Satellite dish without attachment. Satellite TV connection

TVs are getting smarter and better every year. Leading manufacturers do not stand still and constantly come up with new technologies and opportunities for their products. One such interesting innovation is the built-in DVB-S2 digital tuner on some LG TVs (and many other manufacturers). At first glance, an unremarkable technology, which can even be lost among many others, opens up quite interesting possibilities.

What is it and why is it needed? Due to the fact that the TV has such a device, you can watch satellite TV without using a special receiver. We can say that this is a built-in receiver. Therefore, you can directly connect the “dish” to the TV and catch channels from the satellite.

Now tuners of this standard are gaining particular popularity, so they can be found on many TVs. Make sure that DVB-S2 technology is available, specific model, you can look at the description for the TV, which is on the official websites of manufacturers. For example, it might look like this:

We decided to test the operation of the digital tuner on an LG TV. In general, everything is good, but not perfect. Unfortunately, it turned out that with the help of DVB-S2 it is possible to catch only completely open channels. In our case, there were no Ukrainian and Russian among them. Which is no longer good. This is due to the fact that special keys are usually sewn into receivers that are used in the CIS to view encrypted channels. Such keys are not entered into TVs and there is no way to do this. For manufacturers, there is no particular need for this. But then why write an article about a device that is not very useful, you ask? After all, what is so interesting in the channels that are transmitted on understandable languages and not far from always showing interesting programs? But not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. TVs that have DVB-S2 also have support for CAM modules. A special card can be inserted into these modules to obtain pay TV from satellite. The module itself is connected to the TV via PCMCIA interface. It looks like this:

To switch between different sources signal (cable TV, HDMI, etc.), press the INPUT button on the remote control and select the right source.

In general, there is nothing complicated here. It is enough to connect a tuned antenna and start searching for channels. If something does not work out, or if you have any questions - describe your problem in the comments, and we will definitely help.

Not so long ago, to view any channel satellites, it was necessary to have not only a special antenna, but also a receiver, which is a receiver. Today, thanks to the latest developments, you can view Tricolor channels without it. Most modern TVs already have a built-in tuner that supports the necessary standards, as well as a slot for a CI module. Correct setting The antenna allows you to receive signals from operators, so a receiver prefix from the Tricolor provider is not required.

Antenna connection and module installation

To watch TV channels Tricolor TV antenna is connected to the F-connector, which is located near the conventional terrestrial antenna.

This option has several advantages:

  • minimum number of wires;
  • only the remote control from the TV is enough to control;
  • no need to look for a place to install the receiver;
  • no need to buy a satellite receiver.

To decode the Tricolor channels, it is enough to install a special smart card, as well as a module, without which you can watch only the minimum number of channels that are open. Removal or installation of the module is carried out only when the equipment is turned off. The CAM module with the card is mounted in the PCMCI slot, with the barcode facing the screen.

TVs that already have DVB-S2 tuners installed are able to support these modules. They are a device in which a Tricolor card is installed and all this is inserted into the connector from the TV. After the module is installed, the cable is connected and the TV itself turns on in search mode. Set the transmission source in the menu satellite signal and the channel search starts. The system determines the channels, remembers them, but in this case only informational TV channels are open. These actions are carried out to check the functionality and compatibility of the module and the TV.

The next step is to register the contract and activate the access card without a receiver. The procedure is carried out on the official website of the Tricolor TV provider, where the channel package is selected, the card and contract number is entered. At the same time, CI + is put in the field with the inscription "Terminal model". This application is sent for further verification and registration with the operator's company. During this time, the TV must remain switched on on any scrambled channel of the selected package. Within two hours, an automatic connection occurs.

Module and manual setting

The Tricolor module, which works without a receiver, allows subscribers to view channels at any time. It is a kind of replacement for additional equipment. However, in this case, there is one main condition - the presence of an appropriate connector on the TV. AT modern TVs he is always present. You can determine the location of this connector using the instructions from the TV. The satellite channel operator allows you to view channels through the module in HD format High Quality or digital SD.

To manually set up the Tricolor channels without using any receiver, you need to turn on the TV in the corresponding menu, select manual setting. You also need to set the modulation parameters - QAM 64. The transmission rate should be 6900 KS / S, after which the search is turned on. This procedure is also performed for frequencies from 144000 to 394999KHz.

The main purpose of the module

The module used in the TV has several important purposes:

  • it allows you to decode channels;
  • protects against unauthorized viewing attempts;
  • transmits a high-quality signal;
  • saves space;
  • reduces power consumption due to the fact that there is no receiver.

Due to its features and easy installation, it is now becoming more and more popular. At the same time, it can decode one radio signal or a Tricolor TV signal. At the same time, the system itself can only support card identification numbers that have fourteen digits.

In addition, the presented map ensures correct operation when viewing the Optimum package. You can buy the module at official store operator satellite television Tricolor TV with various configuration options. You can also order various satellite equipment and necessary services.

The best operator in Russia

Tricolor can rightly be called one of the most modern operators in Russia, which is trying in every possible way to offer its subscribers only the best services at competitive prices. The choice of packages is really small, however, each of them includes a large selection of different channels for children and adults. I am very pleased with the affordable prices for the packages offered - it is enough to pay from 150 to 900 rubles only once a year and you don’t have to worry about anything. For a small cost, each subscriber will be able to watch their favorite TV shows and movies in the highest quality.

Tricolor TV has been operating for more than fifteen years and offers customers a variety of equipment and service support. And now customers can use a completely new and very convenient service for viewing satellite channels without additional equipment - it is enough to purchase only a module that is inserted into the TV. There is nothing superfluous - no waste of money, no wires, no unnecessary equipment. Subscribers have only one thing left - to enjoy a high-quality signal and a wide variety of channels from Tricolor.

In most apartments and even private houses within any even a small city, reception quality problems television signal now there is almost no, since almost everywhere it is carried out cable TV. In most multi-apartment buildings in cities with a population of over a million, there may be several cable TV operators, which gives residents a pretty good choice.

But as you move away from the city center, the availability of high-quality cable TV is gradually "reduced to nothing". And outside the city, as a rule, cable TV completely missing.

Therefore, summer residents, for the most part, are content with the fact that they watch from the strength of several channels of on-air television, which they manage to catch on. And image quality often leaves much to be desired. Especially if the summer cottage is located far from the radiating terrestrial television station, then on the TV screen you can see a lot of interference from "snow" to "streaks" and black and white instead of color.

Most of Russia terrestrial television is still being transmitted to analog format. This method of signal transmission has one significant drawback: the signal-to-noise ratio drops sharply with distance from the emitter.

Noise (interference) with the distance from the television center begins to more and more prevail over the main signal. This just manifests itself in the appearance of "snow" on the screen. If the cottage or village is very far from the transmitting station, then the noise will eventually interrupt the signal completely, and it becomes impossible to watch TV channel at all.

Now the country is introducing digital TV signal transmission, and over time it is planned to completely abandon the transmission of television programs in analog format.

What are the advantages of digital TV over analog TV?

The transmission of a signal "encoded in digital" compared to the direct transmission in analog format gives several advantages:

  • Improving the noise immunity of the transmission and recording paths of television signals.
  • Reducing the power of transmitters.
  • Significant increase in the number of TV programs transmitted in the same frequency range.
  • Improving the quality of image and sound in TV receivers.
  • Creation of TV systems with new standards of image decomposition (high-definition television).
  • Creation of interactive TV systems, when using which the viewer gets the opportunity to influence the transmitted program (for example, video on demand).
  • "Start of Transfer" function.
  • Archive of TV programs and recording of TV programs.
  • Transmission in the TV signal of various additional information.
  • Choice of language (more than usual two) and subtitles.
  • Extension functionality studio equipment.
  • Possibility of adding to radio multiplexes

But there are also some limitations:

  • Fading and scattering of the picture into “squares” with an insufficient level of the received signal, the data is either received with 100% quality or is restored, or is received poorly with the impossibility of recovery.
  • Almost complete fading of the signal in a thunderstorm.
  • Even a transmitter with a power of 10 kW and a height of a transmitting antenna of 350 m provides reliable reception at a distance of 50 km, and as a result, the need for a larger number of transmitting centers than with analog TV (more frequent location of transmitting antennas).

Since we are discussing from the point of view of an ordinary user, basically only image quality, then we can single out only one main feature of digital terrestrial TV in front of outdated analog:

Digital TV is very resistant to interference. To do this, the signal is encoded with some redundancy. The digital tuner will produce a perfect picture even if there is a large number interference. And he will do this until the signal-to-noise ratio drops to a minimum, when the signal comes already completely on the verge of the capabilities of the equipment.

That is, in analog broadcasting, as the signal level drops, you will see the picture worse and worse. In digital broadcasting, you won't notice a drop in signal until the tuner is no longer able to recover the lost pieces of the image, and it "splits into squares" and then completely disappears.

Types of digital television

According to the transmission channel, digital TV can be divided into four types:

  • Cable (DVB-C)
  • Terrestrial (DVB-T2)
  • Satellite (DVB-S)
  • Internet TV (IP TV)

We will not consider cable TV and IP television in the country because of their great rarity. But satellite and terrestrial digital television broadcasting in the country is relevant.

Moreover, satellite DTV has been used by consumers for quite a long time, and in especially remote areas there are no alternatives to it at all. We will consider it in our separate article.

But terrestrial DTV began to enter the life of gardeners and summer residents relatively recently. Let's talk about it in more detail today.

Terrestrial digital television in the country

The terrestrial digital television broadcasting network in the Russian Federation is still in the process of being built and available so far mostly near major cities. But it already covers a significant part of the suburban areas. Therefore, the issue of connectivity has become very relevant in recent times.

How to connect to the terrestrial DTV?

If you want to try connecting digital television in the country, first you need to determine does your site fall within the coverage area of ​​one of the DTV transmitting antennas. The location of the site will depend on how it will catch digital signal your TV receiver.

Most reliable way find out - ask your neighbors summer cottage, perhaps one of them is already watching TV channels in digital form. Then you can be completely sure that "the signal reaches you."

If no one in the area has heard of digital TV yet, then you need to try to find out if your site falls within the boundaries broadcasting radius of the local radiating DTV station.


The broadcasting radius of a DTV station usually lies within 20-50 km, depending on the terrain and building density. On average, about 30 km is reception area.

Each region has its own local organization - on-air DTV operator, which is responsible for building and maintaining the network. On their website you can usually see the locations of broadcast stations and even coverage maps. Or you can get information from them by phone or in writing.

The DTV network in the Russian Federation is being built by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

Each region has a division of this organization.

You can call and find out everything by phone numbers in your region from the page.

If you are lucky and you found out that your dacha is located in the “numbers” broadcasting zone, then it's time to decide on necessary equipment to receive DTV.


So, you already have a TV in the country, a plot in the DTV broadcasting area. We proceed to the installation of digital television in the country. What else is needed to receive a signal? At least you need an antenna.

Antenna for receiving digital television

Universal MV / UHF antenna for digital TV reception

If a digital TV tower is nearby, then it is enough and indoor antenna . I will say even more, I personally confidently caught the DTV signal in the city of Ufa on a meter-long piece of wire.

If not everything is so perfect with the signal level, then you will need to install an antenna in the country to receive digital channels. Now most antennas on the market are well suited for this, as they support reception of signals in the decimeter range (UHF / UHF).

For example, you can put the antenna "GAL", "Locus", "Zenith", "Meridian", "Ether", etc. I bought my antenna in Auchan for 1000 rubles.

If you know the exact location of the DTV tower, then everything is simple: direct the antenna on her and everything. Usually this is enough to catch the signal and watch digital TV without any problems.

If the exact direction is not known, then you need to gradually turn the antenna until you find the best position. Majority digital set-top boxes have signal level and quality indicator, which is displayed on the TV screen, and by which you can find the best position of the antenna. They usually do this together: one person turns the antenna, the second monitors the signal level.

When you have found the maximum possible signal level and the antenna is installed in the right direction, you need to search for channels on the set-top box.

Setting up digital television in the country

The easiest way is to find the “Auto search for channels” item in the set-top box menu, and then the set-top box will do everything itself: it will find all available digital channels and number them in order.

List of digital terrestrial television channels

Now the fun part: what channels does digital tv show for free?

Since my dacha is in the suburbs of Ufa, and I am writing from my own experience, it means that I am considering digital terrestrial television in Ufa. But as far as I understand list of channels throughout Russia will be the same with rare exceptions, so the information will be useful to everyone, and not just the residents of Bashkortostan.

At our dacha, TsTV shows 20 channels: 10 on each multiplex.

List of digital television channels

Here full list channels in Ufa:

1 "First channel"
2 "Russia 1"
3 "Match TV"
4 "NTV"
5 "Petersburg-5 channel"
6 "Russia K"
7 "Russia 24"
8 "Carousel"
9 "Public Television of Russia"
10 "TV Center - Moscow"
12 "SAVED"
13 "The first entertainment STS"
14 "Home"
15 "TV-3"
16 Friday
17 "STAR"
18 "WORLD"
19 "TNT"
20 "Muz TV"

I hope I helped you understand all the nuances of digital TV. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.

In September 2017, Tricolor launched the Online TV option in test mode, which for the first time made it possible to legally watch content satellite operator without a plate. From July 2018, thanks to the new developments of the operator, connect to Tricolor without a satellite and experience all the benefits this decision every subscriber can

How Tricolor TV works without a satellite dish

Broadcasting satellite TV channels in digital quality via the Internet is the main principle of the new option. Thanks to the additional RJ45 input on new models of receivers, you can connect and watch Tricolor TV without a dish either directly or via a Wi-Fi network.

How to connect Tricolor without an antenna

In order for Tricolor to work without a plate, a set of new equipment is required. To connect, you will need an interactive receiver that was released no earlier than three years ago, as well as an additional twisted-pair computer cable. In addition, the Internet speed must be at least 15 Mbps.

Step-by-step instruction

To connect Tricolor without a plate, you must perform the following steps:
Check if the "Single" channel package is active: if the subscription is not activated, it is not possible to connect to the Internet.
Check the receiver software: the receiver must have latest version software; update it if necessary.
Connect the receiver to the Internet using a special cable.
Usually there are no problems connecting the receiver to the network. However, if the equipment is outdated or any special settings are set in the router, the Tricolor without a dish will not automatically connect. If this does not happen with a cable connection:
enter the network settings menu and select the "Auto" mode;
enter the network settings menu and specify the parameters manually, if necessary, check with your Internet provider.
With a wireless connection, you will need to log in by ID, after which the receiver will connect to Wi-Fi automatically.

Features of setting channels without a dish

If Tricolor without a dish connected automatically, it remains to select the broadcast source. The channel has a corresponding tab in context menu- you must select "Internet". When you select a broadcast source in the channel menu, the changes will be saved.
The broadcast source can be specified in the "Settings" menu through the "Broadcasting" tab. After switching to it, the “Broadcast source” tab will open, where you will also need to select “Internet”. The default settings are always "Satellite". If the broadcast source was selected through advanced settings, then nothing changes in the channel settings.

Which tuners can receive Online TV

The ability to install Tricolor without a dish is provided in the latest receiver models, which can be viewed at the link in the ““ section. Information about them is regularly updated on the operator's website, as the system is constantly being improved and adapted to the equipment. When connecting the Tricolor Online package without a dish, pay special attention to the special receiver model - GS AC790, which combines not only the function of watching TV via the Internet, but also a game console.
If you have multiple TVs in your home, you must connect the main receiver to the Internet.
If your equipment does not support Tricolor Internet broadcasting without a dish, you will have to replace it with a new one to use the option. On the this moment there is a promotion for the exchange of Tricolor TV equipment - ““.

The cost of setting up and connecting the Online TV function

If you already have a satellite dish installed and the “Single” channel package is active, you can connect and configure Online TV channels completely free of charge. If the standard channel package is not active, for Tricolor to work without a dish with an Internet connection, you just need to pay for a subscription. The minimum cost of a subscription to the "Unified" channel package is 1,500 rubles per year.
For subscribers who are unable to install satellite dish, an Internet version of the Tricolor Online operator is available with a package of 134 channels at a price of 2000 rubles per year.

Pros and cons of Tricolor TV without a dish

Tricolor without a plate gives subscribers the following benefits:
free additional TV channels previously available for viewing on a paid basis or in certain regions;
the ability to use the receiver anywhere where there is an Internet connection;
independence from weather conditions and other external influences to which it is sensitive satellite connection;
telearchive, content rewind and other functions of interactive TV.
The main disadvantages of Tricolor without a dish are the inability to use old models of equipment, as well as the direct dependence of broadcast quality on Internet speed. However, these technical issues are easily resolved.
