Surveys for rewards online. Paid surveys

Good afternoon, dear readers! We continue to explore the possibilities of making money on the World Wide Web. Each of us has filled out a questionnaire at least once in our lives. This is not a difficult matter, sometimes even funny. Did you know that you can get money for this? No initial investment! This is not a scam! So, today we’ll talk about paid surveys on the Internet for money. Let us immediately note that it is unlikely that you will be able to earn a million with their help, but paying for mobile communications, the Internet and various little things is quite possible. To do this, you need to spend no more than one hour a day and make a minimum of effort.

Surely, about five years ago, you more than once met young people on the streets, in passages or at supermarkets with papers and pens who asked to give them a little of your time and answer questions. This method of researching public opinion was not very effective. Firstly, few people wanted to spend time filling out questionnaires. Secondly, conduct surveys on the street in bad weather or the cold season is simply not possible. And thirdly, providing information about your salary, ownership of an apartment or car to a stranger is somehow scary. The widespread use of the Internet and various gadgets has eliminated these problems. Now all questions can be answered in the comfort of your own home and at the same time for money!

Working on surveys on the Internet: who needs it and why?

First, let's talk about who conducts the paid survey? The answer is simple - surveys are conducted for money by special intermediary sites. Customers can be product manufacturers, as well as marketing companies. A little earlier we talked about young people who met you on the streets of the city and asked you to fill out a questionnaire. Such research was ordered by product manufacturers. In addition to the fact that the respondent reluctantly indicated deliberately false information, the interviewers themselves learned to be cunning. Their earnings directly depended on the number of completed questionnaires. Can you guess what they did? Well, of course, we filled them out ourselves! This information was not true. And it did not bring any benefit to the manufacturer.

What did the customers want to find out? They were interested in their attitude towards a certain service, product, brand, or promotion. For what? Mainly to estimate future demand. You can glean a lot of valuable information from the survey: what you like or don’t like, what can be changed and improved, whether this product (product, service, work) is needed on the market at all. Without such research, manufacturers would have to fly in the dark. And release products in the hope that the target audience will like it.

Paid survey sites, which pay for users' opinions, have revolutionized the situation. Now respondents answer questions quite honestly and willingly, for money, of course. Actually, all parties benefit: the customer learns a reliable opinion about the product, the intermediary site receives a reward for the research conducted, and the respondents receive a small financial compensation for their time spent.

Paid surveys on the Internet for money. Let's talk about the main thing right away!

What is the most important thing in an article about making money from online surveys? Of course, how much can you earn maximum? The amount earned per month depends on a number of factors:

  1. Respondent activity.
  2. Compliance with the target audience, which in turn is influenced by:
  • Gender, age, marital status, children.
  • Job and income level.
  • Education, interests, hobbies.
  • Property: apartment, house, dacha, car.
  • Level of consumption of goods.
  • Attitude to alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Diseases.
  • Trips.

If you are exactly the person the manufacturer is targeting, then you will often be asked to take a survey, which brings in money. We’ll talk about how to get on the list of target audience members later.

Paid surveys on the Internet for money immediately bring in a small income. In the first month, most likely, you will be able to get up to 2,000 rubles. But in the future the profit can reach 5 thousand rubles per month! To illustrate the ratio of time spent to income, we present simple calculations.

One survey takes about 10-15 minutes and costs an average of 50 rubles. So, to earn 5000 rubles a month you need to take part in 100 surveys (5000/50=100). That is, every day you must answer questions in 3-4 questionnaires. The time required will be 45-60 minutes per day! Read on and you will learn how to make the most money from surveys!

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Paid surveys: tips for making money on online surveys depending on their types

To understand how to make the most money from surveys, let’s first understand what they are. Naturally, the classification will be conditional. So, depending on the country of “origin”, paid survey resources are:

  • foreign,
  • domestic.

Depending on the method of receiving earned money:

  • services with output to a mobile phone;
  • resources with the ability to cash out earned funds;
  • questionnaires that pay money using discounts, bonuses or coupons from online stores.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of criteria. But they are the most significant within the scope of this article. Next, let's look at each classification feature in more detail.

Paid survey sites that pay for your opinion: Buckle up! Russia will not forget you! Abroad will help us!

Like the heroes of Ilf and Petrov, we have to show remarkable ingenuity in order to replenish the family budget from alternative sources of income. Therefore, the topic of what kinds of survey sites there are will be discussed further. For what? Read and you will find out everything!

Let’s conditionally divide all services that deal with surveys into two large categories: domestic and foreign. And, as usual, we’ll pay tribute to the Motherland and talk about Russian questionnaires. The fact is that the market economy - this integral attribute of exemplary foreign capitalism - came to us only 25 years ago. This means that domestic manufacturers have not yet fully mastered its principles. The reason for this is the lack of education and partly the mentality, thanks to which all the changes for the better take a particularly long time for us to take place.

What are we leading to? Moreover, not all enterprises check the opinions of the target audience before releasing a new product to the market. Decision-making often occurs on a random basis, and accordingly, Russian companies order focus group opinion research much less often than American or European companies. Therefore, our paid survey sites that pay offer more modest earnings than their foreign sister cities.

What is the situation with foreign questionnaires? In economically developed countries, not a single company will launch a new product (product, service, work) on the market without conducting thorough marketing research, the most powerful tool of which is a public opinion poll. Therefore, invitations to participate in surveys are sent much more often. The payment is also higher than that of Russian analogues, approximately $1-10 (65-650 rubles as of June 2016).

Here we come to the first and one of the most important tips.

Tip 1. Register on both Russian and foreign paid survey sites.

Of course, if you know English language, at least for basic level! We will consider all the nuances, tricks and secrets of high earnings from surveys conducted by intermediary sites (including foreign ones) later.

Paid surveys on the Internet for immediate money: what do you want?

Now let's take a closer look at withdrawal methods. Previously, we indicated the main withdrawal methods. On account mobile phone It is convenient to withdraw money if your earnings are relatively low. Earned 300-500 rubles can be spent on payment mobile communications, Internet, purchases in the AppStore or PlayMarket. By the way, many foreign survey sites support the withdrawal of money to the numbers of domestic operators.

Many people believe that it is dangerous to indicate your mobile phone number in any resources: they will apply for a loan, write off all the money, etc. When collaborating with paid survey sites, you don’t have to worry about this. Services carefully monitor their reputation. Below is a list of “white” online survey sites.

Sometimes work on surveys on the Internet is paid for with coupons from online stores. This will appeal to active online shoppers. Usually you can exchange your earnings for discounts in Ozon, Lamoda, KupiVip and similar sites.

Some questionnaires combine reward payment methods, so users have the opportunity to choose what suits them best.

Tip 2. If you plan to withdraw 2-5 thousand rubles a month, which will help you earn paid surveys on the Internet for money, immediately choose resources with the possibility of payments to electronic wallets and bank cards.

Firstly, online wallet will accumulate money from all surveys. Secondly, with their help it is easy to cash out, transfer or pay.

How to make money on surveys: who are you, the ideal respondent?

Few people would refuse an additional few thousand rubles a month, especially if it requires a minimum of effort. But readers will most likely have a question: am I suitable for this activity? Answer: definitely yes! The fact is that surveys are designed for different target groups, one of which you will definitely fall into. You can start immediately.

All you need is to have a gadget (laptop, phone, tablet) and an internet connection. And, of course, a little patience! Earning money using the Internet is very exciting; you are unlikely to get bored with the process. The process of increasing your balance is very addictive! No special skills or knowledge are required because the surveys ask about your opinion of the product.

We deliberately did not highlight a separate point on how to start making money using paid surveys. There’s just nothing really to write about. You need:

  1. Go to the survey site.
  2. Register.
  3. Confirm Mailbox.
  4. Fill out the user questionnaire (usually they also pay for filling it out).
  5. Create an electronic wallet (if you don’t have one) to withdraw funds.

The whole procedure will take no more than 20 minutes. Next thing you need to do is check regularly email for availability of invitations to participate in surveys. That's all!

From theory to practice: 3 secrets of making money from paid surveys on the Internet!

Now from general theory Let's move on to the practical work of many freelancers. Let's talk about how to earn the maximum possible money from surveys. To do this you need to know a few secrets. So, the first secret!

Secret 1. To maximize profits, register on all survey sites for the money that suits you.

All questionnaires have different degrees of activity. Some send invitations to participate in surveys often, others very rarely. If you don’t guess with the site, you won’t earn much, so register as soon as possible more services. Subsequently, refuse to cooperate with questionnaires with low activity and delete your account. How not to get confused in so many accounts? Easily!

Tip 3. Use the same mailbox, login and password for all surveys.

You can create a special mailbox that will only receive invitations to participate in surveys, or mark one that you rarely use so as not to “clutter up” the main one, and also come up with a username and password specifically for survey sites for money. If you are worried about the security of your accounts and prefer to make things up every time New Password, then pay attention to applications for saving them. It doesn’t matter how many accounts you have, they will remember all the registration data and remind you if necessary.

Secret 2. Connect on your phone Mobile Internet, link your email application to the mailbox you will use to register for surveys. Set it up so that new messages are checked at least twice an hour.

For what? Then, in order to quickly respond to invitations to participate in surveys. The fact is that usually paid survey sites on the Internet for money immediately need a certain number of people. You simply may not have time to get into the group if you check your email a couple of times a day. Once you receive the letter, you can immediately complete the survey using your phone. Usage mobile device will maximize profits.

When registering, consider the withdrawal method: to a card, to a phone, using coupons. By the way, let’s take a closer look at the registration process. The fact is that immediately after confirming your email, you will be asked to fill in your personal information. It is not necessary to answer the survey questions. But here's another tip.

Tip 4. Do not refuse to fill out the form with personal data.

Why? You might ask. The fact is that, thanks to the specified data, the system will assign you to one of the focus groups and will send invitations to participate in those surveys in which you can be truly useful. To make it clearer, let's give an example. Let's say a luxury cosmetics manufacturer wants to know public opinion about its new lip gloss. Agree that a 40-year-old man working as a tractor driver is unlikely to be able to provide any valuable information on this product.

Now let's talk about important points that partly contradict each other. Working on online surveys is serious! The fact is that the system is watching you!

Tip 5. You need to answer carefully and honestly!

Otherwise, you will simply get confused in the answers, which will not escape the vigilant program. Intermediary sites are interested in reliable information, so verification questions will arise quite often. That is, the same question may be repeated. If you answered differently, the results of the survey will be cancelled. Or different questions, the answers to which cannot contradict each other. For example, you indicated that you are in maternity leave, but noted that there were no children.

Some survey sites indicate your level of honesty using a rating. When registering, it will be maximum; if the system “catch” you, then the rating will decrease, as will the number of invitations to participate in the survey.

Important! Please provide information that can be verified correctly.

Be sure to write the correct residential address. By “correct” we mean the one you actually live by, or the one that actually exists. The fact is that if such an address does not exist or it leads to a hospital (shopping center, night club etc.) you will not be sent an invitation to participate in the survey.

What is the contradiction here? This is what it's all about!

Secret 3. Come up with a legend for yourself in which you are more solvent, independent and insatiable!

Think carefully about the legend and fill out the forms according to it. Of course, the legend should not be at odds with reality. Let her simply “embellish” what really is. There is no need to pretend to be a 25-year-old girl who works as a secretary if you are 40 years old, a man and work as a driver. Just indicate that your income exceeds 30 thousand rubles, you do not consult with your wife, you make decisions about purchasing goods yourself, and you cannot be dragged out of the store by your ears.

This is approximately how manufacturers of goods (services) and, accordingly, survey sites want to see you. No one will require an income certificate or receipts from stores. The main thing is that it is easy for you to remember what you indicated during registration.

And a little more about the legend. Come up with and remember well a list of hobbies. If you don’t actually have a lot of them, then indicate those that involve financial expenses: gadgets, cars, Appliances and so on.

By the way, one more important advice, which is confirmed by the experience of questionnaire users!

Tip 6. Do not indicate that you or your relatives are in any way connected with the field of education, marketing, media orPR.

If you do this, then you won’t immediately see invitations to paid surveys on the Internet for money! Why? Only service developers can answer this question reliably.

When asked whether you participated in surveys on other sites over the past month, you must answer: “No!” Freelancers have noticed another point that mailboxes with domain names servers (,, invitations arrive much less often.

Tip 7. Don't forget about the referral program!

Referral or affiliate program from survey sites implies that the user can refer more people, for which he will receive a reward. If New user is registered in the system using your link, then for this you will receive 15-20 rubles. The link can be found in the corresponding section of your account. Post it on your social network page.

Working on online surveys: trust, but verify!

Working on the Internet comes with risks. In the case of paid surveys, it is that you simply will not get paid; They will charge you, but will not withdraw the funds or will act even more cunningly. Let's give an example of a common method of deception. The user receives an invitation to take part in the survey by email. He responds to it immediately. Answers 5-10 questions, and then the system displays a message that the respondent does not meet the survey criteria or people with the same data have already been recruited. These answers and time spent are not paid!

In order to avoid cooperation with unreliable paid survey sites, follow the following advice.

Tip 8. Before registering in the system, check the questionnaire!

How to do it? In a rather banal way: read reviews on the Internet and check the white/black lists. Of course, this will not give a 100% guarantee, but you can avoid outright deception. You will weed out the rest of the sites in the process of cooperation.

And remember this thing: sites that really pay will never demand money from you for their services! Registering and receiving survey invitations – free options. A commission may be charged for withdrawing funds, but in a minimal amount! Everything else is deception. You should be paid, not you!

The best of the best: TOP 10 questionnaires you can trust!

As promised, here is the rating best services surveys. Do detailed reviews We will not have survey sites. They are very subjective. And the user will not need any special help. In order to get comfortable with the work of the service, you only need to have basic knowledge and skills. Therefore, we provide a list of domestic and foreign survey sites that you can trust!

TOP 10 best paid survey sites:


TOP 10 best foreign questionnaires:

  • surveysavvy
  • clixsense
  • e-research-global
  • viewsbank
  • ithinkinc

Active cooperation with these Internet portals will help you earn money by answering paid surveys on the Internet for money, immediately 2-5 thousand rubles per month! The main thing is to think through everything so that you can quickly respond to offers, do not get confused in your accounts and do not waste time on dummy questionnaires. And we tried to help you with this! Good luck!

Victoria Ryabenko

# Online business

Websites for earning money, payment amounts

Earning money by filling out surveys is quite popular. For example, the Paid Surveys site has almost three million registered users.

Article navigation

  • How to make money on surveys and tests
  • Step-by-step instruction on earning money from surveys
  • Features of making money on foreign sites
  • Sites for making money on surveys

Today you can replenish your budget without leaving home. On the Internet, Russian and foreign research companies offer to earn money online by participating in paid surveys.

Manufacturers of products and goods, being in constant competition with each other, are forced to improve the quality of the product directly to the consumer’s request. Previously, you could take a paid survey on the street or in shopping centers. With the development of the Internet, marketing research has moved online. Now it only takes a couple of clicks to gather the opinion of your audience.

Let's figure out how to make money from online surveys and whether this can be done without investment.
Filling out questionnaires on questionnaires does not compare in terms of income with a regular job. The assignments do not arrive regularly, and the pay is low. So, how much can you earn from surveys? For one completed application form they pay approximately 30 rubles. Now imagine how many tests it takes to get a thousand.

Each site has its own restrictions on withdrawals. Money can be transferred to a phone account, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, PayPal, or spent on purchasing goods in partner online stores. To earn at least something, register for 10–20 surveys - this will increase your income.

How to make money on surveys and tests

Taking tests for money as a way to earn money is acceptable if you devote at least an hour a day to work.
First, find portals on the Internet with paid surveys, study them so as not to fall into the hands of scammers.

After a list of reliable sites has been compiled, register. For filling out your profile, you will immediately receive your first points.

Surveys are selected based on the data specified in the profile. Therefore, first indicate your place of residence, age, gender, and who you work for.

If you fall into the target group, you will receive a task by email indicating the amount you receive for completing it. Some companies provide the opportunity to take a test and immediately receive money on your phone.

First, you will have to do routine work and fill out information about yourself in detail. On some portals the questions are too meticulous. Once the initial tasks are completed, be sure to check your email regularly. It is better to fill out a new survey immediately, because as soon as the target group is recruited, access to the test is lost. Check your email regularly and respond to invitations. At the end of the month, when you reach the threshold amount, withdraw your earnings to an electronic wallet, and then to a plastic card or phone.

Earning money from paid surveys and tests can be a pleasant addition to your regular income, especially since many sites work with withdrawal real money to Yandex.Money and other electronic wallets. Some platforms offer to post an affiliate link and receive income for each referral. If you have your own popular website and a large audience, then you can earn more from this.

Step-by-step instructions for making money on surveys

  1. Register on as many sites as possible. Be sure to check everyone so as not to stumble upon scammers.
  2. Complete your profile. The more detail you write about yourself, the higher the chances of receiving more invitations.
  3. As soon as you receive the invitation , respond immediately and get tested.
  4. Create an electronic wallet, since many surveyors pay money for passing the test immediately with withdrawal to Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex.Money.

To increase the number of surveys, follow these rules:

  • When registering on different platforms, use one mailbox. It’s better to create a special email for work, it will be more convenient in the future. Surveys will be collected in one place.
  • Earnings are directly proportional to the number of sites you register on. More sites - higher earnings.
  • We check our email regularly, or better yet, set an alert on our phone for new messages.
  • Enter the same username and password on all sites to have quick access to surveys.
  • In the form, please provide all information and payment details.
  • Be sure to speak multiple languages ​​to take part in surveys on overseas sites, which usually pay more.
  • Try to respond to the task immediately after receiving the notification.
  • In tests, indicate data that matches the questionnaire.
  • Companies conducting research are not interested in target groups related to advertising, journalism and marketing. If you want to receive regular surveys by email, don't admit that you work in one of these industries.
  • When starting work, try not to be distracted by extraneous things, respect the employer who pays you money for tests and surveys. If it takes 45 minutes to complete and you take 5, the answers will be considered poor quality and you may be excluded.
  • Research companies make sure the answers are logical. If you choose options at random, then this will be quickly determined, and you will be fined and will no longer be sent new tasks.

Features of making money on foreign sites

There are few differences between Russian and foreign sites. When making money on American surveys, payment is made in dollars. Foreign paid surveyors transfer money to your PayPal wallet, so you can cash out immediately.

Another plus is that by registering on several platforms at once, you can regularly participate in surveys. Almost all foreign projects are willing to pay good money, since Europeans will not even open a questionnaire that costs less than a dollar.

In general, to elaborate on everything said above: working on foreign questionnaires is more convenient than using Russian-language ones. To take a test for money, sometimes you don’t even need online registration; you are immediately sent to the study.

Sites for making money on surveys

AskGfk. The site uses a system of points and rewards for respondents. The idea is simple: take surveys and accumulate points, when you reach 3000, submit a request for payment. Afterwards, transfer the money to your phone or e-wallet.

Expert opinion. You can earn 300–500 rubles in a month.

GlobalTestMarket. For passing the test, you are awarded points that can be cashed out or spent on purchases in the Ozon online store.

ThePanelStation. The difference between the platform is that you can register only by invitation. Rewards are awarded in points, which can be exchanged for rubles at the rate of 10 points = 1 ruble. Withdrawals are possible from 300 rubles. Questionnaire for residents of the CIS. You can cash out when you reach a balance of 300 rubles.

I-say. Access to surveys from 14 years of age. Earn money by taking surveys and creating your own. The site also regularly holds lotteries where it gives away large sums, discounts to online stores and vouchers.

Online Poll. Invitations are sent frequently: on average 10 times a month. But this does not mean that you will be able to participate in every survey. In order to gain access to the task, you need to pass a short test, based on the results of which the sender will determine whether you are part of the required target audience or not. Earn money big money on this site will not succeed, but to pay the monthly telephone expenses, will do just fine.

Moemnenie. The project provides tests and mini-surveys for residents of the CIS countries. Rewards are awarded in the form of bonuses, which can be spent on purchasing prizes and coupons for online stores.

Platnijopros. A well-known site where you can earn money by answering questions. The minimum withdrawal threshold is 300 rubles. Payments are made only to the Webmoney electronic wallet.

Opinion. You can find well-paying surveys here. The advantage is the low threshold for withdrawal of funds, which is 50 hryvnia/120 rubles.

Moscow 495. The Moscow 495 website has a lot of surveys and hall tests on which you can make good money. First you need to go through the registration procedure, create a form and fill out the data. After that, select the survey that suits you according to the specified parameters and leave a request. If you are in the target group, you will be invited to take a test in the office. Earnings can be 50, 500 or 4000 rubles. Payments for completing the survey are made in cash immediately after work. The project has many advantages over other questionnaires. For example, the minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles. They can be withdrawn to Webmoney, Yandex.Money or top up your mobile phone account. They pay 30 rubles for one questionnaire, therefore, you will receive your first income by filling out only 3-4 questionnaires.

Surely many of you remember those times when various events were held on the streets of the city social surveys. A person came up to you with a special form and asked various questions for 5-10 minutes - from the make of your car to the name of the detergent.

Similar surveys were conducted on television. On the screen there was a question and several answer options, which could be selected by sending a message or simply calling. As you know, they were completely free and people took surveys at will.

Today, social surveys also exist, but they have “moved” to the Internet. And in order to motivate people to spend their personal time on completing them, they began to charge a certain payment for this action.

That is why in today’s article I will tell you how to make money from paid surveys on the Internet, how much you can earn from surveys, and, of course, I will also mention the advantages of this method of earning money. I will also compile a list of 16 sites that allow you to earn money from surveys here and right away.

Who pays money for taking surveys on the Internet and why?

Many Internet users do not trust this method of earning money, considering it just another “scam”. This is due to the fact that they simply do not understand why someone would pay money for this.

In fact, paid surveys on the Internet are carried out by large companies, organizations and brands. In this way, they carry out marketing and sociological research among consumers of their goods, services and other products.

Surveys make it possible to clearly determine which products are in highest demand among the population, what needs to be changed or improved. As a result, companies, spending little money on surveys for money on the Internet online, conduct in-depth analysis of their products. This leads to an increase in sales and, accordingly, profits.

Work in this way is carried out using special services - questionnaires. What are survey sites? It is they who cooperate with large companies and act as intermediaries between them and people who want to take surveys for money on the Internet online.

How much money can you make from online surveys?

The amount you earn from paid surveys will directly depend on several important factors:

  • the number of questionnaires you have chosen to work with;
  • time devoted to work;
  • duration and number of completed surveys.

In other words, the more projects you choose to earn money and the more time you devote to work, the higher the amount of your income will be. For example, the simplest and shortest surveys are paid in the region of 10-50 rubles, more complex and lengthy ones - from 50 to several hundred rubles.

Of course, you won’t earn a lot of money using this method, but as a part-time job online, it’s a great option!

Advantages and disadvantages of making money from paid surveys on the Internet

Making money from online surveys has both a number of strengths and weaknesses. Before starting work, I advise you to familiarize yourself with them, so that later there will be no unnecessary questions or misunderstandings.


  • the process of making money from surveys is very simple, exciting and interesting;
  • Any person can cope with this work, regardless of gender, age or education;
  • you can take surveys at any time convenient for you, and daily work will require no more than 1-2 hours;
  • surveys can be a good source of additional income in the amount of several thousand rubles.


  • paid surveys cannot be regarded as a main job, unlike many other ways to make money on the Internet;
  • your income will be limited by the number of surveys received;
  • On some survey sites, the minimum amounts for payments are inflated, so you will have to do a lot of work to get your money;
  • Some projects do not award money for completing surveys, but points, which can only be exchanged for certain goods.

How to make money from online surveys without investment - a useful step-by-step guide

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you are interested in this field of activity and decide to make money by taking surveys, you will need to follow 5 simple steps:

  1. Register new address email so that only paid surveys are sent to it. Firstly, this will allow you not to lose them among other letters, and secondly, you will not clog up your personal mail.
  2. Register an electronic wallet in that payment system, which the survey site uses to output Money. This could be PayPal or Yandex Money.
  3. Select one or more survey sites and register on them by completely filling out your questionnaire. I will provide a list of the best and stable projects to work on below.
  4. As a rule, notifications about new paid surveys are sent by email. Check your drawer regularly and do simple work.
  5. Having reached the minimum amount for payment, you can withdraw your honestly earned funds to your wallet or purchase goods for a certain number of points.

TOP 16 best and consistently paying paid survey sites on the Internet

On the Internet, not all survey sites can boast of their honesty, stability and reliability. Many of them simply deceive their users by not paying out the money they earned. Or they send 1-2 surveys per month, which is not serious at all. To save your precious time, I have compiled a list of 16 sites that have been in the survey market for many years and have an excellent reputation.

The best sites for making money on paid surveys on the Internet
Website questionnaire Brief description and features
is an excellent site that offers you to take surveys for money online. The average cost of one questionnaire is about 50 rubles. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 1000 rubles (it accumulates quite quickly), and you can withdraw money through the Rapida system.
is a reliable foreign site that has been working with paid surveys on the Internet for money for more than 10 years. Sometimes the cost of questionnaires here reaches 10 euros. The minimum wage is 20 euros, money is withdrawn via PayPal.
– a popular site for making money on surveys in the CIS countries. It works on a bonus system - having accumulated at least 1,500 bonuses, they can be exchanged for valuable goods in the internal catalogue. Each successfully completed questionnaire will earn about 100 points.
is an interesting project that allows you to take paid surveys on the Internet with withdrawal of money. On average, he pays 50-200 rubles for one profile, and you can withdraw funds via WebMoney, having accumulated only 300 rubles on your balance.
- a well-known questionnaire that has a huge number of questionnaires on on a regular basis up to 40 rubles. The minimum for withdrawal is 750 rubles, which active work picks up quickly. You can only receive your salary through PayPal.
– a convenient questionnaire site that pays from 15 to 500 rubles for each completed questionnaire. Works with convenient electronic wallets and even bitcoins. And to order a payment, you need to have only 100 rubles on your balance.
– a reliable, long-lived questionnaire that has been working steadily for 11 years. He works with many large companies and brands, and offers questionnaires for up to 1000 rubles. Therefore, the minimum withdrawal amount of 500 rubles does not take so long to reach.
is an excellent project for completing surveys for money, which pays from 30 rubles for each survey. Works with convenient electronic wallets for making payments. By the way, the minimum wage is 500 rubles.
is an interesting questionnaire that, in addition to paid questionnaires, holds drawings with very valuable prizes. Surveys come frequently and often only take 10-20 minutes to complete.
is a relatively young online questionnaire that is gaining momentum. Offers a stable amount of work, and pays the money earned in various convenient ways.
is a large questionnaire that conducts more than 1,000 online studies throughout the year. Earnings on the site are awarded in points, but payments are made in euros.
is an honest project that pays money for the opinions of Internet users. On average, completing one questionnaire will earn you from 10 to 100 rubles. To order a payment, you only need to accumulate 300 rubles in your account.
– an excellent honest questionnaire, the cost of questionnaires can reach up to 1000 rubles. Earnings are paid to your phone account or WebMoney from 500 rubles.

How to increase your earnings on survey sites

  1. Use several online paid survey services at once. This will always allow you to have a stable amount of paid work.
  2. On all registered survey sites, try to fill out your questionnaires as completely as possible. And even if, for example, you don’t have a car, still indicate some brand. The more information about you is provided, the more diverse surveys you will receive.
  3. Within one questionnaire, give the most honest answers that will not contradict each other. The fact is that all your answers are saved in the database, and if you are suspected of lying, the surveys will stop coming.
  4. Get yourself a separate mailbox specifically for paid surveys on the Internet for money, so that you can complete them in a timely manner. The fact is that most questionnaires have a limited number of surveys, and you may simply not have time to complete them due to fairly fierce competition among workers.
  5. If the surveyor has an affiliate program, invite your friends and acquaintances to earn money on the project by sending them an individual link. Thus, you will be able to receive passive income in the form of a percentage deduction from the amount of their earnings or a fixed rate for attracting.

Agree, paid surveys on the Internet for money are a great opportunity to get a simple, convenient and reliable way additional income that is available to absolutely everyone. That is why it has gained such relevance and popularity among users of the World Wide Web. Choose projects to work on, feel free to register for them, get paid for your answers and your opinion today!

Hello, dear readers! Today on the Internet there are many sites that offer rewards for one or another type of work. Earning money from surveys is one of them.

In this article we will look at the question of how to take a survey and get paid for it?

It is better to register on several sites at once. Your email needs to be checked regularly, as some surveys will no longer be available after a certain number of users have been recruited.

Participation in affiliate programs is mandatory. Invite friends, so you can further increase your income. Do not even think about registering using your referral link, otherwise the profile will be blocked.

OK it's all over Now. Now you know how to start making money from surveys. Don't expect big profits, but as a side hustle this method will fit perfectly.

If you have just started to learn how to work on the Internet, making money on profiles is a great option. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and share information with friends via social networks, so you won’t miss a lot of interesting things.

Also subscribe to the blog’s Telegram channel - See you. Good luck in your endeavors!

Surely, you have more than once met young people in uniform jackets and caps on the streets of cities, inviting you to answer several questions. These are the employees of advertising agencies and marketing companies who study consumer preferences. Today, in the age of computer technology, everything is moving to the realm of the Internet, and opinion polls have also migrated there. What are online surveys and how can you find surveys that actually pay? Is it really possible to make money online by filling out surveys, and is it worth sacrificing your main job for this?

How to earn income

Surveys are paid sites, in the sense that they pay you money for your time. So for people who want to earn some extra money, filling out such surveys can bring a small but stable income. It is quite easy to master this kind of income; you will be required to answer the questions of the questionnaire, which will be sent by email, as honestly and truthfully as possible. For each such survey, a small amount will be awarded, which after some time can be withdrawn in a convenient way.

There is also a small nuance here: check your mailbox often and try to take part in the survey as quickly as possible after receiving the invitation. The fact is that it is designed for a certain number of respondents, and if you think long enough, you may simply not have time to get into their number. The faster you respond, the more surveys you will receive in the future.

Making money on surveys step by step

So how do you get started?

  1. First of all, find a list of sites on the Internet that offer participation in surveys for money, and carefully study the comments. Try to choose those questionnaires about which there are the most comments positive feedback, or those where there are screenshots of real payments - checks, statements, confirmations from the wallet. Then go through the registration procedure.
  2. Carefully fill out all the required fields - usually this is email address, gender, age, country of residence, also create and write down a login and password.
  3. Indicate your real email address, the site administration will send a link there to confirm your registration. Activate your account and fill out the personal form with information about yourself as thoroughly as possible. The more responsibly you take this point, the more surveys you will receive.
  4. If you have at least minimal knowledge of foreign languages, indicate this item in your profile - this way you have a chance to receive surveys not only from Russian, but also from foreign manufacturers.

Russian paid survey sites

For example, let's look at some Russian questionnaires on which you can make money: This is the most popular questionnaire for residents of the CIS and here for each completely completed survey you will be given 50 rubles, and if you do not meet some criteria - 5 rubles. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1,000 rubles, but you can make purchases in some online stores with any amount in your account. There is an affiliate program, that is, for every friend who registers using your link, you will be paid 10 rubles. is an international project that is willing to pay from 30 to 150 rubles for a completed survey. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 150 rubles, and upon registration you will be immediately given 10 rubles. Referral program - 10% of a friend’s earnings. - a site for residents of Russia (15 - 500 rubles / sample) and Ukraine (5 - 130 UAH / sample). The minimum withdrawal amount is only 25 UAH. or 100 rubles, while there are a lot of ways to cash out, you can choose the most convenient one for yourself. Referral program - 10%.

Foreign analogues

Western questionnaires that actually pay are a little more difficult to find, especially if you don’t know the language. Here are some of them: is one of the largest Western surveyors, offering payment of $3 for each questionnaire. It has a two-level referral program: 2 dollars from the first level referral and one each for those whom he invites. is a very interesting site for music lovers, since the subject of the surveys is mainly musical. The “trick” is that on this portal they pay not with money, but with points, and after accumulating a certain number of them, you can choose a gift for yourself.

How much can you earn

It is almost impossible to accurately answer the question of how much you can earn from surveys: everything depends solely on your activity. However, you can make approximate calculations:

  • Based on practice, we can say that one questionnaire offers one questionnaire to be filled out per week; Suppose you registered on forty sites, then you will be offered 40 x 1 x 4 = 160 profiles per month;
  • the average price for one survey on Russian sites is 60 rubles (on some it may be 30, and on others - 100), so in a month you will earn 160 x 60 = 9600 rubles;
  • It is worth noting that approximately a third of the surveys will remain unpaid due to the fact that already in the process of filling out it turns out that you do not meet certain parameters; sometimes, in case of refusal, some “consolation” kopecks are still credited, but for the purity of the calculation we will not take them into account, so it will be approximately 9600 - 9600 per month: 3 = 6400 rubles.

The list of questionnaires is quite large, and everyone decides for themselves how much time to devote to this activity. Of course, this calculation is very inaccurate, but once you understand the essence, you can easily calculate your earnings yourself.
