How to find out if your phone supports NFC. NFC on a phone - what is it and how to use it? How to check if NFC is available

NFC is at a stage where many new phones have the necessary hardware built into them, but mobile networks, as a rule, are not ready to start selling new technology.

This means that you don't necessarily have to be told about NFC technology in the store when you buy your new phone, and this useful feature will be hidden in the phone by the time you learn more about NFC technology.

So if you're sure your phone is ready for the NFC revolution, don't worry - we've got you covered!

How to check,It hasyour phone supports NFC

Here is the list the best ways Find out if your phone has NFC:

  • Do you have an iPhone? NFC in Apple smartphones appeared with the iPhone 6 model (only for Apple Pay payments), and advanced NFC functions (payment, writing, reading) have been available since the iPhone 7 model.
  • Check the NFC phone list. Check our to see if your model is listed. However, this is not a guarantee that you have it because NFC phone manufacturers may have different specifications for different countries and carriers. For example Samsung Galaxy The S II is an example of a device that comes with NFC in some countries but not in others.
  • Management. Look in your mobile phone manual for references to NFC, Near Field Communication or RFID.
  • Look at the logo. Look on the device itself for a sign on a blue background with the letters NFC. It will probably be on the back of the phone.
  • Check your settings. Look in your phone's settings menu for any mention of NFC. They can be listed in the part that deals with wireless settings or network settings.
  • Check your applications. Look in the list of applications for anything that reminds you of NFC.
  • Look at the antenna. NFC antennas are typically large and flat, and are mounted in batteries or near the battery compartment.
  • Check the battery too. Look for signs of an NFC antenna or any text that reminds you of NFC on the battery itself.
  • Practice is everything! Unlock your phone and turn on contactless payment card or NFC tag to the back of the phone to see if the phone will respond (no need to turn on anything, the function will activate itself).
  • IN Play Market there are many for Android simple programs for NFC verification. Follow this link and download any NFC verification app on your smartphone. Below is video how to check if you have NFC.

Video instructions on how to check for NFC in a smartphone

If on your smartphone NFC not detected - There is no way to add it to your smartphone.

Do you have other ways to find out if your device has NFC, let us know in the comments below.

Hello, lovers of new (and not so new) technologies. IN modern society people have begun to use NFC more and more actively, while many still have difficulty imagining what kind of technology NFC is and how to use it. Let's shed a handful of light on this issue and figure it out... what is NFC in your smartphone.

NFC on my phone. What else is this?

I don’t like to use boring terminology in my articles. Eh, how can I explain it to you in simple Russian language, what is NFC? It’s like “hello” from people, or it’s like dogs, when they meet, the first thing they do is sniff each other’s butts! In any case, all intelligent beings somehow connect before communicating with each other.

In the morning, when you come to work or university, you say hello to a friend. In this way, you identify your interlocutor and identify yourself in front of him. You kind of indicated “ Here I am! Pay attention to me" And after that you begin to exchange information (most often of little use).

Via NFC chips, only small amounts of information can be transmitted (up to about 1000 bytes). And if you need to transfer something weighty, for example, music or video, then NFC is used only for lightning-fast communication between gadgets, and the file transfer itself is carried out either via Bluetooth or via Wi-Fi.

Take, for example, . Some of them also have NFC chips installed, but, nevertheless, they did not become called NFC speakers because of this, right? The NFC chip in them is used only to quickly connect to another device. That's all.

How to use NFC on a smartphone?

You can use NFC technology on your smartphone in the most different ways depending on what you need to do. But the list of possibilities for its use is quite wide. Here are just a few of them: transfer content from one device to another, pay for travel on the subway, pay for purchases in a store (you need to link a bank card to your smartphone), use your phone as a door key, and so on. And it seems to me that this list will only grow with time.

As an example, we'll look at how to use NFC to transfer content from smartphone to smartphone. Naturally, NFC technology must be supported by both smartphones and turned on.

In the same way, you can use NFC on a smartphone, for example to transfer a bookmark (or link) from a browser, to transfer someone's phone number from your contacts list, and so on.

How to find out if your phone has NFC?

Interested new technology and would like to know whether your smartphone (phone) has NFC or not? Now it is supported by almost all models of modern dialers, even some. First of all, pay attention to the inscriptions on your smartphone. If your smartphone supports this technology, then you will most likely see a characteristic inscription somewhere on the case or on the battery NFC(or NearFieldCommunication).

If such an inscription is nowhere on the body and under back cover If you don’t see it, then look in the phone menu. If you have an Android smartphone, then lower the curtain and click on the settings icon. There, go to the wireless settings and click on the “ More…" And if you have an option to enable NFC here, then you definitely have it.

NFC tags for phones: where to get them and how to use them?

I don’t know, maybe it would be more correct to make a separate article about NFC tags for phones... Well, oh well, I’ll describe it in general right here.

What's happenedNFC tags for your phone? In essence, NFC tags are very small information storage devices (144 bytes - 1 kilobyte) and are capable of transmitting this information instantly over short distances.

This is what self-adhesive NFC tags look like

How to use tags? In short, with the help special application in your smartphone ( NFC ReTag, for example), you program a set of NFC tags for different tasks so as not to perform them manually every time.

A striking example is when you get into a car and turn on the navigator on your smartphone every time. Using the tag and programming it just once, you stick the NFC tag directly onto the phone holder in your car. Now, every time you insert the phone into the holder, it will automatically launch the navigator. Convenient, you will agree.

Another such example is sleep. To avoid muting your phone at night (if that's what you do), place a programmed tag on the place where you usually put your phone before going to bed.

Where to getNFC tags? The easiest way, of course, is to buy them. For example, this can be done in almost any electronics store (in a large city) or in an online store, it will be cheaper. It will be even cheaper if you order them from China, but then you will have to wait a long time for them.

But buying is not the only way get NFC tags. Any NFC chip from everyday use. For example, if you don’t know, such chips are inside travel cards, inside bank cards with contactless payment technology, inside some electronic keys and so on. If you have any of this that you no longer use for its intended purpose, then you can safely use it as an NFC tag. Again, do not forget about the application for programming NFC tags.


Yes, it turned out to be so global to cover the topic of using NFC in a smartphone (phone), but there are almost no specifics. Well, I hope the article shed at least a little light on your questions. And if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments.

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NFC is a contactless communication system that allows data exchange between smartphones, tablets and laptops. With it, the user can access the connected device and exchange information without manual pairing, as is the case with the well-known Bluetooth function on the phone. Thanks to its speed and convenience, the technology has already become mainstream.

How does NFC work on a phone?

Without knowing the details, you can decide that NFC is an advanced Wi-Fi technology or Bluetooth. They have certain similarities. All three functions provide wireless communication and data transfer. The difference is that NFC works through electromagnetic fields, while Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use radio transmissions. This is why the range of NFC is much lower than that of the other two technologies.

There are two types NFC devices: active and passive. Passive devices, such as smart posters, product markers and contactless POS terminals, they store information for active devices to read, but cannot access external information itself. Active devices read the tag and automatically begin executing it.

Mobile payments

In a convenient way you can pay for the purchase of any small thing, as well as for a serious purchase.

Payment by mobile phone works on the same principle as regular bank cards that support the contactless payment function. To make a purchase, you now only need to bring your phone to the terminal and, depending on the selected mobile application to store data about bank cards(Samsung Pay or Android Pay) unlock the screen, enter a PIN or use a fingerprint.

Wireless data transfer

The secure data transmission system is safe for both users

Using NFC and Android Beam, you can instantly share: web pages, contacts, photos, videos, directions to Google Maps etc. Sending will begin after you touch one phone to another and lightly touch the screen.

NFC tags

Tags are easy and convenient to use

Tags are small chips that contain instructions for mobile devices. As soon as the phone is in close proximity to the tag, it automatically starts executing the program written in the chip.

They can be used in different situations, here are the cases where they are really useful:

  1. A tag with a programmed Wi-Fi password. Guests only need to hold their phone up to the tag, which is left in a visible place, for the phone to immediately recognize the signal and connect to Wi-Fi on its own.
  2. A tag on the desktop that automatically switches the phone to silent mode, which launches some of the applications required for operation.
  3. A tag by the bed to automatically switch the phone to night mode.

Which Samsung Galaxy models support this feature?

NFC is not uncommon. It is used on many modern phones and almost the entire Samsung Galaxy line:

  • Samsung Galaxy S9;
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus;
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8;
  • Samsung Galaxy S8;
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus;
  • Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro;
  • Samsung Galaxy C7 Pro;
  • Samsung Galaxy C7;
  • Samsung Galaxy C5;
  • Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016);
  • Samsung Galaxy S7;
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 edge;
  • Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016);
  • Samsung Galaxy A9 (2016);
  • Samsung Galaxy Note5;
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+;
  • Samsung Galaxy A8;
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 edge;
  • Samsung Galaxy A7;
  • Samsung GALAXY Note4 (Dual-Sim);
  • Samsung GALAXY Note Edge;
  • Samsung GALAXY Note4 (32GB);
  • Samsung GALAXY S5;
  • Samsung GALAXY Note3;
  • Samsung GALAXY Grand 2;
  • Samsung GALAXY Note II (LTE);
  • Samsung GALAXY S III (LTE);
  • Samsung GALAXY S III.

The NFC sensor can be located anywhere under rear panel phone. For example, in the Samsung Galaxy S6 it is located in the central part, in the C5 Pro - next to the camera, and in the Samsung Galaxy Note II - under the logo.

Location in the central part Location in the camera area Location under the logo

In appearance it resembles a flat antenna that does not take up space under the cover mobile phone. On many devices this antenna looks like the photo below. Recently, people have begun to build them into phones that initially did not have this function, this is also possible.

NFC can be built into an older smartphone model

How to use NFC

To use NFC, it must be enabled. Just like Bluetooth, it also needs to be kept turned on until the end of data transfer or any other use.

To transfer links, contacts, photos, any other multimedia files and pay using a mobile phone, the NFC function must be enabled on both devices:

  1. Launch the Settings app from the Home screen or menu.
  2. Select NFC and payment.
  3. Tap the switch to enable NFC.

Switching on is carried out in three steps

How to share files

To transfer files, in addition to NFC, Android Beam must also be enabled:

  1. Open Settings from the Home screen.
  2. Select NFC and payment.
  3. Click Android Beam.
  4. Tap the switch to turn on Android Beam.

To work, activate Android Beam

To send an image or video, follow these steps:

How to set up Samsung Pay

Samsung Pay only works on Galaxy flagships and A-series smartphones. Unlike Android Pay, which is available for any smartphone starting with Android 4, Samsung Pay can be used even on terminals that do not support contactless payment. In this case, the proprietary technology for emulating the magnetic stripe of the card is enabled.

To work with the application, an Internet connection is not required; all user data is stored on a special chip with high level protection. The developers took care of user safety by adding several levels of security when making purchases:

  1. Tokenization. This means that the application does not display card numbers. Instead, the phone stores a token - a digital code generated randomly.
  2. Authorization by fingerprint. All purchases are confirmed by scanning the owner's fingerprint. No other person will be able to use the cards attached to the phone.
  3. Samsung Knox. A security system that monitors possible threats and attacks.

How to link a card to pay for purchases

  1. Launch Samsung Pay, click "Launch".

    Launch Samsung Pay

  2. Add your fingerprint or PIN to Samsung Pay to confirm payment.
