Beeline service planet zero description. Connecting and disconnecting the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

Dedicated to all travel enthusiasts or people who frequently travel on business trips... The Beeline “Planet Zero” service opens up new horizons for inexpensive communication around the world. When traveling to the most popular destinations, it does not always bring benefits to the user. But if you are going to visit distant countries, then be sure to order this option - this way you will certainly save money.

Connect or disable the “Planet 0” service

The service is outdated and this moment cannot be activated.

To activate the option from Beeline “Planet Zero”, just dial the command *110*331#. If you want to deactivate this service, dial *110*330# and or simply call 067-40-30.

The user also has access to disconnect/connect functions on the operator’s official website mobile communications through your Personal Account. You can also contact support. To reach the call center for customer service, from your phone within home network dial 06-11, while in roaming call +7495-974-8-888 or, while traveling around Russia, enter the following combination of numbers: +7800-700-0-611 (calls are free!).

“Planet Zero” service for people in roaming

This option will be relevant for those who regularly receive calls from their family and friends while roaming. If you are used to calling everyone yourself, then do not look for benefits in the advertised service.

To activate the “Planet 0” option from a popular mobile operator in Russia, you will need to pay 25 rubles. “Planet” does not require a subscription fee, so if you do not use the service, you can rest assured about your money. If you receive an incoming call during the day while roaming, you will have to say goodbye to 60 rubles for popular destination countries or 100 rubles for other countries.

If you are in our country, then no debits are made and restrictions do not come into force. The option is activated only when you travel abroad (disabled upon arrival). The action of “Planet Zero” continues until you deactivate the service yourself.

For incoming calls lasting up to 20 minutes, you will not pay a penny, but from the 21st minute you will have to pay 10 and 15 rubles for popular destination countries and other countries, respectively (payment is per minute). All outgoing calls will cost 20 or 45 rubles depending on the territory of your stay. The cost of one outgoing SMS message is 9 rubles.

While roaming, per-minute billing applies. The time is counted from the first second of the conversation.

To get the most detailed advice on the cost of calls, dial 0611 or contact the nearest Beeline customer service point.

An important point: the “Planet Zero” option is valid only on some prepaid tariffs. It is not possible to connect it to a USB modem.

From April 13, 2016, this service ceases to exist. Instead, the operator cellular communication Beeline offers the option “The Most profitable roaming" International roaming will still delight the user with its benefits, but now it can be ordered for any traffic.

Many travelers who are also users of Beeline mobile communications know about such a profitable option as “My Planet”; this article will provide information about another equally profitable service “Planet Zero”. It is perfect for those who like to discover new routes and places. This is also a great way to save on telephone conversations. However, in this case, it should be noted that for usual tourist routes this option will no longer be so profitable, but when going to distant and unexplored countries, connecting this service will be the most optimal solution.

Planet Zero provides subscribers with the opportunity to reduce costs for incoming and outgoing calls. It is also worth highlighting that in this case there is no standard subscription fee, but you need to pay for the use of this service itself. Payment will be deducted from your account on the days you use the option. This means that if you have never made any calls during the day, or written or received any SMS messages, then no funds will be debited. The “Planet Zero” service is available only after you activate it on your number. This connection will cost you 25 rubles. When returning to your native land, you can turn off the option.

To access the capabilities of this option, you must use the command *110*331# . In addition, you can connect through the company’s official website using your Beeline Personal Account. You can also use the support service by calling 0611 from your phone number. If you are in roaming, then you need to call toll free number +74959748888 .

You can stop using the service using a request *110*330# or call the number 0674030 . As you can see, connecting and disconnecting the “Planet Zero” service requires a minimum of time and effort.

It should be noted that it is not yet possible to enable this option, as it is outdated.

"Planet Zero" tariffs for the option

This service offers tariff plan in two directions:

  • by popular countries;
  • in other areas;

It is immediately necessary to emphasize that such an offer will be most beneficial for those who are in roaming and receive more incoming calls than make outgoing ones. And so, “Planet Zero” offers the following pricing:

  • incoming calls lasting up to 20 minutes are free;
  • from the 21st minute of the call, the cost of one minute will be 10 rubles;
  • outgoing calls will cost 20 rubles per minute;
  • the price of an SMS message is 7 rubles.

The positive thing is that for just 60 rubles you can get 20 minutes of completely free calls. For example, if a subscriber were in roaming and communicated at standard rates, then for one minute of an incoming call he would pay 69 rubles. As for outgoing calls, the price for them is also reduced in any direction, which in turn significantly helps to save money.

The list of popular destinations includes countries such as Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan, Egypt, USA, Poland, Greece, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, etc. Full list countries can be viewed on the operator’s official website or by calling a company consultant.

It is very convenient that when the subscriber returns to the territory of Russia, the “Planet Zero” option ceases to be valid, which means that funds for its use will not be debited. When traveling abroad, the service is activated in automatically, and upon arrival home it is deactivated. According to this system, it will work until you completely turn it off.

In other directions, service rates are as follows:

  • per day of using the service you will be charged 100 rubles;
  • the first 20 minutes of an incoming call are not charged;
  • from 21 minutes, subsequent minutes will be valued at 15 rubles for each;
  • outgoing calls will cost 45 rubles per minute;
  • SMS message – 9 rubles.

These countries include: Israel, Korea, Canada, Taiwan, South Africa, Chile, Singapore, Brazil, New Zealand, Iran, etc. See the entire list of countries on the official website or call the Beeline help desk.

In this case, we can conclude that in these areas the tariff plan is no less profitable. However, these prices still help you save a lot on mobile communications when you are outside your country, if you compare them with standard roaming prices.

If you have any questions regarding this option, you can contact the Beeline customer service office or call the number 0611 . Please note that the option may not be available for some tariffs and USB modems. The list of those who do not support the service can be found on the company’s official website.

Today, this option is obsolete; instead, you can order the “Most profitable roaming” service.

Earlier there was already an article about such a profitable service for travelers as Beeline “My Planet”, today we will talk about something else, but no less advantageous offer which is called "Planet Zero". It is also suitable for anyone who loves to discover new paths and the most beautiful, although not the most popular, places on our planet. This is a great option to save on mobile calls. It is worth noting that for popular tourist routes this service will no longer be so profitable, but when going to distant, unexplored countries, connecting this service will be the most optimal solution.

Planet Zero is a service from Beeline that makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of outgoing and incoming calls. At the same time, there is no standard subscription fee as such. However, you must pay a fee to use this option and such fee will be debited from your account on the day you redeem the offer. This means that if you have never made any calls or written or received any SMS messages in a day, then there will be no debits either. Naturally, the Planet Zero Beeline service will be available only after connecting it to your phone, and it will cost 25 rubles. And when returning home, you can disable the option.

Connecting and disconnecting the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

In order to have access to the capabilities of this attractive option, you need to dial the number *110*331# . In addition, the connection can be made on the Beeline website. In particular, this can be done in personal account or through the support service, where you can call from the Beeline number, while still in your country, to the number 0611 . While roaming, you need to dial a toll-free number to connect +74959748888 .

You can stop using offers by dialing *110*330# or by calling 0674030. Thus, to disconnect or connect Planet Zero from Beeline you will need a minimum of time and effort.

It is worth emphasizing that at the moment it is not possible to connect to the service, as it is outdated.

Tariffs for the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

Planet Zero Beeline offers tariffing for calls and SMS in two directions (zones), namely:

  • by popular countries;
  • and other directions.

It is important to say that this offer will be most beneficial for those who are roaming and more often receive calls from friends and family than make them. Thus, Beeline’s planet zero option offers the following pricing:

  • in fact, the cost of the option is 60 rubles;
  • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
  • from 21 minutes the cost of a call is 10 rubles per minute"
  • An outgoing call costs 20 rubles per minute."
  • the price for SMS is 7 rubles.

The beauty of this offer is that for just 60 rubles you can get as many as 20 minutes of completely free calls. In the event that you were a subscriber communicating at standard roaming rates, then he would pay as much as 69 rubles for just one minute of conversation on incoming call. Outgoing calls are also significantly reduced in price to any direction. Which helps to significantly save your money in your account.

Thus, popular destinations include countries such as Ukraine, Greece, Egypt, Great Britain, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Polza, Turkey, the United States, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Spain, China, Italy, etc. The entire list of these countries can be found read on the Beeline website. This information can also be obtained from the operator.

It is also important that if the subscriber is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the Planet Zero Beeline service does not write off any money, and there are also no restrictions. It turns on automatically when you go abroad, and turns off when you arrive. Thus, it will be activated and disabled until you disable it yourself.

In other directions, the pricing for the Planet Zero Beeline service is as follows:

  • the write-off per day of using the service is 100 rubles;
  • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
  • from 21 minutes incoming call estimated at 15 rubles per minute;
  • The cost of all outgoing calls is 45 rubles per minute."
  • SMS are priced at 9 rubles per message.

These countries include Taiwan, Israel, Kanala, Singapore, Afghanistan, New Zealand, Korea, Brazil, UAE, South Africa, Iran, Chile and other countries. The entire list of countries is on the official website or you can find it out by calling the Beeline helpline number and contacting the operator.

Thus, it turns out that in these directions tariffing is already less profitable. But, nevertheless, such prices still help you save a lot on telephone calls while abroad, if you compare them with standard roaming prices. All calls made while roaming are charged per minute, starting from the first second of the call.

If you still have any questions about this option from Beeline, you can contact the subscriber service office or call the number 0611 . In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this option is not available for some tariffs and for USB modems. The entire list of those that do not support the service can be seen on the company’s website.

At the moment, this option is already outdated and instead you can connect another service called “The most profitable roaming”.

When traveling outside the country, mobile phone calls are quite expensive. But mobile operators Many options have been developed to help reduce communication costs. They must be activated before leaving Russia, then calls will cost much less. This section describes how to connect “Zero Without Borders” to MTS.

The function will help to significantly reduce the cost of using communications when traveling abroad. It only works when staying outside the territory of the Russian Federation and does not apply to intranet and interregional roaming. Upon arrival in other countries, the user can register in local networks to activate the service, and after returning home, refuse the function, since it is not automatically disabled.

The subscription fee for using “Zero Without Borders” will be 95 rubles daily. At the time of activation, this amount is charged immediately, and on other days, withdrawal occurs at the beginning of a new day. In this case, discounts are established only for calls, and for SMS, MMS and gigabytes of the Internet you will have to pay at the rates of the roaming tariff activated on the number.

There is one more important point that must be taken into account before connecting. According to the terms of MTS “Zero Without Borders” in 2018, the function provides the ability to receive up to two hundred minutes of calls in 30 days; after they are exhausted, an amount of 25 rubles will be withdrawn for 60 seconds of communication. To request information about the remaining allocated time, use the combination *419*1233#.

Attention! “0 without borders” does not apply to some countries, so before traveling abroad, you should find out whether it is possible to use this function in a specific part of the world.

For which tariffs is this option available?

“Zero Without Borders” can be connected to SIM cards with any tariff conditions, except for corporate packages.

To activate it after entering another country, you need to check whether international access services in roaming or the easy roaming function are active on the SIM card. When none of them are installed, it will be impossible to register in the networks of foreign companies, and this precludes the launch of Zero Without Borders.

Important! “0 without borders” will not take effect if other functions designed to save on communication outside Russia are activated on the SIM card. When one of them is connected, the others are automatically deactivated.

Terms of service

After activating “Zero without Borders”, the prices below for minutes of communication in rubles come into effect:

  • from 1 to 10 for incoming calls - 0;
  • from 11 when receiving calls - 25;
  • from 1 to 6 outgoing calls to subscribers of Russian operators - according to the tariff rates of the country where the client traveled;
  • from 2 to 5 outgoing calls - 25.

Attention! The cost of any minute of an accepted call will be 25 rubles, if during the month the client has never resorted to the services of an operator in the MTS RF network.

How to connect “Zero Without Borders” via USSD combinations

To activate the MTS “Zero Without Borders” service via USSD request, you will need to enter one of these options:

  • *444# (applied when the client is still within Russia at the time of activation);
  • *111*4444#.

The same queries are used when you need to deactivate an option. You can also connect the function via SMS by sending the code “33” to 111.

Attention! If the activation procedure was successful, after some time the user will receive an SMS notification confirming the connection. In situations where this does not happen, you need to contact the company’s technical support by calling 8 800 250 08 90. Perhaps for some reason the user was unable to install the function on the number.

Through your personal account

SIM card holders with a personal profile on official resource MTS can activate the function through this service by performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to your personal page.
  2. Go to the tariff packages and services tab.
  3. Select the options control line and at the top of the monitor click on the “Connect new services” button.
  4. In the page that opens, find the name of the service and check the box next to this line.
  5. Click on the “Next” sticker and confirm the connection.

Users who are not registered on the company's resource will first need to go through a short authorization procedure, and then perform the described actions.

Using the My MTS application

Activating the service through the “My MTS” resource is similar to the actions on the operator’s service.

After installing it on the gadget, you need to go to your personal profile and find a tab with available options in the main menu. Having moved to it, all that remains is to find the line “0 without borders” and move the “slider” to the opposite side.

Connection via a call to the MTS operator number

The function can be installed with the help of service consultants technical support. To do this, you need to contact them at 88002500890 and wait for the operator to respond. After passing the identification procedure, during which you need to provide the passport details of the SIM card holder and the code word, the service will be activated.

Attention! For connecting options with the help of consultants Hotline SIM cards can be debited from your account cash. Before the operator begins to perform the necessary manipulations, it is necessary to inquire about the cost of this service.

It is possible to activate the function via voice service. You will need to enter 0890, click on send a call and follow the instructions received, moving through the items in the presented menu.

The “0 without borders” option will help you avoid unnecessary costs for negotiations on vacation or on business trips outside the country. However, we should not forget that upon arrival in Russia it must be immediately deactivated, otherwise money will continue to be debited from the account.

"Planet Zero" is a profitable service of the Beeline operator, which allows you to significantly reduce the cost of telephone expenses, if the subscriber goes on a trip outside the country. If you are planning a vacation to popular destinations, then the service may not be the most profitable, but for visiting distant countries it is indispensable.

Planet zero Beeline

Mobile subscribers regularly visit other countries for travel or business purposes. When visiting a new country, roaming is activated on your phone, which does not spare financial resources when making calls and sending SMS messages. The “Planet Zero” service allows you to stay abroad and not change your regular number.

It is worth noting that while in another country, you will automatically pay for all operator services at different rates. Therefore, before your planned trip, it is recommended to turn off all other tariffs, stopping only at Planet Zero.

The benefit of the service comes down to the fact that the subscriber can receive incoming calls on more than favorable terms: free communication from the 2nd to the 10th minute of the conversation. Starting from the 11th minute and ending at the 19th, free communication is activated again. Additional benefit The program is that there is no subscription fee.

Outgoing calls are paid, the cost of the call is equal to the cost international communications in accordance with the current tariff. The service is provided to subscribers who use a prepaid system. However, it does not apply to all tariffs, so before connecting it you should contact the operator, clarifying the compatibility of your tariff and “Planet Zero”.


The Planet Zero service is aimed at users who are often within the roaming radius and seek to optimize costs. Subscription fee in its classical sense, it is completely absent, but there are payments on the day of using the system. In other words, if on a specific day there were no incoming calls to your phone and no outgoing calls, then no charges will be made.

Benefits of using the service:

  • free incoming calls;
  • control over roaming costs;
  • ease of use of an operator that allows you to constantly be in touch without changing numbers.

If you connect “Planet Zero”, then other services such as “My Planet”, “Internet Planet”, “Multipass” will be disabled automatically. The service is convenient because it does not need to be activated or disabled manually. It only works the moment you leave the country. “Planet Zero” deactivates itself after you return home.

The economical roaming system offers a division into popular countries and others. However, the conditions for using the service will be different.

Cost of use

“Planet Zero” offers the following communication conditions in the CIS countries, European countries and popular resorts:

  • fee per day for incoming or outgoing calls – 60 rubles;
  • free 8 minutes (2-10, 11-19) of conversation;
  • starting from 21 minutes, the cost of communication is 20 rubles per minute;
  • The cost of an outgoing call is 21 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of SMS is 8 rubles.

The benefit of the tariff is that for only 60 rubles per day you will receive 16 free minutes, which would cost much more without using Planet Zero - the price of a minute in roaming is 69 rubles. The tariff allows you to significantly reduce costs for outgoing calls, including international and local calls. Popular countries: Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, USA, France, China, Germany, Egypt.

To visit other countries, Beeline offers the following conditions:

  1. cost per day of using “Planet Zero” - 100 rubles;
  2. incoming calls are free for 20 minutes;
  3. after 20 minutes the cost of a call is 15 rubles per minute;
  4. outgoing call price - 45 rubles per minute;
  5. SMS message - 9 rubles.

The cost of communication in less popular countries is higher, but its benefits are even more obvious compared to roaming conditions. Other countries: Singapore, Bolivia, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, UAE, Canada, Brazil, Iran, Israel.

In some countries, this service is not supported at all, but Beeline offers preferential communication conditions:

  • no subscription fee;
  • incoming call – 30 rubles per minute;
  • outgoing call – 60 rubles per minute;
  • sms - 9 rubles.

Countries where the service is not available: Jamaica, Tunisia, Lebanon. A complete list of countries that fall into one category or another is presented on the operator’s official website.

Activation and deactivation

To use the service, you need to send a short request: *110*331#. “Planet Zero” activates very quickly, allowing you to connect it while already at the airport. Activation can occur in the subscriber’s personal account when using the official website.

Disabling the service is not necessary, since it is deactivated automatically upon the subscriber’s arrival at home. To disconnect yourself, you must send a request: *110*330#. Another way to cancel the Planet Zero service is to call 0674030.
