1s enterprise error working with the file. Errors when working with data files

For "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" integration with "1C" is not a problem. This is a standard feature that has been present for a long time since the version software products "1C:Enterprise 8.1", Trade Management edition (version 10.3.4) and "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" version 6.5, in Small Business, Business and Big Business editions.

Trading on the Internet has no differences from ordinary retail in terms of accounting records. In this regard, the question arises of coordinating sales through an online store and posting them according to the 1C accounting system. For ": Site Management" integration with "1C" is not a problem. This is a standard feature that has been present for a long time since the version of 1C:Enterprise 8.1 products, edition Trade management(version 10.3.4) and " " version 6.5, in editions Small business, Business and big business.

Despite existing product documentation, many website builders have difficulty exchanging data between the two programs. The complexity of integration varies. Consider some of the most typical ones that many users have.

Typical problems can be grouped like this:

  • Server side performance issues
  • Errors when working with data files
  • Authorization issues
  • MySQL errors
  • Logic errors

Let's start in order.

Server side errors

Server-side errors occur for a variety of reasons, but what they have in common is that it's not so much the program settings "" or " 1C:Enterprise", how many server settings or problems in the communication lines. Basically, they are "treated" by the appropriate setting of the server equipment and software. And only if this is impossible - by a one-time reduction in the volume of unloading. To solve most of these problems, you can not avoid contacting the service technical support hosting company hosting your site.

The most common manifestations of these errors:

  • Error working with the Internet, a message is displayed: failed sending data to the peer (no headers, no data)‏;
  • An empty server response was received;
  • Errors 502, 500 or error 404 are already in the process of exchange;
  • Out of memory error, for example, a message is displayed: fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 102401…)‏
  • Failed to get the current state of the exchange process. Exchange data sent but not uploaded.

Common solution methods are changing the server settings. First, you can increase the time and memory limit in the PHP settings.

  • php.ini.oci located in the folder / apache.
  • Find the parameter group in the file Resource Limits.
  • Increase parameter values max_execution_time and memory_limit.
  • Reboot the server.

Secondly, increasing the server timeout often helps. It is better to contact the host with this, since you most likely will not have access rights to this. But if it is possible to do it yourself, then you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Open file for editing httpd.conf, placed in a folder / apache/conf/
  • Change the parameter value timeout.
  • Reboot the server.

Another solution to this problem (if the hoster does not agree to increase the timeout) is to make the server timeout equal to the timeout " 1C-Bitrix: Site Management" (page Store > Store settings > Integration with 1C, field One step interval in seconds). In this case, the step-by-step execution will proceed synchronously.

If the indicated measures did not help or the indicated parameters cannot be changed, then, as a last resort, you can do the following:

Finally, you can reduce the volume of unloading goods at a time. Set up a filter according to the nomenclature on the "1C" side:

  • Run the Communications Setup Wizard ( Services > Data exchange with a web site > Configure data exchange with a web site)
  • In the first step of the wizard, select Change an existing communication setup and press the button Further.
  • Select the setting to edit and double click on it.
  • Bookmarked Unloading goods(Or Exchange of orders, as appropriate), change the filter values.
  • Save your changes and try syncing again.

Errors when working with data files

Errors while working with files are caused mainly by incorrect setting file permissions. Typical messages in this case look like this: “File opening error” and “File writing error.” Ways to solve the problem, of course, are setting access rights at the operating system level.

Pay attention to the phrase "at the operating system level". Rights at the level 1C-Bitrix: Site Management”, as a rule, are always set correctly. However, it doesn't hurt to check your import/export permissions. This is done on the page. Store > Store settings > Integration with 1C.

Most likely causes:

  • The user from whom the data is being exchanged does not have write access to the folder /upload .
  • The file is created with permissions that do not allow the file to be read.
  • The file can also be transferred to the server in a zip archive, but for some reason the archive could not be unpacked, for example, the function zip_open on server.

The solutions to these problems are quite simple and understandable from the problems themselves and are solved by contacting the hoster, who will set the necessary rights.

Setting the correct rights to the created files within the " 1C-Bitrix: Site Management"is done as follows:

  • Open file for editing dbconn.php from a folder / bitrix/ php_interface.
  • In line define("BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS", 0644); set the values ​​recommended by the hoster instead of the default 0644.

In the same way, you need to check to set the rights to the created folders. Only this is done already in the line define("BX_DIR_PERMISSIONS", 0755);.

This is how checking for the presence of the ZIP extension in the PHP settings looks like:

Note that errors when working with data files can also occur due to the fact that on the computer where accounting system from 1C, there is a firewall or antivirus that prevents the file from being transferred correctly or blocking the file from being sent to the server.

1C cannot pass the authentication procedure to the site and in this regard an error is generated. This is usually caused by an incorrect setting " 1C-Bitrix: Site Management».

"1C" may receive an incorrect response when trying to authorize on the site. This may be the fault of the developer of your site. The matter is that at authorization by the first line of the answer "1C" waits for "success". But during the creation of the site, developers could accidentally leave test strings in the files during development.

For example, in the file /bitrix/php_interface/init.php or /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php, etc.
Thus, 1C may receive a response not "success", but "testsuccess", although the given authorizations were sent correctly.

Another common mistake is the permissions to import a directory. Authorization may not be performed if the user performing the import does not have sufficient rights. You can check it on the page Store > Store settings > Integration with 1C.

Go to the specified page and do the following:

  • In field Allow uploads to user groups see which users are allowed to import/export data.
  • Depending on your specific situation, or change the import permissions for desired groups or include the desired user in a group that is allowed to import from 1C.

But special errors can occur in authorization. For example, when PHP work in CGI mode. This is typical for sites hosted on Windows servers. You can check this with the file test.php, as we did when checking properties ZIP. To server properties Apache in line Server API in that case worth CGI. You can try to get around this problem, and if it does not work out, then it is advisable to contact the hosting technical support.

To "work around" the problem, processing must be enabled on the server .htaccess and support mod_rewrite. Do the following:

  • In the root of the site to a file .htaccess add lines:
    Rewrite Engine on
    RewriteRule .* -
  • Comment out the following lines in the file .htaccess folders bitrix/admin/, that turn off mod_rewrite:

    # Rewrite Engine Off


  • To file dbconn.php folders bitrix/php_interface/ add lines:
    $remote_user = $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER" ]


    If ($strTmp)

    List($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]) = explode(":", $strTmp) ;

MySQL errors

Database errors can have many causes, as well as solutions. The most obvious of these boil down to the following:

  • A message is displayed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query. The error is most likely here in the timeout.

Possible solution to the problem: $DB->Query("SET wait_timeout=28800");

If this does not help, then you need to contact the hosting company's support service to increase the timeout.

  • Encoding conflict. For example, a message is displayed:

The reason is that the database tables are in one encoding, and the database itself is in another. In this case, the base Latin1 and new tables are created in Latin1. When unloading from 1C, a temporary table is created b_xml_tree in "incorrect" encoding Latin1.

The solution is simple and clear: change the base encoding to the correct one. To solve this problem, you need to contact the host.

Logic errors

Logical errors occur if the user misunderstands the data exchange process and, accordingly, performs some actions incorrectly.

The most common error when uploading a product catalog appears along with the message: “Product changes not registered. The goods have not been unloaded." As a rule, in this case, the product filter is configured incorrectly. You need to check these settings. As a rule, parameters are selected there that do not allow you to correctly filter the parameters for unloading.

But, there are situations when such a message is a normal situation. This happens if the settings Mode of data exchange with the WEB-site installed: Unload only changed objects since the last exchange.

Another error when unloading the product catalog is the message: "Could not find the item type." This error occurs if there are no “Service” and “Product” types in 1C. These types are critical for the process of exchanging data with the site. The solution to the problem is to create the indicated types of nomenclature in 1C.

If an error occurs during the exchange: “Object field not found”, then this means that there are no matches for the order fields in “ 1C-Bitrix: Site Management". Check the settings specified in the Export tab in " 1C:Enterprise" pages Settings > Product settings > Module settings > Online store. The fields "Full Name" and "Name" are critical for 1C., that is, without the task of matching these fields, export will not be performed. Please note that mappings are configured separately for different types payers.


Export/import of goods and orders in conjunction " 1C-Bitrix: Site Management" and " 1C:Enterprise» allows you to solve the problems of data synchronization on the site and in the accounting system. As in the operation of any other complex system, problems and inaccuracies can arise in this “bundle”. However, they are all solvable. You can have partners 1Soft.

Robert Basyrov

All rights reserved. For information about using this article, please contact

A problem such as Stream Format Error occurs quite often in 1C 8.3. Let's see how to fix this error.

What is a stream format error in 1s 8.3?

This happens in the following situations:

  1. The stream format error when starting 1C Enterprise 8.2 or the configurator is usually associated with problems in the cache. It is usually caused by improper shutdown of the system due to, for example, a power outage. Therefore, it is highly recommended to put blocks uninterruptible power supply not to lose important information. Often the error appears when starting the database after updating the configuration.
  2. The second situation is when generating a report, for example, opening a report, posting a document, opening a document, etc. Often this is due to the content of the information in the database. The reason for this error is most often the presence of “broken” information inside the system.

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  1. As a rule, to solve this problem, it is enough to clean the temporary files in the system. .
  2. If it didn’t help, but there is an opportunity to get into the configurator, run .
  3. If there is no access to the configurator, and the database is a test one, use it, which is located in the program folder.
  4. If the above methods do not help, but the 1C enterprise mode starts, upload the data to a new database using the processing "". However, data loss is possible.
  5. Update. Another reason may be the presence of active user sessions with different versions of the client part of the 1C platform. That is, for example, a user with the 1C platform works in the database, and another one tries to connect, with version

If this does not help, there are more sophisticated ways to solve this problem. For example, using a HEX editor. If you need qualified assistance from 1C programmers, please contact us! Details on the page

In the information bases on the 1C platform, many different errors can occur:

violation of the logical / physical integrity of the database, user errors, "crooked" developer code, and much more.

There can be many reasons: the light was turned off, and there was no uninterruptible power supply, or Friday evening was a success, and the user can no longer remember what he did on Monday.

First, it is worth asking a few clarifying questions to the user:

1) Platform/config releases.

2) Full text of the error message. Users have the unfortunate habit of not reading the entirety of such messages, and perhaps it contains a recommendation for troubleshooting.

3) How long ago did it occur and under what circumstances does it appear. Non-reproducible bugs that we have not seen before, we are unlikely to be able to fix.

4) Does it occur if you run 1s from another computer / from another user? This will give us food for thought - whether clearing the cache, adjusting permissions, or clearing user preferences can help.

Now a little about the errors themselves and how to solve them.

Some errors occur when using unlicensed software (windows, 1C, etc.).

A common example is a broken platform. One of the patches hacks a specific version of the platform, so after installing new version platform and trying to enter the database, you can see the window "No free license found".

If you met the error for the first time - perhaps someone has already met it -

search on google, maybe someone has already encountered this and solved the problem, and you will not waste an extra couple of hours of your time.

The release of configurations should be up-to-date (first of all, for configurations from which regulated reporting is submitted), it is not without reason that the consultation line almost always suggests updating first, and then looking further.

Current platform release - each configuration has a description of which platform release is recommended for working with this configuration.

The technological log allows you to log all 1C:Enterprise events (or a part using a filter).
You can read about him.


Before any actions with the base - make an archive copy!

If the database does not open in the configurator - copy the folder with the database and perform all operations on the copy!

1) The database does not open at all either in user mode or in the configurator.

  • The fastest thing you can do is clear temporary files (delete the database from the list of databases and reconnect)

    This action will not delete temporary files (cache), but will create a new folder for temporary database files, you can delete files:
    On Windows 7 in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\1C\1Cv8x
    On Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\1C\1Cv8x

  • You can also try to access the database from another user.
  • If the database is a file one, then it is worth running the utility for testing the physical integrity of the chdbfl database. It is located in the folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\8.x.x.xxx\bin\chdbfl.exe
  • If the base is sql-th then testing by means of sql.
  • If neither helped, then you can update the platform (see under which platform the release works)
  • If none of the above happened, you can use the Tool_1CD program.

2) If the base goes into a dump at startup.

  • Disable graphics card hardware acceleration:
  1. Open the display properties. This can be done through the Control Panel, or simply by right-clicking on any place on the desktop that is free from windows and icons, and selecting context menu"Properties".
  2. In the display settings window that opens, go to the "Settings" tab and click the "Advanced" button.
  3. In the graphics card properties window that opens, go to the "Diagnostics" tab.
  4. Move the "Acceleration" slider to the leftmost position ("none") and click "Apply" or "OK". Hardware acceleration is disabled. Changes will take effect after a system reboot.
  1. Open the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel).
  2. Find and open the Screen element.
  3. In the left part of the window that opens, click on the link "Adjust screen settings".
  4. In the window that opens, click on the "Advanced Options" link.
  5. Go to the "Diagnostics" tab and click the "Change settings" button.
  6. In the window that opens, move the slider to the extreme left position ("no") and click "OK". If UAC is enabled, you will have to confirm that the changes are authorized by the user. Hardware acceleration is disabled. Changes will take effect after a system reboot.

In Windows 7, in some cases, the Change Settings button will be grayed out. In this case, you cannot disable hardware acceleration, because the video card and its driver do not support hardware acceleration manipulation.

  • If the antivirus is Kaspersky, then you can try to disable self-defense and rename the kloehk.dll and mzvkbd3.dll files in the Kaspersky folder. (The error occurred on older versions of 2011, but still occasionally occurs)
  • Verify that the platform release/configuration matches.
  • Try to access the database from another platform.

3) The base opens in the configurator, but does not want to enter the user mode.

  • Cleaning up temporary files
  • Attempt to log in as another user
  • chdbfl / sql testing
  • Testing and fixing information security:
    In the configurator Administration-Testing and correction - checkboxes depending on the situation.
  • Try to create another user with full rights and get away from it.
  • Try to transfer to another PC and open there, maybe something from the PC.

4) When some action throws out the code in the configurator.

  • To check it is worth clearing the cache.
  • If it didn’t help, then most likely an error in the code - it is especially true for non-standard and self-written configurations, but sometimes it also occurs in typical ones.

If the configuration is not typical, then either the update went wrong or the developer who finalized the configuration did not foresee all the possibilities of user errors - foolproof (if possible!).

If typical, then perhaps a bug in the release.

In any case, it's worth running through the debugger and seeing what's wrong.

5) Under one user, it allows you to do something, under another, it doesn't.

  • User rights settings.
  • User Settings.
  • Clearing the cache.

6) It comes from one PC, but not from the other.

  • Check whether the explorer sees the database - maybe the folder with the database is not shared.
  • Clearing the cache.
  • Log in as a different user.

7) I did / did nothing, but everything broke down for me

  • If they can tell you exactly what they “didn’t do” and when, then you can use
  • logbook with selections and maybe find out what the problem is.
  • The log can be found in the configurator:
  • Administration - registration log.

    Either in user mode - the location depends on the configuration.

8) Not enough memory.

I had a case, a client came, he says, when the month is closed, the error "Not enough memory" crashes. I took on this problem. I thought it was easy, at first I added RAM - a mistake. It was 2 gigabytes, it became 4, but still 1s is not enough. Changed the size of the paging file - an error, reinstalling the system (installed Windows 7) gave only a temporary result, about a week. Tried everything. After some time, a solution was found.


Run on the client computer command line as an administrator, write the following there:

BCDEdit /set increaseuserva xxxx- instead of xxxx write the amount of virtual address space in megabytes, i.e. How much memory do you need for running applications? The default is 2 gigs. Generally in 32-bit operating systems 4 gigabytes are allocated: 2 for applications and 2 for the needs of the OS itself. I chose 3000 (i.e. CDEdit /set increaseuserva 3000 ). However, the system may be buggy. Especially if you have 2 gigs of RAM, like I do. This is for the OS. Windows families Vista, 7, Windows 2008.

For Windows XP \ Windows 2003 we write
/3GB /userva=xxxx (xxxx in MB in the range 2048 - 3072) in the boot.ini file, the recommended maximum values userva 2900-3030.

9) Form elements overlap each other and are in the wrong position.

  • Clearing the cache.

10) DBMS error Internal error dbeng8 components

  • The error is related to the difference in the code of different versions of the platform when users try to use the file version. For the client-server version, at startup, control and work with different versions platform is basically impossible.

Solution: upgrade to the latest release on all workstations.

If it doesn't help, then do the following:

  • Testing and fixing

11) Bug in platform

  • In version of the 1C:Enterprise platform, a critical bug was found that occurs during data restructuring. This error localized and will be fixed in next version platforms.

12) Lock conflict while executing a transaction:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.
HRESULT=80040E14, SQLSrvr: SQLSTATE=42000, state=3, Severity=C, native=601, line=1

"How to check (restore) the database on MS SQL Server using server tools
Checking the logical integrity must be performed by regular means of 1C: Enterprise (Testing and fixing information security). If such a check fails, you should check the physical integrity of the database using MS SQL. To check the integrity using MS SQL, you need to run the following command:
The code:
Before executing this command, the database must be set to "single user" mode:
The code:
sp_dboption "","single user",true
In the process of running DBCC CHECKDB errors may be found and some may be corrected immediately. If errors remain, then apparently they cannot be restored without losing some data. In this case, you need to run DBCC CHECKDB with the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS parameter (before starting, it is advisable to make a copy of the database files).
The code:
After running DBCC CHECKDB, you need to remember to return to normal mode (exit "single user" mode):
The code:
sp_dboption "","single user",false" (Taken from )

Of course, the list is far from complete, so I will be glad if it is supplemented in the comments.

A computer