Learning HTML programming from scratch. Transformations, Transitions and Animation

Hello my friend!

I will talk about them in this article.

First, about free courses, because I know how much you don’t want to spend extra money. And then about paid trainings and programs.

So. Without further ado... Let's fly!

Free courses on HTML and CSS layout - TOP 30 best

No. 1. HTML/CSS by Beonmax

Who conducts: Beonmax.


How long does it last: 31 video lessons = 5 hours.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. What programs and tools should be used for layout.
  2. What HTML tags exist.
  3. CSS syntax basics.
  4. How to create a menu, header, footer, sidebar and much more.

No. 2. Interactive course on creating HTML and CSS websites from scratch (with certificate of completion)

Who conducts: Fruitcode.

Format: video lessons + interactive exercises + homework.

How long does it last: 6 hours.

Price: Part of the course is free, the other part is available after purchasing an inexpensive subscription.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How to use html tags div, span, p, ul, li and others.
  2. What is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for?
  3. How to use margin css properties, position, padding, color, background and others.
  4. What is adaptive layout.
  5. How to make a website layout.
  6. How to use the developer tools in Google browser Chrome.
  7. What is a viewport and how to use it.
  8. How to create a comments section on a website.
  9. How to embed a video in an html page.
  10. How to change the layout of a website in a browser.
  11. How to link html pages to each other.
  12. How to design a menu on a website.

No. 3. HTML and CSS Basics

Who conducts: online university of internet professions “Netology”.

Format: online webinars 2 times a week.

How long does it last: 2 weeks.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How to make changes to the HTML code of a page and layout text blocks.
  2. How to change the design and style of website elements.
  3. How professional layout designers work on projects.

No. 4. Courses from HTML Academy

I remember taking these courses myself. For a whole week I sat for 3-4 hours a day free lessons from instructor Kex.

Who conducts: HTML Academy, in my opinion, its website is the best place to learn the basics of layout.

Format: interactive lessons with practical tasks.

How long does it last: depends on your speed and

Price: most of the courses are free.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. HTML5 Basics.
  2. Basic understanding of CSS3.
  3. JavaScript Basics.
  4. PHP Basics.

No. 5. Courses on Udemy

Who conducts: different teachers from all over the world.

Format: video lessons + practical tasks + tests.

How long does it last: depends on the course and training program compiled by the author.

Price: There are free courses and there are paid ones.

No. 6. Courses on CodeAcademy

Who conducts: different teachers (mostly on, so if you have a hard time with him, it’s better to read on).

Format: interactive lessons, the result is immediately visible right in the browser.

How long does it last: depending on your abilities and availability of free time.

No. 7. Free course by Evgeny Popov on HTML for beginners

There are very contradictory rumors about him. Some say that Eugene teaches people outdated knowledge. Others think that it will do for familiarization.

Format: 33 video lessons.

How long does it last:

What will you learn from the course:

  1. The concept of a tag.
  2. How to create a page frame.
  3. How to create paragraphs and headings.
  4. How to create lists.
  5. How to create attributes.
  6. How to put links.
  7. How to make beautiful tables.
  8. How to format text beautifully.
  9. How to create form fields, radio buttons and checkboxes.
  10. And so on.

No. 8. Free course by Evgeny Popov on CSS

Format: 45 video lessons.

How long does it last: it all depends on your strength and speed.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How CSS works.
  2. How to connect 3 basic selectors.
  3. What are group selectors?
  4. What are descendant selectors?
  5. What are pseudo link selectors?
  6. What font families are there?
  7. How to align text.
  8. How to set line height.
  9. How to make an abbreviated entry.
  10. How to make frames.
  11. How to work with lists.
  12. What is inheritance?
  13. Cascading and priority.
  14. Block model, margin and padding.
  15. Block width and height, alignment.
  16. Field conflicts.
  17. Block and inline elements.
  18. Background color and image.
  19. Repeat background image.
  20. Positioning the background image.
  21. Fixing the background.
  22. A short summary of background properties.
  23. How to make tables.
  24. How to create a simple float based frame.
  25. What is fairing cleaning?
  26. Columns are the same height.
  27. Positioning.
  28. Absolute positioning.
  29. Relative positioning.
  30. Fixed positioning.
  31. Z-indexes.
  32. Visibility of elements.
  33. Maximum and minimum site width.
  34. Two ways to connect styles
  35. What is inheritance of non-inheritable properties.

No. 9. HTML Course for Beginners

Who conducts: Artyom Ivashkevich, programmer at Lamoda.

Format: step-by-step article-lessons.

How long does it last: 55 lessons.

What lessons are in the course:

  1. Let's create our first HTML page.
  2. Tags are the basis of an HTML page.
  3. doctype tag: indicate the HTML version.
  4. What should any HTML page consist of?
  5. Title of the HTML page.
  6. HTML page encoding.
  7. Keywords (keywords).
  8. Description tag: short description pages.
  9. Comments in HTML.
  10. Connecting CSS styles to HTML.
  11. Connecting JavaScript scripts to HTML.
  12. Summary of the second level of the HTML course.
  13. Text markup.
  14. Making paragraphs in HTML.
  15. Making headers in HTML.
  16. Bulleted lists in HTML.
  17. Numbered list in HTML: ol tag.
  18. Making a nested list in HTML.
  19. We highlight important things in bold.
  20. Italics in HTML: em and i tags.
  21. Hyphenations and delimiters in HTML: br and hr tags.
  22. Using quotes in HTML.
  23. Superscripts and subscripts: formatting formulas.
  24. We display the text as is: pre tag.
  25. Learning to make links in HTML.
  26. What are absolute and relative links.
  27. We make a link to the file.
  28. Link with anchor.
  29. Tooltip for links.
  30. How to insert images into HTML.
  31. We make the picture a link.
  32. Description of the image in HTML.
  33. Create a table in HTML: table tag.
  34. Making borders for a table in HTML.
  35. Horizontal and vertical borders in an HTML table.
  36. Indentations in tables.
  37. Table title in HTML.
  38. Header cells in an HTML table.
  39. Merging cells in tables.
  40. Aligning text in an HTML table.
  41. Ways to center a table in HTML.
  42. Learning to change table color in HTML.
  43. Resizing a table in HTML.
  44. Learning to create forms in HTML.
  45. How to set a default value for a field on a form.
  46. How to properly make captions for input fields.
  47. Create an authorization form in HTML.
  48. Multiline input field: textarea tag.
  49. Checkbox in HTML.
  50. A radio button field in an HTML form.
  51. Making a dropdown list in HTML.
  52. Form for uploading files.
  53. We use a hidden field in the form.
  54. Tabular layout of HTML pages. Website prototype.
  55. How to put a website on the Internet: simple instructions.

No. 10. HTML and CSS course - website layout for beginners

Who conducts: PHP-School.

Format: articles-lessons + homework.

How many lessons: 11.

Duration: 20 o'clock.

No. 11. Free HTML and CSS tutorial

Who conducts: Jeremy Thomas is an American front-end developer and freelancer working with companies such as Microsoft and Sony.

Format: text lessons (in English).

How many lessons: 50 lessons.

Duration: depends on you.

What you will learn on the course:

  1. HTML syntax.
  2. Its semantic elements.
  3. All about link building.
  4. Basics of text formatting.
  5. How to position elements in CSS.
  6. How to change fonts.
  7. How to make a background on a website.
  8. And much more.

No. 12. HTML Courses from HTML Dog

Who conducts: English-language site for learning programming.

Format: text lessons.

How many lessons: 3 courses (for beginners, intermediates and pros) of approximately 10 lessons each.

Duration: depends on you.

No. 13. CSS Courses from HTML Dog

Who conducts: HTML Dog.

Format: articles-lessons.

How many lessons: also 3 courses 8-15 lessons.

Duration: depends on you.

No. 14. Learn HTML in 1 Hour! #From a Professional

No. 15. How to learn HTML & CSS? The most ahu##### way!

No. 16. Website layout from scratch for beginners | HTML, CSS

No. 17. HTML website layout

No. 18. HTML5 lessons for beginners from Gosha Dudar

No. 19. HTML & CSS course with homework

No. 20. HTML for Beginners by Loftblog

No. 21. Learn HTML in 35 minutes for beginners from 10 years (Basics) + Motivation for developers

No. 22. Is the profession of HTML layout designer dead? Are HTML developers needed in 2020?

No. 23. HTML5 for dummies | INTRODUCTION - web programming from scratch

No. 24. Layout HTML + CSS in 2 Hours. From PSD. From scratch. Full Record

No. 25. HTML Tutorial for Beginners

No. 26. HTML5 Tutorial

No. 27. HTML and CSS tutorial from Dmitry Trepachev

No. 28. HTML tutorial

No. 29. CSS Tutorial

No. 30. Profession web developer from Yandex.Practicum

Other courses and materials on HTML and CSS:

  • HTMLBook is a huge reference book on HTML.
  • HTML5 and CSS3 with examples - a book from Webref.
  • Web development for beginners on Stepik - free course on html and css.
  • Dive into HTML5 - translation of Mark Pilgrim's book.
  • HTML Tutorial - reference book on HTML (in English).
  • HTML | MDN - documentation from Mozilla.
  • CSS-Tricks - English-language resource.
  • WPSchool- useful resource on WordPress (lessons, training, articles).

Paid courses on HTML and CSS layout - TOP 9 best

No. 1. I am a Web Developer - PRO

Who conducts: Daniil Pilipenko, director of the SymbioWay personnel center, former head of the software development department at the Vokrug Sveta publishing house. As well as other teachers from the online school of Internet professions Skillbox.

Format: webinars + video tutorials + homework + real meetings + excursions to TOP companies + participation in web developer forums + guaranteed employment with a salary of 100,000 rubles.

How long does it last: 2 years of training (6 months free - that is, you can pay from the first orders).

Price: 6,900 rubles per month (tutor in English in Moscow it even costs more).

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How to design websites.
  2. How to create interfaces using JavaScript.
  3. How to work with PHP.
  4. How to make beautiful design.
  5. How to work with 1C-Bitrix.
  6. And much more.

№2. Frontend developer from scratch

Yes, a layout designer is also called a Frontend developer.

Who conducts: University of Internet Professions Netology.

Format: webinars + video lessons + practical projects for portfolio + homework + personal discussions with teachers.

How long does it last: 10 months.

Price: 6,600 rubles per month.

What you will receive during the course:

  1. Comprehensive knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSX, React, VirtualDOM, Flexbox and React Router.
  2. A diploma from a well-known online university that your employers will definitely like.
  3. A ready-made, professionally designed portfolio.
  4. Employment with a salary starting from 85,000 rubles per month.

No. 3. How to create a website yourself

Who conducts: the largest Russian Internet marketing agency TexTerra.

Format: 13 lectures of 1.5 hours + homework and Feedback.

How long does it last: 2 months.

Price: 10,000 rubles.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. What types of sites exist.
  2. What is usability and how to improve it.
  3. How to prototype websites.
  4. How to layout using HTML and CSS.
  5. How to develop websites on WordPress.

From the author: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is one of the main technologies used to create web pages. Since it is the ONLY style sheet language that browsers can understand, learning CSS in depth is very important.

Getting started with CSS is very easy. With just a few hours of training, you can easily design texts, elements and layouts. However, it won't be long before things get complicated and you'll end up in a situation where your code starts to get pretty messy. Components that worked before will start to break, you found a fix on Google, but it fixes one element and breaks 5 others because the solution you found on Google changed display or position.

Why is it important to learn CSS correctly?

Unless you have a deeper understanding of the basics, CSS becomes more like trial and error. You'll try different values ​​for different properties and finally end up with a value that works, close to what you need, without understanding how it works.

You'll start googling basic things like "how to center two divs" or "how to vertically align a div and text" and copy and paste code from StackOverflow or codePen every time. Back in the days before flexbox became so popular, "how do I align a div on a page both vertically and horizontally?" was a classic CSS interview question. Many beginners could get the horizontal part right, but only a few could get the vertical part right.

Road map

1. Basics

If you're just starting out in web development, learn some basic HTML before you jump into CSS. In CSS, first read the theory about what CSS is, how it works in the browser, and its basic syntax and usage.
Learn more about the different types of styles available, their differences, selectors and basic styles such as font-size, width, height, etc. You can start with the MDN guide.

2. CSS Box Model

Image source: https://developer.mozilla.org

Learn the basics of the CSS box model and its associated properties such as margin, border, padding, etc.

3. Images and background

Images bring a web page to life. There are many ways to add an image, such as image tags, adding background colors/gradients, and background images to various other tags. You can also apply what you learned earlier, such as setting borders on images or using multiple images and creating a simple gallery.

.image ( background-image: url(../images/wallpaper.jpg); )

< img src = "../images/wallpaper.jpg" >

< div class = "image" > < / div >


background - image : url ( . . / images / wallpaper . jpg ) ;

4.display and position

These two properties are some of the most important in CSS and you need to pay attention to them correct use. Knowing these two properties can make your CSS journey much more enjoyable.

display: block | inline | inline-block | table | etc

display: block | inline | inline-block | table | etc

Understand how all these display properties are used. You will begin to notice that some HTML elements, such as div, p or h1 behave like display: block, and some like img, span behave like display: inline.

position: static | absolute | relative | fixed | sticky

Although floating layouts are a bit outdated, there are many older sites that still use them.

5. Colors, fonts, lists and tables

Understanding the different color formats such as HEX code, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, transparent, etc. is important.

color: white; color: #fff; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); color: hsl(0, 100%, 100%); color: hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 1); color: transparent;

color : white ;

color : #fff ;

color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

color : hsl (0, 100%, 100% ) ;

color : hsla ( 0 , 100% , 100% , 1 ) ;

color: transparent;

Learn how to use different fonts. Some fonts are not available in all browsers, so you'll need to learn how to manually add font families via woff or ttf files, or import Google fonts.

CSS can transform a regular unordered list

    into a beautiful navigation bar! Years ago we used tables to create layouts, thank goodness we don't do that anymore!

    6. Pseudo-classes and combinators

    A CSS pseudo-class is keyword, added to the selector, which specifies the special state of the selected element(s). The pseudo-class can be simple - :hover and:visited, or something complex - nth-last-of-type(odd). Combinators help us easily apply styles to child or parent elements without having to create new classes for each of them.

    / * all paragraph elements inside the container will be red * / red */ .container > p ( color: yellow; )

    7. Debugging and development tools

    The CSS doesn't throw any errors. It silently breaks the user experience if you don't understand styles correctly, so it's important to learn how to use the developer tools.

    Chrome Developer Tools is a great tool for web developers. It contains a lot of great features for debugging your site in real time and also has built-in performance checkers like lighthouse.

    8. Practice and practice again

    What you have learned above is enough to develop a basic website, so from now on you should start practicing small website development. When creating a real application, you will encounter various problems. To practice, you can design a simple resort website, create an image gallery or blog, and add a few basic features from your favorites social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram.

    9. Responsive web design

    Image source: Wikipedia

    Except desktop computers there are many other devices through which sites can be accessed. Support for these devices is equally important. Before responsive design became popular, developers would design a separate website for mobile devices, a separate website for devices with touch screen etc. Remember m.facebook.com and touch.facebook.com?

    There are 3 important points in Responsive Web Design:

    Flexible Layouts:

    Width set with px does not scale based on the browser window. To scale elements based on the size of the browser window, we need to create flexible layouts by specifying sizes in % or rem units.

    Media queries:

    A media query is a method for including a block CSS properties, only if a certain condition is met. We install control points based on the design and change the CSS depending on the width of the browser window.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) ( body ( background-color: lightblue; ) )

    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px){


    background-color: lightblue;

    Responsive images:

    Images are reduced in size as the width of the browser window or website viewport decreases. mobile devices. Sometimes we find it difficult to show the important details of a particular image, so we need to use different images for different screens.

    10. Flexbox and Grid

    It's been about 10 years since Flexbox was first introduced, but it wasn't until recently in 2015 (!) that it was widely deployed.

    Flexbox and Grid are styles used to create flexible layouts and they make our lives a lot easier! This is one of the best things to ever happen to CSS. To create the layout below without Flexbox or Grid would require over 300 lines of CSS code.

    11. Transformations, transitions and animation

    Learning basic transforms and transitions comes in handy if you want to create an interactive web page with moving parts on certain mouse or keyboard events, such as hover or click.

    Before CSS3, animation was done primarily using jQuery − JavaScript libraries. Now CSS has become so powerful that we can create complex animations without JavaScript.

HTML and CSS. Level 1. Creation of sites in HTML 5 and CSS 3

Are you planning to make web technology your profession? Do you want to create websites? Work as a layout designerweb-a designer, or maybe an internet marketer? Do you have an online project that you promote yourself? In any case, you cannot do without knowledge HTMLAndCSS– markup languages ​​for web pages and their appearance.

Hypertext language HTML markup Using tags and other elements, it conveys information about how the text is structured and how it should be displayed on the screen. The CSS cascading table language allows you to design a web page by specifying the necessary colors, fonts and other style elements.

During the training you will gain basic skills in HTML and CSS, and also learn how to use interactive features latest versions– HTML 5 and CSS 3.

The course includes Project work“Creation of a website. Filling the site with text, images and videos.”

You will learn the basics of the HTML markup language, how to applying CSS and the basics of website construction. You can create pages yourself, design a navigation menu and other website elements. Learn to correctly place images and text blocks on the page. You will be able to independently work with CSS styles, use frames and meta information. You will also receive practical advice, how to choose hosting and technical support for the site.

And during your training you will learn what is more important – design or a clear structure? And how to design a website in such a way that it will be successfully promoted in the future?

The course program meets the requirements of the professional standard.

The course is recommended by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications "RAEK". Successfully completing it will help you systematize and consolidate your existing knowledge. This is a powerful basis for further study. The course is necessary for everyone who plans to master a prestigious profession.

For knowledge of html & css.


Entry into the profession / necessary subject fundamentals. During training, I redesigned my website. I have improved my level in website design.


Thank you very much for the training! Yuri Klyuchevsky is an excellent teacher. As a teacher by training, I can personally say that the course created by Yuri is very good for beginners in html & css knowledge. The methodology is intensive, smooth, correctly constructed; interesting, not annoyingly tedious, and if you have the opportunity and desire to do homework, you will not be left at the end of this course without work sites made independently and analyzed by the teacher.

Why did you come to the course?

By line of work, I am involved with various Internet projects, and I simply need to know and communicate in the same language with programmers and web designers, and for this reason I decided to study this area entirely. At first I understood the material on my own, but then I decided that it was better to get knowledge from a professional in his field, which Yuri Klyuchevsky is entirely.



If you want to gain knowledge of HTML and CSS, then I recommend this course from Yuri Klyuchevsky! Accessible and understandable about complex technical issues and terms! If you are interested in what is hidden under the “hood” of a website, if you want to make a website yourself from scratch before launching it, or just learn this craft, then first I advise you to get knowledge from a pro.

Why did you come to the course?

I'm a UX designer, and I needed to know this part too. life cycle web interfaces. Doing it yourself takes a lot of time, and with a busy work schedule, you try to save every minute.


Here I received the most necessary knowledge, the complexity gradually increased, and therefore it seemed that everything was clear, but this is of course the merit of Yuri. I was a student on the course, but, nevertheless, now I can make a simple website and understand what is written in the code of other sites.


The course is very applied, practice, practice, practice. I really liked this. Modern technologies, methodologies, different languages. All this is what you really need to start working in this field. If someone is really looking for an opportunity to start in the world of layout, web programming, front-end, then the course will be very useful.

Why did you come to the course?

Learn layout


The structure of the layout has become clear on its own; now, if necessary, I can figure out techniques or functions previously unknown to me and integrate them into my project. As a result, we learned how to create websites that a designer friend of mine assessed as modern and with relevant features. The most trend!))


The course is very effective. Yuri presents the material so clearly and structuredly that I could not attend the nightly (in my time zone) webinars and still do the assignments. The tools he teaches to use speed up layout several times, turning it from routine tediousness into a normal creative workflow. Almost 24/7 support: from checking tasks to advice on code optimization. It seems to me that Yuri checked the works much faster than the group created them))

Why did you come to the course?

I decided to change something in my life. I thought that IT (web) was just right.


Well understood the basics necessary for work. I see the next step for myself - learning JavaScript, JQuery


I decided to take the course and I don’t regret it. Because: 1. Everything is available. 2. Yura helped on those issues. that arose during the execution of tasks. 3. Quite a lot of material that still needs to be digested, etc. I recommend to everyone!

Why did you come to the course?

I decided to take my first step towards web development.


A good base that makes it clear in which direction to develop further.


I highly recommend Yuri’s course on website design! The training is systematized in such a way that throughout the course you receive only the knowledge that a beginner needs at this stage, nothing superfluous. Informative and balanced course, experienced teacher, reasonable price. I advise everyone who is interested to take this course, and I wish Yuri success!

Why did you come to the course?

I decided to find a job that I would like and bring good money. I settled on the layout and liked it, but a lot of things didn’t work out. I wanted more. I decided to take a course


I opened my eyes to a lot, learned a lot. In the courses, everything is condensed and fast, and when you look back, you realize how “high” you are already in layout, and you understand where to go next. I understood how to organize the work, where to start, and what can be postponed until later. Mastered new programs and working with them. Then it will be possible to do freelancing, so to speak, to hone the acquired skills, and in the future I think about taking more in-depth courses.


There is nothing superfluous, boring or boring in the courses. In addition to theory, there is a lot of practice. Moreover, practices with a detailed explanation of each comma. And even if after this, something is not clear, you can ask your fellow students or, most importantly, the lecturer himself, who surprisingly answers very quickly.

Why did you come to the course?

I really love Flat design, beautiful minimalist sites are my weakness. Therefore, I have long dreamed of creating the same ones, but programmers I knew said that it would take 2 years to learn. Therefore, the layout remained at the level of my fantasies.


The basic course has been completed. A start. Now you can practice on your own and deepen your knowledge! Now, having completed the course, I feel almost like a genius))


In the VK feed I came across a group enrollment for the course, and went in out of curiosity. Reviews from real students and the price were pleasant, so I got excited and decided that I had nothing to lose.)

The 7 hour time difference was confusing. (I'm from Vadivostok) But Yuri calmed me down. I watched each webinar in the recording, at a time convenient for me).

The topic is new to me. Complex. Lots of information! Sometimes my brain even began to boil, and I felt like a stupid chick (not without it)) But the learning process is well-structured and interesting! A lot depends on the teacher! Yura is a great teacher! If you have a real interest in creating websites, I highly recommend it, you won’t regret it!

Why did you come to the course?

I decided to switch to remote work and began to decide on Internet professions, I always wanted to create websites and was looking for how to learn it.


In this course, we studied all the main topics in layout, and also touched upon and even tried more in-depth things, such as PHP, JS, Ajax, Wordpress.


I really liked the learning process itself, there was a lot of information, but since the webinars were not held every day, there was time to “digest” and assimilate it all.

I also liked the homework tracking system with marks for completion, which forced me to complete all assignments on time and keep up with my classmates. I advise everyone to take this course, you won’t regret it. Thanks to Yuri for the course, everything was very professionally done and organized.

Why did you come to the course?

I got tired of office work and decided that I needed to change my profession in order to do work from anywhere. I decided that I would become a front-ender. First of all, I took up the basics - html/css. I registered at html-academy, started taking the course, but the further I went, the more I realized that something was wrong. I knew the tags, I knew the properties and attributes, I understood the markup logic, but what to do with this knowledge? It was like I learned to ride a bike without ever sitting on it. I read that the material is most easily absorbed in personal project, but didn’t know how to even create a website. I needed hands-on learning.


I received much more than I expected, and even before the end of the course I had already recouped its cost.

Now I am not working in the field yet, although I have completed a couple of small orders - I am retaking the course again to be sure of my competence. It’s also great that all the educational materials will remain with me, systematically arranged in folders, with all the examples and answers.


I plan to go further, delve deeper into FE, after retaking the course, return to studying JS and its frameworks, learn a little more about PHP (which, by the way, is also covered a little in this course), Python, and software for UI/UX development, like Adobe xd.

The price of the course is low, the duration is just right, and most importantly: all the necessary topics are covered. Very good course. The material is presented smoothly, sometimes with jerks forward, but these jerks are necessary, these are kind of barriers that you want to overcome in order to see what awaits next. I recommend the course! Thanks to Yuri for drawing up such a training program, professionalism and responsiveness!

Why did you come to the course?

I have to travel often, and I’m thinking about changing my profession to freelancing.


Now I understand the subject and my goal is to gain experience in new field and deepen your knowledge!


From the moment of registration until the start of classes, you will have time to familiarize yourself with the video with introductory material and how to prepare your computer for use, so that you already understand the very basics. The course is very rich (see the program on the website), the material is presented in an interesting and at the same time accessible way, there is a lot of information for independent development.

The course is interesting, it allows you to master a new profession in a short time and at a low cost, there is a lot of material and in different forms, the teacher and course curator are always in touch and will help, and in general everyone on the course is cheerful and responsive! =

Why did you come to the course?

The process itself online learning I considered it not very attractive, because when choosing courses you can only rely on a template description of the training program and the author’s website. I chose for several weeks, left applications here and there, but refused everywhere for various reasons. And then I came across Yuri’s nice website. I left a request, wrote to the contact, problems arose regarding time, since the middle of my studies coincided with my departure, to which Yuri offered very strong reasons to stay.


I gained knowledge that will be useful in practice.


The lessons are structured logically, there is feedback from students, and points are touched upon that will be useful in the future. Overall, I can confidently say that it is worth it. Skype chat with the group and the material covered will remain with you, and this is generally a jackpot! I wish Yuri success and pluses in the chat!

Why did you come to the course?

Master the profession of an HTML layout designer.


After completing the HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout course, I received a huge amount of useful material presented in an interesting form, which will be useful in my career as a web developer.


Thanks to the author's excellent teaching skills, each lesson was fun and easy to understand. Yuri always answered my questions and helped me resolve any problems. Well-constructed homework assignments, during which I strengthened the knowledge acquired at the webinars. This course included very relevant topics that are valued by employers in the web development field. Many thanks to Yuri for this course, as this is an excellent opportunity to gain a relevant and in-demand profession.

Why did you come to the course?

I had an idea about HTML and CSS from various free resources, but I couldn’t create anything more or less serious.


During the course we moved from simple to complex, and this helped me organize my existing knowledge and acquire new ones, as well as gain practical experience in layout. Now I can safely take on the layout of a not very complex template with elements Java script, and most importantly, I know where to move next in order to hone my knowledge.


For me, this course turned out to be very useful and effective. In practice, we completed several works, and Yuri explained all incomprehensible points in great detail on an individual basis. It’s also valuable that in addition to HTML and CSS, we looked at useful developer tools that I didn’t even know about. I am sincerely grateful to Yuri for his work, I wish him creative success, and I hope for further communication.

Why did you come to the course?

I came to the course with zero knowledge in the field of web design in order to start creating web pages myself competently and interestingly.


I was left with pleasant impressions, a treasure trove of ideas, and a wealth of knowledge and skills.


I am very grateful to Yuri for his patience and detailed, constructive explanations. The course is excellent and filled with everything you need. Of course, the course was intensive, but very effective. So I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn the secrets of HTML and CSS. They say that time is money, so you shouldn’t waste time looking for tutorials - everything is in one course. Thanks again to our teacher

Why did you come to the course?

I started the course with zero knowledge of HTML, CSS and indeed everything related to web page development, Landing page etc. At work there was a need to master the Internet for our company. We thought, discussed, and decided to find something suitable for study


Thanks to this intensive course, the principles and algorithms of website layout were memorized very well.


The main features in the course:
1. Its thoughtful sequence from the very basics to libraries and features.
2. The intensity of the course, despite the very large amount of work.

Why did you come to the course?

I started learning layout myself. I went almost to the end of the online trainer on codecademy, watched tutorials on YouTube, and collected some knowledge bit by bit. But somehow everything was mixed up, although I thought that I already knew quite a lot. In theory I seemed to understand it well, but in practice it didn’t work out very well.


The course helped to structure existing knowledge + acquire new skills. I understood the main thing and studied a little the layout process itself.


I am satisfied with the course and the teacher. I would like to note that Yuri is always ready to help, that is, during “non-working hours.”

Why did you come to the course?

I wanted to learn HTML and CSS, but didn’t know where to start, or rather, which side to approach such a “beast”.


The course was a great start and gave me the amount of knowledge that now allows me to CONFIDENTLY dive into a deeper study of HTML and CSS. Now I’m not afraid of any title, div, webkit, ul, meta, bootstrap, font-weight, padding and other animals unknown to me before)))


If you are a beginner, then this course will be very suitable for you. You will immediately plunge into the very essence of the process and quickly see the results of your efforts - not complex work pages on your own website. But that’s not all, as you learn, the tasks will become more complex and deeper, and eventually you will be able to create your own full-fledged work pages with an original design and some fun “bells and whistles.” Thank you Yuri for your patience and attention to the course participants!

Why did you come to the course?

We needed clear knowledge to start working in html.


I felt the hard way what html, css, photoshop and other good things are. I got acquainted with a bunch of technologies that make life easier and guarantee adaptability of layout for different browsers and devices. In general, at the end of the course I left the course with my head held high.


The course is very intensive, there is a lot of information, it is difficult to remember everything at once, so in no case should you slack off, and homework must be completed on time, you must not fall behind in any case. The course is well structured.

Why did you come to the course?

Knowledge of web development was needed. I needed practice (a lot of practice) + a mentor who would point me to the necessary information.


I figured out the difficult moments with layout and now, without using tutorials and lessons, I can easily layout pages using or without frameworks. Finally I found a person who would give me a good starting kick for working in layout =)).


This course is good for complete beginners and for those who are new to HTML and CSS. I would like to once again say thank you very much for the patience and time that Yuri spent explaining the same things many times. It helped (and still helps) after all.

Why did you come to the course?

Improve your knowledge.


I already had knowledge of layout, but thanks to the course I was able to learn all the subtleties, understand the details, and study all the nuances in more detail. Now I’m already studying PHP and the integration of ready-made layout on bitrix, but when I have questions about layout, I without a doubt turn to Yura, he will always help and advise, for which I am very grateful.


I would like to note that Yura is an excellent teacher, he explains things very clearly and clearly. I liked that he thought out the structure of the course very well, making the course very easy to learn and very understandable. A detailed explanation of all errors in the d/z and video recording, this is very useful and convenient. Sign up for the course, don’t hesitate, study and you will succeed!

Why did you come to the course?

In website development, I saw the prospect of opening my own business, which does not require large investments from outside and can only rise with the help of a good idea and its further implementation. I started studying HTML and CSS on my own and within a month I already had some results, I managed to put together 3 small pages. But my progress seemed very long to me, I understood perfectly well that in learning something new you need an experienced mentor


Now, after completing the course, I have everything necessary to layout almost any page, it’s just a matter of practice. The more practice, the better the acquired knowledge is consolidated.


We started to learn everything from the basics, and from the first lesson we began to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. With each lesson we received more and more new knowledge, more and more new sources with related materials. At the beginning of my study, I had about two bookmarks for studying this profession, now I have more than 48 of them.

During the course, several pages were created, each of which provided an opportunity to consolidate the material covered. From the very first lesson, we were taught the correct layout standards: semantics of pages, readability of code, and much more. A number of related programs were reviewed, such as Photoshop, Brackets and Sublime.

I highly recommend this course as a start if you are interested in this area. In the end, you receive good basic knowledge and an experienced mentor who, even after completing the course, is ready to provide support and help you find a way out of difficult situations that you may encounter during layout.

Why did you come to the course?

I wanted to start learning html. Before the course, my knowledge was at the level of “there is html, it has some tags, and from them a page is made.”


Now, after completing the course, I can design almost any page, while it will be semantic and look adequate on any device. Of course, it is still possible and necessary to learn all sorts of things, such as js, php, wordpress (if, of course, you focus on a broad-level front-end developer), but thanks to the course, and in particular Yuri, I got a fairly strong start in knowledge (html5, css3, grids, media queries, adaptability, a little photoshop, and a lot of related things), especially in practice.


I completed the course and was very pleased. In class, after going through the basics, as homework, we started laying out pages using templates, and the templates were quite rich - blocks, pictures, forms, menus. It’s difficult, incomprehensible at first, but interesting. Again, thanks to Yuri: for any question that arose during the lesson (how this or that technology or service works), or while doing homework (why some block or menu doesn’t want to look like their screwed up), there was always a clear, detailed answer, a “fingerprint explanation” of why exactly that was the case. In general, I personally was satisfied with the training, I never regretted the money invested, after all, an investment in myself, in my education and future.

Why did you come to the course?

I wanted to start learning html and css. I came with almost zero knowledge.


I gained knowledge and understanding of how to layout a page and the main points for creating websites.


I liked the coach, Yuri. I don’t understand where he gets so much free time?! He was available at almost any hour, ready to answer questions and sort out the problem online - even if it was an inopportune time! He told the story very clearly, systematically, there was no feeling of “galloping across Europe.” Everything was studied until it was clear, and the work definitely had to be done and passed. If you want to start learning html and css, I recommend this course!

After completing this course, you will gain knowledge with which you will be able to create HTML pages yourself. Moreover, by the end of the course we will even make a website and publish it on the Internet!

Online course on studying HTML language for beginners, this is an opportunity to independently take the first step towards mastering the specialty of a web developer.

Course program

Level 1: Introduction and HTML Basics

Level 2. HTML Document Structure

Level 3: Text Markup

Level 4. Links

Level 5. Pictures

Level 6. Tables

Level 7. Forms

Level 8. Creating a website and putting it on the Internet

Level 9. Summing up

The online course on HTML for beginners is a series of lessons combined into several sections and accompanied by graphic and video materials. At the end of each topic, the user is asked to complete homework, which will allow them to consolidate what they have learned.

Lessons are accompanied by homework. We strongly advise you to carry them out, since it is the practice of applying the acquired knowledge that contributes to its maximum assimilation. In addition, I recommend studying the topics exactly in the order in which they are located on the site. This ensures compliance with the “from simple to complex” approach.

Our HTML courses You can master it at any time convenient for you. However, you should not take too long breaks between lessons. Distribute your resources wisely and without compromising the learning process.

The benefits of learning HTML from scratch

HyperText Markup Language is the basic programming language for the web. Without knowledge HTML basics layout, it is impossible to move on to studying more complex material. It is no coincidence that a free course on how to master it is the first among web development lessons.

Hypertext markup language is easy to learn; even a beginner who has not previously encountered web development can learn its basics. We offer accessible and understandable online HTML courses, which you can access from anywhere you have Internet access. HTML lessons written in simple language and are aimed at people with different levels of knowledge in this area.

An undoubted advantage free course HTML from WebShake is an individual approach to conducting classes. You master the material at any convenient time, returning to previously covered topics if necessary. This guarantees the continuity of the learning process, the absence of “blank spots” and gaps in knowledge that would invariably arise in the case of group classes.

A beautifully designed website attracts the attention of the target audience and increases the number of visitors. It is knowledge of HTML that will make it possible to give an Internet resource structure and logic, making it easy to understand. After completing all the HTML lessons for beginners from scratch, you will master website layout skills and be able to put them into practice and start earning your first money in the field of web development.
