Local network for residents of your city. Local network mixed

The local network. Wired or wireless computer the local network is a necessary and familiar element of the technical infrastructure of any office, institution or industrial enterprise. Combining computers into a single network operating on the basis of Ethernet and Wi-Fi packet data exchange technologies makes it possible to implement and operate network software products, optimize all internal information processes, organize access to the Internet for each workplace and ensure data protection from unauthorized access from the outside.

New communication solutions and modernization of local networks

A well-organized and configured office network in the past, even if it continues to serve the basic communication needs of staff and network operations. software products, becomes obsolete over time. Introduction of new information technologies and technical solutions increases the load on the network, and in most cases requires its hardware upgrade. In addition, the availability of seamless service and guest Wi-Fi networks in the office has become a certain standard.

Implementation of a high-speed Internet access service ordered by a corporate client from one of the leading providers in Moscow, Canmos, as well as the organization of a modern telephone communication based on VoIP technologies, is carried out by means of an optical cable laid in the customer's office. The quality of service provision at each individual workplace local network depends on the capabilities of the network equipment available to the customer and the features of its configuration.

Ways to upgrade an existing office network

In many cases, in order to take full advantage of the technical capabilities and benefits of all connected services from the Canmos provider, including modern IP PBX and multi-channel digital IP TV, you will have to replace existing Ethernet switches and routers with new, "gigabit" devices. As well as purchase and install faster and more powerful WiFi routers. The whole complex of necessary equipment, in agreement with your technical staff, will be supplied and optimally configured by Canmos specialists.

The local network - the most important element of the network structure of the enterprise. This is the foundation on which other IT services are built. CANMOS offers its assistance in the design and creation of local networks, which significantly save the company's finances and optimize the activities of your business.

LAN for office

A local area network in the office helps to transfer huge amounts of information from device to device (phone, computer, printer, scanner, etc.) in seconds, working through a perfectly configured network. Building a great working local network is turning it into a trouble-free and reliable tool enabling you to achieve your business objectives. To do this, CANMOS specialists use reliable computing equipment, optimal settings, proven programs and other IT services.

CANMOS service

CANMOS offers customers a variety of activities for professional configuration of the local network of the enterprise:

Comprehensive configuration of the local network, according to the needs of your business;

Setting up document exchange folders and printers;

Connection to the World Wide Web;

High-quality professional service of wireless and wired networks;

Connecting ip telephony;

Establishment of office automatic telephone exchange, digital TV and other network services.

The integrated approach of our highly qualified specialists to setting up a local network ensures a consistently high result. CANMOS professionals with extensive experience in organizing LANs of various sizes will audit the state of your local network, identify problems, develop a plan for their elimination and proper configuration. Our specialists in networks of various configurations and complexity will prepare and implement a set of measures specifically for your organization to optimize the operation of the local network and advise on any issues that arise.

The purpose of CANMOS is the operation of computers and the local network without failures and emergencies. It is important to prevent problems, not solve them later. Therefore, take the main step in the development of an IT company! Contact CANMOS, and we will take care of all the worries!

Local network concepts and definitions

In order to order a local network to your office, you need to understand what it is, and whether you need to create a local network in your company, what kind of local network you need: wired, wireless, optical, or maybe you need to use Q in Q technology. Answers to these questions will significantly improve company communications, increase productivity, as well as achieve greater profits at the same cost.

The local network this is a set of devices connected to each other by a logical or physical channel and having a transparent connection. Let's break down this definition! The physical channel is a cable: twisted pair, optical cable. Other types of cable will make it difficult to transfer software commands from the computer to the printer or scanner. With a short distance of up to 100 meters, it is enough twisted pair, and for long distances up to tens of kilometers, an optical carrier or optical cable is required, the signal through which is transmitted at the speed of light. It’s clear with the cable, I connected the necessary devices to each other with cables, set up the router, and network signals began to be transmitted between the devices, which the router sends to the specified addresses. A logical communication channel between devices is when it is necessary to be able to transmit independent traffic in one cable. A vivid example of connecting devices to a local network using a logical channel is connecting devices using Q In Q technology. We get a local network that is located at different providers in different cities, but works in the same way as a local network that is created between devices in the same room . Communication between devices is provided by a router; it, as a dispatcher, organizes the sending and receiving of signals between devices without creating obstacles. Typically, a local network is a network of one company and does not require network isolation and network security, but it is always possible to divide the network into segments.


qinq. Do you want to get the maximum profit when renting out premises? Do not want to lose potential customers by renting offices in the Central Administrative District of Moscow? Just go to C anmos and connect QinQ to the largest traffic exchange point M9 at Butlerova, 22, organizing for its tenants the most comfortable conditions for connecting their local networks to any of more than half a thousand providers in the country.

QinQ fromCanmos : for those who think about their customers

The Central Administrative District of Moscow is a priority area when looking for a new office for companies of various levels. If you are lucky enough to have retail, industrial, office space here, all that remains is to count the profit. However, many of the city's landlords are facing prospective clients' rejection of their premises based on lack of proper communications.

There are hundreds of providers in the metropolis, it is impossible to bring optical input from each, but you don’t want to lose customers because they are used to a particular one, which is not in the proposed office center. Potential profit growth prospects are declining, the liquidity of prestigious real estate is falling. How to fix the situation?

Technology Q in Q(extension to standard IEEE 802.1ah-2008), otherwise known as double tagging, prevents financial losses. How? Elementary! One optical input (cable) is connected to the building that is rented, which transports the traffic of all tenants to one exchange point - M9 (the leading Russian switching company MSK IX). Already there, each of the companies chooses the provider whose services they are used to, the most beneficial for themselves in terms of the cost of tariffs or other options.

Note that the backbone bridge of the provider, described in the technology of the standard IEEE 802.1ah-2008, includes the transportation of not only Internet network traffic, but also telephony, television. The Double VLAN option (another name) will be useful not only for owners of business centers, but also for network companies involved in arranging communications in office buildings.

Using the services of Canmos, you will be able to transfer secure traffic of your tenants, subscribers, to the networks of any providers, without losing potential customers due to the lack of a mass of optical inputs, without wrapping the building in a tangle of wires. The number of refusals to rent premises at a particular address is reduced, the prestige of your office center or other object is growing, the number of people wishing to move into the building is increasing, and so is the profit. Everything ingenious is simple!

Contact us to organize a channel to MSK IX using Q-in-Q technology from any address in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, and stabilize your income.

WI-FI local network

Creating a local network of guest WI FI - Free Wi Fi. Free Internet in places of mass visits: restaurants, cafes, theater foyers and other public places should be equipped with a free wi-fi service. Visitors want internet Free WIFI an office center and a restaurant want to advertise their products, services, visit the website of a company that has installed free internet, and this is normal, good for visitors and restaurant management. It is possible for the restaurant to advertise its services in more detail. The visitor gets the opportunity to use free internet by leaving (required by law) his phone number during registration. Can use the Internet (free wi fi) at good speed and for free, while he goes to the site that describes the services of this restaurant, if he is interested in something, he can send links to his friends and acquaintances, if not, just quickly go over the site of the institution, close and will continue to use free wi fi without restrictions during the period set by the owner of the restaurant, at the end of the period (it can be one day or a month), you need to register again. All phone numbers of visitors left during registration free wi fi are available to the restaurant administration. The restaurant can send SMS to these phone numbers once a month with a reminder about itself and its services. It turns out such a mutually beneficial agreement, the user leaves a phone number, and the restaurant provides high-speed wi fi for free. This service is useful to visitors and many legal entities: polyclinics, shops, clubs, restaurants - where clients gather and they want to communicate with friends via high-speed Internet while in line for an appointment or sitting at a table. The opportunity to pass the time on the free high-speed Internet and explore the institution in more detail.

Seamless, wireless LAN

WI FI in the office for employees (seamless wi fi network) - organization of a seamless wi fi network in large areas: office, office center and industrial premises. Creating a local network based on wi fi allows you to quickly turn on network equipment. Guest seamless wi fi local networks allow you to organize access via a local network to the Internet by registering once and moving around the entire territory without the need for registration. The subscriber, moving between wi fi routers, reports about himself, each router allows entry, since he knows about the device, you just don’t notice it while constantly being in touch.

Office LAN

Local area network that uses mixed connections wireless network and wired Ethernet, allows you to work with high reliability, as well as use speeds up to 1Gb / s. In a mixed network, several subnets can be allocated for particularly sensitive applications such as a company telephone network or video content from surveillance cameras. Creation local networks requires care and accuracy, knowledge of protocols and certain experience. canmos has the necessary set of experience and qualifications to create a local network of any complexity

Local network with Internet access

Internet. Do employees regularly complain about interruptions in the Internet, inconvenience in work associated with the absence or improper operation of the local network? Are contracts broken because of the inability to invoice on time, and labor costs rise as the time to perform duties increases? C anmos is ready to solve the voiced problems promptly, inexpensively and professionally, ensuring stable operation. local area network with internet access. Installation of guest Wi-Fi within the walls of any office, entertainment facility, service sector institution, which will allow all guests and employees to have Internet access from any gadget. The organization of a local network with WI FI elements and a wired part will provide the necessary load balance. By highlighting the most important elements of the network and connecting them with wires.

It is on these three pillars that the successful activity of our company is based:

    Professionalism . We know everything about local networks and are ready to implement the latest developments in IT technologies as efficiently as possible. Your appeal to our company, a simple call, will launch a well-established installation mechanism local area network with internet access. 14 years of successful activity in the market digital technologies guarantee results.

    Stability . The networks we have laid do not fail, they are reliable, modern, able to cope with the functions assigned to them in full. The equipment used in the work has all the necessary certificates, tested not only by time, but also by consumers.

    Benefit. service local area network with internet access, We provide the lowest rates in the region. Our prices do not bite, and the economic benefits of cooperation with Canmos become obvious after several months of work in the networks we have installed.

Additional bonuses from contacting us will be: free consultations on networking issues, round-the-clock technical support, maximum optimization of the terms of fulfillment of obligations. We work quickly and conscientiously.

What will you get by contacting us?

The result of the appeal directly depends on the tasks set. If the priority is to reduce labor costs and design a wired local network to speed up workflow within the office, production, we will select the optimally productive equipment. The most modern routers, switches, capable of providing speeds up to 1 Gb / s - only thoughts are faster.

If you want to increase the loyalty of visitors to the institution, to ensure maximum comfort for customers - order installation and design of guest Wi-Fi from us. The option is necessary for service and catering enterprises, institutions with a constant flow of visitors waiting within the walls of the building. Thanks to her, the owner of a cafe, medical center, etc., in addition to hospitable reviews, will receive additional opportunity for advertising.

Wired and seamless local networks with Internet access- our work, which we love and do with love!

Local networks in the office

Telephone. Internet. TV. How to transfer over the local network?

Converged LAN

Does the office look like a tangle of intertwined wires? The quality of communication leaves much to be desired, and the cost of it is constantly growing? Do not know how to simultaneously combine different data transfer protocols without compromising speed and quality? A converged local area network is what will help make communication more modern, more stable, faster, minimizing the cost of its arrangement and installation. A converged network allows the transmission of traffic for various purposes in one physical network.

An economical solution for those who keep up with the times

A corporate local area network is the most complex mechanism, without which not a single reputable office can do today. It may include hundreds personal computers, phones, TVs, and can be designed for several pieces of equipment, however, the requirement for the quality of communication and its stability remains the same, despite the amount of equipment. Ensure the reliability of data transmission of various formats (voice, electronic files, video) and at the same time save money, a converged network will help.

It was based on the ability within one design solution (cable) to ensure the transmission of IP packets: voice data, video, databases. At the same time, the end user receives a full telephone network, with the possibility of organizing video conferencing, high-speed access to the Internet from your regular computer.

No special knowledge and preparation for working in a converged network is required, which means that the number of calls from ordinary employees to the IT department of the company will be drastically reduced, which will reduce labor costs and increase productivity. The benefits of installing such a computer network also include a reduction in the number of communications - a sufficient minimum set of equipment and one copper cable, instead of several.

Such apparent simplicity does not mean that it is easy to install a network of this type and does not tolerate an amateurish approach at all. In the arrangement of corporate networks, experience plays a paramount role - it is he who allows you to make office "local space" inexpensively and well.

C anmos employees are able to cope with the task quickly and profitably for the client, because we have over 14 years of experience in laying local networks. We are familiar with all computing equipment sold on the Russian market and we know which one is the best for certain purposes. The readiness to offer the existing knowledge and experience at your service at the lowest prices in the Central Administrative District of Moscow is what distinguishes us from our competitors.

Local telephone network

telephony. Are you planning to organize a local telephone network for your organization and access to the World Wide Web to provide your employees with telephone communications? A specialized company CANMOS can help with this. We offer a professional device for a telephone exchange, a local telephone network or broadcasting voices over the worldwide network, providing communication for employees by phone through an electronic secretary with additional dialing and coverage of your entire office with a local telephone network. CANMOS will also create a personal box for each employee voice mail contributing to the optimization of its activities.

Local telephone network

Local telephone network at enterprises of all sizes, these are telephone exchanges connected by communication satellites, fiber-optic or copper cables. During a phone call, the telephone exchange establishes a connection between the interlocutors to solve a variety of production issues. Depending on the type of communication, different signaling (including fax and modem) is used to establish, maintain, change and terminate the connection. Telephony allows customers to use the services of information services, receive and transmit graphic and other types of information, providing unlimited opportunities for further development.

Telephony from CANMOS

Telephone communication - comfortable and popular way communications. Being a respected provider of modern telephony and Internet in Moscow, CANMOS, which has an excellent reputation among subscribers who have been using our services for a long time, offers:

High quality of services;

Alternative advanced communication technical solutions;

The widest possibilities;

technical support;

The most favorable conditions.

We implement various types of connection in the departments of the main office and structural units in the cities of Russia and abroad, from a digital (wired) telephone to an office multi-channel IP PBX.

Look for new ways! Contact CANMOS and save your organization's finances by using new reliable and economical technologies that significantly reduce material and energy costs!

PBX, creation of a local telephone network

Automatic telephone exchange
Local telephone network for high-quality office telephony - telecommunication solutions that provide offices, various enterprises, institutions and commercial organizations with uninterrupted high-quality telephone communications. The specialized company CANMOS offers all managers assistance in installing PBX and telephony at competitive prices.


IP PBX creates a telephone network via the Internet - it is a powerful universal tool with ample opportunities for receiving and processing a huge number of phone calls, maintaining a customer base, effectively attracting and servicing customers, both regular and new. A local network for high-quality office telephony, in combination with other tools (web interface, crm, mobility), is especially indispensable for a business where there is a sales department.

Benefits of IP PBX

IP PBX gives a lot of advantages to managers who contact CANMOS with the question of its installation and configuration. It:

Automation of call processing operations, which reduces the financial costs of staff maintenance;

Multiple increase in productivity;

The ability to assess the effectiveness of the work of personnel;

Control over the execution of tasks and the work of managers;

Ability to record and further listen to conversations and quickly change scripts in order to increase the efficiency of sales managers;

Using methods and techniques of call centers of any company;

Round-the-clock availability of the company;

Developed base of potential clients.

CANMOS provides customers with the opportunity to purchase an office PBX and communication services in a "single window", modern IP PBX equipment and round-the-clock technical support for communication services!

Possibilities of the IP PBX system

The specialized company CANMOS provides its customers with the following features of IP PBX and communication services:

Creation of multifunctional telephone communication in the office;

Work from any computer device connected to the World Wide Web;

multi-line telephone number for calls from outside and the ability to work with several managers through one number;

Ability to record conversations with clients;

Making calls between employees using short numbers;

Embedding a CRM system for maintaining cards and contact history with clients;

Additional functions - call forwarding, IVR voice menu and others;

Flexibility of the reporting system for managers;

Sending system automation commercial offers and customer card accounts;

Opportunity for freelancers.

Optimize your business by organizing contacts with minimal time and financial costs with our help! Contact CANMOS and we will do everything so that you are not disappointed!

IP telephony, telephone network

IP-telephony - the creation of a telephone network for free communication.
Every competent manager understands that IP-telephony - modern service Internet communications, which allows you to create a full-fledged telephone network in an organization, which will significantly reduce the financial costs of voice messages and increase the communication efficiency of the company. The specialized company CANMOS is your assistant in this difficult task!

Meaning of IP telephony from CANMOS

Telephone calls, especially long-distance or international calls, are a huge cost item in business that can and should be reduced. IP-telephony, arranged by CANMOS, is a convenient way to talk without restrictions, but economically with the people you need. This service is available everywhere, both within the country and abroad, where there is a World Wide Web. Access to " Personal account”, which contains prices for IP-telephony, tariff variations, a detailed expense report, etc., you can get by entering a password and login or using a static address.

Obvious benefits of using IP-telephony from CANMOS

IP-telephony, established by a specialized company CANMOS, provides ample opportunities for transmission voice messages, like so:

Creation of many additional lines in order to simultaneously solve several business problems;

No restrictions on the number of call attempts;

Free communication between employees within the corporate network;

Ensuring premium-class termination;

Convenience of calls at low tariffs;

Consistent high quality communications.

Mobility - the availability of the service in any place where there is Internet;

Communication reliability;

Guaranteed security;

Ease of use;

Convenient connection - from a mobile, stationary, IP phone or using special programs on a computer or smartphone;

Favorable prices (even for small companies), thanks to flexible rates and excellent discounts provided by us.

Expand the possibilities of your business together with CANMOS, which will connect and set up services within a few minutes! Establish a connection with partners anywhere in the world!

Moscow telephone numbers

Moscow telephone numbers, local telephone network in the office

For those who strive to develop their business, attract new customers, increase the level of consumer and associate loyalty to their organization, you will definitely need a beautiful phone number with a Moscow prefix that will inform the whole world about the solidity and reliability of your company. Moscow telephone numbers are always in demand, because the capital is the concentration of all business areas.

Reliable local telephone network in the office from Canmos with prioritization of telephone traffic and a beautiful number to boot

More or less large organizations strive to have a representative office in Moscow with a functioning office and telephone. Not just with a phone, but memorable, beautiful and working for good. Specialists of our company will help you to choose and cheaply buy just such a beautiful number. A mandatory requirement for purchasing the service is a local area network in the office (virtual or physical), to which television, Internet and IP-telephony can be connected.

It should be noted that when arranging such a network, it is required to ensure a stable speed - at least 150 Mbps, the absence of multi-speed packets, and configure the prioritization of processing voice packets on the switch and router. Only in the presence of all the announced conditions, television, telephony and the Internet, being in the same cable, will not interfere with each other and will work stably and uninterruptedly. The specialists of our company have laid a lot of similar local networks, and are ready to provide experience and knowledge gained over 14 years of successful activity at your service.

We offer you, in addition to a stable connection, to buy a beautiful Moscow telephone number and:

    raise the prestige of the company in the eyes of customers and partners, because not only the euphonious name of the company is important, but also its light and “even” number, which indicates that funds were spent on its purchase, which means that the company can afford such expenses, it is solid, successful and reliable;

    attract new customers, because now it will be easy to remember a beautiful number, which means that a potential buyer of a product / service will call you, and not competitors. The offer is especially relevant in the production of street advertising, video and print publications, it increases their effectiveness.

Choose beautiful Moscow phone numbers by contacting Canmos, enjoy the stable and reliable operation of the local network installed by us and pay for it at the lowest rates.

TV over LAN in the office

Modern trends tend to replace analog television with digital. This improves the quality of the audio and video format. The number of TV programs is increasing. CANMOS offers a wide range of channels divided into different thematic packages.

Benefits of IPTV

In addition to high-quality digital TV, you will receive free technical support. The signal is received via the local network. This is a stable connection at any time of the day compared to the satellite system. Also, IP-TV is more affordable in this regard. The signal goes through fiber optic lines. To watch TV channels on a TV or laptop, a set-top box is intended. It recognizes the video data and displays the picture on the screen.

The new generation of television is a digital two-way format that gives the right to use interactive services. Now you can not only watch programs one-way, but also stop the broadcast, pause and continue watching from now on. You can also rewind ad block. These advantages are made possible by local area networks (IPTV).

Digital television is broadcast with multi-channel sound and HD resolution. CANMOS communicates via the IP protocol, which combines the headend and the set-top box. Users get access to interactive and media services that conventional TV subscribers cannot enjoy. It:

  • video rental;
  • karaoke at your home;
  • parental control function;
  • applications;
  • video recording;
  • pause and rewind;
  • video calls;
  • communication with gadgets;
  • multiscreen;
  • movies in 3D and HD.

Profitable cooperation

Together with CANMOS, new horizons will open up for you. You decide what should be digital television. For clients whose firms are located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, special tariff plans. If you are already a user of our Internet and telephony, then the cost of connection and other nuances are discussed individually with the company manager.

Video surveillance over local network

Properly designed video surveillance is an important component of an effective facility security system. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to establish permanent visual control over the protected area, which ensures the protection of people and the safety of property. Video monitoring systems help to track various emergency situations in time, prevent negative consequences and material losses.
The local network and highly reliable electronic equipment provide permanent remote access to records over a high-speed channel, which are transmitted via network protocol. The audio and video information processed by ip cameras is stored in network storage on the Canmos server, so you can view it at any time of the day from any PC and even a mobile device. All data is securely protected, as access to the storage has a limited circle of people.

Where are video surveillance systems needed?

- In the office, bank, institution, enterprise. The video monitoring system solves several problems at once: protection of the territory, control of the safety of material assets and analysis of the working efficiency of personnel. Around the clock, the premises and the surrounding area are under control. You can see the protected object in real time, as well as watch archived audio and video recordings.
- In the shop, mall, beauty salon and restaurant. Any kind of business requires control. With the help of video surveillance, you can recreate a real picture of what is happening and prevent illegal actions. Thanks to cameras, you can avoid theft, find out who is right in conflict situation and supervise the work of their employees.
-In the house, apartment, in the country. Operative round-the-clock monitoring of residential real estate contributes to the preservation of the property of the owners, protection from illegal entry into the territory and increases the degree of comfort of living.

Stages of installation of video surveillance systems

Preliminary inspection of the object;
- drawing up a list of economic and technical requirements for the system;
- development of the project and options for solutions;
- coordination of details with state supervision bodies and customers;
- installation of equipment and software, as well as setting up a local network;
- testing and verification of the system;
- delivery of work to the customer;
- consultation on the use and possibilities of installed video surveillance.
The extensive practical experience of our employees and knowledge of the specifics of work ensure maximum reliability and long-term operation of the video monitoring system. In order to order the installation or get a free consultation - call the indicated phone numbers.

Remote video surveillance of the office, shop, restaurant. Video surveillance of your business. Saving records from ip cameras on the server of the provider-canmos. Connecting setting up video surveillance, creating a local network (wired or wi fi) to connect ip cameras to the Internet. Surveillance of an apartment, house, cottage - saving files from ip cameras on a server on the Internet, access to video recordings at any time of the day.

Security systems

Fire and security systems
One of the most important priorities is the creation of a local network of fire and security safety of the organization. Not to mention the fact that timely professional installation of systems is required by law and ensures the safety of hundreds of people, it is also an opportunity not to receive large penalties from regulatory authorities and to avoid minimal damage in the event of a real threat. The specialized company CANMOS will help all managers and business owners in solving this difficult problem, using the full potential, knowledge and skills of our specialists.

Fire safety systems STRELETS

The CANMOS company presents to its potential customers the device of the radio channel fire and security special system STRELETS, which is easy to use. Our professional specialists have seven years of experience in its trouble-free operation, without any complaints.

STRELETS is a security and fire system (wireless or wired) with car alarm, notification and evacuation control, fire extinguishing auto control, access control and management, video registration and auto monitoring through all communication channels. This is a kind of computer with sensors and transmitters, the work of which covers the protected object. Each local network can function independently, and at large facilities they can be combined into a single system.

Benefits of CANMOS

CANMOS has a lot of advantages in organizing fire and security systems over its competitors:

The use of hybridity of the special system: "radio - wire";

Integration of STRELTS with subsystems of building automation (air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, etc.);

Efficiency of installation and configuration of the object radio system;

Guaranteed quality of work of the SAGITTARIUS;

Favorable prices;

Excellent discounts on professional high-quality equipment when ordering along with communication channels (Internet, telephony, etc.).

Warranty and post-warranty service.

We work only with reliable and trusted manufacturers, without intermediaries and, accordingly, without extra charges, in compliance with high quality standards. Entrust the safety of your business and employees to us, CANMOS specialists!

Installation of security systems at the facility: building, office, apartment. Fire safety system connected to the Internet. Sagittarius security system developed and manufactured by Argus-spectrum, an integrated security system in common system building security. The wireless alarm system Sagittarius and ISB Sagittarius-Integral can be (as an additional external channel) connected to the Internet, which allows you to significantly increase the possibility of transmitting important information.

Setting up network equipment on a local network

LAN setup and operation information systems- two key factors necessary for the quality functioning of a modern company of any size. The absence or incorrect operation of network equipment leads to the complication and inhibition of various processes associated with the business activities of your company. You can prevent the development of this phenomenon right now by contacting our company for help.

Setting up a local network for all customer requirements

CANMOS will quickly, efficiently and not expensively configure network equipment to optimize the activities of your organization. This is necessary for the uninterrupted transmission of any information between several independent information devices (PC), as well as for the prompt solution of the tasks set by each employee. To do this, our specialists carry out a whole range of works aimed at performing the following actions:

1. Setting up network cards for all computers to access and obtain IP addresses;

2. Setting up a working group;

3. General setting information space for the work of possible structural divisions of the company;

4. Creating a shared access to computer disks;

5. Setting up various other system equipments to ensure the correct operation of the local network;

6. If necessary, we will perform administration, network operation control, various preventive maintenance, modernization and other actions agreed with the customer.

Troubleshooting and quality organization of the local network

If the local network between the devices is already connected, but a malfunction is detected during operation, CANMOS representatives will audit the system equipment, configure the malfunction, and also search for the causes of its occurrence. After completing the tasks, we guarantee high speed and the process of information exchange within the network in the amount provided for by the production need. Most of the network setup services are carried out in the shortest possible time to prevent risks in the work of your company. Therefore, if you are looking for qualified specialists, call us!

Computer assistance for legal entities in Moscow

Maintaining the health of the computer park;
> Troubleshooting of computers;
> Optimization of computers;
> Installation, configuration and debugging software, which is in operation, as well as newly installed at workstations;
> Carrying out a technical audit;
> Free delivery of equipment;
> Holding complete diagnosis and preventive work;
> Checking the operating system for system errors;
> Full check of data safety;
> Recommendations for improving and optimizing work computer technology;
> Remote administration;
> Support for Internet service provider replacement if necessary;
> Support local / WI-FI networks;
> Setting up a network workplace;
> Selection and installation of drivers;
> Treatment, removal of viruses;
> Update antivirus programs;
> Installation, replacement of PC components;
> Installation of peripheral devices;
> Maintenance of the local area network;
> Setting up active network equipment;
> Connecting and configuring computer equipment;
> Setting up operating systems.

Hosting, quick site creation

Creation of a site (pages on the Internet), the required time is about one hour, a complex site is made for about a month. We will provide hosting, we will set your phone number on the site, online calls, call back numbers, we will optimize the site for requests search engines(yandex, google), we will provide the site with a fast loading speed.

We will provide a 50% discount for the creation of a website for a company located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Modern technologies make it possible: to place a multi-channel telephone number on the site, a form for contacting customers, WebRTC telephony - a call from a computer to the office, Call Back telephony - allows you to call from a phone from any country for free to your office.


Hosting. Tired of inflated prices and interruptions in communication? Can it take several hours to respond to a ticket from your ISP, or does the support service not work at all on weekends? Are there power outages in your current data center, causing your server to lose power, work to stop, or equipment to break down? Stop using the services of unfortunate providers, it's time to move to a new level of physical hosting from Canmos!

C anmos Colocation: Security, Reliability, Availability

The service of placing client servers in your data center with specialized equipment and equipment is called colocation ( c location). This does not mean at all that any entrepreneur who has free space can host a bunch of hardware. The main thing here is to ensure proper climatic and technological conditions, uninterrupted power supply, including backup, fire safety, and, of course, connections to other providers.

Our company boasts 3 gigabit channels, including to the largest traffic exchange point in the country - MSK-IX 10GE (the famous M9 at Butlerova, 7). A 10 gigabit core network allows you to avoid overloads and ensure the maximum connection speed with a server of any configuration. Q-in-Q technology is being implemented to any point in the Central Administrative District of Moscow. A direct connection can be made with any provider.

For colocation, only certified equipment is used, including 19-inch racks with a cable management system. The minimum speed within the basic connection is 100 Mbps, while 2 IP addresses are issued for each server. The maximum speed is 1000 Mbps: even if your Internet project is very large-scale, our capacities will be enough to ensure its proper functioning!

Key advantage c location from Canmos was the possibility of an independent, remote restart of the system, by phone or e-mail. You don’t need to go to the data center in the middle of the night, just write an SMS or email.

At the same time, support specialists in our company are competent, attentive, efficient employees. Any appeals are considered as quickly as possible, consultations on emerging issues are comprehensive, monitoring of machine rooms is carried out around the clock.

With all the obvious advantages, the most popular for our customers are: connection speed and availability. After all, it is time and money that people value the most, and we are ready to save them - just contact our manager.

Local networks

lan. Any equipment in the office: computer, printer, telephone, scanner - work through the network. Carrying information from one device to another is not convenient and time consuming. The transfer of information from one device to another using a local network occurs in seconds, the amount of information transferred can be very significant, and for this you will need to build a good local network, use reliable, high-performance computing equipment, high-quality copper wires, and also optimal settings, proven programs.

Local area network in the office.

This is a wired or wireless network that connects all computers, printers, scanners, servers, and other office network equipment. The central node is a switch or switch, in the case of a wireless network, this is a wi fi router. All wires converge to one point where the switch is located, which serves to pass information, but the task of the switch (switch) does not include routing - a router is usually used to allocate an address to each device. Although now many manufacturers are creating both a router and a switch in one case. In this case, you can use one device that will perform the functions of a router and a switch. In principle, everything, it remains only to stretch the cables, configure the devices (set up the local network) and you can have fun performing production tasks. The canmos company, in fact, is engaged in setting up equipment, connecting to the Internet, connecting to the telephone network, creating telephony in the office, setting up WI FI for guests and employees of the company. By separating access rights to networks and equipment, in principle, we take on the solution of any interesting tasks in networks. Organization of a local network and connection to the Internet is our professional activity, we will discuss the price issue, we will give a good discount on work and good prices on the Internet in the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Local network mixed

The creation of a local network in a company begins with the definition of the tasks that this network will perform. The next step is the design and selection of equipment by performance and manufacturers. Determining the method of connection between network elements: wire or wireless technology usually depends on the building and premises, agree to lay wires stupidly if the building or office is renovated in a certain style and no cable channels are provided. It is also stupid not to connect important elements of the local network with wires if such an opportunity is present in the room. A wired connection of the elements of a local network is more laborious, but has a much higher reliability and guarantees the quality of communication, is much more resistant to various interference and interference. In general, when installing a local network, it is necessary to pay considerable attention to the possibility of interference and magnetic interference. If there is a microwave oven in the room where you plan to organize a connection using wi fi, there may be interference in the wireless network. No one will be able to determine the source of interference if the interference occurs intermittently from equipment that turns on without your control. Example: next to the office there is a cafe where the microwave oven works intermittently, but the wireless connection in the office does not work intermittently.

Organization of a local network using mixed connections between elements, important parts of the network are connected by wires, and users, including guests, use wireless connections. A local area network of mixed technologies for connecting between network elements allows you to create an inexpensive and easy-to-use local area network of an enterprise.

Local network in the business center

Modern business centers have a local network in the form of cable channels with wires that connect all premises through single center(usually server) among themselves. But everywhere or almost in any business center there is a problem to connect to the provider of which the tenant of space in this business center wants to choose. In the Central Administrative District and many other administrative districts, the situation is being brought to an extreme. A tenant of space in a business center (usually representative offices of large corporations) can connect communication services: Internet, telephony only from two or three providers that have the right to provide services in this center. To the legitimate question why I, the tenant, cannot connect the Internet from my provider, the answer should be - you can, but the provider must obtain permission from the business center and comply with the technical conditions. It is not difficult to guess that these conditions are simply extracting money from the provider, who, in turn, will take this money from the client, that is, from the tenant of space in the business center. This raises the rent, with the help of providers who have to pay the management company of the business center.

Business centers that have built a local network look completely different, which is able to carry out any switching of the cable network and organize access to MSC IX (7 Butlerova St.), where all Moscow providers are located. To select any provider by the tenant, the business center must have Q in Q up to Butlerova st. 7 and a local network in the business center that can provide connection at the required speed of the tenant to the selected provider.


City (regional) networks

City (regional) networks(Metropolitan Area Network - MAN) are designed to connect local networks within a single city, as well as connect local networks to global ones. Urban networks represent a kind of intermediate link between high-speed, but territorially limited local networks, and operating over long distances, but low-speed global networks. The use of city networks will allow organizations to get high-quality and high-speed communications for much less money than when creating their own local area network. In Russia, such computer networks have not yet become widespread.

Separately, the so-called corporate networks. They are organized by enterprises that have a large number of branches located far from each other, between which it is necessary to organize operational data exchange. Such networks are created for the own needs of a particular organization and the fulfillment of tasks within the framework of its activities. At the same time, the network itself is virtual, and direct data transmission is carried out through other networks: the public telephone network, local networks of the organization and its branches, the Internet, etc.

Consider also audio and video conferencing(AVKS) is a line of telecommunications services that makes communication at a distance simple and convenient. With the use of the AVKS system, any formats of business communication adopted at the enterprise can be implemented: meetings, discussions, conference calls, negotiations, seminars, speeches by managers. Participants are separated geographically, but can still see and hear each other. Video conferences can be held between two or more studios both within the country and between different countries.

AVKS is implemented both with the help of specialized equipment and software tools using personal computers. The basis of a typical AVKS system is a server that collects audio and video streams from conference participants, an information display system (widescreen TVs, projectors) and audio stream output, as well as client terminals. A new direction in video conferencing systems (Telepresence) allows you to simulate the effect of the presence of remote interlocutors in the same room and at the same table.

AVKS provides the following scheme of possible connections:

  • simultaneous connection to IP and ISDN networks, including in multipoint conference mode for six participants;
  • use as a PC monitor with the ability to simultaneously display an image from a PC and a video conference;
  • connection of a projector or plasma panel with the ability to display images from a PC, video conference or from an additional VGA signal source;
  • using Memory Stick slots for playback/transfer/recording of documents, graphics, address book etc.;
  • support for dual monitor mode: remote video, local video or received / transmitted image from a PC;
  • possibility of simultaneous transmission of two video streams;
  • connect up to two additional VGA signal sources, such as a laptop and a document camera;
  • the ability to connect headphones and up to five additional desktop microphones.

Technical requirements:

  • a hall or studio equipped for a conference;
  • computers with Internet access;
  • web-camera with the provision of broadcasting to the Internet;
  • telephone equipment and communication channels for conference calls.

Also deserves special attention broadband wireless access(SWA) is a technology for transmitting data over a radio channel with shared access to a resource (multiple access) of bandwidth for a group of consumers. Usually it is carried out on deci- and centimeter waves.

The principle of BWA lies in the fact that over the radio channel of the base station it is possible to organize data transmission simultaneously for several subscriber stations(AS). The topology of such a network is called "point - many points". The maximum number of subscriber stations served by one base station is determined specific model and software of the manufacturer (usually up to several dozen speakers). The bandwidth of the BS radio channel is evenly divided by the number of simultaneously operating (active) SS. If only one AS is active at the current time, then it uses the entire bandwidth of the radio channel of the BS to which it is connected. If necessary, it is possible to restrict access to the BS to only one AS. This topology is called point-to-point.

To increase the coverage range of the base station, special devices are used - repeaters. To exclude / reduce the electromagnetic influence of neighboring BSs on each other, territorial-frequency planning of the use of radio frequencies is used.

Broadband wireless access is divided into the following main technologies: Wi-Fi, Pre-WiMAX and WiMAX.

WiFi technology is based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards and is mainly used indoors (Internet cafes, museums, etc.). BS coverage area up to 100 m.

Pre-WiMAX Technology is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard and is designed to build distributed networks across a city, region, carrier-class networks (MAN-networks). The BS coverage area is about 10 km. It is possible to organize communication outside the line-of-sight zone up to 1–1.5 km (largely depends on the actual conditions for the propagation of an electromagnetic wave). Equipment from different manufacturers is not compatible with each other.

WiMAX technology based on IEEE 802.16d (fixed-line) and IEEE 802.16e ( mobile subscribers). The main purpose and characteristics are the same as the Pre-WiMAX technology. The main difference is that the main functions are implemented at the hardware level, and not at the software level, as in Pre-WiMAX. Equipment from different manufacturers are compatible with each other.

The main advantage of broadband wireless access systems is the absence of cable lines of the so-called "last mile" in the "subscriber - access point" section, since radio access is used. If the equipment is used indoors, then there is no need to obtain decisions

State Commission for Radio Frequencies (GRKCh) for the use of frequencies. To organize communication in open space, frequencies are used that are free for commercial use. Some technologies allow organizing communication outside the line of sight, others - the mobility of the subscriber. The BWA system can be deployed relatively quickly for use and is cheaper to operate compared to cable communication facilities.

When organizing a computer network of any level, it is necessary to combine a large number of different computers. In order for such a union to occur as easily as possible, i.e. different types computers and networks could be interconnected and exchange information efficiently, International Organization for Standardization(ISO) was developed basic model of open systems interaction(Open System Interconnection - OSI). To date, this model is international standard for data transfer.

In this model, the so-called hierarchical decomposition method. This means breaking down a complex system into levels linked by a one-way functional dependency.

Thus, within the framework of this model, each so-called " open system", which refers to any system from a single computer to a global network, consists of seven levels (Fig. 2.1).

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Each of these levels is responsible for performing its own range of tasks and functions.

physical level. At this level, interaction with the data transmission medium (various types of cables, etc.) is provided, physical: mechanical, electrical and procedural parameters of communication are determined. This layer is responsible for the readiness of the data transmission medium for operation at any time. It provides physical and logical access to the data transmission medium. This layer also implements some information protection mechanisms, such as encryption.

channel level. At this level, a certain "order" is introduced into the transmitted message: it is divided into "frames" (the name may be different in different systems), sequences of these frames are formed. Also, the link layer is responsible for managing access to the medium used by several computers, synchronization, error detection and correction.

network layer. On the given level interaction between two subscribers of a computer network is organized. Organized here information exchange in the network, communication routes are determined. Routes are defined for "packets" that have a destination address. The network layer is also responsible for error handling, multiplexing, and data flow control.

transport layer. This defines the data transfer mechanism that is common to this type of networks, regardless of their configuration. This layer supports continuous data transfer between two interacting application processes. So, for example, the transport layer must ensure the error-free transmission of data to the specified address, prevent the loss of fragments, and also perform other functions.

session level. This level establishes an interaction session between two application processes and defines connection parameters. It is responsible for monitoring operating parameters, managing data flows of intermediate drives, etc. In addition, it is at the session level that the following functions are performed: password management, calculation of fees for using network resources, cancellation of communication after a failure at the lower levels. Also, this level controls the dialogue between processes at the next - representative - level.

Executive level. At this level, the tasks of interaction between applied processes are solved directly. There is a representation of the data of one application process in a form understandable for another, interacting with it. Data is also interpreted to present it in a form accessible to the end user. So, here the received "frames" are converted into a screen format or a format for printing devices of this system.

Application level. This layer is responsible for presenting to the end user the information received from another network subscriber, converted into an understandable form for him. For these purposes, system-wide application software and user-specific software are used. This model defines the following concepts:

  • protocol;
  • interface;
  • service.

Under protocol is understood as a standard that defines the rules for interaction with each other of the same levels of two network subscribers.

The protocol defines the list of commands that programs can exchange, the order in which these commands are transmitted, the rules for mutual verification, and the sizes of transmitted data blocks (packets, frames).

Interface called the rules that determine the interaction of neighboring levels of one system. So, for example, the interface between the physical and link layers, channel and network, etc.

In addition, the underlying layer is said to provide a service to the layer below it. For example, the network layer provides the transport layer with a communication service. The transport layer, in turn, provides a transport service for organizing a communication session at the next, session, layer. Thus, the functioning of each layer relies on the services provided by the layer below it. In this case, the first of these levels is said to be directly dependent on the second.

Creating a local area network in an organization allows you to solve the following tasks information support controls:

  • organization of simultaneous work of several users with the same resources (documents, tables, databases, etc.);
  • ensuring fast data exchange between network users (using e-mail programs);
  • creation of distributed databases - those in which the stored information is physically located not on one, but on several computers;
  • creation of reliable archives, which can be accessed faster than traditional paper ones;
  • increasing the reliability of information storage and its reliability by processing data by several computers.

When creating a local network for a specific organization, it is necessary to determine what functions this LAN should perform and what range of tasks will be solved within the framework of this technology, i.e. determine the network strategy. As a rule, a specialized firm, a system integrator, performs the work of defining a strategy and further creating a network. This company must offer the client the optimal set of network components in terms of price / quality ratio. At the same time, the proposed network solutions and models must be tested on real equipment in a permanent network laboratory.

When determining the type of LAN to be created, a decision should be made on the choice of its following components:

  • software for applied tasks that are supposed to be solved using the LAN;
  • network operating system (OS);
  • hardware complex (separate computers) required for the functioning of the network OS;
  • appropriate communication equipment.

Currently, there are many companies offering their services in the information systems market - system integrators. As a rule, users prefer well-known companies that offer equipment from well-known world manufacturers.

There are three features that allow assessing the reliability and qualification of the system integrator.

  • 1. System network integration should be the main or one of the main activities of the company, i.e. The firm must specialize in this area.
  • 2. The firm must have long-term contracts with suppliers of equipment that is offered as network components. The presence of such links with manufacturing firms gives confidence that the firm has real information about the quality of the products offered.
  • 3. The firm must have significant experience in successfully designing, installing, implementing and maintaining networks.

It should be noted that even the best firmssystem integrators- many decisions are made jointly with the customer of the work. Therefore, in order to correctly explain your wishes and requirements to a specialist, you need to know some basic principles for building local networks and the characteristics of the equipment that is part of the networks.

Consider various options, by which networks differ from each other, as a rule, they serve as criteria by which different types of networks can be classified.

Twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber optic lines are most widely used as means of communication today when creating a LAN.

When choosing the type of cable, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • the cost of installation and subsequent maintenance;
  • data transfer rate;
  • the maximum range of information transmission, i.e. the distance at which high-quality communication is guaranteed without the use of special repeater amplifiers (repeaters);
  • data transmission security, including noise immunity.

The main difficulty in choosing the right type of cable is that it is difficult to provide the best values ​​for all these indicators at the same time.

The cheapest type cable connection is the so-called twisted pair(twisted pair). It is a twisted two-wire wire. The advantages of this type of cable are low price and ease of installation (including when connecting new nodes to an already operating network).

The disadvantages of twisted pair should include low noise immunity. To improve this indicator, it is often used shielded twisted pair. This type of cable is an ordinary twisted pair cable placed in a shielding (metal) sheath. This increases the cost of twisted pair, which approaches the price of coaxial cable.

Coaxial cable in terms of cost, it occupies a middle position between twisted pair and optical fiber. It provides good anti-interference performance and is applicable for long distance communication.

For broadband data transmission, a special broadband coaxial cable is used. The data transfer rate when using it is greater. With all the advantages of this type of cable, its cost is quite high.

Another type of coaxial cable is Ethernet cable. It is also often referred to as "thick Ethernet" or "yellow cable". From conventional coaxial cable given type favorably distinguishes high noise immunity. However, the high price reduces this advantage.

Another, cheaper type of coaxial cable is called Cheapemet, or "thin ethernet"(thin Ethernet).

The most expensive type of communication equipment is fiber optic lines. The speed of signal propagation along these lines reaches units of gigabits per second. Provides good protection against external interference and spurious radiation of transmitted information into the environment. These properties determine the scope of fiber optic lines in cases where it is necessary to provide high quality communications over long distances.

The listed types of data transmission channels refer to the so-called wire technologies. Nowadays, at an increasingly rapid pace, wireless communication technologies which use radio, satellite and laser communication channels for data transmission. This type of technology is a smart alternative to conventional wired networks and is becoming increasingly attractive. The most significant advantage wireless technologies– the ability to work in a network of users of portable computers.

Under network topology understand the structure and principles of combining computers in a given network.

There are physical and logical topologies. Under physical refers to the actual scheme of connecting computers within the network. logical topology defines information exchange routes. The physical and logical topologies may not match.

LAN can be represented as automated workstations (workstations) connected by high-speed data transmission channels. Workstations are connected to transmission channels using network adapters designed to ensure the interaction of workstations within the LAN.

There are several types of network topologies:

  • star-shaped;
  • ring;
  • tire;
  • treelike.

Star topology(Fig. 2.2) is often used in data transmission systems, for example, in the Rarekom network. With such a network structure, the data flow between two workstations - peripheral nodes of the network (PC) passes through the central node - file server(FS).

The throughput and speed characteristics of this network are determined by the power of the central node. This allows each workstation to be guaranteed a certain amount of throughput. However, if the central node fails, the operation of the entire network is disrupted.

If the file server is sufficiently productive and is connected to each network node with its own communication line, then in this case the star topology will be the fastest.

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In a network of this type, conflicting collisions of data streams from different nodes will not occur, since all connections are controlled by the host machine.

The disadvantages of this topology are high cost cable laying, if the peripheral nodes are very far from the central one or the latter is geographically not located in the center of the network. When connecting a large number of workstations, ensuring a high switching speed is associated with significant hardware costs.

Also, when expanding the network, it will not be possible to use existing cable lines. You will have to lay your own separate cable to the new node, connecting it to the file server.

Due to the large number of functions that lie on the central network node, its structure becomes complex, which negatively affects the reliability of its operation. To ensure more stable operation in most modern LANs with a star topology, the functions of switching and network management are separated (Fig. 2.3).

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Instead of a single central node, there is a switch and a network server, between which the responsibilities of the central node for switching and control are distributed. In this case, the network server (SS) is connected to the switch as a workstation with the highest priority, i.e. served first.

Another type of topological structure is ring topology(Fig. 2.4). In this type of network, workstations are connected to each other in a circle, i.e. the first from the second, the second from the third, the third from the fourth, and so on. The last node connects to the first.

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Each workstation on the network has its own address. When one of the stations receives a request from another node, it sends information to the network, indicating the address of the recipient. Information circulates in the network in a circle until it reaches the addressee. The time between sending and receiving a message increases in proportion to the number of network nodes.

A ring topology can be very efficient because messages for different nodes can be sent around the ring one after another at short intervals. It is also very easy to send a request to all stations of the network at once.

Cabling can be difficult and expensive if the physical (territorial) location of the nodes is far from the shape of the ring, for example, if workstations are located in one line.

Another problem faced in ring topology networks is that if at least one of the stations fails, the operation of the entire network stops. This is due to the fact that each node is actively involved in the exchange of information between all workstations.

Related to this feature is the need for a short-term disconnection of the network to connect a new node, since during its installation the ring must be open.

This problem is eliminated by organizing a double ring, when additional communication lines and switching devices allow you to change the LAN configuration.

The limits on the length of this type of network are determined by the distance between two neighboring stations.

A separate type of ring topology is a logical ring network. Physically, it is a ring connection of subnets built according to the star topology. Individual "stars" are connected using special switches. Depending on the number of workstations and the length of the cable laid between them, switches can be passive (splitters) or active, which include an amplifier.

The third type of network topological structure is bus topology(Fig. 2.5).

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With a bus topology, all network nodes are connected to a single information channel - a bus, through which data is transmitted from all connected workstations. In this case, each network node can directly come into contact with any other workstation.

Connecting new or disconnecting faulty network nodes can occur at any time without disrupting the network as a whole. However, the search for a faulty station is difficult, since it is difficult to judge its individual components by the state of the network - the functioning of the entire network does not depend on the operation of a particular workstation. At the same time, there is a direct dependence of the network on the state of the bus itself and its components - any malfunction of the main backbone paralyzes the entire network.

Typically, when building a bus topology network, a "thin" Ethernet cable with a tee splitter is used. At the same time, the connection of new nodes requires a bus break, which disrupts the network. In order to avoid this, passive plug boxes are used, which allow you to connect or disconnect workstations while the LAN is running.

In a network with direct transmission of information at any given time, only one station has the right to transmit information. In order to avoid the collision of information flows emanating from different network nodes (collisions), the time separation method is often used. This method means that each workstation at a certain point in time has a priority right to transmit data. This method is not used in all network technologies using bus topology. This is typical for Arknct networks. In the Ethernet network, a different method of conflict resolution is used: when simultaneously trying to transmit data from various network nodes, each workstation "freezes" for a random period of time, and then re-attempts to transmit the message.

In broadband LANs, where messages are transmitted using modulation, a frequency division mechanism is used to prevent collisions: each workstation receives a frequency on which it can transmit and receive information. The data circulating in the network is modulated at the appropriate frequency. This is what modems are for. Working with broadband messages allows you to transfer a fairly large amount of information.

LAN tree structure(Fig. 2.6) is a combination of networks built on the principles of the topologies already described: "star", "ring", "bus".

In this topological structure, all communication channels ("tree branches") converge at one point - the "root".

Computing networks of this type are used where it is impossible to build networks of any basic type of topology.

To connect a large number of network nodes, network amplifiers and (or) switches are used. Active hubs (AKK) are also used - switches that simultaneously have the functions of an amplifier. In practice, two types of active hubs are used: those providing the connection of eight or sixteen lines.

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Another type of switching device is a passive hub, which allows you to organize a branching network for three workstations. The low number of connected nodes means that the passive hub (PsK) does not need an amplifier. Such hubs are used in cases where the distance to the workstation does not exceed several tens of meters.

Compared to a bus or ring topology, the tree type is more robust. The failure of one of the network components in most cases does not affect the overall performance of the network.

The topologies of local networks discussed above are basic, i.e. basic. Real LANs are built based on the tasks that this local network is designed to solve, and on the structure of its information flows. Thus, in practice, the LAN topology is a synthesis of traditional types of topologies.

Based on various types of switching equipment and topological structures, several standards have been developed for building local area networks.

Another type of computer networks are global networks. Consider the history of creation and development global network Internet.

In 1957, within the framework of the US Department of Defense, a separate structure emerged - the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The main work of ARPA was devoted to the development of a method for connecting computers to each other. The global Internet began to develop on the basis of the ARPAnet (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), created by ARPA in 1969.

This network was designed to connect various scientific centers, military institutions and defense enterprises. For its time, ARPAnet was advanced and remarkably resilient to external influences closed system. With its help, it was planned to facilitate the process of communication of numerous organizations working for the defense industry, as well as to create almost indestructible communication channels. In particular, when creating ARPAnet, it was assumed that this system will continue to function in the face of a nuclear attack.

The project was based on three basic ideas:

  • each node of the network is connected to others, so that there are several different paths from node to node;
  • all nodes and connections are considered unreliable - there are automatically updated packet forwarding tables;
  • a packet destined for a non-neighboring node is sent to the closest one to it according to the packet forwarding table, if this node is unavailable, to the next one, and so on.

These ideas were supposed to ensure the functioning of the network in the event of the destruction of any number of its components. In principle, the network could be considered operational even if only two computers were functioning. The system created according to this principle did not have a centralized control node and, therefore, could easily change the configuration without the slightest damage to itself.

Initially, the network consisted of 17 mini-computers. The memory of each had a capacity of 12 KB. In April 1971, 15 nodes were connected to the network. In 1972, the ARPAnet already included 63 nodes.

In mid-1975, the opinion began to spread among netizens that sending a letter over a computer network was much faster and cheaper than the traditional method. Thus began to emerge Email is a service without which it is impossible to imagine the Internet today.

Soon the UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy) program appears. This led to the creation of the next service - USEnet (network news). This is how the network was originally called, allowing the user to enter the computer where the information was located and select from there all the materials of interest to him. Already at the initial stage of development, the number of users of the USEnet network tripled annually. Quite quickly, the architecture and principles of the ARPAnet network ceased to meet the requirements put forward. There was a need to create a universal data transfer protocol.

In 1974, the Internet Network Working Group (INWG), created by DARPA, developed the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) universal data transfer and network interconnection protocol, which is the basis for the operation of the Internet. In 1983, DARPA ordered that all ARPAnet computers use the TCP / IP protocol, on the basis of which the US Department of Defense divided the network into two parts: separately for military purposes - MILnet and scientific research– ARPAnet.

Initially, the network was focused only on the transfer of files and unformatted text. However, for the work of many users, an infrastructure was needed that would allow them to work in a more convenient mode, in particular, to exchange research results via the Internet in the form of formatted and illustrated text familiar to scientists, including links to other publications. In 1989, the European Laboratory of Elementary Particle Physics (CERN, Switzerland, Geneva) developed the technology of hypertext documents - the World Wide Web, which allows access to any information located on the network on computers around the world. This was the beginning of the World Information Web, which by now has "entwined" with its networks almost the entire computer world and made the Internet accessible and attractive to millions of users.

In 1990, the ARPAnet ceased to exist, and the Internet emerged in its place.

To the main features of the Internet can be attributed:

  • universality of the concept that does not depend on the internal structure of the connected networks and types of hardware and software;
  • maximum communication reliability with obviously low quality of communications, communication facilities and equipment;
  • the ability to transfer large amounts of information.

The rapid expansion of the network has introduced range issues not envisaged in the original design and forced developers to find technologies to manage large distributed resources.

In the original design, the names and addresses of all computers connected to the Internet were stored in a single file that was edited by hand and then distributed throughout the Internet. It soon became clear that the central database was inefficient. First, requests to update the file would soon exceed the capacity of the people handling them. Second, even if there was a valid central file, there was not enough network bandwidth to allow either frequent distribution to all locations, or online access to it from each location.

New protocols were developed and a naming system throughout the Internet came into use that allowed any user to automatically determine the address of a remote machine from its name. Known as domain name system(DNS), this mechanism relies on machines called name servers that answer queries for names. There is no single machine that contains the entire naming database. Instead, data is distributed across multiple machines that use TCP/IP protocols to communicate with each other when responding to requests.

Thus, today the Internet is an association of a huge number of different computer networks almost all over the world.

Today, the Internet is a global network, which is associated with a new stage in the development of the information revolution at the end of the 20th century. Network benefits include:

  • practically unlimited possibilities for the transfer and dissemination of information;
  • remote access to huge arrays of accumulated information resources;
  • communication between users of computer networks in different countries of the world.

The Internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected computer networks. The use of common protocols of the TCP / IP family and a single address space allows us to speak of the Internet as a single global "metanet", or "network of networks". When working on a computer that has an Internet connection, you can establish a connection with any other computer connected to the Network and exchange information using one or another Internet application service (WWW, FTP, E-mail, etc.).

A home computer or a local network workstation gains access to the global Internet by establishing a connection (permanent or session) with the computer service provider- an organization whose network has a permanent connection to the Internet and provides services to other organizations and individual users. The regional service provider that works with end users is connected, in turn, to a larger service provider - a nationwide network with nodes in various cities of the country or even in several countries. National networks gain access to the global Internet by connecting to international service providers - networks that are part of the global Internet backbone infrastructure. In addition, regional and national service providers tend to establish connections between themselves and organize the exchange of traffic between their networks in order to reduce the load on external channels.

Local and global networks

Various signs are used to classify computer networks, but most often networks are divided into types according to a territorial basis, that is, according to the size of the territory that the network covers. And there are good reasons for this, since the differences between LAN and WAN technologies are very significant, despite their constant convergence.

Features of local, global and city networks

To local networks - Local Area Networks (LAN)- refers to computer networks concentrated in a small area (usually within a radius of no more than 1-2 km). AT general case a local area network is a communication system owned by a single organization. Due to the short distances in local networks, it is possible to use relatively expensive high-quality communication lines, which allow, using simple methods data transfer, to achieve high data exchange rates of the order of 100 Mbps. In this regard, the services provided by local networks are very diverse and usually involve on-line implementation.

Wide area networks - Wide Area Networks (WAN)- combine geographically dispersed computers that can be located in different cities and countries. Since laying high-quality communication lines over long distances is very expensive, in global networks often already existing communication lines are used, originally intended for completely different purposes. For example, many global networks are built on the basis of general-purpose telephone and telegraph channels. Due to the low speeds of such communication lines in global networks (tens of kilobits per second), the set of services provided is usually limited to file transfer, mainly not online, but in the background, using e-mail. For stable transmission of discrete data over low-quality communication lines, methods and equipment are used that differ significantly from the methods and equipment characteristic of local networks. As a rule, complex data control and recovery procedures are used here, since the most typical mode of data transmission over a territorial communication channel is associated with significant signal distortions.

Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)- are a less common type of networks. These networks appeared relatively recently. They are designed to serve the territory of a large city - a metropolis. While LANs are best suited for short-distance resource sharing and broadcasts, and WANs for long distances but with limited speed and poor service coverage, metropolitan networks fall somewhere in between. They use digital backbones, often fiber-optic, with speeds of 45 Mbps or more, and are designed to connect city-wide local networks and connect local networks to global ones. These networks were originally developed for data transmission, but now they also support services such as video conferencing and integrated voice and text transmission. The development of metropolitan area network technology was carried out by local telephone companies. Historically, local telephone companies have always had weak technical capabilities and because of this, they could not attract large customers. In order to overcome their backwardness and take their rightful place in the world of LANs and WANs, local telecom companies have been developing networks based on state-of-the-art technologies, such as SMDS or ATM cell switching technology. Metropolitan networks are public networks and are therefore less expensive than building your own (private) network within a city.

Differences between local networks and global networks

Consider the main differences between local networks and global networks in more detail. Since recently these differences have become less and less noticeable, we will consider that in this section we are considering networks of the late 80s, when these differences were very clear, and modern trends in the convergence of local and global network technologies will be considered in the next section. .

    The length, quality and method of laying communication lines. The class of local computer networks, by definition, differs from the class of global networks short distance between network nodes. This, in principle, makes it possible to use high-quality communication lines in local networks: coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber optic cable, which are not always available (due to economic restrictions) over long distances inherent in global networks. Already existing communication lines are often used in global networks (telegraph or telephone), and in local networks they are laid anew.

    Complexity of transmission methods and equipment. In conditions of low reliability of physical channels in global networks, more complex methods of data transmission and related equipment are required than in local networks. Thus, modulation, asynchronous methods, complex checksumming methods, acknowledgment and retransmissions of distorted frames are widely used in global networks. On the other hand, high-quality communication lines in local networks made it possible to simplify data transmission procedures through the use of unmodulated signals and the rejection of mandatory confirmation of packet receipt.

    Communication speed. One of the main differences between local networks and global networks is the presence of high-speed data exchange channels between computers, the speed of which (10.16 and 100 Mbps) is comparable to the speeds of devices and computer nodes - disks, internal data exchange buses, etc. Due to this a LAN user connected to a remote shared resource (for example, a server disk) gets the impression that he uses this disk as "his own". For global networks, much lower data transfer rates are typical - 2400,9600,28800,33600 bps, 56 and 64 Kbps, and only on trunk channels - up to 2 Mbps.

    Variety of services. Local area networks provide, as a rule, a wide range of services - these are various types of file service, printing services, fax services, database services, e-mail and others, while global networks mainly provide postal services and sometimes file services. Services with Disabilities - File Transfer from Public Archives remote servers without preview their content.

    Prompt execution of requests. The time it takes for a packet to travel across a local network is typically a few milliseconds, while it can take several seconds to travel across a wide area network. Low speed data transmission in wide area networks makes it difficult to implement services for the on-line mode, which is common for local area networks.

    Channel separation. In local networks, communication channels are used, as a rule, jointly by several network nodes at once, and in global networks - individually.

    Using the Packet Switching Method. An important feature local networks is uneven load distribution. The ratio of peak to average load can be 100:1 or even higher. Such traffic is commonly referred to as pulsating. Because of this feature of traffic in local networks, the packet switching method is used to connect nodes, which for bursty traffic turns out to be much more efficient than the traditional circuit switching method for global networks. The efficiency of the packet switching method lies in the fact that the network as a whole transmits more data of its subscribers per unit of time. In global networks, the packet switching method is also used, but along with it, the circuit switching method is also often used, as well as non-switched channels - as legacy technologies for non-computer networks.

    Scalability. "Classic" local area networks have poor scalability due to the rigidity of the basic topologies that determine the way stations are connected and the length of the line. With many basic topologies, network performance deteriorates sharply when a certain limit is reached in terms of the number of nodes or the length of communication lines. Global networks are characterized by good scalability, since they were originally designed to work with arbitrary topologies.

Trend towards convergence of LANs and WANs

If we take into account all the differences between local and global networks listed above, it becomes clear why two communities of specialists dealing with these two types of networks could exist separately for so long. But in recent years the situation has changed dramatically.

Local area network specialists, faced with the task of connecting several local area networks located in different, geographically distant points from each other, were forced to start mastering the alien world of global networks and telecommunications. The tight integration of remote local networks does not allow us to consider global networks as a "black box", which is only a tool for transporting messages over long distances. Therefore, everything related to global communications and remote access has become the daily interest of many specialists in local networks.

On the other hand, the desire to increase bandwidth, data transfer speed, expand the range and efficiency of services, in other words, the desire to improve the quality of services provided - all this made global network specialists pay close attention to the technologies used in local networks.

Thus, in the world of local and global networks, there has clearly been a movement towards each other, which has already led to a significant interpenetration of technologies of local and global networks.

One manifestation of this convergence is the emergence of metropolitan area networks (MANs), which occupy an intermediate position between local and wide area networks. With sufficiently large distances between nodes, they have high-quality communication lines and high exchange rates, even higher than in classical local networks. As in the case of local networks, when building a MAN, existing communication lines are not used, but laid anew.

Convergence in data transmission methods occurs on the platform of optical digital (non-modulated) data transmission over fiber optic communication lines. Due to the sharp improvement in the quality of communication channels in global networks, complex and redundant procedures for ensuring the correctness of data transmission began to be abandoned. Frame relay networks are an example. In these networks, it is assumed that bit distortion occurs so rarely that an erroneous packet is simply destroyed, and all problems associated with its loss are solved by application-level programs that are not directly part of the frame relay network.

Due to new network technologies and, accordingly, new equipment designed for higher-quality communication lines, data transfer rates in existing new-generation commercial global networks are approaching traditional local area network rates (2 Mbit / s speeds are now available in frame relay networks), and in global ATM networks and surpass them, reaching 622 Mbps.

As a result, on-line services are becoming commonplace in global networks as well. The most striking example is the hypertext information service World Wide Web, which has become the main provider of information on the Internet. Its interactive capabilities surpassed those of many similar LAN services, so LAN developers had to simply borrow the service from WANs. The process of transferring services and technologies from global networks to local networks has become so massive that even a special term has appeared - intranet technologies (intra - internal), denoting the use of external (global) network services in internal - local networks.

Local networks take over from global networks and transport technologies. All new high-speed technologies (Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, l00VG-AnyLAN) support individual communication lines along with traditional shared lines for local area networks. To organize individual communication lines, a special type of communication equipment is used - switches. LAN switches are interconnected in a hierarchical manner, similar to how it is done in telephone networks: there are lower-level switches to which network computers are directly connected, next-level switches connect lower-level switches, etc. Higher-level switches have, as a rule, greater performance and work with faster channels, compacting the data of lower levels. Switches support not only new LAN protocols, but also traditional ones - Ethernet and Token Ring.

Recently, in local networks, the same great attention has been paid to methods of ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access, as in global networks. Such attention is due to the fact that local networks are no longer isolated, most often they have access to the "big world" through global connections. In this case, the same methods are often used - data encryption, user authentication, the construction of protective barriers that protect against penetration into the network from the outside.

Finally, new technologies are emerging that were originally designed for both types of networks. The most prominent representative of the new generation of technologies is the ATM technology, which can serve as the basis not only for local and global computer networks, but also telephone networks, as well as broadcast video networks, combining all existing types of traffic in one transport network.


    Classifying networks on a territorial basis, there are local (LAN), global (WAN) and urban (MAN) networks.

    LAN - concentrated on the territory of no more than 1-2 km; are built using expensive high-quality communication lines, which allow, using simple data transmission methods, to achieve high data exchange rates of the order of 100 Mbps. The services provided are varied and usually involve on-line implementation.

    WAN - unite computers dispersed at a distance of hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Often existing low-quality communication lines are used. Data transfer rates lower than in local networks (tens of kilobits per second) limit the range of services provided to file transfer, mainly not online, but in the background, using e-mail. For stable transmission of discrete data, more sophisticated methods and equipment are used than in local networks.

    MAN - occupy an intermediate position between local and global networks.

My idea is this. Create a local network among all users of your city (well, of course, those who agree, and at least not the city, but at least the district).

AT this moment my comrades in "weapons" have a local network for 20 machines absolutely free (I mean a subscription fee) for everyone. If you want, pay money for a cable and a network fee - and connect. We don't have a server, internet, etc.

In general, there is nothing to pay a monthly fee and there is no one to pay, a sort of home network for fun, created by a bunch of geek friends. But if you take and consider the whole thing from a commercial point of view, you get an interesting thing.

I imagine all this as follows: you need a server in the good value this word, i.e. with all the attributes of a server with a few large screws, powerful "guts" and, of course, it is desirable to put it on Linux.

Next buy yourself satellite dish for good access to the Internet or, if you don’t want to spend money, you can just have a dedicated Internet channel. You will also need either a HUB (Hub) or a SWITCH (Switch). I will not decipher, whoever dealt with networks knows. And who does not know, in a nutshell - these are devices for connecting several computers to a local area. Then we hang up on neighboring houses from the house where the server is located, announcements with invitations to join the local network, and indicate all the advantages: network games, communication via chat, constantly updated materials on the server (music, movies, etc.) and, of course , access to the INTERNET (after all, many people do not have a telephone at home, but Internet is hot).

So, there are those who want to. Even if people are afraid (which is likely to happen) to give money to strangers (i.e. us), you can tell them what you need to purchase to connect (what and how much cable, what network card, etc.), it's not about one-time profit, but in a stable income in the form of a subscription fee and money from the sale of the Internet. The amount of the subscription fee will depend directly on the region. For my city with a population of 450 thousand people and not very rich residents, 150-200 rubles a month is quite acceptable.

So, the newly minted "networker" bought a cable, network card, etc. We go and agree with the house management for a certain baksheesh to let you on the roof of the house, where the cable will be thrown (not everyone is allowed there in a row, verified by personal experience). We forward the cable, using the communications of the house, such as pipes, through which antenna cables etc. We solder the connectors, set up everything that is needed on the client’s computer: IP address, subnet masks, etc. On our server, we set up remote access to the Internet using Firewall or something similar to it.

Updates on the server can be done very simply: once or twice a month, go to a store or market there, in general, where you can rent discs, collect movies, music there and fill everything on screws.

Approximately in every house there are from 10 to 30 computers, and if at least a third agrees to join the ranks of "networkers", then this is already good money, with the expectation that all this business is produced on the territory of sleeping areas, where houses are one to one.

In principle, the costs are minimal, but you will always have to keep track of all this business (updates, Internet traffic, etc.).

Well, in principle, and EVERYTHING. At this rate, you can continue to develop further and spread your "nets" farther and farther from house to house.

P.S. The idea, of course, is crude and there are a huge bunch of nuances, but the general idea seems to be conveyed and, it seems to me, all this rolls on the idea of ​​a home business.

Write [email protected].

Local and global networks. Networks of departments, campuses and corporations

To date, there are more than 130 million computers in the world and more than 80% of them are combined into various information computer networks from small local networks in offices to global networks such as the Internet, FidoNet, FREEnet, etc. The worldwide trend towards networking computers is due to a number of important reasons, such as faster transmission information messages, the ability to quickly exchange information between users, receive and send messages (faxes, E-Mail letters, electronic conferences, etc.) without leaving the workplace, the ability to instantly receive any information from anywhere in the world, as well as the exchange of information between computers of different manufacturers operating under different software.

Such huge potentialities that the computer network carries and the new potential rise that the information complex experiences, as well as a significant acceleration of the production process, do not give us the right to ignore and not apply them in practice.

Often there is a need to develop a fundamental solution to the issue of organizing an ICT (information-computer network) based on an existing computer park and a software package that meets modern scientific and technical requirements, taking into account growing needs and the possibility of further gradual development of the network due to the emergence of new technical and software solutions. Particular attention is paid to the networks of individual corporations and their production departments.


Features of local, global and urban networks.

To classify computer networks, a territorial feature is used, that is, according to the size of the territory that the network covers. This is due to the fact that the differences between the technologies of local and global networks are very significant, despite their constant convergence.

To local networks - Local Area Networks (LAN)- refers to computer networks concentrated in a small area (usually within a radius of no more than 1-2 km). LANs are designed to meet the following requirements:

1. work within a limited geographic area;

2. allow many users to access high bandwidth channels;

3. ensure constant communication with the necessary services;

4. Physically connect with nearby devices.

LAN is a communication system owned by one organization. Due to short distances in local networks, it is possible to use relatively expensive high-quality communication lines, which allow, using simple data transmission methods, to achieve high data exchange rates of the order of 100 Mbps - 1 Gbps. In this regard, the services provided by local networks are very diverse and usually involve on-line implementation.

Wide area networks - Wide Area Networks (WAN) are used to connect separate remote LANs and to unite geographically dispersed computers that may be located in different cities and countries. Since laying high-quality communication lines over long distances is very expensive, WANs often use existing communication lines that were originally intended for completely different purposes. For example, many global networks are built on the basis of telephone and telegraph channels. general purpose. Due to the low speeds of such communication lines in global networks (tens of kilobits per second), the set of services provided is usually limited to file transfer, mainly not online, but in the background, using e-mail. For stable transmission of discrete data over low-quality communication lines, methods and equipment are used that differ significantly from the methods and equipment characteristic of local networks. As a rule, complex procedures for coding, control and data recovery are used here, since the most typical mode of data transmission over a territorial communication channel is associated with significant signal distortions.

City networks (or networks of metropolitan areas) -

) are a less common type of network. These networks appeared relatively recently. They are designed to serve the territory of a large city - a metropolis. MANs use digital trunk lines, often fiber-optic, with speeds of 45 Mbps or more, and are designed to link local networks across a city and connect local networks to global ones. These networks were originally developed for data transmission, but now they also support services such as video conferencing and integrated voice and text transmission.
1.2. Differences between local and global networks
Consider the main differences between local networks and global networks.

· The length, quality and method of laying communication lines. Local area networks, by definition, differ from global networks in a small distance between network nodes. In principle, this makes it possible to use high-quality communication lines in local networks: coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber optic cable, which are not always available (due to economic restrictions) over long distances. In global networks, existing communication lines (telegraph or telephone) are often used, and in local networks they are laid anew.

· Complexity of transmission methods and equipment. In conditions of low reliability of physical channels in global networks, more complex methods of data transmission and related equipment are required than in local networks. WANs widely use modulation, asynchronous methods, complex checksumming, handshaking, and retransmissions of corrupted frames. High-quality communication lines in local networks made it possible to simplify data transmission procedures through the use of unmodulated signals and the rejection of mandatory confirmation of packet receipt.

· Communication speed. One of the main differences between local networks and global networks is the presence of high-speed data exchange channels between computers, the speed of which (0.1 and 1 Gb / s) is comparable to the speed of devices and nodes. Due to this, a local network user connected to a remote shared resource (for example, a server disk) gets the impression that he uses this disk as "his own". For global networks, much lower data rates are typical - up to 2 Mbps.

· Variety of services. Local area networks provide, as a rule, a wide range of services - these are various types of file service, printing services, fax services, database services, e-mail and others, while global networks mainly provide postal services and sometimes file services. services with limited capabilities - transferring files from public archives of remote servers without previewing their content.

· Prompt execution of requests. The time it takes for a packet to travel through a local area network is typically a few milliseconds, but it can take seconds or even minutes to travel across a wide area network. The low data rate of WANs makes it difficult to implement the on-line services that are common in LANs.

· Channel separation. In local networks, communication channels are used, as a rule, jointly by several network nodes at once, and in global networks - individually.

· Using the switching method. In local networks, the method of packet switching is used to connect nodes. The efficiency of the packet switching method lies in the fact that the network as a whole transmits more data of its subscribers per unit of time. In global networks, the packet switching method is also used, but along with it, the circuit switching method is also often used, as well as non-switched channels - as legacy technologies for non-computer networks.

· Scalability. Local networks have poor scalability due to the rigidity of the underlying topologies that determine how stations are connected and the length of the line. With many basic topologies, network performance deteriorates sharply when a certain limit is reached in terms of the number of nodes or the length of communication lines. Global networks are characterized by good scalability, since they were originally designed to work with arbitrary topologies.
