What is IOGV in MFC. Generation of analytical reports on the activities of the MFC

The speed and quality of service provision are the distinctive features of the St. Petersburg MFC, and each applicant can verify this for themselves at any time. Has your application been received? Is it under review? All this can be found out in a short time and without leaving your home. There are several ways to check the status of your application at the MFC St. Petersburg.

Checking the application status through the official website

This check of the status of an application at the MFC will take you very little time and is suitable for everyone who has access to the Internet. To do this you need to go to home page official website of the MFC of St. Petersburg. On the top line there will be a field “Check application status”. Click on it.

A page will open for you to enter your personal information. You must indicate what kind of person you are - an individual or a legal entity. Individuals need to fill out the following fields: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and application ID (application number indicated on the form issued by the MFC).

Legal entities are required to fill out the fields TIN of the legal entity, OGRN of the legal entity and application identifier.

At the bottom, you need to check the “I am not a robot” box and click “Next” in order to view the status of your application.

By hotline or department phone number

In order to check the status of your request to the multifunctional center, you can call the number hotline and find out the readiness of documents at the MFC.

You can also call the specific branch where the application was sent. To do this, you need to select the area you are looking for on the page and click on it.

A page will open on which the hotline telephone number and telephone numbers of branches by address will be indicated.

Find out the status of the application through your ESIA personal account

In order to use this method, you must register a profile on home page MFC official website. This will allow you not only to determine the status of the request, but also to view any other sites that provide municipal and government services. You can register on this page.

After your personal account page has been created, you need to go to your profile, click the “Login” button and enter your password in the field provided. If after this the user's last name appears, then everything was done correctly.

All you have to do is go to the “Application” tab and get the necessary information.

Visit the MFC branch in person

If for some reason you were unable to find out the status of your application online, then you can personally visit the MFC branch. After receiving the necessary data, employees will quickly provide the necessary information.

If it happens that you find an error in the data provided on the site, please select the text and press the key combination Ctrl+Enter.

The “one window” principle is aimed at providing public services as quickly as possible. To implement it, existing processes need to be optimized. In addition, a powerful and user-friendly tool is required for registration, application processing and provision of services, including services provided with the participation of authorities. The technical solution “DIRECTUM: MFC Services” is exactly such a tool.

Description of the solution

The technical solution “DIRECTUM: MFC Services” automates all internal processes for the provision of government and municipal services in multifunctional centers: from receiving an application for the provision of services to sending a complete set of documents to the department and issuing results to the applicant.

Solution Possibilities

  • registration of applications for the provision of services: acceptance of the application and package of documents, filling out information about the applicant, processing of provided documents (information);
  • generation of interdepartmental requests to obtain missing documents or information;
  • sending an application to generate a request for the provision of a service;
  • receiving results from the department and issuing results to the applicant;
  • expanding the list of services provided;
  • generation of statistical data on the activities of the MFC and the number of interdepartmental requests.

Usage example

Registration and application processing

The registrar accepts the application and package of documents from the applicant, and then enters the information into the DIRECTUM system. Basic data is recorded in the directory:

Directory MFC application for the provision of state and municipal services, Main tab

In this case, some fields will be filled in automatically, for example Registration date, Delivery time, Reception location, Registrar.

If the applicant is an individual, then when filling out the citizen’s last and first name, a corresponding entry in the directory is automatically searched Citizens. If the search does not produce results, the registrar will be asked to create a new record.

If a citizen with the same name and surname has already applied for services before, then the registrar will only need to check the personal data for a complete match and confirm the choice.

If the applicant is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, then the search is carried out using OGRNIP or OGRN, respectively.

The method of notification of the result of the provision of services and the place of delivery are established in advance and are also indicated in the directory card.

To make your search easier, you can specify Additional information, such as a description of the property or the names of other participants in the requested service.

You can control the current status of work completion by the contents of the field Status. So, after saving the card and automatically assigning a registration number, the application status will be Acceptance of documents.

A list of required documents indicating the object to which it relates is generated automatically based on the specified variation of the service:

Directory MFC application for the provision of state and municipal services, Data tab

Depending on the situation, the data can be adjusted: if the document is not needed, the registrar deletes the rows from the tabular part, otherwise, it adds them using the button Ext. set or Ext. document. Object name Applicant can also be replaced with the applicant’s surname and initials, and Living space check before Apartment.

Each document has a corresponding set of details. Documents can be accepted both in paper and in in electronic format indicating the number of copies or sheets.

After entering all the necessary information, the registrar, using a template, draws up an application and a receipt for acceptance of documents. To do this, just click on the button in the application card From template, select the relevant documents, adjust the data and print in duplicate.

Then click on the button For processing The registrar sends the task to the MFC specialist responsible for processing applications.

Processing an application at the MFC

An MFC specialist receives a task to provide a service, views a set of documents from the attached application card using the button Doc set If the required document is not available, then indicate the method for obtaining it and generate an interdepartmental request:

  • if the information is received through the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (SMEI) or a government service, then the action wizard is used. Launched by a MFC specialist using a button Launch in the application card;
  • if the information is received in another way, for example by mail, personal appeal, then the agreement concluded with the department must be followed.

After receiving a complete set of documents, the MFC specialist sends an application to the department for the provision of services.

Sending an application to the department

If the service provision process is automated, then the MFC specialist sends a set of documents to the department. To do this, click on the button in the application card Get a service. The task for sending to the relevant department is created automatically, the application status will change to Sent to the Office. If the result of the service is issued to the applicant by the department, the application card is closed.

If the provision of the service is not automated, then the MFC specialist sends a set of documents in accordance with the agreement concluded with the department. In this case, the status of the application must be changed manually.

Obtaining the result of an application for a service from the department

After receiving information from the department about the readiness of the results, the MFC specialist changes the status of the application to The result has been prepared by the department. Having received the result for the service, the MFC specialist transfers it to the place of issue and changes the status of the application to Output of result.

Output of result

The MFC specialist at the specified issuing location finds the request for the service provided using any of the search mechanisms. For example, filtering, sorting and grouping directory entries MFC applications for the provision of state and municipal services, search by known details. Then conveys the results of the service to the applicant or communicates the information orally.

The mark on receipt of the result is filled in:

  • by the applicant in the receipt;
  • MFC specialist in the application card in the fields Result And date of issue.

Work to provide the service will be completed, the application card will be closed.

Additional features

Expanding the list of services

The list of services provided by the MFC may be expanded. To configure a technical solution, the system administrator just needs to specify the new kind services, types of data, types of objects and variations of services in the corresponding directories. You can also specify templates and layouts of the required documents. For example, application templates for the provision of services or a layout of consent to the processing of personal data.

Generation of analytical reports on the activities of the MFC

To collect statistics and analyze data, the head of the MFC can generate analytical reports:

  • by the number of interdepartmental requests for the specified period;
  • about the activities of the MFC. Information is grouped according to:
    • reception places;
    • services, taking into account the number of applications submitted/results issued and the type of service (municipal, provided by federal executive authorities or bodies of the subject Russian Federation, MFC services, paid).

Additionally, information about violation of the service provision period is recorded.

Effect of implementation

Implementation technical solution will automate the work of multifunctional centers and provide:

  • acceleration of the registration procedure and processing of applications;
  • simplification of the preparation of a set of documents necessary for the provision of services;
  • formation of interdepartmental requests;
  • collection and analysis of statistics on the activities of the MFC;
  • prompt access to information, organized storage of data on services and applications.

The property of St. Petersburg includes archival documents:

  • stored in the state archives of St. Petersburg, museums and libraries of St. Petersburg (with the exception of archival documents transferred to these archives, museums and libraries on the basis of a storage agreement without transferring their ownership);
  • government agencies St. Petersburg, authorities state power St. Petersburg and state organizations of St. Petersburg.

Archival certificate - an archive document compiled on archive letterhead, having legal force and containing documentary information about the subject of the request, indicating archival codes and sheet numbers of storage units of those archival documents on the basis of which it was compiled.

Requests received by the archives are divided into:

  1. Thematic requests are requests for information on a specific problem, topic, event, fact:
    • requests for confirmation of property rights;
    • biographical queries - queries that establish information necessary to study the life and activities of specific individuals. Biographical requests include requests to confirm the fact of adoption of citizenship, renunciation of citizenship;
    • inquiries on the history of institutions, enterprises, settlements.
  2. Genealogical requests - requests for information necessary to establish kinship, family ties of two or more persons, family history, clan.
  3. Social and legal queries - queries related to social protection citizens, providing for their pension provision, as well as receiving benefits and compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the international obligations of the Russian Federation.

This service involves obtaining information contained in the Archival Fund of St. Petersburg. If you need to obtain extracts (certificates) about acts of civil status, follow the link.

The public service is provided by the administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Administration).

The Portal of State and Municipal Services of St. Petersburg has implemented the ability to submit an electronic application to receive public services via the Internet.

State services in electronic form are provided only to authorized users of the Portal (). Authorization on the Portal is carried out using account in the federal state information system " one system identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form” (hereinafter referred to as the ESIA).

Full name
(in accordance with the order of the Government of St. Petersburg dated March 22, 2011 No. 8-rp):

Provide information contained in information resources administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg (issuance of archival certificates, extracts, copies of documents included in the Archival Fund of St. Petersburg and other archival documents)

Features of providing services in electronic form

To ensure the possibility of submitting an electronic application through the Portal, the applicant must have a simple electronic signature key (mandatory for all categories of applicants - individual entrepreneurs, representatives legal entity).

To obtain a simple electronic signature key (hereinafter referred to as a simple electronic signature), the applicant must go through the registration procedure in the Unified Identification and Logistics Authority. Information on the methods and procedure for registering in the Unified Identification and Autonomy of Ukraine is presented on the Portal at the link. The online form for pre-registration with the Unified Identification and Logistics Authority is available at the link. The procedure for providing public services for issuing (confirming, restoring) simple electronic signature keys on the basis of the MFC was approved by order of the Committee on Informatization and Communications dated December 15, 2014 No. 259-r.

After completing the registration procedure in the ESIA (as individual):

  • the applicant - an individual must log in to the Portal using a simple electronic signature(login-password; type of account in the unified identification and authentication system - confirmed); authorization of an individual is carried out by the recipient of the public service independently (in person);

    if in the future it is necessary for the recipient of the public service to appear at the Administration or the MFC, an authorized person or legal representative has the right to represent the interests of the recipient of the public service;

  • the applicant - a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the LE) - the head of an organization or a representative who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney must first create a legal entity account in the ESIA.

You can create a legal entity account only from a confirmed account of an individual - the head of an organization or a representative of a legal entity who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney.

After registering in the Unified Identification and Information System of a legal entity, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of joining the account of a legal entity by the head of the organization - individuals who subsequently have the right to log in to the Portal “on behalf of the specified legal entity.”

The applicant - a legal entity (the head or representative of a legal entity who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney, another person attached to the legal entity's account) must then log in to the Portal using a simple electronic signature.

If in the future it is necessary for the recipient of the public service to appear at the Administration or the MFC, a representative of the legal entity acting on behalf of the organization under a power of attorney (agreement) - an authorized person - also has the right to represent the interests of the recipient of the public service.

The necessary personal data of recipients of the service provided during registration in the Unified Identification and Logistics (full name, date of birth, identification document details, contact details, information about the legal entity, the head of the legal entity, individual entrepreneur (in appropriate cases) - after authorization on the Portal are automatically entered into the electronic application form (no manual entry required).

Preparing to fill out an application electronically

Before filling out the electronic application form you must:

  • first read the description of the service in the relevant sections of the Portal;
  • prepare documents, information about which (from which) must be entered into the application forms;
  • prepare documents in electronic form* that will need to be attached to the application.


  • maximum size file to be added to the electronic application - 3 MB;

Features of filling out electronic application forms

  1. Entering data into the fields of the electronic application form is carried out step by step; After filling out the information at any step, you can use the “Next” button or go to the desired step of filling out the form by clicking the button with the corresponding step number.
  2. If, in the process of filling out the fields of the electronic application form, errors in the input format are made or mandatory fields (marked with the “*” sign) are not filled in, the number of the corresponding step is painted in red, and the fields of this step containing the error are highlighted; It is not possible to submit an application in this case; to continue filling out the form, you must enter the correct information.
  3. After completing the application form, submit your application.

If it is necessary to interrupt filling out the electronic application form or exit from the Unified Identification and Logistics account on the Portal before submitting the application, the applicant can save the entered data at any step (the “Save” button). This is convenient for resuming the procedure for filling out an electronic application at any time - from the place where the process was interrupted and exited from the ESIA account. A “Draft Application” for this service is automatically created, a number and name are assigned to it, and a saving date is recorded. You can assign a title to the draft yourself, if necessary.

After 3 months from the date last change The draft application is automatically deleted.

Electronic business

An electronic application with attached scanned images is stored in the interdepartmental automated information system for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form in St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as MAIS EGU), where it is assigned an identification number and status, after which the electronic application is modified into an electronic file.

An electronic file saved in MAIS EGU becomes available to an authorized person of the Administration in the standard automated workplace MAIS EGU “Electronic Office of an Official” (hereinafter referred to as “Electronic Account of an Official”, EKDL).

Informing the applicant about the progress and result of the provision of the service

After submitting an electronic application through the Portal, informing the applicant about the registration of the application, the progress and result of the provision of the service is provided using electronic notifications, which indicate the status of consideration of the electronic application, comments from authorized officials of the Administration (if necessary) and/or relevant electronic documents are attached.

The applicant can gain access to information about the progress and result of the provision of the service:

  • in the Portal section "";
  • in email.

The applicant is provided with the opportunity to receive brief information about the current status of consideration of the application, view and save for your own technical means electronic notifications sent from the Administration, as well as the result of the provision of the service in the form of an electronic document.

Result of service provision

Issuance of the result of the provision of public services in electronic form is not provided.

  1. Archive transcript.
  2. Archival extract.
  3. Archival copy.

Service provision period

  1. An archival certificate (extract, copy) is prepared within 30 days from the date of registration of the service recipient’s application. In exceptional cases, the head of the body or institution involved in the provision of public services has the right to extend the period for consideration of the application by 30 days with written notification of this to the recipient of the service.
  2. In the event that the application of the recipient of the service requires documents that are not related to the documents stored in the Administration’s fund, such applications within 7 days from the date of their registration are sent according to their affiliation to the appropriate organization where the necessary documents can be stored.
  3. Statements from service recipients that cannot be fulfilled without providing additional information, within 7 days from the date of their registration are returned to the recipients of the service with a message about clarification and addition of the application with the information necessary for its execution.


For free.


  1. Legal entities.
  2. Individuals.

State services in electronic form are provided only to authorized users of the Portal (). Authorization on the Portal is carried out using an account in the Unified Identification and Autonomous Authorization.

If it is necessary to appear directly at the Administration or a division of the St. Petersburg state government institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (hereinafter referred to as the MFC), persons authorized by the applicants (representatives) have the right to represent the interests of the applicant.


Procedure for the applicant

  1. Study the description of the service in the corresponding section of the Portal.
  2. Prepares documents, information from which will need to be entered into the application form.
  3. Prepares documents that will need to be attached to the application in electronic form.
  4. Follows the link to the on-screen application form on the Portal (hereinafter referred to as the electronic application form).
  5. Performs authorization on the Portal through the ESIA.
  6. Submits an electronic application through the Portal by performing the following steps:
    • fills out an electronic application form, including information necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services;
    • attaches scanned images of documents* or other documents in electronic form** necessary for the provision of the service to the electronic application form;
    • confirms the accuracy of the information provided (sets the appropriate mark in the electronic application form);
    • sends a completed electronic application (clicks the appropriate button in the electronic application form).
  7. Receives a notification on the Portal in the “Personal Account” and by email confirming that the application has been sent (accepted by the interdepartmental automated information system provision of state and municipal services in electronic form in St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as MAIS EGU)***), which indicates, among other things, the identification number and date of submission of the electronic application; if necessary, saves the notice for printing.
  8. Receives a notification on the Portal in the “Personal Account” and by e-mail about the acceptance of an electronic application by the Administration and about the start of the procedure for providing the service; if it is necessary to visit the Administration, the applicant receives relevant information from an authorized person in the form of a notification.
  9. After submitting an application, it tracks changes in the status of the application (including the result of the service)
    • on your own initiative:
      • in the applicant’s Personal Account on the Portal (section “Application” - “Application History”);
      • in the Portal section "";
      • V mobile application“Public services of St. Petersburg” (service “Checking the status of an application”);
    • gets acquainted with notifications from the Administration****:
      • by email (from ), followed by contacting Personal Area on the portal.
  10. Takes further actions in accordance with the information specified in received notifications.
  11. Receives a corresponding notification about the result of the service and an application in the form of a scanned image of the document - in the “Personal Account” on the Portal, by email.

* A scanned image of a document is a file obtained on a scanner or digital camera as a result of scanning the original document.

** Requirements for electronic documents:

  • acceptable file formats: jpg, jpeg, tiff, pdf, zip, rar, doc, xls, docx, xlsx;
  • maximum file size for adding to an electronic application is ¬- 3 MB;
  • each individual document must be uploaded as separate file;
  • The names of the files must allow identification of the document and the number of pages in the document.

*** An electronic application with attached scanned images of documents (electronic documents) is stored in MAIS EGU, where it is assigned an identification number and status, after which the electronic application is modified into an electronic file.

**** Notifications are received in the event of a change in the status of the electronic case on the Administration’s side.

Grounds for refusal to provide public services:

  • Applications are not subject to consideration in the absence of the applicant’s last name, first name, patronymic, or postal address;
  • if the applicant does not have documented rights to receive information constituting a state secret, or confidential information, the applicant is informed of the impossibility of giving an answer on the merits of the question posed in connection with the inadmissibility of disclosing the specified information.

Procedure for the authorized organization

An electronic application with attached scanned images of documents (documents in electronic form) is stored in MAIS EGU, where it is assigned an identification number and status, after which the electronic application is modified into an electronic file.

The electronic file saved in MAIS EGU becomes available to the authorized person of the Committee in the ECDL.

I. Reception and registration of the application

Authorized person of the Administration responsible for receiving applications:

  1. Checks the availability of electronic cases received from the Portal at least once a working day (in the ECDL).
  2. Examines the received electronic file, including scanned images of documents (graphic files) and other electronic documents attached by the applicant.
  3. Checks the completeness and readability of scanned images of documents ( graphic files), other electronic documents.
  4. Registers the fact of acceptance of the electronic case (assigns a registration number to the received application).
  5. Sets the appropriate status for the electronic file.
  6. Transfers the electronic file to an authorized person of the Administration responsible for ensuring the safety and use of Administration documents.
  7. Forms and sends to the applicant email notification about the result of the administrative procedure through the “Personal Account” on the Portal, by email*.

* The applicant is informed by setting the status of the electronic case, generating comments (if necessary), attaching electronic documents, for example,

  • on the need for the applicant to appear at the Administration (if necessary);
  • on the progress of the provision of public services, indicating the applicant’s further actions (if necessary);
  • on sending interdepartmental requests;
  • about the decision made (provision or refusal to provide a public service).

The notification of the decision must contain attachments in the form of a scanned image of documents about the decision made, about other actions provided for by the administrative regulations for the provision of the service.

The applicant receives a notification about the change of status to the address specified by him Email, and can also get acquainted with the information and documents in the Personal Account on the Portal (section “Application” - “History of Applications”).

The applicant’s access to information about the progress and result of the provision of the service is also ensured:

  • in the Portal section "";
  • in the mobile application “Public Services of St. Petersburg” (service “Checking the status of an application”).

II. Searching the archive for the necessary information and preparing a response

An authorized person of the Administration responsible for ensuring the safety and use of Administration documents:

  1. Analyzes the essence of the request.
  2. If the applications cannot be executed without providing additional information, within 7 days from the date of their registration, informs the applicant about the need to clarify and supplement the application with the information necessary for execution (in the manner specified in the note to clause I).
  3. If the application requires documents that are not related to the composition of the documents stored in the Administration fund, it sends such applications within 7 days from the date of their registration according to their affiliation to the appropriate organization where the necessary documents can be stored, notifies the applicant about this (in the manner specified in note to paragraph 1).
  4. In other cases:
    • searches the Administration archive for the necessary information;
    • if the result is positive, he prepares archival certificates, extracts, copies*.
  5. If the search result is negative, prepares a letter refusing to execute the application, explaining its reasons.

Head of Administration (authorized official of the Administration):

  • Signs archival certificates (extracts, copies).


The archival certificate is signed by the responsible person in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities between the head of the Administration and his deputies and certified with a seal. Below is the artist's name and phone number.

After the text of the archive extract, the archive code and sheet numbers of storage units are indicated. The authenticity of archival extracts is certified by the signature of the head (authorized official) and seal. On the back of each sheet of the archival copy, archival codes and sheet numbers of storage units are affixed. All sheets of the archival copy are stapled and certified at the place of attachment by the seal and signature of the manager or authorized official.

III. Issuing a response to the applicant

Authorized person of the administration:

  • Generates and sends to the applicant a corresponding electronic notification about the result of the public service through the “Personal Account” on the Portal, by e-mail with the relevant documents attached in electronic form - in the manner specified in the note to clause I.

The response may be delivered to the applicant upon his request.

The applicant receives information about the progress of the provision of public services and the readiness of the result of the provision of public services in electronic form:

  • in the “Personal Account” on the Portal, subject to authorization;
  • in the Portal section "";
  • in the mobile application “Public Services of St. Petersburg” (service “Checking the status of an application”);
  • according to notifications received by email specified by the applicant (in case of a change in the status of the electronic case (on the Administration’s side)), followed by contacting the “Personal Account” on the Portal.


Documents submitted by the applicant

I. Required documents:

  • Passport or other identification documents.

II. Additional documents (if it is necessary for the applicant’s representative to appear directly at the Administration or MFC division):

  1. Identity document of the representative.
  2. Documents confirming the right to represent the interests of the applicant in order to receive public services:
    • a power of attorney, issued in accordance with current legislation, confirming that the representative has the rights to act on behalf of the applicant and defining the conditions and boundaries of the exercise of the right to receive a public service;
    • a document confirming the right of the legal representative to act on behalf of the applicant.

Documents issued to the applicant

  1. Request for additional information (if necessary).
  2. A letter of refusal to execute an application with an explanation of its reasons.
  3. Archival information in form .*
  4. Archived extracts.**
  5. Archival copies.***

* The text in the archival reference is given in the chronological sequence of events, indicating the types of archival documents and their dates. The discrepancy between certain data in archival documents and the information set out in the request is not an obstacle to their inclusion in the archival certificate, provided that the coincidence of all other information does not raise doubts about the identity of the person or facts referred to in the archival documents. In the certificate, these data are reproduced as they are set out in archival documents, and discrepancies, inconsistencies and inaccurate names, absence of a name, patronymic, initials or the presence of one of them are specified in the text of the certificate in brackets (“So in the document”, “So in the text original").

In the text of the archival certificate, changes, corrections, comments, and the performer’s own conclusions on the content of the archival documents on the basis of which the certificate was compiled are not allowed.

At the end of the archival certificate, archival codes and sheet numbers of storage units of archival documents, printed publications used to compile the certificate are given.

In an archival certificate, the volume of which exceeds one sheet, the sheets must be stitched, numbered and sealed.

The archival certificate is signed by the responsible person in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities between the head of the district administration and his deputies and is certified by a seal. Below is the artist's name and phone number.

** In the archival extract, the name of the archival document, its number and date are reproduced in full. Extracts from the texts of archival documents should exhaust all available data on the application. The beginning and end of each extract, as well as omissions of individual words in the text of the archival document are indicated by ellipses.

After the text of the archive extract, the archive code and sheet numbers of storage units are indicated. The authenticity of archival extracts is certified by the signature of the head (authorized official) and seal.

*** On the back of each sheet of the archival copy, archival codes and sheet numbers of storage units are affixed. All sheets of the archival copy are stapled and certified at the place of attachment by the seal and signature of the manager or authorized official.

Organizations involved in providing the service

Organizations making decisions on service provision

Appeal procedure

Applicants have the right to pre-trial (extrajudicial) appeal against decisions and actions (inactions) taken (carried out) by the executive body of state power (hereinafter referred to as the EIGV), officials, state civil servants of the EIGV, during the provision of public services. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure does not exclude the possibility of appealing decisions and actions (inactions) taken (carried out) during the provision of public services in court. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure is not mandatory for the applicant.

The applicant may file a complaint, including in the following cases:

  • violation of the deadline for registering the applicant’s request for the provision of a public service;
  • violation of the deadline for the provision of public services;
  • requesting from the applicant documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, for the provision of public services;
  • refusal to accept documents, the provision of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, for the provision of public services, from the applicant;
  • refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • requesting from the applicant, when providing a public service, a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • refusal by the State Administration of State Administration, an official of the State Administration of State Administration, providing a public service, to correct typographical errors and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of a public service, or a violation of the established deadline for such corrections.

The complaint is submitted to writing on paper, in electronic form in the IOGV. Complaints about decisions made by the head of the IOGV are submitted to the Government of St. Petersburg.

The complaint can be sent by mail, through the division of the St. Petersburg state government institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (hereinafter referred to as the MFC), using the Internet information and telecommunications network, the official website of the IOGV, a single portal of state and municipal services or a regional portal of state and municipal services, and can also be accepted upon personal reception of the applicant.

The complaint must contain:

  • the name of the IOGV, the official of the IOGV or the state civil servant of the IOGV, whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;
  • surname, first name, patronymic (last - if available), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual or name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as contact telephone number (numbers), email address (addresses) (if available ) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;
  • information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the Employment and State Administration, an official of the Employment and State Administration or a state civil servant;
  • arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the Employment and State Authorities, an official of the Employment and State Administration, or a state civil servant of the Employment and State Administration. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

A complaint received by the Employment and State Administration is subject to consideration by the head, deputy head, who exercises control and coordination of the activities of the relevant structural unit of the Employment and State Administration, authorized to consider complaints within the following terms:

  • within fifteen working days from the date of registration of the complaint;
  • within five working days from the date of registration of the complaint in the event of an appeal against the refusal of the Employment and State Administration, an official of the Executive Inspectorate to accept documents from the applicant or to correct typos and errors, or in the event of an appeal against a violation of the established deadline for such corrections;
  • at other times in cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the IOGV makes one of the following decisions:

  • satisfies the complaint, including in the form of cancellation decision taken, correction of typos and errors made by the IOGV in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, return to the applicant Money, the collection of which is not provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in other forms;
  • refuses to satisfy the complaint.

Not later in the day, following the day the decision is made, the applicant is sent a reasoned response in writing and, at the applicant’s request, in electronic form about the results of consideration of the complaint.

If, during or as a result of consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or crime are established, the official empowered to consider complaints immediately forwards the available materials to the prosecutor's office.

The applicant has the right to receive information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the application (complaint). IOGV, its officials, state civil servants of IOGV are obliged to provide the applicant with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with documents and materials related to the consideration of the application (complaint), if this does not affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons and if these documents and materials do not contain information constituting state or other protected federal law confidentiality, telephone numbers by which you can report a violation by an official of the provisions, information about making an appointment for a personal appointment and information and consulting assistance can be obtained by telephone.

Executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg and officials to whom the applicant’s complaint may be addressed in a pre-trial (extrajudicial) manner:

  • if the subject of the applicant’s appeal (complaint) is the actions of an employee of the MFC unit, the complaint (claim) is sent to the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg: 191060, Smolny, Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg; Email: [email protected]; Phone: 576‑70‑42;
  • if the subject of the applicant’s complaint (claim) is the actions of the Portal operator, the complaint (claim) is sent to the Committee on Informatization and Communications: 191060, Smolny, Committee on Informatization and Communications; Email: [email protected]; Phone: 576‑71‑23.

To obtain information about officials of the executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg responsible for registering and considering complaints about violations of the procedure for providing public services, follow the link

Typical questions

If there are documents on this enterprise in the Administration's archives in the fund of liquidated enterprises, an archival certificate is issued on paper.

For missing enterprises, you must contact the Central State Archive for Personnel of Liquidated Enterprises at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Dnepropetrovskaya, 9a.

The information falls within the competence of district military registration and enlistment offices.
