Close nofollow. Rel Nofollow and Noindex or how to block a link from indexing

The most mysterious characters of page markup, the main task which consists of indexing links and text material of a web page by search robots.

- do not follow the link

Both main Russian-language search engine(Google and Yandex) - they know the attribute perfectly and, therefore, manage it perfectly. In this, both Google and Yandex are finally united. Not a single search robot will follow a link if it has an attribute :

anchor (visible part of the link)

content="nofollow" - do not follow all links on the page

It is allowed to specify a nofollow value for the content attribute of a meta tag .
In this case, all links on the web page will be closed from search indexing

(meta tag). Meta tags are used to store information intended for browsers and search engines. All meta tags are placed in a container , in the title of the web page.

on Google and Yandex search robots

Action of attributes and content="nofollow"
on Google and Yandex search robots are somewhat different:

Google Seeing attribute For a free-standing link, Google search robots do not follow such a link and do not index its visible part (anchor). Seeing the attribute content="nofollow" at the meta tag in the title of the page, Google search robots immediately “unfold their shafts” and roll back home, without even trying to look at such a page. Thus, in order to once and for all close a separate link (tag) from Google robots <а> ) just add the attribute to it :
And, in order to once and for all block the entire web page from Google robots,
Just add a line with a meta tag to its title:
Yandex For Yandex robots attribute has a ban effect only! to index the link and follow it. The visible text part of the link (anchor) will still be indexed by Yandex robots.
For Yandex robots, the meta tag attribute content="nofollow" has a ban effect only! for indexing links on the page and clicks on them. Yandex robots will still index the entire visible text part of the web page.
To prohibit indexing of the visible text part of a link or page for Yandex robots, you will also need to add its favorite tag or value

noindex - do not index text
(tag and value only for Yandex)

Tag is not included in the HTML language specification.
Tag is an invention of Yandex, which proposed in 2008 to use this tag as a marker for the text part of a web page for its subsequent removal from the search index. The Google search engine ignored this proposal and Yandex was left with its beloved tag, alone. Since Yandex, as a search engine, has earned itself quite strong trust and respect, you will have to pay due attention to its favorite tag and its meaning.

Tag - not a recognized invention of Yandex

Tag used by the Yandex search algorithm to exclude the service text of the search index web page. Tag supported by all subsidiary search engines of Yandex, such as, Rambler and others like them.

noindex tag - paired tag, closing tag is required!

Considering the lack of validity of your poor and unrecognized tag,
Yandex agrees to both options for writing it:
Not a valid option - ,
and a valid option -.

Although, in the second case, the horse understands that for hypertext HTML markup, this is no longer a tag, but simply an html comment on a web page.

Tag - do not index a piece of text

According to the Yandex Webmaster help, the tag used to prohibit search indexing of service sections of text. In other words, part of the text on the page enclosed in tags is removed by the search engine from the Yandex search index. The size and size of a piece of text are not limited. At least the entire page can be tagged . In this case, only links will remain in the index, without the text part.

Since Yandex approaches separately indexing the link itself and its visible text (anchor), to completely exclude a free-standing link from the Yandex index, it will need to have two elements at once - an attribute and tag . This selective approach of Yandex to indexing links gives a certain flexibility when imposing bans.

So, for example, you can create four structures, where:

The link is fully indexed Anchor (visible part of the link) Only the anchor (visible part) of the link is indexed Anchor Only the link is indexed, without its anchor Anchor The link is absolutely NOT indexed Anchor

For reference: tags , especially their valid version- absolutely not sensitive to nesting. They can be installed anywhere in the HTML code. The main thing is not to forget about the closing tag, otherwise the entire text, right up to the very end of the page, will be removed from the Yandex search.

Meta tag noindex - do not index the text of the entire page

It is allowed to use noindex as a value for the content attribute of the meta tag -
in this case, a ban is established on Yandex indexing the text of the entire page.

The content attribute is a tag attribute (meta tag). Meta tags are used to store information intended for browsers and search engines. All meta tags are placed in a container , in the title of the web page.

It is absolutely true, clear and precise that using noindex as the value of the content attribute of a meta tag gives a very good result and confidently “knocks out” such a page from the Yandex search index.

The text of the page with this meta tag in the title is
Yandex does not index at all, but at the same time it -
will index all links on it.

The difference in the effect of the noindex tag and meta tag

Visually, the difference in the effect of a tag and a meta tag noindex is that the ban on search indexing of the noindex tag applies only to the text inside the tags , while a meta tag ban applies immediately to the text of the entire page.
Example: This text will not be indexed

The text of a page with such a meta tag is not completely indexed by Yandex

Fundamentally, the difference in the action of a tag and a meta tag is manifested in differences in the algorithm for processing them by the Yandex search engine. In the case of the noindex meta tag, the robot simply leaves the page, not at all interested in its content (at least, that’s what Yandex itself claims). Ah, in the case of using a regular tag - the robot begins to work with the content on the page and filter it through its “strainer”. At the time of downloading, processing content and filtering it, errors are possible, both on the part of the robot and on the server side. After all, nothing is perfect in this world.
Therefore, a piece of page text enclosed in tags - can easily get into Yandex’s teeth for further search indexing. According to Yandex itself, this temporary inconvenience will persist until the robot’s next visit. Which I’m not very willing to believe, because some of my texts and pages, with the noindex tag and meta tag, hung in Yandex for several months.

Features of the noindex meta tag

Equally, as in the case of the tag, the action of the meta tag noindex allows you to flexibly impose bans on the entire page. Let's take examples of meta tags for the entire page from Yandex Webmaster:

Don't index page text do not follow links on the page do not index the page text and do not follow links on the page which is similar to the following: it is forbidden to index the text and navigate
follow the links on the page for Yandex robots

Here it is, tag and meaning noindex on Yandex :):):):).

Many optimizers know that TIC and PR indicators depend primarily on the quantity and quality of links to the site. But if your resource links to others, especially ones that are not relevant to the topic, then its weight drops. This article will tell you how to properly block unnecessary external links and text from indexing using tags.


noindex tag used to disable indexing some specific part of the text. It should be remembered that this tag does not block links and images from search engines. If you still try to close an anchor with a link with this tag, then only the anchor (phrase) will not be indexed, and the link itself will definitely be included in the index.

Noindex prevents indexing of the part of the code located between the opening and closing tags. Here's an example:

Yandex does not index this text

Naturally, it should not be confused with the noindex meta tag, which is written at the beginning of the page; they have various tasks. If you take the meta tag , then it prohibits indexing the entire page and following links. This prohibition can also be specified in the robots.txt file and such pages will not be taken into account by search robots.

Valid noindex

Some HTML editors noindex is not accepted because it is not valid. For example, in WordPress visual the editor simply deletes it. But you can still give validity to the tag:

The text is closed by a valid noindex

If you write a tag in this form in an HTML editor, then it will be absolutely valid and you don’t have to be afraid that it will disappear. The noindex tag is perceived only by the Yandex search bot; the Google robot does not react to it at all.

Some optimizers make the mistake of advising to close all links with noindex and nofollow tags, but this will be discussed below. As for the operation of the noindex tag, it is trouble-free. Absolutely all information contained in these tags does not enter the index. But some webmasters claim that sometimes the text inside these tags is indexed by bots - yes, this really happens.

And this is all because Yandex initially indexes the entire html code of the page, even those located inside noindex, but then filtering occurs. Therefore, at first the entire page is actually indexed, but after a while the html code is triggered and the test enclosed in this tag “flies out” of indexing.

You don’t even need to respect the nesting of the noindex tag - it will still work (this is discussed in Yandex help desk). Don't forget when using the opening put a closing text at the end of the excluded text, otherwise all the text coming after the tag will not be indexed.


Attribute has a task hide links from search engines located in the text. It is used by optimizers to avoid transferring weight from the referring resource to the referenced one. Yandex is well aware of this attribute.

You need to know that nofollow does not save weight on the page - if the link is enclosed in this tag. The weight of the resource does not pass through it, but rather “burns out” or if there are other links on the page that are not closed by the attribute, the weight will be distributed between them. And if there is at least one external active link, then the weight of the page will go away.

The main difference between nofollow and noindex is that nofollow is an attribute for the tag , which prohibits the transfer of weight by link, and noindex is a tag that blocks the text you need from indexing. Here is an example of using the nofollow attribute:

Link text

Naturally, it makes no sense to set the nofollow attribute in links that lead to internal blog pages, although there are exceptions. In cases where weight from the page needs to be transferred to selected internal links, all others can be closed.

Example of using nofollow and noindex together

Both nofollow and noindex tags work great when they are in close proximity. Here is an example of their use:

Link text

Designing a link in this way will help you maintain the weight of the page and, moreover, the Yandex search bot will not see the anchor. In conclusion, it must be said that you do not need to close the link's noindex tag, thus you only prohibit indexing of the anchor, but not the link itself. One nofollow attribute will be enough for it.

The secrets of website optimization lie not only in promoting them for key queries, taking care of usability and increasing traffic, but also in correct use html code. Proper use of tags and their attributes can often help avoid days of work. There are popular and effective techniques. Probably, in SEO optimization it is impossible to separate the rel nofollow attributes and the noindex tag from each other. Therefore, this article will talk about both, as well as what they are needed for, whether they should be placed next to each other, and in what cases they should be used, and when this should not be done.

Hide links from search robots

Of course, any website is created with the goal of making some kind of profit from it. And the weight of each page is valued by the webmaster. But it’s impossible not to post it in your publications. There are reasons for this, and here are a few of them:

Buying and selling links brings profit;

Traffic to the Internet project increases.

There is an opinion that the a tag attribute - rel nofollow will help hide anchors from search robots and at the same time maintain the weight of the page. But this statement is only possible if the code is written correctly. The exact spelling of this attribute is:


Proper linking only gives the site weight and increases its ranking. Needless to say, for internal links there is no need to use a href rel nofollow.

Usage example

An explanation in general terms does not always reveal the full picture of the importance of using certain tags and their attributes. Hide the link, do not give the weight of the page of your site to someone else. What is this? Just greed? No, this is far from true. For example, many websites have social media buttons. Agree that their trust is already great. Codes social buttons while maintaining the weight of their own pages, they are registered using the target blank, rel nofollow attributes. The first of them, after clicking, will lead the visitor to third-party Internet resources, opening another browser tab. The second one will not allow you to reduce the weight of the page. For example, for a social button Twitter networks it will look like this:

a rel=”nofollow”target=”_blank”href=”URL/home/.

It is worth mentioning the validity of the code - compliance with all technical requirements of html markup. The rel external nofollow tag not only replaces the target_blank attribute no worse, but is also better perceived by search engine robots.

A rel href nofollow, or When you still need it

Hiding links to “bad” or non-thematic sites from search engines;

To hide a large number of addresses to third-party resources;

Hiding links if the webmaster sells them;

Not transferring weight to mega-popular portals such as Yandex or Google;

Hiding links in comments.

Nofollow saves websites, and especially blogs, from spam. Unverified links closed with this attribute will appear less and less often in comments.

Noindex and why it’s worth talking about

Indexing can be prohibited not only on external and internal links, but also on individual text elements, as well as entire pages. For this, webmasters use the noindex tag. It only hides texts. Not applicable to pictures and photographs. Links that rel nofollow successfully hides, noindex cannot hide from search engines. The robot will not see the anchors, but will index the addresses. Noindex is usually used to hide part of the content:

With obscene language;

With non-unique text;

The tag definitely needs to be used. But it doesn't work on every engine. The fact is that noindex is not valid, that is, it does not meet the standards. This is why one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress, removes the tag from its code. The secret of validity lies in the use of several signs.. By writing the code in this form, you can be sure that Yandex will not index your WordPress blog pages.


Should I include both the tag and the attribute in the page code? There is nothing stopping you from using noindex and a rel nofollow in pairs. The tag does not interfere with the attribute, and vice versa. They are placed side by side because search engines see the site code differently. For example, when using both a tag and an attribute, a webmaster can be sure that the Yandex robot will not recognize the anchor, nor will it see the link itself. Google will see the text, but will not transfer the weight to third-party pages of other sites.

Especially for beginners

Website optimization is a new and interesting job on the labor market. Lack of systematically planned information resources for beginners, it makes their activities much more difficult. And naturally, young webmasters make mistakes. Some people fill the content with an insane number of links, while others leave pages without one at all. The same picture applies to the placement of the noindex tag and the rel nofollow attribute.

The desire to bring a site to the TOP of search engines is the reason for committing critical error. The fact is that beginners often close external links with both a tag and an attribute. This, to some extent, actually preserves the weight of each page of the site. But the truth is that the same external links increase trust from search engines. You can compensate for weight loss by promoting low- and medium-frequency queries.

Any optimizer should remember that any information will be perceived by readers with greater confidence if it is possible to follow a link to its source. Surely, webmasters themselves are unlikely to adopt a book or brochure that does not contain a list of references.

More and more Internet users are relying on authoritative sources. And if a young site does not refer to their opinion, then it will be much more difficult for it to retain readers and attract subscribers. Of course, this will negatively affect the optimization of the resource. So is it worth blindly using rel nofollow attributes?

A good webmaster cares about his reader. Remembers that one of the foundations of the Internet is links to authoritative resources that provide reliable information. Search engines love sites made for people. And page weight is not the only parameter by which pages with content get to the TOP. Yandex evaluates Internet projects using 800 parameters.

And at the end of the day, page weight only matters to publications that receive it from links from third-party sites. Experience shows that donors, leaving this ranking parameter for themselves, do not rise higher in the “eyes” of search engines.

Hello, guests and blog readers website. Andrey Nazyrov is with you again. And in this article I will tell you how to correctly close the link from indexing search engines.

To be honest, I'm very surprised. It turns out that many people do not know how to close a link. And if you've heard of the tag and the rel=“nofollow” attribute, they do not know their exact purpose. Let's still decide what these tags are and what they are eaten with. To do this, let's turn to the search engines themselves and the famous Wikipedia.


Tag This is the creation of Yandex. It is created as an alternative to the attribute. Tag indicates search engine Yandex that a certain section of the web page that is placed between these tags should not be indexed.

Please note that I wrote a specific section of the web page, not a link. When using the noindex tag, Yasha does not index only the anchor (text), and he will index the link itself as before.

A very important point - noindex is determined only by Yandex. Google does not react to it in any way, and continues to index everything that is placed in these tags.

Blog of Andrey Nazyrov

noindex has one more disadvantage. Due to the fact that it is not part of the official HTML specification, most validators consider it a bug. This can be avoided by using the tag in a different construct −

Based on this, we can conclude:

The noindex tag should only be used to hide non-unique text so that Yandex does not consider it copy-paste. It is useless in blocking links from indexing.

Attribute rel= "nofollow"

rel=”nofollow” was created to prevent robots from following links. Therefore, links with the rel=”nofollow” attribute do not convey page weight.

This attribute is seen by both Google and Yandex. Yasha, unlike Google, began to distinguish this attribute not so long ago. It first stopped taking into account the weight of links that have this attribute in May 2010.

But nothing is perfect. There is an ongoing debate on many SEO forums about indexing nofollow links. This is due to this:

  1. Due to the fact that the process of indexing and calculating weight page goes separately, some links containing the nofollow attribute may be displayed in the Yandex and Google webmaster panel.
  2. Yandex's Bystrobot usually also indexes all links, regardless of any tags. But with the next update, they will disappear.

Blog of Andrey Nazyrov

For myself, I came to the following conclusion:

  • Links definitely need to be closed. This directly affects the authority of web resources and partly on search results.
  • You need to close links using the rel=”nofollow” attribute.
  • You need to regularly check your blog for outgoing and .

Wait for new articles!

Hello young webmasters.

The topic of today's article is the nofollow tag, although I named it incorrectly. Why, read on. The article will be very short, but at the same time I will serve it with a different sauce.

I will tell you not only what it is, but in what cases it should be used and how I do it. I hope you find it interesting.

General provisions

Let's start with some general provisions so that in the future you can be guided in the use of the information provided.

In general, on the topic of the article, there are 3 concepts on the Internet:

  1. nofollow tag;
  2. attribute;
  3. and meta tag.

First, there is no concept at all, because nofollow is not a tag, but an attribute that is written inside the link tag: here is the link text.

The last concept (meta tag) is correct and exists, although it has a slightly different definition. This is not really a meta tag, but only the values ​​of the robots meta tag. Its job is to completely block all links on the page. It is written like this: .

If we are talking about the operation of an attribute, then there are many opinions about its operation. Someone says that it completely blocks links from indexing, that is, clicks on links do not occur and weight does not leak from such links.

Someone insists that transitions still occur and weight flows away, but is not transferred to the site to which we referred.

Yandex says that the nofollow attribute serves to completely prohibit links from indexing, which means the weight does not go away, but will be saved on our page, which helps in its promotion.

There are also many opinions on Google:

  • Someone says that this is just some kind of instruction from Google not to follow the link, which he can safely ignore;
  • Some are inclined to believe that the nofollow attribute is fully operational.

Having analyzed highly promoted resources (for example,,, you can see that this attribute is very actively used on them. From this we can conclude that nofollow still works and should be used.

We now turn to its application.


So, why should it be used and in what cases?

  • Firstly, if you link to some resources in your articles, then such links need to be closed with an attribute. But not always, since high-quality work with external links can bear fruit when promoting the page;
  • Secondly, nofollow should be used in the layout of the website template to ensure the correct implementation of weight distribution, which is very important when promoting the website. This plays a particularly strong role when purchasing eternal links to pages.

Using the attribute, a scheme is provided where at the lower level of nesting, that is, on article pages, all other site links (menus, categories, etc.) are closed so that the weight does not go anywhere from this page. Thus, when purchasing a link to a page, its weight remains entirely in in the right place and is not transmitted anywhere. The effect of this scheme is very powerful. There will be a detailed article about this in the near future.

Now the practical part. As I already showed above, nofollow is written inside the link tag .

This is how everything is done. In some of my materials, when creating internal links, I close the links in nofollow so that the weight does not flow away, since the emphasis is on this page in promotion. What is the use of such a link if it is closed? It's simple, it helps the visitor - that's its main task.

I added nofollow here because there is no point in transferring weight to that article. I need to keep the maximum weight in this article, since it keyword more competitive and frequency. But still, I added a link to point out to the visitor other possible options for the problem.

Regarding the use of the attribute in the template layout to prevent weight from flowing onto top level, then you can see it using the extension RDS bar to the browser. Links in sections will be crossed out. This is how the plugin highlights links with this attribute.

In the image, the menu is brown when the RDS bar add-on is enabled, since it also highlights the presence of the tag.

As promised, the article is short. Nothing more can be said on this topic. Therefore, the material can be completed.

In 2 words I said why this attribute is needed and in what cases it should be used. Briefly the conclusion is:

  • rel nofollow blocks links from indexing, saving page weight;
  • used to close both external and internal links in order to distribute weight among the necessary articles;
  • is used during template layout.

By the way, almost no one talks about layout, since this is a very delicate point that ordinary website owners do not know about.

These are my personal conclusions, which are based on the experiments of other specialists in this topic, as well as on personal analyzes of other resources.

With that, I say “see you later” and say goodbye to you in this article.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!
