How to Avoid Blue Screen of Death - An Ultimate Guide for BSOD Memory Management. How to fix MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen errors (0x0000001A) 0x0000001a windows 7 x32 solution

Computer technology today is one of the most rapidly developing areas of activity in our civilization. On the one hand this is good, but there are also negative sides. For example, a person can purchase what seems to be modern and up-to-date equipment, but after a few months it will begin to malfunction under loads that have increased several times during this time. As a result, the operating system begins to signal the user about problems that have arisen. One of them may well be a memory error management Windows 10.

Fortunately, most of these problems can be corrected. The main thing is to know their cause and methods of treatment. So, how to fix Windows 10 memory management error?

The most popular causes

If we consider this problem in general, then the memory management error code signals the user about some troubles with the memory being used. Since it is when accessing this resource that memory management arises Windows error 10.

By the way, a similar situation can also occur on older versions of the operating system from Microsoft, so the analysis of treatment methods described below will also be useful for owners of PCs that use eight or seven.

The reasons for the RAM failure, which prevent it from working fully when the “video memory management internal” message appears, may be the following factors:

  • Activation of various virus programs.
  • Physical malfunction of the installed memory stick.
  • Trouble with the hard drive.
  • Outdated version of the BIOS used.
  • Problems with the drivers used.
  • Incorrectly configured power supply.

So there is memory management blue Windows screen, there is a list possible reasons. You can begin to solve the problem.

Method of treating the problem

Naturally, it is recommended to start fixing a memory management error by analyzing the performance of the RAM. If this problem appears on the figure eight, then you must first of all launch the control panel (in safe mode) and find the line “Windows memory diagnostic” in the list of available options. If you have another system, you will have to first download one of the specialized programs from the network or disk. For example, MemoryTest or its equivalent.

If, after such a diagnosis, the blue screen of Windows 7 (8.10) memory management still constantly appears, then you need to check the installed memory levels in manual mode. It’s very good when there are several of them. In this case, the owner of the computer is required to alternately remove them from the slots and start the PC to find out whether the memory management Windows 8 (7.10) error appears. If there is none, the removed bar will have to be replaced. It is more difficult to perform such a check when using only one product. In this case, you need to find somewhere else - one that is guaranteed to work.

Eliminating the influence of viruses is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to install and run one of the current ones on this moment antivirus time. Naturally, the most complete verification is required.

If all of the above steps did not give a positive result, move on to the BIOS and drivers. If after Windows installations 10 memory management pops up, then the reason may lie in these options. It is advisable to update drivers manually - through the device manager. Of course, now you can download a variety of software designed for this purpose, but such programs often fail, so it is better to do everything yourself, without relying on automatic algorithms.

If the user is confident that the cause of bsod memory management is the BIOS, then it is necessary:

  1. Restart the computer and go into BIOS.
  2. Find out the current version and manufacturer.
  3. Go to the developer’s website and download the most current version. Perform reinstallation.

The latest possible action is scanning for worker problems hard drive. There are two options here, but it is advisable to use them all:

  1. Force the system to execute sfc /scannow by entering an order in command line.
  2. Download one of the specialized programs and diagnose the hard drive.

The final possible cause concerns the power supply. Naturally, it is only relevant for laptop PCs. To level it out, you will have to go into the settings of your laptop or netbook and set the power to balanced mode.

Strict adherence to the described instructions almost always guarantees complete treatment of this disease, which prevents a person from fully using personal electronic equipment.

Today it is not uncommon for such a situation to happen - a person has acquired, it seems, modern computer, and after a few months he observes with surprise that his electronic property began to cope worse with assigned tasks. Not only is it slower, but it also constantly reports about some conflicts and failures. For example, a memory management error in Windows 10 indicates that the RAM is not able to fully function.

Yes it's sad. Yes, it's unpleasant. But something must be done! Naturally, first of all, find the answer to the question: memory management error Windows 10 - how to fix it?

The answer to this question will allow us to develop a method for correcting this problem.

What could lead to such a situation?

The analysis of the task at hand can begin with the information that the “memory management error code” message provides us with. Even those who know little English language a person must understand that this inscription indicates some problems with the RAM used.

That is, the situation looks like this:

  • A program or hardware accesses operating memory.
  • This resource begins to experience problems because, for some reason, it can no longer cope with the load.
  • A message immediately appears on the screen - memory management error Windows 10, 7 or 8.

Why is this possible? There are several possible reasons for this. And there are more of them than in Nikolaev’s famous song. So, what can cause video memory management internal:

  • Believe it or not, the harmful effects of viruses can lead to a similar situation.
  • The memory stick is faulty physical level.
  • There is trouble with the hard drive you are using.
  • The BIOS you are using is outdated and urgently requires updating.
  • Something happened to the installed drivers.
  • Incorrect power settings on laptop computers.

So, we got all the necessary information about what causes the Windows memory management blue screen. Let's go further - return the computer to normal operating condition.

We solve the problem ourselves

We will treat the PC according to the list of memory management errors presented above. Fighting viruses? As easy as pie:

  • We go online and download a good antivirus program.
  • We install this software, run a deep scan and wait for the results.

If this did not help fix the blue screen of Windows 7 (8.10) memory management, then move on to testing the installed memory. It is easiest to perform a similar procedure in the eighth version of the operating system, since it has the necessary built-in tool. For other options, you will have to download specialized software, for example, MemoryTest or its closest analogue. If your PC has several memory sticks at once, you can also check them manually. To do this, you will need to gain access to them, turn off the power and remove the RAM from the slots one by one to check whether the memory management error Windows 8 (10, 7) continues to manifest itself?

The next stage is resolving the issue with outdated BIOS version. If after installing Windows 10 memory management pops up, then there is a high probability of this particular case. To fix you will need:

  • Restart the computer and go to the BIOS menu.
  • Find out the manufacturing company and the current version.
  • Go to the official website of the developer, select the most recent version, download it and install it.

Problematic drivers and bsod memory management are solved as follows:

  • Start the computer in safe mode.
  • Go to Device Manager.
  • Updating control files using the settings menu of each equipment.

It remains to check the last two possible root causes. For the first of them, namely troubles with the hard drive, you need to run diagnostics and self-fix, which is included in every Microsoft operating system:

  • Start menu.
  • Launch the command line.
  • Entering an order for execution: “sfc /scannow”.
  • Additionally, you can run one of the specialized programs from other developers - you won’t spoil the porridge with oil.

Regarding problems with power supply, everything here is also quite simple and elementary. Launches the system control panel and searches for the item responsible for this characteristic. You will need to re-check the box to select balanced mode.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is a Blue Screen of Death, also known as error code 0x0000001A. The main reason why this problem occurs is because of an error that occurred during memory management.

If your computer is experiencing this problem, it means that something has happened to your software, operating system, or hardware memory management subsystem. To determine where exactly the error occurred, we will have to conduct various checks at all three levels.

It is also worth noting that it does not matter on what operating system You are working on Windows because... The error can appear on any version of it. So this article is suitable for all users. So, let's look at the solution methods that will help you get rid of the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen of death.

Method #1 Undo recent changes

That's right, if you recently made some changes on your computer, for example, installed new programs, then there is a possibility that the problem with the system crash was their fault.

It is possible that some programs on your computer were installed without your knowledge. Check the listings installed programs and remove any that were recently installed, as they may be causing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error.

Method No. 2 Removing drivers

In addition to installed programs, some drivers on the computer can create certain conflicts in the system, which result in such failures. For example, you installed a new video card in your system, but the drivers on the computer are still with old model. As soon as the system tries to make the new device work on old drivers, then a conflict may occur.

Based on in this example, remove those drivers that you think could cause a similar problem. To remove drivers, you can use the system Device Manager, where you will find a list of all devices running on your computer. Right-click on Start and select Device Manager.

Find in the list the device in which you see the culprit of the blue screen MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Right-click on it and go to Properties. Then click on “Driver” and click “Uninstall”.

Method No. 3 Restoring factory settings

If you recently overclocked some hardware inside your computer, then this very overclocking could lead the system to a state of instability, after which, in turn, the blue screen of death MEMORY_MANAGEMENT appeared.

To fix this problem, you just need to return your overclocked hardware to factory settings. As soon as you return everything to its original place, test the system. If everything goes well this time, then the issue was definitely a failure of overclocking.

Method #4 New hardware

System malfunctions can also occur due to the fault of a new hardware, which has just been installed into the system. For example, if you installed a brand new RAM stick and then immediately began to experience system failures, then the problem most likely lies in this particular hardware.

Try removing it from the system or replacing it with old sample. Test your PC for a while. If everything goes well and failures like the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen of death do not manifest themselves, then, unfortunately, the problem is in the new hardware.

As mentioned above, the issue may be incompatible drivers on which the operating system is trying to make the new hardware work. However, it may also happen that new purchase It just turned out to not work correctly. In this case, there is little that can be done - contact a service center, where they will inspect the faulty hardware.

Method No. 5 Checking RAM

If you start to experience blue screens of death, then the first thing you can do is start looking sideways at your RAM. It is possible that some of your RAM sticks have started to work with malfunctions and errors.

So, you can check your RAM in different ways. To begin with, you can conduct an external inspection of the slats to make sure they are in good condition. You can also remove them from motherboard and wipe the contacts with a rubber float or cotton swab with alcohol (just don’t overdo it!).

Next, you can perform a software test of the RAM. This can be done either using system forces or using a utility called MemTest86. We will now describe a method of checking through the system utility

  • Press the keys simultaneously Win+S.
  • Next, write in the search bar “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems.”
  • Select the search result that appears and the “Validator” window will appear in front of you. Windows memory».
  • You will be given two choices. You need to select the first option and then your PC will reboot.
  • When you start your computer, the “Windows Memory Checker” will appear on your screen, which will check your RAM.

That's all. As soon as the scan is completed, your computer will reboot again and you will see the scan results in the operating system itself.

Method No. 7 Performing a system recovery

If none of the above helped, then it’s time to move on to system recovery. This decision is, so to speak, the “ultimate” with blue screens of death, including also MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Using System Restore, you can note all the recent changes to your system that caused this problem to occur. To restore, do the following:

  • Click Win+S.
  • Enter “System Restore” into the search bar.
  • Next, select “Run System Restore” and follow the onscreen instructions.

Method #8 Reinstall Windows

Unfortunately, if even System Restore did not help you save yourself from the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD, then there is only one thing left - reinstalling Windows. On a clean operating system this problem should no longer exist.

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There is probably no need to say that with excessive load on operational and physical memory Unexpected failures may occur. One of these is designated MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (error) and is accompanied by the appearance of a “death screen”. Let's consider what this is connected with, how we can try to correct such an unpleasant situation.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (Windows error): what does it mean?

Let us begin, perhaps, by considering the interpretation of the meaning of this kind of failure. It’s not hard to guess what the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error means if you simply translate the message displayed on the screen.

Roughly speaking, this is some kind of problem that arises in the process of memory management, its distribution, etc. The situation as a whole is quite unpleasant, since the appearance of such a message indicates the presence of some conflicts at the physical level of interaction between memory (operational and physical) and the operating system.

Reasons for the failure

Speaking about the reasons that cause such a failure, it is worth noting that there are a lot of them. However, among the main ones, the following can be noted: viral infection, failure of the memory lanes themselves, errors on the hard drive, inflated power supply characteristics, and finally, conflicts with drivers or outdated BIOS firmware.

This is where the system throws the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error. Let's look at each situation in a little more detail, and also define some universal methods fixes so that such failures do not recur in the future.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (Windows 8.1). Error: how to fix using system tools?

Let’s make a reservation right away: such a failure can happen at any Windows system, regardless of its modification. "Eight" is taken solely as an example, and all solutions applicable here can be quite easily used in other versions.

Since the failure itself is related specifically to memory, the first thing you can do is scan it. In this case, it is advisable to boot the system in the so-called safe mode, and then use the computer administration section, called from the standard “Control Panel”.

In the list of available tools, you should go down and select a memory check method. After this, you need to reboot the system, during which a full test will be performed. Based on the scan results, it will be possible to judge the problems. If after this the screen with the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure message (error plus “screen”) appears again, there is nothing left to do but change the faulty memory sticks. In this case, it is advisable to first remove them all from the slots, and then insert them into place one at a time and check the operation of the computer. As soon as a failure occurs, you will identify the “flying” bar, which needs to be replaced.

Using a memory test program

Unfortunately, own funds Windows testing often turns out to be not as effective as we would like. It happens that searching for the cause of a failure leads nowhere.

Therefore, to determine the problem as accurately as possible, it is best to use the specialized utility Memtest86+, which works much better and provides much more information on damage.

Updating BIOS firmware and device drivers

Quite often, the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error can appear in the event of conflicts between the BIOS firmware and installed drivers. What to do in this case?

To begin with, you don’t need to go into the BIOS, but rather try to install “native” drivers, which should be located on original disc supplied with the purchase of the device. As a last resort, if the user has a list of devices installed on his computer, you can try downloading the latest versions of drivers from the Internet. In this case, the system should be booted from any Live CD or installation disk Windows.

You can do it even easier if you initially use a disk latest version. Its content can also be downloaded from the Internet, and then simply recorded onto optical media on another computer terminal or laptop.

If you update BIOS firmware, you should be extremely careful here. First, when starting a computer or laptop, you need to enter the BIOS and determine its version and developer. Only after this the firmware can be found on the Internet. But it is best, in the absence of special knowledge, not to do this yourself, but to use the services of some service center, otherwise, never mind, the whole system, as they say, can be ruined.

Scan your hard drive

Another case when MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (error) occurs is due to the presence of critical failures on the hard drive. Naturally, it needs to be checked. That's just standard remedy for checking, called from the property line context menu(right click on the drive letter) will not work here (even if the automatic correction options are enabled).

In this case it is best to use boot disk, after starting from which you will need to call the command line. The command sfc /scannow is written in it. Testing a hard drive may take a long time (it all depends on the size of the hard drive), but in the end all failures will be eliminated, and booting will also be restored.

Changing power settings

Finally, a message with the string MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (error) may be due to incorrect settings power supply In particular, this applies to the regime better performance, which may place too much strain on system resources.

In this case, you should go to the appropriate section and set, for example, a balanced mode (recommended for most computer systems) or an economy mode with reduced power consumption. By the way, most often failures related to power supply circuits are observed on inexpensive laptops. Not only does the system itself consume a lot of resources, but also optimizing programs and processes causes additional load.


As you can see, there can be quite a few reasons for MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure. However, as practice shows, replacing memory sticks is most often suitable as a solution, although some associated errors, for example, hard drives or in logical partitions, it can be eliminated quite simply. The impact of viruses was not specifically addressed here. But as a means of checking, we can recommend one of these software products, like Kaspersky Rescue Disk or something else. They load before the system itself starts and scan absolutely all its elements, identifying even those threats that a regular scanner might miss.

Sometimes it may be necessary to remove recently installed software - it may very well be that conflicts occur at this level. Maybe somewhere the contacts are loose or simply dirty, the cables do not fit tightly, there is low voltage in the electrical network - but you never know what else could be going on. However, in order to make a decision on the use of one or another method of correcting the situation, you first need to determine the root cause.

STOP Code: 0x0000001A

If this is your first time seeing something like this, congratulations - you've encountered the infamous Blue Screen of Death, and we're here to help.

Photo of this error in Windows 10. Blue screen death occurs when your computer encounters something it can't handle, and the name it displays is cobbled together from what it can understand, which is usually pretty accurate and leads to you solving your problem. If your computer was unavailable due to a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error, you will need to check and replace RAM (Random Access Memory). If you're using a desktop, this should be easy - turn off your computer, open your case, take out your RAM sticks and pop into new ones. (Be sure to make sure they are compatible and inserted correctly - RAM offset can also cause this problem!)

If this doesn't work or you are using a laptop, the problem may be more serious. Your processor may be placed improperly in the slot, damaged, or faulty. If you are a user desktop computer, which knows what you are doing, you can check it. IN otherwise Contact your manufacturer for return or repair.

If your computer is usable but constantly suffers from this MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSoD, try:

  • Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. Click Start, enter mdsched.exe and let the tool check your computer memory (RAM) for problems.
  • Update BIOS and drivers. BIOS updates can be found on the manufacturer's website, and driver updates can be performed manually through Device Manager (use "Start Search") or using our software.
  • Check for viruses using your antivirus software or