Kaspersky error when connecting to a proxy server. The proxy server refuses to accept connections: Ways to solve the problem

Proxy is a service computer networks through which users can make requests to other network services. In other words, this is a server that is an intermediary between a computer and other servers. Their advantage is to improve the protection of the computer by filtering some of the content of web pages and malware. However, during the transmission of the request, an error may occur when connecting to the proxy server.

You can see the messages "cannot connect to the proxy server" as in Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox as well as in Opera. And this does not depend on the version of Windows you are using.
The reason that the browser reports a connection error is that for some reason in the properties of the computer automatic connection changed to use a proxy server. And we need to fix it. So how to do it?

One of the most common ways to resolve a proxy server connection error is to change the browser properties. To do this, go to the menu "Start - Control Panel". By default, category view is usually selected, we need to switch to "Small Icons" or "Large Icons"(it all depends on your preferences).

Go to tab "Connections" and press "Network configuration"

If the tab that appears is selected "Use a proxy server for local connections» , then you need to switch to « Automatic use parameters". And apply the parameters.

However, there are still ways to fix the connection error. If you are using Google Chrome, then you can fix the error by doing the following:

Go to settings Google Chrome and click "Show advanced settings".In chapter "Net" choose "Change proxy settings".

Today, there are quite a few users of modern Windows-based computer systems who are familiar with the concept of a proxy server, or at least have heard of it. Let's see what it is and why there are situations when the proxy server does not respond.

What is a proxy server?

If to speak plain language, a proxy server is a specialized service that allows you to connect to the Internet or to a local network through the so-called indirect (indirect) requests.

In other words, the proxy server acts as an intermediary between the user computer terminal and the requested resource. As it is already clear, it is not at all necessary that it be located on the World Wide Web. But very often you can meet the appearance of problems related to the fact that the proxy server is not responding. Now we will consider the most common situations and methods for their elimination.

Causes of problems

As a rule, the proxy server does not respond mainly when using incorrect settings. It would seem that the addresses are entered correctly, but at one point the connection stops working. Why?

This is often due to incorrect or forced termination Windows work, say, during a sudden power outage (in cases where there is no block uninterruptible power supply), disabling some system services and applications when the operating system freezes, etc. At such moments, proxy settings simply have the property of "fly". But you can fight it, and even very successfully.

In some cases, the problem of a proxy server not responding may be due to its own performance. This may be a temporary maintenance, update software components and much more. And we are not talking about the fact that if the provider service does not provide services for connecting using a proxy, then configuring its parameters is, in general, absolutely pointless.

The proxy server is not responding. What to do?

First, let's look at the basic proxy settings that are called in the advanced settings of the properties of the default Internet browser. For standard Internet Explorer or Edge (Windows 10), these settings are configured through the standard Control Panel.

We will proceed from the fact that the provider still uses a proxy. If the proxy server does not respond, Windows 7, for example, or any other modification simply does not recognize its actual address when trying to establish an intermediate connection.

What to do in this case? Yes, just enter the correct values ​​of the addresses provided by the provider when connecting the terminal to local network or the Internet.

Local networks should be mentioned separately. The fact is that failures, even when the proxy server does not respond, Windows 8 can also interpret in its own way. By the way, this applies to almost all Windows versions since XP. Pay attention to whether the option to use a proxy for local addresses is enabled. If there is a checkmark next to this item, it is strongly recommended to remove it. Quite often, the problem arises precisely because of this, since the system does not refer to the address of the proxy server itself, but to the identifier of another machine connected to the local network. Although such addresses, in theory, have nothing in common, nevertheless, Windows operating systems of all versions are not immune to such failures.

Using anonymous proxy servers

With anonymous resources on the Internet, which are proxy servers that allow you to change or hide the real external IP address of a user's computer when surfing the Web, the situation is somewhat different.

Here, basically, connection errors arise precisely because of the problems of the resources themselves. This often manifests itself in the browser displaying a message stating that the Gateway Timeout has expired). This only means that the requested resource, capable of acting either as a proxy server or as a gateway, did not receive a response in time from the server located above it in the connection hierarchy.

Here you can do it in the simplest way - just, and in extreme cases (if you are sure that the resource is working), just reboot the system. Perhaps, sometimes it may require disabling the antivirus or firewall or adding the site itself to the list of exceptions, because both the antivirus and the firewall are able to block some, in their opinion, suspicious sites.


In principle, we have considered the most common situations and the simplest methods for correcting them, simply without going into the technical side of the issue. Separately, it should be said that in most cases the lack of communication with proxy servers is not associated with any critical violations in the operation of operating systems. Rather, it is a special case.

The whole point is not even in user settings, but in the performance of the resources of this type themselves, especially in the case of using anonymizers. Actually, as can be seen from the above material, and problems can be solved quite simply. Sometimes you even just need to check if the network connection and access to the Internet, and it also happens that the icon in the system tray shows that the connection is active, but in fact it is limited or absent at all (most often in relation to connections based on Wi-Fi connections).

Surfing the Internet using your computer, laptop or even mobile device, each user sooner or later faces the problem of access to some resources. Of course, the question immediately arises, what is the reason for this and how to get rid of such troubles. Or, for example, in the office of the company there are many computers and one access to the global network. How, in this case, to connect all workplaces to the Internet, so that at the same time it remains possible to control the use of traffic by each employee? And security issues office network from external influence(hackers) in this case immediately come to the fore. Using a specific type of connection in such situations seems to be the most reasonable solution, so let's take a closer look at all aspects of setting up a proxy server on Windows 7.

Let's make a reservation right away that for faster and anonymous work on the Internet, it is better not to save money using any kind of free proxy. They are very slow, because a lot of people are already sitting on them. Therefore, we decided to take a few private proxies to set up a proxy server on Windows 7 as part of this article.

What is it and what functions does it perform

Everyone has an idea about mediation in one way or another. Usually this concept is associated with trade. A proxy server is also a kind of intermediary. But it has nothing to do with trading. Through a proxy server, which is a complex of network computer programs, client (software or hardware system component) requests data from various network services.

For example, the Internet browser through which the user views resources global network(sites), first connects to a proxy server that makes external requests. The web server on which the desired site is located sends an information packet in response. The proxy server generates this packet in accordance with its settings and sends it to the client (Internet browser). As a result, the user sees the site he needs on the screen. In this case, a visit to the resource is associated with a completely different address than the IP of the computer from which the request was made.

In an office network, a proxy server is connected through a router, which in this case represents an access point. A single computer is connected directly through its network card.

Connecting and configuring a proxy server on Windows 7

Suppose a user wants to anonymously visit a site or cannot get to it due to blocking the ip-addresses of the network that his computer belongs to. You must correctly create a connection, that is, configure a proxy server. Depending on the Internet browser used, this process can be multidirectional, but only until the proxy server settings are opened through any browser. If earlier for different browsers it was possible to use mismatched ip-addresses, now it will not work, except perhaps Mozilla Firefox. Connecting and configuring a proxy server affects the settings of all Internet browsers used in Windows 7.

How to configure the system browser Internet Explorer

Specialized resources where you can view the necessary data for free are easy to find through an Internet search. At the same time, it is enough to enter a request, for example, of the form “List of proxies”. Some resources that host such data:

  • foxtools.com/Proxy
  • proxy-fresh.ru/proxy/
  • spys.ru and others.

Setting up Opera on your computer

AT latest versions browser proxy settings are tied to the system ones. It follows from this that the process of setting up a proxy server is the same either through the browser or using the panel Windows controls 7. The same LAN settings window will open as in the case of Internet Explorer. To verify this, select in Opera "Menu//Settings//Browser//Change proxy settings".

How to register in Google Chrome

We carry out work with Yandex

Setting up Mozilla Firefox

How to set up Safari

Select the settings tab from the drop-down list of the main menu of the browser, then in the window that opens, go to the "Add-ons" menu item, where click the button for changing proxy settings.

Video: Properly Setting Up a Proxy Server on Windows 7

How to disable proxy

To disable the proxy server in browsers, it is enough to uncheck the box in the network settings that allows its use. In Mozilla Firefox, individual settings can be applied.

Installing browser add-ons

To connect to Internet resources through a proxy server, browser plugins are often used to bypass blocking sites by redirecting traffic. These are add-ons such as ZenMate, friGate, Web Proxy and many others. For each browser on the Internet you can find more than one option.

Consider the friGate application for Mozilla Firefox as an example. After installation, a plugin icon appears in the panel opposite the address bar, by clicking on which you can select the necessary settings, for example, enable a proxy server for all sites or select resources from the list.

How to connect via VPN

When using virtual private network(VPN) all traffic personal computer passed through a proxy server. At the same time, it is guaranteed high level anonymity, and the connection speed does not drop. To use a VPN connection on Windows 7, you can install CyberGhost 5, free version which is enough to provide anonymous surfing of the user on the Internet.

When protection is enabled, the program will advise you to upgrade and switch to paid version. If you want to get additional functionality, you can use the offer. AT otherwise the request should be ignored.

When you install CyberGhost 5, the program settings are set automatically. This creates a virtual TAP-Windows Adapter V9 and a new network connection going through it. In the properties of the Internet protocol component (TCP / IPv4) used network card VPN connection DNS servers are automatically registered.

Why the proxy does not work and how to fix it

Sites may not open if the proxy is unavailable. This means that the server has stopped working. This often happens when using free servers, which can be created temporarily. Also, failures are possible during peak loads on the server. In this case, you should use other addresses from free or paid proxy lists. What else? At incorrect setting Internet proxy servers will also not respond, so you should pay special attention to these questions. Follow the setup method suggested in the article and the “Unable to connect to the proxy server” problem can be avoided in most cases.

Now we will find out what to do if you suddenly failed to connect to the server during the game. These situations are common among fans of online games. And they shouldn't cause panic. After all, correcting the situation is often easy and simple. There are also exceptions. But they are rare. And only in some cases it is necessary to really raise a panic. Let's think about why the message says: "Failed to connect to the server."


The first version of the development of events, perhaps, is very common. And you don't need to be afraid of it. After all, the occurrence of our today's error is due to the fault of the user. It's all about the internet connection.

If you see the inscription: "Failed to connect to the server", then it's time to check if there is a network signal. Most likely it is missing. This may be an ordinary "departure" of the Internet, a modem reboot or an accident at the station. The main thing is to find out the reason why the connection is missing.

Call your provider and ask if everything is in order at the station. Explain that you lost the connection. In case of an accident, wait until it is fixed, and then continue to work with the Internet. If your modem is faulty, replace it. Lost settings? Return them back and retry authorization. Happened?


Not? Then we think further why it is not possible to connect to the server. For example, you can watch the news on the official website of the game. Perhaps just at this time on the server are held engineering works or downloading a new update. It is customary to write about such events in the news in advance.

What to do if the problem occurs precisely for this reason? Just wait. Nothing depends on you here. As soon as the update is downloaded, as well as all technical / maintenance work is over, you can connect and play again. So be patient.

By the way, if the work on the servers is planned, then exact time the administration will be notified approximately one day before the event. So, a message like "Could not connect to the server" should not scare you. Plus, often the time in the news is written in Moscow. Do not try to start the game at local time before the work is completed. You still won't succeed. You will only waste your time and nerves.


But there are other situations when you have to see the message: "Unable to connect to the server." What to do? Look for the reason. For example, quite often such events disturb users of popular online games during vacations and holidays. Why is it so?

All because of the large influx of visitors. The main server can't handle the load. And therefore does not let some users into the game. In order not to "burn out". So the server keeps the toy working. In the event that there is a suspicion of overload, it is enough to wait a while and try again to authorize. Most likely, as soon as the flow of visitors decreases, you will be able to get into the game again. And there will be no problems.

Viruses and hacking

And panic should be caused by such moments as the likelihood of your account being hacked and, accordingly, infection of the operating system. If in the case of viruses it is still possible to somehow correct the situation, then it is extremely difficult to return a hacked account in games.

Scan the system, treat all dangerous objects, and remove the remains. Clean the computer registry (you can manually, you can CCleaner help). Then reboot and try to login again. If operating system is clean, then the problem lies precisely in hacking your account.

What to do? The first move is to contact the administrators of the toy. Prove to them that you are the real owner of the account, and then ask them to return access to the profile to you. This kind of technique works only in rare cases. So don't rely too much on it.

The second scenario is the registration of a new profile. Only now try to make sure that you are not hacked. As soon as you confirm the actions, resume attempts to enter the game of your choice. Now the message: "Failed to connect to the server" will not bother you.

As you can see, there are few dangerous situations in our today's question. And that's why you shouldn't panic. In fact, the problem of connecting to servers in games is very common. You just need to know what causes given error. In principle, if you see that you were unable to connect to the server, then it is better to check the Internet and read the news on the game website. Most likely, after that the situation will clear up.
