Opening your own military store is a good start for business. How to open an online store of military ammunition: a success story

Banal and commonplace truths like "The customer is always right" will not give any advantage if you do not comply with many other seemingly insignificant conditions. But they work, and they work great. When developing such a type of business as an Internet military trade, it must be taken into account that visitors here are quite peculiar people, especially in the first months and years of the store's existence.

According to the stereotype that has developed among many people: “What can the military trade offer, except for military uniforms and paraphernalia? And the contingent of visitors at first will be appropriate. It is necessary to break this stereotype by patiently explaining what such a store offers in general case the most best models and products for everyday or sports use, copied from military designs.

To do this, you need a network resource that provides the most comprehensive information for visitors, with photographs of products and their detailed characteristics. An example is the site Of course, it would be strange if suddenly the military department starts selling folding umbrellas. But if the umbrella (a little fantasy) is called tactical, then it can be used as a means of self-defense, and, therefore, in the right situation it turns into a heavy club. This example may not be the best, but you can find many other better ones. For example, a specific keychain called kubotan, in capable hands, turns into an excellent means of self-defense. And this is just a stick made of plastic or wood with a ring for a bunch of keys. But after the Los Angeles police, where they began to use it for the first time since the mid-70s of the last century, now kubotan is popular and in demand all over the world. And how many of the visitors to military stores know about this?

Information should be presented in an interesting and entertaining way. Little-known facts from the history of certain products, a description of their advantages and targeting for certain categories of visitors. You can also interest a potential buyer by conveniently surfing the site. Looking through section after section, sometimes just for the sake of interest, the visitor may suddenly stumble upon something that will interest him, because appetite comes with eating. News updates are always a great trick. A more or less regular visitor immediately sees what is new in the section of interest to him. And, of course, it is difficult to achieve success in this type of business without the coordinated work of experienced marketers and copywriters. Sites are full of often illiterate and rewritten information from each other, which has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Example? ″Only here you will find products made of nylon genuine cordura produced by DuPont.″. A long time ago it was produced by INVISTA, and DuPont only developed the production technology and sold the copyright to INVISTA. Another common myth is that Cordura is not afraid of low temperatures. Yes, she just dubeet in severe frosts!

And deceived once, twice, the visitor will simply stop entering such a military store. Unless, tempted by the suspiciously low cost of things. But this is risky...

Where to start if you want to open your own store? Which store is better to open and how to choose goods for trade? How much does it cost to open your own small store and how to do it from scratch?

Hello, dear readers of business magazine. Entrepreneur and author of the site Alexander Berezhnov is with you.

When aspiring entrepreneurs have a question about what business to do, many choose the simplest and most obvious - retail, namely opening their own business. outlet or store, which is essentially the same thing.

The article will be especially interesting for a beginner who decided to open a store without sufficient experience. After studying it, you will learn about all the secrets and nuances of this business.

The information in the article is universal for opening any kind of stores.

For example, if you decide to open a clothing store, an auto parts store, a children's store, or a grocery store, then you will have to go through the same steps. Here you will also find recommendations for opening the most common types of stores. This will be especially true for you if you have not yet decided which store to open.

Now I will tell you everything in order!

1. What you need to know to open a profitable store

Dear friend, most importantly, you must understand that the vast majority of people come up with the idea of ​​​​opening a store as a simple commercial project at first glance.

For clarity, I propose to consider the objective pros and cons of your store as a business. This will make it easier for you to decide which store to open and what to look for.

Pluses (+) of your store as a business

1. Clarity for the average person

That is why most aspiring entrepreneurs consider their store as the first project. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing markets, stalls and even supermarkets, where today you can buy almost everything.

The truth is that a person is reluctant to take on a task that he does not understand. In the case of the store, it seems to us, we will have the least problems. But this is only partly true.

2. Ease of implementation of the idea

In general, in trade, 99% of all business processes have long been worked out.

It is not for nothing that, having opened 1 store, its owner often does not stop and, with the right approach to business, outlets multiply like mushrooms after rain.

Indeed, all you need is not to reinvent the wheel and go along the beaten path, which should lead to success in your business, unless, of course, you “hit the jambs” at the very beginning.

3. Ease of calculations (forecasting income and expenses)

Trading is the most understandable business also in terms of settlements. You have the cost of the item, the sales margin, and the costs you incur.

4. Sustainability of business with its promotion

A well-established outlet is a paradise for its owner. For example, a "brisk" grocery store in a residential area of ​​​​the city can provide you with a comfortable life, even despite nearby competitors.

5. Ability to sell your store as a ready-made business

Having built the entire store management system correctly, you can only occasionally coordinate the main processes, all things will go by inertia. So you become the owner of a completely autonomous system that makes a profit.

Naturally, many people who have capital but do not want to open their store from scratch will want to become the owner of such a “tidbit”.

Now selling a business is as easy as selling a car or an apartment, you just need to notify potential customers that you are selling your profitable store.

Cons (-) of your store as a business

1. High competition

The reverse side of the simplicity and clarity of opening a store is high level competition. After all, there are a lot of people who want to become the owner of their own outlet. Every second entrepreneur wants to open his own store in one area or another. This greatly complicates the start in this business and its further development.

2. Relatively high business entry threshold

If you are dealing with a product and selling it through a regular store, in this case, you will need several hundred thousand rubles, or an average of $10,000, to start your business.

3. The appearance of remnants of unsold goods

One more weak side store as their business are the remnants of the goods.

Especially often they are formed in grocery stores and in stores selling seasonal goods. For example, New Year's toys and other holiday accessories.

The cost of the leftover goods has to be included in the current cost, which leads to a drop in demand, as the final price of the goods rises, and the buyer does not want to overpay.

4. A large number of periodic routine operations

Suppliers and working with them, tracking product balances, updating the assortment, renting, working with staff (if any), taxes, checks, inventories - this is a far from complete list of what you will have to face in the process of working on your own store.

5. Seasonality of business depending on the chosen niche

Each trading niche has its own seasonality. It can be more or less pronounced. For example, in the summer construction and Decoration Materials they sell well, but in winter sales drop significantly.

Other shops make super profits in winter under New Year, and in the summer they “suck their paw” in anticipation of a new profitable season. Pay attention to this factor when choosing a niche for a future store.

6. If the business fails, the risk of losing 80% of the money

If suddenly your business does not go well, then the purchased commercial equipment will have to be sold for a pittance, and the remaining goods will also be sold in bulk or simply presented to friends for the holidays (if the goods do not belong to food).

I hope that now you have a better picture of opening your store and know what difficulties you will face in the process.

Reduce risk financial loss you can, if you approach the opening of your store, or rather, trading activities a little differently, for example, by starting trading on the "Business with China" section.

This is a very trendy and interesting topic today. My friends are doing it successfully. Buying goods in China, you can sell them at a markup of up to 500% without even opening a physical outlet. This business can be done through the Internet.

Yevgeny Guryev, a specialist in the “Chinese theme”, teaches this business very cool. Our team knows Zhenya personally and recommends him as a professional in this field.

Watch the video in which student Evgenia shares her impressions of the training and monetary results:

We continue the theme of opening our store.

2. Opening a store from scratch - sweet myth or bitter truth

If by “zero” we mean the lack of knowledge and experience, then of course such a zero will not be an obstacle to the implementation of the project.

But if someone thinks that you can open your store without having anything, then you must be disappointed - this is really a myth!

Let's look at those mandatory elements, without which it is simply impossible to open a store in principle.

I will list this minimum, and then you yourself can calculate in numbers how much, according to conservative estimates, it will cost to open and maintain a store.

For example, one of my acquaintances, having opened a premium-class women's clothing store, invested in it more than 1,200,000 rubles . This amount included the rental of premises, repairs in it, the purchase of goods, the purchase of commercial equipment, hiring staff, registering a company.

How much does it cost to open your store?

1. Premises (shopping area)

Own or rented.

Naturally, having your own space (not rented) gives you tremendous advantages, but unfortunately, a minority of people have such a bonus at the start.

Get ready for the fact that rent will “eat up” most of the profits, and during seasonal recessions you can work “to zero” without earning a penny or even go into the red, putting money out of your pocket.

2. Trade equipment

In rare cases, you will not need counters or other equipment: stands, refrigerators (if you open a grocery store). Depending on the specifics and size of your outlet, the cost of commercial equipment will vary.

3. Product

You can take part of the goods from suppliers for sale on the terms of deferred payment. That is, give money for it after the sale. But the other half of the goods will most likely have to be purchased.

It is especially difficult here for novice players in this market. So, if you are a beginner, then not every supplier will agree to give you the goods for sale due to a lack of trust.

4. Seller

At first, you yourself can act as a seller and it will even be useful, because it is the owner who is primarily interested in the success of his business.

So you will study the most popular products, work with the objections of customers and be able to transfer your experience to employees hired in the future.

5. Legal and accounting nuances

In any case, you will need to formally register your commercial activity, as well as periodically submit reports to the tax office and the Pension Fund.

In addition, you will deal with invoices, invoices and contracts. With all these points you have to deal with sequentially.

Tip 1. Today, the most promising solution is the creation of a hybrid enterprise. The Internet is a military trade supported by at least one, albeit a small, demonstration site, a great force. It is preferable to open it in a fairly large city, renting an area in a large mall. As a rule, it is convenient to get to these centers and public transport, and personal. There are parking lots and places where you can eat and use common areas. This solution allows you to kill several birds with one stone. Face-to-face acquaintance with products, the ability to hold them in your hands and examine them from all sides is of great importance for many potential buyers. Moreover, no phone call will not replace live communication with the manager, who can suggest something, advise and even dissuade from the purchase, offering to purchase a more suitable thing in his opinion in return. Of course, the selection of such personnel must be done with great care.

There are other uses for such a ″point″. A person who has arrived on business and is passing by the section "military trade" can look there out of curiosity. And then become a regular visitor to the network resource.

Tip 2. The content of the site must be high. Those online stores that save on a competent and detailed description of the products offered, in the end lose much more. Brief descriptions in superlatives today will bring nothing but the skepticism of visitors.

Tip 3. You should never try to sell a product of dubious quality. It is better to refuse a deal with a supplier if the proposed batch of products is of unknown origin. Honesty is one of the qualities respected by buyers from the seller in the first place. After making sure that he is not being deceived, the visitor will contact the military department he likes again and again. And boasting another new thing to his friends, he will increase the number of potential buyers.

Tip 4. It is very important to draw the attention of site visitors to the fact that here you can buy clothes, hats and shoes not only for outdoor enthusiasts. Practical, comfortable and convenient for everyday wear, products must be present ″on the shelves″. Moreover, there is no shortage of high-quality replicas of army equipment adapted for the mass buyer these days. After all, the world's leading brands in half of the cases focus on this particular consumer segment.

Tip 5. A variety of assortment is the key to successful and dynamic development of the store. Visitors should gradually get used to the fact that the military store has much more to offer than just leisure goods or practical and inexpensive clothing. A variety of souvenir and gift products, leather goods, as well as convenient types of order delivery will encourage people to apply for gifts here. Especially before the big holidays, when the vast majority of citizens simply do not have enough time to go shopping.

A variety of products intended for use by military personnel are in demand not only among them, but also among other Internet audiences. This proves the success of the Arsenal store of this theme. How it works and what should be learned from it.

Why does a modern civilian, and not a representative of a military position, need military goods? The range of its application is very wide, ranging from the banal fashion for all sorts of military-style things to purely practical solutions, when military uniforms and other attributes help in everyday affairs and on vacation.

It is not surprising that today military stores - stores specializing in such products - can be found not only in the real world, but also in the virtual one. The fact that they are moving to the Internet only proves the relevance of goods among modern users.

Just in order to create such a resource, it is worth looking at the most popular of the currently existing sites of similar subjects in order to learn from their positive experience. After all, it is no secret that in many respects the successful promotion of any business, including on the Internet, depends on how correct the first steps in implementing your idea are.

A striking example of successful trade in military items on the worldwide web is the so-called Arsenal cybermarket. It is one of the largest in Russia and offers its visitors an impressive range of themed products. This includes not only wardrobe items, but also equipment, weapons, souvenirs and accessories.

What is the success of this online store? It is due to a combination of several important characteristics at once.

The first of them is a huge selection of products, among which even a very demanding client will surely find everything they need. According to rough estimates, there are about a hundred thousand positions on So there is a very high chance that it is here that the buyer will find the rarest and most necessary thing of a military theme.

The second significant point is the quick response of the site staff to visitor requests. It is enough for the user to take an interest in one or another product that is present on the site, as he will very quickly receive a response.

The third point, which is mandatory for Arsenal, is its improvement and development. Literally each of its services and all services are constantly evolving in order to anticipate the expectations of customers.

And finally, the list of all those secrets that made this business successful is crowned by an individual approach to each user who has looked at the page. Naturally, he is very attractive to any client who quickly becomes a regular at a resource where there is a similar attitude towards him.

Establishing a profitable and legal business today is not so easy. Almost all consumer niches are occupied by competitors, and the market is quite unstable, wherever you throw it. However, there is a consumer segment where demand is not just stable, but has been constantly growing over the past few years. The interest of the population of various strata in such stores as voentorg is not weakening, but, on the contrary, is increasing. This is because the quality of products for military use cannot be average. It is always on top, but products for civilian use often suffer from all sorts of ailments. Therefore, from the point of view of where to invest start-up capital so that it quickly pays off, today it has one of the few reasonable solutions.

Without doing much marketing research and market analysis, it immediately becomes clear that the population today is leaning towards an active lifestyle. This requires appropriate equipment and equipment. No sports store in terms of sales will be able to compete with a universal online store like a military store in this regard. Paradox? Not at all. The fact is that any product intended for use in the army undergoes a rigorous selection at the design stage and acceptance by competent structures. Therefore, even commercial replicas produced by numerous conscientious manufacturers are reliable and durable. Natural and clothing markets cannot boast of high-quality goods, so more and more buyers prefer to contact a reliable online military store, where, in addition, there is the possibility of returning the product within 14 days.

What is the most demanded by buyers today? Surprisingly, these are tactical shoes. It turns out that for everyday wear, many people prefer tactical models. No trendy stores can provide the buyer with shoes that can guarantee for life the development of fungal diseases, the appearance of unpleasant odors and the degree of protection of the feet that civilian models can only dream of. This applies to all models, summer and winter, sneakers and sandals. Wear resistance, comfort - all this explains the constant growth of public interest in products that only a real military trade can offer. Moreover, this also applies to the children's sector of the market, except for the smallest models.

A very popular product is softshell clothing. It is purchased not only by supporters of outdoor activities, but also by practical people who love comfort and convenience in everyday clothes. Innovative technologies allow you to dress easily and at the same time warmly. A good addition to the "softshell" is thermal underwear. Its rather high cost is justified by durability and wearing comfort even at sub-zero temperatures. At the same time, the windproof characteristics and heat loss of the ″softshell″ have not yet been surpassed by any branded civilian models.

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