Data encoding in a computer. Information encoding

A code is a set of conventions (or signals) for recording (or transmitting) some predefined concepts.

Encoding information is the process of forming a certain representation of information. In a narrower sense, the term "coding" is often understood as the transition from one form of information presentation to another, more convenient for storage, transmission or processing.

Usually each image when encoding (sometimes they say - encryption) is represented by a separate sign.

A sign is an element of a finite set of distinct elements.

In a narrower sense, the term "coding" is often understood as the transition from one form of information presentation to another, more convenient for storage, transmission or processing.

A computer can only process information presented in numerical form. All other information (such as sounds, images, instrument readings, etc.) must be converted into numerical form for processing on a computer. For example, to quantify musical sound, one can measure the intensity of sound at certain frequencies at short intervals, presenting the results of each measurement in numerical form. With the help of computer programs, you can perform transformations of the received information, for example, "overlay" sounds from different sources.

Similarly, text information can be processed on a computer. When entered into a computer, each letter is encoded by a certain number, and when output to external devices(screen or print) for human perception, images of letters are built on these numbers. The correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called a character encoding.

As a rule, all numbers in the computer are represented using zeros and ones (and not ten digits, as is customary for people). In other words, computers usually work in the binary system, since the devices for processing them are much simpler. Entering numbers into a computer and outputting them for human reading can be done in the usual decimal form, and all the necessary conversions are performed by programs running on a computer.

Ways to encode information.

The same information can be presented (encoded) in several forms. With the advent of computers, it became necessary to encode all types of information that both an individual and humanity as a whole deal with. But mankind began to solve the problem of encoding information long before the advent of computers. The grandiose achievements of mankind - writing and arithmetic - are nothing more than a system for coding speech and numerical information. Information never appears in its pure form, it is always presented in some way, encoded in some way.

Binary coding is one of the most common ways to represent information. In computers, robots and machine tools with numerical program management, as a rule, all information with which the device deals is encoded in the form of words of the binary alphabet.

Coding of character (text) information.

The main operation performed on individual characters text - character comparison.

When comparing characters, the most important aspects are the uniqueness of the code for each character and the length of this code, and the choice of encoding principle itself is practically irrelevant.

Various conversion tables are used to encode texts. It is important that the same table is used when encoding and decoding the same text.

Conversion table - a table containing a list of encoded characters ordered in some way, according to which the character is converted to its binary code and vice versa.

The most popular conversion tables: DKOI-8, ASCII, CP1251, Unicode.

Historically, 8 bits or 1 byte has been chosen as the code length for character encoding. Therefore, most often one character of text stored in a computer corresponds to one byte of memory.

There can be 28 = 256 different combinations of 0 and 1 with a code length of 8 bits, therefore, using one recoding table, no more than 256 characters can be encoded. With a code length of 2 bytes (16 bits), 65536 characters can be encoded.

Encoding of numerical information.

The similarity in encoding numerical and textual information is as follows: in order to be able to compare data of this type, different numbers (as well as different characters) must have a different code. The main difference between numerical and symbolic data is that, in addition to the comparison operation, various mathematical operations are performed on numbers: addition, multiplication, root extraction, calculation of the logarithm, etc. The rules for performing these operations in mathematics are developed in detail for numbers presented in the positional number system.

The basic number system for representing numbers in a computer is the binary positional number system.

Encoding of text information

Currently, most of the users, using a computer, process textual information, which consists of characters: letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. Let's calculate how many characters and how many bits we need.

10 digits, 12 punctuation marks, 15 arithmetic symbols, letters of the Russian and Latin alphabet, TOTAL: 155 characters, which corresponds to 8 bits of information.

Units of measurement of information.

1 byte = 8 bits

1 KB = 1024 bytes

1 MB = 1024 KB

1 GB = 1024 MB

1 TB = 1024 GB

The essence of encoding is that each character is assigned a binary code from 00000000 to 11111111 or the corresponding decimal code from 0 to 255.

It must be remembered that at present five different code tables are used to encode Russian letters (KOI - 8, СР1251, СР866, Mac, ISO), and texts encoded using one table will not be displayed correctly in another

The main display of character encoding is the ASCII code - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - the American standard code for information exchange, which is a 16 by 16 table, where characters are encoded in hexadecimal.

Coding graphic information.

An important step in coding a graphic image is to divide it into discrete elements(sampling).

The main ways of representing graphics for its storage and processing using a computer are raster and vector images.

vector image is a graphic object consisting of elementary geometric shapes (most often segments and arcs). The position of these elementary segments is determined by the coordinates of the points and the radius value. For each line, binary codes for the line type (solid, dotted, dash-dotted), thickness, and color are indicated.

A raster image is a collection of dots (pixels) obtained as a result of image discretization in accordance with the matrix principle.

Matrix coding principle graphic images is that the image is divided into a given number of rows and columns. Then each element of the resulting grid is encoded according to the selected rule.

Pixel (picture element - picture element) - the minimum unit of the image, the color and brightness of which can be set independently of the rest of the image.

In accordance with the matrix principle, images are built that are output to the printer, displayed on the display screen, obtained using a scanner.

The image quality will be higher, the "dense" the pixels are, that is, the greater the resolution of the device, and the more accurately the color of each of them is encoded.

For a black and white image, the color code of each pixel is given by one bit.

If the picture is colored, then for each point the binary code of its color is set.

Since colors are also encoded in binary code, if, for example, you want to use a 16-color drawing, then you will need 4 bits (16=24) to encode each pixel, and if it is possible to use 16 bits (2 bytes) to encode a color one pixel, then you can then transmit 216 = 65536 different colors. Using three bytes (24 bits) to encode the color of one point allows you to reflect 16777216 (or about 17 million) different shades of color - the so-called "true color" mode (True Color). Note that these are currently used, but far from the limiting possibilities. modern computers.

Audio encoding.

From the course of physics, you know that sound is air vibrations. By its nature, sound is a continuous signal. If we convert sound into an electrical signal (for example, using a microphone), we will see a voltage that changes smoothly over time.

For computer processing analog signal you need to somehow convert it into a sequence of binary numbers, and for this it needs to be discretized and digitized.

You can do the following: measure the signal amplitude at regular intervals and write the obtained numerical values ​​into the computer's memory.

In computer science, a large number information processes passes using data encoding. Therefore, understanding this process is very important in comprehending the basics of this science. Under the coding of information is understood the process of converting characters written in different natural languages ​​(Russian, English language etc.) into a numerical designation.

This means that when text is encoded, each character is assigned certain value in the form of zeros and ones.

Why encode information?

First, you need to answer the question why encode information? The fact is that a computer is capable of processing and storing only one type of data representation - digital. Therefore, any information included in it must be translated into digital view.

Text encoding standards

In order for all computers to unambiguously understand a particular text, it is necessary to use generally accepted text encoding standards. In other cases, additional recoding or data incompatibility will be required.


The very first computer character encoding standard was ASCII (full name - American Standard Code for Information Interchange). Only 7 bits were used to encode any character in it. As you remember, only 27 characters or 128 characters can be encoded using 7 bits. This is enough to encode uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet, Arabic numerals, punctuation marks, as well as a certain set of special characters, for example, the dollar sign is "$". However, in order to encode the symbols of the alphabets of other peoples (including the symbols of the Russian alphabet), the code had to be supplemented to 8 bits (28=256 symbols). At the same time, a separate encoding was used for each language.


It was necessary to save the situation in terms of compatibility encoding tables. Therefore, over time, new updated standards have been developed. Currently, the most popular encoding is called UNICODE. In it, each character is encoded using 2 bytes, which corresponds to 216=62536 different codes.

Graphics encoding standards

It takes many more bytes to encode an image than it does to encode characters. Most of the created and processed images stored in the computer memory are divided into two main groups:

  • raster graphics images;
  • vector graphics images.

Raster graphics

In raster graphics, an image is represented by a set of colored dots. Such dots are called pixels. When the image is enlarged, such points turn into squares.

To encode a black and white image, each pixel is encoded with one bit. For example, black is 0 and white is 1)

Our past image can be encoded like this:

When encoding non-color images, a palette of 256 shades of gray is most often used, ranging from white to black. Therefore, one byte (28=256) is enough to encode such a gradation.

In coding color images, several color schemes are used.

In practice, more often RGB color model, where three primary colors are respectively used: red, green and blue. The remaining color shades are obtained by mixing these primary colors.

Thus, to encode a model of three colors in 256 tones, over 16.5 million different color shades are obtained. That is, 3⋅8=24 bits are used for encoding, which corresponds to 3 bytes.

Naturally, you can use the minimum number of bits to encode color images, but then a smaller number of color tones can be formed, and therefore the image quality will decrease significantly.

To determine the size of an image, you need to multiply the number of pixels in width by the length of the number of pixels and again multiply by the size of the pixel itself in bytes.

  • a- number of pixels wide;
  • b- the number of pixels in length;
  • I– size of one pixel in bytes.

For example, a color image of 800⋅600 pixels is 60,000 bytes.

Vector graphics

Vector graphics objects are encoded in a completely different way. Here the image consists of lines, which can have their own curvature coefficients.

Audio coding standards

The sounds that a person hears are air vibrations. Sound vibrations are the process of wave propagation.

Sound has two main characteristics:

  • oscillation amplitude - determines the volume of the sound;
  • oscillation frequency - determines the tone of the sound.

Sound can be converted into an electrical signal using a microphone. The sound is encoded with a certain, in advance specified interval time. In this case, the size of the electrical signal is measured and a binary value is assigned. The more often these measurements are made, the higher the sound quality.

The 700 MB CD holds about 80 minutes of CD-quality audio.

Video coding standards

As you know, the video sequence consists of rapidly changing fragments. Frames change at a speed in the range of 24-60 frames per second.

The footage size in bytes is determined by the frame size (the number of pixels per screen in height and width), the number of colors used, and the number of frames per second. But along with this, there may also be an audio track.

Good day dear user. In this article, we will talk about topics such as: Information encoding, Encoding of text information, Encoding information in a computer.

Encoding information in a computer.

Today, the personal computer process numerical, textual, graphic, sound and video information. All information in a computer is represented in binary code, that is, an alphabet of two characters 0 and 1 is used. It is in binary code that it is easiest to represent information as an electrical impulse, its absence (0), and its presence (1).

This type of coding is commonly called binary, and the binary coding alphabet of zeros and ones, which carries a semantic load on a computer, is commonly called machine language.


Each digit of the binary code takes up a memory space equal to 1 bit, respectively, two digits are 2 bits, three - 3 bits, etc ...

Encoding of text information.

Today, a large number of users using a computer processes textual information, which consists of: letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other elements.

Usually, to encode a single character, use 1 byte memory is 8 bits. According to probability theory, using a simple formula that relates the number of possible events (K) and the amount of information (I), you can calculate how many are not the same characters can be encoded: K \u003d 2 ^ I \u003d 28 \u003d 256.


For text encoding usually use an alphabet with a capacity of 256 characters ...

The principle of this encoding is that each character (letter, sign) has its own binary code from 00000000 to 11111111, also textual information can be presented in decimal code from 0 to 255.

It must be remembered that today for coding letters of the Russian alphabet use five different encoding tables (KOI - 8, СР1251, СР866, Mac, ISO), remember that texts encoded using one table will not be correctly displayed in another encoding. This can be seen in combined character encoding table.

For one binary code in different tables there correspond different symbols:

binary code Decimal code KOI8 СР1251 СР866 Mas ISO
11000010 194 b AT T

To date transcoding text documents it is not the user who cares, but the programs that are built into text editors and word processors. Early 1997 Microsoft office began to support the new Unicode encoding. In Unicode, you can encode not 256 characters and, 65536, this was achieved by starting to allocate 2 bytes for each character. The two most popular tables today are Windows (CP1251) and Unicode.

We solve problems.

Task number 1.
Let's say we have two texts that contain the same number of characters. One text is written in Russian, its alphabet (32 characters), and the second is acceptable in Ukrainian, its alphabet (16 characters). Whose text bears large quantity information?


I \u003d K * a (the information volume of the text is equal to the product of the number of characters and the information weight of one character). Because both texts have the same number of characters (K), then the difference depends on the information content of one character of the alphabet (a).
2^a1 = 32, i.e. a1 = 5 bits.
2^a2 = 16, i.e. a2 = 4 bits.
I1 = K * 5 bits, I2 = K * 4 bits.
This means that the text written in Russian carries 5/4 times more information.

Task number 2.
The volume of the message, containing 2048 characters, was 1/512 of a MB. Determine the power of the alphabet.


I = 1/512 * 1024 * 1024 * 8 = 16384 bits. - translated into bits the information volume of the message.
a \u003d I / K \u003d 16384 / 1024 \u003d 16 bits - falls on one character of the alphabet.
2^16 = 65536 characters - the power of the used alphabet.
It is this alphabet that is used in the Unicode encoding, which has become international standard to represent character information in a computer.

Encoding textual information in a computer is sometimes an essential condition for the correct operation of the device or the display of a particular fragment. How this process occurs during the work of a computer with text and visual information, sound - we will analyze all this in this article.


An electronic computer (which we Everyday life called a computer) perceives the text in a very specific way. For her, the encoding of textual information is very important, since she perceives each text fragment as a group of characters isolated from each other.

What are the symbols?

The role of symbols for the computer is not only Russian, English and other letters, but also punctuation marks, as well as other signs. Even the space with which we separate words when typing on a computer is perceived by the device as a symbol. Something very reminiscent of higher mathematics, because there, according to many professors, zero has a double meaning: it is a number, and at the same time does not mean anything. Even for philosophers, the question of a space in the text can become an actual problem. A joke, of course, but, as they say, in every joke there is some truth.

What is the information?

So, in order to perceive information, a computer needs to start processing processes. And what kind of information is there? The topic of this article is the encoding of textual information. We will pay special attention to this task, but we will also deal with other micro-topics.

Information can be textual, numerical, sound, graphic. The computer must start processes that provide encoding of textual information in order to display what we type on the keyboard, for example. We will see symbols and letters, this is understandable. But what does the car see? It perceives absolutely all information - and now we are talking not only about text - as a certain sequence of zeros and ones. They form the basis of the so-called binary code. Accordingly, the process that converts the information received by the device into an understandable one is called “binary coding of text information”.

Brief principle of the binary code

Why is the coding of information in binary code the most widespread in electronic machines? The text base, which is encoded using zeros and ones, can be absolutely any sequence of characters and characters. However, this is not the only advantage that binary text encoding of information has. The thing is that the principle on which this coding method is arranged is very simple, but at the same time quite functional. When there is an electrical impulse, it is labeled (conditionally, of course) by a unit. No impulse - mark zero. That is, text encoding of information is based on the principle of constructing a sequence of electrical impulses. A logical sequence composed of binary characters is called machine language. At the same time, coding and processing of textual information using a binary code makes it possible to carry out operations in a fairly short period of time.

Bits and bytes

The figure perceived by the machine contains a certain amount of information. It is equal to one bit. This applies to every one and every zero, which make up one or another sequence of encrypted information.

Accordingly, the amount of information in any case can be determined simply by knowing the number of characters in the binary code sequence. They will be numerically equal to each other. 2 digits in the code carry information of 2 bits, 10 digits - 10 bits, and so on. The principle of determining the information volume, which lies in a particular fragment of binary code, is quite simple, as you can see.

Encoding text information in a computer

Right now you are reading an article that consists of a sequence, as we believe, of the letters of the Russian alphabet. And the computer, as mentioned earlier, perceives all information (and in this case too) as a sequence not of letters, but of zeros and ones, denoting the absence and presence of an electrical impulse.

The thing is that one character that we see on the screen can be encoded using a conventional unit of measure called a byte. As written above, the binary code has a so-called information load. Recall that numerically it is equal to the total number of zeros and ones in the selected code fragment. So, 8 bits make 1 byte. In this case, the combinations of signals can be very different, as you can easily see by drawing a rectangle on paper, consisting of 8 cells of equal size.

It turns out that it is possible to encode textual information using an alphabet that has a capacity of 256 characters. What is the point? The meaning lies in the fact that each character will have its own binary code. Combinations “attached” to certain characters start from 00000000 and end with 11111111. If you switch from binary to decimal number system, then you can encode information in such a system from 0 to 255.

Do not forget that now there are various tables that use the encoding of the letters of the Russian alphabet. These are, for example, ISO and KOI-8, Mac and CP in two variations: 1251 and 866. It is easy to make sure that the text encoded in one of these tables will not be displayed correctly in a different encoding. This is due to the fact that in different tables different characters correspond to the same binary code.

This was a problem at first. However, at present, special algorithms are already built into the programs that convert the text, bringing it to the correct form. 1997 was marked by the creation of an encoding called Unicode. In it, each character has at its disposal 2 bytes at once. This allows you to encode text that has a much larger number of characters. 256 and 65536: is there a difference?

Graphics encoding

Encoding textual and graphical information has some similarities. As you know, to display graphic information is used peripheral device computer called monitor. Graphics now (we are talking now about computer graphics) is widely used in various fields. Good, hardware capabilities personal computers allow you to solve fairly complex graphics problems.

Processing video information has become possible in recent years. But the text at the same time is much “lighter” than graphics, which, in principle, is understandable. Because of this, the final size of graphics files must be increased. It is possible to overcome such problems, knowing the essence in which graphic information is presented.

Let's first understand what groups this type of information is divided into. First, it's raster. Secondly, vector.

Raster images are quite similar to checkered paper. Each cell on such paper is painted over in one color or another. This principle is somewhat reminiscent of a mosaic. That is, it turns out that in raster graphics, the image is divided into separate elementary parts. They are called pixels. Translated into Russian, pixels mean “dots”. Logically, the pixels are ordered relative to the rows. The graphic grid consists of just a certain number of pixels. It is also called a raster. With these two definitions in mind, we can say that a bitmap is nothing more than a collection of pixels that are displayed on a rectangular grid.

Monitor raster and pixel size affect image quality. It will be the higher, the larger the raster of the monitor. Raster sizes are the screen resolution that every user has probably heard of. One of the most important characteristics that computer screens have is resolution, not just resolution. It shows how many pixels are in one or another unit of length. The resolution of a monitor is usually measured in pixels per inch. The more pixels per unit length, the higher the quality will be, since the “graininess” is reduced.

Audio stream processing

Coding of text and sound information, like other types of coding, has some peculiarities. We will now focus on the last process: encoding audio information.

Sound stream representation (as well as separate sound) can be done in two ways.

Analogue form of sound information presentation

In this case, the value can take on a really huge number of different values. Moreover, these same values ​​do not remain constant: they change very quickly, and this process is continuous.

Discrete Form of Sound Information Representation

If we talk about the discrete method, then in this case the value can take only a limited number of values. In this case, the change occurs in leaps and bounds. It is possible to encode discretely not only sound, but also graphic information. As for the analog form, by the way.

Analog audio information is stored on vinyl records, for example. But the CD is already discrete way presentation of sound information.

At the very beginning, we talked about the fact that a computer perceives all information in machine language. To do this, information is encoded in the form of a sequence of electrical impulses - zeros and ones. Audio encoding is no exception to this rule. To process sound on a computer, you first need to turn it into that same sequence. Only after that, operations can be performed on a stream or a single sound.

When the encoding process occurs, the stream is subjected to temporal sampling. The sound wave is continuous, it develops over small sections of time. In this case, the amplitude value is set for each specific interval separately.


So, what did we find out in the course of this article? Firstly, absolutely all information that is displayed on a computer monitor, before appearing there, is encoded. Secondly, this coding consists in translating information into machine language. Thirdly, machine language is nothing more than a sequence of electrical impulses - zeros and ones. Fourth, there are separate tables for encoding different characters. And, fifthly, it is possible to present graphic and sound information in analog and discrete form. Here, perhaps, are the main points that we have analyzed. One of the disciplines studying this area is computer science. Encoding of textual information and its basics are explained at school, since there is nothing complicated about it.

Information encoding. In the process of converting information from one form of representation (sign system) to another, coding is carried out. The coding tool is a correspondence table, which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between signs or groups of signs of two different sign systems.

In the process of information exchange, it is often necessary to perform the operations of encoding and decoding information. When an alphabetic character is entered into a computer by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard, it is encoded, i.e. converted into a computer code. When a sign is displayed on a monitor or printer, the reverse process occurs - decoding, when the sign is converted from a computer code into a graphic image.

Image and sound encoding. Information, including graphics and sound, can be presented in analog or discrete form. With an analog representation, a physical quantity takes on an infinite number of values, and its values ​​change continuously. At discrete representation a physical quantity takes on a finite set of values, and its value changes abruptly.

An example of an analog representation of graphic information can be, say, a painting canvas, the color of which changes continuously, and a discrete one - an image printed using inkjet printer and consisting of individual dots of different colors.

An example of analog storage of sound information is a vinyl record (the sound track changes its shape continuously), and a discrete one is an audio CD (the sound track of which contains areas with different reflectivity).

Graphic and sound information from analog to discrete form is converted by sampling, i.e., splitting a continuous graphic image and a continuous (analog) sound signal into individual elements. In the process of discretization, encoding is performed, i.e., assigning a specific value to each element in the form of a code.

Discretization is the transformation of continuous images and sound into a set of discrete values, each of which is assigned the value of its code.

Coding information in living organisms. Genetic information determines the structure and development of living organisms and is inherited. Genetic information is stored in the cells of organisms in the structure of DNA molecules (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA molecules are made up of four different constituents (nucleotides) that form the genetic alphabet.

The human DNA molecule includes about three billion base pairs, and it encodes all the information about the human body: its appearance, health or predisposition to disease, abilities, etc.

6. Basic concepts of the topic "Information and Management": numerical and symbolic coding of information

Encoding of numerical information.

The similarity in encoding numerical and textual information is as follows: in order to be able to compare data of this type, different numbers (as well as different characters) must have a different code. The main difference between numerical and symbolic data is that, in addition to the comparison operation, various mathematical operations are performed on numbers: addition, multiplication, root extraction, calculation of the logarithm, etc. The rules for performing these operations in mathematics are developed in detail for numbers presented in the positional number system.

The basic number system for representing numbers in a computer is the binary positional number system.

Encoding of text information

Currently, most of the users, using a computer, process textual information, which consists of characters: letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. Let's calculate how many characters and how many bits we need.

10 digits, 12 punctuation marks, 15 arithmetic symbols, letters of the Russian and Latin alphabet, TOTAL: 155 characters, which corresponds to 8 bits of information.

Units of measurement of information.

1 byte = 8 bits

1 KB = 1024 bytes

1 MB = 1024 KB

1 GB = 1024 MB

1 TB = 1024 GB

The essence of encoding is that each character is assigned a binary code from 00000000 to 11111111 or the corresponding decimal code from 0 to 255.

It must be remembered that at present five different code tables are used to encode Russian letters (KOI - 8, СР1251, СР866, Mac, ISO), and texts encoded using one table will not be displayed correctly in another

The main display of character encoding is the ASCII code - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - the American standard code for information exchange, which is a 16 by 16 table, where characters are encoded in hexadecimal.

coding of symbolic (text) information.

The main operation performed on individual characters of the text is character comparison.

When comparing characters, the most important aspects are the uniqueness of the code for each character and the length of this code, and the choice of encoding principle itself is practically irrelevant.

Various conversion tables are used to encode texts. It is important that the same table is used when encoding and decoding the same text.

Conversion table - a table containing a list of encoded characters ordered in some way, according to which the character is converted to its binary code and vice versa.

The most popular conversion tables: DKOI-8, ASCII, CP1251, Unicode.

Historically, 8 bits or 1 byte has been chosen as the code length for character encoding. Therefore, most often one character of text stored in a computer corresponds to one byte of memory.

There can be 28 = 256 different combinations of 0 and 1 with a code length of 8 bits, therefore, using one recoding table, no more than 256 characters can be encoded. With a code length of 2 bytes (16 bits), 65536 characters can be encoded.

7. Basic concepts of the topic "Information and Management": graphic coding of information.

Coding of graphic information.

An important step in encoding a graphic image is its division into discrete elements (sampling).

The main ways of representing graphics for its storage and processing using a computer are raster and vector images.

A vector image is a graphical object consisting of elementary geometric shapes (most often segments and arcs). The position of these elementary segments is determined by the coordinates of the points and the radius value. For each line, binary codes for the line type (solid, dotted, dash-dotted), thickness, and color are indicated.

A raster image is a collection of dots (pixels) obtained as a result of image discretization in accordance with the matrix principle.

The matrix principle of encoding graphic images is that the image is divided into a given number of rows and columns. Then each element of the resulting grid is encoded according to the selected rule.

Pixel (picture element - picture element) - the minimum unit of the image, the color and brightness of which can be set independently of the rest of the image.

In accordance with the matrix principle, images are built that are output to the printer, displayed on the display screen, obtained using a scanner.

The image quality will be the higher, the "dense" the pixels are, that is, the greater the resolution of the device, and the more accurately the color of each of them is encoded.

For a black and white image, the color code of each pixel is given by one bit.

If the picture is colored, then for each point the binary code of its color is set.

Since colors are also encoded in binary code, if, for example, you want to use a 16-color drawing, then you will need 4 bits (16=24) to encode each pixel, and if it is possible to use 16 bits (2 bytes) to encode a color one pixel, then you can then transmit 216 = 65536 different colors. Using three bytes (24 bits) to encode the color of one point allows you to reflect 16777216 (or about 17 million) different shades of color - the so-called "true color" mode (True Color). Note that these are currently used, but far from the limiting capabilities of modern computers.

8 Basic concepts of the topic "Information and Management": alphabet, code

An alphabet is an ordered set of characters used to encode messages in some language.

The power of the alphabet is the number of characters in the alphabet.
The binary alphabet contains 2 characters, its power is two.
Messages written with ASCII characters use an alphabet of 256 characters. UNICODE messages use an alphabet of 65,536 characters.

From the standpoint of computer science, information carriers are any sequence of characters that are stored, transmitted and processed by a computer. According to Kolmogorov, the information content of a character sequence does not depend on the content of the message; the alphabetical approach is objective, i.e. it does not depend on the subject receiving the message.

9 Basic concepts of measuring information: bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte

Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte These are the units of measure for information.

True, in computer terms, 1 kilobyte is not 1000 bytes, but 1024. Why so many? Information in a computer is presented in binary form and it is generally accepted that a kilobyte is 2 to the tenth power of bytes or 1024 bytes.
The commonly used units are shown below.

10 Quantitative and qualitative measurement of information.

11 Alphabetical and content-based approaches to measuring information
