the chip, it will probably go down...

To increase the voltage, try to reduce the values ​​​​of the resistors, or if it’s really bad, use my circuit with a PU4 chip (THE CHIP IS JUST FOR CONVENIENCE OF VOLTAGE REGULATION, YOU CAN JUST PUT ADDITIONAL RESISTORS OF THE TYPE R4 IN THE SECOND) in it, the output voltages will be equal to the voltage on POWER, except for DATA, which is additionally affects LPT 13... At least for me all the values ​​have risen from 2.2v to ~3.25v only when using a microcircuit (the only exception is DATA on which ~ 3.15v).

I did everything correctly, but the chip is not written (or in the report FF, 00). What should I do?

It is necessary to achieve an output voltage of 3.3v! That is why the chip is read unstable!

Decrease the speed. Simply lowering the speed reduces the power consumption of the chip.

Some of them "left" chips simply won't allow to write more than 4-9 bytes... They can also be simply unstably readable... There are many reasons... Therefore, the program may swear at the discrepancy between the information written and read from the chip

Also, the Chip may have just "changed the address" ... the probability that at 111 is almost 99%

So ... A small educational program, so to speak ...
1. It is known that all Type II chips in printer cartridges are the same, and cost PARALLELLY!
2. Each of the chips contains: Response address, Type of printer (or maybe cartridge), Release date, Manufacturer ... There is probably another, but less important ...
3. The first nine bytes (32 in total) contain information about paint, cleaning and initial initialization ...
4. The response address, located in the last nibble ... Therefore, in order to change it, you need to write the new address there ...
5. Information is written to the chip sequentially with the least significant bit forward (that is, to write something to byte 8, you need to write “something” in the first 7 ...
6. There are only Eight addresses, not 16 as it might seem at first glance
7. The last (highest) bit is the control bit (1-write or 0-read)
8. Chips of old types do not need an address at all, since the chips were checked independently on old printers ...

The first thing you need to restore the chip is the firmware that you need to “fill” into the chip... You can use the FULL firmware database for a specific type of printer... To add information to the database, you need Tools.exe and the FULL 32 BYTEs filled in chip...

If your printer is not in the database, then send the Report.txt created by the program for each chip to the address indicated there (or help) (indicating the printer model and cartridge model) ... they will be included in the database within a week ...
You can also get these 32 bytes yourself using Report.txt, CartDataTool.exe, Tools.exe

It is noticed that the chip most often changes the address to 111, which is caused by errors during zeroing ... sometimes the chip changed the address to 000, which is caused by poor contact of the connectors or OVERHEATING when soldering wires to the chip :)

How to make a connector?

There are already many options. Read the documentation for Alex's program, read the forum pages...
From myself, I will say the following ...
As for the contactee... I have it made from the head of a dead 680 printer... :)

Also C42 owners you can use the printer head...

Unsoldering a narrow cable from below


You can use the same thin cable to connect the resetter to the head or by removing the cover from the printer (you lost the warranty for it with the thought of refueling) with a connector for flat cables...
Pluses - you don't need to take out the cartridge, and therefore let the air in your head... Steam with the connector...
Minus - the probable wear of the cable (connectors) of the printer, the possible breakage of the lid latches. You can solder an additional connector (reason) to the main board and bring everything out, but this is almost a 100% warranty denial (you can, of course, do everything carefully)

Proposal from Roman Builov

We put transparent plexiglass on the cartridge from the side of the chip.
We mark the middle of the contact pads. Remove and drill 1mm holes.
We take a microcircuit with gilded legs (K 140 UD in a round metal case). The legs should not be soldered or trimmed, because. their ends will serve as contacts with the chip. We bite off the legs and bend them with brackets. one end
brackets are inserted into the hole, and the other is melted into the plexiglass with a soldering iron.
Brackets are placed not in parallel as in the printer, but in a circle. In places
fusion into plexiglass, solder the wires, which will go to the resetter.
We check that the contacts in the holes spring freely and protrude by 3 mm.
We put it on the cartridge and mechanically fasten it with an elastic band from curlers.
Checked. It took 30 minutes to make.

Suggestion from forum member Gennady

Drill on a blank of foil textolite with a step of 2 mm in
checkerboard pattern, it will just turn out in the center of the site, holes with a diameter of 1.5mm,
cut foil into strips from holes,
insert L-shaped elastic gold-plated wire-contact from the telephone
RJ connector and solder. Solder the wires of the programmer to the same sites. The programmer is ready. You can further ennoble: strengthen with hot-melt adhesive, put on
protective cover, etc.

Suggestion from forum member lev

The circuit is almost like from Roman Builov, but instead of the legs from the microcircuit, I use gold-plated contacts from the connectors of old computers, they are thicker, sharp and square in cross section,
and instead of a spring I use a guitar string - you bend the string and contact in the form of G
(It turns out like a bracket). If they are soldered together, and it springs well, and the contact is gold-plated, and the contact area is larger, it means that it contacts better,
and so that the contacts fall on the chip, you adjust it according to the cartridge

Suggestion from forum member Ort

A version of the contact device based on a telephone socket, the pitch of the contacts is exactly the same. Kind of color. 3.82 KV . As long as I can tell. that it is larger than the usual six pin. It is designed for 10 pins and is designed for mounting on a printed circuit board. One part is removed from the socket, where all the contacts are attached. It needs to be tweaked a bit. BUT, on the other hand, all contacts are springy and seem to be gilded.
The only thing that gnaws at me is that it somehow still needs to be installed and aimed.
Computer network socket brand RG45.
Type of contact device and socket details
View of the contact device in detail, 15 KV.
All holes visible
Can understand how to bend contacts
If it breaks when bent, then it is necessary to anneal it slightly, just pass it through the flame of the burner of the kitchen gas stove.
The picture shows 1 option, sloppy, if you try, it will turn out what you need.

Suggestion from Silver2003 forum member

The other day I took apart my C42 and rang a small flat cable. It goes to the board at the back of the printer, and the contacts go from bottom to top in the same order. If the printer is used at home, then you can modify it. We solder the wires from this board to some connector (6-pin jack is possible), and from another of the same connector to the board that stands in front of the cartridges (instead of a small cable). This board must be removed from the slot behind the cartridges and installed in a convenient place at the back of the printer, and the chips removed from the cartridges must be soldered to it. Now, in normal mode, we use a jumper with 2 connectors, which we insert into the newly installed connectors, and in programming mode, insert the programmer connector into the connector that goes to the small board with chips. There are 100k resistors on a small board
on the case through the Clc, Data, Reset circuit, through the Reset chain it costs 120 Ohms in series, and from 3V there is a capacitance on the case. These parts cannot change the programming mode.
Now we are not tied to the chips on the cartridges.
By the way, I highlighted the Silver scheme "and separately

The material is taken from the site
