Promotion of low-frequency queries. Search queries and their frequency

It is possible to promote a site not only through the use of high-frequency queries. This can also be done with the help of low-frequency queries, often the effectiveness of such promotion is even higher, and the methods of work are simpler.

The method of SEO promotion through the inclusion of low-frequency queries in the text is called long tail.

What is a long tail strategy

The phrase long tail translated into Russian means a long tail. The "long tail" strategy is to use the maximum number of keywords with low frequency in the text.

High efficiency this method is as follows:

  1. Such promotion requires much less effort than promotion with a selection of high-frequency words.
  2. High-frequency queries do not always guarantee a result, because, despite the frequency of placing them in the search bar by users, they are of a general nature. Long-tail queries are much more efficient in this sense.
  3. Low-frequency queries are much more specific, allowing you to reveal interesting, more specific topics. They provide high relevance to user requests.

Requests with low frequency are conditionally divided into 2 types:

  • queries consisting of 3 or more words, which determines the specificity of such a phrase;
  • queries of one or 2 words with a low frequency of access to them.

How to find the right low-frequency queries

There are 2 strategies for working with low-frequency words.

  1. This strategy does not imply a search for these words. Here the point is to create a high-quality text on a fairly narrow topic. When diving deep into a topic, the semantic core expands on its own, which provides traffic.
  2. This strategy involves working to find low-frequency words that users enter into the search box when requesting information about a product or service.

The selection of such words can be done in Yandex.Wordstat or Google planner:

  1. It is necessary to open the service selected for work, enter a high-frequency query in the search box and click the "Get Options" button.
  2. Go to "Keyword Options".
  3. Choose the most appropriate type of activity, information on the site options.
  4. Copy the selected words, click the "Get options" button again.
  5. Choose from the system-suggested relevant keywords consisting of 3 or more words.

Website ranking for low-frequency queries

Since about 93-95% of users start searching necessary information With search engines, it is necessary to take into account the criteria that affect the site's ranking position in the search.

The key criteria that determine the high position of the site in the search are:

  • compliance of the site with the requirements of search engines by technical specifications. This includes the user-friendliness of the site and its adaptation to mobile devices;
  • high-quality, that is, relevant informative content;
  • behavioral factor;
  • writing keywords in the title;
  • external links.

It makes sense to consider the main ones in more detail.

Keywords in title

Included in article headings keywords will help the user determine the correspondence of the article to his search query when he selects a resource to view in the issue. Also, keywords in the titles help search engines see the site.

Creation captivating headlines with keywords in the composition will help raise the site in the search and increase traffic.

Internal linking

The relevance of the article to a specific user query significantly improves behavioral factors. The resource is perceived as more convenient, texts as more readable.

For maximum efficiency, you need to link only to relevant content, think about users, not search robots, combine links - anchor links should dominate, provide convenient site navigation.

External links

External links are an important site ranking factor.

Advantages of the long tail strategy over competitive high-frequency searches

The advantages of the "long-tail" strategy from the strategy of working with "tweeters" are:

  1. High relevance of texts to user requests. It is difficult to say what information a person who searches for “recreation” wants to receive, it is much easier to be sure that the text matches the query when the user asks for “active recreation river rafting”.
  2. Rapid growth of traffic from search results.
  3. Low-frequency queries are more clickable, attract the attention of users, because they allow the visitor to get more accurate information when switching to this resource.
  4. "Long-tail" requests can be used in parallel with high-frequency without interfering with each other.
  5. Publishing quality content, where a specific article accurately describes the details of an activity or product, will allow you to promote the site without resorting to dangerous strategies for using purchased links and cheating behavioral factors.

The importance of using quality content

The importance of quality content cannot be overstated:

  • when requested, the user plans to receive information, and the ideal option would be to receive it in an exhaustive version on one site;
  • improving behavioral indicators will automatically lead to an increase in the position of the site in the search.

The best option would be to use both high-frequency and low-frequency words when promoting the site, since both options are good in their own way, while these methods of working perfectly coexist with each other.

It must be remembered that the main thing is not the number of "keywords", but unique content that is useful to the user. And the keywords are just "help".

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

Read this article carefully, you will not find schemes and cases for promoting high-frequency (high-frequency) requests at minimal cost even in paid courses!

All those who read my article are well aware that it is very difficult to promote high-frequency queries, and sometimes it is simply impossible, due to simply huge competition and expected high costs.

In reality, this is not the case, seo specialists have long solved strange riddles with the algorithm of search engines, and almost every one of them can compose a text that will quickly appear in the TOP!

I offer you a scheme for promoting RF requests at virtually no cost.


A little over a year ago, I was promoting a furniture resource. In the work of a SEO specialist, an important role is played by competitor analysis, which very often suggests how and what can be promoted.

One blog of that topic fell into “my hands”, but with a traffic of 25,000 people a day, and this, I can tell you, is a huge figure for content that is not the most popular on the network, among other things this blog had just under 1,000 pages in the index.

The analysis showed that 80% of the blog traffic comes from search engines, while the analysis of queries showed that satisfied a large number of HF requests and a huge number of midrange are in the TOP.

My suggestions that this effect was achieved with the help of link promotion were quickly dispelled. The number of links for the entire life of the blog at that time was about 150, and all the links were of a natural nature, with a total of 60 points.

The number of comments on the blog (replies) was incredibly low: for 1000 articles, about 300 comments (check yours on this moment, you will see at least two times more).

But there was one feature in this blog - this is an unusual and unique (at that time for me) formation of the text in the articles, which lifted the veil of secrecy.

The text was arranged in such a way that it consisted of several thematic articles in one, and key phrases were used in order of reduction. But each keyword was used inside its own block.

Schematically, it can be represented as follows:

In this case:

  1. title - unique title with high-frequency query,
  2. - unique (other than title) with high-frequency request,

  3. - a unique mid-range request that complements the high-frequency,

  4. - LF requests that complement the MF (used about 6


  5. description for images - text from keywords, located in close proximity to the picture (also a key phrase).

Thus, each keyword satisfied the search query in its conditional block. That is, HF, MF and LF requests were relevant.

Some remarks:

  • All headings were lined up according to the title principle of 40-70 characters,
  • key phrases were thematic to HF,
  • the picture itself and the description of the picture were in the same shingle:


An example of such a scheme is my article about, in which, in addition to the high-frequency query, a complementary low-frequency query “how to compose a relevant text” is used, which in turn also satisfies the search query.

In output it looks like this:

Instead of title, the article uses

title. This scheme allows you to make 6-8 queries per article relevant, each of which will lead users to you.

It only remains to answer one question: how can low-frequency requests help promote high-frequency requests?

Simple math! Let's say that our article uses:

  • 1 HF request - 30 people per day,
  • 1 mid-range request - 10 people per day,
  • 6 LF requests for 2 people per day.

It's no secret that the promotion of low-frequency queries in a number of topics is a simple task. In fact, to get TOP positions, you don’t need to do anything, write articles and get traffic.

Let me remind you that a furniture blog is not the most popular topic, as a result, low-competitive low-frequency queries lead users to the site without promotion.

We multiply 6 by 2, we get 12, behavioral factors and attendance are higher than those of the average query of competitors, as a result of the growth of the average query on the analyzed blog.

TOP positions of midrange query + low-frequency queries are given by 22 users per day, slightly lower than competitors' high-frequency queries.

This lack of numbers was complemented by image search, which (quite popular in the furniture industry) brought 2-4 users a day.

This scheme was strengthened by internal reference factors. Although the blog did not have external links from third-party resources, competent linking was built. There were about 30-50 anchor links for each article. All anchors contained direct and indirect key phrases: most of the HF, less of the MF and not a large part of the LF queries.

So, with the help of several low-frequency requests, mid-ranges were raised, which, in turn, promoted high-frequency requests within one article. And no attachments let you notice.

But since this scheme for promoting high-frequency queries was known to me for a long time, I decided to complicate the task by excluding all instructions for search engines from the experimental page. This page is excluded from the general blog structure and has no internal links, title, description and no headings. But it advances on three key phrases.

For the purity of the experiment, I can’t give you a link, but I’ll tell you how to find this page. In the sidebar of the blog in the search, type the word “seoshnik”, and you will find it.

The experiment is already 80% implemented, and soon I will publish my findings on how to promote content that violates the basic rules of search engines. Or maybe one of the readers has already guessed about my means of promoting this page?

I will answer this question, but I will immediately note that promoting one (or even several) single query to the TOP of search engines is a bad goal and trying to achieve it in isolation from other actions (for example, compiling a good semantic core and choosing the right pages to be promoted) is practically unreal.

But let's say there is some request and you want people to see your site is in the first place in the search results Yandex or Google. What needs to be done for this?

1. Check the reality of the request.

Why do you want to promote the site for this particular request? Are you sure people are typing it in? How did you choose the request? Is it some kind of phrase that people seem to enter to you, or did you select keywords using the service?

Be careful, for example, the phrase “how to promote a site on demand” may seem attractive and at first glance it has 150 impressions per month on

But if you use keyword matching operators, such as quotes "", which limit the key query and show , it turns out that the demand is 15 times less:

And if we go even further, and the operator! (exclamation point) we fix the forms of words, it turns out that it is for this phrase, in this form, that our query is searched only 5 times a month (and then maybe these are your competitors who check the position of the site for this 5 times a month request)

Anyone who encounters this for the first time does not understand why this happens. The explanation is simple: the request is part of some other requests. In the screenshot below, I added a word to the query and we see that such a phrase has impressions. It is from these different key phrases that the total number of impressions is 150 / month.

Therefore, before promoting a request, you need to make sure that you have chosen the right request. Put the phrase in quotation marks "" and fix each word with an exclamation point!

2. Select or make a page for the request.

Now that you have chosen the words for promotion, you need to choose the right page on the site and optimize it. You can’t think that you are promoting the entire site for some request, some specific page is always promoted. It is desirable that you, and not the search engine, be responsible for this choice (that is, for good, when you have compiled a semantic core - a list of all requests for promotion, you must correctly plan the site structure for these requests).

In the very simple case, you need to understand: is there already a page suitable for this request on the site? To do this, enter in the search engine a line like "request for promotion" site:your site

The most relevant (according to the search engine) page will be in the first place. If this page is really suitable for this request, then it is necessary to work with it.

Actually there are 2 situations:

  1. In the site search results, there is a suitable page that answers the query. Even if she is not in the first place, we still take her to work.
  2. There are no matching pages on the site. Then you need to make a page for this request

3. Optimize the page for the query

If at the last stage the suitable page was in the first place, this is very good, it means that the search engines already consider it the most suitable on the site. But there are still other sites on the Internet that may have pages that are more relevant to the query. The best (according to the search robot) page will be in the first place.

Those. your task is to make the most best page under request.

From a technical point of view for this you need:

  • So that the words from the query are present in the text (you need to experiment with the quantity, but do not overdo it so that there is no filter from search engines)
  • So that they are in the title of the page title (this title is displayed in the browser tab and search results)
  • Use query words in headings in h1-h6 text
  • Use key phrases in image and video captions

Many are limited to this, but in fact it is important to understand by what other principles the search engine puts pages in the first places for this very request. Those. look at competitors in the TOP-10 and purely visually understand what are these pages:

  • Are there prices listed?
  • Are there many pictures?
  • Is there a video?
  • What is the structure of the text?
  • Is there an order button?

From the author: promotion on low-frequency requests provides a number of advantages. The most important thing is the ability not to spend a large budget on website promotion. Let's talk in detail about the promotion of low-frequency speakers today.


But before you start a conversation, you need to decide what a low-frequency request is. In general, search queries are divided into HF, MF and LF. Moreover, people determine in different ways which group the request belongs to. In any case, a low-frequency query is one that is entered in the search line less often than a mid-frequency one. Promotion under the bass is considered the easiest, because there is the least competition.

Usually, LF includes all queries that are entered into the search engine no more than 300-1000 times a month. If you read various articles on this topic, then most likely you can see other numbers there.

But this is not so important. We can see the frequency of each specific request. The most important thing to understand about low-frequency keys is that they usually always have less competition.

It's just an obvious fact. Agree that many more companies and webmasters will want to promote popular queries in order to get more traffic. And many beginners make the mistake of writing exclusively under HF. The competition for such requests is huge.

Hundreds, and in some cases thousands and tens of thousands of sites will compete for places in the search results, of which there are only 10. After all, practice shows that if a page is outside the TOP-10, then you should not expect much traffic to it.

For example, in Moscow alone there are hundreds of firms that install plastic windows. Accordingly, if you want to get into the top for the query “installation of plastic windows in Moscow”, then moderate your ambitions. You will have to compete with many other companies. Moreover, they will most likely be able to allocate a large budget for promotion and SEO specialists, and you?

The essence of promotion for low-frequency queries

It’s worth paying attention to low-frequency requests, if only because they allow you to still receive small, but traffic. Let's look at 2 sites that have chosen different promotion strategies. Now there will be no specifics, just examples.

They decided to promote 1 young site on HF, the other - on LF. Time passes, and the second project gets traffic from the search. Most likely, it will be small, in the region of 10-100 people, but it will be. The first site may not even take a position in the top ten, let alone reach the first 3 places. Most likely, you will have to spend money to promote the site.

Key difference in the fact that in the case of promotion under the HF there is always a risk, even after spending good money, you will not promote the site and not get traffic at all, or it will be minimal, because few people click beyond the 5th position in the search.

If you optimize and sharpen the content for low frequencies, then you practically do not risk anything. Over time, if there are no serious errors on the site, its pages will appear in the top. And let it bring much less traffic, it will be stable.

What are the other benefits of moving under the bass?

In general, you do not need to buy any links to the site. You can forget about it. It is possible and necessary to reach the top in low frequencies due to high-quality texts and good internal optimization. The only thing is that links can be obtained manually if you know how.

You can not spend money on a website promotion specialist if you are ready to learn a little yourself. Promotion is not such a complicated science. All you need is to get at least a little knowledge in this area. Understand concepts such as keyword occurrence, relevance, uniqueness, nausea, duplicate pages, etc.

If you have a site on wordpress, then it will be even easier for you, because today hundreds of webmasters in their free articles give a bunch useful tips how to promote the site, as well as how to properly set it up technically. In this article, I will not talk about those. setting, because this is a separate topic. But you must clearly understand for yourself that there is nothing complicated in this, and you will be able to carry out basic optimization, even if you are still a complete teapot.

HF promotion is a completely different matter. There can be no guarantees even if you hire a specialist.

How to identify and collect bass phrases

In general, this is done by a person who makes up the semantic core. In a simple way, this is a list of key phrases under which the site will be promoted. It is he who is familiar with all the necessary tools for this. But still, I will tell you about some basic tools that are useful to use.

For example, I myself promote my sites. And just 2 years ago I didn't know anything about it. Absolutely nothing. And the promotion is going well. And it happens because I choose basically only mids and lows.

Okay, let's move on to how to find such keys. For starters, you should know about a service like WordStat. This is already a legendary service for the selection of keywords.

For example, I entered the phrase “how to assemble a computer yourself” here.

As you can see, Wordstat showed the number of impressions for this query per month - 996 times. But here you need to understand that it shows the so-called wide frequency. A simple example: if you enter the word “kitchen” in wordstat, it will show a huge number - it seems, several million impressions per month.

But let's think, is it really possible? More often than not, people are looking for something more specific. Someone is interested in repairing the kitchen, while someone is just looking for the series of the same name. In general, these millions of impressions include all queries in which the word “kitchen” is used, and in different cases.

So, in order to find out the exact frequency of a word or phrase, you need to write the entire text in quotation marks, and put an exclamation mark before each word. Like this: "! how! assemble! a computer! yourself"

As you can see, now WordStat shows reliable information. This phrase is accurately entered into the search engine 216 times a month. Of course, these statistics change every month, but these are approximate numbers that you can focus on.

So, can this request be considered low-frequency? Of course, because it has less than 300 searches. It would seem that everything is fine - the request is low-frequency, it remains to write an article for it and traffic will go over time. But we do not take into account another important detail - competition. The fact is that it can be high even at low frequencies.

How to check the competition

Here I suggest using 2 services. Both allow you to clearly see the level of competition.

The first is free, the second is paid if you plan to check more than 10 phrases per day. Let's deal with free first. This service allows you to check the competition in Google and Yandex. In particular, we are more interested in Yandex.

Enter the key in the field. If it consists of several words, then the phrase must be enclosed in quotation marks, this is prompted by the service itself. Next, check the InTitle box and click the check button. InTitle means that Yandex will give you pages that have the specified keyword in the title.

Let's enter our phrase and see the result:

As many as 1000 pages whose title is optimized for this phrase. This suggests that it will be difficult to reach the top for this query. And from this conclusion: Not all low-frequency keys are low-competitive!

You can make and optimize better than others

If in doubt, see point 1)

You must understand that nothing is impossible. Getting into the top with a lot of competition is difficult, but possible. And even without a budget. A lot depends on you and your desire to learn, as well as the quality of your texts.

For example, it is obvious that by this request a person is looking for the most detailed and understandable instructions for assembling a computer. If you provide him with all the details and photos, you will get a great chance of reaching the top.

But still, in this case, our phrase for promotion is not optimal. Here I can advise you the following: it is better to spend several hours looking for a great key phrase than to write an article for unpromising keywords for several hours. That's it.

Okay, let's find it, this optimal phrase, and at the same time try the second service - Mutagen. In general, you need to register in it before you start using it for free, but I already did it, so I just insert the phrase that interests me:

The mutagen shows the exact frequency. As you can see, it is equal to 215, which is about the same as the previous phrase. In addition, the service immediately shows the level of competition.

This value is calculated according to the classification of the service itself, where 1 is the least competition, and 25 is the most. Thus, we need to try to find keys with less than 10-15 competition. It is under such phrases that there is a chance to advance without additional costs.

Our key has only 5 competition! It's very good, let's check it out again free way:

As you can see, there is only 1 result! What does it say? The fact that the competition on demand is very low, it is practically non-existent. This means that even minimal optimization on your part for this query will lead to the fact that it will be possible to move to the top for it. Naturally, if you have a site of the corresponding subject.

So, we have found our optimal phrase. To be honest, I found it at random. You can also help:

Tips for the search engine when entering queries

wordstat hints

Well, they are also in the mutagen (tips)

In general, this way you can quickly find phrases for which there is little competition. I will also say that the longer the phrase, the less competitors it probably has. Because low-frequency queries mostly consist of 3-7 words.

How to optimize a site and a separate page for low-frequency queries

Okay, with the search for low-frequency keys, everything is more or less clear. What to do next? Take and write text under them. On each promoted page, it is worth using 1-3 LF keys, and you should single out one as the main one (for which there are more searches). It must be entered in the title, if possible in the description, and also mentioned in the text. Preferably as close to the beginning as possible - somewhere in the first paragraph.

Also, if possible, you should find additional low-frequency keys, for which there are fewer searches and it makes no sense to write an article for them. You can include them in text. For example, how do you like this key:

In general, you can find many such keys. Your main friend in the selection of such requests - your head. Think about the main topic of the article and try to imagine what else people are interested in about this topic. For example, if they are interested in learning how to assemble a computer from components, then they will probably be interested in replacing separate parts computer.

In one article, you should not use too many keywords. There is such a rule - the larger the text, the more keywords you can insert into it. For a small article, you do not need more than 1-3, for a large one you can try more than three.

The written text needs to be checked for nausea in order to accurately determine if you overdo it with optimization. Also, for each article, you need to write a unique title and description, where to enter the main key. In general, there are people who manage to insert organically several keys. But here it is important not to overspam, it is better to write for people than for search robots. Moreover, robots are able to detect deception.


Okay, I thought that I could write in this spirit for a long time, but the main thing is to understand the main essence, and you will consolidate the rest in practice when you select keys and write texts for them (or order articles from copywriters).

In this article, I tried to convey to you what the promotion of LF requests looks like. If repeat general principles, then it will look something like this:

LF key is dialed 0-300 times a month

We are primarily interested in the exact frequency of each phrase, and not the broad

The fact that the key is low does not mean that it will be easy to move under it

To search for optimal keys and determine competition, use the services indicated in the article

Optimize each article on your site for one or more keywords.

You just have to try and observe the result. It is not so difficult to promote a resource for low-frequency phrases, today thousands of webmasters already do it. Apply the tips and you will succeed! And to be guaranteed to become a guru in matters of promotion, you can look at ours. If you have such a blog, then you can eventually bring it to an income of 20 thousand rubles, if you use the chips that are described there.

The rapid growth in the number of sites that are inexorably fighting for a place in search results, reduces to zero the chances of breaking into the TOP for a beginner or an ordinary average site that is trying to promote its Internet resource for high-frequency queries (HF).

Promotion for low-frequency (LF) queries is considered to be a simpler and less costly strategy for website promotion. In addition, this strategy allows you to get search traffic for young projects.

In this article, we will tell you whether the above statements are true and share our best practices in using the promotion strategy for low-frequency queries.

What is low-frequency promotion?

Low-frequency promotion is a way to promote websites, which is based on targeting to get positions for highly specialized search phrases (keys) with a low frequency of impressions (less than 100 impressions per month).

This method is less expensive in terms of finances (compared to high-frequency promotion), but rather laborious, including:

  • proper selection of key phrases,
  • compilation and distribution semantic core,
  • site structure optimization,
  • internal optimization of a web resource,
  • work with content and linking (links),
  • and much more.

What is an LF query or a Long Tail query?

A low-frequency query is also called a “Long Tail query”, since a sufficiently long tail (volume) of competitive keywords is collected to promote the site.

Most often, such requests are generated by matching the main request, for example, "buy a refrigerator", with additional information- tail: "samsung s5100"; "on credit for 10 months"; "safe for children", etc.

Long tail queries are divided into two types:

  • containing more than 3 words (a large purple refrigerator; a green Coolpad mobile case; cool red sneakers with spikes from Nike);
  • containing 1-2 words (but always with a low frequency) - these are usually models of a certain product, for example, Samsung s23422 or Nokia 514 m.

It is important to note that Long Tail queries are entered into search engines by more than 70%. This means that the “tail” of such queries is simply huge and it will not be difficult to find the necessary keywords for the semantic core.

How to search for low-frequency queries

For free

See search engine suggestions

We enter the query we are interested in

Choosing low-frequency queries

English for a fee

To collect the most complete core of low-frequency queries, we recommend using the service. The process is the same as in the previous method.

Service overview from Igor Shulezhko

Benefits of promoting low-frequency queries

  • Website promotion for low-frequency queries perfectly performs the function of an additional effect - it contributes to the promotion of medium- and high-frequency queries. That is, LF requests are often integral part MF and HF requests. By promoting the site for low-frequency queries, you get the first traffic, and your work on the site leads to the fact that positions improve for higher-frequency queries.
  • The exact wording of low-frequency requests by visitors indicates that they have already decided on the product and are ready to purchase it. Thus, the conversion of the site is much higher than on resources that are based on high-frequency queries.
  • Promotion by low-frequency requests makes it possible to say with confidence that you will not be crushed by the strongest sites, leaving absolutely no visitors. Also, only white methods are used for such promotion, due to which any sanctions from search engines are absolutely excluded.
  • The CTR from search results for low-frequency queries is higher, since contextual advertising may be absent. For high-frequency queries, even in the first place, you will always be under 3-4 results of paid search results.
  • It is also important to note: savings and gradual investment; the ability of content alone to bring the desired result; the opportunity to engage in promotion without having in-depth knowledge.

Disadvantages and difficulties of promotion on low-frequency requests

The disadvantages of this method of promotion include:

  • Difficulty in predicting costs
  • necessity permanent job above the site
  • a small number of visitors (to solve the problem, it is important to collect a large number of low-frequency queries “use a wide tail”);
  • difficulty in reaching a large target audience.

Quite often there is a need to redesign the structure of the website - add fresh sections, headings, etc.

It is also necessary to carry out work on the text optimization of all pages promoted on the site.

An impressive amount of work is occupied by the selection of the semantic core for low-frequency queries. It is worth considering the creation of voluminous content material.

Promotion stages

Website promotion by LF can be reduced to six stages:

  1. Composition of semantics. To select a semantic core, you can use both paid and free tools: Serpstat, Google Analytics, Google Adwords Keyword Planner, Wordstat and/or Key Collector. It is important to carefully analyze requests, choosing only the most important and suitable for promotion (for example, exclude all phrases like “download for free” from the request);
  2. Site structure optimization. Checking the resource for duplicate pages in the index, removing or closing duplicates;
  3. Internal site optimization. To do this, you need to fill the sections with high-quality unique content:
  • make a list of all pages with non-unique content and change the texts to unique ones as soon as possible;
  • identify internal pages without texts;
  • find keywords/phrases for these pages;
  • write articles for these keywords.

It is important to create a blog or a special section, for example, " Helpful information» to collect informational search queries.

Some progress details:

1. Optimizing every page. It consists of adjusting meta tags, working on site content, internal linking and links.

A personal, unique title (title tag) is created for each page, including keywords.

The description tag (small description) is not so necessary for promotion, but it has a positive effect on the attitude of users to the resource (often, a snippet is formed from the description) and affects the CTR in the search results.

The texts on the page should be written for people - in simple terms, competently and correctly.
As for internal linking, these are links that link the pages of the site, opening the way for the visitor from one article to another. They allow you to increase the ranking of each of the pages due to the weight of others.

2. Analytics of changes and statistics. Promotion of the site along the long tail is impossible without tracking any changes and statistics on the site. To do this, you should use Google Analytics. With its help, you can find out: the exact number of visitors, the time they were on the site, on which page they left viewing the resource, etc. Based on this information, you can then adjust the site.

Examples of promotion for low-frequency queries

Promotion of an online store by LF

This is a very common tactic for getting first search traffic in . Read more in our mega guide.

The initial stage of promotion, traffic is 70-100 people / day.

Three months later, the traffic is 300–400 people/day. To achieve the goal it was necessary:

  • conduct a comprehensive internal optimization process;
  • implement CNC, especially for filter pages;
  • block unnecessary filters for indexing;
  • optimize product and page meta tags;
  • carry out a transfer from home page on product pages;
  • implement linking between products;
  • fill in unique content and product descriptions, taking into account keywords;
  • place resources no further than 2 levels of nesting.

Important! The growth is due to the creation of landing pages for a large core of low-frequency queries. Which were subsequently optimized for the corresponding low-frequency requests.
