Presentation on the topic of the operating system. Operating Systems

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All the variety of programs used on modern computer, is called software - software (software). The programs that make up software can be divided into three groups: system software, programming systems, and application software. The core of system software is the operating system (OS). The OS is an integral part of the software that controls technical means computer (hardware). An operating system is a program that coordinates the actions of a computer; under its control, the execution of programs is carried out. The main functions of the operating system: 1. Data exchange between the computer and various peripheral devices (terminals, printers, floppy disks, hard disks, etc.). This exchange of data is called "data input/output". 2. Providing a system for organizing and storing files. 3. Loading programs into memory and ensuring their execution. 4. Organization of dialogue with the user.

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A Brief History of MS-DOS A Brief History of MS-DOS The first development of MS-DOS can be considered an operating system for personal computers, created by Seattle Computer Products in 1980. In the late 1980s, the system, originally called QDOS, was modified and renamed 86-DOS. The right to use the 86-DOS operating system was purchased by Microsoft Corporation, which entered into a contract with IBM, undertaking to develop an operating system for a new model. personal computers produced by the company. When at the end of 1981 new computer The IBM PC gained wide popularity, its operating system was a modified version of the 86-DOS system, called PC-DOS, version 1.0. Shortly after the release of the IBM-PC, "PC-like" personal computers began to appear on the market. The operating system of these computers was called MS-DOS, version 1.0. Microsoft has made available to the firms that make these machines exact copy operating system PC-DOS - now widely used MS-DOS.

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The path to the file. In order to find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file includes the logical name of the drive written through the separator "\" and the sequence of names of nested directories, the last of which contains this desired file. The path to the file. In order to find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file includes the logical name of the drive written through the separator "\" and the sequence of names of nested directories, the last of which contains the given desired file.

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Modern operating system OPERATING SYSTEM

  • is a set of programs that control the work application programs and system applications and acting as an interface between users, programmers, applications, and computer hardware.
  • - Providing the user-programmer instead of the real hardware of the computer with extended virtual machine which is more convenient to work with
  • - A virtual machine is a computing system of a given configuration, modeled for the user by the software and hardware of a specific real-life computer. The operating system is that layer of software that transforms a hardware machine into a virtual one. The configuration of the virtual machine may differ significantly from the real one
  • -Improving the efficiency of computer use through the rational management of its resources
  • -Organization of safe activities of users and programs
  • Recently, Russian PC users have increasingly begun to talk about Linux as an operating system capable of, if not ousting it from the market in the near future. Microsoft Windows, then fully replace it on most home personal computers. At the same time, there is very little introductory information about Linux in Russian: most of the literature on this subject available for sale is very expensive, and it is primarily designed for specialists and experienced users, scaring off the average consumer with an abundance of technical terminology. The documentation presented on the Internet, however, is noticeably fragmented and far from exhaustive. That is why, in the minds of domestic PC owners, Linux seems to be something elite and inaccessible, a kind of sacrament that only a select few are destined to join. use this system on your computer. However, there is no "higher mathematics" here. Linux is a very simple, reliable and friendly operating system. The improvement and evolution of Linux continues to this day: new kernel versions, new window managers, and new software for Linux appear every month.
Linux Windows 7
  • By a stroke of luck, I was able to get an early look at Microsoft's next operating system, Windows 7. And I can safely conclude that if you were expecting dramatic visual changes and a departure from Vista, then Windows 7 Milestone 1 will really disappoint you. The M1 operating system is not designed to satisfy the eyes, it has completely different purposes. In this article, I will talk about what you can expect from the M1.
  • I think that Microsoft has certainly had an interesting journey with Vista. This operating system cost several billion dollars and was designed to revolutionize the way we work on the computer. That didn't happen completely, and that's probably why Vista has drawn a huge amount of criticism, more than any other operating system. Microsoft system before. However, Vista is also not a complete failure, especially considering that more than 100 million copies of it, or something like that, were sold this year alone.
  • I'm wondering which direction Microsoft will take next? Of course, in the near future Vista SP1 will appear, which will be just a traditional annual check for Microsoft and a patch for the operating system. Another thing is interesting, should ideas from Vista stay in M1? The talk about Windows 7 has already begun to intensify, and fortunately for me, I was at the right time and in right place to get an early version of the program for testing.
  • I was able to get the Windows 7 M1 DVD (2.7GB) needed to create installation disk. I must say that the resulting version of M1 is not a standalone Windows, it requires installed Vista as a base. To be more precise, Vista alone won't be enough for you, you'll also need Vista SP1, which you will be able to purchase in mid-March, but SP1 has been made available to Microsoft partners for a few weeks now. To my great surprise, my standard PC Core 2-Duo installed Microsoft Windows M1 over Vista Ultimate SP1 without any problems.
Windows 7
  • Conclusion
  • An important feature of many operating systems is their ability to communicate with each other via a network, which allows computers to communicate with each other as if within local computer networks(LAN), and in global network Internet. Modern operating systems, newly created and updated versions existing operating systems, support a full set of protocols to work in local network and in the global Internet

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Operating system

An integral part of a computer's software that controls all of its hardware components.

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  • - ensures the holistic functioning of all computer components, and also provides the user with access to the hardware capabilities of the computer.
  • Purpose
  • slide 4

    • Modules
    • operating system:
    • Base module (OS kernel) - controls the operation of programs and file system, provides access to the OS and file exchange between peripheral devices;
    • Command processor - decrypts and executes user commands that come primarily through the keyboard;
  • slide 5

    • Drivers peripherals- programmatically ensure the consistency of the operation of these devices with the processor (each peripheral device processes information in different ways and at a different pace);
    • Additional service programs (utilities) - make the process of communication between the user and the computer convenient and versatile.
  • operating system:
  • The files that make up an OS are stored on a disk, so the system is called a disk operating system; to run the program, the OS files must be executed in random access memory(RAM). But in order to write the OS to RAM, it is necessary to execute the boot program, which is not available in RAM immediately after turning on the computer.
  • Therefore, a sequential, phased loading of the OS into RAM is necessary.
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    • AT system block computer contains a read-only memory (ROM), which contains programs for testing computer blocks and the first stage of loading the OS. They begin to be executed with the first current pulse when the computer is turned on (because the information in the ROM is stored in the form electronic circuits, which allows it to be saved even after the computer is turned off, i.e., it has the property of energy independence).
    • First stage
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    At this stage, the processor accesses the disk and checks for the presence at a certain place (at the beginning of the disk) of a very small loader program. If this program is found, then it is read into RAM and control is transferred to it.

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    • The loader program searches the disk for the base OS module, and overwrites its memory and transfers control to it.
    • Second phase
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    • The base module includes the main loader, which searches for the rest of the OS modules and reads them into RAM.
    • After the OS is loaded, control is transferred to the command processor and the system prompts you to enter user commands.
    • Third stage
  • slide 11

    The main OS module and the command processor must be in the RAM while the computer is running. Therefore, there is no need to load all OS files into RAM at the same time. Device drivers and utilities can be loaded into RAM as needed, reducing the amount of RAM required for system software.

  • slide 12

    • operating room
    • system
    • Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 7, Novy Urengoy
    • Position: computer science teacher
    • Informatics lesson in grade 8
  • View all slides

    summary of presentations

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    MS-DOS (eng. Microsoft Disk Operating System - disk OS from Microsoft) is a commercial operating system from Microsoft for IBM PC-compatible personal computers. MS-DOS is the most famous operating system from the DOS family, previously installed on most IBM PC-compatible computers. Over time, it was superseded by the OS Windows families. MS-DOS was created in 1981 and, in the course of its development, eight major versions (1.0, 2.0, etc.) and two dozen intermediate ones (3.1, 3.2, etc.) were released, until in 2000 Microsoft did not stop its development. It was the firm's key product, providing it with significant revenue and a marketing resource as Microsoft evolved from a programming language developer to a major software company. The last boxed version was 6.22, but MS-DOS continued to serve as the kernel for Windows 95 (versions 7.0 and 7.1), Windows 98 (version 7.1), and Windows ME (version 8.0).
