Technology case open literature lesson. Literature lesson with elements of case technologies

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER CASE TECHNOLOGIES IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE LESSONS Kruglova IV, Ph.D. insignificant, although sometimes it seems that the training is successful” K. Rogers Reasons for the introduction of new educational technologies. modernization educational system other content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered; . search for answers not only to the questions "what to teach?", "why to teach?", "how to teach?", but also to the question "how to teach effectively?"; . Education The structure of pedagogical technology. . . . . Purpose Means Rules and the sequence of their use Result The choice of technology for teaching a particular discipline is carried out by the teacher on the basis of his personal beliefs and constitutes his individual style of pedagogical activity. . Teaching technology should be aimed at effectively achieving the goal. -method in education Harvard school (American) Manchester school (European) - learning to find the only right solution - cases can be quite large in volume (20-25 pages, 8-10 illustrations) - the first collection of cases in 1921. problems Cases are small in volume Glossary Case (from the English "case" - case, situation) is a description of a specific real situation designed to teach students to analyze different types of information, generalize it, formulate a problem and develop possible options for solving it in accordance with established criteria. . Case technology is learning by doing. . The case-study method, or the method of specific situations, is a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (case solving). Ideas of the case stady method (case study method). Designed to gain knowledge in disciplines where there is no unambiguous answer to the questions posed; obtaining multiple solutions; obtaining not only one, but many truths and orientation in their problematic field. . The emphasis in learning is transferred from mastering ready-made knowledge to its development, to the co-creation of students and teachers; the student becomes equal with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem. . The result is not only knowledge, but also competencies that are formed in the process of solving a case. Technology for using the case stady method. a model of a specific situation is developed; . the description should contain a problem or a number of direct or indirect difficulties, contradictions, hidden tasks for solution; . additional work is required information retrieval; . as a result, students find their own solutions to the proposed problem (often ambiguous multiple solutions) and come to their own conclusions. Case - technologies. method of situational analysis (method of analysis of specific situations, situational tasks and exercises); . incident method (the student must find the missing information himself); . method of situational role-playing games; . method of parsing business correspondence (receiving a case with detailed description situations: a package of documents that help find a way out of a difficult situation (including documents that are not related to this problem, so that students can choose necessary information), and questions that allow you to find a solution. . game design; . discussion method. Case method. acts as a technology for forming a way of thinking, which allows you to think and act within the framework of competencies, develop creative potential; . actions in the case are either given in the description or proposed as a way to solve the problem, as a result, a model of practical action should be formed; . can be quite easily combined with other teaching methods. Case types. Printed case - contains graphs, diagrams, illustrations (makes the case more visual). . Multimedia case - depends on the technical equipment of the school. . Video - case Types and function of cases. training (training in skills of activity in changing situations - writing texts of various genres); . teaching (acquisition of knowledge regarding dynamically developing objects - theory of literature); . analytical (development of skills and analytical activities- analysis of phenomena and objects); . research - acts as a model for obtaining new knowledge, learning skills scientific research through the application of the modeling method, it is built according to the principles of creating a research model; . systematizing (systematization of situational knowledge - the use of suffixes of nouns); . prognostic (obtaining information about the development of a given system - forecasting the development of events in a literary work) Scheme for creating a case. Definition of a section of the curriculum. . Formulation of educational goals and objectives to be solved in the process of working on a case. . Determination of the problem of the situation (educational, scientific, life) and the creation of a generalized model. . Search for an analogue of a generalized model of a situation in real life, education or science. . Determination of sources and methods of information collection. . The choice of technique for working with this case. . Determination of the desired result (evaluation sheet). . Creating a given model. . Approbation in the learning process Levels of complexity of cases Level 1 There is a practical situation There is a solution Level 2 There is a practical situation find its solution Level 3 There is a practical situation Define the problem and find solutions. Students determine whether the solution is suitable for this situation, whether another solution is possible, another answer. Compare, find common ground and differences. There can be many solutions, and all options have the right to exist, discussion Stages of the lesson. Preparatory - the teacher specifies the didactic goals, develops the appropriate "specific situation" and the scenario of the lesson. . Introductory - involving students in a lively discussion of the real situation (it is important to think over the most effective form of presenting the material for familiarization). . Analytical - analysis of the situation in the group, the process of developing a solution (the process is limited in time). . Final - presentation of the results of analytical work by groups, comparison of several options for solving one problem. Actions of the teacher in case technology. Create a case or use an existing one. . Distribution of students into groups (4 - 6 people). . Familiarization of students with the situation, the system for evaluating solutions to the problem, the deadlines for completing tasks. . Organization of work of students in groups. . Organization of the presentation of solutions. . Organization of a general discussion. . Summarizing speech, analysis of the situation. . Assessment of students. Working with the case teacher student. Organizes a preliminary discussion. Divides into groups. Leads discussion in groups, provides additional information. Evaluates student work. Evaluates the decisions made and the questions raised. Asks questions that deepen the understanding of the case and the problem. Develops solutions, listens to what others have to say. Makes a decision or participates in decision making. Prepares a written report on the lesson on the topic What should be the case. interesting, written in simple and intelligible language; . be problematic; expressively define the "core" of the problem; . show both positive and negative examples; . meet the needs of the selected contingent of students, contain the necessary and sufficient amount of information. Case examples. 1. In the painting "Moscow Courtyard", painted in 1878, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov depicted a typical corner of old Moscow - the Church of the Savior on the Sands, located in one of the alleys near the ancient Arbat Street. . . This church still stands today, now surrounded by a completely different urban environment. Find this place and take a photo. What would this picture look like now? Describe her. Case examples. Imagine that you are conducting a tour in the Tretyakov Gallery, in the hall where paintings by V.D. Polenov. What can you tell us about the painting "Moscow Courtyard"? Write a short text of this fragment of the excursion. . Find texts of lyrical poems in which the forest is described in different seasons. Write out the snippets. Conclude what means of artistic expression the authors most often use to describe nature. . Take pictures of the exhibits of each room of the museum, create a colorful booklet-guide to the museum with comments for visitors-tourists. . If you needed to write a continuation of N.V. Gogol's "Inspector General", what would be there? Write the final appearance of your play. A teacher's evaluation card for casework skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . F.I. student Identification and formulation of the main idea (idea) Drawing up plans of various types Description of facts, phenomena, events, details Working with key concepts, topics, problems Logic of presentation Data analysis Skill of identifying and developing a problem Speaking to an audience Drawing up a summary of a topic, report, review, etc. .d. Possession of various ways of self-control and mutual control The ability to conduct polemics, participate in discussions The ability to solve problematic learning tasks The work of a teacher with an assessment card. K (red) - stable possession of the skill; . F (yellow) - the skill is largely formed; . Z (green) - the skill is partially formed; . C (blue) - the skill is practically not formed. . Within half a year (a year), “sinking” skills are identified, and additional individual tasks for individual students are selected to correct them. Advantages of case - technology. ensures the activation of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, teaches them to think critically, solve complex problems, make thoughtful decisions, communicate with people, develop independence and creative abilities of students; . increases students' interest in the subject and forms key educational competencies. any teacher who wishes to implement case-technologies, having a manual and a set of situations in his hands, will be able to do it quite professionally.

Gabdrakhmanova Bibigul Demeuovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school №14 Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan

Among interactive learning technologies, case technologies are becoming increasingly popular. Case technology (case method) is an interactive learning technology based on real or fictional situations, aimed not only at mastering knowledge,

how much for the formation of new qualities and skills in students. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to develop problems and find their solution, to learn how to work with information. At the same time, the emphasis is not on obtaining ready-made knowledge, but on their development, on the co-creation of the teacher and the student.

The case method combines such well-proven methods as the project method, role-playing game, situational analysis and much more. When deciding common problem in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, joint activities are useful, which allow all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, additional information, and most importantly, learn to work together and independently.

The essence of the case method is the analysis of a real situation, the description of which at the same time reflects not only some practical problem, but also updates a certain set of knowledge that needs to be learned when solving this problem. At the same time, the problem itself does not have unambiguous solutions. Being an interactive teaching method, it allows you to increase students' interest in the subject. The use of this technology helps to develop in children such important qualities for later life as sociability, social activity, the ability to correctly present one's opinion and listen to the opinion of another person.

Case technology is applicable in teaching any subjects, if the main tasks set in the lesson are teaching the skills of critical thinking, independent decision-making. The most convenient for using case technology are the lessons of the Russian language and literature, since it is in these lessons when working with text that we lead children to one thought or another.

The main stages of creating a case are distinguished:

  1. Definition of goals.
  2. Selection of the necessary sources.
  3. Selection and preparation of materials for the case.

Examples of cases can be collections of practical tasks, collections of business games, CDs with lesson presentations, and so on.

The main difference between a case and a task is that the task has a solution and a path to it, even if there is more than one. Cases have many solutions leading to the disclosure of a particular problem.

Case methods that activate the learning process include:

  • The method of incidents, when the student himself must find the missing information;
  • the method of parsing business correspondence;
  • Game design
  • situational role-playing game;
  • The method of discussion
  • case - a stage or method of situational analysis (a method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks and exercises).

Situational tasks(or cases) - tasks that allow the student to master cognitive operations sequentially in the process of working with information: familiarization - understanding - application - analysis - synthesis - assessment. This task has a pronounced practice-oriented character, but its solution requires specific subject knowledge. Often, knowledge of several subjects is required to solve it. An obligatory element of the task is a problem question. It is only necessary to formulate it in such a way that the student wants to find the answer.

When solving a situational problem, the teacher and students pursue two different goals: for the student - to find a solution that corresponds to the given situation, for the teacher - the development by students of the method of activity and awareness of its essence.

Situational task model looks like that:

Task name.

Personally significant cognitive question for the student.

Information on this issue, presented in a variety of forms (text, table, graph, statistical data, etc.)

Tasks to work with this information.

How is the case method implemented in my lessons? So, a lesson in literature in the 9th grade on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov. The novel "A Hero of Our Time".

Case task:

Is Lermontov the prototype of his hero?

Students, working with the text - the biography and the text of the work, must bring their evidence and draw a conclusion.

In the 9th grade, while studying the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza".

1 Case task:

Determine the root cause of the denouement of events. Is this the result of a fatal combination of circumstances, or is the final logical?

2 Case task:

Suggest your own solution to a similar problem of relationships between the main characters in modern world.

3 Case task:

Imagine you are the editors of a publishing house at the end of the 18th century. You need to edit the work from the point of view of the aesthetics of classicism. What would you have to change in the work?

Reception of a case at a Russian language lesson.

The proudest word in the Russian language.

The Russian language, like all other languages, is arranged prudently and economically.

Each word can have dozens of meanings. Each speech turnover can acquire a heap of meanings. A whole bush of words grows on each root. And each prefix or suffix gives tens and hundreds of new words on this very root.

But there is one very tricky suffix in Russian: - issimus

Of course, this is the suffix "newcomer", not indigenous. However, in Russian there are many immigrant suffixes that have taken root. Everyone finds refuge here, "marries" Russian roots, makes friends with Russian prefixes.

But "- issimus" is not like that. Not like that at all. In Russian, only one word was created with it. Just one. No others.

1. Guess what the word is.

2. Give a definition of this suffix, what kind of meaning does it give to the word?

3. Create some new words that do not yet exist in Russian with this interesting suffix. You can even compose a mini-story.

The method of parsing business correspondence can be considered on the example of a case on the topic “Epistolary genre. Drafting business letter". Task: to parse the head's mail (invitation, petition, thank you, congratulatory, sympathetic, recommendation letters), make the necessary decisions on them, put resolutions. In addition, you need to form a certain opinion about the situation in the enterprise. The final part of the lesson is held in the form of a discussion with an analysis of the actions of the players and their understanding of the situation at the enterprise.

One of the options for the method of parsing business correspondence is the so-called wastebasket. When implementing this method, the game participants are invited to consider a set of individual lines of documents that partially imitate the result of the paper cutting machine for the destruction of documents. It is necessary to compose rules, thematic texts from the cut parts. When studying proverbs, I offer handouts in the form of disparate parts, from which it is necessary to compose a statement that is complete in meaning.

Case studies can be presented in a variety of formats, from a few sentences to many pages. However, it should be borne in mind that large cases cause some difficulties for students compared to small ones, especially when working for the first time.

The simplest version of the case - students are given a piece of text that contains moral issues, and are invited to come up with, predict how events will develop further. For example, the story of Leo Tolstoy "After the Ball" or an excerpt from the work of the same writer "Childhood", where the basis of the analysis can be the act of a boy who has a very sensitive, "compassionate" nature, nevertheless, succumbs to the general negative impulse and, together with his comrades bullies another boy.

Case task:

Could it have been done differently, and what would have been the consequences?

After a discussion, which usually turns out to be stormy, the participants in the discussion receive the ending of the writer's text in order to correlate their own feelings, forebodings with the author's perception. As a rule, disputes continue after that. The only drawback of this type of creative work is that only short works, or excerpts from novels and short stories, are subject to analysis.

On the whole works of art of Russian literature are fully suitable for studying them with the help of case technology, since their ideological content is not the external component, but the deep inner world of the characters, their quest, the moral and ethical background of actions, which are based on the main distinguishing feature of Russian literary creativity - humanism .

The case method helps to give a new fresh sound to seemingly long-used and bored problematic questions: “I like (dislike) Natasha Rostova”; "Eugene Onegin - mediocrity or personality"; "Pechorin is a villain or an unfortunate person"; "Bazarov is a stupid smart guy" and so on.

Literature lessons use cases of varying degrees of complexity. First degree assumes the existence of a practical situation and its solution. Students are asked to determine whether the solution is appropriate for the given situation and whether another solution is possible. For example, do you agree with the statement of critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”? Do you agree with the words of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov that in his comedy Woe from Wit there are 25 fools per sane person? Do you agree with the statement that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a "noble robber"?

Second degree difficulties: there is a certain practical situation - it is necessary to find its solution. For example, “what is the reason for the theme of the “superfluous person” in Russian literature of the early 19th century”? Or “what caused the appearance of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century”?

Third degree difficulties: there is a practical situation - it is necessary to identify the problem and find solutions. For example, when working on A.N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", it is proposed to determine the main theme, the problem of the work. Students are invited to solve this case after reading the work on their own, working with additional literature. As a rule, the majority of students see the unfortunate fate of a woman as the main theme in the work, a much smaller number of children see social problems and the structure of society, the problem of the dissimilarity of the characters of family members, etc. as the main theme of the work. There can be many solutions and all options have the right to exist, prove and discuss.

Work on solving cases is equally effective in group work of students, in work in pairs, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, critical reference, descriptive work, essay.

What gives the use of case technology?

  • · Access to the database of modern educational materials.
  • · Organization of a flexible educational process.
  • · Increase/reduce the time spent on preparing for lessons.
  • · Continuous professional development.
  • · Possibility to implement some elements of the educational process outside of school hours.


  • · Work with additional materials.
  • · Permanent access to the consultation base.
  • · Ability to prepare yourself for all types of control.
  • · Communication with other students in the group.
  • · Development of modern information technologies.

Almost any teacher who wants to implement case technologies,

will be able to do this quite professionally, having studied special literature, having training situations in hand. However, the choice in favor of the use of interactive learning technologies should not become an end in itself: after all, each of these situational analysis technologies should be implemented taking into account the learning goals and objectives, the characteristics of the study group, their interests and needs, the level of competence, regulations and many other factors that determine opportunities implementation of case technology, their preparation and implementation.

Summing up the above, I would like to quote the words of the great Russian writer L.N.


1. Andyusev B.E. Case method as a tool for the formation of competencies

Head teacher. - No. 4, 2010. - p. 61-69.

2. Balyasnikova T.A. The use of case technology in preparing students for the exam (part C) M. Planet 2011

3. Vlasova N.V. Modern educational technologies in the context of new federal state educational standards [Text] / N.V. Vlasova // Theory and practice of education in the modern world: materials of the international. in absentia scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, February 2012). http//

4. Case technologies as a condition for activating independent work (

5. Case technologies as a means of developing key competencies of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. http:/




Topic: "Case technologies in the classroom and literature"

teacher of Russian language

and literature VKK

g. o. Kolomna 2016

Case technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

In the Concept of teaching the Russian language and literature in Russian Federation the significance of the subjects "Russian language" and "Literature" in the modern education system is discussed. The Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation is the core around which the Russian identity is formed, the civil, cultural, educational space of the country, as well as a factor in the personal freedom of a citizen, providing the possibility of his self-realization in a multinational and multicultural state.

The study of the Russian language and literature plays a leading role in the process of educating a person, developing his moral qualities and creative abilities, in familiarizing himself with domestic and foreign culture, in preserving and developing national traditions and the historical continuity of generations.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the guidelines of the modern school are fundamentally changing, the main task of which today is to transfer the student to the mode of self-development. The fundamental difference between the modern approach is the orientation of standards on the results of mastering the main ones. The results are understood not only as subject knowledge, but also as the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities.

Modern society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can analyze their actions; make decisions independently, predicting their possible consequences; be mobile; be able to cooperate; to have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic prosperity.

It is impossible to achieve a new quality of education without introducing new forms and methods of education into its system, optimizing the educational process through the use of promising pedagogical technologies.

In my teaching activities, I try to follow the trends of the time, I turn to innovative methods and techniques for teaching the Russian language and literature.

An interactive approach to learning is now the most productive for solving the problems set in education. Case technologies are considered one of the varieties of interactive technologies.

Case (from the English "case" - case, situation) is a description of a specific real situation, designed to teach students to analyze different types of information, generalize it, formulate a problem and develop possible options for solving it in accordance with established criteria.

Case technology is learning by doing. The case-study method, or the method of specific situations, is a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (case solving).

This technology is intended for obtaining knowledge in disciplines where there is no unequivocal answer to the questions posed; possible to obtain multiple solutions. The emphasis in learning is transferred from mastering ready-made knowledge to its development, to the co-creation of students and teachers; the student becomes equal with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem. The result is not only knowledge, but also competencies that are formed in the process of solving a case.

The use of this technology in the lessons of the Russian language and literature is explained by the need to find ways to enhance the cognitive interest of students, the development of a set of key competencies for each of them. The case method acts as a technology for forming a way of thinking, which allows you to think and act within the framework of competencies, develop creative potential.

In case technology, a model of a specific situation is developed; the description should contain a problem or a number of direct or indirect difficulties, contradictions, hidden tasks for solution; additional information search is required in the process of work; as a result, students find their own solutions to the proposed problem (often ambiguous multiple solutions) and come to their own conclusions.

There are the following case-technologies:

Method of situational analysis (method of analysis of specific situations, situational tasks and exercises);

Incident method (the student must find the missing information himself);

Method of situational role-playing games;

The method of parsing business correspondence (receiving a case with a detailed description of the situation: a package of documents that help find a way out of a difficult situation (including documents that are not related to this problem so that students can choose the information they need), and questions that allow you to find a solution, game design;

discussion method.

There are different types of cases:

Printed case (contains graphs, diagrams, illustrations, (makes the case more visual));

Multimedia case (depending on the technical equipment of the school);

Video - case.

Case types and function:

a) training (training in skills of activity in changing situations - writing texts of various genres);

b) teaching (mastering knowledge about dynamically developing objects - theory of literature);

c) analytical (development of skills and abilities of analytical activity - analysis of phenomena and objects);

d) research - acts as a model for obtaining new knowledge, teaching the skills of scientific research through the use of the modeling method, is built on the principles of creating a research model; e) systematizing (systematization of situational knowledge - the use of suffixes of nouns);

f) prognostic (obtaining information about the development of a given system - a forecast of the development of events in a literary work).

The case is created according to a certain scheme

Formulation of educational goals and objectives to be solved in the process of working on a case;

Definition of the problem of the situation (educational, scientific, life) and the creation of a generalized model;

Search for an analogue of a generalized model of a situation in real life, education or science;

Identification of sources and methods for collecting information;

The choice of technique for working with this case;

Definition of the desired result (evaluation sheet);

Creation of a given model;

Approbation in the learning process.

There are three levels of case complexity:

1 level. There is a practical situation, there is a solution. Students determine whether the solution is suitable for this situation, whether another solution is possible, another answer. For example, do you agree with the statement of critic N. Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”? or: do you agree with the words that in his comedy "Woe from Wit" - "25 fools per sane person"?

2nd level. There is a practical situation, find its solution. Compare, find common ground and differences. For example, “what caused the theme of the “superfluous person” in the early 19th century”? or “what caused the appearance of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century”? and. etc.

3rd level. There is a practical situation, define the problem and find solutions. There can be many solutions, and all options have the right to exist, to be discussed. For example, "what caused the conflict of Bazarov and do these two heroes have points of contact"?

The case should be interesting, written in simple and intelligible language; be problematic; expressively define the "core" of the problem; show both positive and negative examples; meet the needs of the selected contingent of students, contain the necessary and sufficient amount of information.

Here are some case examples.

In the painting "Moscow Courtyard", painted in 1878, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov depicted a typical corner of old Moscow - the Church of the Savior on the Sands, located in one of the alleys near the old Arbat street. This church still stands today, now surrounded by a completely different urban environment. Find this place and take a photo. What would this picture look like now? Describe her. Imagine that you are conducting a tour of the Tretyakov Gallery, in the hall where paintings are presented. What can you tell us about the painting "Moscow Courtyard"? Write a short text of this fragment of the excursion. Find texts of lyrical poems in which the forest is described in different seasons. Write out the snippets. Conclude what means of artistic expression the authors most often use to describe nature. Take a picture of the exhibits of the exposition of each room of the museum, create a colorful museum with comments for sightseeing visitors. If you were to write a sequel to The Inspector General, what would it be? Write the final appearance of your play.

The case method has wide educational opportunities. The use of this method in a secondary school solves a number of important tasks:

Increasing motivation for learning (a problem situation is always vital); skills development (information is presented as a set of various types of information): analysis, highlighting the main topics; development of communicative competence (work in groups, the ability to defend one's point of view); development of speech culture (the ability to argue, represent interests).

In turn, a teacher who uses case technologies in his lessons, develops cases himself, selects materials for solving a case, also develops: he develops the skills of selecting information, organizing the work of students in groups.

The specifics of using the case method as an educational technology at school is as follows:

Training in small groups (4 - 5 people);

Each group is given the same task;

The problem should not have an unambiguous solution;

Mandatory availability of information material;

In this case, information should be either redundant or insufficient;

A prerequisite is within the group, and then a common decision.

When evaluating the work of students, the teacher assesses the ability of students to develop joint decisions, build arguments, the ability to listen and accept a different point of view.

For the teacher, work with the case consists of two stages:

Selection of the situation and material for its solution;

Presenting the situation to the children and organizing activities to work with it.

In turn, the work of students with a case in the lesson is built from several stages:

Acquaintance with the case;

Study and analysis of material intended to solve the situation;

Group discussion of the solution;

Demonstration of the solution of your group;

Discussion (discussion of various options for solving the situation).

As a rule, a case consists of three parts: the problem situation itself, supporting information and a specific task for the case.

A problem situation can be presented in different forms: a text with a clear plot or idea, a video clip, an audio recording, perhaps even a photo or illustration.

The case method is harmoniously woven into the educational process of the school, brings it closer to life reality, and contributes to the formation of successful activities of students in society. The case method is understood as the study of the discipline by considering a large number situations or tasks in certain combinations. Such training develops, often unconsciously, an understanding and ability to think in terms of the main problems that children face in daily activities. The case method contributes to the development of the ability to analyze situations, evaluate alternatives, choose the best option and plan for its implementation. And if this approach is applied repeatedly during the training cycle, then the students develop a stable skill in solving practical problems.

The essence of this technology lies in the fact that educational material is presented to students in the form of microproblems (microsituations), and knowledge is acquired as a result of their active research and creative activity to develop solutions. A student can try on many roles, try himself in various problem situations, see how others solve the same problem. With the help of mastering cases, students form the experience of successful activity.

Of course, there are also difficulties in preparing cases and working with them. Before undertaking the implementation of case technology in their activities, the teacher must clearly answer the questions:

1. For whom and what is the case being written for?
2. What should students learn?
3. What lessons will they learn from this?

When preparing a specific case for a lesson, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the problem situation to the purpose of the lesson and the age characteristics of the class. Next, correctly and clearly formulate the task for solving the case. It is also necessary to select such a set of information that would fully comprehensively reflect the essence of the problem, or, conversely, the amount of information would be insufficient, which generates students' interest in the case and increases the motivation to work with it.

It is important to think over the effectiveness of work in groups in advance so that a situation of collective discussion and solution of the situation is created. Small group work is central to the case method, as it is the most good method study and exchange of experience. After the students are divided into small groups for work, they begin independent work. It is when working in microgroups that situations are analyzed as a set of circumstances, conditions or states of affairs in which team members jointly seek a solution to a problem. They listen to each other, speak themselves, write down, observe, analyze the result. At the same time, they argue, build hypotheses, learn to listen, agree with the best draft solution, find errors, design solutions, actions, prepare material for discussion.

An important feature of this technology is that it allows you to combine various teaching methods and techniques that enable students to master and consolidate new knowledge and forms of cognition and analysis of reality. This is one of the aspects of the effectiveness of the case method in teaching students.

Methods and techniques


Building a situation model

System analysis

System representation and situation analysis

thought experiment

A way of gaining knowledge about a situation through its mental transformation

Description method

Creating a situation description

Classification method

Creating ordered lists of properties that make up situations

Game Methods

Presentation of options for the behavior of characters in a situation


Generating ideas about the situation


Exchange of views on the problem and ways to solve it

I set myself the task of introducing case technology with . Children already at this school age work with cases with great enthusiasm, they are attracted by the vitality of the case, the variety of solutions to the problem. Here are some examples of case tasks in Russian language and literature lessons.

1) Read the note in school newspaper and editor's notes. Does the note reveal the main idea reflected in the title? Edit the note - while you can keep or change its name.

2) wrote: "Punctuation marks serve as notes when reading." Prove the validity of this judgment on the example of the proposed text.

3) Imagine that you are looking out of the window at the forest across the river. Compose and write down several sentences describing the same picture, but in different ways depending on whether the forest is far or close to home; is it coniferous or deciduous; autumn or spring.

4) Read thoughtfully L. Martynov's poem "Next".

(a) How is the key word of this poem played out?

b) What are the two meanings of the word trace?

c) Write out detailed phrases with the word trace so that the lexical meanings of this word are clear.

d) How would you answer the poet’s question: “What mark will you leave?” If you have never thought about it before, think about it and write. Let the question for you sound like this: “What would I like to leave a mark on the earth?”

4) Why did Gerasim go to the village? What did Turgenev want to tell readers (to evoke sympathy, protest against the willfulness of the landowners, to show the strength of character and dignity of the hero)? Prepare a discussion on this topic.

5) What is the meaning of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"? What does the writer condemn (the senselessness of enmity between peoples, the senselessness of war, or something else?

Of course, any pedagogical activity will become productive only if the teacher applies a variety of teaching methods and techniques in the classroom, coordinating them with the characteristics of the level of perception of students and the topic of the lesson. In my classes, I try to diversify the work with game exercises, individual task cards, creative and research projects, presentations, video and audio recordings. Also, at the beginning of the lesson, I often use the problematic method of presenting the topic of the lesson and formulating tasks. I strive to build classes in such a way that the children themselves sum up the lesson, evaluate the achievement of the goal and personal achievements. I adhere to a democratic style of teaching. I conduct separate classes with low-achieving children on the topics covered.

With the use of case technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, the content of education remains unchanged, the form of education is transformed, more time is allocated for group and intergroup interaction in the classroom. The case differs from a simple educational task in that the educational task involves one answer, and the case involves several solutions. Since the case method is based on a problematic situation that involves several options for solving it, we are not interested in the answer, but the path to it. Work in groups and microgroups develops, first of all, the communicative and social competencies of students.

Thus, case technology today has become very relevant in the field of teaching in secondary schools. Its advantages are that the case-technology provides the activation of schoolchildren, teaches them to think critically, solve complex problems, make thoughtful decisions, communicate with people, develop independence and creative abilities of students; increases students' interest in the subject and forms key educational competencies.

Among modern technologies and teaching methods, case-based learning has recently occupied a special place in education. Previously, case technologies were traditionally used only in the training of managers and lawyers: students were offered specific situations from economic or legal practice, which were discussed in the classroom and served as the basis for further professional activities. Today, this method is being actively introduced into the educational process of secondary school and brings its results. It is focused on independent individual and group activities of students, in which they acquire communication skills.

The case-method combines such well-established methods as: the method of projects, role-playing, situational analysis and much more. When solving a common problem in literature lessons, joint activities are useful, which allow all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, additional information, and most importantly, learn to work together and independently.

The essence of the case method is the analysis of a real situation, the description of which at the same time reflects not only some practical problem, but also updates a certain set of knowledge that needs to be learned when solving this problem. At the same time, the problem itself does not have unambiguous solutions. Being an interactive teaching method, it allows you to increase students' interest in the subject. The use of this technology helps to develop in children such important qualities for later life as: sociability, social activity, the ability to correctly present one's opinion and listen to the opinion of another person.

The process of learning using the case method allows you to form the meta-subject competencies of students, to implement variability and a personal approach to learning. The use of the case method makes it possible to arouse the need for knowledge, cognitive interest in the material being studied, provides the possibility of applying scientific research methods, develops cognitive independence and mental creativity, develops emotional-volitional qualities and forms cognitive motivation.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that educational material is presented to students in the form of problems (cases), and knowledge is acquired as a result of active and creative work: independent goal-setting, collection of the necessary information, its analysis from different points of view, hypotheses, conclusions, conclusions. , self-control of the process of obtaining knowledge and its results.

The objectives of the case method are:

  • activating students, which, in turn, increases the effectiveness of learning;
  • increasing motivation for the educational process;
  • developing the skills of working with information, including the ability to request additional information necessary to clarify the situation;
  • the ability to draw the right conclusion based on a group analysis of the situation;
  • acquiring the skills of a clear and accurate presentation of one's own point of view in oral and written form, to convincingly defend and defend one's point of view;
  • developing the skills of critical evaluation of various points of view, the implementation of introspection, self-control and self-assessment.

The essence of the case method is as follows:

  • Selection of tasks for the possibility of using different solutions.
  • Block-modular construction study of new material.
  • Organization of independent work of students in preparation for the lesson, when working with the case.
  • Communication, exchange of answers between students.
  • The concentration of all types of activities by stages of work.

The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of active independent activity of students in resolving contradictions, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities. The main condition for using the case method in teaching a particular discipline is the presence of contradictions, on the basis of which problem situations, tasks, practical tasks for discussion and finding optimal solution students.

Methods of teaching literature according to the case method.

The means for achieving the set goals of teaching literature is a case, as a package of documents for the work of students.

Structure and content of the case:

  • presentation of the topic of the lesson, problems, questions, assignments;
  • detailed description controversial situations;
  • related facts, provisions, options, alternatives;
  • educational and methodological support:
  • visual, handout or other illustrative material;
  • basic and additional literature;
  • case mode;
  • criteria for evaluating work in stages.

An exemplary scheme for teaching by the case method:

Methodology for each stage.

1. Teacher and student preparation:

At this stage, the teacher conducts a logical selection of educational material, formulates problems. When selecting material, it takes into account that: educational material of a large volume is remembered with difficulty; educational material, compactly located in a certain system, facilitates perception; the selection of semantic strongholds in the material being taught contributes to the effectiveness of its memorization.

2. Individual independent work case students:

Students at this stage work with educational and methodological support, additional literature, analyze the proposed situations. For all the simplicity of this stage, a great skill of the teacher is required in order to stimulate students' interest in independent work, to intensify their learning activities. In the process of independent work with students, we use a variety of teaching methods and techniques, including traditional ones.

3. Checking the assimilation of the studied material. Since students independently study new material on a case, there is often a need to check their assimilation. Verification methods can be traditional (oral face-to-face questioning, peer review, answer cards, etc.) and non-traditional (testing, rating, etc.)

4. Work in small groups is central to the case method, as it is the best method of learning and sharing experiences. After the students are divided into small groups for work, they begin independent work.

Principles of organizing independent joint work of students in small groups:

  • The principle of cooperation: (a set of joint and individual activities; independent work at home as advanced learning and work directly in class).
  • The principle of collectivism: (the work of each is addressed not to the teacher, but to all students).
  • The principle of role participation: (voluntariness in choosing roles; pleasure from the role played; tact in changing roles).
  • The principle of responsibility: (the student answers the material of the lesson not to the teacher, but to classmates; control is vowel; we teach students the methods of self-control and self-assessment).

For effective work in small groups, the following rules are observed:

  • generality of the problem for all;
  • commonality of requirements (for this, especially at first, we create groups of approximately equal opportunities);
  • the number of people in the group - no more than 5 (for the effective work of each);
  • selection of a leader (formal or informal);
  • creation of a control group (for example, experts);
  • publicity of work in all groups and collective discussion;
  • taking into account the capabilities of the group when posing the problem (tasks must be feasible).

The implementation of these rules makes it possible to organize a developing educational process, since in solving a creative problem, students first conduct a mental enumeration of the methods of solution known to them and, not finding it in the arsenal of their previous experience, construct a new method.

5. When working in small groups, we pay special attention to the discussion, during which the presentation of options for solving each situation, answers to questions that arise, opposition is carried out.

Criteria for evaluating work at the stages of the lesson:

  • competent problem solving;
  • novelty and originality of the problem solution;
  • brevity and clarity of presentation of the theoretical part;
  • quality of problem solving;
  • ethics of discussion;
  • activity of all members of the microgroup.

An example of applying the case method in a literature lesson.

When studying the story "Numbers" by I.A. Bunin, 7th grade

The basis of the discussion is the act of the main characters, who, having a very sensitive nature, nevertheless succumb to a negative impulse and come into conflict.

Lesson topic: Raising children in the family. Heroes of the story "Numbers": the complexity of mutual understanding between children and adults.

Problem: Could the conflict have been avoided?


  • What is the reason for the conflict?
  • Who is responsible for the conflict?
  • How do the participants in the conflict behave?
  • Have there been similar situations in your life? How did you get out of them?
  • What advice from psychologists would help to avoid conflict?

Presentation of the result: Each group of children act out their version of the development of events. Thus, the most correct behavioral model is determined.

MBOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school No. 2"

Komsomolsky district of the Chechen Republic

Using the case method in the lessons

Russian language and literature

Literature MBOU "Komsomolskaya

Secondary school No. 2 "Komsomolsky district of the Chechen Republic

Indyukova S.N.

With. Komsomolskoye -2015


1. Introduction.

2. case methodas a form of education.

3. Classification of case - methods.

4. Examples of cases in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

5. An example of a lesson using the case method.

6. Conclusion.

7. List of used literature.

To increase interest in the Russian language and literature, to activate children in the lesson, I use in my lessonscase method. case methodas a form of education is not an invention of our time, it originated at the beginning of the last century on the basis of the Harvard University Business School.

Objectives of the case method:

    activation of the cognitive activity of students, which increases the effectiveness of training;

    increasing motivation for the educational process;

    development of skills in working with information, including the ability to request additional information necessary to clarify the situation;

    the ability to draw the right conclusion based on a group analysis of the situation;

    acquiring the skills to clearly and accurately present one's own point of view orally and in writing, to convincingly defend and defend one's point of view;

    developing the skills of critical evaluation of various points of view, the implementation of introspection, self-control and self-assessment.

The essence of the method is that students receive a package (case) of tasks that do not have an exact solution. Accordingly, the student is required to either identify the problem and ways to solve it, or develop options for getting out of a difficult situation when the problem is identified.

In Russia, case - technologies are also called a method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks. In recent years, case technologies have been widely used in medicine, law, economics, political science, and business schools.This method is currently one of the most effective ways learning.

case method as a form of education.

So, as already mentioned, the peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that educational and methodological materials are completed in a special set (case) and sent to the student for independent study or given out at the beginning of the lesson, then at the lesson the children offer their solutions to the main issues of the case, the teacher corrects conclusions. The case can be created by the children themselves or created during the lesson. Tasks may not have an exact solution, then a problem is revealed, and students look for ways to solve it, based on the objective point of view of linguists, writers, poets. During the lesson, the teacher acts as a conductor of ideas. In this case, the teacher can use group forms of work and individual consultations on the Internet, resources of the library and computer class.

Case - method combines such methods as the project method, role-playing game, situational analysis and much more. When solving a common problem in literature lessons, joint activities are useful, which allows all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, additional information, and most importantly, learn to work together and independently. The process of learning using the case method allows you to form the meta-subject competencies of students, to individualize the learning process. The use of the case method makes it possible to arouse the need for knowledge, cognitive interest in the material being studied, provides the possibility of applying scientific research methods, develops cognitive independence and mental creativity, develops emotional-volitional qualities and forms cognitive motivation. Case-technologies are one of the mechanisms that make it possible to use the communicative and creative abilities of students to the maximum. They can be successfully built both on the material of fiction and journalistic literature. In general, the works of Russian literature are fully suitable for studying them with the help of case technologies, since their ideological content is not the external component, but the deep inner world of the characters, their quest, the moral and ethical background of actions. All this is a sphere of human life that cannot be unambiguously assessed, that is, different interpretations of the same character or act are implied, there are contradictions, problems. This provides the basis for creating a case.
Structure and content of the case:

    presentation of the topic of the lesson, problems, questions, assignments;

    a detailed description of the disputed situations;

    related facts, provisions, options, alternatives;

    educational and methodological support: visual, handout or other illustrative material; basic and additional literature;

    case mode;

    criteria for evaluating work in stages.

Classification of case - methods.

Case methods can be classified according to the kind of creative work they require. In particular, methods of incident, analysis of business correspondence and situational analysis are highlighted.

The most common today is the method of situational analysis, which allows you to deeply and in detail explore the problem. The student is offered a text with a detailed description of the situation that has arisen and a task is set that needs to be solved. Already implemented models can also be offered for analysis. In this case the main task- to determine their feasibility by analysis. Naturally, when using each of the listed methods, students also receive a package of questions to which they need to find answers in order to understand the essence of the problem. In addition, case technologies involve both individual work on a package of tasks and collective work, which develops the ability to perceive the opinions of other people and the ability to work in a team. The content of the cases can be very diverse: works of art, films, cases can affect the students' own life experience and much more.

Thus, the emphasis shifts to the production of knowledge, and not to the mastery of ready-made knowledge. Students are given the opportunity to relate theory to real life, to conduct a deep comparative analysis of the works and phenomena of life, in which future school graduates will need the ability to draw conclusions and defend their position.

By type and focus, cases can be divided into training, teaching, analytical, research, systematizing and prognostic.

Observing the solution of each case gives the teacher the opportunity to see if a person is able to think outside the box, creatively. If the work is carried out in a group, is the student able to pick up someone else's thought and develop it.
Cases also differ in size. Full case studies (on average 20-25 pages) are designed for group work over several days. Condensed cases (3-5 pages) - for analysis directly in the classroom and imply a general discussion. Mini-cases (1-2 pages), like condensed cases, are intended for class discussion and are often used as illustrations of what is being said in class.

Case solving is equally effective in group work, in pair work, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, miniature essay, oral presentation, and so on. With the skillful use of this kind of activity in the classroom, there is a spontaneous transition of students from external motivation for learning to internal regulation of self-learning. Thus, it becomes possible to maximally individualize the learning process. Tasks should not be primitive and should not be classified as a case- formal methods. Each case is a serious methodical development which should take into account the age characteristics and creative abilities of students.
The controllability of the learning process lies in the fact that the right to select information (with the admissibility of the participation of students at the stage of case preparation) belongs to the teacher. He can predict the course of the discussion, as well as options for proposed solutions. original non-standard solutions. Case - technologies today are opposed to such types of work as repetition after the teacher, answering the teacher's questions, retelling the text, etc. Case studies are different from ordinary educational tasks. This method contributes to the development of students' skills to make decisions independently; cases have multiple solutions and many alternative paths leading to them.

Cases should not be counted universal method. For school curriculum such methods are only an addition to the basic knowledge that is acquired in the traditional way. No analytical work can be intuitive, no serious conclusions can be drawn if there is no deep knowledge of the subject.

Examples of cases in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

Examples of cases in Russian language lessons.
Participle - a form of a verb or an independent part of speech?

Situation: communication in a social network.

Dive into the situation:
- Do you think the issue raised is important?
- What depends on the solution of this problem, on this or that point of view?


Formulate the problem in writing;

Select arguments in favor of the chosen point of view, based on the characteristics of the sacrament;

Prepare counterarguments to the opposite point of view;

Prospective homework:

to find like-minded people among linguists.

Examples of cases in the literature lesson:
Situation: How do you feel about A.S. Griboyedov’s statement that in his comedy “Woe from Wit” there are “25 fools per sane person”?

Dive into the situation:

What meaning does the author put into the concepts of "sane", "fool"?


    Formulate the problem that Griboyedov identified.

    Clarify the meaning of the concepts used in the topic.

    Select material on the problem:

a) in the text of a comedy;

b) in criticism;

c) in the memoirs of contemporaries;

d) formulate your point of view on the topic, argue it using the collected material.

An example of a lesson using the case method.

To help the child become competent, active learning methods should be used, for example, the project method, the problem presentation method, games that are part of case technologies. All this is present in my teaching practice. I use the method of problem presentation in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Information is obtained by students in the course of independent solution of theoretical and practical situations or with the help of a teacher. Schoolchildren overcome a certain difficulty, and their activity and independence reach high level which contributes to the development of positive learning motivation. The information obtained in this way is absorbed more firmly and remembered for a longer period, learning outcomes improve, students more easily apply the acquired knowledge in new situations and at the same time develop their skills and creativity. Features of such a lesson: creating a problem situation, formulating a problem, solving it in a group or individually, checking the solutions obtained, as well as systematizing, consolidating and applying newly acquired knowledge in theoretical and practical activities.

The result of solving case tasks can be presented in the form of a review, presentation, defense of the project, critical reference, descriptive work, essay.

I offer a lesson in literature in grade 5 on the topic “Poem

K. Balmont "Snowflake" using case technology (work in groups).

Lesson Objectives:

    to teach to work on the word, to interpret the poetic text in terms of content, figurative means, form;

Lesson objectives:


    ensure during the lesson the repetition and consolidation of literary concepts: stanza, types of rhyme, epithets, personifications, comparisons;

    to form the ability to work on case technology


    education of love for native speech;

    to form the moral qualities of the individual, culture.


    develop emotions by creating emotional situations of joy, surprise, amusement in the classroom, using vivid illustrations;

    development of intellect, spirituality, aesthetic vision of reality.

Lesson form: Lesson of open thoughts using case technology

Teaching methods: work with a case, conversation, creation of a problem situation

Methodological equipment of the lesson:


    lesson presentation;

    handout: cards with the text of Balmont's poem “Snowflake”, questionnaire “Frankly speaking”.

Lesson progress (fragment)

Introductory conversation.

Winter. In the imagination of every person, winter is sparkling snow, transfusion of snowflakes, a pleasant crunch of snow underfoot and mountains, mountains of fluffy snowdrifts. Since ancient times, people have admired this beauty. Composers put the sounds of winter into notes. And poets dedicated their poems to her. One of these poets was K.D. Balmont.

Today we will get acquainted with his poem "Snowflake". To study in detail this poem, we will be helped by such a case, which contains certain information. Now each group will receive a file for further work. (cases are handed out)

Find a file with a poem by K.D. Balmont "Snowflake". Let's try to reveal the image of a snowflake using the example of this poem.

Reading by the teacher to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. At the stove."


Light fluffy
snowflake white,
What a pure
How brave!

Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not in the sky azure -
Asking for the ground.

Azure miraculous
She left
Myself into the unknown
The country has fallen.

In the rays of shining
Slides, skillful,
Among the melting flakes
Preserved white.

Under the blowing wind
Trembling, rising.
On him, cherishing,
Lightly swinging

his swing
She is comforted
With his blizzards
Spinning wildly.

But here it ends
The road is long
Earth touches
star crystal

lies fluffy
Snowflake is bold.
What a pure
What a white!

You listened to a poem by Konstantin Balmont. Let's work on it. Group 1 is studying the biography of the poet. Group 2 works on understanding the content of the poem. Group 3 is working on the figurative and expressive means of the language. Group 4 performs a creative task. The files contain questions that will help you cope with the assignment. You have no more than 5 minutes to complete the task. (group work)

Guys, time is up. The floor is given to the group, which will tell us about the author of this poem. (performance of 1 group)

Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont was born on June 15, 1867 in the village of Gumnishche, Vladimir province. Balmont's mother, "a highly educated, intelligent and rare woman," introduced the poet into the world of music, literature, history, and linguistics. At the age of five, Kostya had already learned to read on his own, spying on his older brother, who was taught by his mother. My father was an unusually quiet, kind, silent man, he loved nature and hunting. Walking with him, little Kostya, as a child, deeply penetrated the beauty of forests, fields, swamps, forest rivers. This joyful feeling of childhood and native places "among flowers and chants" is reflected in Balmont's poetry.
Alexander Blok called Balmont "a poet with a morning soul." When you listen to Balmont, you always listen to spring. No one entangles souls in such a bright fog as Balmont. His poems are very melodious and musical.

Thanks for the interesting story. Now let's listen to the second group of guys. They worked on what this poem is about, what content did the poet put in?

What is the mood of the poem? (tranquility, contemplation, tranquility)

- Where is the snowflake going? (Do not go up azure, it asks for the ground ).

What words indicate this? ("Slides, skillful, crystal star. How clean! How brave!)

Thank you for message. Sit down. Group 3 worked on the issue of figurative and expressive means.

Find epithets that help represent the snowflake. (Light fluffy, white, pure, bold. Skillful, kept white, fluffy)

About whom can you say "brave"?

What can a person be white, clean?

What is the part of speech? (Verbs)

How do you understand the verb "asks"? (She strives of her own accord )

Choose a synonym for the word "road" (Path: life path, life path )

What epithet refers to "road"? (Stormy road. “Stormy” is better combined with the word life. A stormy life is a complex, life path, passing brightly, richly, in struggle and aspirations).

Where and where does it go? (From the heights of the azure (literally - blue sky, figuratively - beautiful, quiet, serene) to an unknown land-land, which confirms the courage of a snowflake. She is not afraid of the “stormy road”, the swiftness of movement.)

What did you leave? (Azure, i.e. sky is home )

Where did you fall? (To an unknown country, i.e. to the ground )

She left and fell - the strong-willed nature of the movement.

And man consciously strives into the unknown future.

Find epithets.

What is her skill? (The ability to maintain whiteness and purity when others melt ).

The person keeps the purity of the soul.

What character has appeared? (Wind).

How does the wind behave in relation to the snowflake? (Trembling, uplifting, cherishing, which shows the inconstancy of the wind)

The wind for a person is the vicissitudes of fate, sharp turns, changes.

What's the theme? (End of the road ).

What does the poet call the snowflake? (star crystal )

What is the difference between a snowflake and a star?(“Star” is associated with “sky”, has a clear outline, a symbol of pure, high)

8 stanza.

Compare with the 1st stanza. (Returns to the beginning, but is not a repetition).

For what purpose did the poet interchange the words “bold” and “white”? (To show that a brave snowflake, having passed all the obstacles, remained pure, white).

- Thanks a lot. And now let's see what happened to 4 groups of guys. Creative work "The image of a snowflake in a poem by K. Balmont."

Well done. What is the theme of the poem? (The theme of the life path). The snowflake, having passed all the obstacles, remained clean and white. Likewise, a person, overcoming the difficulties of life, must remain kind, preserving the purity of the soul.

And we will finish our lesson by making such a snowflake.


Case-technologies, on the one hand, are opposed to such types of work as repetition after the teacher, answering the teacher's questions, retelling the text, and on the other hand, they combine such methods as game design, role-playing, situational analysis, and analysis of business correspondence. Being an interactive teaching method, the case method allows you to increase students' interest in the subject and form key educational competencies.

Almost any teacher who wishes to implement case-technologies, having a manual and a set of situations in his hands, will be able to do it quite professionally. However, it should be noted that the choice in favor of the use of interactive learning technologies should not become an end in itself for the teacher in the educational process. After all, each of the named technologies of situational analysis should be implemented taking into account the educational goals and objectives, the characteristics of the group of students, their interests and needs, the level of competence, the regulations of many other factors that determine the possibility of introducing case technologies, their preparation and implementation.

The greatest effect in educational activities can be achieved with a systematic approach to the choice of traditional and innovative learning technologies, with their reasonable combination, complementing each other.

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