Unsuccessful android firmware. Android brick recovery

Many of us are familiar with such an operating system as Android. All owners of devices running this shell know that using Android is simple and convenient: your favorite applications, useful functions are always at hand, and the interface is so flexible that you can almost completely change it at your discretion.

"Brick" - what is it?

"Android" began its journey back in 2009, and since then the developers have been promoting and improving the shell, not knowing sleep and rest. Updates and new versions are released regularly. As a rule, a user buys a gadget with an operating system already installed on it, and the firmware of this version (operating system version) remains throughout the entire "life" of the device. But sometimes it needs to be reinstalled due to technical problems or at the user's own request. Then you have to carry your favorite device in service center, to an experienced master, and some are taken for flashing on their own.

Here, many novice users who are familiar with Android are at a level no higher than installing applications with Play market, "grow wings". They, having read various instructions in the vastness of the World Wide Web, they think that reinstalling the OS is a simple matter and that they can handle it themselves. In addition, they will save a certain amount that they would have taken at the service center. But soon such users realize that they have exaggerated their own strengths and cannot complete the flashing properly.

In this case, there are various scenarios for the development of events. The most unfortunate of them is when the phone turns into a brick. You may have heard this phrase before but didn't understand what it meant. "Bricking", or "bricking", a device means that it partially or completely stops working. That is, it does not turn on, does not respond to pressing buttons or connecting to a computer. Is it possible to restore the brick-"Android"? Yes, you certainly may. Hence the name - a brick, because the functionality of the gadget is now no more than that of a stone, and now you can only crack nuts with it. Bringing the device to such a state is quite difficult, it requires talent. But we hasten to please you - in any case, the device must be restored if you did not take the idea about nuts seriously, and the device itself is safe and sound. So, how to restore the "Android"-brick?

Why can a device become a brick?

In order to understand how to restore an "Android" brick, you first need to understand the mechanism by which the device turns into it. So to speak, go from the opposite. Yes, and once again it would be nice to still prove to users that without physical intervention in the case and internal structure of a smartphone or tablet, it cannot be completely "killed" and can be returned to work in the ways that we will discuss below. We will explain in simple terms. Your device contains It is located in internal memory and has no points of intersection with the operating system, that is, they are two independent substances. And even if failures, malfunctions or errors occur during the flashing process, this very console will remain intact and with it you can reinstall the firmware again. In addition, on this console you can do backup OS with all the necessary information.

Don't panic

The question is brewing: "And if there is something wrong with the console itself and it disappears?" The liquidation of the console occurs quite rarely, but even if it happened, the operating system will remain in place, and already out of it using special utilities you can restore the console. There are practically no cases when both the console and the operating system “fly away”, you just need to have enchanting luck in order to destroy these two shells at the same time, but recovery is also possible in this version.

How to restore a brick-"Android" at home

If you are good at technology, but for some reason you turned the device into a brick, you can restore it at home. There are several options in which scaling occurs. Let's analyze each case separately.

Unable to login to operating system

That is, the gadget itself shows signs of life, it can be turned on, but the firmware freezes endlessly, resets, or you just see the loading or turning on window on the screen, but in fact nothing happens. First, do not rush to conclusions. For example, people who do not understand how to restore the Chinese Android brick start to panic a few minutes after the power-up screen appears, but such a device needs even more time to “think” than a high-quality device. You can come to the realization that something went wrong only after 10-15 minutes after switching on.

Then your actions are as follows: turn off the device completely and go back to recovery mode (system console, being in which is an integral part of the flashing itself, so it is hardly necessary to talk about what it is and how to get there). After that, you can try again to install the same firmware as the first time. (Install zip from sdcard -> Chooze zip from sdcard) or make a system backup (Backup and restore -> Restore). Please note that if after the first attempt to reflash the device you could not log in, then perhaps the OS itself was of poor quality or not intended for your gadget, and you do not need to "install" it again. Pick up a different version or restore the old one. The same problems can occur if there was not enough battery power to complete the process or memory to install new system(device model outdated for new version firmware).

Unable to enter recovery mode after flashing

There is also such an option that after flashing the OS itself works fine, but it does not go into the console. Everything is fixable and much easier than you think. On the Play Market of the same name, you can find special programs designed to return recovery mode to you. For example, applications such as TWRP Manager or Installer does a great job. If your device is specific and similar utilities did not help you, then there are other ways to restore the "Android" brick of the console mode.

You "killed" both the firmware and the console mode

This happens very rarely, and if you were looking for how to restore the "Android" brick through a computer, then your time has come. You can't do without a PC. You will need to enter fastboot mode and perform a series of simple steps. We do not focus on this point, because each device model has its own way to enter this mode, and it is the type of gadget that determines all further user actions. How to restore "Android"-brick on a tablet? A number of actions are not much different from the procedure with a smartphone.

We told you about how to restore the "Android"-brick. Bring your gadget back to life and use it with pleasure!

Many of us are familiar with such an operating system as Android. All owners of devices running this shell know that using Android is simple and convenient: your favorite applications, useful functions are always at hand, and the interface is so flexible that you can almost completely change it at your discretion.

"Brick" - what is it?

"Android" began its journey back in 2009, and since then the developers have been promoting and improving the shell, not knowing sleep and rest. Updates and new versions are released regularly. As a rule, a user buys a gadget with an operating system already installed on it, and throughout the entire "life" of the device, the firmware of this version (operating system version) remains. But sometimes it needs to be reinstalled due to technical problems or at the user's own request. Then you have to carry your favorite device to a service center, to an experienced master, and some are taken for flashing on their own.

Here, for many novice users who are familiar with Android at a level no higher than installing applications from the Play Market, "wings grow". They, having read various instructions on the World Wide Web, think that reinstalling the OS is a simple matter and that they can handle it themselves. In addition, they will save a certain amount that they would have taken at the service center. But soon such users realize that they have exaggerated their own strengths and cannot complete the flashing properly.

In this case, there are various scenarios for the development of events. The most unfortunate of them is when the phone turns into a brick. You may have heard this phrase before but didn't understand what it meant. "Bricking", or "bricking", a device means that it partially or completely stops working. That is, it does not turn on, does not respond to pressing buttons or connecting to a computer. Is it possible to restore the brick-"Android"? Yes, you certainly may. Hence the name - a brick, because the functionality of the gadget is now no more than that of a stone, and now you can only crack nuts with it. Bringing the device to such a state is quite difficult, it requires talent. But we hasten to please you - in any case, the device must be restored if you did not take the idea about nuts seriously, and the device itself is safe and sound. So, how to restore the "Android"-brick?

Why can a device become a brick?

In order to understand how to restore an "Android" brick, you first need to understand the mechanism by which the device turns into it. So to speak, go from the opposite. Yes, and once again it would be nice to still prove to users that without physical intervention in the case and internal structure of a smartphone or tablet, it cannot be completely "killed" and can be returned to work in the ways that we will discuss below. We will explain in simple terms. Your device has a recovery console. It is located in the internal memory and has no intersection points with the operating system, that is, they are two independent substances. And even if failures, malfunctions or errors occur during the flashing process, this very console will remain intact and with it you can reinstall the firmware again. In addition, you can backup the OS with all the necessary information to this console.

Don't panic

The question is brewing: "And if there is something wrong with the console itself and it disappears?" The liquidation of the console is quite rare, but even if it happened, the operating system will remain in place, and it will be possible to restore the console from it using special utilities. There are practically no cases when both the console and the operating system “fly away”, you just need to have enchanting luck in order to destroy these two shells at the same time, but recovery is also possible in this version.

How to restore a brick-"Android" at home

If you are good at technology, but for some reason you turned the device into a brick, you can restore it at home. There are several options in which scaling occurs. Let's analyze each case separately.

Unable to login to operating system

That is, the gadget itself shows signs of life, it can be turned on, but the firmware freezes endlessly, resets, or you just see the loading or turning on window on the screen, but in fact nothing happens. First, do not rush to conclusions. For example, people who do not understand how to restore the Chinese Android brick start to panic a few minutes after the power-up screen appears, but such a device needs even more time to “think” than a high-quality device. You can come to the realization that something went wrong only after 10-15 minutes after switching on.

Then your actions are as follows: turn off the device completely and enter recovery mode again (the system console, being in which is an integral part of the flashing itself, so it is hardly necessary to talk about what it is and how to get there). After that, you can try again to install the same firmware as the first time (Install zip from sdcard -> Chooze zip from sdcard) or make a system backup (Backup and restore -> Restore). Please note that if after the first attempt to reflash the device you could not log in, then perhaps the OS itself was of poor quality or not intended for your gadget, and you do not need to "install" it again. Pick up a different version or restore the old one. The same problems can occur if there was not enough battery power to complete the process or memory to install a new system (the device model is outdated for the new firmware version).

Unable to enter recovery mode after flashing

There is also such an option that after flashing the OS itself works fine, but it does not go into the console. Everything is fixable and much easier than you think. On the Play Market of the same name, you can find special programs designed to return recovery mode to you. For example, applications such as TWRP Manager or Installer do a great job. If your device is specific and similar utilities did not help you, then there are other ways to restore the "Android" brick of the console mode.

You "killed" both the firmware and the console mode

This happens very rarely, and if you were looking for how to restore the "Android" brick through a computer, then your time has come. You can't do without a PC. You will need to enter fastboot mode and perform a series of simple steps. We do not focus on this point, because each device model has its own way to enter this mode, and it is the type of gadget that determines all further user actions. How to restore "Android"-brick on a tablet? A number of actions are not much different from the procedure with a smartphone.

We told you about how to restore the "Android"-brick. Bring your gadget back to life and use it with pleasure!


Android turned into a brick: device recovery methods

Scaling is a complete or partial loss of functionality of an Android device. Not a single user who independently flashes a gadget is immune from turning smart phone into a meaningless "brick", so the question of how to perform a recovery at home arises on various forums quite often.

Correction of the consequences of unsuccessful firmware

If the smartphone is constantly reset at boot or the logo is spinning on the screen for 5-10 minutes, but the system does not start, then technically this is not yet a “brick”. Such a device can be quickly restored through recovery menu by flashing it again.

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Hold down the volume down key and press the power button to get into the recovery menu.

You have two options - restore a backup if you did it (this is one of the main requirements for flashing), or flash the phone again. To start a backup, go to the "Backup and Restore" section and start restoring the previous system state.

To flash, select the "Install zip from sdcard" section and specify desired file operating system. This method fixes errors that occur when the firmware is incomplete: for example, when the phone turned off while writing files.

The reverse situation is that the firmware starts up, you can’t get into Recovery. This problem is even easier to fix: you can use the TWRP Manager, ROM Installer or ROM Manager applications to return the recovery console. These applications, after installation, determine the model of the smartphone and independently download the required recovery.

If the listed applications did not cope with the task, find the instructions for installing the Recovery Console for your mobile device model.

Restoration of the "brick"

Let's consider a more complicated option, when the smartphone really turns into a "brick" - neither the system nor the Recovery menu starts. It is also possible to restore it at home: for this you need to use the official firmware from the manufacturer. Consider the recovery procedure on the example of a Samsung phone:

Your "brick" will again become a workable device, returning to its original state.

Firmware with Flashtool

This method is suitable for Sony phones, but it can be applied to mobile devices from other manufacturers. You will need:

  • The "brick" itself that you want to restore.
  • Official firmware in FTF format.
  • Installed on a computer Flash tool with firmware drivers.

Before starting work, it is advisable to disable the antivirus and firewall in order to avoid incorrect operation of the Flashtool utility. In addition, when starting to restore the "brick", make sure that the phone is fully charged.

The recovery program will prepare the Android firmware and offer to connect the "brick" to the computer. Hold down the "Volume down" key on the device and connect the phone to the computer.

The Flashtool program must identify the "brick" connected to the computer and run the firmware on it. If the recovery is successful, then at the end of the log you will see the message “Flashing finished”. After that, you can disconnect the phone from the computer and turn it on - Android should start without errors.

Each manufacturer has its own flashing utility, so it's best to look for recovery instructions on specific model phone, turned into a "brick". If at home you return the device to operational state does not work, then it remains to contact the service center.


Android brick recovery

The loss of Android performance on a smartphone or tablet, or the so-called scaling, occurs for a variety of reasons. Most often, this is facilitated by incorrect firmware, which can turn an advanced phone into a useless brick. The question of whether it is possible to restore the gadget yourself is of interest to many users.

How to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful firmware

If after the logo appears when you turn it on, the system does not start for several minutes, or the boot is constantly reset, then this is not a “brick” and not everything is lost. To get the launch, you need to go to the Recovery menu from your smartphone and make a new flashing.

To do this, follow these steps:

If the gadget is on, you need to turn it off. Hold down the key with which the volume decreases and the power key. The Recovery menu opens, which offers 2 ways:

  1. restore the backup (this is the main requirement for the firmware, if the phone was flashed, then the backup was also restored). The backup starts running in the Backupand Restore section when you select the previous system position.
  2. flashing - is carried out by selecting the "Install zip fromsdcard" section, in which you need to specify the necessary component of the operating system. This option deals with the correction of incomplete recovery errors, which may occur, for example, due to the phone being turned off at the time of the file writing process.

Another situation may arise: when you start the firmware, you cannot enter Recovery. This is easily fixed: returning the console to fix the system is done special applications TWRP Manager, ROM Manager or Installer. These applications are designed to determine the model of the gadget and self download all the necessary components to run a suitable Recovery.

If none of the above programs fixed the error, you can find instructions for downloading the recovery console for a particular brand of smartphone or tablet.

How to restore a real “brick” Android

We have considered what can be done in case of incomplete loss of smartphone functionality. Now it's time to talk about how to restore a completely “dead” Android when nothing starts. It is not at all necessary to immediately go to the workshop, you can try to start the system at home using simple steps.

What to do, consider step by step:

  1. Install latest version Samsung USB drivers to your computer.
  2. Download and install the latest version of the Odin app.
  3. Download licensed firmware that is suitable for a specific model and country.
  4. Turn off the “brick”, then press the key that reduces the sound and the “Home” key. After a few seconds, a warning will appear on the screen.
  5. By pressing the button on the phone, which increases the sound, put it into Odin mode.
  6. Connect the gadget to the computer.
  7. Start Odin, press PDA, in it designate the tar.md5 file in the directory with the firmware.
  8. Press the "Start" key, start the recovery, wait for the end of the operation.
  9. Hurray, the “brick” has earned!

How to flash a smartphone with Flashtool

This option is 100% applicable to Sony phones, however, devices from other brands can be restored in the same way.

What do you need:

  • "brick" Android;
  • licensed firmware in FTF format;
  • Flashtool program installed on the computer, firmware drivers for it;
  • disabled antivirus, firewall, which can react to Flashtool as a virus component;
  • it is enough to charge the phone well so that it does not turn off at the time of recovery.

Step-by-step instructions for recovering via Flashtool

Each manufacturer of gadgets based on the Android OS also has its own utility for flashing. If it happens that the phone or tablet turns into a “brick”, you should first of all choose instructions for your model. If all the above attempts to restore the device were in vain, you should contact a professional workshop.


Bringing a broken smartphone back to life - "Hacker"

Most of the articles in the X-Mobile column are devoted to hacks and tweaks that require obtaining root rights, modifying the firmware or replacing it with a custom one. However, not every reader is ready to expose their smartphone to such operations, fearing that they can turn the device into a brick or lead to instability in operation. Today I will debunk these myths and show that even in the most stalemate situation, bringing a smartphone back to life is not so difficult.

Let's talk about what it is to “turn a smartphone into a brick” and what other pitfalls a user can expect on the way to changing the system and installing custom firmware. What glitches can be caught at the same time and is it possible to kill a smartphone by flashing it incorrectly? Will you lose the warranty forever or can the smartphone be returned to its previous state? Can custom firmware really let down a smartphone owner at the most inopportune moment and are they worth it?

Myth 1. Incorrect flashing can kill a smartphone

A fall from the fifth floor can kill a smartphone, but not a flashing. The main problem that anyone who wants to flash a smartphone faces is that during the installation of the firmware, a failure can occur, which will lead to its inoperability, and the smartphone will actually turn into a brick.

All this is true, but only on paper. To understand why, it is enough to understand how the process of flashing a smartphone works and what system components while being used. To be able to install third-party firmware on your smartphone, you need to unlock the bootloader (not in all cases), get root and install a custom recovery console (ClockworkMod or TWRP) that can install firmware with any digital signature.

TWRP recovery console

The recovery console is stored in a separate section of the internal NAND-memory and is in no way associated with the installed operating system. After installing a modified version of the console, it will be possible to flash custom firmware or even another OS (Firefox OS, for example). If a failure occurs during the installation of the firmware, the smartphone will not be able to boot it, however, the recovery console will remain in place, and all that needs to be done is to boot into recovery again and reinstall the firmware.

In addition, any custom recovery console contains a backup / restore function that allows you to backup the main firmware and restore it unchanged (with all applications, settings and data) in case something goes wrong. In fact, the smartphone can be returned to its original state.

Before flashing, be sure to make a backup using the custom recovery console You can restore a backup using the Nandroid Manager Android application

You may ask: what happens if there is a failure during the installation of the Recovery Console itself? Nothing, in this case the reverse situation will turn out, when the operating system itself will remain in place, and the console will be lost. To deal with it, just re-flash recovery directly from Android.

Hypothetically, one can imagine a situation where both the firmware and the recovery console are killed (although this is quite difficult to do), but even in this case, the primary bootloader flashed in permanent memory smartphone.

Conclusion: kill the smartphone by installing third-party firmware through a custom recovery console, it's not possible. Either recovery or the primary bootloader will always remain in place.

Myth 2. Custom firmware is unreliable

Firmware firmware is different. On the World Wide Web, you can find a huge number of Android assemblies for every taste and color, and most of them are really slag, which can lead to instability in the smartphone and loss of some functionality. Therefore, the first thing to remember is that you should only deal with serious custom firmware developed by large teams of experienced developers. First of all, these are CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, AOKP, OmniROM and MIUI.

Second. There are two types of firmware: officially supported and ported by third-party developers. The same CyanogenMod, for example, has official version for the Nexus 4 smartphone, but does not have one for the Motorola Defy. But for Defy there is an unofficial port of CyanogenMod 11 from a developer with the nickname Quarx. Their difference lies in the fact that the CyanogenMod team is responsible for the support and proper operation of the first, while the second is Quarx personally. Official firmware versions are usually fully functional, but the correct operation of the latter depends on a third-party developer.

Well, the third. There are stable and development versions of the firmware. stable CyanogenMod versions have an index M (CyanogenMod 11.0 M7, for example). This version of the firmware usually does not contain bugs. Development versions (in the case of CyanogenMod, these are daily nightly builds) may contain bugs and are therefore not recommended for everyday use.

Conclusion: if you install a stable official version of the “normal” firmware on your smartphone, the risk of running into bugs is minimal. Everything else is for experimenters.

Myth 3. Software that requires root rights can corrupt a smartphone

In theory, an application with root rights can do anything with the firmware of a smartphone, including erasing it completely. Therefore, with such software, you must be extremely careful. The software that we talk about on the pages of the magazine is completely safe and tested on its own skin. In addition, for all the time I have been using smartphones on Android (and this is since version 1.5), I have never encountered a situation where root-supported software would kill a smartphone.

Software distributed through Google Play, usually fully corresponds to the declared characteristics, and if it led to a brick or left a backdoor in the bowels of the smartphone, it would not last even a week in the store. In any case, here you need to follow the “trust but verify” rule and carefully read the instructions for using root applications.

Myth 4. Root rights make the smartphone vulnerable to viruses

It is not root rights that make a smartphone vulnerable to viruses, but the bugs used to obtain them. Rooting tools and viruses can use the same Android vulnerabilities to gain root permissions, so the mere fact that the device is rooted does not change anything. A well-written virus will not ask for permissions in a standard way, giving away its presence, it will instead take advantage of the same vulnerability to get them stealthily.

Moreover, having root, you get the opportunity to install the latest version of Android (in the form of custom firmware), in which these bugs have already been fixed. Also, do not forget that most custom firmwares allow you to disable root or create whitelists of applications that can use these rights.

Myth 5. A rooted smartphone can fail

Rooting software does four simple things: runs an exploit that allows you to gain root permissions on the system, mounts the /system partition in writable mode, copies the su binary required to gain root rights later on into the /system/xbin directory, and installs a SuperSU or SuperUser application that will take control every time any application asks for root permissions with su.

None of these steps can crash or kill a smartphone. The only thing that can happen is that the exploit will cause a segmentation error and the smartphone will go into reboot, after which it will continue to work normally.

All requests for root rights can be tracked using SuperSU or the built-in custom firmware function
Myth 6. Rooting and installing custom firmware will void my warranty.

The warranty is lost not from the very fact of getting root, but because of its discovery by the service center. Most devices can be unrooted using the Universal Unroot app, or by reinstalling stock firmware using the manufacturer's official app.

There are, however, two exceptions to this rule. The first is the Knox system pre-installed on new smartphones and Samsung tablets, such as Galaxy S4, S5, Note 3 and Note 10.1. Knox provides an increased level of Android security by responding to any firmware modifications and the installation of third-party kernels and firmware. In the event that the user performs these actions, the system sets a trigger that confirms the fact of modification. The trigger is implemented in hardware (eFuse chip), so resetting it to its initial position will not work. On the other hand, it is not entirely clear whether the service center will refuse to repair the device on this basis. Secondly, the eFuse chip is also installed on some other devices (for example, smartphones from LG), and it also allows you to accurately determine whether the smartphone has been rooted or flashed.

If we talk about custom firmware, everything is more complicated here. Usually, the flashing operation requires unlocking the bootloader, and this can be done either using special exploits or using the smartphone manufacturer's web service. In any case, the unlocked bootloader will definitely indicate that the smartphone belonged to a far from blonde woman.

On some smartphones, it is possible to lock the bootloader back, but you should learn about this separately, and keep in mind that a newly locked bootloader will most likely receive the Re-locked status, and not Locked, as it was originally (this happens on HTC smartphones, for example). The only exceptions here are smartphones and tablets of the Nexus line, the bootloader of which can be locked and unlocked in three clicks without any dancing with a tambourine, and no one will find fault with anything.

On Linux, ADB and Fastboot can be installed separately from the Android SDK. On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot. On Fedora: sudo yum install android-tools.

To prevent the Knox system from interfering with root applications, you can disable it using the following command from the terminal: su pm disable com.sec.knox.seandroid.


Getting root and flashing a smartphone are absolutely safe operations that cannot corrupt a smartphone for purely technical reasons. The only exception is an attempt to hack the bootloader in order to unlock it. In this case, the eFuse chip (if there is one in the smartphone) may work and block the ability to turn on the smartphone.

Fortunately, today smartphone manufacturers either prefer not to block the ability to turn on a smartphone with a hacked bootloader (by setting a trigger indicating the fact of such an action, as Knox does), or implement a special web service that allows you to painlessly unlock the bootloader with a loss of smartphone warranty. which saves users from having to risk breaking the bootloader.

So, now let's talk about what problems can arise when getting root and flashing and how to deal with them.

Scenario one: after an unsuccessful flashing, the smartphone stopped loading

Unsuccessful flashing can be caused by several factors: the battery is dead, and the firmware is only half full, the firmware turned out to be faulty or intended for a different smartphone model. In the end, the smartphone simply did not have enough space, which can happen when trying to install the latest version of Android on a smartphone three or four years ago.

Outwardly, all these problems usually manifest themselves either in endless resets of the smartphone to the initial logo of the manufacturer, or in the so-called boot-loop, when the loading animation spins on the screen for more than five to ten minutes. There are also problems with the screen (multi-colored ripples) and a non-working touch screen, which also prevent the use of a smartphone.

In all these cases, it is enough to do one simple thing: turn off the smartphone by long pressing the power button, then turn it on with the volume down button held down (some smartphones use a different combination), and after you get into recovery, reinstall the firmware (Install zip from sdcard - > Chooze zip from sdcard) or restore backup (Backup and restore -> Restore). Everything is easy and simple.

Scenario two: firmware works, but recovery is not available

This can happen after a failed installation or update of the Recovery Console. The problem is that after rebooting the smartphone and turning it on with the volume down button held down, a black screen appears, after which the smartphone either resets or hangs.

Solving this problem is not easy, but very simple. You can install the recovery console on the vast majority of smartphones using the TWRP Manager, ROM Manager or ROM Installer applications. They themselves determine the smartphone model, download and flash the required recovery without requiring a reboot. If with their help it is not possible to restore the console, it is enough to find instructions on the Web for recovery installation to your device.

ROM Manager allows you to install recovery in two taps
Scenario three: neither firmware nor recovery is available

To be honest, it is difficult for me to imagine such a scenario, but, as practice shows, it is quite real. There are two ways to get out of this situation: use fastboot to upload recovery to your smartphone, or use a tool from the manufacturer to install stock firmware. We will take a closer look at the second method in the next section, and I will talk about fastboot here.

Fastboot is a tool that works directly with the primary bootloader of the device and allows you to upload firmware to your smartphone, recover and unlock the bootloader (in Nexus devices). Fastboot support is available in many smartphones and tablets, but some manufacturers block the ability to use it. So you will have to consult the Internet about its availability.

To access fastboot, you will need drivers and the Android SDK. When they are installed, open the command line, go to the SDK installation directory, then to the platform-tools directory, turn off the smartphone, turn it on with the volume buttons held down (both) and connect it with a USB cable to the PC. Next, you need to find the recovery image in .img format for your device and run the command:

$fastboot flash recovery image.img

Or even force the smartphone to download recovery without actually installing it:

$ fastboot boot image.img

In the same way, you can flash official update firmware:

$ fastboot update update-file.zip

You can find a recovery suitable for your device either on the TWRP website or in the XDA-Developers and w3bsit3-dns.com forums.

In this section, I will talk about ways to return a smartphone to a clean drain, no matter what state it is in. These instructions can be used both for scratching a smartphone and for removing traces of rooting and flashing. Unfortunately I can't tell you all. possible models, so I will focus on the four most popular flagships: Nexus 5 (I call this instance the control), Galaxy S5, LG G2 and Sony Xperia Z2.

Nexus 5 and other Google phones

Restoring Nexus devices to their original state is easier than any other smartphone or tablet. In fact, it is so simple that there is not even anything to talk about. In fact, all you need to do is install the ADB / fastboot drivers (on Linux you don't even need them), download the firmware archive and run the script. Step by step, the whole operation looks like this:

  1. Download and install the Android SDK.
  2. Download the archive with the firmware for the desired device from the Google website.
  3. Turn off the device, turn it on with the volume buttons pressed (both) and connect using a USB cable.
  4. Unpack the archive with the firmware and run the flash-all.bat (Windows) or flash-all.sh (Linux) script and wait for the operation to complete.
  5. We launch the command line, go to the directory with the Android SDK, then platfrom-tools and execute the fastboot oem lock command to lock the bootloader.

For those who are wondering what the script does, here is a list of commands:

Fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-DEVICE-NAME-VERSION.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash radio radio-DEVICE-NAME-VERSION.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash system system.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash userdata userdata.img fastboot flash recovery recovery.img fastboot flash boot boot.img fastboot erase cache fastboot flash cache cache.img

Galaxy S5

So Galaxy smartphone S5 is a little more complicated, but overall pretty simple. This time you will need the Samsung Odin application, with which the smartphone will be flashed. Sequencing:

  1. Download and install the latest Samsung USB drivers from here.
  2. Download and install the latest version of Odin from here.
  3. We go to the site samfirmware.com, enter the SM-G900F model in the search, find the firmware marked Russia, download and unpack.
  4. We turn off the smartphone and turn it on with the volume down and "Home" buttons held down, wait five seconds until a warning message appears.
  5. Press the volume up button to put the smartphone into Odin mode.
  6. We connect the smartphone using a USB cable.
  7. We launch Odin, press the PDA button and select the file with the tar.md5 extension inside the directory with the unpacked firmware.
  8. Press the Start button in Odin and wait until the firmware process is completed.

As I said, this operation will return the smartphone to its original state, but will not reset the trigger set by the Knox system (if it was in the standard firmware). Therefore, the service center may refuse to repair.

Odin in person Odin is even in mobile version

Restoring the LG G2 to its factory state will also not cause any problems. The number of steps in this process is somewhat larger, but in themselves they do not require special training and knowledge. So what to do to return to G2 factory firmware:

  1. Download and install ADB Driver Installer from here.
  2. Download the official firmware (Europe Open 32G or Europe Open) from here.
  3. Download and install LG Mobile Support Tool, as well as FlashTool (goo.gl/NE26IQ).
  4. Turn off the smartphone, hold down the volume up button and insert the USB cable.
  5. Expand the FlashTool archive and run the UpTestEX.exe file.
  6. In the window that opens, select Select Type -> 3GQCT, Phone Mode -> DIAG, in the Select KDZ file option, select the firmware downloaded in the second step.
  7. Press the CSE Flash button at the bottom of the screen.
  8. In the window that opens, click Start.
  9. In the next window, select the country and language and click Ok.
  10. We are waiting for the end of the firmware, and then turn off and turn on the smartphone.

It's all. But keep in mind that, just like with Samsung, the smartphone will still be rooted, and this cannot be fixed.

Sony Xperia Z2

Now about how to return to the factory state Sony smartphone Xperia Z2. As in the previous two cases, this will require stock firmware and the official firmware utility. You run the utility on your PC, connect your smartphone with a USB cable, and start the update process. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Download and install ADB Driver Installer from here.
  2. We reset the smartphone to factory settings.
  3. Download and install Flash Tool from the official Sony website and latest firmware from here.
  4. Copy the firmware file to the C:/Flashtool/Firmwares directory.
  5. We turn off the smartphone and turn it on while holding down the volume down and "Home" keys.
  6. We connect the smartphone to the PC using a USB cable and run the Flash Tool.
  7. Press the button with the lightning bolt icon in the Flash Tool. In the window that opens, select Flashmode, double-click on the firmware in the list that opens.

In many smartphones, the unlocked bootloader will not allow you to update over the air.

In 90% of cases, unlocking the bootloader will delete all data from the smartphone, including the memory card.

Flashing a smartphone, and even more so getting root access, is not at all such scary and dangerous operations as they might seem at first glance. If you do everything right and do not resort to tools that unlock the smartphone's bootloader bypassing the manufacturer's tools, you will not be able to corrupt the smartphone. Yes, in some cases you will have to tinker to get everything back in place, but what is better - to use a locked smartphone that does not allow you to do half of the things that it is capable of, or to get full control over the machine? After all, reinstalling Windows on a PC doesn't scare anyone.


Restoring Android "brick"

There are cases when, after trying to install custom firmware on Android, unlock Superuser rights (root access) or delete system data, the device stops functioning. This manifests itself in the inability to log into the mobile device and even load the environment. Recovery. This state of the phone or tablet is popularly called "brick".

No matter how serious the problem of “bricking” may seem, in most cases you can reanimate the gadget at home. Consider how to restore Android if it has turned into a "brick".

Ways to reanimate Android when "bricking"

There are three effective methods android recovery when they lose their functionality:

  • using the standard recovery environment Recovery;
  • through custom recovery;
  • through a computer and special software.

Which method to use directly depends on the state of the system on the device.

If, when trying to enter the working area of ​​the device, there are constant reboots or the phone freezes on the system logo, but the Recovery environment is working, then you are lucky, since you can restore the Android firmware through it. For this you need:

After the reboot, the factory settings should appear on the smartphone. If Hard Reset did not help fix the problem, try to reanimate Android after unsuccessful firmware using a previously created system backup or a firmware file downloaded from the Internet.

To restore Android from a previously created backup, you need to do the following:

If you didn’t take care of creating a return point in advance, then you can return Android to work on a tablet or smartphone using the downloaded firmware. In this case, we animate the gadget as follows:

  1. Download the firmware file for your model to the PC Android devices. This should be done only from trusted sources.
  2. We take out the memory card from the device and connect it to the computer through the card reader.
  3. Copy the downloaded file there.
  4. We return the micro sd to the phone.
  5. We enter Recovery and select the item marked in the figure.
  6. Specify the path to the firmware and start resuscitation.

After it was possible to restore the "brick" of Android, the downloaded file can be deleted.

Using custom recovery

If the “bricking” led to the crash of not only the operating system, but also the standard Recovery, then you can restore the system using a custom resuscitation environment - the CWM Recovery program.

Before restoring the “brick” on Android, you need to install Modrkaveri on the problem device:

The installation of CWM Recovery will begin, at the end of which the smartphone can be disconnected from the computer and proceed directly to resuscitation:

After performing these steps and rebooting, the phone (tablet) should work.

Resuscitation of the "brick" through a PC and special software

Considering how to restore Android after “bricking”, it is worth noting specialized software developed individually for each manufacturer mobile devices. So, the FlashTool recovery program is used for Sony gadgets and some other brands, and Odin is used for Samsung.

Let's return the functionality of the "brick" with using Odin:

The process will start automatic recovery system, after which you can again enjoy your working device.

| 03.12.2018 03.12.2018 | Vitaly Kairov

Method 2: QFIL (for devices based on Qualcomm processor)

If in fastboot mode I can't log in, i.e. the bootloader is also disabled and the gadget does not react to anything at all, you will have to use other tools that are individual for specific categories of devices. So, for a number of smartphones and tablets based on a processor from Qualcomm, the most cardinal solution in this case is the QFIL utility, which is part of software package QPST.

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader, and this is how the name of the program is deciphered, allows you to restore, it would seem, completely “dead” devices. The tool is suitable for devices from Lenovo and models from some other manufacturers. The algorithm of its use by us was considered in detail in the following material.

Method 3: MiFlash (for Xiaomi mobile devices)

For flashing smartphones of its own production, Xiaomi offers to use the MiFlash utility. It is also suitable for the "resuscitation" of the corresponding gadgets. At the same time, devices running under the control of the Qualcomm processor can also be restored using the QFil program mentioned in the previous method.

If we talk about the direct procedure for "scratching" a mobile device using MiFlash, we only note that it does not cause any particular difficulties. Simply follow the link below to view our detailed instruction and in order to perform all the actions proposed in it.

Method 4: SP FlashTool (for devices based on MTK processor)

If you "caught a brick" on a mobile device with a processor from MediaTek, there should most often be no particular reason for concern. The multifunctional program SP Flash Tool will help bring such a smartphone or tablet back to life.

This software can function in three different modes, but only one is intended directly for restoring MTK devices - “Format All + Download”. You can learn more about what it is and how to revive a damaged device by implementing it, in the article presented at the link below.

Method 5: Odin (for Samsung mobile devices)

Owners of smartphones and tablets manufactured by the Korean company Samsung can also easily restore them from the “brick” state. All that is needed for this - Odin program and a special multi-file (service) firmware.

As with all the “revival” methods mentioned in this article, we also talked about this in detail in a separate material, which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.


From this short article, you learned how to restore an Android smartphone or tablet that is in a "brick" state. Usually, for solving various kinds of problems and troubleshooting, we offer several equivalent methods so that users have plenty to choose from, but this is clearly not the case. How exactly can you "revive" the non-working mobile device, depends not only on the manufacturer and model, but also on which processor it is based on. If you have any questions about the topic we have reviewed or the articles to which we link here, feel free to ask them in the comments.


Most of the articles in the X-Mobile column are devoted to hacks and tweaks that require obtaining root rights, modifying the firmware or replacing it with a custom one. However, not every reader is ready to expose their smartphone to such operations, fearing that they can turn the device into a brick or lead to instability in operation. Today I will debunk these myths and show that even in the most stalemate situation, bringing a smartphone back to life is not so difficult.

Destroying myths

Let's talk about what it is to “turn a smartphone into a brick” and what other pitfalls a user can expect on the way to changing the system and installing custom firmware. What glitches can be caught at the same time and is it possible to kill a smartphone by flashing it incorrectly? Will you lose the warranty forever or can the smartphone be returned to its previous state? Can custom firmware really let down a smartphone owner at the most inopportune moment and are they worth it?

Myth 1. Incorrect flashing can kill a smartphone

A fall from the fifth floor can kill a smartphone, but not a flashing. The main problem that anyone who wants to flash a smartphone faces is that during the installation of the firmware, a failure can occur, which will lead to its inoperability, and the smartphone will actually turn into a brick.

All this is true, but only on paper. To understand why, it is enough to understand how the smartphone flashing process works and what system components are used. To be able to install third-party firmware on your smartphone, you need to unlock the bootloader (not in all cases), get root and install a custom recovery console (ClockworkMod or TWRP) that can install firmware with any digital signature.

The recovery console is stored in a separate section of the internal NAND-memory and is in no way associated with the installed operating system. After installing a modified version of the console, it will be possible to flash custom firmware or even another OS (Firefox OS, for example). If a failure occurs during the installation of the firmware, the smartphone will not be able to boot it, however, the recovery console will remain in place, and all that needs to be done is to boot into recovery again and reinstall the firmware.

In addition, any custom recovery console contains a backup / restore function that allows you to backup the main firmware and restore it unchanged (with all applications, settings and data) in case something goes wrong. In fact, the smartphone can be returned to its original state.

You may ask: what happens if there is a failure during the installation of the Recovery Console itself? Nothing, in this case the reverse situation will turn out, when the operating system itself will remain in place, and the console will be lost. To deal with it, just re-flash recovery directly from Android.

Hypothetically, one can imagine a situation where both the firmware and the recovery console are killed (although this is quite difficult to do), but even in this case, the primary bootloader, flashed into the permanent memory of the smartphone, will always remain in place.

Conclusion: it is impossible to kill a smartphone by installing third-party firmware through a custom recovery console. Either recovery or the primary bootloader will always remain in place.

Myth 2. Custom firmware is unreliable

Firmware firmware is different. On the World Wide Web, you can find a huge number of Android assemblies for every taste and color, and most of them are really slag, which can lead to instability in the smartphone and loss of some functionality. Therefore, the first thing to remember is that you should only deal with serious custom firmware developed by large teams of experienced developers. First of all, these are CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, AOKP, OmniROM and MIUI.

Second. There are two types of firmware: officially supported and ported by third-party developers. The same CyanogenMod, for example, has an official version for the Nexus 4 smartphone, but does not have one for the Motorola Defy. But for Defy there is an unofficial port of CyanogenMod 11 from a developer with the nickname Quarx. Their difference lies in the fact that the CyanogenMod team is responsible for the support and proper operation of the first, while the second is Quarx personally. Official firmware versions are usually fully functional, but the correct operation of the latter depends on a third-party developer.

Well, the third. There are stable and development versions of the firmware. Stable versions of CyanogenMod have the index M (CyanogenMod 11.0 M7, for example). This version of the firmware usually does not contain bugs. Development versions (in the case of CyanogenMod, these are daily nightly builds) may contain bugs and are therefore not recommended for everyday use.

Conclusion: if you install a stable official version of the “normal” firmware on your smartphone, the risk of running into bugs is minimal. Everything else is for experimenters.

Myth 3. Software that requires root rights can corrupt a smartphone

In theory, an application with root rights can do anything with the firmware of a smartphone, including erasing it completely. Therefore, with such software, you must be extremely careful. The software that we talk about on the pages of the magazine is completely safe and tested on its own skin. In addition, for the entire time of using smartphones on Android (and this is starting from version 1.5), I never did not encounter a situation where root-supported software would kill a smartphone.

Software distributed through Google Play usually fully complies with the declared characteristics, and if it led to a brick or left a backdoor in the bowels of a smartphone, it would not last even a week in the store. In any case, here you need to follow the “trust but verify” rule and carefully read the instructions for using root applications.

Myth 4. Root rights make the smartphone vulnerable to viruses

It is not root rights that make a smartphone vulnerable to viruses, but the bugs used to obtain them. Rooting tools and viruses can use the same Android vulnerabilities to gain root permissions, so the mere fact that the device is rooted does not change anything. A well-written virus will not ask for permissions in the standard way, giving away its presence, instead it will take advantage of the same vulnerability to get them stealthily.

Moreover, having root, you get the opportunity to install the latest version of Android (in the form of custom firmware), in which these bugs have already been fixed. Also, do not forget that most custom firmwares allow you to disable root or create whitelists of applications that can use these rights.

Myth 5. A rooted smartphone can fail

Rooting software does four simple things: runs an exploit that allows you to gain root permissions on the system, mounts the /system partition in writable mode, copies the su binary required to gain root rights later on into the /system/xbin directory, and installs a SuperSU or SuperUser application that will take control every time any application asks for root permissions with su.

None of these steps can crash or kill a smartphone. The only thing that can happen is that the exploit will cause a segmentation error and the smartphone will go into reboot, after which it will continue to work normally.

Myth 6. Rooting and installing custom firmware will void my warranty.

The warranty is lost not from the very fact of getting root, but because of its discovery by the service center. Most devices can be unrooted using the Universal Unroot app, or by reinstalling stock firmware using the manufacturer's official app.

There are, however, two exceptions to this rule. The first is the Knox system, which is preinstalled on new Samsung smartphones and tablets such as the Galaxy S4, S5, Note 3 and Note 10.1. Knox provides an increased level of Android security by responding to any firmware modifications and the installation of third-party kernels and firmware. In the event that the user performs these actions, the system sets a trigger that confirms the fact of modification. The trigger is implemented in hardware (eFuse chip), so resetting it to its initial position will not work. On the other hand, it is not entirely clear whether the service center will refuse to repair the device on this basis. Secondly, the eFuse chip is also installed on some other devices (for example, smartphones from LG), and it also allows you to accurately determine whether the smartphone has been rooted or flashed.

If we talk about custom firmware, everything is more complicated. Usually, the flashing operation requires unlocking the bootloader, and this can be done either using special exploits or using the smartphone manufacturer's web service. In any case, the unlocked bootloader will definitely indicate that the smartphone belonged to a far from blonde woman.

On some smartphones, it is possible to lock the bootloader back, but you should learn about this separately, and also keep in mind that a newly locked bootloader will most likely receive the Re-locked status, and not Locked, as it was originally (this happens on HTC smartphones, for example). The only exceptions here are smartphones and tablets of the Nexus line, the bootloader of which can be locked and unlocked in three clicks without any dancing with a tambourine, and no one will find fault with anything.


On Linux, ADB and Fastboot can be installed separately from the Android SDK. On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot. On Fedora: sudo yum install android-tools.

To prevent the Knox system from interfering with root applications, you can disable it using the following command from the terminal: su pm disable com.sec.knox.seandroid.


Getting root and flashing a smartphone are absolutely safe operations that cannot corrupt a smartphone for purely technical reasons. The only exception is an attempt to hack the bootloader in order to unlock it. In this case, the eFuse chip (if there is one in the smartphone) may work and block the ability to turn on the smartphone.

Fortunately, today smartphone manufacturers either prefer not to block the ability to turn on a smartphone with a hacked bootloader (by setting a trigger indicating the fact of such an action, as Knox does), or implement a special web service that allows you to painlessly unlock the bootloader with a loss of smartphone warranty. which saves users from having to risk breaking the bootloader.

Problems that may arise when flashing

So, now let's talk about what problems can arise when getting root and flashing and how to deal with them.

Scenario one: after an unsuccessful flashing, the smartphone stopped loading

Unsuccessful flashing can be caused by several factors: the battery is dead, and the firmware is only half full, the firmware turned out to be faulty or intended for a different smartphone model. In the end, the smartphone simply did not have enough space, which can happen when trying to install the latest version of Android on a smartphone three or four years ago.

Outwardly, all these problems usually manifest themselves either in endless resets of the smartphone to the initial logo of the manufacturer, or in the so-called boot-loop, when the loading animation spins on the screen for more than five to ten minutes. There are also problems with the screen (multi-colored ripples) and a non-working touch screen, which also prevent the use of a smartphone.

In all these cases, it is enough to do one simple thing: turn off the smartphone by long pressing the power button, then turn it on with the volume down button held down (some smartphones use a different combination), and after you get into recovery, reinstall the firmware (Install zip from sdcard - > Chooze zip from sdcard) or restore backup (Backup and restore -> Restore). Everything is easy and simple.

Scenario two: firmware works, but recovery is not available

This can happen after a failed installation or update of the Recovery Console. The problem is that after rebooting the smartphone and turning it on with the volume down button held down, a black screen appears, after which the smartphone either resets or hangs.

Solving this problem is not easy, but very simple. You can install the recovery console on the vast majority of smartphones using the TWRP Manager, ROM Manager or ROM Installer applications. They themselves determine the smartphone model, download and flash the required recovery without requiring a reboot. If with their help it is not possible to restore the console, it is enough to find instructions on the Web for installing recovery on your device.

Scenario three: neither firmware nor recovery is available

To be honest, it is difficult for me to imagine such a scenario, but, as practice shows, it is quite real. There are two ways to get out of this situation: use fastboot to upload recovery to your smartphone, or use a tool from the manufacturer to install stock firmware. We will take a closer look at the second method in the next section, and I will talk about fastboot here.

Fastboot is a tool that works directly with the primary bootloader of the device and allows you to upload firmware to your smartphone, recover and unlock the bootloader (in Nexus devices). Fastboot support is available in many smartphones and tablets, but some manufacturers block the ability to use it. So you will have to consult the Internet about its availability.

To access fastboot, you will need drivers and the Android SDK. When they are installed, open the command line, go to the SDK installation directory, then to the platform-tools directory, turn off the smartphone, turn it on with the volume buttons held down (both) and connect it with a USB cable to the PC. Next, you need to find the recovery image in .img format for your device and run the command:

$ fastboot flash recovery image.img

Or even force the smartphone to download recovery without actually installing it:

$ fastboot boot image.img

In the same way, you can flash official firmware update:

$ fastboot update update-file.zip

You can find a recovery suitable for your device either on the TWRP website, or in the XDA-Developers and w3bsit3-dns.com forums.

We return the smartphone to its original state

In this section, I will talk about ways to return a smartphone to a clean drain, no matter what state it is in. These instructions can be used both for scratching a smartphone and for removing traces of rooting and flashing. Unfortunately, I can't talk about all the possible models, so I'll focus on the four most popular flagships: the Nexus 5 (I call this instance the control), Galaxy S5, LG G2 and Sony Xperia Z2.

Nexus 5 and other Google phones

Restoring Nexus devices to their original state is easier than any other smartphone or tablet. In fact, it is so simple that there is not even anything to talk about. In fact, all you need to do is install the ADB / fastboot drivers (on Linux you don't even need them), download the firmware archive and run the script. Step by step, the whole operation looks like this:

  1. from here.
  2. Download and install the Android SDK.
  3. Download the archive with the firmware for the desired device from the Google website.
  4. Turn off the device, turn it on with the volume buttons pressed (both) and connect using a USB cable.
  5. Unpack the archive with the firmware and run the flash-all.bat (Windows) or flash-all.sh (Linux) script and wait for the operation to complete.
  6. We launch the command line, go to the directory with the Android SDK, then platfrom-tools and execute the fastboot oem lock command to lock the bootloader.

For those who are wondering what the script does, here is a list of commands:

Fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-DEVICE-NAME-VERSION.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash radio radio-DEVICE-NAME-VERSION.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash system system.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash userdata userdata.img fastboot flash recovery recovery.img fastboot flash boot boot.img fastboot erase cache fastboot flash cache cache.img

Galaxy S5

With the Galaxy S5 smartphone, everything is somewhat more complicated, but overall it is quite simple. This time you will need the Samsung Odin application, with which the smartphone will be flashed. Sequencing:

  1. Download and install the latest Samsung USB drivers from here.
  2. Download and install the latest version of Odin from here.
  3. We go to the site samfirmware.com, enter the SM-G900F model in the search, find the firmware marked Russia, download and unpack.
  4. We turn off the smartphone and turn it on with the volume down and "Home" buttons held down, wait five seconds until a warning message appears.
  5. Press the volume up button to put the smartphone into Odin mode.
  6. We connect the smartphone using a USB cable.
  7. We launch Odin, press the PDA button and select the file with the tar.md5 extension inside the directory with the unpacked firmware.
  8. Press the Start button in Odin and wait until the firmware process is completed.

As I said, this operation will return the smartphone to its original state, but will not reset the trigger set by the Knox system (if it was in the standard firmware). Therefore, the service center may refuse to repair.


Restoring the LG G2 to its factory state will also not cause any problems. The number of steps in this process is somewhat larger, but in themselves they do not require special training and knowledge. So, what to do to return the factory firmware to the G2:

  1. Download and install ADB Driver Installer from here.
  2. Download the official firmware (Europe Open 32G or Europe Open) from here.
  3. Download and install LG Mobile Support Tool and FlashTool (goo.gl/NE26IQ).
  4. Turn off the smartphone, hold down the volume up button and insert the USB cable.
  5. Expand the FlashTool archive and run the UpTestEX.exe file.
  6. In the window that opens, select Select Type -> 3GQCT, Phone Mode -> DIAG, in the Select KDZ file option, select the firmware downloaded in the second step.
  7. Press the CSE Flash button at the bottom of the screen.
  8. In the window that opens, click Start.
  9. In the next window, select the country and language and click Ok.
  10. We are waiting for the end of the firmware, and then turn off and turn on the smartphone.

It's all. But keep in mind that, just like with Samsung, the smartphone will still be rooted, and this cannot be fixed.

Sony Xperia Z2

Now about how to return the Sony Xperia Z2 smartphone to the factory state. As in the previous two cases, this will require stock firmware and the official firmware utility. You run the utility on your PC, connect your smartphone with a USB cable, and start the update process. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Download and install ADB Driver Installer from here.
  2. We reset the smartphone to factory settings.
  3. Download and install the Flash Tool from the official Sony website and the latest firmware from here.
  4. Copy the firmware file to the C:/Flashtool/Firmwares directory.
  5. We turn off the smartphone and turn it on while holding down the volume down and "Home" keys.
  6. We connect the smartphone to the PC using a USB cable and run the Flash Tool.
  7. Press the button with the lightning bolt icon in the Flash Tool. In the window that opens, select Flashmode, double-click on the firmware in the list that opens.


In many smartphones, the unlocked bootloader will not allow you to update over the air.

In 90% of cases, unlocking the bootloader will delete all data from the smartphone, including the memory card.


Flashing a smartphone, and even more so getting root access, is not at all such scary and dangerous operations as they might seem at first glance. If you do everything right and do not resort to tools that unlock the smartphone's bootloader bypassing the manufacturer's tools, you will not be able to corrupt the smartphone. Yes, in some cases you will have to tinker to get everything back in place, but is it better to use a locked smartphone that does not allow you to do half of the things that it is capable of, or to take full control of the device? After all, reinstalling Windows on a PC doesn't scare anyone.

Surely many owners of devices operating on Android platform, heard about the problem of "bricking" the smartphone. And some inexperienced experimenters are familiar with this situation firsthand. What to do in this case? How to get Android out of the "brick" state? These are the questions we will try to answer in today's material.

Just do not panic and fall on the fifth point - the worst has already happened, therefore, let's first calmly figure out what "bricking" the device means. We are talking about a complete (maybe partial) loss of gadget performance as a result of careless intervention in operating system or incorrect actions in relation to the software.

The main signs of the state of Android "brick"

  • Unable to turn on the device.
  • There is no reaction to the buttons (physical and on-screen).
  • The system constantly gives an error reporting problems with the built-in or RAM.
  • When you turn on the device, an error appears about the inability to load the Android operating system.
  • Other.

An ordinary user in this case, in a semi-conscious state, will carry his Android to a service center where, realizing that a sweet pie has arrived, they will turn on a far undemocratic bill for banal manipulations.

Reasons for "bricking" a tablet or smartphone

The first and, alas, the most common is an unsuccessful flashing. Sometimes an inexperienced user is suddenly tired of his operating system and, having read the information from wherever possible, decides to proceed with the software upgrade of his device. And now the download of the newest and most fashionable firmware is already beginning from I don’t understand what source. The result, in general, is predictable - from an imbalance in the system to a complete failure to work.

Conclusion - do not try to reinstall the operating system unnecessarily, and if you decide, then do it from proven and trustworthy sources.

The second reason is some kind of failure during the flashing procedure, i.e. interrupted process. For example, they did not pay attention to the battery charge of their device, which ended at the most inopportune moment (wireless installation method). Draw your own conclusion.

Cases are not uncommon - a rollback to the factory software after installing custom firmware.

Various "improvers" designed to improve performance, transfer speed, etc., forced stop of some system applications, even a seemingly harmless installation new topic- all these are factors that can bring your gadget to a coma.

How to fix the situation

Standard methods:

First way– do hard reset (reset settings) via recovery menu(recovery menu). Our actions:

Turn off the device completely, i.e. take out the battery for a couple of minutes and reinstall. Then we hold down the volume key (usually up, but on some devices there may be a decrease). Now you need to press the "home" (or power) key and hold the three keys until the "recovery" mode starts. In the menu that appears on the display, select (with the volume rocker) the line " Wipe Data / Factory Reset»:

We are waiting for the system to finish the reset process and reboot.

Second way- we try to get into recovery mode and flash from there (much safer than using all kinds of software):

And choose wipe data/factory reset(see above) to delete the data. Then you need to choose wipe cache partition. This is necessary in order to erase the section in this case cache. Now we are trying to put our operating system through install zip from sdcard. To do this, select the archive with the firmware and confirm your choice

For flashing, go to the office. website of the manufacturer of your device. Find the official version of your particular Android model and follow the instructions without fail.

It is possible that your device does not respond to anything at all, including buttons. In this case, you can enter the recovery using USBJIG. A penny gadget, but if you can’t find it, then for the especially handy, here’s a video:

Third way- We are trying to connect our device to another computer via USB, or replace the cable itself, and then “flash” The fact is that there may have been a lack of power from the PC power supply for the firmware procedure (this, by the way, is a common reason for Android “bricking”).

Fourth way- restore the "brick" Android using FlashTool(video):

Here, perhaps, and everything on the topic. If you had a successful experience of resuscitation of your device, please share it.

A computer