High-quality search engine optimization yourself. Key points of internal promotion

Now I will show you the DIY SEO promotion method that I used to promote my website to 5,000 unique visitors per day in just 9 months. Moreover, I promoted my website from scratch, exclusively on my own and for free.

I called this method “Shock website promotion”. It differs in many ways from what is usually offered as an “SEO promotion recipe.” But the main thing is that it works and you can repeat it.

In this article, we will talk about website promotion using articles. That is, we will not buy any links. Exclusively white safe methods - wrote an article, optimized it, brought it to the TOP, repeated this scheme 50 - 100 times. That's all the promotion =)

And the very first step is choosing the right keyword for your article.

Step #1 – Select key queries “per million”

I hope you are already aware that you cannot write articles on the site “just like that.” Be sure to select in advance a specific key query for which you will optimize your article. For example, this article is optimized for the query “do-it-yourself SEO promotion.” That's why I put this phrase in the title.

Without this, search robots simply will not understand what your article is about. Although they are very smart, they are still robots.

And our task is to select key queries that:

  1. Have a large number of monthly requests (otherwise you will have to write 1000 articles to see any traffic);
  2. They have low competition (otherwise it will be almost impossible for you to break into the TOP);
  3. They have good prospects for “career growth” (more on this below).

Collecting a pool of such key queries is called compiling a semantic core. And if it seems to you that it is difficult and long, you think right. But it’s better to spend a couple of weeks selecting 30 queries now than to spend a couple of years writing articles and ending up with nothing.

The main tool for selecting keywords

Let's say we want to write an article about how having your own blog is very cool and cool. The title that comes to our mind for the article is “Why you need to blog.” It would seem that the topic will certainly be of interest to a wide range of readers.

But to check, we first go to Yandex.Wordstat. This is a free tool that will immediately show you the exact popularity of a particular request. Enter the selected key in the line and click “Select”.

As you can see in the screenshot above - this request has 0 views per month. This means no one is looking for him, and no one needs him. Please note that I put the request in quotes. This is how Yandex.Wordstat shows the exact frequency. If you leave the query without quotes, it will show completely incorrect numbers.

We conclude that the key query needs to be changed. But how best to formulate it? We begin to enter our main word “blog” into the Wordstat line and add question words – “how”, “what”, “why”.

And here we already have a very wide field for activity. We take each key query that we like and insert it into quotation marks to check the exact frequency. As a result we get:

Now this is another matter. If our article is in the TOP for 1500 impressions per month, then we will definitely get good traffic. But that's not the end of the story. Will we really be able to get to the top places for this request? Let's now turn to another tool.

SEO Competition Checker Tool

To check the level of competition among requests, we will use a service called “ Mutagen" It's paid, but you can do 10 free checks every day. And paid checks are very inexpensive - a few kopecks apiece.

The essence of this service in that it compares many different indicators of sites that are in first place in search results for a particular query, and draws a conclusion how easy or difficult it will be to “move” these sites.

For example, we take the same query that we found - “what is a blog”, enter it into the Mutagen check line and press Enter.

This query shows competition of “more than 25”. This is the maximum level of competition that Mutagen shows. That is, it will be extremely difficult to get to the TOP for this key. We are not happy with this.

If your resource is not yet highly promoted, then it is better to choose key queries with a competition level of 5-7 or even lower. So what should we do with this topic? Abandon the idea and write an article about something else?

Not at all necessary. Now we need to try to reformulate the request so that the level of competition is significantly reduced, and the number of requests does not fall very much. And the first thing you should try to do is lengthen the key query with additional words.

Now that's better. Let this query option have only 28 views per month. It’s better to take it for the article, because it has a competition level of only 7. If you come out on top for this key, then it is likely that Yandex will put you in the TOP for a broader one.

Many people believe that the more words in a key query, the fewer views it will have (because people are too lazy to enter long keys by hand). But as you can see, this is not always the case. We extended our key even further, and received a competition level of only 4, and almost 200 net views.

This is the ideal key for writing an article. We stop there and move on to the next stage - writing an article that deserves first place in the TOP.

Step #2 – Write armor-piercing articles

The amount of money in your pocket directly depends on the amount of traffic on your site. And the amount of traffic depends on the number of articles you have posted. The more articles, the more traffic. Everyone knows this, but for some reason articles are still not written.

And here I will give you a couple of life hacks that will help you write less and get more traffic.

Should I write it myself or hire a copywriter?

I recommend that all owners of content sites write articles for their resource themselves. This way you will immediately bypass numerous competitors who hire copywriters for this task. Here's my opinion - a copywriter will never write an article well enough.

Firstly, he is not an expert in the topic on which you made your site. This will be immediately noticeable by the amount of “water” and banal advice in the articles.

Secondly, a copywriter is not the owner of the site, and he will not work hard to ensure that the article turns out to be of really high quality and sufficiently voluminous.

And thirdly, what is called “copywriting” today is actually rewriting in 95% of cases. That is, a freelancer takes several articles on a given topic, crosses them with each other, adds some water, and that’s it. Even different services to check the uniqueness of the text and show “95-100% uniqueness” of such texts - Yandex and Google have their own verification algorithms.

Non-unique content is something that search engines are now actively struggling with. And if you start doing what no one else does (that is, writing unique original articles with truly valuable content yourself), you will immediately be noticed and put in the TOP.

Should I write long articles or short ones?

One of the questions that I get asked most often sounds something like this: “Dmitry, why do you write such long articles for the site? Nobody reads them." In fact, they read. And the longer the article, the longer the average person spends on the site (within reasonable limits, of course).

I can name at least 5 reasons why you also need to write long articles:

  1. Search robots think logically. And if they see that your article is 1500 words, and all other articles on this topic are 700 words, he concludes that your article contains 2 times more information on the topic. It's logical. Accordingly, he will at least give people the opportunity to “try” it.
  2. The longer your article, the more words and phrases on the topic you use in it. And this gives what is called “tail traffic”. That is, 80% of your traffic will come not from the main key query, but from many small queries that users search for 1-2 times a month.
  3. Even just scrolling through a long article to the end takes time. Accordingly, this greatly reduces the bounce rate - when a visitor spent less than 10-15 seconds on your site. And this is a very important indicator of the quality of the site.
  4. By publishing long articles on the site, you immediately show search engines that this is original content, and not just another copywriting (more on this below).
  5. An article of 1.5 – 2 thousand words is very difficult to re-optimize. Even if you use the main key in an article a dozen times, given the overall volume of text, this will be a very easy optimization. And search engines will have no reason to think that you are trying to deceive them.

Regarding the fourth item on this list. My articles are usually 2000 words or more. This is an average of 14 - 15 thousand characters. Today, a more or less normal copywriter on the stock exchange charges 70–80 rubles per 1000 rewriting characters. In total, to get an article with 15,000 characters, you will have to pay 1,200 rubles.

This is too much for a content site. Considering the quality of the copywriting, you will need 300 – 600 articles to start getting meaningful traffic. This is too much expense. Therefore, all webmasters who write articles as “copywriters” order texts of 3-4 thousand characters, no more. And so search engines immediately distinguish them from those who write on their own.

And therefore, you and I won’t need 300-600 articles. My site reached 5,000 visitors per day with only 30 large original articles. That is, you don’t have to worry that you’ll have to spend several hours every day writing huge articles all your life.

It will be enough for you to write only a dozen articles, as I indicated above, and you will already have more traffic than others get from hundreds of articles. But to do this, we need to help our article a little more after you have written it.

Step #3 - Quickly get to the TOP

Turnkey article optimization

After you have written an article, you need to lightly optimize it (without fanaticism). To do this, take the main key query for which the article was written and place it in the following places:

  1. In the H1 header;
  2. In the SEO title, which is called “title”;
  3. At the very beginning of the article (preferably in the first sentence);
  4. In the alt tag and in image captions;
  5. In the URL of your article;
  6. In subheading H2;
  7. In the middle and at the end of the article.

This will be quite enough for Yandex and Google to understand what your article is about and what key query it wants to compete for. Now all that remains is to wait to see what verdict the search engines will make.

We speed up the publication of articles in the TOP

It usually takes 2-3 months for an article to mature enough to take its place in the TOP of search engines. But you can also speed up this process. Then your articles can be in first place literally 5-10 minutes after you click the “Publish” button.

For example, here is my article in the TOP 5 7 minutes after publication:

To achieve the same result, here's what you need to do:

  • Write and publish articles every day on certain time. If Yandex notices that new material appears on your site every day at 12 o’clock, then soon it will begin sending its special robot to your site at exactly 12 o’clock. This is a so-called “fast robot” whose task is to quickly index new and relevant materials.
  • After publishing the article, go to Yandex.Webmaster and submit your article for re-crawling. This is the so-called “adurilka” of Yandex:

  • Place links to your new material on all social networks where you can: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others.
  • Send a newsletter to your subscriber base notifying you about new article(if you don’t have it yet, it’s time to start collecting)

Actually, this is where the main work of website promotion ends. Now you need to repeat this algorithm several dozen times, and your site will grow first to a “thousandth” site, and then to a “ten-thousand” site. There would be a desire)

I hope that this article was useful to you, and now you better understand how to properly do SEO promotion with your own hands. Add it to your bookmarks so as not to lose it. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Everyone who has ever started creating their own website has thought about SEO promotion of the site in search engines such as Yandex, Google, etc. How does it all work, what knowledge is needed for SEO optimization of a website, what subtleties exist. Many people consider SEO website promotion a complex process that is impossible to understand, but it is not as difficult as it seems. Yes, at the very beginning you will not become a professional in website optimization, but you may well be able to get some pages into the top 10.

  • Stage 3. Distribution of queries from the semantic core across landing pages
  • Stage 4. Internal and external work of a SEO specialist
  • Stage 5. Yandex and Google filters: reasons for overlap, signs, solution

In this article we will look in detail at how to promote a website and how to get it into the top 10. As soon as search engines appeared, there were immediately people who could adjust their position in organic results through their actions.

Stage 1. Terms

The terms presented in the table below are required to be studied. With their help, you can better understand how to carry out search engine optimization of a website.

General terms


passage; search robot; vital requests; wordstat; domain; host; organic results; affiliate; update; LF, HF, microLF; exact entry; key; relevance; request; Whois; traffic; frequency; behavioral factors; search engines; ranging

canonical page; mirror;
h1-h6; title; description; meta tags; semantic core;
admin; CNC; content; promoted page; usability; duplicate pages; CMS

link exchanges; doorway; cloaking;
PR/PageRank; tIC;

List of articles that will help you understand in more detail the meaning of the terms from the table:

  • Website promotion for priority requests, ranking in the top 10
  • Using context and promotion together and separately
  • Promotion to increase the company’s online sales. Industry restrictions

Stage 2. Compiling a semantic core

The semantic core is a list of queries for which the site is promoted in search engines. You can collect the semantic core in the following ways: free services, like wordstat.yandex, direct.yandex, metrica.yandex, adwoords.google, fastkeywordds.biz, megaindex.ru, tools, soovle, trends, google, Pastukhov database.

These online services require registration. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the methodology for compiling the semantic core.

At the very beginning, we compile a primary list of words and phrases related to the topic of the page being promoted. It can be:

  1. variants of the name of a product, service, synonyms of these words, translation, transliteration;
  2. abbreviated versions of words;
  3. name options components goods or services;
  4. Brands associated with the product or service (that you sell) or popular words;
  5. buyer options and problems that your product or service solves;
  6. all kinds of epithets characterizing a product or service.

Once the initial list is ready, we begin to expand it by adding queries that are associated with your product or service. The list has become wider, now you need to go even deeper into the topic and find narrower concepts related to your product or service.

The list is ready, it is large and not sorted. You need to “clean up” queries that you don’t need or those that have low frequency (frequency for the Yandex search engine can be checked in their free tool wordstat.yandex).

You can read more about the influence of keywords in document ranking and drawing up the correct semantic core in these articles:

    Is it worth doing SEO optimization of a website for low-frequency queries: four arguments for

  • SEO website setup yourself: step-by-step instructions
  • How to choose the right queries for promotion in search. What can the old site do that the new site can’t?
  • Why are the websites of some companies promoted for high-frequency queries, while others are promoted only for low-frequency queries?
  • Promoting a young website for high-frequency and highly competitive queries

Stage 3. Distribution of queries from the semantic core

Once you have collected and sorted the semantic core, you can begin to select queries for which you will promote your pages. There are many online services on the Internet to make it easier to cluster queries by landing pages, but you can also do it manually.

  1. Selecting a page for SEO optimization.
  2. We evaluate the frequency of queries you collected that relate to the topic of the page you are promoting.
  3. We select the most frequent queries from one or more, the main thing is not the number of promoted queries, but their frequency in the systems. We analyze the compatibility of requests, i.e. We evaluate their compatibility on one page. This can be done using competitor analysis. If the same pages are ranked for these queries, then great, the distribution is ready, but if not, then you need to either move the query to another cluster or create new page for request.

You can also read about the differences in promotion on topics such as: legal services, real estate, construction services, tourism, cars, online stores.

Stage 4. Optimization

Website optimization can be internal and external, both are important for promotion. Let's start with understanding the search engine. When ranking Internet documents, the system takes into account external and internal factors. External factors include links from other Internet resources; the higher the authority of the linker to you, the greater the weight of the link, and in the future your page will have more weight.

There are much more internal SEO factors of the site. These are texts, tags, pictures, internal links. Here are a few points that play a big role in ranking documents:

  • full occurrence of the query in the text of the document, that is, “quote” without changing the word form;
  • the weight of query keywords is the ratio of the number of times a word from a query is used to the total number of words on the page;
  • the content of keywords in the title, they should be in the first positions;
  • proximity of keywords to the top of the page;
  • the presence of keywords from the request in the headings;
  • the presence of keywords in text descriptions of pictures;
  • in anchors internal links There should be an explanation of where this link leads.

And now more about internal optimization. Since you have already completed the initial stage of work for promotion by collecting a semantic core, you can begin to compile title, description, h1-h6. Title is the title that is displayed in search engines; it can also be viewed either in the page code or by hovering the mouse over the tab with the page.

When compiling the title, we pay attention to:

  • numbers;
  • dates;
  • length. Shorter titles are better understood by systems;
  • synonyms and variants;
  • call to action (for example, “buy”, “order”);
  • related keywords;
  • questions.

Important rules for understanding the composition of headings for site optimization: the heading should be no more than 140 characters (this is the number that is displayed in search engines, the information after that simply will not be visible to users), the heading should contain the exact occurrence of the most frequent query for which you will promote the page, and this request should come at the beginning. In the title there is no dot at the end, and in general the dot is not used when composing the title; if you need to divide a passage, use a dash - “|”. Also, when composing headlines, conduct an analysis of the titles of competitors in the top 10, add those points that you do not have.

Composing descriptions is almost the same as composing headlines, the only differences are that descriptions are much longer, they use full sentences, sentences not only with exact occurrences of search queries, but also with adjectives describing a product, service, article, etc. d.

In h1-h6, the highest frequency query is most often used, which succinctly characterizes the information on the page.

Internal SEO optimization also includes texts. Internal search engine optimization website on your own is impossible without writing good texts. They should be easy to read, written in human language, unique, and contain accurate, inaccurate, and relevant occurrences of search queries. Yes, the text must contain both precise and relevant queries, but at the same time, the text must look natural, otherwise you are in danger of falling under the filter. An analysis of what queries, how many and where exactly should be placed can be carried out by viewing competitors from the top 10; the number of words in the text is determined in the same way.

We can talk about internal page optimization for a very long time, since it affects all external and internal components. The main points are the quality of the content, adjusting the html code and correcting errors in it, editing the design in terms of page loading speed in the user’s browser, “visibility” of the pages different browsers, compliance of the design style with the direction of the resource’s activity, improvement of usability: navigation is made as user-friendly as possible, organized general structure and principles of navigation for the entire resource, correct internal linking of pages: creating a cross-reference structure, with the help of this you can achieve visible results. The only thing that can be added here is that when doing internal SEO optimization of a website yourself, make convenient and high-quality pages for users.

For a beginner, external SEO optimization more difficult than internal. Here you need to consciously carry out optimization work; the site being promoted can easily fall under the filters of Yandex and Google systems. External SEO optimization: citation (number of backlinks and their quality), behavioral factors (time spent on the page, bounce rate and return rate, number of page views, click-through rate (CTR) in search results), external links.

Optimizing your site yourself by increasing the number of external links can increase your ranking in organic results. Links can be permanent or rented. They can be purchased on services such as sape, webeffector, rookee, gogetlinks, rotapost, feedsite, getgoodlinks. When purchasing links, you need to carefully analyze donors, check their indexing, the age of the resource, the quality of the content, and the number of links posted. You can read more about purchasing links for external SEO (CEO) promotion of a website yourself and their impact on ranking in the articles “Getting your optimized website to the top 10 pages using links” and “Promotion using link exchanges.”

Stage 5. Yandex and Google filters

Each search engine has its own filters with which it removes low-quality pages from the index.

Main filters of the Yandex search system:

Reasons for overlap


The “AGS” filter is its task of removing low-quality SEO optimized website pages from search results.

Almost complete SEO loss website traffic

Reset the TCI - remove some of the links aimed at search engine optimization of the site, but if all the pages are out of the index, you need to pay attention to independently eliminating all the reasons for applying a filter for search engine optimization

A sharp decline in rankings in search results and a drop in traffic

You can remove it by reducing the number or completely removing external links

Cheat behavioral factors

For independently boosting behavioral factors for site optimization

A sharp drop in positions and traffic of an optimized site, new pages are slowly entering the index

Stop manipulation completely. You will have to wait several months for the filter to be canceled

Affiliates - created to fight companies that make several sites and try to grab all the first places in the search results

Identifies by the same contact information, similar topics, data in whois, structure, IP, CMS

There is only one site left in the search results

To exit, you need to change all the data by which Yandex can identify affiliates

Adult content

Complete exclusion from search results for queries that do not relate to 18+ topics

Eliminate all factors that indicate adult content

Nepot filter. Yandex does not recognize its existence

SEO optimization - filter for exceeding it

For too many keywords

The filter will leave the pages in the index, but they will not receive high positions - there will be no traffic. A large number of keys, especially unnatural ones, should be avoided

Reduce occurrences of key phrases

Due to the use of teaser networks, which contain ads with so-called “shock content”

Decreases in search results

Link explosion

For the sharp increase in the number of external links

Losing positions

Remove most of the link mass

Baden Baden

For large or unformatted texts, overspam

Decline in traffic, sharp decline in rankings. A notification appears in Ya.Webmaster

Make quality content. You can write texts for the site yourself, for free

Basic filters of the Google search engine:

Reasons for overlap


Optimization, website promotion with a large number of links from low-quality resources. It also punishes invisible links and spammy structures in anchors. Be more careful when promoting website pages yourself

Decrease in rankings and traffic, new pages are indexed slowly

It makes no sense to promote a website in search engines without internal SEO optimization of the website. Search engines have gotten good at identifying sites for people and those made only to make money. The main attention is paid to the internal contents. This process was started back in 2010-2012, and over time these factors only intensified.

With a poor and ill-thought-out site structure, it is impossible to get to the top (and it doesn’t even make sense, since a low-quality site will not last long at the top). It is more correct and cheaper to first do internal site optimization than to spend a lot of money on promoting the site with links and .

In this article we will look at all the basic components of SEO optimization that any website (blog, online store, forum) needs.


I provide a unique service: audit of internal website optimization.

SEO website optimization yourself - step-by-step instructions

1. One page - one request

One page of the site should clearly answer one request. This is one of the fundamental rules when creating a website. Each page of the site should not have a hundred keywords (queries), but only 1-2 queries per page (maybe a little more, but only thematic ones).

If you do not follow this requirement, then nothing good will come from it either for users or for the ranking of the site in search engines. It is impossible to promote one page of the site at once for many high-frequency and mid-range queries, because it is impossible to fully cover all the topics in one article, which means either the article will turn out to be too huge, or the topic will not be fully covered.

The ideal case, when exactly one website page should correspond to one request, is not easy to achieve. Most often in practice, they use one key phrase and a couple of clarifying phrases on the topic (usually these phrases are subheadings of the main article).

For example, the topic of the article is “how to choose a car.” It is logical to make subheadings inside the article:

  • "what to look for when choosing a car"
  • "common mistakes when choosing a car"
  • "Is it worth checking something"
  • "advice from experienced owners"

In this case, it is permissible to put several keywords on one page, since they are all topic-related and only clarify the main query.

When creating a site structure, a very important point is to create a semantic core. Thanks to him, the site will have articles that actually have traffic. SY also helps to structure the site into sections exactly as it is convenient for users. Unfortunately, newbie webmasters often ignore this point, and after a while they have to redo many sections and articles on the site.

For a better understanding and collection of keywords, I advise you to read the following articles:

The most unpleasant case is when there are two important requests, but there is only one page. It is sometimes impossible to combine them. For example, requests

  • "website promotion"
  • "website promotion"

Should I make one page for them or two different ones? There is no single recipe for solving such problems. We have to solve each case individually based on the subtlety of the request and analysis of the results.

2. Correct title

The title tag needs to be written correctly for each page. This meta tag has the greatest weight among other html tags in terms of website promotion using keywords.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/zarabotat-na-sajte.ru/images/vnutrenyaya-optimizaciya-sayta-1.jpg' height="166" width="228" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When creating a meta tag <title>, two important factors must be taken into account:</p> <ul><li><title>should be clear and enticing for visitors (after all, this tag is displayed primarily in search engine results);</li> <li><title>must contain key phrases. Moreover, the first words (the beginning of the title) have the greatest weight. Therefore, the most competitive request should be written first, and then (if necessary) additional clarifications should be written;</li> </ul><p>Length <title>should be small, on average 50-100 characters (search engines recommend up to 70). This should be enough to make it clear to the user and the search engine what this page of the site is about.</p> <u>Important rule:</u> <p><title>for each page must be unique within one site (a common mistake is duplicating keywords in the title <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/kak-sdelat-staryi-yandeks-startovoi-stranicei-kak-yandeks-sdelat-startovoi.html">different pages</a>). If you want to write the name of the site in the title, then write it at the very end of the title, separating it with a dash. However, it is recommended to do this only in rare cases. For example, to write your brand or clarify the theme of the site.</p> <h3>3. Meta tags Description and keywords</h3> <h3>4. Correct heading structure <h1>..<h6></h3>Note <p>Most often tags <title>And <h1>almost completely coincide (there is nothing wrong with that).</p> <h3>5. Highlight Keywords</h3> <p>Keywords in the content can be highlighted with tags</p> <ul><li><strong> </li> <li><b> </li> <li><u> </li> <li><i> </li> <li><big> </li> </ul><p>But there is no need to highlight keywords where they are not required. Once or twice is enough. Remember that such highlights should help the visitor navigate your site.</p> <p>Due to the high spam content of these tags on many sites, search engines began to pay less attention to them. But this does not mean that they can be disposed of as you please. It is very important not to overdo it. Just highlight what you need. If you need to use bold html text somewhere, then you don’t have to write a tag for this <strong>or <b>. Can be applied <font>or <span>with style font-weight:bold .</p> <p>You can often see a situation among webmasters where all content is <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/chto-takoe-kod-vstavki-vstavka-php-koda-v-html-kak-pravilno-eto-sdelat.html">html code</a> framed by tag <strong>. This is a mistake.</p> <h3>6. Presence of keywords on the page</h3> <p>The content should contain your keywords, as well as synonyms for these keywords and phrases. Texts must be unique and interesting to the user - this is one of the conditions for the popularity of your site. And these are not empty words. If the content of the site does not respond 100% to the user’s request, then it is not yet good enough.</p> <p>Keywords should be evenly distributed on the page and have little vomiting. Otherwise, there is a risk of being filtered for overspam using keywords. In 2017, this became especially acute after the appearance of the Yandex - Baden-Baden algorithm.</p> <p>There are whole theories on how to distribute keys on a website page, but I think it’s not worth spending too much time on this. You just need to remember that they must be present at least a couple of times on the entire page. And it’s better in different paragraphs. But, to be even more precise, they must be natural.</p> <h3>7. Beautifully designed content</h3> <p>I included this point relatively recently, because previously little attention was paid to it. The main point: to have a strictly structured text that is written for the user. You should not make content in the form of a solid “brick” of text. Be sure to use</p> <ul><li>subheadings ( <h1>..<h6>)</li> <li>transfers ( <ul>)</li> <li>themed pictures ( <img>)</li> <li>beautiful blocks and frames with notes ( <div>)</li> <li>Font size from 12px (default should be 14px)</li> <li>and other elements to improve content visualization</li> </ul><p>For example, the list on the site looks structured and understandable, instead of listing some properties separated by commas:</p> <ul><li>Element #1</li> <li>Element #2</li> <li>Element #3</li> </ul><p>There should not be anything superfluous in the content of the html code. Just the right tags in the right places.</p> <p>Structured text is always more valuable. Users respond positively to such texts and spend more time on such sites. The search engine will definitely evaluate such content positively.</p> <h3>8. Page size from 500 to 10,000 characters</h3> <p>To reveal the topic and answer all the questions, 500...10,000 characters are enough. This is the content limit for any page on the site. You shouldn’t make very small pages, but you shouldn’t make too large ones (“footcloths”) either. Stick to the rules. Although this is not a critical rule, I still do not recommend neglecting it.</p> <p>The restriction on foot wraps is due to the fact that users do not like to read a lot. As a result, it may turn out that visitors will not read the content to the end.</p> <p>If covering a topic requires writing a huge article, then in many cases it is better to split it into several with subtitles (for example).</p> <h3>9. Internal linking of the site</h3> <p>Internal linking is also very important. It would be ideal if the site contains links directly from the content with corresponding anchors (such links are called contextual links because they are located inside the content). <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/sovety-dlya-sozdaniya-potryasayushchei-interaktivnoi-infografiki-luchshie.html">A good example</a> Wikipedia or this site can serve you. Close all external links with the attribute so as not to transfer static weight.</p> <h3>10. Place all “garbage” in tags <noindex></h3> <p>Frame all traffic counters and advertising in a tag <noindex>and try to place it in the very footer of the html code. It's even better to display such content via AJAX or JavaScript.</p> <p>The search engine only sees your html code and should not see codes from affiliate programs, hit counters and similar garbage at all.</p> <p>There is no tag in the html standard <noindex>. Only the Yandex robot takes it into account.</p> <h3>11. URL optimization (CNC on the site)</h3> <p>The next step is URL optimization, or in other words, creating CNCs (human readable URLs). For example, the site has a page about “internal website optimization”. A good URL for such a page would be " <span>vnutrennyaya-optimizaciya.html</span>", i.e. simply the name of the key written in Latin.</p> <p>It's a bad decision to have a bunch of subcategories for an article: " <span>site.ru/blabla/blabla/blabla/vnutrennyaya-optimizaciya.html</span>". The lower the level of nesting in subcategories, the better.</p> <p>All letters in the URL name must be lower case. For example, it is not correct to write like this: “/catalog/Stranica”.</p> <p>What does URL optimization do?</p> <ul><li>Helps users better navigate the site</li> <li>For search engines this is an additional ranking factor</li> <li>Improves click-through rate in search results, which means your site will automatically rank in the top</li> </ul><h3>12. The maximum level of nesting of pages is 3</h3> <p>Typical duplicates on a website would be pages with a slash at the end. For example</p> <blockquote>site/cat/stranica site/cat/stranica/</blockquote> <p>This problem is easily fixed (see 301 redirect for removing/adding a slash at the end of the URL).</p> <p>There is no clear algorithm for finding duplicates. You need to run a scanner to check the pages of the site and, based on the results of the found pages, see which of them have the same title.</p> <p>You can read more about how to search for them and delete them in a special article: how to find duplicate pages on a website</p> <h3>16. Website availability with and without WWW</h3> <p>If the site is accessible at the addresses site.ru and www.site.ru, then the search engine can index both of them. As a result, it turns out that the same page is available at two addresses. This negatively affects the position of the site as a whole.</p> <p>The site must be accessible either via WWW or without. Moreover, if the site is accessible via WWW, then you need to make a 301 redirect to a domain without www or vice versa. The most effective and easiest way to do this is through a special configuration file .htaccess, which is located in the root of each site.</p> <p>Redirecting without www to a site page with www in the htaccess file is solved with three lines:</p> <blockquote>RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^site.ru RewriteRule <span>(.*) http://www.site.ru/$1</span> </blockquote> <p>Redirect from www to without www:</p> <blockquote>RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www.site.ru RewriteRule <span>(.*) http://site.ru/$1</span> </blockquote> <p>In addition, I advise you to read: a site with www or without www - what to choose.</p> <h3>17. High site loading speed</h3> <p>The site loading time factor is increasingly influencing its ranking in search results. Therefore, you need to optimize absolutely everything on the site to speed up its loading. This criterion is now mandatory.</p> <p>What determines the loading speed of a website? Let's look at the most common mistakes</p> <ul><li>A large number of high-resolution images (often they weigh quite a lot, so all design images need to be made as “light” as possible) <p>Fortunately, now there is no need to manually click on every link on the site to check each one. It is enough to use services or programs for this.</p> <h3>19. Website micro markup</h3> <p>Websites need to implement micro markup. This will allow search robots to understand exactly where the phone number, street address, product names, cost, etc. are written on the site. Thus, you can describe almost any type of content: cooking recipes, movie descriptions, product descriptions in an online store, services, etc.</p> <p>Micro markup will allow your site to have a more attractive snippet in the search results, which will increase the CTR of the site in the search results. This may have a positive impact on the site’s position in the future.</p> <h3>20. There should be few external links</h3> <p>In addition to internal links, there are also external ones, i.e. that link to external sites. In general, it’s not bad for a site if this link is there with the goal of helping the user. However, a large number of outgoing links reduces the static weight of the site. Therefore, it is better to close all external links using the .</p> <p>For example</p> <blockquote><a rel ="nofollow " href ="Адрес_ссылки ">Anchor links</a > </blockquote> <p>This way, no static weight will flow from the site.</p> <h3>21. Site indexing</h3> <p>Check the indexing of your site. All pages must be in the index. In this case, the number of pages in the Yandex/Google index should be approximately the same. For example, a ratio of 550/580 will be normal, but 550/4000 will not.</p> <p>To make a site better indexed, various methods are used. For example, you can make a site map. It improves the search robot's understanding of the site structure.</p> </li></ul> <br>Everything described is suitable for a site using the WordPress engine, but some <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/chto-takoe-fon-schetchika-dozimetra-pribory-izmeryayushchie-radioaktivnost-obshchie-principy-raboty-s-dozim.html">general principles</a> applicable for any sites. I haven’t written about everything here, mostly about those. settings, others <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/vkontakte-bytovuha-poleznye-sovety-poleznye-sovety-dlya-doma.html">useful tips</a> you can find it in, where I tell you how to increase traffic from the Yandex search engine. <h2>Installing the SEO plugin</h2> <p>Yes, yes, this needs to be done first. If we talk about WordPress, then I see two <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/vybor-luchshei-avtomaticheskoi-ttl-vspyshki-yongnuo-obzor-vseh-vspyshek-yongnuo.html">good choice</a> All in One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO. My choice is the second option, although both, if properly configured, will significantly improve the site from the point of view of search engines. <br><br>Accordingly, the plugin will not be easy to find and install; it also needs to be configured correctly. This work does not take one minute, but it is very important to complete it as soon as possible.</p> <h2>Setting up permalinks</h2> <p>In WordPress, on a new site you need to immediately set the type of permalinks. If this is not done, then the URLs of the posts may not be optimized at all. For example, instead of the page title there will be arbitrary numbers, publication date, etc. <br><span><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/postoyannye-ssylki.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></span><br>You need to select an option - the name of the entry. Just the name and nothing more. Now the post URLs will become human-readable, which is also very important for optimization.</p> <h2>Converting Cyrillic to Latin</h2> <p>Now it is necessary that when publishing articles, their url should not contain Russian letters, but only English ones. This version of the address for the page is considered more correct today, although I also saw Russian urls in the top. Still, it is better to make them English.</p> <p>This is done by installing the Cyr to Lat plugin. There are no settings in it - just install it and it starts working. <span><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/zamena-na-latinitsu.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Adding a site to webmaster tools from Yandex and Google</h2> <p>If you still have not added your web resource to these panels, correct the situation urgently, because you are losing some of the opportunities that search engines provide you for free. <br><span><img src='https://i1.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yandeks.vebmaster.jpg' height="233" width="202" loading=lazy loading=lazy></span><br>With the help of these tools, you will be able to analyze your site, and after adding it and confirming rights, search engines will at least know about it, this is important for a young site.</p> <h2>Generating a sitemap (for people and robots)</h2> <p>The site map may vary. If it is in xml format, then such a file is needed by a search robot, which can receive information about new publications on your site through this file.</p> <p>By default, the Yoast SEO plugin generates a sitemap and says you don't have to worry about anything. Still, many consider the Google XML Sitemaps plugin <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/razmery-antenny-spaider-na-neskolko-diapazonov-kv-spaider.html">the best solution</a> to generate such a map. I think so. <span><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/karta-dlya-robotov.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>A map for people is a regular web page containing links to all posts and pages on the site. It is also very useful to do. Firstly, people often use it (that’s why it’s called “for people”). Secondly, links to new articles appear on this page, which also improves their significance and visibility, albeit slightly.</p> <p>I recommend the DS Blog Map plugin for this matter. <span><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/karta-sajta.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></span> By the way, <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/xperia-z3-compact-chernyi-testirovanie-sony-xperia-z3-compact-obzor-kompakt-flagmana-ot-sony.html">appearance</a> You can also see this page on my blog. <span><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/karta-dlya-lyudej.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Of course, you can create such a map manually; you will have to add links to it yourself after new articles are published on your blog, or write a script to automate this if you do not want to use a plugin.</p> <h2>Compiling Robots.txt</h2> <p>There are no explicit tips here, because all webmasters and optimizers have different opinions, and it is actually very difficult to figure out who is right. The solution to the problem, I see, is to block access to various unnecessary URLs on the site in robots.txt. However, this is not enough. For example, if you close the url with replytocom branches, then this will not save you from duplicates; you need to take additional measures.</p> <h2>Image optimization</h2> <p>This is another step towards improving positions in the PS, although it is far from the most important. The most important thing is to take care of how much the images weigh. It is better not to use those larger than 60 kilobytes.</p> <p>Use an online service or program to compress photos <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/kak-otklyuchit-setku-v-fotoshope-ustanovka-i-udalenie-setki-v.html">Adobe PhotoShop</a>, where you can save the image for the Web and select the compression level.</p> <p>Well, what to do with those pictures that are already on the server and not optimized? There is an excellent plugin that compresses them all, and it can also compress images in template folders, various icons - all this can also improve speed. This is EWWW Image Optimizer. Everything in it is extremely clear, so you will understand it 100%. <span><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/szhatie-kartinok.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After optimization, it is better to disable the plugin and perform compression yourself, although if you are lazy, you can leave it.</p> <p>In this article I will not describe a bunch of ways to increase the speed of your web resource, I will just say that in most cases it is enough to follow the recommendations from Google.</p> <p>For example, set up caching and compress all code files. You can install a plugin that will automatically do all sorts of things to increase speed. For example, this is file compression, merging them into one, page caching, etc.</p> <p>So far my choice is WP Fastest Cache. Although there are others besides this plugin: <b>WP Super Cache <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/wordpress-super-cache-plagin-ispolzuem-kesh-brauzera-keshirovanie-wordpress-bloga-s-pomoshchyu.html">Hyper Cache</a> </b>. In general, you can test and choose the best one for yourself. <span><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/keshirovanie.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></span> Or you can do without a plugin altogether. For example, you can manually write image caching in the htaccess file, compress the code yourself in online services, use sprite pictures, etc. There are many options and this is often enough to increase the speed to a normal level.</p> <p>You can strive for perfection in this matter, but it is not so necessary. The fact is that loading speed is a ranking factor, but not the most important one. If you have a bad article and a fast site, you will still lose to a site with a good article, even if it opens 1 second longer.</p> <h2>Fighting duplicates. A webmaster's nightmare</h2> <p>Until recently, I didn’t even know what it was. But it turns out that it’s all about the features of the WordPress engine. For example, if you enable tree comments, a reply button to any comment appears. If you look closely at <i>url address</i>, then you can see such a process there – replytocom.</p> <p>So, this is a terrible word. If these branches are not removed, then over time duplicate pages will begin to appear on the site, and the more comments there are, the more duplicates there will be. This threatens a serious downgrade, primarily in the search engine. <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/oshibka-podklyucheniya-ssl-v-google-chrome-nevernoe-vremya-sistemy-prichiny.html">Google system</a>.</p> <p>Luckily, if you configure the Yoast SEO plugin correctly, you can forget about them. there in <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/kak-nastroit-razreshenie-ekrana-na-2-monitora-kak-podklyuchit-vtoroi.html">additional settings</a> there is a point ( <b>remove replycotom variables</b>, be sure to check the box). It is important to carry out this setup at the very beginning of the site’s development, otherwise duplicates may already appear and you will have to deal with them.</p> <p>Unfortunately, there are other duplicates besides replycotom, although they may not be as numerous or dangerous. Still, it’s better not to ignore them, because they can also harm the site sooner or later, in the form of a bunch of garbage pages in the search results.</p> <h2>Optimizing links on the site</h2> <p>By link optimization I mean everything – both those that lead to other sites and those that go to pages of the same site.</p> <p>Links should be placed wisely, not just for the sake of placement. That is, if you wrote about making money on the Internet, you shouldn’t just create a link to an article about setting up a website, for example. If you do this, then with a logical transition.</p> <p>Now about links to other resources. Sometimes it may indeed be necessary to link to another site. If you do this, it is better to close the link from indexing. Sometimes it would be wise to close links with a script so that they are considered text at all (but at the same time clicking and moving is possible).</p> <p>My opinion on this issue is that you need to choose a middle ground. Lots of open links to other resources are bad because a lot of the weight from your pages goes to them. On the other hand, the complete absence of links is suspicious. Search engines love naturalness.</p> <p>Naturalness is naturalness, but certain links still need to be closed. For example, links to commenters' sites, because if they are open, it's a failure for your blog. Or rather, it may not be a failure, but if there are a lot of comments, then it will be a failure. Imagine there are 70 comments on an article, of which, say, 30 people indicated their websites. Then that's 30 external links on just one page, which is bad enough.</p> <h2>Text improvement</h2> <p>Text is the main weapon through which good positions in search engines are achieved. Accordingly, you must take care <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/smartfon-meizu-m3-note-16-gb-zolotistyi-udobnyi-razmer-maksimalnoe.html">maximum quality</a> text.</p> <p>If you are unfamiliar with concepts such as <i>uniqueness, academic nausea, word nausea, relevance</i>, then you will have to familiarize yourself with all this.</p> <p>I think the ideal to strive for is unique text that is interesting to the reader, optimized for the desired query (but not over-optimized), with little vomit value, and easy to read material. It’s great when the author tries to communicate through his articles and doesn’t present it dryly (to be honest, I hope it’s not dryly written)</p> <h2>Template/site design improvements</h2> <p>First, I'll talk about adaptability. Adaptive pattern is the need of the hour these days. If it is not there, then you will seriously lack traffic. I don’t know how about seriously, but you definitely won’t get it.</p> <p>Accordingly, if you have a fixed template, you need to fix it urgently. Which way? You can order a freelancer to implement adaptability, you can try to do it yourself (if you have knowledge about media queries), you can simply change the template to adaptive and then remake it to suit your needs. If you have a young site, then you can still afford to experiment with the appearance.</p> <p>Oddly enough, but creating a logo and a site icon (favicon) can also improve things a little. It’s not so much a matter of optimization as it is a matter of the logic of such a thing. For example, if your site is in first place in Yandex results but it does not have an icon, then the user may click not on it, but on another site. We are people, visual perception is important to us. <span><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dolinacoda.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ikonka-v-vydache.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>The result or what?</h2> <p>Again, this is by no means <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/velcom-by-lichnyi-kabinet-polnyi-spisok-ussd-zaprosov-dlya-abonentov-a1.html">full list</a> what can be done for search engine optimization. SEO is a huge science, it’s better to write a book on it, not an article. However, I wrote this post partly for myself, to update the main points in my mind, but you, of course, can learn something useful from it, I hope.</p> <p>I think the article will definitely be updated, since I decided to collect more different optimization methods in it. Still, I don’t have an SEO blog and I won’t write about it in other articles, most likely, so this post acts as an “all in one”.</p> <p>As you can see, SEO optimization of a website on your own is not that difficult. In general, you can figure it out in a week. Therefore, if you do not want to invest in hiring a specialist, try going through the points indicated in the article and completing them. In any case, the effect will be much better than if you did nothing at all.</p> <p><i>Are you new to SEO and don't know where to start? Present to your attention <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/dobavit-v-gruppu-tolko-po-gorodu-odnoklassniki-kratkoe.html">quick guide</a> for beginner SEO optimizers.</i></p> <p>After reading this article, you will have a clear idea of ​​what you need to do and where to move next.</p> <p>Let me start with the most important Golden Rule, which always works when you are introduced to something for the first time.</p> <p>When reading an article like this, don't distract yourself by thinking about some of the underlying topics. Just try to follow the author's thoughts. Leave questions like “WHY” and “HOW” for later.</p> <p>Hope you're ready! Let's move on...</p> <h2>How to Get Started with the SEO Guide</h2> <p>As described above, the purpose of this guide is to give beginners an understanding of search engine optimization. I spent some time <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/pravilnoe-oformlenie-tablic-oformlenie-i-zashchita-issledovatelskoi-raboty-trebovaniya-k-oformleniyu.html">research work</a> and tried to answer some important questions.</p> <p>I'll start with the first and most important question.</p> <h2>What is search engine optimization (SEO)?</h2> <p>SEO is a combination of strategies that aim to increase the visibility of a website and improve its positioning in search engines. We can say that this is a way of communicating to search engines about the quality of a website in order to attract <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/kak-sdelat-udobnoi-rabotu-s-bolshim-kolichestvom-vkladok-v-brauzere-kak-vernut.html">more</a> organic (unpaid) traffic by improving the site’s ranking in search engines.</p> <p>For the most part, it depends on the content, structure, and links of the website. It is in this direction that it needs to be developed.</p> <p>But remember! SEO optimization is aimed at improving interaction with the search engine, but you should never forget about your audience. User experience comes first.</p> <p>Do you already have questions?</p> <p>I hope to answer all your SEO related questions in this article.</p> <h2>Why does my website need SEO?</h2> <p>To answer this question, let's remember what I already wrote about - SEO is necessary to improve website visibility!</p> <p>And that's why:</p> <p>Search engines are the biggest and most <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/programma-dlya-sozdaniya-landing-page-reiting-luchshii-konstruktor.html">best source</a> Internet traffic. You probably already know the main ones:</p> <ul><li><i>Yandex;</i></li> <li><i>Google;</i></li> <li><i>Bing;</i></li> <li><i>Yahoo.</i></li> </ul> <p>Some of my friends still use the line <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/kak-v-vindovs-7-iskat-faily-vse-sekrety-poiska-v-google-naid-tsya-deistvitelno.html">Google search</a> to enter <i>Facebook</i>.</p> <p>SEO newbies always use Google to search for information. The same applies <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/samsung-galaxy-tab-2-7-0-pereproshivka-zamena-sistemy-ili-pereproshivka-samsung.html">ordinary users</a> Internet. When they want to find something (an article, some services, products or any other information), they turn to Google.</p> <p>Another reason search engines are unique is that they provide targeted traffic. People are looking for exactly what we offer.</p> <p>User search queries are the words that are entered into the search bar. These words are critical. If the SEO is not that good, our website will be ignored by search engines.</p> <p>Targeted traffic means improved income. So don't hesitate to invest in if you really want to earn income.</p> <h2>What if I don’t do SEO on my website?</h2> <p>Here you might think something like this:</p> <p>"Dude! Is this exactly the same question as the previous one? You just explained that no SEO means no traffic from search engines!”</p> <p>Yes! You are right... But I want to dwell on this in more detail. I'm sure you won't mind after reading the following interesting information.</p> <p>Once your site is launched, search engines crawl it to find out what kind of site it is. Now, when a user searches for something related to your website, search engines will display your website in the search results. Search engines are brilliant engines and are constantly improving to crawl sites more efficiently. However, search engines also have certain limitations.</p> <p>This is why SEO is necessary. SEO optimization helps search engines learn more about a website.</p> <p>Correct SEO optimization will attract thousands of users, but incorrect SEO will result in almost zero traffic.</p> <p>SEO optimization not only makes your website's content accessible to search engines, but also improves your website's ranking by positioning it higher in search results. Therefore, it will be easier to find you.</p> <p>The competition is constantly increasing, and those involved in SEO undoubtedly have a distinct advantage in matters and attracting audiences.</p> <p>I hope the concept of SEO is now clearer.</p> <p>Let's move on to the next question of our guide.</p> <h2>Can I do SEO?</h2> <p>Yes, SEO is difficult, but not too difficult if you keep track of all the changes! The basics of SEO are quite simple, so it's all about how you implement your chosen strategies. The Internet is full of free resources () to learn how to do it correctly.</p> <p>Practice and you will become an expert in your niche!..</p> <p>If your site is complex and you are not ready to learn and implement strategies, seek professional help.</p> <p>But remember: you must have a very good understanding of the basic concepts of SEO!..</p> <p>I think that now you can easily answer the question: “”</p> <p>The next section of my guide contains more practical information and lots of tips regarding SEO strategy.</p> <h2>How do Yandex and Google work? Black Hat SEO/White Hat SEO</h2> <p>Before discussing SEO in more detail, I would like to tell you about black hat SEO and white hat SEO. Here's how to describe them briefly:</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/SEO-1.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 1. Black hat SEO, white hat SEO</i></p> <p>Remember, we are working with white hat SEO. I won't go into details of the comparison. That's it for the basics. At least for me on this topic.</p> <p>Before we move on to the next point, check out the list of the main sections of SEO:</p> <ul><li>keyword research;</li> <li>site page optimization ();</li> <li>external SEO (external factors).</li> </ul><h2>Keyword Research</h2> <p>Almost all beginner's guides to SEO ignore this point. In my opinion, it is one of the most important.</p> <p>SEO is a game of keywords.</p> <p>Therefore, I decided to dwell on this issue in detail. What is keyword research and why is it important?</p> <p>In the previous part of this guide I already talked about custom <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/storonu-semanticheskogo-yadra-slovosochetaniya-prostoi-primer.html">search queries</a>. The user's exact wording is called keywords.</p> <p>You must know the keywords related to your topic or niche if you want to be successful in the SEO field. Various keywords have <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/tablica-oboznacheniya-cvetov-cvet-v-stilyah-mozhno-zadavat-raznymi.html">different meaning</a> depending on search volume and some other factors. We don't need to go into these aspects further in this guide.</p> <p>Keyword research aims to discover user intent. What exactly are users looking for? These are the keywords.</p> <p>Using the right keywords is a crucial thing for your website's SEO. They give you the opportunity to better understand your target audience. And this increases the relevance of your site in relation to your topic - this is very important for SEO and search engines.</p> <p>You need to do proper research to find valuable keywords related to your topic before launching a website. Even if you already have a website, you can optimize it with the right keywords.</p> <p>If you want to learn more about keyword research, check out the following articles...</p> <p>Let's move on to the next step!</p> <h2>SEO optimization of website pages</h2> <p>SEO for a website page involves everything that is displayed on it and concerns its programming. You need to optimize website pages, posts, etc. for search engines.</p> <p>In a nutshell, it’s optimizing content for search engines!</p> <p>On-page SEO covers many aspects, so let's break it down into parts.</p> <h3>1. Content</h3> <p>Content is the largest part of on-page SEO. You may have heard a famous quote regarding content:</p> <p>“Content is king.” There is no doubt about it.</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2-1.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 2. Content is king</i></p> <p>Do you know that <i>Google</i>– this is the largest search engine!? The company's main priority <i>Google</i> is providing its users with the most content <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/wordpress-4-7-3-shablony-horoshem-kachestve-shablony-wordpress-financeplus-finansovyi-biznes-shablon.html">best quality</a>, relevant information available on the Internet.</p> <p>Company <i>Google</i> also appreciates content of the right length. Write long and informative texts.</p> <p>The content on your website is more than just text. These are videos, photographs, animated slides, infographics, etc.</p> <p>Content <i>– </i> not a king! How you present it is what makes all the difference.</p> <p>Take care of the best user experience and at the same time optimize your site for search engines. Then your content is more likely to be shared by your readers.</p> <p>Focus more on good content:</p> <ol><li>Headings – Create captivating headings that will increase the reader's interest in the article. You only have one chance to make a good first impression.</li> <li>Keywords – choose keywords that would lead people to your site.</li> <li>Links – Link to quality sites that complement your site. This encourages sites in your niche to contact you.</li> <li>Quality – try to publish unique and high-quality content. This keeps users coming back to your site because they won't be able to find the same content elsewhere.</li> <li>Freshness – Posting content that doesn’t become outdated is a good strategy, but it’s also a good idea to add new content regularly. If you don't have time to add content to your website, consider creating a Q&A section or blog on your site.</li> </ol><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/3.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 3. Dependence of content positioning in Google on the number of words</i></p> <p>When creating content, don't forget about keyword research.</p> <h3>2. Site menu</h3> <p>The website menu comes in second place when it comes to website optimization – you also need to take care of it.</p> <p>An example of a bad menu is when the categories are completely irrelevant compared to the theme.</p> <p>I have personally seen several sites that dealt with health issues, but the categories on the site were related to fashion. Don't harm your own SEO like this.</p> <p>This greatly interferes and distracts the user...</p> <p>If the menu is unsuccessful, is it likely that the visitor will never return to the site? – 80%...</p> <p>Take care of the convenience of your website! <i>Google</i> will appreciate it.</p> <h3>3. Website speed</h3> <p>Yes! Website loading speed is of great importance! Have you ever heard of wait times? Let me tell you what it is.</p> <p>A user searches for something and your site appears in the search engine results row (SERP).</p> <p>The user then opens your page. Dwell time is the amount of time a user remains on a website after clicking on a link.</p> <p>This is a very important search engine ranking factor.</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/4.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 4. Waiting time on the site</i></p> <p>Let's look at what happens with an example...</p> <p>Imagine searching for something and then opening a website that appears in the search results.</p> <p>What to do if a website takes too long to load? What would you do? Will you wait? Hardly. Most likely, you will close the tab and follow another link...</p> <p>Here's how latency affects your site.</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/5.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 5. Average site loading time</i></p> <p>In short, the user needs speed as well as <i>Google</i>. By improving your site speed, you will reduce wait times and therefore improve your ranking in search results.</p> <h3>4. Website design</h3> <p>Website design is another important factor for a good user experience... The theme should be interesting and memorable.</p> <p>I prefer websites with attractive designs and informative content. I can, of course, read content on a poorly designed site, but only when it is the only search result...</p> <p>There are many sites with great content but poor design.</p> <p>Ask yourself a question: will you stay on a site that cannot be viewed properly from a smartphone?</p> <p>Most likely, you will stop visiting this site altogether...</p> <p>I say this from personal experience!</p> <p>Design is not just what a website looks like. It's also how the site works.</p> <p>The site must be responsive and attractive.</p> <p>Well, enough talking about on-page SEO optimization.</p> <h2>Offsite SEO</h2> <p>Off-page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO; it helps make your domain more authoritative in the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>In other words, it is a way to make your website reliable in the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>This will happen when other well-known sites signal to the search engine that your site has the best content on a certain topic.</p> <p>How does this happen?..</p> <p>We need other well-known resources on the Internet that are related to your niche to link to our site. In technical terms, this is called link building.</p> <p>Naturally, this does not happen automatically. Post content <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/kompaniya-archos---francuzskie-gadzhety-vysokogo-kachestva-ne-pokupaite-archos.html">High Quality</a> on your website and share it with interested people on various online marketing platforms.</p> <p>Eventually, someone will start linking to your resource.</p> <p>The best link building strategy is to create good content. Then you need to tell everyone else about it.</p> <p>But remember: in today's competitive environment, you need to know how to do link building. Use techniques and tips from well-known quality sites.</p> <p>Your hard work in this activity will definitely be rewarded with a good rating.</p> <p>Just know what to do:</p> <ul><li>use <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/knopki-socialnyh-setei-knopki-socialnyh-setei-vybor-luchshego-servisa.html">social media</a> to promote your content;</li> <li>engage in blogging and guest blogging;</li> <li>propose solutions in discussion forums;</li> <li>share photos and videos;</li> <li>build meaningful business lists.</li> </ul><p>The next headline may be a little annoying, but trust me, it's important information...</p> <h2>What do links look like and how to get them?</h2> <h3>Tags for links</h3> <p>This is a signal to the search engine. Something like: “Hey! The following information is a link. This is called "anchor text."</p> <ol><li>Link location. This is information for the search engine about the site where the link leads. This site could be a web page, an image, a download, a video, etc. You can save the location of the link.</li> <li>Visible/Anchor Link Text: You may have seen text like this that is blue, bold, or underlined and is clickable. Clicking on it takes you to another web page. These links are called anchor text.</li> <li>Closing link tag: As you can guess from the tag, this is a signal indicating <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/internet/tablica-populyarnosti-poiskovoi-sistemoi-v-mire-luchshie-poiskovye.html">search engine</a> to the end of the link.</li> </ol><p>You will need the above information when you start building links.</p> <p>On average, the higher the score, the greater the number of domains associated with the web page.</p> <p>Fine! Now we have an idea of ​​some communication parameters. Let's move on. You need to figure out how you can get links.</p><p>I think I managed to influence your ideas about link building. Now you have a better understanding of what off-page SEO is...</p> <h2>Where to go next?</h2> <p>Now that you've read the SEO guide, you may feel like I've missed a lot <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/mobilnyi-telefon-htc-windows-phone-8x-informaciya-o-drugih-vazhnyh-tehnologiyah-podklyucheniya-podderzhi.html">important information</a>, especially if you are not a beginner.</p> <p>Yes, I did it deliberately.</p> <p>I could write 50 thousand words on this topic, create a long and <a href="https://zhumor.ru/en/computer/kak-igrat-po-lokalnoi-seti---podrobnoe-rukovodstvo-byvalyh.html">detailed guide</a>. But believe me, this would be irritating for beginners.</p> <p>There are many such guides on the Internet. Why did I decide to add my own?</p> <p>My goal is to give you some understanding of the basic concepts. You can read more about them in other guides.</p> <p>As you continue on your way, try to do the following:</p><p>Once you've done all these things, keep learning and improving. Study the sub-points of my guide - you will find more and more new information thanks to experts in the field of SEO.</p> <p>Parameters like domain authority, page authority, trust level, citations, backlinks and spam are very important. They can significantly affect your rating. Use <i>Google</i> to study the issue in more detail.</p> <h2>Summing up</h2> <p>I'm sure you've improved your SEO knowledge with this guide.</p> <p>Feel free to ask questions and learn further. I wish you success!</p> <p>Magomed Cherbizhev</p> Share:<script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="share"> <div class="title">Did you like the article? 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