Why are the pages not fully loading? Basic solutions when Windows refuses to boot

Unfortunately, sometimes you can encounter quite serious problems with turning on computers and starting operating systems, although nothing foreshadowed trouble until a certain point. It happens that but most often the computer turns on, but does not start operating system. It is these situations that will be discussed below. Consider questions related to why the computer does not boot, and what to do in such situations. There are several universal solutions here.

The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: reasons

Among all the possible situations when failures occur at the boot stage, there are several typical cases.

There are three options here:

  • a black screen appears;
  • arises blue screen BSoD;
  • The operating system starts but cannot fully boot.

In the first case, when the computer does not start (boot does not turn on), messages may appear on the black screen indicating physical or software problems. In the very simple case, when nothing serious happens, the system may report that, for example, there is no keyboard (for stationary PCs). The simplest solution would be to plug it in and reboot.

If, however, the computer turns on but does not boot up, and warnings appear on a black screen instead software failures or missing files, there can be quite a few reasons for this behavior of the system. Among them, first of all, one can single out problems with the hard drive, damage to the operating system (accidental or intentional deletion of system components or registry entries), exposure to viruses, incorrect entries boot sector, conflicts random access memory etc. By the way, if a blue screen pops up, this is more related to the “RAM” or recently installed drivers devices that cause conflicts to appear not at the software level, but at the physical level.

What to do if the computer does not boot and the operating system does not start for the above reasons? There are several solutions depending on the situation. To an uninitiated user, they may seem quite complicated, but in certain situations, only them can be used to resuscitate the system. Therefore, you will have to spend both time and effort.

The computer turns on but does not boot: what to do first?

So, let's start with the simplest. Let's assume that the system has experienced a short-term technical failure, for example, due to an incorrect shutdown or power surges.

As a rule, almost all Windows modifications used today usually automatically activate the startup upon restart. If this did not happen, you will have to use the F8 key before starting the system to call an additional boot menu (Windows 10 uses a different method).

The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start? It's not worth getting upset. Here in the simple version you can select the line to load the last working configuration. If with system components everything is in order, the system will boot without problems. If this does not help, you will have to use the troubleshooting section, and sometimes even trying to boot in safe mode may be successful.

Possible viral infection

Unfortunately, viruses can also cause such situations. What to do if the computer does not turn on? Ways to solve this particular problem come down to using a powerful one that could check for threats even before the start of the OS itself.

Among the whole variety of anti-virus software, it is worth noting the disk utilities that start directly from an optical media or USB device, have their own boot records and even GUI like Windows. One of the most powerful tools is Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Its use can guarantee almost one hundred percent detection of viruses, even hiding in RAM.

RAM conflicts

Now let's see what to do if the computer does not boot, and instead a blue screen appears. As already mentioned, most often this indicates problems with drivers and RAM. We don’t touch the drivers yet, but let’s look at the “RAM”.

The proposed solution to the question of if the computer does not boot is mainly designed for stationary PCs. In this situation, you should remove all the memory sticks, and then insert them one by one and check the load. Perhaps one of them is the link that causes failures. This can be observed when trims from different manufacturers are added.

If the system can somehow be loaded using the same safe mode, the “RAM” should immediately be checked with the Memtest86 + utility, which will help identify the true cause of the problem.

The system does not see the hard drive

Now the worst situation is when the computer does not boot. Causes and remedies may be related to hard drive.

A hard drive can have both software and physical problems, although sometimes that's not even the point. The problem can be quite banal: the user in the BIOS settings is set to boot priority from a removable device, for example, from an optical disk, which in this moment is in the drive, but is not system. You just need to extract it and re-download it.

On the other hand, another problem that the computer does not start (the system does not start) may be due to the fact that the bootloader and the records of the corresponding sector are damaged. The solution to this situation will be discussed later. But in the simplest case, you can try to recover disk data using Recovery utilities.

Sometimes changing the settings of the primary I / O system BIOS helps. Here you need to find the section related to setting up the hard drive, and deactivate the use of AHCI mode in the SATA configuration parameters.

Finally, a hard drive can also have purely physical damage, and outside interference is indispensable here.

Using the installation disc

Many users clearly underestimate the help that the installation or system image can provide in solving problems associated with situations when the computer turns on but the operating system does not boot.

Firstly, almost any kit includes the so-called recovery console, with which you can fix a lot of failures. programmatic, and secondly, here you can use the command line. By the way, this is the most efficient method. Further it will be clear how it works.

Problems with the bootloader BOOTMGR

It is believed that the most common problem when a computer turns on, but the operating system does not start, is damage to Windows bootloader(boot manager). In this case, the system just writes that there is no system partition (it simply does not see the hard drive).

You can fix this problem if you start from a boot disk and go to the command line in the recovery console, to open it, press the "R" key. Next, you must first use the check disk command, and then fix (repair) the boot records.

The whole sequence looks like this:

  • chkdsk c: /f /r;
  • Bootrec.exe /FixMbr;
  • Bootrec.exe /FixBoot.

After entering commands, punctuation marks are not put, but the enter key is pressed. If for some reason the execution of these commands did not have a positive effect, as an option, you can use the complete rewriting of the boot sector, which is performed by the Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd command. If HDD has no physical damage, it should work, as they say, one hundred percent.

You can also use some third-party utilities. The most suitable program seems to be a tool called MbrFix, which is included with Hiren's Boot CD. After calling it, for example, for Windows 7, provided that this particular system is installed, and only on one disk (there is no partitioning), the following should be written:

  • MbrFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7.

This will save the user from having to make changes to the boot records, and the boot will be restored.

Problems accessing the NTLDR file

When a message appears that this component not present in the system, the boot commit is applied first, as in the previous case.

However, if the result is not achieved, you will need to copy the original file to the root of the system partition. For example, if the drive is "C" and the drive is "E", the command would be:

  • E:\i386> copy ntldr C:\ (after copying, the system will boot without problems).

Corrupted or missing HAL.dll file

In the case when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not boot in normal mode, the reason may be damaged component HAL.dll (an appropriate notification may be shown on the screen).

In this situation, you need to boot the system in safe mode, call the command console and write the following line in it:

  • C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe (then press the Enter key and restart).

Instead of total

Here is briefly everything related to solving the problem of the impossibility of starting the operating system. Naturally, the issues that the cause could be low power, CMOS battery failure, loose cables, dust inside the system unit, or other malfunctions were not addressed here. But in software terms, the above methods work flawlessly.

Sometimes a computer user may encounter a situation where the Internet is available, applications that require a network work fine, and the browser does not open pages.

In some cases, sites still open, but very slowly and with freezing images, not to mention videos.

And it also happens that the problem concerns only one program, for example, Internet Explorer while the others are working fine.

To restore the functionality of the browser, you must first determine the cause of the problem.

The main reasons that the browser does not want to open when the Internet is available are:

Sometimes the browser may not work due to problems with TCP IP or static routes. Therefore, among the options for solving problems, these methods should also be mentioned.

1. Registry check

The first steps that are taken when answering the question of what to do if the browser does not work are checking and, if necessary, editing the registry.

To do this, you must first open the appropriate utility.

You can try to find it in Windows folders, but it's much faster to call through the command execution panel:

  1. Press "Win" + "R";
  2. Enter the command "regedit";
  3. Press "Enter".

The window that appears is a registry editor. On the left side are sections, among which you should find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Now you should find the list of parameters in the right part of the window and pay attention to the AppInit_DLLs item. If its value is empty, everything is fine.

If the path to a file is indicated there, this text should be completely erased.

The value of the parameter is changed using the context menu that appears when you click on it with the right mouse button.

The same parameter should be checked in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section by following the same subsections.

After fixing it, restart the computer and try to work in the browser again. In 80% of cases, the method helps.

2. hosts file

If all browsers or at least one of them does not open a single page, but works, you can try to solve the problem by making changes to the file called hosts.

Although most often this editing is required in the absence of access to specific sites, mainly social networks.

The file is located in a folder located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and has no extension.

By default, the following text should be placed inside:

The last line with the IP address should be " localhost".

If there are other similar sections of text after it, most likely they are superfluous and introduced there by some kind of malicious program.

Now you can restart your computer and try to access the network.

3. DNS issue

One of the most simple ways resolving the issue.

All that is required from the user is just to open a command line and try to ping a particular site, which should currently work.

Guaranteed to remain functional google server ping which by sending the ping google.com command.

If the answer is about the same as on the top of the image, then find the site google.com. failed.

And the problem lies precisely in the DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with an IP address consisting of only eights.

If this helped, in the properties of the Internet connection, you must set the address or as the DNS address.

In this case, its automatic detection is disabled. If only DNS was the cause, the Internet works as before, but the pages are already opening.

4. Viruses

The reason that the sites cannot be accessed from the browser, although the same one works fine, may be the action of viruses or other malicious programs.

They affect only certain applications, such as and often are not even detected by antiviruses.

Not being real viruses and affecting only browsers and Internet access through them, programs may not be detected by the user.

To neutralize such “viruses”, which we call malware (although abroad this word refers to any malware) exists special utilities– anti-malware.

Most often, they are limited free, that is, they require a license, but they can partially protect the computer without paying.

Some viruses that are a type of Trojan.Winlock (but, unlike it, prohibit only access to the network, and not the use of the entire computer) not only interfere with access to the network, but also block some browser functions.

For example, when you try to access a site, a window is displayed asking you to urgently send an SMS to unlock it.

It is difficult to close it - the easiest way to do this is to close the browser using the Task Manager, and then check the computer for malicious codes.

Some viruses are able to partially block access to the network, creating a situation where you cannot get to a specific page, but there is Internet.

This usually happens with popular sites, such as "" or "", as well as all resources where you can download an antivirus.

To protect your computer from these and other viruses, you should provide reliable protection on your computer. In its quality, they are best suited.

Basically, these programs are paid, but protected important information not worth saving.

If the virus does not cause any serious damage to your computer, you can install a free antivirus program.

5. Antivirus and firewall

Another explanation for the fact that the browser has stopped opening access to all or only certain sites is a ban on the part of the Firewall, firewall, or one of the antiviruses installed in the system.

To get the possibility of unhindered Internet surfing, it is worth changing the settings of these programs so that they allow browsing.

Important! If the problem affects several sites, it is possible that they are indeed dangerous for the system.

Setting up access through the "firewall" in the workplace is usually carried out System Administrator.

6. Static routes

The problem may also be the presence of fake entries in the routing table. If there are a lot of them, deleting one at a time will be too long.

And you should use the “route” command with the “-f” key specially designed for such situations:

  1. The command line is called (call the execution menu "Win" + "R", entering the command "cmd");
  2. The "route -f" command is launched for execution.

This clears the list of routes and is often one of the final solutions to the problem of not being able to access the network through the browser.

7. Reset TCP IP parameters

It happens that none of the options helped, and only the last option remains - resetting the TCP IP settings of the system.

To do this, it is called again, and two commands are entered in turn: "netsh winsock reset" and "netsh int ip reset".

Now you should restart your computer and check the results of your attempts to restore access to the network.


Having figured out why the browser partially or completely does not fulfill its function, and having solved the problem, the next time you can do it much faster.

If none of the methods helped, and the Internet continues to work partially (in applications, but not in the browser), it is possible that you will have to call a specialist.

The last method is radical, but it helps to access the Internet relatively quickly (at least for Windows 7 and higher, since the XP version may require manual installation of drivers).

The topic that I want to discuss in this article is very popular and to talk about it in detail so that you understand how and what to do is not so simple. However, I will try to describe possible ways what to do if Windows 7 does not boot on a laptop or computer. We will also find out why this could happen ?! The task ahead of us is not an easy one, namely, to correct the current situation, but there is no need to be afraid. Just follow the clear instructions and you'll be fine! Some points may be suitable for other operating systems, but I will focus on Windows 7.

Dear reader, if you really want to solve a problem, I strongly recommend that you read it in full, and then draw some conclusions. I cannot cover all the details in one paragraph.

Safe Mode and Last Known Good Configuration

This is a must try! We restart the computer, press the F8 key continuously.

Attention! In Windows 8, entering Safe Mode is a little different, so it's best to follow the link below to find out all the details. In the list that appears, we are interested in an item called "Last Known Good Configuration (advanced)". Select and press Enter.

About how to enter safe mode on different systems:

What to do if the information above did not help you? We repeat the steps described in the previous paragraph, but select “Safe Mode” already.

Next, you can make a choice: fix the problem due to which Windows 7 does not boot manually, or try to do it in semi-automatic mode. Usually I do everything manually, for example, if Windows does not boot after installing the drivers, then I remove the drivers and try to boot. I think you understand that manual way requires more knowledge from you, so Windows offers you another option, which I will describe below.

If everything loads, go to the Start menu, Control Panel, System and Security. In the "Action Center" tab, click on the inscription "Restore the computer to a previous state". See the "Start System Restore" button? Great, then you've come to the right place.

Now click it and follow the instructions.

Next, you will need to select a restore point. In my case, I am offered to choose a point on the 23rd, and now the 29th is on the calendar. Therefore, you need to click on "Search for affected programs" to find out what actions you will need to take after the restoration.

So, you have become familiar with the affected software when you restore the system and now you can close this window. After the window closes, click Next.

If you were unable to enter Safe Mode to restore Windows work, there is no need to despair. A little lower we will analyze another way.

Note: at the very beginning, when Windows 7 was just coming out, there was one strange glitch that you might have. When you turn on the computer, a welcome screen follows and a black screen appears. As I remember, there still seemed to be an arrow, but nothing else was visible. It was treated very simply - go into safe mode and restart the computer as usual. After that, I was able to enter my account without any additional manipulations with Windows.

You may need to reinstall Windows

This option should be considered when you have tried to revive Windows, but all attempts failed.

The very first thing that comes to mind for many, and for me too, is reinstalling Windows 7. But this way, you see, it is very long, and if you are a busy person, then access to the computer should be almost constant. Reinstallation is suitable for those who have a lot of free time, or do not have time to understand more fast methods, or those who will not be helped by any of the methods listed below by me to restore the Windows operating system.

elaborate on Windows installation I won't because I wrote about it on my blog:

Here is a brief instruction: since you do not have access to the desktop, go to the BIOS, look for the Boot or Advanced BIOS Features tab, or look for it yourself. Then we find the line “1st Boot Device” in it, set the value to CD-ROM. What have we done? And what we did is that now the computer will boot from the disk that is installed in your CDRom, and not from hard drive. After turning on, when the inscription appears on a black background: "Press any key ...", press any button and get into the Windows setup wizard. Then follow the instructions on the screen.

You can read more about how to boot from disk in my article: "".

I decided to talk about the installation at the very beginning, because if you were going to reinstall Windows, then perhaps this is some kind of sign to implement this))). But as I said at the very beginning, we will now try to bring your Windows back to life without reinstalling it.

System Restore

First of all, you can use the function that is in the "System Restore" installation disk. I will give an example of a Windows 7 system, but if you have a different system, then this is not a reason to think that you cannot do it on your system. The names of the buttons may differ, but the principle remains the same.

So for this procedure we need installation disk with Windows or its image (can be downloaded from the Internet). If you do not have the opportunity to download the image or do not have a disk, then write to me by mail [email protected] or contact your friends who have already installed Windows on their own.

If you do not have a working drive, or if it is completely absent, then the article "" will help in creating a bootable USB flash drive.

When you have a Windows distribution available, then insert it into the drive and restart the computer. If the BIOS is configured to install, then you will have a line:

When it appears, press any key.

In the event that it is not there or Windows boots as usual, then you need to manipulate the BIOS. Namely, set download priorities. Usually, the hard drive is set in the BIOS settings, since it is on it that your Windows is installed.

In order for the computer to start booting from the disk that is in your drive, you need to go into the BIOS and specify CDRom as the first device to boot. I have already talked about this above, if you have not read this moment, then it's time to do it.

So, you pressed any key, now a window will appear where you click "Next".

In the next window, you need to click "System Restore".

There will be a search installed systems. If you have one system installed, then there will be one operating system in the list accordingly. Select it and click Next.

Often at this stage, a message may appear asking you to restore the system. If given message will be displayed on your screen, then click "Fix and restart". After that, try to log into your account.

If the message does not appear, then in the next window you select your system and click "Next".

After that, a window will appear where you can choose how to restore the system.

automatic solution Problems.

System Restore - You can use this method, but on condition that given function was included.

Restoring a system image - if you have Windows image recovery.

Command line- with the help of certain commands you can revive Windows. This method will be discussed next.

Now click on Startup Repair. Now we need to wait a bit for the utility to try to automatically find the problem and solve it.

System restore via command line

Then enter and click Enter.

A list of commands that can be used in this utility will appear, now you need to enter: Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and press Enter.

Now enter . exe / , then clicking on Enter. Next, exit the utility by typing exit and pressing Enter. Now you can try to boot into your account, as the restoration work is completed.

You can also try to update the boot code by entering the command bootsect /NT60 SYS. Then exit with the command exit.

If the above commands did not help you, then go to the command line and enter Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd. With this command, you will scan your hard drive to find the systems installed on it.

When the scan is finished, a list of installed operating systems on your hard drive will appear. To add it to the download list, click Y and Enter. After successful completion of the operation, enter exit and press Enter.

So with command line we have dealt with you. In principle, this should help to get your system to start booting.

Inactive hard drive partition

This situation does not occur often, but still it is necessary to talk about it, otherwise the article can be said to be cut off. Let's give an example, after which you will understand what's what.

Let's say you have several operating systems installed on your computer. Windows systems which are installed on different hard drives. If sections hard drives assign the wrong attributes, then you will have problems loading one or another version of Windows.

To check or fix this, you can use the Acronis boot disk Disk Director to change section attributes. So, download and burn bootable Acronis disk Disk Director and boot from it. How to do it? Insert the disc into the drive, restart your computer, and it will start booting from the disc in the drive. But before that, check your download priorities. It should be CDRom, like when installing Windows. We have already talked about this in this article above.

When the program loads, pay attention to the flags that are on the hard disk partitions.

In the image above, we can see that the checkboxes are on the second partitions of the hard drive. You need to make sure that these flags are on the first sections. We got to practice;). You need to right-click on each first partition of the hard drive and select "Mark as active".

A message should appear asking you to click OK. This is what it looks like after the whole process:

Now it remains to click on the "Run" checkbox, wait for the operation to complete and restart the computer. Be sure to remove the disc from the drive.

Hardware problems, BIOS and viruses

HDD. If your system unit, or rather, the hard drive makes suspicious sounds: clicks or taps, that is, it is likely that the hard drive needs to be replaced. To verify this, you need to open the cover of the system unit, turn on the computer and listen to work hard disk. Also check the wiring to the hard drive. It is possible that the wires are disconnected and the computer does not see the hard drive.

If there is a suspicion that the problem is with the hard drive, then you need to copy all important data to another medium. Otherwise, you may lose them altogether.

BIOS. Go into the BIOS settings and put the hard drive in the first place so that the boot starts from it. Above, we analyzed the example when we exposed the CDROM, you do the same with the hard drive. Just do not forget to save the changes in the BIOS by pressing the F10 key.

The second way - you will not believe it, but it really works! Just go into the BIOS and, without changing anything there, exit, saving the changes that actually didn’t exist (by pressing the F10 button). I personally fixed a friend's laptop this way once, and when they asked me how I did it, my answer was: "Magic and nothing else 😉". So give it a try, it might turn out to be much easier than you think.

Viruses. Sometimes viruses prevent Windows from booting. If there are viruses on your computer, then you need to check the entire disk for viruses. Here are articles that will be useful to you: "" and "".

Of course, if you check your hard drive for viruses, then you will need to disconnect it and connect it to another computer, since in your case you will not boot Windows. Or you can use special boot programs with which you can check your computer for viruses even if you cannot boot your Windows. Here are a couple of them: and.

Attention! There are cases when, after installing updates, Windows 7 stopped loading! Therefore, you can try uninstalling recent updates that were installed before the Windows boot problem appeared.

Important! If you have some specific error displayed on the screen, then I recommend using a search in Google or Yandex. You can enter into the search not only the error code, but also the words that are used in it. Thus, you will save your time searching for a problem and its solution.

Important! If the system unit emits squeaks when turned on, then it is necessary to determine the problem by this squeak. Ask how? Here is an article on this topic for you: "".

That's all I wanted to say. The article turned out to be great, and I sincerely hope that at least one of the methods I have described helped you.

Says too much, but there is useful information for you:

It often happens that the browser cannot open some specific site, which was previously available for viewing. At the same time, it opens the pages of other sites perfectly and the user does not experience any difficulties - everything is normal. It would seem that - the server simply does not work - the site was turned off. But that's bad luck, if suddenly you go to the same site, for example with mobile device across Opera Mobile and the site opens perfectly in it.

If the described situation is familiar to you, then I will try to answer the question: why a particular site is not available from your computer.

Here, for example, is the standard error that is displayed in the browser Google Chrome : « Unfortunately, Google Chrome cannot open the page blah blah blah…«:

First of all, if you encounter a similar problem, you do not need to immediately follow the advice to clear the cache and delete cookies, because if you do this, you will have to re-enter the password in Odnoklassniki, remember password In contact with🙁 To get started, try accessing the page from other browsers, such as Firefox, IE, Opera. If the reaction to the site is the same in all browsers, then try the following: go to Opera, click on the button of the same name in the left upper corner and select Compression Mode.

This function was formerly called Opera Turbo. An important feature of this mode for us is that the site opens through proxy server, that is proxy server between you and the requested site. If, when you try to open a site in this mode the same thing happens - the page does not open, which means the site is really faulty or out of maintenance. It is possible that after some time it will turn on.

But if the site is still open, then we will try to narrow the circle of "suspects". I must say right away: if you cannot access the antivirus sites, Microsoft, then this is a 200% virus that blocks access. Here from personal experience I will say that only reinstalling the system will help.

Go to folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and find the file there hosts. Open it with a regular notepad and check if there are any entries there regarding your site, in the following format:

Such entries block access to the site and are caused by the action spyware and viruses. Just sting the lines regarding your site, save the file to your Desktop (be sure to select the file type "All files *.*" when saving, and copy it back to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. Restart your computer and enjoy life.

If no suspicious entries were found in the specified file, then we are dealing with a completely different reason - BANOM Your his external IP address(or address range) website hosting. There is no fault of yours here - it happens that the hosting blocks the addresses from which attempts were made hacking, DDOS attacks . Just wait until the IP is unbanned - it will take about a week.

There is also a simple routing error. A similar problem is solved within a day or two.

Sometimes computer users may encounter unpleasant situations when something does not work for reasons unknown to them. A common situation when there seems to be Internet, but the pages in the browser still do not open. Let's see how to solve this problem.

If the site does not start in the browser, then this is immediately visible - a similar inscription appears in the center of the page: "The page is not available", "Unable to access site" etc. This situation can occur for the following reasons: lack of Internet connection, problems in the computer or in the browser itself, etc. To fix such problems, you can check your PC for viruses, make changes to the registry, hosts file, DNS servers, and pay attention to browser extensions.

Method 1: Checking Your Internet Connection

A banal, but very common reason that pages do not load in the browser. The first thing to do is to check your internet connection. The easy way is to launch any other installed browser. If the pages in any web browser start, then there is an Internet connection.

Sometimes the system crashes, causing the necessary browser processes to close. To allow this problem, it will be enough to restart the computer.

Method 3: Label Check

Many launch their browser from a shortcut located on the desktop. However, it has been observed that viruses can replace labels. The next lesson is about how to replace the old shortcut with the new one.

Method 4: Scan for malware

A common cause of incorrect browser operation is the action of viruses. You need to perform a full scan of your computer with an antivirus or special program. How to check your computer for viruses is discussed in detail in the following article.

Method 5: cleaning extensions

Viruses can replace installed extensions in the browser. That's why good decision The problem will be removing all add-ons and re-installing only the most necessary ones. Further actions will be shown using the example of Google Chrome.

Method 6: Using Automatic Parameter Detection

You can also make proxy settings in the browser itself. For example, in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex.Browser, the actions will be almost the same.

In Mozilla Firefox browser

In Internet Explorer, do the following:

Method 7: Registry check

If the above options did not help solve the problem, then you should make changes to the registry, since viruses can be registered in it. On the licensed windows value records Appinit_DLLs usually should be empty. If not, then it is likely that a virus is registered in its parameter.

Method 8: changes in the hosts file

Method 9: Changing the DNS Server Address

Method 10: Changes to the DNS Server

So we examined the main options for actions when pages do not open in the browser, but there is Internet. We hope your problem is now resolved.
