Apple instruction manual, iPad model. Instructions: iPad - purchase, characteristics, general questions Download instructions for iPad 3 model 1430

  • Black or white front panel.
  • Connector 30-pin
  • The micro-SIM slot is located on the right side of the iPad.
  • Cameras: iSight and FaceTime.
  • The model number is located on the back of the case.

    Works on iOS: 5.1, 6, 6.1, 7, 7.1, 8, 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 9.2, 9.3.

    iPad 3rd generation

    Apple New iPad tablet instructions for iOS version:

    iOS Version: Format: Size: Language: Download :
    iOS 9.3 (with iTunes) PDF 10.1 MB Russian
    iOS 9.2
    The manual is available in 2 versions:
    • WEB version on the official Apple website
    PDF 9.80 MB Russian
    iOS 8.4
    The manual is available in 3 versions:
    • PDF, in Russian, from iTunes; link on the right
    • PDF, on English language, standard: download
    • WEB version on the official Apple website
    PDF 28.6 MB
    9.31 MB

    iOS 8.3 PDF 28.6 MB Russian
    iOS 8.1 PDF 28.9 MB Russian
    iOS 8
    (download 7.1 or 8.1)
    n/a n/a MB n/a
    iOS 7.1 PDF 18.9 MB Russian
    iOS 7 PDF 17.3 MB Russian
    iOS 6.1 PDF 12.0 MB Russian
    iOS 6 PDF 11.9 MB Russian
    iOS 5.1 PDF 12.3 MB Russian

    Apple iPad 3 is a third generation tablet from the high-quality electronics manufacturer Apple. The presentation of this device took place on March 7, 2012 in San Francisco.

    The iPad 3, whose instructions are downloaded on the website, looks a little thicker and heavier than the iPad 2. Apple's third tablet has more powerful processor, best screen and a camera, a battery with a larger capacity.

    iPad 3 Russian instructions for which are freely downloadable, is a device of the post-computer era. The processor of this tablet is 2-core, high-performance and energy-efficient, and has a graphics accelerator.

    iPad 3 Apple: instruction manual

    Our website contains instructions for iPad 3, which can be quickly downloaded without registration and without entering passwords. All manuals are posted in PDF format.

    Instructions for iPad 3 are located in the “Apple” section of our website. To download required file, select your device, its model, and find your PDF document.

    Be sure to save the file on your PC as “iPad 3 instructions in Russian” and read it before using your tablet.

    iPad 3 instructions for use enable users to use their device correctly and adhere to the operating rules.

    This article is intended for those who have not dealt with an iPad before. . Every year there are fewer and fewer such users, as Apple tablets are rapidly gaining popularity. However, often experienced users do not fully realize how rich functionality their device has. Due to ignorance, many options remain untested. But they can make the life of a Tablet PC owner more comfortable.

    This material is more for “dummies”, a kind of mini-instructions for use. Detailed description, how to use iPad Air 2 or another device model will not work within the framework of one article. We will look at the main points that a new owner of a gadget faces.

    If you want to get the first information about the iPad and what it is for dummies, read on.

    If you still don’t know, we inform you that tablets use cards of a special format – Micro. To choose such a SIM card for your iPad, you can follow one of 2 paths. The first thing is to cut a regular card to the desired size. There is nothing complicated about this procedure. You can find instructions on how to do this online. Some resources even offer templates, which you can print to help you complete the procedure accurately and accurately. Just keep in mind that this is always a risk as the card may stop functioning.

    And the second thing is going to the salon to get the required SIM card and blocking the old one. Of course, the number will be saved. Usually this operation takes no more than 5 minutes and is done free of charge. Just don't forget to take your passport with you.

    Turn on the tablet

    Even such a simple procedure causes difficulties for some. The fact is that when you buy a new device and try to turn it on, it asks for a SIM card and activation.

    We've sorted out the cards, but what about the second one?

    Here you will need a PC/laptop or a Wi-Fi connection. In general, there is a myth circulating among “dummies” that it is impossible to use a tablet without a PC. It's not like that at all. A PC is required only when the device is turned on for the first time on operating systems of four variations. Starting with the iPhone 4S model, a PC is not required at all.

    In order to activate an iPad running on iOS 4, you should install the iTunes utility on your PC. Next, you need to connect the tablet to it and execute all the commands that will appear on the screen. Everything is quite simple there.

    Useful points when working with iPad

    • If you are a girl, be sure to buy a case for your device. So, when carrying the device in a handbag, it will get scratched by other things and objects.
    • Buy a film to protect your display. Of course, this is not at all necessary, but it is highly desirable. The element has an oleophobic layer that repels fat. This protects the tablet from getting stained with grease stains, and it’s also easy to care for it by simply wiping it with a dry cloth. There is no need to wipe the display when using the film.
    • For a stand and overnight charging of the device, it is good to buy a docking station. Its cost is low, especially if you make a purchase on eBay (about 200 rubles). Just keep in mind that accessories with a headphone jack convert the gadget into silent mode when they put it on. If you don't like this, cut the track near the resistor inside the element.
    • When traveling abroad, be sure to disable the data transfer option. This is done to prevent cards from being opened inadvertently or at great expense while roaming.

    How to transfer old contacts to iPad?

    This is one of the most important tasks that interests every new owner of an Apple tablet. For this purpose, exchange data with the old device via Outlook. For each iPad model, this is done using different methods, using special software from the developer.

    And after that you should exchange contacts with iTunes - the utility will upload them to the tablet.

    We upload photos and music

    For this purpose, again, iTunes is an indispensable tool. She's not very fast, but it is what it is. The upload operation is referred to here as synchronization.

    To start the operation, you need to select a specific file in the program and click on the synchronization button element. The same is true in the opposite direction - photo frames from the tablet will be copied to the PC/laptop.

    Many users are worried about how to transfer video clips to iPad. There are rumors among inexperienced users that you can’t just view an AVI file on a device. Of course, there is some truth in this. But just install a special player and you can watch whatever your heart desires. The most common program known to everyone is AVPlayer. With its help, you can use a file with absolutely any extension.

    What to do with the absence of a flash drive?

    Yes, this flaw of an almost perfect device ruins the lives of many iPad owners. But for some, the built-in memory is enough, and they don’t even notice any inconvenience, using the device for many years. After all, you don’t have to download any content to your tablet at all, but view/listen to everything online. And the fact that the user will not see any flash banners is only a plus.

    Is it necessary to register with the AppStore?

    For those who don’t know, this is a store from the Apple company where you can freely download or buy programs. You can legally install the software only from here. There is also an illegal method on “jailbroken” devices. But we will not talk about this within the framework of this material, since our goal is to give initial ideas about the iPad.

    Therefore, registration in the store is strictly required. Without it, the operation of the tablet will be incomplete.

    All purchases here are made with credit cards. But don't be afraid of the prices. Most programs are freely available. And paid products usually have a low cost of about 1-3 dollars.

    By the way, you will need a card of a type that can be used to pay online. There is a way to register without it, but then you will need to purchase free software.

    Desktop icons

    Everything here is banal and obvious. Click on any element and hold your finger in that position. After a short period, the icons will vibrate and can be dragged. If you put one element on top of another, a folder will be formed. Here you can erase the software using taps using the red lines in the corners.

    To exit the correction mode, click Home once.

    If you need to remove standard elements, be aware that this is impossible. You can only disable them through the restrictions settings.

    Understanding iCloud

    It's time to get acquainted with the “cloud” and its functions. This service is designed to save many types of content - photos, contacts and more. Everything happens on Apple servers and is saved there (just in case or for exchanging data between several gadgets).

    AND convenient services It’s also worth highlighting “Photo Stream”. Its essence is such that everything that the user films is uploaded to the “cloud”. Photo frames are automatically sent to all iOS devices linked to the account. If the user has a tablet and a PC, then by activating this service and taking a photo, it will instantly appear in the folder on the computer. No cords or pumping procedures are required. As you might have guessed. Everything is done via Wi-Fi. I must admit, a very convenient and comfortable option. Its connection is made in the settings.

    We protect your tablet from theft or loss

    Finally, about the most important thing. Here, in the “cloud” settings, you can enable the tablet search option. In the unpleasant situation of theft/loss of the device, then the user will be able to see where this moment his iPad is located. It will also be possible to put a block on it, send SMS and even erase all information - and all this remotely.

    To prevent a scammer who stole your device from disabling this important setting, set restrictions on changes. For this purpose, put a ban on all kinds of changes in your account.

    But don’t think that this operation is a panacea for all ills. If the person who stole the iPad is not an amateur, but a professional, he will easily bypass your protection. This is done through a complete flashing of the device. But this does not mean that the recommendation can be ignored.

    We looked at the technical side of the iPad 3. Along with the announcement of the new tablet, Apple also introduced the updated iOS 5.1 operating system. It's time to see what's new in it and whether it's any good. After this, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about how good the tablet is and who it will suit. So, let's begin.

    To begin with, I propose to understand why a tablet is needed in the first place. At the same time, we will look at what the iPad 3 specifically can offer in this regard. I would like to immediately clarify two points. First, this article will not discuss issues of activation and initial setup of the tablet. Second, a “clean” operating room will be considered iOS system 5.1, without jailbreak and, therefore, any additional tweaks.


    The main purpose of a tablet is to entertain the user. No matter what anyone says about the fact that it can be used to solve some work tasks (yes, it is quite possible) or to study (undoubtedly, it is possible), but the first thing everyone does is look for games or try to access the Internet. And with this the tablet is doing very, very well.

    The model in my hands uses a Wi-Fi module that supports 802.11a/b/g/n standards to access the World Wide Web. The disadvantage of this tablet model for some will be the inability to access the Internet outside the Wi-Fi range. Such users are recommended to turn their attention to a tablet with a 4G (LTE) module.


    The iPad 3, like other Apple products, uses the native Safari browser to surf the Internet. IN new iOS it has been seriously improved both in terms of performance and ease of use. Moreover, performance has improved not only because of the hardware. I updated the operating system on my iPad 2 and also noticed that pages began to process and display much faster.

    Among the conveniences, it is worth noting that tabs have finally appeared. Previously, to switch between open pages you had to press a button, after which a preview window was displayed. It was all incredibly annoying, especially the unnecessary movements. Now everything is like in desktop browsers: each window is in a separate tab, to switch to the one you need, just click on the tab with your finger. Comfortable.

    Tabs in Safari

    The second interesting point is the Reader button, which appears in the address bar. An excellent solution for those who just want to read the text, but cannot do it properly either because of the wild combination of colors on the page, or because of various advertisements and other things. And so - they pressed a button, the tablet literally thought for a moment and produced clear text. Beauty!

    Reader in Safari

    Third, there’s a handy feature called “Reading List.” If you liked the page, you added it to this list with one click and then read it. But the convenience is that this list is automatically synchronized between all your devices, provided that they are connected to iCloud.

    Safari Reading List

    By the way, a few words about this very iCloud. This is a cloud service that allows you to synchronize all your Apple devices between themselves. Moreover, all synchronization occurs in automatic mode. Contacts, mail (if the mailbox is in the domain), photos, applications and other content - all this will be up to date on all your devices.

    Let's return to our sheep. For some, the big drawback of the browser will be that it does not support Flash. At all. Not in any way. In practice, this means that you will not be able to play your favorite games somewhere on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, or watch online videos. But at the same time, we also get the advantage of the absence of annoying pop-up advertising banners and other flash nastiness.

    If for some reason you are not satisfied with your native browser, you can always install a third-party one, fortunately in App Store this goodness is enough. I tried quite a lot of them and came to a simple conclusion: native is native, fast and convenient.

    Third party browser Dolphin HD


    There are no standard programs for correspondence via the Internet in iOS, but here the App Store comes to our aid - brand store applications. Among the "asecs" I would like to draw your attention to the paid IM+, which supports almost all communication protocols, and the free Imo, which, naturally, has fewer functions.

    But video communication can be done through standard program FaceTime. Naturally, the device of the called party must also support this same FaceTime, and therefore you can only call on an iPad or iPhone.

    But this limitation is easily overcome by everyone known Skype application. It’s a pleasure to communicate with a colleague or acquaintance on a huge screen. And the presence of two cameras - front and rear - makes it very convenient not only to talk, but also to show interesting things. You don't need to rotate the tablet, just switch between cameras by simply pressing a button located on the screen.

    Skype on tablet


    For correspondence, a program with the simple name Mail is used. Supported mailboxes MS Exchange, MobileME, Gmail, Yahoo!Mail and AOL, and setting them up will not cause any problems.

    The interface is quite simple, if not ascetic. Mail client rather, it is designed to send or receive some documents or photographs. If hundreds of letters pour into your mailbox per day, then there will be problems with mail processing. In this case, it is better to use the web interface through the same Safari or a third-party browser.


    What could happen on a long journey? better viewing video? Especially on a device that can play this same video continuously for ten hours. However, in the case of the iPad, we come across the first not very good limitation: the standard video player only understands MOV, MP4 and M4V formats. In order to upload videos to iPad, you will need the iTunes PC application. Connect your tablet to your computer, add videos in the program, synchronize devices - and enjoy watching a movie.

    But we are all accustomed to the fact that the most common video formats are AVI and MKV. And it is precisely these that the iPad does not initially support. Third-party programmers eliminated the “mess” and wrote several extremely successful programs for watching videos. For my needs, I settled on the AVPlayer program, although at one time I looked towards OPlayer. Both applications support a huge number of video and audio formats, can display subtitles and even play movies and music from network devices.


    The iPad 3 can easily play 1080p video in full screen, since the latter’s resolution allows it to do so. But, to be honest, I didn’t notice any particular difference between 1080p video on the iPad 3 and 720p video on the iPad 2. Well, the size of the video file will differ significantly, so whether the game is worth the candle - everyone will decide for themselves.


    Playing audio files in iOS is entrusted to the iPod application, which appearance almost identical to iTunes on PC. By the way, as in the case of video, music is also “uploaded” to the tablet via iTunes. Get used to it - Apple has tied its phones so much that music players and tablets for this creation, which is almost impossible without it. Music, videos, books, photos - everything gets into the devices through tuna.

    But let's return to the standard player. It supports playlists, it is possible to sort songs by title, artist, album. If the album has a cover, it will be displayed to the left of the list of songs. Everything is quite comfortable and beautiful.

    The playback control buttons are large and easy to press. The same applies to volume control, which can be changed either with the slider in the player or with the buttons on the tablet body.

    I really liked the sound, both in headphones and through the built-in speaker. It became a little louder compared to previous version tablet. The playback quality is excellent compared to mine Lenovo laptop B550 and iPad, then the second one definitely wins.


    As an e-reader, the iPad 3 is simply excellent. Yes, he is not able to work for months, like e-books. But does the user need it, that is the question. And the screen with a stunning resolution of 2048x1536 allows you to display almost typographic fonts. Thanks to this, your eyes get less tired when reading. On an iPad, the backlight can be adjusted as you like, but with an E Ink screen this trick will not work.

    Regular picture book in iBooks

    The iBooks program is used to read books. When I saw it, I was slightly shocked: everything was very beautiful and comfortable. A latest version this program even allows you to add various multimedia content like short videos or audio files. This led to the almost immediate emergence of various interactive books, both educational and entertaining. My child always listens to a fairy tale with beautiful pictures and professional voice acting before going to bed.

    A book with multimedia features in iBooks

    Various applications

    There is a huge amount different programs, which turn your tablet into a real assistant. These can be alarm clocks, organizers, calendars, calculators, unit converters, programs for remote administration, dictionaries, translators and much more. The tablet can even become your personal trainer - just download an app with a fitness training program.

    In addition, iPad 3 is convenient to use for the development of your children. Exists a large number of various educational programs that will help your child master letters, numbers, reading, counting, etc.

    Working with content

    When the first version of the iPad came out, many users said that it was created only for consuming content. Apple listened to this opinion and the second iPad was already more tailored for the creation of this very content. Various text, graphic, music editors and other programs for work and creativity have appeared.

    With the advent of the iPad 3, all this has reached a higher level. Powerful hardware and an excellent screen with huge resolution became the key to fairly comfortable work.

    If you need to work with texts, then I would like to draw your attention to programs such as Pages, Numbers and Keynote. The first one is designed to work with text documents, the second is for working with tables, and the third is for creating presentations. All of these programs were created by Apple itself, so you can judge the integration with iOS and the overall quality of the applications for yourself from the screenshots below.

    All of these programs perfectly understand both native file formats and files Microsoft Office. So you can calmly work with documents without worrying that something will go wrong later. Created files can be sent by email directly from the application.

    There are other word processing apps, such as DocsToGO and Office HD.

    Processing photos and videos, creating music - all this can also be done quite conveniently on the iPad 3. I will not list applications for carrying out these actions, because the material there is enough for another full-fledged article. Just take my word for it that all this can be done on a tablet.

    GarageBand - Apple's music creation software


    Let's be honest with each other: multimedia and the Internet are all good. But the coolest thing about the tablet is the games. With this, everything in the iPad 3 is excellent. The powerful dual-core A5X processor has four graphics cores that easily handle complex graphics and delight us with special effects.

    Many games have already been remade for the new screen resolution and look simply great on it. Those that have not yet suffered this fate also look very, very decent - this is due to the increased color rendition of the new screen.

    Photo and camera

    Viewing photos on an iPad is a pleasure. Everything turns quickly and beautifully, you can enlarge the picture almost any way you like. If there is a desire, then standard means you can create a slide show: add photos to it, select sound design, frame changing effect. After that, all you have to do is set the tablet on the table (the SmartCover is a branded cover that comes in handy here) and enjoy watching it.

    Creating a Slideshow

    With the creation of photographs, everything is fine here too. The camera has grown to 5 megapixels, the quality of the images has become significantly better. Now the tablet can be used as a “point-and-shoot”, and you can even immediately process the resulting photo and send it wherever necessary (if you have an Internet connection).

    Example of a photo taken with an iPad 3 camera

    Everything is fine with video too: 1080p, 30 frames per second. The colors are bright, saturated, there is no question of any blurring of the picture.


    After the start iPad sales 3, messages from users began to appear on the Internet about certain problems when working with the tablet. The first of these is intense heat. From my own experience I will say this: if you use a tablet to surf the Internet, listen to music, view photos and others simple actions, then the heating is practically not felt. But if you are playing some kind of “heavy” game, here you may well feel that your hands are becoming very, very warm. You are unlikely to get burned, but still the iPad 3 in this mode of operation heats up noticeably more than its predecessor.

    The second problem is related to work. Wi-Fi module. Users began to complain that the tablet might lose the network and then refuse to connect to it. And again, I tell you from my own experience: I have never had anything like this happen in all my years of work. Moreover, with ASUS router The RT10N tablet performs even better than the Lenovo laptop. This is especially noticeable when moving away from the router: when the laptop already loses the network, the tablet continues to calmly transmit and receive data.

    Impressions and conclusions

    What can I tell you? The iPad 3 is a great tablet that lets you work as well as entertain. There are, of course, certain limitations associated with Apple's manic concern for its users. But for most users, these restrictions will be almost invisible.

    And, to be honest, many of them disappear after a procedure known as jailbreak. She opens full access To file system iOS, after which you can do almost whatever your heart desires with the tablet: set themes, tinker with system files, upload any files to the device memory. But there is also a downside - incorrect operation is possible operating system after such "picking". So think a few times - do you need it?

    The general conclusion is simple: if you want something like a laptop, but small, light and convenient, then you need to buy it. After purchasing the tablet, my wife stopped going near the computer, because she only needed it to access the Odnoklassniki website. If you are the happy owner of the first iPad versions- Definitely buy. But the owners of the iPad 2 can think about it. Yes, the screen is super, performance has increased. But if you only use the tablet for the Internet, books and videos, then there’s really no point in changing it. If you are a fan of games, then “definitely buy” again.

    And most importantly: do not expect that your tablet will completely replace your computer. They have completely different tasks, although they overlap in many ways. But still, many things are more convenient to do on the iPad 3. In any case, it’s up to you to decide, but I’ve already made my choice and I don’t regret it one bit.

    iTunes. Installation and use

    iTunes Alternatives

    App Store

    Operating system iOS 6

    Operating system iOS 7

    Operating system iOS 8

    Operating system iOS 9

    Firmware and jailbreak

    Ways to install applications on iPad





    Instructions for iPad, iPad2, iPad3, iPad 4, iPad mini in Russian (user manual) - links to download instructions in pdf format

    What to look for when buying?
    When purchasing a new device, you just need to inspect it for external defects. You can also turn it on and see the charge level, it must be 100%, since Apple sells all its devices with a full charge. If the charge level is much lower, then better device do not buy. If you buy secondhand, then you can check the functionality of the device. Try to connect to Wi-Fi if possible. Even if it is paid, then, as a rule, the browser should open and show the provider’s page.

    Is there Russification on an iPad purchased abroad?
    Yes, it is present! To change languages, you need to go to Settings => General => Language and text and select Russian.

    I bought an iPad, and on the screen there is a black background with the word iTunes and a cable. What to do?
    This is the activation screen. In order to activate the iPad you need to:
    1)Download from the website and install it on your PC;
    2)Connect iPad to PC, and iTunes will automatically activate iPad;
    3)Then simply set up your iPad as a new device.

    Is it possible to activate an iPad in iTunes and use it without a SIM card?
    A SIM card is not needed for activation, because... it is just necessary to access the Internet from the iPad

    How is my location determined on an iPad without 3G (GPS)?
    The position is determined by Wi-Fi points access. But this only works when the iPad's Wi-Fi is turned on.

    How to turn on iPad?
    You need to press and long hold the right side of the button, which is located on the upper right side of the iPad.

    How to restart iPad?
    You must hold down the “Off” button until the “Shutdown” slider appears. Then move the slider.

    How to take a photo iPad screen
    You need to quickly press the “On” and “Home” buttons at the same time.


    Does the iPad have GPS and is it full-fledged?
    The Wi-Fi + 3G model has its own GPS chip. That is, even in the absence of a SIM card and the Internet, respectively, the location will be determined if there is an appropriate navigation program.

    What graphics accelerator is installed in iPad first and second generation?
    The iPad has the SGX535, which shares a chip with the A4 processor. The iPad 2 has the SGX543MP2, which is up to 8 times more powerful than the SGX535.

    How to connect a USB flash drive (USB HDD) to an iPad?
    This is possible with the help of an accessory. But the device must be jailbroken! True, not all flash drives will be connected, only those with low power consumption, because... starting with firmware 4.2.1. Apple has limited the connection of devices with high power consumption. The flash drive must also be formatted in FAT32! You can view data from a flash drive using the program from.

    What material back cover iPad?
    Aluminum, but it is coated with a special scratch-resistant coating.

    Can an iPad be connected to a TV?
    Yes, this is possible using a number of official accessories from Apple: Apple Component AV Cable, Apple Composite AV Cable, Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA, . Mirroring the screen of the first generation iPad is possible using tweaks from Cydia DisplayOut and TVOut2 Mirror TVOut. On the iPad 2, mirroring occurs automatically when connected to a TV, as this function is provided in the system.

    Can an iPad be connected to a car radio?
    It is possible if there is an AUX input in the radio. But a jack-to-jack cable is required.

    Can I connect a wired headset and talk via Skype?
    Can. Any standard headset with a 3.5mm minijack connector is suitable for these purposes.

    Does the iPad have a built-in microphone?
    Yes, of course there is. It is located on the front end, where the headphone jack is located. The microphone is actually very good and very sensitive.

    Is it possible to connect an external Bluetooth GPS receiver to the iPad?
    Yes, but the device must be jailbroken. To connect the receiver to the iPad, you need a tweak from Cydia BTStack GPS.

    Operating system (iOS). Standard Features

    How to copy photos to iPad?
    1) .
    2) From the iPad itself via the Internet or by e-mail;
    3) With the help (If the photos are on the camera itself), but if there is no jailbreak, that is, the photos will be copied using standard means and will be reduced to 1024x768.

    How to delete an application on iPad?
    It will help you.

    How to transfer an application to iPad? How to create an icon group? How to swap icons?
    About everything about it in.

    How to minimize or close an application on iPad? How to quickly find the application you need?

    How to watch video clips mixed in standard player Without stops?
    No, unfortunately, it’s like this for everyone - either as audio, or one at a time.

    How to put your picture on your desktop?
    There are two ways:
    1) Transfer the picture to the iPad, then in Settings go to the “Brightness and Wallpaper” tab. In this case, the image will be reduced to a resolution of 1024x768, and then stretched to 1024x1024 and naturally its quality will be worse.
    2) Using iFun Box, copy the picture and its reduced original to the folder Raw File System - Library - Wallpaper. If you use this method, the quality of the picture will not change.


    What should I replace the American power supply plug with?
    The issue with the American plug has long been solved cheaply and cheerfully: they disconnect the American plug from the power supply and plug in a cord from an old tape recorder (or an electric razor or other equipment). Or you can buy a European plug.

    How many days does an iPad battery last?
    In rest mode for an average of 3-4 days. And in active use mode for one day, if you play, then up to 5-7 hours!

    What type of battery does the iPad have?
    Built-in lithium battery with polymer electrolyte at 25 W/h. Approximately 6600 mAh.

    How and with what can you charge your iPad?
    When the iPad is turned off, it can be charged from any source with an output voltage of 5V, designed for a current of at least 500mA and having USB connector to connect the cable - but it will take much longer to charge than from a standard charger. If you want to do it quickly, you need a source of at least 1.5A and a resistor divider to get the required voltages on pins 2 and 3. An example of the divider wiring: between pin 1 (+5V) and 2 - 43 kOhm, pin 2 and pin 4 (GND) - 51kOhm; contacts 1 and 3 - 75 kOhm, contacts 3 and 4 - 51 kOhm.

    Does the iPad charge from the iPhone's charger?
    It charges, but more slowly than with the original charger.

    Can the iPad be charged from a PC?
    Only when the screen is off. The charging speed is two times slower compared to native charging. But some companies (Asus, MSI) have released special programs, which allow you to charge your iPhone and iPad at a faster rate.

    How to turn off iPad while charging?
    After turning off, the device turns off and after a couple of seconds, turns on again. Only turning it off again helps.


    Is the 3G module of an iPad purchased abroad locked?
    The iPad is initially sold unlocked everywhere, including America. Only in Japan there are locked to the operator, in accordance with the operator’s agreement with Apple

    How to get this same 3G to work on iPad 3G?
    Go to Settings => Cellular Data => APN Settings and enter the following:
    For MTC:
    Username: mts
    Password: mts

    For Beeline:
    Username: beeline
    Password: beeline

    For Megafon:
    APN: internet
    Username: gdata
    Password: gdata

    How to check your balance?
    To check your balance on your iPad, you can use the service menu. To go to the service menu, you need to go to: Settings => Cellular data => SIM programs => My Beeline => My balance => Main balance.

    If the service menu is missing, call the operator to connect the service menu of Beeline, MTS and Megafon.
    Another option, which also supports all 3 operators, is to check the account on the iPad through the browser to log into your “ Personal Area" More detailed information you can also get it from the operators.

    There is also a program in the App Store Mobile Balance By XZone Software.

    Why does the message “Your SIM card has sent a message” periodically appear?
    This error appears on SIM cards, which automatically request Internet settings when installed in a new device. It asks for a SIM card, but the device cannot send it. Here is the message that keeps appearing. It can be treated either by purchasing micro SIM cards, which are positioned specifically for the iPad (they do not contain unnecessary services), or by visiting central offices.

    iPad 3G spontaneously eats traffic. What to do?
    Download the SBSettings tweak from Cydia. In it, the 3G/EDGE flag is disabled in a couple of touches

    Does the iPad 3G have the ability to manually switch mobile operator networks?

    Is there a program for counting 3G/GPRS traffic?
    There are statistics in the settings of the iPad itself; it only counts the traffic passing through the SIM card.

    Communication, Wi-Fi

    How to Use iPhone and Other Wi-Fi Smartphones as a Modem for iPad
    - for iOS6 and higher firmware or for Android smartphones.
    - for firmware up to iOS6 (jailbreak required).

    How to use a Bluetooth phone/smartphone as a modem for iPad?
    Using a tweak from Cydia iBluever.

    How to prevent a breakup Wi-Fi connections after turning off the screen?
    Using a tweak from Cydia Insomnia. It is located in the BigBoss repository and is completely free.

    Ratings - 11, average: 3.5 ()

    Apple Operating Instructions, iPad Model

    There are also other instructions for this device:

    Fragment of instructions

    -Screen Rotation |-Volume Multi-Touch Screen Speaker Your Home screen may look completely different if you change the arrangement of the icons on the screen. Accessories Adapter USB power supply 10W Dock to USB Cable 7 Item Purpose 10W USB Power Adapter Use the 10W USB Power Adapter to power your iPad and charge its battery. Dock to USB Cable Use this cable to connect iPad to your computer to sync or to a 10W USB power adapter to charge. Use this cable with the optional iPad Dock or iPad Keyboard Dock, or connect it directly to your iPad. Buttons Several convenient buttons make it easy to turn iPad on and off, lock screen orientation changes, and adjust volume. Sleep/Wake button When iPad is not in use, touching its screen or using the Wake buttons can lock it. When the iPad is locked, this doesn't happen, but you can listen to music at a lower volume. Q On/Off, Sleep Lock iPad Press the Sleep/Wake button. Unlock iPad Press the Home button Q or the Sleep/Wake button and drag the slider. Turn on iPad Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears. Turn off iPad Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then drag the slider. If you don't touch the screen for a minute or two, iPad automatically locks itself. For instructions on changing this setting, see Auto-Lock on page 139. If you need to use a passcode to unlock iPad, see Password Protect on page 139. 8 Chapter 1 Getting Started Volume and Rotate Lock buttons Use Screen rotation lock to lock your iPad screen in portrait or landscape orientation. Use the volume buttons to change the volume of songs and other media files, notifications, and other sound signals. Off Rotate the screen Louder Quieter Screen orientation lock Rotate the screen to the desired orientation. Slide the screen lock switch down to lock the iPad screen in this position. When the screen is locked, a ® icon appears in the status bar. To unlock the screen, slide the switch up. Volume Up Press the Volume Up button. To set volume limits for music and other media, in Settings, go to iPad > Volume Limit. volume." Volume Down Press the Volume Down button. Mute the sound Hold down the Volume Down button until the sound is completely muted. WARNING: Important information To help prevent hearing loss, see the Product Guide at Home screen Home button O allows you to go to the home screen at any time, which displays iPad programs. To launch any program, tap its icon. Chapter 1 At a Glance 9 Status Icons The icons in the status bar at the top of the screen indicate how iPad is operating: Status Icon What it means *- Airplane Mode Indicates that Airplane Mode (for model iPad Wi-Fi+ 3G) on - In this mode you will not be able to access the Internet or use Bluetooth® devices. Functions not using wireless communication remain available. See “Airplane mode” on page 133. 3G 3G Indicates that a 3G network is available (iPad Wi-Fi + 3G model only) and your device can connect to the Internet over a 3G network. See “Connect to the Internet” on page 38. E EDGE Indicates that the EDGE network is available (iPad Wi-Fi + 3G model only) and the device can connect to the Internet over the EDGE network. See “Connecting to the Internet” on page 38. About GPRS Indicates that a GPRS network is available (iPad Wi-Fi + 3G model only) and your device can connect to the Internet via GPRS. See “Connecting to the Internet” on page 38. “9“ Wi-Fi Shows that iPad is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. The more bands, the stronger the connection. See "Connecting to Wi-Fi networks» on page 38. » V Active Processes Shows network connection and other active...
