Introduction to web design. Introduction to Web Page Design

HTML 5, CSS 3 and Web 2.0. Development of modern Web sites. Dronov Vladimir

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to modern Web design. Web 2.0. Creating Web Pages

Introduction to modern Web design. Web 2.0. Creating Web Pages

World Wide Web, WWW, Web design, Web site, Web page - everyone knows what it is. But what is the modern World Wide Web, modern Web design and modern Web page? It is with the answers to all these questions that the this book. Next, we will talk a little about the principles of the Internet, Web pages and Web sites, create our first Web page, and begin to study HTML language 5 and select the programs that we will use in our work. So to speak, right off the bat...

Modern Web design. Web 2.0 concept

Previously, Internet access could only be accessed from computers. Then they started going online with mobile phones. Now multimedia players and reading devices have connected to the Internet e-books and televisions. And tomorrow - who knows; maybe we will access websites from an iron or a vacuum cleaner...

“I’ll be everywhere,” declares the Internet. - “I will become omnipresent. Everyone get ready for my arrival!”

What is required from a modern Web site

Let's prepare... But what should we, as future Web designers, do for this? Follow three simple rules.

1. Strictly comply with all Internet standards.

2. Carefully consider the content of Web pages.

3. Take care of the accessibility of Web pages.

Let's take a closer look at them.

The Internet threatens to come to the most different devices, which can be based on different hardware and software platforms, often very different from each other. So, personal computers built on hardware Intel platform and software Microsoft platform Windows (at least most). The author's mobile phone is based on the Samsung hardware and software platform. And no one can say now what the Internet vacuum cleaner will work on.

One thing unites all this hardware and software diversity - compliance with Internet standards. Otherwise, devices will at best display Web pages incorrectly, at worst, they won’t work at all.

This leads to the first rule listed earlier - when creating Web pages, Web designers must strictly adhere to modern Internet standards so that their creations are displayed equally (or almost identically) on all devices.

The first rule also requires the abandonment of outdated and proprietary Internet technologies. With outdated technologies, everything is clear: the old is no help to the new. Closed technologies are inconvenient because they are often controlled by a single company that single-handedly “calls the tune” and does not always listen to the opinions of the Internet community. Such technologies include, in particular, Adobe Flash and Microsoft ActiveX.

Open Internet standards, including Web standards, are managed by the World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C for short. It develops standards, harmonizes them with the requirements of market participants and publishes them on its website All standards published there are binding.

The Internet once began as a network of scientists who needed to share research results. What were these results? Mainly text, possibly with illustrations. Scientists are an undemanding public in this sense; the modest capabilities of the then WWW were quite enough for them.

Now the vast majority of Internet users are ordinary people. It's not enough for them plain text with a couple of pictures, give them well-designed text, music and video. They are more demanding than the first inhabitants of the Internet.

This leads to the second rule - Web designers must take care of the completeness and convenience of filling Web pages.

The structure of Web pages must be well thought out so that the visitor can immediately find everything he needs on them.

It is advisable to attract the visitor’s attention to important materials, and hide unimportant ones. Dynamic elements can help with this: paragraphs that expand when you click the mouse, hyperlinks that highlight when you hover the mouse cursor, etc.

If a Web site is dedicated to music or video, it should all be available for playback directly on its Web pages, without downloading.

In a word - everything for the convenience of the visitor! (Perhaps this rule should be at the top of the list...)

The Internet threatens to come to a variety of devices from different characteristics: processor speed, memory capacity, screen resolution, Internet access speed. But they all must provide uniform output of Web pages. How to achieve this?

Here is the third rule - Web designers must take care of page accessibility.

Web pages should be made as compact as possible. The more compact the file, the faster it downloads over the network - this is an axiom.

Web pages shouldn't be overly complex. The more complex a Web page is, the more time and system resources it requires to process and render.

Web pages should not require any additional software to display. Ideally, you only need a Web browser to display them.

But how are these rules implemented in practice? Let's open some modern Web site, for example, one belonging to the W3C organization (Fig. 1.1). As we remember, it can be found at the Internet address

Rice. 1.1. Home Web Page of the W3C Organization Web Site

Rice. 1.1. Home Web Page of the W3C Organization Web Site

What do we see here?

The website was created taking into account all modern Internet standards. It appears almost identically in all Web browsers.

The website does not use any outdated or proprietary Internet technologies.

The structure of Web pages is extremely clear - we can easily find everything we need. On the left is a set of hyperlinks leading to other Web pages of the Web site, in the middle is a list of news and hyperlinks to selected articles, and on the right are hyperlinks to additional materials.

The web page is perfectly readable. A thin sans-serif font, a calm gray-blue color scheme, thin frames with rounded corners, a minimum of graphics - nothing catches your eye.

There's even a video!

The web page loads quickly and displays instantly.

A Web page requires nothing other than a Web browser to be displayed. There is compliance with standards, content, and accessibility. Three out of three!

It is precisely these kinds of Web pages that we will learn to create in this book.

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The world's first site appeared in 1990, then the sites developed, and the need arose to design sites for the purpose of a pleasant visual perception by the user.

In this work we will try to study the basic concepts computer graphics, web page design, as well as the basics of composition and color selection. We will describe the advantages and disadvantages of both raster and vector graphics, and also find out which software It is best to work to create a graphic design; we will consider color models and indicate the pros and cons of each model. Let's describe the formats graphic images, which are used in web design.

web design computer graphics

Web design concept

Web design concept

Web design (from the English webdesign) is the visual design of web pages. It plays the same role for a website as printing design and layout for a paper publication. “Web design” is often referred to as web development, that is, the business of creating a website in general: designing the structure, navigation, and sometimes even the site’s engines.

At first glance, it may seem that answering this question is not at all difficult. The first thing that comes to mind is the graphic design. However, today this concept is given a much broader meaning in terms of breadth of coverage. This may not be entirely true, but today, when we say “web design,” we mean not only the professional graphic design of a website.

This concept brings together several completely independent directions, which ultimately form what we call “web design”. This and GUI site, which we see immediately after the page has loaded in the browser, and the design of the navigation system, and the content project of the site, that is, its information content, which should also be taken into account when creating a new site. The friendliness and clarity of the interface that we see on the screen and much more.

In fact, the graphics themselves appearance and website design are not the main point and starting point in designing an Internet page.

Web design today has become an independent phenomenon simply because knowledge of programs designed to work with graphics and artistic abilities are not enough to engage in Internet design. Of course, programming itself, especially solving complex problems, is done by professional programmers. But the work of a designer is impossible without a clear understanding of Internet technologies. The designer must have a clear idea of ​​how to solve a given problem or translate his ideas into a working model, which entails the need to understand both programming languages ​​and some of the intricacies of server technologies. He must imagine how data is transferred on the network, how and in what form his development will reach its end user - the visitor of the site being developed.

Ultimately, the seemingly simple task of “drawing” acquires a huge number of additional requirements, mainly of a technical nature, which have little in common with the artistic side. As a result, we can say that web design is precisely the creation of a website. The combination of artistic abilities and extensive knowledge of modern computer technologies allows us to create sites that are memorable and force the visitor to return to them again.

Basic principles of web design

The goal of the majority web designers is to create attractive, easily accessible and functional sites that can influence the visitor to perform some action. Such a web project requires good graphic design of the site, simple and intuitive site navigation, logically verified site structure and reliable copying. Good web site design should be a combination of common sense and good planning. The site should be attractive and easy to use, and most importantly provide the user with information or services that interest him.

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