A complete analogy between a human and a computer. Cognition of the world with the help of analogies on the example of information systems "human" and "computer"

Introspection of a computer science lesson

in grade 8 "An analogy between a computer and a person"

Today, your attention was offered a lesson in informatics in the 8th grade under the program "Informatics and ICT" edited by Natalia Vladimirovna Makarova. The theme of the lesson is "An analogy between a computer and a person." The informatics lesson that you viewed is included in the section "Information Technology Hardware". The lesson was preceded by the primary assimilation of new knowledge from the section “Information picture of the world”, which included the topics: “Perception of information by a person. Information encoding. Information activity person. Information processes.

Type of lesson - lesson-discovery of "new" knowledge. The specificity of the lesson was the organization of individual and pair work on an activity basis. The lesson was based on the knowledge gained by students in previous classes in computer science, as well as other subjects: social science, biology.

The lesson was held in the 8th grade. According to the teacher of informatics Druzhinina Natalya Mikhailovna, the students of this class are distinguished by average abilities, high working capacity, and rather high educational motivation. They can work in pairs, in small groups; they know how to listen to each other and interact frontally, evaluate themselves and mutually evaluate each other. In communication, both rivalry and cooperation were observed, as well as the involvement of children in educational activities.

The lesson took into account the age and psychological characteristics of students, actively used the presentation of material with the help of multimedia. The teaching material of the lesson corresponded to the principle of scientificity, accessibility and was feasible for 8th grade students.

The lesson was aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results.

For 30 minutes of the lesson, UUD is worked out ( universal learning activities) as the foundation for learning.

In the field personal universal learning activities formed the internal position of the student, adequate motivation for learning activities.

In the field regulatory universal learning activities learning activities were formed aimed at organizing their work, including the ability to accept and maintain the learning goal and task, plan its implementation, control and evaluate their actions, and make appropriate adjustments to their implementation.

In the field cognitive universal learning activities students learn to master the basic universal skills of an informational nature: posing and formulating a problem; search and selection of the necessary information.

In the field communicative universal learning activities students learn to take into account the position of the interlocutor, organize and carry out cooperation with the teacher and peers, adequately perceive and transmit information, display subject content.

The objectives of the lesson are formulated taking into account the characteristics of the educational material, the level of preparedness of the class and the place of this lesson in the thematic cycle.

The educational goal of the lesson- to acquaint students with the functional purpose of a computer, the architecture of a personal computer, as well as lay the foundation for a future more detailed study of computer hardware.

activity goal- to teach to identify the common and special between a computer device and a person.

In this lesson, the activity method of teaching was used, which was implemented in the following activities: educational and educational and research.

Any process of cognition begins with an impulse that prompts action. Motivation is needed to encourage the student to join the activity. With this in mind, I thought through every step of the lesson. The stages of the lesson were closely interconnected, various activities alternated. The selection of didactic material was carried out for frontal and paired forms of work - handout cards.

At all stages of the lesson, students were involved in active thinking and practical research activities.

ATThe structure of the lesson is divided into the following stages:

Stage 1.

Target: the inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level. "I want because I can."

At the beginning of the lesson, good wishes were expressed to the children. It was also suggested that the students think and answer the question "How does the knowledge of the new happen?", the children spoke. I summed up the result on the slide.

At this stage, students are immersed in activities from the first minute. Was the activities of students are organized to repeat the topics studied, the information of which is useful for discovering new knowledge. A differentiated repetition task is aimed at students of different levels.

The students self-assessed their answers. A pattern check was organized.

    stage. trial action

At this stage, I organize a dive into the problem. Students must find the answer to 3 problematic questions. I put in front of the students 1 problematic question: What unites all these famous people on the slide? Initially, 2 situations were envisaged when students do not know the answer and they are asked to decode the information in pairs and find out what it is. If the students gave an immediate answer, they would be asked to check their guesses using the task to decode the information.

After that, there is a new immersion in the problem, a little historical background is told, the students are asked 2 problematic question “Is there a prototype of a computer in nature?” Students discuss and express their options. Based on the answers of the students, I myself summed up the main thing, a small poem is the answer to the question posed.

3 problematic question "" brought students to the trial action task "Analogy between a computer and a person." The students were asked to formulate the task themselves and complete it individually to apply the new knowledge planned to be studied in this lesson.

In the course of the assignment, the students were faced with the fact that their knowledge is not enough to fill in this table. They fixed the difficulty in performing the trial action.

    stage. Identification of the place and cause of difficulties.

The main goal of the stage is to organize an analysis by students of the situation that has arisen and, on this basis, to identify the places and causes of the difficulty.

it is the realization of what exactly is the lack of their knowledge, skills or abilities.

I am asking the following questions.

What were you unable to do? What were the difficulties? The reason for the difficulty. Students reason and come to the conclusion that in order to draw an analogy between a person and a computer, they do not own information - what devices are included in the computer and what they are "responsible for".

    stage. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (goal, topic, plan, timing, method, means).

The main goal of the stage of building a project out of difficulty is the setting of goals of educational activity and on this basis - the choice of the method and means of their implementation.

Students in a communicative form formulated the specific goal of their future learning activities, eliminating the cause of the difficulty that has arisen, that is, they formulated what knowledge they need to build and what to learn). They proposed and agreed on the topic of the lesson, which I specified "An analogy between a computer and a person." We chose a way to build new knowledge (how?) - the method of addition, I proposed a plan for discovering new knowledge.

    stage .

Students at this stage worked almost independently in pairs. My role at this stage was to coordinate and consult (individually). I took the position: “I'm there. I'm with you". Students worked with reference tables, diagrams and text. Because very little material is given in the textbook on this topic; a reference summary “Computer Devices” was prepared for students, where all devices were registered in a concise form. Why in short form? The educational goal of the lesson is to lay the foundation for future more detailed study of computer hardware. In the following lessons, students will learn in detail the basic devices of a computer.

This material is sufficient for students to record the overcoming of the difficulty that arose earlier, filling in the table “Analogy between a computer and a person”. At this stage, the students applied the new knowledge to complete the tasks “To test the acquired knowledge”, the fulfillment of these tasks later became the basis for performing a trial action. The use of reference notes, handouts saves time in the classroom, teaches to independent work, as well as to work in a team.

    stage. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

The main goal of the primary consolidation stage with pronunciation in external speech is the assimilation by students of the material when completing the task “Analogy between a computer and a person” . At this stage, I applied the method of the system-activity approach. The "Agree - Disagree" technique. A universal technique that contributes to the actualization of students' knowledge and the activation of mental activity. This technique makes it possible to quickly include children in mental activity.


    the ability to assess a situation or facts;

    ability to analyze information;

    the ability to express one's opinion.

    stage. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Purpose: everyone must conclude for himself that he already knows and knows. Students independently fill in the table "An analogy between a computer and a person." Next comes the pattern check. Students who made mistakes were given the opportunity to identify the causes of the mistakes and correct them.

    Stage. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

At this stage, students formulated a conclusion about the similarity of a computer and a person. And also reflect on the question: How is a computer different from a person?

    Stage. Reflection of activities in the classroom.

The main goal of the stage of reflection of educational activities in the lesson is self-assessment by students of the results of their educational activities.

Students correlated the purpose and results of their learning activities. Answered the teacher's questions:

Did you reveal the topic of the lesson?

Reflection and self-assessment by students of their own learning activities in the lesson was organized using an evaluation sheet. Evaluation of each task gave each child the opportunity to assess their knowledge, to see what they did not learn and what they still need to work on.

Tasks for self-study were determined (homework with elements of choice, creativity). Having received a multi-level task to choose from, the students left the lesson puzzled by a new problem, which leads to the search for solutions to tasks and an increase in the quality of knowledge.

In the lesson, the research method is partially applied, the students reasoned, analyzed, generalized under my guidance.

At each stage of the lesson, it was organized student-student interaction (work in pairs)- this increased the educational and cognitive motivation of students. This form of work significantly reduced the level of anxiety in children, the fear of being unsuccessful. When performing the task together, mutual learning took place , student-teacher (individual work), class-teacher (frontal work). To maintain the attention of students allowed the alternation of tasks that have a partial search, creativity, reasonable inclusion of the used forms of educational activity, as well as the desire of students to learn in the lesson on their own.

The use of a computer in the lesson made it possible not only to enhance the visual representation of the material being studied, but also contributed to its more meaningful assimilation. The slide presentation contained all the necessary, visual and practical material. All this made it possible to increase the density of the lesson and optimally increase its pace.

The grades given reflect the objective result of each student's activity during the lesson.

Thus, the lesson not only provided the conditions for the formation of personal, metasubject (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), but also the development of information and intellectual competence of schoolchildren.

The educational goal of the lesson ( to acquaint students with the functional purpose of a computer, the architecture of a personal computer, as well as lay the foundation for a future more detailed study of computer hardware), etc. activity goal(to teach to identify the common and special between a computer device and a person) were achieved by me.

The lesson turned out to be innovative, interesting, informative. The effectiveness of the lesson is high, since all students worked; All students completed the tasks. Study time in the lesson was used effectively, the planned volume of the lesson was generally fulfilled.

"Open Informatics Lesson"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Sergeevskaya secondary school

Perm region

Gainskiy district

Public lesson informatics

on the topic: "An analogy between a computer and a person" Grade 8

Petrova Nadezhda Mikhailovna, teacher of computer science and ICT, 1st qualification category of MBOU "Sergeevskaya secondary school"

During the classes.

    Motivation for learning activities3 minutes .

Hello guys! Today I will teach you a computer science lesson. My name is Nadezhda Mikhailovna, I am a computer science teacher at the Sergeyev school.

Let's smile at each other and good mood Let's start our lesson.

Today we have a lesson in discovering new knowledge. How is learning new? We will learn new things based on what we have learned before. (slide 1)

    for this we need to repeat what is already known;

    recall what you have learned in previous lessons;

    correctly identify what we do not know;

    find a way to overcome the difficulty,

    having formulated a new method (algorithm, formula, rule), learn how to apply it.

Before discovering new knowledge, let's check how attentive you were in the past lessons.

There is a card on your desktop Application 1 . There are 3 tasks in this sheet of a certain level of complexity, you choose the task at will and complete it. (Students do the task)

(Check against the sample).(slides 2,3,4)

Who didn't get the job done?

    Actualization of knowledge and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial action. Trial action 6 minutes

And now all the attention is on the slide. The slide shows the names of great people. What do you think can unite them? (slide 5)

French scientist Herbert aka Pope Sylvester II.

German scientist, professor of mathematics and oriental language Wilhelm Schickard

French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal

German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

English mathematician William Outred

English mathematician Charles Babbage

English mathematician Ada Lovelace

American engineer Herman Hollerith

German engineer Konrad Zuse

American engineer Howard Aiken, etc.

What unites all these famous people, you will learn by completing the task from Apps 2 that you have on your desk. We work in pairs. Try to formulate your task? What do you need to do here?

The word is encoded on the leaves using special code, you must decode this information. Almost all of you have different way information encoding. Some use the Morse code, some use the cipher of the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar, while others use the cipher "Dancing Men" from the story of the English writer Arthur Conan Doyle about the detective Sherlock Holmes.

(slide 6)

That's right, it's a computer. And all these famous people contributed greatly to the invention this device. And what contribution they made, you will learn about this in the next computer science lessons.

Since ancient times, people have sought to make their work easier. For this purpose, various machines and mechanisms were created that enhance the physical capabilities of a person. The computer was invented in the middle of the 20th century to enhance the possibilities of human intellectual work, i.e. work with information.

It is known from the history of science and technology that man has spied the ideas of many inventions in nature. For example, back in the 15th century, the great Italian scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci studied the structure of the bodies of birds and used this knowledge to design aircraft. (slide 7) The Russian scientist Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky, the founder of the science of aerodynamics, also studied the mechanism of bird flight. (slide 8)

(slide 9)

Students provide their answers.

And from whom did the person write off the computer?
Let's discuss now. How a person invents.
Then it will become clear to everyone. How the computer was created.
A helicopter flies across the sky. Who does he remind us of? ………..
It is similar, of course, not with a goat. And with a jumping dragonfly.
The plane lands on the ground - a huge steel bird.
And the boat that goes on the sea looks a bit like a whale.
So watching nature. Discovering her laws
Man invented everything, took ideas from nature.
Man cannot create what cannot be seen. (slide 10)
Everything he could think of. I looked at nature.
And it remains for us to draw a conclusion when the computer conceived,
He looked at himself.

From myself!

What do computers and humans have in common? (slide 11)

Applications e 3. Try to formulate your task? What do you need to do here? That's right, you need to insert the missing words. I suggest that you complete this task in pairs. Fill in the scheme “Analogy between a computer and a person”, you need to enter computer devices in empty cells.

    Identification of the place and cause of difficulties. 1 minute

Who didn't get the job done?

What were you unable to do? (We were unable to complete the chart.)

What were the difficulties? (We do not know what devices are included in the computer and what they are "responsible for")

Who completed the task? Prove you are right. (We can't justify)

    Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty. 1 minute

Since we do not know what devices are included in the computer and what they are responsible for, let's formulate the learning task and the topic of the lesson (find out what main devices are part of a computer and what they are responsible for, as well as draw an analogy between a person and a computer)

Let's formulate the topic of our lesson? ("An analogy between a computer and a person"). (slide 12)

(slide 13)

On the screen

    Read the text.

    Fill in the table "An analogy between a computer and a person."

    Implementation of an exit project. 10 min

Guys, in order to discover new knowledge, we need to answer a number of questions.

Part modern computer are included various devices. The functions that these devices perform are similar to those of a thinking person.

Let's define the functions of a person and a computer.

There are four main components information function person: (slide 14)

    receiving information;

    remembering information

    thinking process

    transfer of information.

The computer includes devices that perform these functions of a thinking person, i.e. A computer, like a person, can perform information processes. And now you will find out which devices are included in the computer, and for which information processes these devices are intended.

In order to find out what these devices are and the function of each of them, I propose to work with the diagram and text. Annex 4 and also complete the task Appendix 5

Students work with text.

    Primary consolidation in external speech. 2 minutes

Answer: A personal computer is a complex of interconnected devices.

(slide 15)

Answer: processor, memory, input and output devices.

And now we will play a game whose name is "Agree - Disagree". You will need to express your attitude to a number of statements. If I said everything correctly, then you say in chorus you agree, if not, then you do not agree.

    A person has sense organs with the help of which he perceives information - a computer has information input devices. (Agree)

    A person has a brain in which he stores information - a computer has information storage devices. (Agree)

    With the help of the brain, a person can think, process information - a computer has a processor - an information processing device. (Agree)

    Through speech, gestures, writing, a person can transmit information - a computer has information input devices. (Disagree, output devices)

    Independent work with self-test according to the standard. 2 minutes

Exercise Appendix 3

Independent work

Let's check the sample (slide 16)

A person can receive, store, process, transmit information. A computer can do the same with information.

    Inclusion in the knowledge system.

(slide 17)

A computer is similar to a person in terms of intellectual capabilities.

A computer is a model of a person working with information.

(slide 18)

Student responses.(slide 19)

The main difference between a computer and a person is that a person can think, can make decisions, a computer is an executor of programs created by a person. The work of the computer is strictly subordinated to the program embedded in it, while the person himself controls his actions.

Where can you apply new knowledge?

    Reflection of activities in the classroom. 2 minutes

Let's return to our topic and the learning task set at the beginning of the lesson.

Have we achieved our learning objectives?

Did you reveal the topic of the lesson?

Find the score sheet on your tablesAnnex 5 work in the classroom. fill it up(slide 20)

1 point for a correct answer.

2 points - 2 tasks completed

1 point - 1 task completed


If you scored for the lesson

10 points - score 5;

7-9 points - score 4;

4-6 points - score 3.


(a task to use the acquired knowledge).(slide 21)

There is a card on your tables Appendix 6 with different levels of homework.

Advanced level:

    Solve the crossword puzzle.

High level:

    Solve the crossword puzzle.

Thanks everyone for the lesson!

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Task: Complete the table.

Type of information






Charming (smell)

Tactile (sensation)


Task: Complete the table.

Information presentation example

Way of perception of information

Information submission form

Multiplication table



Bus traffic scheme, drawing

The chime of the clock, the singing of the birds

A poem in a textbook

Watching a movie


Exercise: With the help of what sense organs do people and animals receive information about objects (name the object about which information and feeling are received)



An object

boy eating watermelon

Taste, smell


The girl collects a bouquet of flowers in the field

Man chooses a book in a store

Blind man reading a book using braille

The fox hunts the rabbit

Athlete dives into the water

Spectator watching a movie in a cinema

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ANSWER: ____________________________



ANSWER: ____________________________


Task 2. Decode the word using the code"Dancing Men" from the work of the English writer Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes"

ANSWER: ____________________________

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A computer- this is electronic device designed to work with information, namelyintroduction, processing, storage, output and transmission of information .

A personal computer is a complex of interconnected devices.

According to the definition of a computer, computer components can be divided into devices that perform certain functions related to information. COMPUTER DEVICE DIAGRAM

The figure shows a diagram of a computer device, taking into account two types of memory. The arrows indicate the directions of information exchange.


Information processing devices


Input Devices


(keyboard, mouse, trackball, joystick, scanner, microphone, etc.)

Output devices


(monitor, printer, plotter, speakers, etc.)

Information storage devices

(RAM and long-term memory: floppy disks, toSD memory cards/xD/MS, w hard drives, or hard drives, PCD and DVD drives, USB flash drives)

The main devices of the computer "live" in the system unit. These include: motherboard, processor, video card, RAM, HDD. But beyond its borders, usually on the table, "live" also at least important devices computer, these are peripheral devices. Such as: monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, printer.

In this article, we will look at What does computer consist of what these devices look like, what function they perform and where they are located.



The motherboard is printed circuit board, which is designed to connect the main components of the computer. Some of them, for example, a processor or a video card, are installed directly on the motherboard itself in a slot designed for this. And the other part of the components, for example, a hard drive or a power supply, is connected to the motherboard using special cables.


The processor is a microchip and at the same time the "brain" of the computer. Why? Because he is responsible for the execution of all operations. How better processor the faster it will perform these very operations, respectively, the computer will work faster.


A video card, or otherwise a graphics card, is designed to display images on a monitor screen.

4. RAM.

RAM - designed for temporary storage of data. For example, it stores the clipboard. We copied some text on the site, and immediately it got into the RAM. Information about running programs, computer sleep mode and other temporary data is stored in RAM. A feature of the RAM is that the data from it is completely deleted after the computer is turned off.


A hard drive, unlike RAM, is designed for long-term storage of files. In another way it is called Winchester. It stores data on special plates.


A disk drive is needed to work with disks. Although it is already much less frequently used, it still does not hurt on desktop computers. At a minimum, a drive will come in handy for installing the system.


Well, in order to fully start working on a computer, and not look at the “buzzing” system unit, we need Peripherals. These include those computer components that are outside the system unit.


The monitor itself is needed to see what we are working with. The video card sends the image to the monitor. They are connected to each other with a VGA or HDMI cable.


The keyboard is designed to enter information, well, of course, what kind of work without a full-fledged keyboard. Type text, play games, surf the Internet, and everywhere you need a keyboard.


The mouse is needed to control the cursor on the screen. Move it in different directions, click, open files and folders, call various functions and much more. Just like without a keyboard, without a mouse, nowhere.


Speakers are needed mainly for listening to music, watching movies and playing games. Who else uses speakers today more than they are played daily ordinary users in these tasks.


A printer and a scanner are needed to print and scan documents and everything that is needed in the field of printing. Or an MFP multifunction device. It will come in handy for all those who often print, scan, make photocopies and do many other tasks with this device.


A task to test the acquired knowledge.

Exercise 1. System unit includes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Insert the missing word.

Monitor- this is a device __________________________ information on the screen.

Keyboard- device _____________________________ data into a computer.

Mouse– coordinate device ____________________________ information.

Printer- device ________________________ information on paper.

Scanner- device _____________________________ information.

Speakers, headphones- device ________________ sound information.

Microphone- device ____________________________ sound information.

Task 3. Write down computer devices from the text and divide them into groups.

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Task of various levels of complexity on the topic "Perception of information"

3 points - independently completed the task ( high level)

2 points - independently completed the task (advanced level)

1 point - independently completed the task (basic level).

The task of coding information.

1 point for a correct answer.

A task to test the acquired knowledge.

3 points - all 3 tasks completed

2 points - 2 tasks completed

1 point - 1 task completed

Research activity, filling in the scheme "Analogy between a computer and a person"

3 points - all 5 gaps are filled in independently

2 points - self-filled 4 gaps

1 point - 3 gaps filled in independently.


If you scored for the lesson

10 points - score 5;

7-9 points - score 4;

4-6 points - score 3.

Less than 4 points - repeat the material covered at home and correct it in the next lesson.

Lesson Grade:_____________

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Advanced level:

    Solve the crossword puzzle. (overleaf)

High level:

    Solve the crossword puzzle. (overleaf)

    Continue the tale: “There were once: Keyboard, Monitor, Memory and Processor. They lived together until they disagreed about which of them is the most important?

Solve the crossword


    Text input device

    Information processing device

    Display device for visual information

    Information storage devices

    Coordinate input device

    floppy disk

    Another name for a hard drive

    Device for outputting text and graphic information to paper


    Device for receiving, processing, storing and transmitting information

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Lesson topic

Analogy between computer and human

Lesson type

Lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge

Activity goal:

Learn to identify common and special between a computer device and a person.

Educational Purpose:

To acquaint students with the functional purpose of a computer, the architecture of a personal computer, as well as lay the foundation for a future more detailed study of computer hardware.

Formation of UUD:


    formation of a responsible attitude to learning based on motivation for learning and cognition;

    the formation of a conscious, respectful and benevolent attitude towards another person, his opinion;

    the ability to selectively relate to the information received due to the ability to analyze it and critically evaluate it.


    draw an analogy between a computer and a person;

    work with handouts;

    the ability to highlight the main thing and fix it in a notebook.


    Cognitive UUD:

    • study the basic devices of a computer;

      apply the acquired knowledge in computer science lessons.

      Regulatory UUD

      • perform training tasks in accordance with the goal;

        relate acquired knowledge to real life;

        carry out the learning activity in accordance with the plan.

    • Communicative UUD

      • coordinate positions with a partner and find a common solution;

Logistics of the lesson

Didactic material:

    Presentation Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 "Computer-human analogy"

    Cards for students

Appendix 1, multi-level tasks for repetition;

Appendix 2, information coding;

Appendix 3, table "Analogy between a computer and a person";

Annex 4, text with information;

Appendix 5, assessment sheet of work in the lesson;

Appendix 6, multi-level homework.

Technical training aids

    Teacher's PC

    Multimedia projector


Operating system Windows XP and Microsoft package Office2010 (including MS Excel 2007).

Educational and methodological support of the lesson:

Informatics and ICT. Textbook grade 11 / Edited by prof. N.V. Makarova - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

    Motivation for learning activities

Prepares students for the lesson. Attracts the attention of children. It creates conditions for the student to have an internal need for inclusion in the educational process.

The teacher offers students to check their readiness for the lesson to choose from three types of tasks of varying complexity, to evaluate the result of its implementation.

Actualizes ZUN and mental operations sufficient to build new knowledge.

Fixing difficulties in individual activities.

So the job is done. Let's summarize the example.

Raise your hands, who coped with the task. Well done!

Who didn't get the job done?

In what tasks did you make a mistake? Let's fix them together.

Teacher greeting.

Students choose a task of a certain level of difficulty and complete it.

Systematize previously studied material.

Students check the example. Answer the teacher's questions.

Personal: readiness and ability to fulfill the norms and requirements of school life, the rights and obligations of the student.

Regulatory: be able to independently control and manage your time.

Cognitive: choose the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions.

    Actualization of knowledge and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial action.

And now all the attention is on the slide.

The slide shows the names of great people. What do you think can unite them?

Organizes an active dialogue.

All these great people made a great contribution to the invention of one subject. Find out what it is, the card will help you Appendix 2 that you have on your desk.

What word did you encode? (Small historical background)

Organizes immersion in the problem. Raises a problematic question, analyzes and summarizes the statements of students.

Does a computer have a prototype in nature?

Reads a poem.

What do computers and humans have in common?

Does a computer look like a person in appearance or device?

How are computers and humans similar?

There is a card on the tables in front of you. Applications e 3. Try to formulate your task? What do you need to do here?

Organizes children for pair work.

Get acquainted with the problem situation, comprehend the information received.

They make assumptions, discuss, stop at one option.

Students in pairs decode information.

Answer the teacher's question.

They formulate the task, try to fill in pairs the “Analogy between a computer and a person” scheme.

Personal UUD: the ability to selectively relate to the information received due to the ability to analyze it and critically evaluate it.

Regulatory UUD: possession of the skills of organizing their own educational activities. Cognitive UUD: possession of the basic universal skills of an informational nature: posing and formulating a problem; search and selection of the necessary information.

Communicative UUD: possession of the basics of productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults

    Identification of the place and cause of difficulties.

Who didn't get the job done?

What were you unable to do?

What were the difficulties?

Who completed the task?

Prove you are right.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Those students who completed the task are trying to prove that they are right.

Personal UUD: formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers and adults in the process of learning activities.

Communicative UUD: to formulate a statement, an opinion; the ability to substantiate, defend one's opinion; competently use speech means to present the result.

    Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty.

Suggests to formulate the learning objectives of the lesson, draw up a lesson plan.

Since we do not know what devices are included in the computer and what they are responsible for, let's formulate the learning task and the topic of the lesson.

Let's plan our work.

Guys, I have on the slide the steps of the plan for discovering new knowledge.

On the screen

    Consider a diagram of a computer device.

    Read the text.

    Complete the task at the end of the text.

    Fill in the table "An analogy between a computer and a person"

Formulate the learning task and the topic of the lesson.

Reflect on the steps of the plan for discovering new knowledge.

Personal UUD: the process of meaning formation through the independent formulation of the learning objectives of the lesson, the work plan, the process of self-determination.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to predict activities, make adjustments when drawing up a work plan.

    Implementation of an exit project.

Guys, in order to discover new knowledge, we need to answer a number of questions.

Computers are often compared to humans. What do they have in common?

Let's remember what information processes a person performs?

In order to find out what devices these are and the function of each of them, I propose to work with the diagram and text, and so complete the task after the text, we work with Annex 4. You will work in pairs.

Answer the questions based on the knowledge of the previous lessons.

Work in tandem with handouts.

Acquaintance with new material, comprehension of the information received. Do the task at the end of the text.

Regulatory UUD: complete learning tasks in accordance with the goal.

Communicative UUD: formulate an opinion.


Be able to: work with handouts; the ability to highlight the main thing and fix it in the task.

    Primary consolidation in external speech.

What is a personal computer?

What are the main components of a computer?

Checking the completed task.

Reception "I agree - I do not agree." Students are invited to express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: agree, disagree.

Express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: agree, disagree. Draw a conclusion s about the similarity of the execution of information processes of a person and a computer.

Communicative UUD: formulate a statement, an opinion; the ability to justify, defend one's opinion; to use speech means correctly to present the result.

    Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

And now let's return to the trial action and, based on the new knowledge gained, perform Exercise"An analogy between a human and a computer", Appendix 3

Let's check the sample (the slide shows the completed table)

Who is having trouble completing the task?

Where did the problem arise?

What is the reason you are having difficulty?

What do you need to do to avoid problems in the future?

On their own, based on the conclusions drawn, they fill out the “Analogy between a computer and a person” scheme.

Check the task according to the sample that is presented on the slide.

Conversation with the teacher (answers to questions).

They draw a conclusion by answering the question about the similarity of a computer and a person.

Subject UUD:

Know: devices for output, input, processing and storage of information;

Be able to: draw an analogy between a computer and a person; work with handouts; the ability to highlight the main thing and fix it in a notebook.

Regulatory UUD: Adequately independently assess the correctness of the performance of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the performance both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation.

    Inclusion in the knowledge system.

What conclusion can be drawn about the similarity between a computer and a person?

Is it possible to put an = sign between a human and a computer?

Between their work with information?

What is the difference between a computer and a person?

Where can you apply new knowledge?

Discuss and answer the teacher's questions.

Communicative e: skill with sufficient completeness and accuracy Express your thoughts.

Regulatory UUD: relate acquired knowledge to real life.

    Reflection of activities in the classroom.

Have we achieved our learning objectives?

Did you reveal the topic of the lesson?

Invites students to evaluate their activities in the lesson by filling out an evaluation sheet.

Evaluation paper.

Task of various levels of complexity on the topic "Perception of information"

3 points - independently completed task 3 (advanced level)

2 points - independently completed task 2 (intermediate level)

1 point - independently completed task 1 (low level).

The task of coding information.

1 point for a correct answer.

A task to test the acquired knowledge.

3 points - all 3 tasks completed

2 points - 2 tasks completed

1 point - 1 task completed

Research activity, filling in the scheme "Analogy between a computer and a person"

3 points - all 5 gaps are filled in independently

2 points - self-filled 4 gaps

1 point - 3 gaps filled in independently.


If you scored for the lesson

10 points - score 5;

7-9 points - score 4;

4-6 points - score 3.

Less than 4 points - repeat the material covered at home and correct it in the next lesson.

Analyze their learning activities and the work of the whole class on lesson. carry out self-assessment, degree of development material,

correlate the learning task and results, the degree of their compliance.

Regulatory : reflection, ability to evaluate the correctness actions in accordance with the given requirements,control, selection and awareness of what is learned, what is still to be learned.

cognitive : the ability to structure knowledge.


Invites students to complete homework at various levels.

Advanced level:

    Solve the crossword puzzle.

High level:

    Solve the crossword puzzle.

    Continue the tale: “There were once: Keyboard, Monitor, Memory and Processor. They lived together until they disagreed about which of them is the most important?

Assimilate explanations teachers, write down the task in diary or notebook.

Personal: formation of a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition.

The twenty-first century is the age of information technology. Five-year-old children are already playing educational games with might and main. Who would have thought that children would think an order of magnitude higher than their parents regarding the computer, but this is so. Computer in life modern man is its integral part. If you think about how unique this invention is, then you involuntarily begin to understand how unique the person himself is, since he invented it and uses it in almost everything. progress in information technology like a rhinoceros - it accelerated slowly, and now it is almost impossible to stop it. Manufacturers of components are forced to create more advanced products in a competitive environment. In this article, I want to make a comparison between a human and a computer, what is common between us and the electronic creations of the human mind.

Once again, going out into the street, I imagined myself a part of a big city. I recalled an interesting conversation with a little-known person on the train, where he so often mentioned to me that I was part of the system, and all my movements for the most part fit into the framework of generally accepted rules and norms. I am like the same electron that in an organized column of its own kind moves in a given direction along the wires. It is somewhat unpleasant to feel predictable and dependent, surrendering to the free flow of life, relying only on desires and instincts. But we differ from machines in that we can act consciously.

human brain - powerful computer, which also, receiving food, solves a certain kind of problem. Take vision for example. There is no video in the world as clear as how clearly and softly reality pours into our eyes. There is no camera that can process the same number of pixels as the human brain. Have you seen a video camera with two hundred and sixty megapixels for sale?! …but you look into it every day. The pupil, through small muscles, constricts and expands in order to focus the image, it all depends on where we intend to look, how close or how far. The lens performs the same operation when shooting a photo or video camera. The image is perceived by a microscopic matrix, like the retina of the eye. The camcorder's processor processes each pixel and stacks the bits in a certain order, which is set by the recording and playback program. At the same time, on the display we see a reflection of the reality that this camera is able to see and reproduce. There are many on the market various models, they all differ in recording quality, color depth and so on, but if you compare them with our vision, you understand how limited they are. Limited by shooting resolution, zoom foresight, number of recording shades, and more. For example, there are standards for the number of shades in an image, from black and white to multi-millionths. Whatever this image is, the reality is viewed much softer and the brain does not have to complete the missing pieces of the puzzle into the overall picture. Hence the tired eyes, and headaches during prolonged contact with the monitor.

Sound. Having a bunch various parameters, refers to vibrations of molecules in various media. To date, studied in all its glory. Music, radio broadcast, cellular- are based, one way or another, on the same vibrations of molecules. Frequency is one of the main characteristics of sound. A person is able to perceive sounds with a frequency of 20 to 20,000 hertz (the number of oscillations per second), but at the same time, he feels uncomfortable if he hears a song from the speaker with a sampling rate of even 22,050 hertz. This suggests that in reality, human hearing is much more subtle than physics tells about it. Sound file, recorded in any format, with any frequency, any bitrate - is a limited part of the real sound. It's like looking out a small window without seeing the rest of the world; how to breathe through a gas mask without smelling; how to touch something through gloves, almost without touching the object ...

The computer as a whole consists of various electrical components. Power - the power supply converts electricity into a form that is convenient for the system to perceive. In humans, it is oxygen and others chemical elements obtained by gas exchange in the lungs and by digestion processes in the digestive system. RAM stores current information, works while voltage is applied to it, has an extremely limited amount relative to physical memory. A person solves current small tasks, which he instantly forgets, this is stored in memory for a very short period of time, this is a temporary (fast) memory. Physical memory on a computer as hard drive or flash memory has a considerable amount. At the same time, the use of more ergonomic formats saves space. Man has the same physical memory, only the information is stored as the result of a chemical reaction and yet more like a flash memory. After all, if the charge on the flash drive runs out completely, the information on it will be lost, and so it is with us, if we do not give any information to recharge, periodically without remembering it, it is simply erased. The processor on the computer is responsible for mathematics, it constantly calculates. Information is driven to it by operative memory and it also takes the results, like a secretary. People differ in intelligence quotient (IQ), this can be compared with the frequency of the processor on a computer.

Thus, modern computing machines are far from being perfect, but we use their capabilities to almost one hundred percent. The human brain is perfection and we hardly use it. The new generation is born and grows in a new information field, it develops much faster. Maybe someday we will come to the conclusion that one word will replace the book.

The author of the article is Alexey Sinyakin

Both are used to store and process information, as well as to perform various calculations, mathematical calculations and the development of complex algorithms.


Both play extremely important roles in society, commerce, entertainment and science. A computer today can be occupied with anything (as well as the human brain): from managing entire factories to a washing machine.

Combination of components

A computer is made up of many parts, including: motherboard, hard drive, processor, graphics card, and more. And each of the parts plays its own role in the processes of the computer.

Like a computer, the brain is made up of parts. In addition to the left and right hemispheres, there are parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions, mathematical calculations, movement and for many other tasks necessary for our daily activities.

electrical signals

Both the brain and the computer work by transmission " logic signals between its parts. That is, the computer works with binary signals (on/off) known as bits.

The brain, in a sense, uses the same system, with or without firing certain neurons.

Memory capacity

Both can increase their memory capacity. Computer memory can be increased by adding additional memory modules or hard drives. Human memory can be improved by developing synoptic connections.


The brain has a built-in "backup system". If one of the pathways in the brain is damaged, then another pathway can take over its functions (not always, of course, but it happens). On the computer, they can be saved backups data.

And the most interesting thing is that the brain in the modern world loses to a computer, which was confirmed in the loss of a chess game by Kasparov to an IBM computer in 1997.

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"The information underlying Iissiidiology is designed to radically change your entire current vision of the world, which, together with everything that is in it - from minerals, plants, animals and humans to distant Stars and Galaxies - is in fact an unimaginably complex and an extremely dynamic Illusion, no more real than your dream today."

1. Subjectivism of outlook.

2. Examples of analogies between a PC and a person. Acquaintance with the terminology of Iissiidiology.

3. The complexity of changing the established worldview.

4. Conclusion.

Subjectivism outlook

This article will consider my vision of the reasons for the subjective perception of the world by a person, and will also show the mechanism of cognition of the world with the help of mental associations between the well-known and the little-studied. I often use analogies, drawing auxiliary parallels between the world of technology and surrounding nature(in particular, biology, psychology, sociology) in order to better understand new phenomena and concepts in a certain subject area. They serve me, in fact, those additional informational relationships with all other ideas that I have, which allow me not to memorize, but to understand the essence of the new and unknown, using the baggage of already accumulated knowledge.

Helping friends to fix certain problems of their personal computers(hereinafter in the text of the PC), explaining to them the possible reasons for their occurrence using the principles of construction and operation computer technology, I noticed that people who do not have special training and knowledge find it much easier to intuitively understand the essence of the work computer science, using the analogy with the existing representations [I]. For these purposes, it turned out to be convenient to use comparison of PC operation with psycho-mental and physiological processes flowing in a person.

Both a person and a PC can be considered as a separate information system or some part of it. Information system is a system consisting of software (Software) and hardware (Hardware) designed to collect, process, create and distribute data.

The use of the associative approach for linking various phenomena with the help of analogies is limited and subjective, since in order to build relationships between individual blocks of information, a person can operate only with the ideas and experience that he has on this moment. Subjectivity arises due to the variety of possible individual variants of interconnections (associations) with which each person connects the information blocks manipulated by him (for example, the same melody evokes his own subjective impressions in each person). Thus, throughout a person's life, a person's ideas acquire more and more deeper knowledge, forming his outlook on life, preferences, desires, judgments, and the like (his worldview).

Since the human perception system is limited, we can only interpret (and with some degree of accuracy interpolate and extrapolate) the facts known to us, trying to reconstruct the picture of what is happening as accurately as possible. But this picture will always be less accurate than one based on additional new information.The subjectivity of the interpretation (perception and understanding) of the occurring phenomenon (event) will be demonstrated by the following examples.

Suppose we need to connect points 1, 2, 3 with a line. As can be seen from Figure 1, the number of such lines can be infinite. All three variants of the presented lines solve the problem, but only on the condition that no other restrictions are placed on the solution of the problem (for example, that the line must be straight or pass through point 4). Each of the lines is an analogue of a subjective interpretation (in this case, three points) to recreate a complete picture. What happened in the intervals between the points with the "real" line, which displays the "reality" - is unknown. So it is in reality: a person, observing some phenomenon (be it a physical experiment or a life situation), is able to perceive only a limited number of conditions and facts that led to this observation. By interpreting the available information, a person recreates the most plausible picture of an ongoing event, which does not at all speak of its truth. The impossibility of a person to perceive what is happening without distortion often leads him to a misunderstanding of the behavior and views of other people. [How many points do you need to take to accurately reconstruct the line? See the Kotelnikov theorem and the Nyquist frequency].

Figure 1. Possible options for connecting points with a line

The following example is taken from optics - the refraction of light through a prism. Imagine that a beam of light carries certain information, for example, what a person understands by the word “love”. As can be seen in Figure 2, one part of the beam is reflected, while the other part is refracted through the prism, depending on its physical and chemical characteristics. At the “exit” from the prism, only the scattered part (projection) of the original information (beam) is visible. So, our ideas are a set of such interconnected prisms (Figure 3), with the help of which filtering, analysis, collection and accumulation of new information takes place. Just as prisms refract light in different ways, so people interpret the same phenomena, events, and actions in different ways. Therefore, everyone understands “love” in his own way (sees his own projection), although we can talk about the same thing.

Rice. 2. Dispersive prism. Rice. 3. Dispersion of light.

A third example of the subjectivity of perception is one of the koans from Zen Buddhism. This short story shows in a humorous way how people can understand what is happening to them in different ways.

"Dispute for shelter"

In a temple in northern Japan, two monk brothers lived together. The older one was a scientist, and the younger one was stupid and crooked in one eye.Once a wandering monk asked for shelter, calling them, as it was supposed, to a dispute about the intricacies of the teachings. Tired of the day's work, the older brother ordered the younger to go in his place.

Go and offer to discuss silently,” he warned him.

The young monk and the wanderer entered the temple and sat there. Soon the stranger stood up, and, going to his older brother, said: “Your younger brother is a wonderful guy. He won the dispute."

Tell me how it happened,” the elder asked.

So, - began the wanderer, - first I raised one finger, representing the Buddha, the Enlightened One. He also raised two fingers, denoting the Buddha and his teachings. Then I held up three fingers, symbolizing the Buddha, his teachings and his followers living in harmony. At this, he shook his clenched fist in front of my face, indicating that they all came from the same awareness. That's why he defeated me and I can't stay here anymore. So saying, the traveler left.

Where is this guy? - asked, running in, the younger brother.

I understand that you defeated him.

I did not win, but now I will finish him!

Well, tell me about the dispute.

As soon as he saw me, he immediately raised one finger, impudently hinting that I have only one eye.

Since he is an outsider, I decided to be polite to him and raised two fingers, congratulating him on having both eyes. Then this shameless rascal held up three fingers, showing that we only have three eyes between the two of us. Then I became furious and just started to beat him, when he ran away.

Summarizing the above and returning to the analogies with which our self-consciousness operates, I will say that the quality of the constructed analogy between two different phenomena depends to a greater extent on:

    portable properties and relationships;

    degree of abstraction / concretization of the phenomenon;

    the degree of understanding of the subject by the individual himself (his ideas);

    the relevance of comparison (since new ideas replace old ones);

How legitimate the analogy that has arisen remains to be judged by others. The main, from my point of view, in this case, the goal is to understand at the initial stage with new concepts and phenomena, without distorting the nature of things even more. As knowledge accumulates and deepens in the chosen direction, auxiliary old analogies will disappear by themselves, due to the emergence of more and more accurate ideas, and the need for their further use will disappear.

In order not to be limited in this note to a comparison only between a person and a computer, I present relationships with terms and concepts from , which positions itself as a new concept of the energy-informational device of the Universe and man, including such concepts as space, time, multidimensionality, self-consciousness and much more. Iissiidiology offers a unique mechanism for describing cause-and-effect relationships and the essence of most phenomena and processes in the surrounding world, leaving no room for anything supernatural and impossible. How effectively and skillfully can a person use this mechanism, whether in Everyday life or in professional activities, depends on it.

Facts, information Information Information carriers - info-creators nerve impulses Charges Energy carriers - form-creators (bio-creators) Body biology Hardware ("hardware") Separate Views Files

The set of SFUURMM-Forms,UU-VVU-Conglomerates; (creation SLUY-SLUU )

Formed ideas and judgments Programs Complication of the used SFUURMM-Forms Extending Views (Learning) Updates Activity of the first two IISSIIDI Centers (ARGLLAAMUNI and INGLIMILISSA ) Instincts and programs of self-survival System processes, OS drivers

Activity of the second two IISSIIDI Centers (ORLAAKTOR and AIGLLIILLIAA )

Planetary, space creativity User Programs

As our individual ideas add up to judgments and a holistic vision of what is happening, which we expand and refine every moment, so individual information files add up to entire programs (SFUURMM-Forms structure UU-VVU-Conglomerates), which from time to time, when errors are detected and shortcomings are updated by the user for more universal and relevant ones. At the same time, the PC has programs ( system files, drivers) and processes, without which the system can become incapacitated or severely limited. The system itself tries to limit the user's access rights so that, due to his "ignorance", he does not harm the system (himself). This is very similar to the instincts of self-survival in humans (the activity of the first pair of IISSIIDI-Centers - the mental (ARGLLAAMUNI) and sensual (INGLIMILISSA) components of human activity). User programs expand the basic functionality of the system and are "planetary creativity" that a person can do when he does not need to think about survival (the activity of the second pair of IISSIIDI-Centers - a higher quality mental (ORLAAKTOR) and sensual (AIGLLIILLIAA) component of human activity). The structure and characteristics of the IISSIIDI Centers are actually more complex and will be described in more detail in subsequent volumes of the Fundamentals of IISSIIDIOLOGY.

Just as hardware failures and defects in a PC lead to the failure of certain of its components, so physical illnesses affect the performance of the human body. Viruses - malware software, causing a violation of the information integrity of the system, is akin to human mental illness. From the point of view of iissiidiology, diseases arise when there is a “significant” disagreement between the configuration of form-creators (human biology) and the incoming instructions from info-creators (his interests, aspirations, life creativity, worldview). One of the reasons for this may be, for example, a change in the direction of development, when a person begins to develop not inhuman (lluuvvumic) direction of development (when the "human body" is not used for its "intended purpose") or, conversely, in the human. First, such an imbalance causes a "tensor tension" (tensor), which is aimed at balancing the relationship between form and info-creators. Prolonged tensor tension develops into fatigue, exhaustion, depression, illness. By itself, the tensor can be both negative (for example, bad habits) and positive (for example, during getting rid of bad habits). Possible reasons appearance of tensors are discussed in detail inVolume 12 iissiidiology.

Get life experience Use a computer (play, watch, listen, write, simulate, count)
ChKK All-Love-All-Wisdom Aspects of the senses A magnetic field
ChKK All-Will-All-Mind Aspects of intelligence Electric field

4. B.I. Khodorov. Nervous impulse. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. — M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/bse/90292/Impulse

5. Oris. Iissiidiology. Volume 12 Comments on the Basics - Immortality is available to everyone: book five - "Modern Dynamics of the Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness". 2011

8. Oris. Iissiidiology. Volume 14 Comments on the Fundamentals - Immortality is available to everyone: the fifth book - "Principles of resonance structures of Self-Consciousness". 2011

9. Oris. Iissiidiology. 2 vol. Basics. Cosmic Qualities as the Basis of the energy-informational manifestation of all Form-systems of the Universe. 2013

10. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. telepathy. www.encyclopedia.com (2008)

11. Oris. Iissiidiology. Volume 15 Comments on the Basics - Immortality is available to everyone: the sixth book - The Conscious Path to the Human Worlds of "personal" Immortality. 2012
