In the terminology of tcp networks, ip is a subnet mask. Organization of computer networks


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

Given the host IP address and mask, determine the network address.

Host IP address:


When writing a response, select four elements of the IP address from the numbers given in the table and write in right order their corresponding letters, without the use of dots.

In this case, the correct answer will be written as HBAF.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the smallest possible value of the third byte from the left of the mask? Write your answer as a decimal number.


For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the third byte of the mask from the left? Write your answer as a decimal number.


For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the subnet address is 131.111. 192.0.

For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the third byte of the mask from the left? Write your answer as a decimal number.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain place - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the subnet address is

Given the host IP address and mask, determine the third byte from the left of the network address. Host IP address: Mask: Write your answer as a decimal number.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually the mask is written according to the same rules as IP address, - as four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the network address is

For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the smallest possible value of the third byte from the left of the mask? Write your answer as a decimal number.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain place - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the subnet address is

For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the third byte of the mask from the left? Write your answer as a decimal number.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain place - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the subnet address is

For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the mask byte second from the left? Write your answer as a decimal number.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros.

The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the network address is

For a host with an IP address of, the network address is What is the value of the third byte from the left of the mask? Write your answer as a decimal number.


In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain place - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

"Binary audio coding" - Binary audio coding. Recently, the computer is increasingly used to work with video information. Presentation of video information. Sampling frequency - the number of measurements of the signal level per unit of time. Modern sound cards provide 16-bit audio encoding depth. The number of volume levels determines the encoding depth.

"Computer networks" - Departmental computer networks. Low-speed computer networks. Corporate computer networks. Internet. Optical fiber computer networks. Why is the WWW called the World Wide Web? Medium speed computer networks. Uniform Resource Locator URL. What are computer networks? What is a browser?

"Networks" - Repeater mode. Ad Hoc Mode Infrastructure Mode WDS Modes and WDS WITH AP Repeater mode Client mode. Network hub or hub - network device, designed to combine several Ethernet devices into a common network segment. Repeaters (repeaters). infrastructure mode. Bridge) is a layer 2 network device of the OSI model designed to combine computer network segments (of different topologies and architectures).

"History of the creation of the network" - Noise immunity sets the parameter of the level of distortion of the transmitted information. Satellite communication lines operate in 9-11 frequency bands and, in the future, in optical bands. Local computer networks. Information is transmitted by telephone, radio or satellite channels connections. 2. The file that needs to be transferred over the network is divided into several parts - packets.

"Vector is called" - - Vector. Subtraction of vectors. End of vector. The sum of several vectors. The second concept of a vector. The length of the vector. Vector equality. Oppositely directed vectors. Addition of vectors Parallelogram rule. The null vector is considered collinear to any vector. Codirectional vectors. Collinear vectors.

"Global network" - Data transmission in the network is organized on the basis of the Internet protocol - IP. Description. All information on the Internet is stored on servers. The UNI interface is always deeply granular to ensure network connectivity of access equipment from different manufacturers. Global computer networks operate on the basis of packet, frame and cell switching technology.

In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that indicates how much of a host's IP address belongs to the network address, and

which one - to the address of a node in this network. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given network address and its mask. Based on the given network IP address and mask, determine the network address:

Information that is essential and important at the moment is called: 1) complete; 2) useful; 3) up-to-date; 4) reliable. 2. Human tactile information

receives through: 1) special devices; 2) organs of touch; 3) organs of hearing; 4) thermometer. 3. An example of textual information is: 1) the multiplication table on the cover of a school notebook; 2) an illustration in a book; 3) a rule in the native language textbook; 4) photography; 4. Translation of text from of English language in Russian can be called: 1) the process of storing information; 2) the process of obtaining information; 3) information security process; 4) the process of information processing. 5. Exchange of information is: 1) doing homework; 2) watching a TV program; 3) observation of the behavior of fish in the aquarium; 4) talking on the phone. 6. The number system is: 1) a sign system in which numbers are written according to certain rules using symbols (numbers) of a certain alphabet; 2) an arbitrary sequence of numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 3) the sequence of digits 0, 1 is infinite; 4) the set of natural numbers and signs of arithmetic operations. 7. The binary number 100012 corresponds to the decimal number: 1) 1110 2) 1710 3) 25610 4) 100110 8. The number 2410 corresponds to the number: 1) 1816 2) BF16 3) 2016 4) 1011016 1 byte; 2) 1 bit; 3) 1 baud; 4) 1 see 10. Which of the devices is designed to enter information: 1) processor; 2) printer; 3) keyboard; 4) monitor. eleven. Computer viruses: 1) arise due to failures in the hardware of the computer; 2) have a biological origin; 3) are created by people specifically to damage the PC; 4) are the result of errors in operating system. 12. An algorithm is: 1) rules for performing certain actions; 2) a set of commands for a computer; 3) protocol for computer network; 4) a description of the sequence of actions, the strict execution of which leads to the solution of the problem in a finite number of steps. 13. The property of the algorithm, which consists in the absence of errors, the algorithm must lead to the correct result for all valid input values, is called: 1) efficiency; 2) mass character; 3) discreteness; 4) limb. 14. The property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that the same algorithm can be used with different initial data, is called: 1) effectiveness; 2) mass character; 3) limb; 4) determinism. 15. Text editor - a program designed to: 1) create, edit and format text information; 2) work with images in the process of creating game programs; 3) PC resource management when creating documents; 4) automatic translation from symbolic languages into machine codes. 16. The main functions of a text editor include: 1) copying, moving, deleting and sorting text fragments; 2) creation, editing, saving and printing of texts; 3) strict adherence to spelling; 4) automatic processing of information presented in text files. 17. Cursor is: 1) a text input device; 2) key on the keyboard; 3) the smallest display element on the screen; 4) a mark on the monitor screen indicating the position at which the text entered from the keyboard will be displayed. 18. Text formatting is: 1) the process of making changes to the existing text; 2) the procedure for saving text on disk as a text file; 3) the process of transmitting textual information over a computer network; 4) the procedure for reading a previously created text from an external storage device. 19. Text typed in text editor, is stored on an external storage device: 1) as a file; 2) encoding tables; 3) catalog; 4) directories. 20. One of the main functions of the graphic editor is: 1) image input; 2) storage of the image code; 3) creating images; 4) viewing the output of the contents of the video memory. 21. An elementary object used in a raster graphics editor, is: 1) screen point (pixel); 2) rectangle; 3) circle; 4) color palette. 22. A spreadsheet is: 1) an application program designed to process data structured in the form of a table; 2) application program for image processing; 3) a PC device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in a tabular form; 4) a system program that manages PC resources when processing tables. 23. The spreadsheet is: 1) a set of numbered rows and named columns in the Latin alphabet; 2) a set of rows and columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet; 3) a set of numbered rows and columns; 4) a set of rows and columns, arbitrarily named by the user. 24. Choose the correct formula entry for spreadsheet: 1) C3 + 4 * E 2) C3 \u003d C1 + 2 * C2 3) A5B5 + 23 4) \u003d A2 * A3-A4

Annual control work, please help!!!

1) In the global computer network, the IP protocol provides:
a) Transfer of information to a given address
b) Splitting transferred file into parts
c) Receiving emails
e) transmission of mail messages
2) The process of building models is
a) Simulation
b) design
c) experimentation
e) design
3)Address is set Email on the Internet: Specify the name of the e-mail owner.
b) clero
c) rambler
4)HTML is
a) Web page builder
b) programming system
c) graphic editor
e) expert system
Thanks in advance!!)))

Please do those who know!!! ten . Specify the numbers of the main devices that are included in the personal computer:

1) system unit 2) printer 3) monitor 4) keyboard.

11. What are the main components of the computer located in system unit?

1) monitor 2) disk drive 3) motherboard 4) mouse

5) power supply.

12 Determine which category of PC software the described programs belong to:

1) perform various auxiliary functions;

2) ensure the performance of the work necessary for users: editing texts; drawing pictures, etc.;

3) ensure the creation of new programs for the computer.

1. Programming systems 2. System programs 3. Application programs

13. Choose which two tasks the OS should solve:

1) Distribute the time of work at the computer of each user.

2) Organize the user interface.

3) Carry out preventive maintenance of equipment.

4) Organize the joint work of all computer nodes and perform the duties of a computer process manager.

14. How can you define single-user and multi-user OS:

1) by the number of simultaneously solved tasks;

2) by the number of users;

3) by the number of processors.

15. Each file recorded on a disc has a designation consisting of two parts:

1) name and extension; 2) name and date of creation;

3) name and length; 4) file name and disk name.

16. Select filenames containing programs ready to be executed:

1) wt.exe; 2) wt.txt; 3) mac.doc; 4) mac.bas; 5)

17 . The local network is:

1) a computer network operating within the same region;

2) a computer network operating within one country;

3) a computer network operating within the same institution.

18 . To create a local network, you need:

1) network card, modem, network cable, network software;

2) network board, network cable, network software;

3) network board, network cable, server.

19 . Specify types of local network:

1) server based, linear bus, ring;

2) star, linear bus, ring;

3) peer-to-peer, linear bus, ring;

20 . Information is transmitted at a rate of 2.5 Kb/s. How much information will be transmitted in 20 minutes? Record the result in megabytes.

21 . Hypertext page viewerwww:

1) browser; 2) protocol; 3) server; 4) HTML;

Answer at least what you know: Crossword questions: Crossword questions:

1. A computer network that unites many local networks. (10 letters)
2. Highly professional programmer. (5 letters)
3. Network subscriber's computer. (8 letters)
4. A method of organizing textual information, within which semantic connections are established. (10 letters)
5. Exchange of information over the global computer network. (Already 16 letters!)

12th task: "Network addresses"
Difficulty level - basic,
Maximum score - 1,
Approximate execution time - 2 minutes.

12_7: The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 17):

Four pieces of paper were found at the crime scene. The investigation found that fragments of one IP address were recorded on them. The forensics labeled these fragments as A, B, C, and D. Retrieve the IP address. In your response, provide a sequence of letters representing the fragments, in the order corresponding to the IP address.

Answer: VGAB

Show solution:

  • Let's remember the rules of construction.
  • Exclude fragments that cannot match the beginning of the IP address: this is a fragment B(dot cannot start with an IP address).
  • Eliminate fragments that cannot match the end of the IP address: this is a fragment AT(the absence of a dot at the beginning, and, at the same time, in the remaining fragments there are no such fragments where there would be a dot (***.) at the end).
  • Fragment BUT must be either in last place, or after it must be only B(because it should be followed by a dot).
  • Fragment B can only be at the end, since the fragment following it will increase the number to a value greater than 255 , which cannot be in an IP address (for example, 322 ).
  • Let's go through the remaining options and find the desired IP address:

12_8: The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 7):

On server file is located, accessed via the protocol http. Address fragments given file coded with letters a, b, c… g(see table). Write down the sequence of these letters that encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet.

a .edu
b school
c .net
d /
e rating
f http
g ://

Answer: fgbadec

Show solution:

Determining the network address by IP address and netmask

The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 25):

In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that indicates how much of a host's IP address is a network address and how much is a host address on that network. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host address and its mask.

By the specified host IP address and mask determine the network address:

IP address: Mask:

When writing the answer, select the four elements of the IP address from the numbers given in the table and write down the corresponding letters without dots in the correct order.

0 145 255 137 128 240 88 92

Answer: BHEA

Show solution:

  • To solve the task, you need to remember that the network IP address as well as the network mask are stored in 4 bytes written with a dot. That is, each of the individual IP address and netmask numbers is stored in 8-bit binary form. To get the network address, you need to perform a bitwise conjunction of these numbers.
  • Since the number 255 in binary representation is 8 units, then with a bitwise conjunction with any number, the result will be the same number. Thus, there is no need to take into account those bytes of the IP address that correspond to the number 255 in the netmask. Therefore, the first two numbers of the IP address will remain the same ( 145.92 ).
  • It remains to consider the numbers 137 and 88 IP Dares and 240 masks. Number 0 in the mask matches eight zeros in binary representation, that is, a bitwise conjunction with any number will turn this number into 0 .
  • Let's convert both numbers of the ip-address and netmask to the binary system and write the IP-address and the mask under each other to perform a bitwise conjunction:
137:10001001 88:1011000 - IP address 240:11110000 0:00000000 - netmask 10000000 00000000 - result of bitwise conjunction
  • Let's translate the result:
  • 10000000 2 = 128 10
  • In total, for the network address we get bytes:
  • Match the letters in the table and get BHEA.
  • Netmask definition

    USE in Informatics 2017 task 12 FIPI option 1 (Krylov S.S., Churkina T.E.):

    In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. In this case, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

    For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the network address is

    For host with IP address network address is . What is equal to least possible meaning of the third byte of the mask from the left? Write your answer as a decimal number.

    Answer: 192

    Show solution:

    • The third byte from the left corresponds to the number 70 in the IP address and 64 — in the network address.
    • The network address is the result of the bitwise conjunction of the mask and the IP address in binary:
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -> third mask byte AND (&) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 -> 70 10 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -> 64 10
  • The smallest possible result of the mask could be:
  • 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - the third byte of the mask AND (&) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 -> 70 10 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -> 64 10
  • Here, the most significant bit is taken as one, although zero could have been taken for the result of the conjunction (0 & 0 = 0). However, since there is a guaranteed unit next, it means that we also put in the most significant bit 1 . As you know, in the mask, first there are ones, and then zeros (it cannot be like this: 0100… , or maybe just like this: 1100… ).
  • Let's translate 11000000 2 into the 10th number system and get 192 .
  • 12 task. Demo version of the exam 2018 informatics:

    In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros.
    The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

    For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the network address is

    For host with IP address network address is . What is greatest possible number units in the ranks of the mask?

    Answer: 19

    Show solution:

    • Since the network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask, we get:
    255.255.?.? -> mask & -> IP address = -> network address
  • Since the first two bytes on the left in the host IP address and the network address are the same, it means that in the mask to obtain such a result with a bitwise conjunction in the binary system, there must be all ones. Those.:
  • 11111111 2 = 255 10
  • In order to find the remaining two bytes of the mask, it is necessary to translate the corresponding bytes in the IP address and network address into the 2nd number system. Let's do it:
  • 208 10 = 11010000 2 192 10 = 11000000 2
  • Now let's see what the mask for this byte can be. Let's number the mask bits from right to left:
  • 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -> mask & 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • For the 5th bit we get: ? & 0 = 0 -> the mask can contain both one and 0 . But since the assignment asks us greatest possible number of ones, then it is necessary to say that in the mask this bit is equal to 1 .
  • For the 4th bit we get: ? & 1 = 0 -> in the mask can only be 0 .
  • Since the mask first goes ones, and then all zeros, then after this zero in the 4th bit, all the rest will be zeros. And the 4th byte from the left of the mask will be 0 10 .
  • Let's get the mask: 11111111.11111111.11100000.00000000 .
  • Let's count the number of units in the mask:
  • 8 + 8 + 3 = 19

    12_9: The solution to task 12 (from the site of K. Polyakov, option 139):

    Two hosts on different subnets have IP addresses and . Masked on both subnets the same number of units. Specify least possible number of units in the masks of these subnets.

    Answer: 22

    Show solution:

    • The subnet mask is first followed by 1 bits that correspond to the subnet address in the computer's IP address. Since the subnet addresses of the two computers from the condition of the problem are different, but the number of ones in their masks is the same, it is necessary to determine the first bit on the left in the IP addresses of the computers, which will be different for them. This bit will refer to the subnet address, and the remaining bits to the right of it may already refer to the computer address.
    • Thus, we find the first different bit on the left:
    175: 101011 11 170: 101010 10
  • We get that in the subnet mask all bits, including the one that corresponds to the selected ones, will be equal to one. Let's display this by converting only the byte we are interested in to the binary number system. Let's select the part of the addresses that corresponds to the smallest possible subnet address (respectively, the smallest number of ones in the mask):
  • address 1: 132.46.101011 11.26 address 2: 132.46.101010 10.130 mask: 255.255.111111 00.00000000
  • 255 for a mask is 8 units. Let's calculate the total number of units in the mask (it is the same for both computers):
  • 8 + 8 + 6 = 22

    Number of different mask values

    Solution of task 12 (Regional work, Far East, 2018):

    For host with IP address network address is .For how many different mask values is it possible?

    Number of computer addresses

    The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 41):

    In the terminology of TCP / IP networks, a subnet mask is a 32-bit binary number that determines exactly which bits of the computer's IP address are common to the entire subnet - these bits of the mask contain 1. Masks are usually written as four decimal numbers - according to the same rules as well as IP addresses.

    A mask is used for some subnet . How many different computer addresses theoretically allows this mask if two addresses (network address and broadcast) do not use?

    Answer: 62

    Show solution:

    • Single bits of the mask (equal to one) determine the subnet address, the rest of the mask (starting from the first zero) determines the computer number. That is, there are as many options for the computer address as can be obtained from zero bits in the mask.
    • In our case, we will not consider the first three bytes of the mask on the left, because number 255 in binary representation, these are eight units ( 11111111 ).
    • Consider the last byte of the mask, which is 192 . Let's convert the number to the binary number system:
    192 10 = 11000000 2
  • Total received 6 zeros in the netmask. This means that 6 bits are allocated for addressing computers, or, in other words, 2 6 computer addresses. But since two addresses are already reserved (by condition), we get:
  • 2 6 - 2 = 64 - 2 = 62 Author information

    Fishing Natalya Mikhailovna

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    Informatics and ICT

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    Preparation for the exam 2012. Assignment B11 on the topic: Terminology of TCP / IP networks

    Terminology of TCP/IP networks

    Task B11

    Preparation for the exam 2012

    subnet mask is called a 32-bit binary number that specifies whether what part of the computer's IP address is part of the network address, a what part of the IP address determines the address of the computer on the subnet. In the subnet mask the high bits set aside in the computer's IP address for the network address are set to 1; the least significant bits set aside in the computer's IP address for the address of the computer on the subnet are 0. For example, a subnet mask might look like:

    11111111 11111111 111 00000 00000000 (

    It means that 19 the most significant bits in the IP address contain the network address, the remaining 13 the least significant bits contain the address of the computer on the network.

    Example 1

    Let's find the network address, knowing the IP address ( and the subnet mask ( To do this, you need to apply the operation of bitwise conjunction (logical AND) to them.

    To do this, we translate into a binary number system.

    IP address: 11000000 10101000 00000001 00000010 (

    Subnet mask:11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000 (

    Network address: 11000000 10101000 00000001 00000000 (

    Example 2

    Based on the given network IP address and mask, determine the network address:

    IP-address: Mask:


    In the subnet mask high bits allocated in the IP address of the computer for network addresses, have value 1;lower bits set aside in the computer's IP address for computer addresses on the subnet have a value of 0

    11111111 11111111 111 00000 00000000 (

    This means that the 19 most significant bits in the IP address contain the network address, the remaining 13 least significant bits contain the address of the computer on the network. If the subnet mask is

    Let's perform a bitwise conjunction between these numbers - ; the mask 224 = 11100000 2 indicates that the first three bits of the corresponding number in the IP address refer to the network number, and the remaining 5 to the host address:

    248 = 11111000 2

    224 = 11100000 2

    so the network number part is 224 = 11100000 2 and the host number is

    X= 11000 2 = 24.

    so the full network address is


    At 11(DEMO2012

    In the terminology of TCP / IP networks, a subnet mask is a 32-bit binary number that determines which bits of the computer's IP address are common to the entire subnet - there is 1 in these bits of the mask. Usually masks are written as four decimal numbers - according to the same rules as well as IP addresses. For some subnet, the mask is How many different computer addresses does this mask theoretically allow? Note. In practice, not all of these addresses are used. For example, as a rule, IP addresses are not used, in which the last (rightmost) number is 0 in decimal representation.


    11111111 11111111 111111 00 00000000

    Q= 2 L

    Q- number of different words

    L- word length

    2 10 =1024 addresses

    Answer: 1024

    Example 3

    If the subnet mask is and the IP address of the computer on the network is, then the serial number of the computer on the network is _____


    It must be remembered that each part in the IP address (and in the mask) is an eight-bit binary number, that is, a decimal number from 0 to 255 (which is why each part of the address and mask is called octet)

    the first three numbers in the mask are 255, which is 8 ones in binary, so the first three numbers of the computer's IP address refer entirely to the network number

    for the last number (octet), the mask and the corresponding last part of the IP address are equal

    240 = 11110000 2

    44 = 00101100 2

    Above, the zero bits of the mask and the corresponding bits of the IP address are highlighted in blue, which determine the number of the computer on the network: 1100 2 = 12

    Answer: 12.

    Run by yourself

    1. If the subnet mask is and the IP address of the computer on the network is, then the serial number of the computer on the network is _______
