Charge macbook pro from power bank.

Tips for new MacBook owners.

Although lithium-ion batteries sometimes explode, in general they are safe, unpretentious and do not need any special operating conditions. Do not test them for strength, heat them up or use cheap Chinese adapters and cables. If these simple rules not enough for you, today we will tell you in detail how to charge your MacBook so that the battery lasts a long time.

When using a MacBook and other devices with lithium-ion batteries You have to be aware of cycles. One cycle - battery discharge from 100% to 0%. If during the day of work you put the battery, and the MacBook turned off - this is one cycle. If the device was discharged by 25% for four days, but put on charge in the evening, this is also one cycle. It turns out that the more often you charge the device, the better.

According to the specifications, the batteries in Apple devices normally last for 1000 cycles. After this mark, they begin to lose capacity. This does not mean that as soon as the cycle counter shows 1000, you need to change the battery or throw away the old MacBook. If the laptop is holding a charge, and operating system does not show messages about the need to replace the battery - everything is fine. After a month of using the 12-inch MacBook, I had only 23 cycles.

Harm from the fact that the laptop is constantly connected to electrical network also no. You're just not using one of the coolest things about a MacBook - autonomy. IN technical terms everything is safe: a special controller regulates the speed and time of charging and stops supplying current to the battery when the charge level reaches 100%. If you are bored with life, you can calibrate the battery once a month - discharge it “to zero”, and then connect it to a power source and fully charge it. Then everything will be fine with the component.

Apple speaks that MacBooks and other devices with lithium-ion batteries will last longer on a single charge if you install the latest software updates. Although this is not always The best decision(Hello, iOS 11!), in general, it is worth listening to.

Another important factor is comfortable temperature conditions. In cold weather, the device often turns off, even if the battery is charged, and in high temperatures, the component may overheat and explode. Apple recommends using your MacBook between +10 and +35 C. Keep your laptop partially charged between -20 and +45 C.

Separately, it is worth mentioning cheap non-original batteries. They are not safe: you never know what the Chinese have put in them. If you put such a battery in your MacBook, at least try not to use a fake power adapter and cable with it.

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

half success in Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts for current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good taste for service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. you give away macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

The MacBook charger is amazing! An elegant solution is to make charging on magnets. This not only prevents accidental drops of the laptop when you touch the cable, but also makes it easy to connect it for recharging. But there are times when the plug-in charger does not want to fulfill its intended purpose. Let's figure out why this happens and what can be done about it.

1. Original accessory

No matter how strange it may sound (read), but you must understand that a non-original charger can fail much faster than a branded power adapter. There can be many reasons for this, but basically it all comes down to banal low-quality components and assembly “on the knees”.
Of course, the original charger can also fail, but the chances of this are much less.

2. Working socket

If everything is in order with the adapter, it is original, then it's time to check its connection. First, make sure that the cable is plugged into the connector, and secondly, trace its other end - it should be in the outlet. If everything is in order with this, you should try another outlet, perhaps the cause of all the troubles lies not in the adapter, but in the outlet itself, which is in the wall.

3. Garbage in the connector

Perhaps this will come as a surprise to some, but excess dirt and dust can also get into the charging connector in the same way. Naturally, this may interfere with charging your laptop and / or charge it for a long time.
Be sure to check the connector, and if you find dust in it, then remove it from there. This is best done with a can of compressed air if the dirt is very stuck. For some, this is quite a common situation that happens quite often, especially if your lifestyle involves constant travel for business trips.

4. Reset SMC

Well, we checked everything and didn’t seem to find any flaws. But the laptop still refuses to charge. Let's try resetting the System Management Controller (SMC). This often helps with various non-standard behaviors of your computer, such as incorrect operation of fans, the inability to detect a connected charger, no charging, incorrect operation when entering sleep or wake mode, and many others.

For reset SMC you need to follow a few simple steps:

1. Turn off your MacBook completely.
2. Connect the MagSafe power adapter to it.
3. Press and hold the Shift+Control+Option+Power keys for about four seconds and then release at the same time.
4. Press the Power button to turn on the laptop with the controller reset.

If you have an older Apple laptop, these steps may be different. In order to make sure that your actions are correct, it is best to resort to the official instructions on the Apple website.

Please note that resetting the SMC affects all settings related to power options, so if you changed any values ​​​​in the Energy Saver Settings, you will need to set them again.

Now it remains to connect the charger and see how the laptop will charge. If the problem persists, then most likely you should contact the service center, as the problem may be in the adapter itself (very rare occurrence), or in the MacBook power board (even rarer occurrence). But often the above tips help in most cases.

Have you experienced problems charging your MacBook? If yes, how were they solved? Share your tips in the comments!

Carrying out free diagnostics, the service center masters divide the causes of the breakdown into Soft (software) and Iron (hardware). The process of charging and distributing the charge, according to the components of the MacBook, is controlled by the motherboard. Some processes, such as: Set the time to go to sleep or turn off the screen, can be controlled directly from the OS.

macOS software failures.

Information about all errors is stored in NVRAM and SMC memory, which can be simply erased.

Erase errors in the memory of PRam and NVRam.

  • - NVRam

(Non Volatile Random Access Memory), abbreviated as NVRAM, is a type of operational five capable of storing data without electrical power. The current is supplied through a separate channel, regardless of whether the laptop is turned off or in sleep mode. NVRam stores the following parameters:

  • - Mac OS volume level.
  • - Display resolution.
  • - Active boot area.

(Crash boot volume, causes a folder, - "?", to appear on the desktop when MacOS starts)

  • - Log of critical errors.

(If this log remains saved, then after the problem is fixed, the laptop continues to believe that it is still present)

For example, if you change HDD disk, or its trail, MacOS will show the folder, with a question mark. If there was critical error about the state of the battery, MacOS can determine it is empty.

The operating system constantly monitors the contents of NVRAM, therefore, when changing any components or repairing a MacBook, it is recommended to reset all memory values.

To clear the NVRAM, after turning on the MacBook, you need to press and hold the buttons - ALT + Command + R + P, until the welcome signal appears again. Erasing this section of memory will not affect the rest of the data and files.

  • - PRAM

In older models, PRAM is used. Its cleaning is performed by the same command. Just press the same keys, wait for the second greeting, and then release the keys. Just set the date, time, screen resolution and volume again.

Clearing memory (System Management Controller).

SMC (System Management Controller) In the memory of this chip, information about the level of the battery status, percentage of charge, etc. is stored. In addition, it controls the cooler and helps to display a picture on an external screen. In case of data corruption and errors:

  • - MacBook won't charge.
  • - The percentage of the charge is displayed incorrectly.
  • - The light on MagSafe changes color or does not light up at all.
  • - The cooler of the cooling system works unevenly.
  • - Image output is malfunctioning.

Clear the SMC to get rid of these faults.

On a MacBook with a removable battery, just remove it and hold down the Power key for 5 seconds. Insert it back and connect MagSafe.

MacBook in the UniBody case and modern versions, with a built-in battery, memory reset is performed by a combination CTRL keys+ SHIFT + ALT + Power (Power button). Be sure to turn off the power supply before cleaning.

Cleaning should be done with the machine turned off or at least in "sleep". During cleaning, all components are turned off at the same time, which harms the hard drive or solid-state SSD.

Reset controller errors, on battery.

Status information is stored not only in the NVRAM or SMC chip of the MacBook. On the original elements from Apple, there is a control chip located in the battery case itself. To reset the information, you will have to remove the battery, which in modern Macbooks is best done in the service, because. for this operation, you need professional tools and firmware programmer.

If you leave the laptop with a dead battery for two to three weeks, it will go into "protective mode". The controller will send a signal and turn off the board. Charging the gadget later, by simply connecting the charger, is extremely difficult. In this situation, the firmware of the controller on the battery helps. For such a procedure, you need to contact the "PlanetIPhone" SC.

After the end of the diagnostics, if there are any problems with the MacBook, you will be shown an error code, you need to write it down! If the OS issued the code PPT004, then it's time to change the battery.

If the diagnostics run smoothly and your MacBook Pro won't charge, you can rule out the bad battery and start troubleshooting elsewhere.

Faulty Macbook power supply.

Checking should start with the unit, connecting a 100% working, compatible memory or using a special adapter, because MagSafe generations are different.

Attention! The block must be the same power that you charged your Mac with. A 45w unit from the MacBook Air is not enough to charge the MacBook Pro, which have 60 watts, for 13 inch and 85 watt, for 15 and 17 inch models.

If from the old memory, the MacBook does not charge, but the battery charge is above 15%, when a 45w PSU is connected, the power indicator on the MagSafe connector may light up, but the battery will recover very slowly. If the laptop is not turned on, perhaps such manipulations will not help.

The chargers supplied in the kit and their copies, AAA and A + classes, are made from good, high-quality parts and serve up to 5-7 years, but over time, the characteristics and output voltage level change and sag. Capacitors can burn out even without ringing with a multimeter, this malfunction cannot be detected. Also, an oscilloscope will help in detecting a breakdown.

In addition to exceeding the service life, the memory breaks due to a voltage drop in the network and contact with water.

There is an option to repair the PSU, change MagSafe cables or solder capacitors, but the price will be equal to the cost of a new unit. Moreover, it is considered unattended. We cannot guarantee the operation of the PSU after soldering.

If you find problems with the charger, we recommend replacing it. The service can offer high-quality, low-cost copies that employees use. When connecting a working memory to Macbook Air battery not charging? Well, it's worth moving on to checking the battery.

We detect a malfunction of the power supply.

Almost always, about a problem with the battery, an OS message is displayed. The built-in sensor, based on the collected indicators, calculates the approximate date for replacing the battery. Notifications will come, - "Service Required" or "Replacement Required". When the battery is no longer usable, the indicator in the macOS panel is marked with a cross.

You can predict the time when you need to change the battery yourself, just by looking at the number of charge and discharge cycles of the battery. Click on the Apple logo, in the left upper corner, About This Mac, then System Report. The number of recharges should be up to 700. If there are more, it is better to immediately contact the service and replace it.

If the battery controller firmware that was described above did not help and the MacBook does not charge, there is an option to replace the control board or the controller itself. It may fail after contact with liquid. Or replacing individual lithium-ion battery cells that swell. Of course, it is better to replace such an element.

Malfunction of the charging connector on the MacBook.

If the battery and charging are working properly, you should take a closer look at the connector itself. For a long time, a plaque appears on the surface of the connector, from oxides, and the contacts are a little worn out and burn out.

Breaks "Binding" - this is a group of power circuits located on the board, with MagSafe. If the harness burns out, the connector can be resoldered and the capacitors and transistors that have come out can be replaced. Sometimes, banal cleaning of the connector helps

MagSafe is always on a separate circuit, be it older UniBody models or new Retina. In the Mac Air line, there is also a Mini Jack 3.5mm and USB outputs, which makes replacing the connector a little more expensive.

If, after cleaning the MagSafe connector, the MacBook does not charge, the last and worst option remains.

Checking the motherboard and its power tracks.

If, after diagnosis, you have ruled out all of the above problems, and the MacBook does not charge, because the power circuits are faulty, and specifically the PWM controller and SMC.

The main problem of SMC replacement is the availability of a suitable donor. Each model has its own firmware. Service center engineers have looked through all those communities, forums and all the information in open access and so far no one has managed to reflash the SMC. Because of this reason, you will need to find a MacBook with a working controller.

Such repairs are not easy and not every service will undertake it. If, after diagnostics in PlanetIPhone, it was revealed that the Shim controller is faulty, only soldering a new Shim will help.

The ISL circuits used in the MacBook, manufactured by INTERSIL, contain a pulse-width modulator, which consists of a group of comparators. It is needed to form a different level of voltage on the mat circuit. fees. (5v, 3.3 volts, “duty room”) and their control, in different circuits.

SMC, PWM controller and ISL are involved in different processes that take place in a laptop. Their incorrect operation or failure is associated with:

  • - Short circuit in the circuit.
  • - A sharp drop in current in the network.
  • - Faulty components in Mac.

You can fix the problem by simply resoldering the components, but you won’t be able to detect the problem instantly. Specialists from the PlanetIPhone service can examine the board under a microscope for several hours in a row, looking for burned-out circuits, etc.

Of course, you can solve the question why the MacBook Air does not charge on its own! For a person in general, nothing is impossible! But then, you are most likely the owner of one of the Apple repair services or a very experienced shareholder who has professional equipment, access to the factory, with original components and has a huge amount of time to independently look for the cause.

Benefits of " PlanetiPhone " .

Summing up, we found out that there are a lot of reasons why the MacBook Pro battery is not charging. From a banal faulty unit or a charger clogged with dirt, to a short circuit in the microarchitecture. Bring it to "PlanetIPhone". We diagnose and fix all breakdowns for free. Here are a few more advantages that make us superior to all competitors.

  • - Free departure of the master to the address in Moscow.
  • - Diagnostics n a gift, even if you decide to postpone repairs until later!
  • - The lowest price in Moscow, including spare parts, labor and warranty.
  • - Warranty from 3 to 6 months. (it can be extended)
  • - All services are within walking distance from metro stations.

If you haven't found an answer to why your MacBook won't charge, come to PlanetiPhone for a free diagnostic.

Many users Apple devices agree that the autonomy of most of the company's gadgets does not meet their daily requirements. There are situations when it is not possible to connect your iPhone, iPad or MacBook to a power outlet, and certain tasks require an immediate solution.

For example, during a long flight or moving by car, many people prefer to spend time working or watching movies, but in today's realities, the battery charge of any Apple device will last for 4-5 hours of continuous operation. In this case, external batteries - power banks can help. Nowadays, only lazy manufacturers did not produce external batteries, so there are more than enough offers on the market. However, when choosing a power bank, you should pay attention to such features as battery capacity, support for fast charging and the number of ports. Everything else (mirror, wireless charger, flashlight, support for SIM cards, etc.) in an external "battery" is superfluous.

In this article, we have collected the best power banks that can charge not only the iPhone and iPad, but also the MacBook.

Mophie Powerstation XXL USB-C

This 19,500mAh battery delivers up to 30W of charging power, allowing you to charge two power-hungry devices at the same time. For example, it will not be difficult for a power bank to charge a MacBook and iPad at once. Even a 15-inch MacBook Pro can be charged, according to the manufacturer, but the process will be slow. The package includes USB-C / USB-C and USB-A / USB-C cables.

Price: from 7 320 rubles.

Xiaomi ZMI QB820 Power Bank

The 20,000 mAh external battery from ZMI has proven itself well in the power bank market. In addition to being able to charge multiple devices at the same time, it can also act as a USB-A hub for macbook. The model has the fastest charging speed of the external battery among devices of the same capacity.

Price: from 4 390 rubles.


The 20,000 mAh battery supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 accelerated charging technology, and is also capable of automatic mode change the current supplied to the connected device (Power Delivery), thanks to which you can charge any model of MacBook.

Price: from 3,899 rubles.

RAVPower AC Outlet 20100mAh Power Bank

It looks like an ordinary Powerbank for 20,100 mAh, equipped with USB-C ports and USB-A and one familiar connector for connecting any electrical equipment. The advantage of this model is a built-in 110V socket for connecting a low-power household appliances or any other compatible device.
