Medical information systems list. What is a medical information system (MIS) and its assistance in the work of the clinic

Humanity, in the course of its existence, comes up with various opportunities to make life easier for itself and to simplify life. One of these tools, which frees from routine, is a medical information system (MIS), which helps to coordinate the work of the health care system.

Information system

What is generally understood by them? An information system is defined as an information processing system that works together with the people and financial resources on which the provision and distribution of information depends.

Automated system

An automated system is a complex that consists of automation tools for human labor and the personnel who serve it. The speaker performs the functions programmed in advance for it. In case there are several automated systems(from two pieces), provided that the functioning of one directly depends on the other (others), then they are called integrated.

Medical Information Systems

Different definitions of MIS are given by the luminaries of science. But the most popular option sounds like this: a set of software, information, technical and organizational funds, which aim to automate medical processes / organizations. But for completeness of information, you should read one more. It sounds like this: MIS is a form of organization of medical processes that enable medical personnel, with the necessary technical support, to use a set of tools that ensure the collection, processing, analysis, storage and output of medical information related to health and its condition for specific person. In addition to conventional MIS, diagnostic and related IS are additionally distinguished. It was not possible to designate them in clear defined groups due to the fact that there is no clear state standard that would be qualitatively processed, therefore there is no generally accepted division into various medical Information Systems. Classification, however, is carried out by individuals or groups of specialists.

Classification of information medical systems

Due to the novelty of the technology, there are no state-approved standards yet, so I bring to your attention the following classification:

  1. Information services. Information service for patients. It aims to provide the widest coverage of work and service to the maximum number of people in the minimum time intervals.
  2. Information technology medical systems. The object of work is the patient, the user is a medical worker.
  3. Information-statistical medical systems. Generates the population of the served region. The division is carried out by objects and by the territorial principle.
  4. Research information medical systems. The main subjects of work are documents and objects of science. Additionally, they are divided into subsystems depending on the differences in the objects of description.
  5. Information-training and educational medical systems. Trainers provide support to those who go through the training and learning process. educational systems are used to assess the level of knowledge.

But besides this, MIS are further divided into subsystems and have a number of additions. Thus, medical information systems, the classification and purpose of which is difficult, were moved to diagnostic and related types. Additionally, a determination is made as to whether the system is complex or not.

Complex systems

A medical information system (MIS) that deals with both administrative and clinical functions, and for which an electronic medical record is chosen as the core, is called an integrated automated medical information system. It includes:

  1. Caring for the automation of accounting, personnel and economic services, office work, engineering support, logistics - everything that allows you to automate administrative and economic activities.
  2. The system of personal accounting of medical care. Maintaining support for subsystems of procedural and diagnostic departments with a hospital pharmacy.
  3. Reference information. It can be both a comprehensive description of various problems, methods of their treatment, symptoms, as well as the schedule of doctors, laboratories, their level of employment and a brief dossier.

Diagnostic information medical systems

The task of this type is to receive, transmit and analyze data that have been obtained as a result of certain diagnostic or laboratory studies, using special external devices. Due to the frequency of cases when DIMS or MIS is installed and the difference in their functionality, they are considered as separate systems. But if there are medical information systems, then DIMS is considered to be its subsystem. Its purpose is to complement the main one.

Related information medical systems

Modules with purpose special use(as a rule, medical or economic). SIMS can include personnel or accounting systems, full-fledged pharmacy systems (which can provide planning, procurement, and distribution of medicines and medical equipment), systems for automating processes in specific departments. Despite the inclusion of this topic in the article, in practice it is considered solely as an addition, the purpose of which is to increase the functionality.

Modern systems and their use

And finally, about some medical information systems in Russia, which are used (though not very common) in medical institutions.

A medical information system built on a modular basis. It is designed to automate the processes of hospitals and clinics. The number of modules for them is 11 for each institution. Allows data exchange and centralized collection of required indicators. Supports interaction between staff, collects data to inform the management of the institution in which LARS is installed. The medical information system allows you to work not only with staff, but also with patients and facilitate their interaction with a medical institution in matters of making an appointment, issuing prescriptions, sick leave, calling an emergency. Based on the received data, it can generate reports on the status of individual patients, doctors and medical institutions.

It is an integrated information and functional environment that has combined various classes of medical information systems (MIS). Support for hospital services - from financial reports and documentation to individual patient records. Important is the integration with and support of decision-making systems.

An information system of a medical institution that automates activities, planning and optimizes patient treatment processes. Allows you to reduce the time spent on documentation, coordinates the work of medical offices and laboratories, optimizes the use of labor resources, and organizes a rapid exchange of information.

Systems of this class are designed to provide information support for the adoption of both specific medical decisions and the organization of work, control and management of the activities of the entire medical institution. These systems, as a rule, require the presence of a local computer network in a medical institution and are information providers for medical information systems of the territorial level.

Information systems of consultative and diagnostic centers designed to organize consultative and diagnostic examinations of patients, registration, processing, analysis, accumulation and storage of diagnostic information.

Information systems of polyclinic institutions are designed to organize and analyze the work of specialists and medical and diagnostic rooms of a polyclinic, store information about the population attached to a given polyclinic and form this necessary medical and statistical reporting.

Information systems of medical institutions of stationary type are intended for registration of patients' appeals to the admission department of the hospital, their movement through the medical departments, accumulation of anamnestic, clinical, diagnostic and other information in the database, personalized accounting of medicines and the results of the patient's stay in the hospital.

Polyclinic and inpatient information systems generate invoices - registers for the rendered outpatient and inpatient care, presented for payment to insurance medical organizations.

Information systems of the territorial level.

These software systems provide management of specialized and profile medical services, polyclinic (including clinical examination), inpatient and emergency medical care to the population at the territory level (city, region, republic).

At this level, medical information systems are represented by the following main groups:

Information systems of the territorial health department, carrying out the accumulation and processing of information about the work of all medical institutions of the territory.

Personalized registers(databases and data banks) containing information about certain groups of patients (occupational diseases, diabetes, narcology, etc.).

Information systems of departments (centers) for the provision of emergency advisory assistance providing inter-hospital interaction for remote consultations, departure of specialists and evacuation of patients in order to provide highly qualified and specialized medical care.

Information systems of the Mandatory Health Insurance Funds, providing information support for planning and monitoring the financing of medical institutions through the CHI system.

Information systems for the organization and control of drug provision of the population, including accounting for subsidized medicines.

Medical information systems of the federal level

Systems of this class are intended for information support of the state level of the health care system of Russia based on data received from the territorial health departments according to approved statistical reporting forms.

Functional classification of MIS

Information systems (IS) at the level of medical institutions are primarily designed to provide information support for the main business processes of these institutions and, as a result, organize their work at a higher quality level.

These include:

        Medico-technological IS;

        Information and reference systems;

        Statistical IS;

        Research IS;

        Educational ICs.

These ICs are used in medical institutions of various levels (from a general practitioner's office to large interregional and federal medical centers), in sanatoriums, diagnostic centers, blood transfusion stations, specialized centers (AIDS, family planning, etc.). Of greatest interest among them are medical information systems (MIS), integrating all of the above listed types of IS, which in this case act as subsystems of the general MIS.

The American Institute of Medical Records distinguishes 5 different levels of medical information systems:

The first level of MIS is automated medical records. This level is characterized by the fact that only about 50% of information about the patient is entered into the information system and in various forms is issued to its users in the form of reports. On the given level typically covered are patient registration, discharges, in-hospital transfers, diagnostic entry, appointments, and operations. Information processes here go in parallel with the "paper" document flow and serve, first of all, for the formation of various types of reporting.

The second level of MIS is the Computerized Medical Record System. At this level, medical documents that were not previously entered into electronic memory (first of all, this is information from diagnostic devices obtained in the form of various printouts, scanograms, topograms, etc.), are indexed, scanned and stored in electronic storage systems (usually on magneto-optical storage devices).

The third level of MIS is the use of electronic medical records (Electronic Medical Records). At this level, an appropriate infrastructure should be developed for entering, processing and storing information from their workplaces. Users are identified by the system, they are given access rights corresponding to their status. The structure of electronic medical records is determined by the possibilities of their software processing. At this level of HIS development, an electronic medical record plays an active role in the decision-making process and integration with expert systems, for example, when making a diagnosis, choosing medicines, taking into account the patient's current somatic and allergic status, etc.

At the fourth level of HIS, which is called Electronic Patient Record Systems or Computer-based Patient Record Systems, patient records have many more sources of information. They contain all relevant medical information about a particular patient, the sources of which can be either one or several medical institutions. This level of development requires a nationwide or international patient identification system, a unified system of terminology, information structures, coding, etc.

The fifth level of HIS is called Electronic Health Records. It differs from the system of electronic patient records in the existence of practically unlimited sources of information about the patient's health, which allows you to accumulate information about his behavioral and social activities (smoking, playing sports, using diets, etc.). In fact, the MIS of the fifth level accumulates electronic health passports (Long Life Personal Health Record) of the population.

According to the current standard, medical information systems must ensure the implementation of the following functions:

        Maintaining medical records (“electronic medical records”);

        Formation of structural and economic descriptions (passports) of health facilities and their transfer to consolidated Database passports of healthcare facilities, which are maintained in the territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance and territorial health departments;

        Registration of patients and maintenance of the register of performed medical services according to compulsory medical insurance;

        Planning and recording of completed vaccinations;

        Mutual settlements with HMOs and territorial CHI funds for treated patients;

        Maintenance of regulatory and reference information;

        Operational planning and accounting of medical care resources (beds, medical personnel, complex medical equipment, reception rooms, stocks of pharmaceutical products);

        Planning and accounting for medical and diagnostic appointments, as well as referrals to other health facilities;

        Submission of state medical statistical reporting to the territorial health departments;

        Maintaining a database of registered diagnoses for the formation of disease statistics;

        Formation of information about the availability of drugs available to patients, and keeping records of drugs provided to patients on benefits.

MIS should be a tool that ensures and organizes the work of a medical institution. To do this, it should cover the entire set of information about the medical services provided in it and should provide an opportunity to obtain various indicators of the activities of a medical institution, in particular:

        Indicators characterizing the processes of providing medical care: timely detection of pathology, reasonableness of hospitalization, timely taking patients for dispensary registration, analysis of discrepancies in diagnoses, the volume of diagnostic and laboratory studies; compliance with standards for the duration of treatment, deviation from the drug formulary in drug therapy; the share of paraclinical methods of treatment, that is, the compliance of the assistance provided with the standards and treatment protocols.

        Outcome indicators (final results): reduction of labor losses and cases of disability; reduction in the duration of treatment, the level of hospitalization, the appeal to the SMP; reduction in mortality rates in working age; decrease in the level of morbidity and pain as a result of timely and effective medical examination and a high level of immunization; reduction in the number of “neglected” cases of oncopathology, tuberculosis, etc.

        Treatment effectiveness indicators: absence of relapses, complications, cases of re-hospitalization; compliance of the level of costs with the volume of assistance provided; satisfaction of insured patients with the level of care provided; improvement of public health indicators, etc.

It should be noted that in addition to medical IS, specialized IS can be used in medical institutions, for example, IS of the accounting department, personnel department, group (department) for the repair and maintenance of medical equipment, etc., as well as specialized image storage systems, specialized diagnostic systems, etc. d. The modern concept of building medical information systems implies their close interaction based on standard data exchange protocols such as XML, HL7, DICOM, etc.

At the same time, the information interaction of the MIS with the information systems of other medical organizations should be organized, in particular:

        with other health care facilities and sanatorium-resort institutions;

        with territorial health departments and medical departments of ministries and departments;

        insurance medical organizations and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance;

        bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance;

        medical schools.

This exchange is carried out in accordance with the standards (protocols) of information exchange, known to all participants in such an exchange. The protocols for information exchange in the health care system and compulsory medical insurance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are approved by the Conciliation Commission and are part of the Tariff Agreement in the system of compulsory medical insurance in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At the federal level, information exchange standards are developed and approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

An electronic medical record (EMR, Electronic Medical Record, EMR) is an electronic collection of information related to the health of a subject (patient) that is created, stored, maintained and used by certified medical specialists and personnel in one healthcare organization.

Rationale for the need to use EHR in the treatment and diagnostic process:

1. Over the past 40-50 years, the amount of information a doctor operates with has increased several times and continues to grow. On the other hand, the technology of working with increased data flows has remained at the level of the middle of the last century. Accordingly, we need an effective "tool" for processing the ever-growing volume of medical information and a powerful "amplifier" of the doctor's capabilities.

2. With the exception of automation tools for accounting and personnel, most of the information systems implemented in healthcare facilities are separate programs or their complexes for solving specific specialized tasks. For example, registration of services and data exchange with insurance companies and compulsory medical insurance funds, registration of mortality, registration of the birth rate, registration of the incidence of diabetes, tuberculosis, etc.

3. For each "accounting", as a rule, a separate special software is supplied, which does not or almost does not interact with other programs. The more you need to "take into account", the more diverse programs are being implemented in each health facility and each new program requires to enter into "its" database all or part of the information that has already been entered into the database of another program, unnecessarily increasing the burden on staff.

4. The doctor, in addition to maintaining a medical record in paper form, is required to fill out statistical coupons, forms for registering patients with newly diagnosed diseases, etc.

The introduction of EMR removes the need to support the "zoo" of accounting programs and the formation of numerous accounting forms, because any report or accounting form can be received from EKM automatically at any time.

The use of modern computer technologies and the introduction of an Electronic Medical Record in healthcare facilities is the most effective mechanism that provides the ability to quickly structure, detail, analyze and use all the information recorded in the medical record.

Independent work "Work in MIS Bars"

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PASSWORD: demo2010

Cabinet: advisory cabinet

Exercise 1. Get acquainted with all the possibilities of MIS Bars. Mark what functions this MIS performs, and, using table "Functions of medical information systems", make a conclusion to which class of MIS it belongs. Directions: Make your notes with a plus sign (+). Your conclusion must be written after the table.

Functions of information systems

IP classes

Information support for the processes of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients

Information support for the activities of doctors (pharmacological databases, guidelines for the use of medicines, patient management protocols)

Personal records of patients, maintenance and processing of medical documents

Accounting for medical care and medical services provided to patients, determining the need for basic types of medical care; assessment, control and quality assurance of medical care

Calculation of norms and tariffs for payment for the rendered medical care; organization of mutual settlements between healthcare institutions

Accounting, planning of financial and material resources and management of health care institutions

Monitoring the state of the medical, demographic and epidemiological situation

Collection and processing of medical statistical data, monitoring of the state of health of the population, preparation and submission of state medical statistical reporting, analysis of statistical data

Decision support, including based on modern knowledge bases, inference methods, expert systems, etc.

Information exchange between health IS, as well as IS of other departments (social protection, education, etc.) in standard exchange formats

Support for telemedicine technologies (telemonitoring, telemedicine consultations and consultations, videoconferencing, access to remote information resources)

Access to Internet resources; formation and support of own information Internet resources.

Support for the processes of education, training and retraining of specialists

Maintaining a database of regulatory and reference documentation

Automation of document flow in an institution

Conclusion: __________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Get to know the IS menu. Answer the questions (the answer will look like this: Accounting/account registries)

In which section, in which menu item can a new patient be registered?

In which section, in which menu item can you sign up a patient for an appointment with a doctor?

In which section, in which menu item can you see the schedule of doctors?

In which section, in which menu item can you select and view a list of outpatient cards for a certain period of time (for example, the last month)?

In which section, in which menu item, you can see the statistics by departments (number of beds in the department, number of patients in the department, etc.)?

In which section, in which menu item can a patient be issued a sick leave?

In which section, in which menu item can I add / change the structure of health facilities?

Task 3. Indicate for which user (registrar, doctor, head of department, chief doctor, information system administrator) this or that section of the information system is intended and why.

Task 4.

Search the database of patients: find your namesakes, or surnames similar to yours, take a screenshot.

Task 5. Search for another patient (using an arbitrary surname, except for the surname Ivanov, the patient must be registered, otherwise it will not be possible to make an appointment). Sign him up for an appointment (payment - according to compulsory medical insurance). Take a screenshot.

Do not close the window that appears.

Task 6. Generate an itinerary ticket for this patient. To do this, press the button "Talon"

Task 7. In the workplace of the chief physician, find the patient you have previously recorded, take a screenshot.

Task 8. In the ACCOUNT point, view the journal of payments for the current month for cash. Take a screenshot.

In successful organizations, marketing information is collected, analyzed and distributed within the marketing information system (MIS), which is part of the organization's management information system.

MIS is a set (single complex) of personnel, equipment, procedures and methods designed to collect, process, analyze and distribute reliable information at a specified time necessary for the preparation and adoption of marketing decisions (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Marketing Information System (MIS)

MIS transforms data obtained from internal and external sources into information necessary for managers and specialists of marketing services. MIS distributes information among managers and specialists of marketing services who make appropriate decisions. In addition, MIS, interacting with other automated systems of the organization, supplies the necessary information to the heads of other services (production, R&D, etc.). Internal information contains data on product orders, sales volumes, product shipments, inventory levels, payment for shipped products, etc. Data from external sources is obtained on the basis of marketing intelligence (from the current external information subsystem) and marketing research.

Marketing intelligence is an ongoing activity to collect current information about changes in the external marketing environment, which is necessary both for the development and adjustment of marketing plans. While internal information focuses on the results obtained, marketing intelligence explores what can happen in the external environment.

Sources for obtaining current external information can be of a very different nature; formal and informal procedures are used to collect it. Such information is obtained by studying books, newspapers, trade publications, reports of competing firms; as a result of conversations with customers, suppliers, distributors and other persons external to the organization, who should be effectively motivated to collect and provide necessary information; based on conversations with other managers and employees, for example, employees of the sales departments of this organization; by conducting industrial and commercial espionage (although foreign books write a lot about the ethical problems of marketing research).

Marketing research, unlike marketing intelligence, involves the collection and analysis of data on specific marketing situations that an organization has encountered in the market. Such information is not collected in the two previously discussed systems. Such activities are carried out periodically, and not continuously, as certain problems arise, based on the use of special methods for collecting and processing the collected data.

The MIS also includes a marketing decision analysis subsystem, in which, using certain methods (for example, correlation analysis models, break-even point calculation), based on the created marketing database, access to the information necessary for managers to make decisions is carried out and its analysis is carried out in a given direction. .

The marketing decision analysis subsystem may include a set of procedures and logical algorithms based on the experience of experts and called expert systems.

The management of the organization and its marketing services makes its own specific requirements for information, it is guided by its own ideas, both about its own organization and about its external environment; he has his own hierarchy of needs for information and his own individual leadership style, depending on the personal and business qualities of the employees of the administrative apparatus and the relationships that have developed between them. Moreover, an effective IIA can only be the result of the gradual development of the original system.

Different companies organize the performance of the marketing research function in different ways. Some have a dedicated market research department, others have only one specialist responsible for market research.

Large companies usually have special marketing research departments, in some cases only one specialist is appointed in the company responsible for marketing research.

One of the new methods of working with information, which is becoming more widespread, is database marketing, which has gained particular popularity due to the transition from mass marketing to targeted marketing. Database marketing is based on the creation and maintenance of a database that contains information about each consumer. Modern databases are not just an address list of buyers, but complete information about consumer behavior over a relatively long period. This information includes what products and in what combinations this customer bought, at what prices, in which stores, what incentives he participated in, etc. The content of the database is updated with each subsequent purchase, the company has the ability to track the behavior of each individual buyer over time, maintaining a constant dialogue with the consumer.

The advantage of interactive marketing is that it allows you to track the consumption data of individual buyers and link various market activities and the entire marketing mix with this data, analyze the response of a particular buyer to these activities, taking into account his socio-demographic characteristics, and thus improve the effectiveness of marketing events, more fully satisfying the existing needs of the market. As a result of this approach, communication and promotion become a single information flow for the company.

Currently, there are various ways to maintain a dialogue with buyers using databases. Address databases can be formed on the basis of postal addresses, telephones, various coupons for the purchase of products. One of popular ways is the creation of regular customer cards, which, for example, is actively used by the KLM airline.

The integration of all available information sources and the transition from a system consisting of a set of disparate data to a marketing knowledge system (knowledge system) is an important modern trend in working with information for most Western companies. Marketing knowledge is the accumulated intellectual capital of the company, which includes data, information and ideas and is necessary for making the best and most effective decisions by the company's management apparatus.

MIS-Ristar is a set of programs, web applications and services that work with a single database.

MIS-Ristar is supplied either as part of a hardware and software system, or pre-installed on workstations provided by the customer, or as a distribution kit and provides automation of input, processing, storage, search and analysis of ALL information processed by the administration and staff of medical institutions.

MIS-Ristar includes:

Database - a repository of accumulated information and procedures for processing this information.

- Applications designed to automate the workplaces of the administration of medical institutions, doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel, as well as non-medical personnel.

- A set of Internet applications and services for patients, staff and administration of medical institutions, as well as for business owners (for private medical institutions)

- A module for analyzing accumulated data and generating reports, which allows you to form arbitrary queries to the Database, receive any reports and analytical references, analyze accumulated data according to freely formed search criteria

- Special software "tools" that allow you to quickly configure the system as a whole and each workplace depending on the specifics of the work, including:

- "constructor" of programs (courses) of treatment / examination / rehabilitation, designed for the appointment of diagnostic studies, sets of medical and restorative procedures, in-depth medical examinations and medical commissions "one button"

- a "constructor" of structured documents ("templates") of an electronic medical record (hereinafter EHR), which allows you to customize the screen and printed forms of EHR documents, as well as link the fields filled in the document with the database. At the same time, it is possible to work with each EHR document both as text document and how with a structure optimized for automatic processing

- an "editor" of "complex norms", for promptly setting up the conditions for checking the reliability of data received, for example, from diagnostic equipment and automatically assessing "deviations from the norm" depending on the values ​​of other parameters (height, weight, age of the patient, type of equipment, individual characteristics of the patient etc.)

- a "constructor" of printed and screen forms and forms that allows you to create new or modify previously created reports and queries to the database (DB) necessary to select from the database the information displayed in these forms

- "subsystem for setting print settings", which provides settings for the order in which all documents are printed by all users (the number of copies by default, preview etc.) at the system level as a whole, for a specific organization, department or user

- "constructor" of data structures and registered parameters, providing an unlimited expansion of the list of data stored and processed by the system, including for use in analytics and reports (in fact, it allows you to add new "fields" to the database without making changes to the program code and structure DB)

Individual settings for each user (screen types, font sizes and colors, etc.)

- Special software "tools" and "constructors" to support the export / import of data for organizing information interaction with third-party information systems (laboratory information systems (LIS, image storage and processing systems (PACS), automation systems for administrative and economic activities, medical information systems of third-party manufacturers) , information systems of regional and national / federal levels, etc.)

configuration and architecture.

AT general case MIS-Ristar can be configured to work:

- at separate workstations (automated workstations)

- within the local computer network departments (divisions)

- within the institution as a whole

- in a single information space, which unites various medical institutions, including those remote from each other, interconnected by local information networks or Internet channels.

The software runs under MS Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and older

Oracle DBMS Oracle 10g, 11g and older (for small solutions - up to 20 workstations DBMS is included in the supplied solution and does not require additional license costs

Architecture - Client-Server, or multi-tier architecture.

Special technical solutions allow work on the implementation of the system to be carried out in various options depending on the requirements and capabilities of the customer:

- Option I. Complex supply of hardware and software, installation of workstations at each workplace.

- Option II. Launching the system and starting work in the minimum version with subsequent expansion (you can start with 2-3 jobs). Expansion work is reduced to the connection of new jobs, their individual settings depending on the specialization, the connection of additional software functional blocks.

Option II is recommended when implementing MIS-Ristar in an already operating institution, because it is impossible to simultaneously distract all staff from their main work for training, as well as for the period of installation and configuration of workplaces.

Expansion and development of the "regular" means of HIS

MIS-Ristar can develop in several directions:

- connection of additional workplaces

- connection of additional functional modules

- combining several institutions and organizing their work with a common database, with the possibility of obtaining appropriate reporting and analyzing the stored information both separately for each institution or group of institutions, and throughout the database

- prompt changes to already used reports or the formation and inclusion in the list of available reports of new arbitrary reporting and analytical forms

- prompt changes to already used forms and printed forms or the addition of new arbitrary printed forms and forms

- unlimited expansion of the range of stored data, including the addition of new "fields" without changing the structure of the Database and without the involvement of programming specialists

- under an additional agreement, the development and connection of new functionality and / or new applications.

Internet applications and services:

1) Self-recording. It is used for direct self-registration of patients to the doctor using the link posted on the website.

2) Information kiosks (infomats) installed in the lobby of the healthcare facility. Used for self-registration of patients with a busy registry or for appointment with certain specialists / for certain studies (procedures)

3) Subsystem of notifications and E-mail mailings

4) Remote registry. Web-interface to workplaces in the registry and pre-registration of patients. It can be used for remote registration, for example, during preventive or professional examinations directly at the exit on the territory of the institution that ordered the examinations. Doctors for recording "from home" on the call of the patient. Work of the registry from remote branches. information department(Call-center "") to record patients along with a "fat" client.

5) Remote workplaces of doctors. Web-interface to workplaces in medical staff for maintaining electronic medical records (EMR) of patients. It can be used to organize remote workplaces when leaving home, when working with remote branches with a weak or unreliable Internet connection.

6) On-line Questionnaires. Allows the patient waiting for an appointment to fill out the appropriate questionnaire - frequently asked questions by the doctor from the informat or during self-registration via the Internet. The completed questionnaire is connected to the patient's "case history" and allows the doctor not to waste time on a preliminary survey of the patient. Questionnaires can be made for each medical specialty, in fact, this is a preliminary collection of complaints and anamnesis - everything that the doctor writes down in the “case history” “according to the patient”. It is additionally equipped with a module for setting up and processing “scanned” questionnaires (when filling out questionnaires “on paper”, for example, during a medical examination.

7) Information table. Allows you to display on the TV screen and/or external monitor the current reception schedule with free/occupied seats.

8) Links to the schedule grid for an external site.Designed for direct links from sites.

9) Published price list. To display the price list on an external site.

10) Published schedule.

11) Print service (conversion of protocols filled out by doctors into Word and / or PDF) - directly from the DocMainFrom.exe task.

File sharing

1. “Attaching” files to the patient’s “medical history” – files are stored in a separate file storage

2. Bidirectional communication with LIS (PACS). VLIS (PACS) nrequests for research are sent in files of appropriate formats, research results are returned from LIS in files of agreed formats and PDF forms for printing and distribution to patients.

3. According to the same scheme, data exchange with devices is implemented. functional diagnostics, special simulators, third-party systems, etc.

Integration with third-party information systems

1. Setting up information exchange in accounting automation systems (1C, Parus)

2. Bidirectional data exchange with imaging and radiological systems (PACS, RIS)

3. Bilateral information exchange with laboratory automation systems (LIS)

4. Integration with the pharmacy warehouse management system (pharmacy kiosk)

5. Integration with federal and regional EGISZ services (configuration depending on the region)

6. Integration with any third-party information system according to the customer's requirements
