Register classmates social network. Registration in the social network Odnoklassniki new user: instructions

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site. Today's article-instruction on how to create a page in Odnoklassniki for advanced users may seem too simple and redundant, but there are many people who need such basic knowledge.

profile in one or another social network may be needed for various reasons, someone wants to find distant relatives, classmates or fellow students, someone is aimed at promoting their business. For everyone, the first step is to register an account in the selected service.

Odnoklassniki is one of the first social networks that appeared on the Russian-speaking Internet and its focus follows from the name. To a greater extent, this project captivates people of the older generation, but, in fact, it can be interesting and useful for all ages.

Let's move on to the instructions.

Step 1. Account registration

On the right we see the profile login window, but since we are only going to create it, we are interested in the “no profile in Odnoklassniki” area.

Now you can create a profile quite quickly simply by using one of the Google services, Mail, or Facebook. To do this, click on the appropriate icon and allow the Odnoklassniki service access to information.

If you don’t have pages in the proposed networks or you want to use other data, then we will create a profile the old fashioned way through the “registration” button. Now account registration begins immediately with entering a phone number, before a page could be created without using it, but in this case the functionality was limited. Blame it all a large number of fake profiles involved in spam, phone verification somehow allows you to fight this, and improves security.

If you have new number phone, it may happen that the previous owner has already created a page in Odnoklassniki, in which case the service will ask if this is your profile. Click the "No, create a new" button.

Next, we come up with a password, unfortunately, the era of four-digit passwords has passed, although there are no strict criteria in classmates, it is advisable to use numbers, letters of the lower and upper case and at least 8 characters. Remember that the security of your page depends on the password. You don't want evil dwarf scammers asking for loans from your friends.

We proceed to enter personal data: first name, last name, date of birth and gender.

We complete the registration and ... my Odnoklassniki show this window “This happens very rarely. But this is a temporary mistake, we promise.” What kind of error is not clear, if you have it, then do not be alarmed.

I had to go through all the previous steps again and the second time the registration was successful, the profile page opened.

Step 2. Profile setup

In general, the page registration process is completed, it remains only to set up a profile. Add a photo so your friends can recognize you.

Fill in personal information. To do this, in the menu on the left under the photo, click on your name.

An orange settings button will appear to the right of the avatar.

There are relatively few settings. All of them are for your convenience. Let's briefly go over each point.


Basic settings include filling in personal data (what we filled out during registration + place of birth and residence), you can immediately change your password and phone number, enable double protection (an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent each time you enter your profile), and here you can also change the language and link to your profile (instead of ID numbers, your name will be).


Next, consider the item "publicity". Here you can configure what information in your profile users will see and what will be available only to you. The social network Odnoklassniki also offers paid service closed account.


In notifications, you can specify what activity in the profile you would like to receive SMS about, and about which only notifications in the browser, it is also possible to specify the time interval when notifications will be received.

Visit history

In the history of visits, you can track where and when you were logged into your account. With suspicious logins, you can react in time, change your password and secure your page.

Photo and video

In the photo & video settings, you can enable or disable the automatic playback of GIFs and videos, as well as broadcast notifications.

Third Party Applications

Black list

The blacklist will show users that you have ever blocked.

This completes the registration and profile setup, and I hope that the question “How to create a page in Odnoklassniki?” will no longer cause you trouble. Find friends, chat, share photos and information, promote your business.

If you want to learn about how to register on Odnoklassniki for the first time and finally join the users of the popular social network, then this article is especially for you.

Odnoklassniki is a social network for those who like not only to communicate with old friends and make new ones, but also listen to interesting music, watch funny videos and always be aware of all world events. In our article, we will talk in detail about, and also explain how to protect yourself from possible errors.

The Internet resource Odnoklassniki was created in 2006 by Russian web developer Albert Mikhailovich Popkov, who lived at that time in London. Created as a simple friendly entertainment, the project began to grow rapidly and by the end of the year already had more than one and a half million users.

Now the service has about two hundred and five million registered accounts. People using this site can be found in almost every corner of the world, but the largest number of users is, of course, in Russian Federation and neighboring countries. This Internet resource in terms of the number of visitors ranks fifth in our country and is among the fifty most visited in the world.

How to register on the Odnoklassniki website for the first time?

How the first time you learn by reading another article on our website.

This process is actually quite simple and does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need to carefully follow the instructions provided here. For your convenience, we have divided it into six steps, following which you will easily pass the registration.

Action one:

With the help of your personal computer(laptop, tablet, mobile phone- optional) open any search engine, for example Yandex or Google and enter the name of the site in the query string: Follow the first link that opens and you will find yourself on the main page of the site we need.

First of all, you will see the login form, but since you do not have your own page yet, you cannot use it. Therefore, click on the word "Registration" located directly above this form.

Action two:

If everything is done correctly, you are on the initial registration page. You will see a line for entering a phone number and above it the name of your (or not your) country.

First of all, check if the name of your country is displayed on the screen. If not, then touch it and, accordingly, select the correct one. You need to keep in mind that this will not be displayed on your profile, but is only needed to correctly enter the phone number. You will be prompted to choose the name of the country for your page later.

Now enter your mobile phone number. It is needed so that the operator can send an SMS message with a confirmation code to it. The number you need to use is the one that you have with you and is not planned to be replaced - in the future, if there are problems with your account, many of them can be easily solved using this particular number.

Do not be afraid that at the same time you will be charged any amount - registration in Odnoklassniki is absolutely free and does not provide for withdrawal Money from a phone number.

When all the necessary actions have been completed, touch the inscription "Next".

Is it possible you can find out from another article on our website.

Action three:

When you receive the expected SMS, then enter the confirmation code in the window intended for it, which appeared on the page and click on "Next".

If the message did not arrive within five minutes, which happens extremely rarely, click on the “Request code again” message located under the window. If this does not help, check again the spelling of the phone number.

Action four:

After entering the code, a page will open in front of you, on which your phone number will be indicated as a login and you will need to come up with and enter a password. You can come up with it yourself using letters, numbers and symbols. When everything is ready, click "Next". Later in the settings you will be able to email address or any other name.

Whatever you decide, the password must be remembered well, and even better, written down in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. It is the login, along with the password that you have yet to come up with, that will become your key to entering Odnoklassniki.

Action five:

Now the most interesting thing is to fill out the questionnaire, indicating your data there, for example, last name, first name, gender and year of birth. It is desirable that the information you provide is true - otherwise your friends will not be able to find you.

Action six:

Now decorate your profile with your most successful photo. It can be added from the device memory. If you are not yet ready for this action due to the lack of a suitable photo, then you can click on "Skip" and add the photo later.

Finally, you can be congratulated - the creation of your page is finished! You can add close people as friends, upload more different photos, and generally have fun.

If you are still not sure that you can register in Odnoklassniki for the first time, you can preview a special training video that shows this process.

How to register for the first time

To create a page in Odnoklassniki, you do not need to spend a lot of time or pay for this service, in this article we will try to understand all the details and nuances of this process. Now this procedure takes just a couple of minutes and does not require any costs from you. Let's get started?

Create a page in Odnoklassniki: instructions

  • First of all, in order to create an account, go to the social network site You can also find it in a search engine or enter it in the address bar.
  • We will immediately find ourselves on the main page of the site, where we will find the “ ” button on the right side. Just we need it - we press.
  • Here you need to enter your phone number and click the "Next" button. Provide correct information! The fact is that you should receive a registration confirmation code to this number.

Tip: For the safety of your personal data, do not use a password that is too simple (for example, your date of birth or phone number), and also change the combination of characters periodically. It seems obvious, but many neglect such a simple rule.

  • Next, we see a small form-questionnaire, which must be honestly and reliably filled out (this is in our own interests). The reliability of the entered data will depend on the convenience of using the social network - if everything was entered honestly, then your relatives and friends will be able to quickly find you.

The good news is that your Odnoklassniki page has been created! What's next?

Basic profile settings

Of course, you will agree that there is no point in creating a page in Odnoklassniki and leaving the profile empty. In this regard, we will consider what basic settings are in Odnoklassniki.

  • Click "Change Photo" and choose a photo to serve as your avatar.

  • Click on the photo on the right upper corner screen and find "Change settings". Here you can enter information about yourself - name, date of birth, gender and city. You can also link email, set up privacy, notifications, etc. In other words, the social network provides a wide range of opportunities to make using the profile as comfortable as possible for you. Be sure to create a page and try it yourself!

Creating a profile in Odnoklassniki - what can go wrong?

It happens that you clearly follow the instructions, but the expected result does not work. What can be wrong?

This can happen due to a network failure. We advise you to wait a while (at least 5 minutes) and click "Request code again" and then you will definitely be able to create your profile.

Perhaps that's all. We hope you understand how to create a new page in Odnoklassniki. This is a fairly simple and quick procedure that does not take much time even for those who are not very good at working with a computer.

Page creation

We will help you register in Odnoklassniki. Registration in this social network is completely free. Having successfully passed it, you get your new page.

We will open Odnoklassniki in a separate window, but this article will remain in the previous tab (or in a separate window), and you can switch to it at any time to get help. First, let's check if everything is ready!

What do you need to prepare for registration?

You need to have:

  • A mobile phone whose number you know and which you are not going to part with. You may need it in the future to regain access.
  • Preferably, but not required, an email address where you have access.

In addition, you need:

  • Create a password (code word from 6 to 12 characters, you can use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and any of the symbols: .!#$%^&*()_-+ ). Most importantly, the password should always be remembered, but no one except you should know it! In other words, the password must be complex enough that it cannot be guessed, and at the same time, it can be remembered. The password is distinguished between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if your password starts with a small letter, then comes a large letter, and then small letters again, then this is how it should always be entered. And it also matters what language you enter it in. If you initially set the password in the English layout, and then you enter it in Russian, the site will not understand you.

Let's start registering!

So, we open the Odnoklassniki website. Press on this link, and Odnoklassniki will open in a new tab or window. Then switch here (back).

Attention: if, having opened Odnoklassniki, you see the page of another person or your own old page which is no longer needed, click "Exit" in the upper right corner. Only then will you be able to register a new page.

The very first thing you will see is an invitation to enter the site or register. We can't log in yet because we don't have a username or password yet. But we see the link "Register". Just click on it in the window that opens:

Or this picture could be:

Filling in personal data

Now you need to provide basic information about yourself. This is necessary, firstly, in order to register your page, and then, by going to it, you can see your name and confidently say that this is your page. And secondly, so that your friends and classmates can find you on the site:

Let's get started. You need to specify:

  • Name. What is your name?
  • Surname(The fairer sex who has a maiden name can indicate it in parentheses, that is, first write the current surname, then a space and in brackets the maiden name).
  • date of birth- day, month and year. Each day or month must be selected from the list: for example, click on "year", find your year of birth in the list, then click on it.
  • Country of residence- most likely, your country is already selected there, for example, Russia. But if you need to specify another, you can do it right away. Selected from the list - the same as the year of birth.
  • City Enter the city or town where you live here. When you type the first letters, Odnoklassniki suggest cities so as not to type to the end. You can simply choose from options that begin with these letters.
  • Email or login: here you need to specify one of the two - your email address (for example, [email protected] ) or a login of your choice (for example, petr.ivanov). Once again, pay attention that if you indicate the email address, then this is done for a reason! You must have access to this mail. If you do not want to contact the mail and specify the login, then it must be no shorter than 6 characters. And if someone has already taken such a login, then you will have to invent some other one. Finally, you need to remember your username. Same as the password.
  • Password: everything is clear here, enter the password that you came up with. The password must be remembered, because it is the knowledge of the password that allows you to enter the site.

When everything is entered, press the button "Register". If something is wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will point out the error (highlight it in red and write the reason). If everything is in order, you will immediately go to your new page. Hooray!

Page activation

Now it's important to take one more step: provide your mobile phone number. This is needed to activate the page and get full access to the site. Activation is free, after it your page is, as it were, tied to your phone. If you need to restore access and you order a recovery code via SMS, it will come to your number.

Now an SMS will be sent to your number with a code that you need to enter on the site. That's it, now your page in Odnoklassniki is activated. You can use all the features of the site. We advise you to do the following:

  • Upload your photo from your computer.
  • Specify educational institution(or several institutions) where you studied.
  • Look for friends and classmates.

If you need to change some data about yourself, then this can be done on your page at any time - just click on your name, which is written in large print. There you can indicate your interests, and by clicking on the link "Edit personal data"- change the name, surname, gender, date of birth, city of residence. In addition, you can specify your hometown.

Is it possible to register in Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Unfortunately no. To register, you need to provide a valid phone number, which you always have at hand. This number may be required in the future to regain access. Some people use "virtual" phone numbers who buy on sites, but in fact, if you don't want to shine your personal number, much easier to buy an additional sim card. But keep in mind that if you do not use this SIM card, the operator will disconnect you, and it will be difficult for you to restore access (and everything happens in life). Therefore, it is better to register with your main phone number.

If I deleted my page, can I register again with the same phone number?

If you turn to the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find the following information there:

A mobile phone number can only be registered on one page. It won't work on another. If the page is deleted, then it will be possible to register a new page with this phone number not immediately, but after some time.

Since “some time” can mean several months, we advise you to buy a cheap SIM card in such a situation, activate the page with it, and then, after “some time”, try changing the number to the old one. This is done like this:

  1. Click below your main photo "yet".
  2. Choose "change settings" and beyond "Phone number".
  3. Click "Change number".
  4. Enter the number to which you want to link the page.
  5. Confirm selection.
  6. You will receive a code in SMS, which you will need to enter to confirm the number.

Email verification

Do not forget one more thing: if you indicated your email address during registration, now is the time to go to the mail and see new letters. You should receive an email like this:

Quick entry to Odnoklassniki

Good luck! For fast entry use Odnoklassniki start page“Entrance”, on it you will always see if someone has written to you and has not come to visit to see your page. Or maybe rated your photo! You will see it even before entering the site.

If there are any other incomprehensible moments during registration, look help section on Odnoklassniki- most likely, there will be an answer to an exciting question.

You do not quite understand how to register in classmates? Then this article is just for you. Today we will discuss registration in classmates in detail, and you will understand that there is nothing complicated in this. This social network is quite easy to learn and does not require any special knowledge to use.

Thanks to the personal page in the social. network you can find your friends, classmates or classmates. Here you can have active dialogues, share photos and videos, share your music. And all this is completely free! Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the various options for registering a new user:

  • computer registration;
  • phone registration;
  • re-registration of the second account;
  • registration without a mobile number;

Standard way

If you want to create a new page right now, please note that the social network asks for the following data:

Your cell number. It is worth noting that the number must be suitable in the future. This rule is so that in case you lose your account, you can use the confirmation code to restore your account.

Your e-mail. FROM email everything is the same as with a mobile number. Various notifications from a social resource can regularly come here. Therefore, it is important that your email address has always been up to date.

Password. Here is the most main point. You need to come up with a complex password for others, but an easy one for yourself. The main thing is to choose words that you would associate with something. In this case, it will be easier for you to remember if you suddenly forget your password.

Registration stage

The first time you register or register again, you always need to go to the main web address of the resource - If you are not friends with the address bar of the browser, go to any search engine, be it Google or Yandex, and in the search box enter the name of the network - “classmates”, or “”. The search robot will give you page options. This social network will be in the very first ranks.

Turning to home page site in front of you will be a greeting and a login form. There will be two buttons on the top left corner - login and registration. The way you are New user, you need to register, respectively, and select this item. As mentioned above, when registering, you need to enter your mobile number, and also indicate the country, but, in most cases, it is determined automatically, so you do not have to enter it. Press "Next".

Pick up your phone and check your messages. You should receive an SMS with a code that you need to drive into a special window.

At the next stage, you need to carefully consider your future password, since you already have a login (your phone number). The password must be in the form of Latin letters with additional numbers. It must not be less than six characters. To prevent anyone from picking it up, uppercase and lowercase characters should be used. Then supplement it with numbers or other special characters.

Important! Don't think too much complex passwords that you can't remember yourself. When entering your password into the form, do not forget to pay attention to the keyboard layout.

When the password is successfully invented, click on the "Next" button again and now the registration is completed for you.

What should be done after registration?

Entering personal information after registering will help others find you online. Therefore, in the personal data section, you need to fill out a questionnaire:

  • Name and Surname - you can either come up with, or, which is strongly advised, enter real data. The real name and surname will reduce the time spent searching for your family and friends.
  • Date of birth - this opens a list where you can select the day, date and year.
  • Gender - are you a woman or a man? Be sure to leave a mark about it on the social network.

If all of the above information is correct, be sure to click "Save".

Registration via mobile phone

Now smartphones have become even more convenient than standard PCs. The smartphone is always with you, and you can answer your interlocutor at any time. The mobile version of classmates provides the opportunity to regularly receive notifications from your friends and keep abreast of all events.

In the mobile version, registration is carried out in the same way as on the computer itself. Open your smartphone browser. In the search box, enter Further opens mobile version entrance. Since we are interested in registering again, choose the appropriate item accordingly. Then you get to the stage of entering data and confirming a mobile phone.

If you already have, you can log in from both your personal computer and your smartphone. In any case, open a browser, go to the site. Enter your username and password and click "Login".

Note! For the social network "Odnoklassniki" there are applications for Android and iOS. If you prefer to sit on your page through your phone, it is better to choose an application. It will be much more convenient to conduct dialogues in chats, view photos and listen to music.

How to register another page?

On some social web resources it is forbidden to have a second account. But in Odnoklassniki you can have as many of them as you need. To create a second account, you will need a new mobile number. When re-registering, exit the old personal page and do everything in the same way as described above.

How to register without a phone number?

Registration without a number is not possible. If you do not have a number, then you can use special services that offer temporary numbers. However, you should not always trust such resources. Therefore, go through the registration stage in accordance with all the rules to become a full-fledged user of the Odnoklassniki social network. In addition, if you lose access to the page, you can always restore it using your phone number.
