Installing red hat enterprise linux server. System integrator

Install modern Linux system you only need it once, both for a single physical server and for deploying an entire virtual farm. Why not spend a little more time on it and immediately do everything exactly as it should, and not finish what came from the installer along its rails. In addition, the amount of software that is installed in the "minimum" mode of the standard installer does not really correspond to the minimum.
to someone manual installation may seem like a waste of time, but every Linux user should do this at least once in order to better understand how it works. If you are not afraid of the words fdisk, grub and chroot, read on.

Installation operating system can be roughly divided into 4 distinct stages.

  1. Preparing system storage
  2. Installing and configuring system components
  3. Preparing the system for self-booting
  4. Adjusting the system for work tasks
In most modern systems, tasks 1-3 are performed by installers. In semi-automated installers, steps 1-3 are carried out in a question-answer mode. In most automated - similarly, it's just possible to specify a pre-prepared response file.

Writing an installer is not a trivial task. The guys from the project always knew this Gentoo, in which it never existed, but in Arch Linux community, most recently decided to drop installer support in favor of more pressing tasks. Even Microsoft understood this - the second stage in Windows Installer starting with Vista, it comes down to rolling an already pre-assembled image. In other matters, we are not talking about windows, this is a topic for another article.

By installing the OS manually, we have complete freedom of action at all stages. This article, of course, is not the only correct instruction, this is a "spherical server in a vacuum" setup scenario. Specific tasks and conditions can significantly affect any of the steps. As an example, we will put Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 to a virtual machine running Microsoft Hyper-V . Not the most free a combination of course, but that's not the point. By the way, this installation method does not require registration with Oracle. And for purists and adherents of Comrade Stallman, I suggest using KVM and setting CentOS or Scientific, which are almost 1:1 clones of RHEL, so there is almost no difference in installation for them. OEL does not have many unique nuances either. Apart from your kernel-uek Oracle Linux also offers the kernel of its Django Fett, which has paravirtual firewood for Hyper-V devices and PnP disk forwarding.

In principle, any Linux or LiveCD is suitable for installation, rpm and yum are available for many platforms. But since we will have RHEL, it is most convenient to use a fresh LiveCD of an RHEL-like distro of the same major version. It will definitely have rpm and yum compatible versions, which makes the task much easier. I chose CentOS LiveCD, which can be downloaded from the nearest mirror.

1. Preparing the system storage

AT this example system storage will be a virtual disk in 10 GB connected to the VM. All space, except for a small partition for the bootloader, will be given under control LVM, which I consider the most stable volume management system on the Linux platform

We boot from our LiveCD and get into the terminal. If we plan to work from the virtual machine itself, it is convenient to use the LiveCD graphical boot mode. There is even Firefox, of course, not the most recent.
But if we have already tuned in to minimalism, well, or the machine does not have a lot of RAM, we boot into text mode, which can be selected in the bootloader. We raise the ssh server to be able to work in the terminal from our machine. To access, you will need to change the root password and disable or configure the firewall.

$ sudo su
# service sshd start
# passwd root
# service iptables stop

We partition our disk with fdisk, (parted, Red Hat Disk utility, hex editor, as you like :) to the necessary sections. Personally, I like the time-tested fdisk. RHEL is a conservative system, fdisk runs in prehistoric compatibility mode by default so run it with special flags.
Create a 500M partition for the bootloader. This is a huge size for a boot partition, but we don't mind.
Command(m for help): n
command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First sector (2048-20971519, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size(K,M,G) (2048-20971519, default 20971519): +500M

We set the "bootable" flag to it, so that the first stage of the bootloader knows exactly where to boot.
Command(m for help): a
Partition number (1-4): 1

We give the rest of the space to the second partition,
Command(m for help): n
command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 2
First sector (1026048-20971519, default 1026048):
Using default value 1026048
Last sector, +sectors or +size(K,M,G) (1026048-20971519, default 20971519):
Using default value 20971519

which, to simplify the definition of LVM groups at the boot stage, set the type to 8e (Linux LVM)
Command(m for help): t
Partition number (1-4): 2
Hex code (type L to list): 8e

Create a file system for /boot. There are many fs from which the standard for the army of RHEL-clones GRUB can be loaded. Enough even the old lady ext2, the log on the boot partition is not particularly needed - it is written to only when new kernels are installed and the bootloader configuration is changed. I chose ext4. Additionally, we will specify a label for the new fs, which can then be used in mount and fstab.

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
# e2label /dev/sda1boot

We are preparing LVM on which our system will live
# pvcreate /dev/sda2
# vgcreate system /dev/sda2

In the created group, select the root partition in 4G. This is more than enough for a minimal system, we will give 1G for swap, which, together with new partitions, will be mounted to Live system. The rest of the space gives you the freedom to create additional fs for /opt or /var, and you can also leave a margin, which will allow you to use LVM snapshots

# lvcreate -n root -L 4G system
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/system/root
# e2label root !$
# lvcreate -n swap –L 1G system
# mkswap -f /dev/system/swap
# swapon !$
# mkdir -p /mnt/system/boot
# mount LABEL=root /mnt/system
# mount LABEL=boot /mnt/system/boot

2. Installing and configuring system components

Information about all installed rpm packages stored in a special database. As for rpm so for yum you can specify an alternative root fs, which gives us the opportunity to install RHEL in any directory with a minimum number of commands. RPMDB- the backbone of RHEL, let's create it for the new system.
# rpm --root=/mnt/system --initdb

As sources of installation packages for yum, package repositories are used, links to which are in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ configs. If there is a connection, this can be any public repository available via the Internet, your own, mounted from a network storage, or, if you have access to images of installation disks, you can use them. Like this:

# yum install createrepo
# mkdir -p /mnt/iso/(1,2,3)
# mount -o loop /mnt/nas/install/oel-6.4-cd(1,2,3).iso /mnt/iso/(1,2,3)
# createrepo /mnt/iso

If we want to install CentOS, it is enough to explicitly specify $releasever in the existing .repo files. These variables are taken from the release package of the distribution, which in new system not yet, so I'll have to sed it a bit

# sed -i.orig "s/$releasever/6/g" /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo

I need OEL so that yum will be set to a public Oracle Corporation repository

# mv /etc/yum.repos.d(,.orig)
# mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d
# cd !$
# wget

You can start installing the system. Let's start with a very "rudimentary" set of packages: the release package, glibc, bash and their dependencies:

# yum --installroot=/mnt/system install oraclelinux-release glibc bash

Such a system is already ready to run as a chroot from any Linux. But we have other plans, so we put rpm and yum there with all the dependencies:

# yum --installroot=/mnt/system install rpm yum

The remaining packages will be installed on the new system. Let's copy the settings of dns, yum repositories. Let's bind the virtual fs of our Live environment to similar system paths and enter it.

# cd /mnt/system
# cp /etc/resolv.conf ./etc/
# cp /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo ./etc/yum.repos.d/

# mount -o bind /dev ./dev
# mount -o bind /sys ./sys
# mount -o bind /proc ./proc

#chroot ./

The first thing we see is the standard bash prompt. To bring it to the normal RHEL look, copy the bash settings from /etc/skel.

bash-4.1# cp /etc/skel/.bash* /root/
bash-4.1# source /root/.bashrc

Let's install some basic software:

  • dhclient, among the dependencies of which (in addition to the OS logos in OEL :) there are also udev, an initialization system and even a firewall, which will bring our system closer to independence in a whole swoop
  • cronie scheduler that pulls postfix as MTA and rsyslog logger
  • less, which, passwd, nc, telnet, which, man
  • favorite shell, editor, other software of your choice
The set of software in the basic RHEL repositories is very limited, but fortunately there is EPEL, which is designed to solve this problem:
rpm -i
yum install passwd dhclient openssh cronie vim-minimal netcat telnet less which htop tmux less zsh figlet

Since we use LVM, at any time during the installation (for example, now) we can take a snapshot of our fs - which will be a block snapshot of the base RHEL, or stage3 in Gentoo terminology. It can be dumped to another repository. Or create a fs snapshot archive by mounting it. Based on this snapshot minimal effort you can create templates for OpenVZ and similar systems. All this is best done outside the chroot:

(livecd) # lvcreate -L1G -s -nstage3 system/root

(livecd) # xz /dev/system/stage3 > /mnt/nas/templates/OEL6.4-minimal.bin.xz

(livecd) # mkdir /mnt/stage3
(livecd) # mount /dev/system/stage3 !$
(livecd) # cd !$
(livecd) # tar -zvpf /mnt/nas/templates/OEL6.4-minimal.tar.gz ./

Let's prepare a table of file systems. For the root path, it is most reliable to specify it in the form of an LVM virtual device, since it solves potential problems with naming when changing the configuration of the disk system of the machine “by design”.

#vi /etc/fstab
LABEL=boot /boot ext4 noauto 1 1
/dev/mapper/system-root ext4 defaults 1 2

Set up the network by creating configuration files, as the anaconda installer usually does
#vi /etc/sysconfig/network

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Let's create a new user with sudo rights and specify a password for it.
useradd -u1337 -m -s /bin/zsh -G wheel morpheus
# echo "morpheus ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/morpheus
# passwd morpheus

Set up a local time zone.
# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Riga /etc/localtime

Let's put a greeting in motd.

Further, in principle, we can already configure the machine for the work task at our discretion, but I prefer to boot from it first:

3. Preparing the system for self-booting

Let's mount boot partition and install the bootloader, its configuration manager, the LVM management tools, and the kernel
# mount /boot
# yum install grub grubby lvm2 kernel

In order for grubby to be able to register kernels in the bootloader config itself, there is a little work to be done. In addition to a symbolic link to the GRUB config, it needs at least one working entry in the config, which is used as a template. In the system installed in a standard way, the initial template is generated by anaconda. We will have to prepare the config manually, specifying the newly installed kernel and the necessary parameters for it. For example, quiet will remove the excessive verbosity of the kernel, and rhgb will launch a fake progressbar.
# cd /etc
# ln -sf ../boot/grub/grub.conf
# cd /boot
# ln -sf grub.conf menu.lst
# vi grub.conf
hidden menu
title Linux
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 ro lvm root=/dev/mapper/system-root LANG=en_US.UTF-8
initrd /initramfs-2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64.img

Let's reinstall the kernel to make sure that grubby works and kernel updates will be correctly added to the config in the future. After that, we can remove the entry with our example from the config:
# yum reinstall kernel
# vi grub.conf

Install the bootloader on our disk
# grub-install /dev/sda --no-floppy

If for some reason the installation script did not work, grub can be installed manually on disk
# grub
grub > setup (hd0)

Reboot into our system and start 4.Setting up the system for work tasks. Their.

This is how sharpened templates for servers are created. Both universal, under the tearing of automation systems, and targeted, ready for deployment with a minimum configuration.

An installation suitable for installing the Oracle DBMS is described (with a bunch of reservations, of course, see further in the text). The VMware virtual machine acts as a test server.

The native OS installation documentation is the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Installation Guide .

So let's go...

1) Choose " Install or upgrade an existing system". If later during the installation process there are problems with the video card, you can try to repeat the installation and select " Install system with basic video driver". In this case, the standard VGA driver will be installed.

2) When installing from a DVD, you are prompted to check it (in case the DVD is corrupted). I choose " Skip“To not waste time.

3) Installation start. Press " Next«.

4) Language selection during installation (it will be displayed in the installer screens). I choose " English“because it doesn’t bother me at all, but if there are installation problems, find information on the problem on the Internet at English language much more likely than in Russian.

Switching between languages ​​in the installer = shift-shift.

5) Select the default keyboard layout. I choose "English" (I usually add the Russian layout after installing the OS, if necessary).

6) This describes installation on a regular server with one SCSI disk (virtual vmware machine), so I choose " Basic Storage Devices". Note: Installing on a RAID array, if it is the only one in the system and has one logical disk, is no different from installing on a single disk.

If you have a working (production) server, then the hardware configuration can be very different, so for each specific case, read the native documentation.

7) Warning that the installer did not find a partition table or any file system on the disk, but nevertheless, this device(disk) may contain data. Therefore, it is proposed to either continue the installation with the removal of data, or the installation will not be performed on this disk.

I choose install with removal - " Yes, discard any data«.

Checkmark at the bottom Apply my choice to all devices with undetected partitions or filesystems' allows you to extend your solution to other drives too. If you remove it, then for each disk you can make a separate decision.

8) Network settings. Here you need to enter the computer name (hostname). Because If I leave it to get network settings automatically using DHCP, I can just click " Next". Otherwise, any network settings can be changed on this screen.

ATTENTION: The figure shows that the computer name (hostname) is entered with a period - do not do this! The dot in hostname can lead to various problems installing and operating Oracle and Oracle RAC. It is best if the hostname is no longer than eight characters, starts with a letter and contains only English letters and numbers.

9) Select the desired time zone.

10) Password root user. Root is the superuser of the computer, so it must have a super password, especially on industrial servers. And also - remember it 🙂

11) It offers options for partitioning the disk into disk groups, sections (partitions). I choose " Use All Space“, i.e. the entire disk will be completely repartitioned, everything that was on it will be destroyed. In this case, automatic partitioning of the disk into partitions will be applied.

You can choose other options, or make your own (manual) partitioning of the disk, if you select " Create Custom Layout«.

If you select the checkbox below Review and modify partitioning layout«, then the screen described in step 12 will be shown where you can change the automatic partitioning of the disk (correct it).

12) A disk partition map is shown. You can make adjustments. For example, separate file systems or mount points into separate partitions, such as tmp or swap. You can allocate separate partitions for separate tablespaces of the database.

I leave everything as it is.

13) Another warning, now formatting, that data can be destroyed. I choose " Format«.

14) Final warning 🙂 I choose " Write changes to disk«.

15) Boot loader settings window. I don't change anything.

16) Select the installation type. For an Oracle server, it's better to choose " Basic Server» - everything you need and nothing more will be installed.

Be sure to check the box " Customize now“to be able to install the graphics immediately during the installation of the OS, because then you will need to tinker with this, and the graphics are needed to install Oracle.

Note: It is possible to install Oracle on Linux without graphics, such as silent, but that's another story. Yes, and so that the apologists do not say command line, in the schedule to administer the server is somehow more comfortable.

Note2: If you select the “Database Server” installation type, then MySQL and PostgreSQL will be additionally installed - this has nothing to do with Oracle, so there is no point in choosing this type.

17) If in the previous paragraph 16 the checkbox “ Customize now» - we get this screen. Here you need to select the item " Desktops» and select all the checkboxes as shown in the figure. This is necessary in order to install the OS graphic subsystem and the default shell. Gnome.

The figure shows that the graphical shell KDE not installed. Personally, I think that it is more heavy than Gnome and it is on the server that it is useless. Gnome is enough 🙂

18) Installation process. We wait.

19) Everything! Installation completed successfully - after reboot, you can server in full combat readiness.

Original: Initial impressions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 "Workstation"
Author: Jesse Smith
Publication date: May 12, 2014
Translation: A. Krivoshey
Date of transfer: June 2014

It's not often that I test beta versions or release candidates. I usually like to experiment with releases. The Red Hat is one of the biggest fish in the open-source pond. It has always been very successful (and profitable), and their dedication to developing open source software source code made the company one of the key players in the field of operating systems. In some excitement about the release, I broke my own rules and downloaded the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 release candidate. Here are some of my first impressions and opinions about it. This is less of a formal review than a reflection on things that caught my attention.

There are currently at least three branches of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which include Server, Workstation, and Client editions. The fourth edition, Atomic Host, is under development. I decided to try the Workstation edition, which is meant for developers. The installation image is 3.9 GB in size and supports GNOME 3 and KDE 4 graphical environments. Since the download takes certain time, I spent it studying the release notes. With a lot of marketing focus at Red Hat right now, the announcement includes phrases like "the only operating system built for the open hybrid cloud" and gems like "we're on the cusp of an exciting new release that will completely redefine the way we think about the industrial operating system." In addition to such comments, some interesting new features can be found. Among them:
- enhanced compatibility with Windows, including integration with Microsoft Active Directory domains;
- inclusion of XFS as the default file system with support for file system sizes up to 500 TB;
- migration virtual machine from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 host to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 without any downtime or virtual machine modifications;
- Docker containers.

When booting from the RHEL installation media, we see a graphical installer. RHEL uses the same new Anaconda installer used in recent Fedora releases. The installer uses a hub-based navigation system that will guide us through the steps of setting up the system, partitioning the disk, and creating a user account. Personally, I consider the new installer a step back from the one used in RHEL 6. Partly because I don't really like its interface, partly because hub-based navigation makes sense when you don't have to visit every page. . With this installer, some features are unlocked on one page and then used on another. For example, the time zone selection screen allows you to activate network time synchronization. However, if you try to enable the network time service, you will receive an error message saying that no time server is configured ( quick check will show that the default servers are configured). The network time service cannot be activated without visiting the installer's network configuration site and entering your network settings. Then you need to go back and activate the network time synchronization service.

The RHEL installer defaults to a disk partitioning scheme using LVM and the XFS file system. You can also choose to use traditional partitions and the Btrfs file system. You can also choose a graphical environment (KDE 4 or GNOME 3), although for some reason you can't choose to install both. While the installer is copying files to HDD, you can view a slideshow of the benefits of Red Hat products. After copying is completed, the system reboots and we are asked to confirm our agreement to the terms of the license. After that, the kdump service can be activated and we will be asked to register our copy of RHEL in order to be able to receive updates. Then the system reboots again and we see the graphical login screen.

I decided to install KDE 4.10 and found the usual set of pre-installed applications. Available LibreOffice, Firefox, Dragon Player and Empathy. Here text editors, archive manager and others standard utilities, as well as a printer configuration tool and a system firewall. I especially liked how Red Hat has improved its firewall configuration tool to be very administrator-friendly. Network Manager is for setting up the network. RHEL runs a secure shell service in the background that allows remote authorization as root. I myself am not a fan of activated by default remote access with administrator privileges, but this can be handy for administrators setting up new installed systems. RHEL uses kernel version 3.10. As usual, Red Hat does not support popular media formats by default, but support for them can be added later.

Another component missing from the system is a graphical package manager. I found that RHEL still uses the YUM console package manager, which is a great tool, but I didn't find any graphical frontend for running programs. In general, when it comes to working with packages, getting updates and installing new packages requires a Red Hat subscription. When I tried to access the repositories, I got a message that I first need to register my computer with a program called Subscription Manager. An attempt to launch it from the applications menu did not lead to anything. After several failed attempts, I went to the console and started the service. From the command line, Subscription Manager starts without problems, but it tells me that I can't register an account with it, so I need to visit the Red Hat website. I made it, created new account, verified it, and tried to register my computer again. Again, nothing happened, Subscription Manager this time did not give any clear explanation, he simply could not link my computer to the account. At the time of this writing, the issue is still unresolved.

Another problem that bothered me is that when I logged into KDE, I received a GNOME Shell crash notification asking me to submit a bug report. This puzzled me a bit, since the installer allows you to install either GNOME or KDE, but not both. Also, why does GNOME Shell launch when I log into KDE? When I tried to submit a bug report, I eventually got the message that I can only do this if I have access to Red Hat support. I don't know why they require it, while other distributions like Ubuntu just accept all bug reports.

In general, during my RHEL test. Although the load times were, in my opinion, longer than the current average, the desktop remained responsive, and there were no stability issues either. The pre-installed programs worked fine (except for the problems described above), and although RHEL uses more random access memory compared to other desktop distributions (about 560 MB at login), it quickly completed all the tasks.


At first glance, this version of RHEL does not appear to have many improvements over the previous release. In particular, the firewall configuration utility stands out, which has become much more powerful. The performance of this release is good, and I appreciated that the KDE file indexing service is off by default. Preference is given to performance over desktop decoration. First of all, I was glad to see support for the Btrfs file system in this release. While this advanced file system isn't the default, it's good to see that it's available. Docker, a Linux container management program, is also a good innovation. I think that in a few years, most developers and system administrators will be using Docker to deploy and test software, so it's good to see that Red Hat has already included it in its seventh release.

Other aspects of RHEL have not changed much. Most utilities system settings, package manager YUM and the structure of the operating system as a whole seem to have remained the same. Red Hat is geared towards the enterprise market and understandably doesn't want to rock the boat, so features that are used every day don't change from release to release. The systemd init service was included in this release, but I did not notice any significant performance changes.

Unfortunately, some aspects of the system have become worse compared to RHEL 6. One example is the installer. While Anaconda works, it's slower and just plain awkward. previous version. The Subscription Manager experience was also disappointing. I remember the account creation process in RHEL 6, it was completely painless. This time, trying to access the repositories was quite tedious. Further, this version of RHEL consumes about three times more memory than the previous one. I have not met before Linux distribution, which would consume 500 MB of RAM right after login, so I hope this is due to debug symbols left in the release candidate. And yet, although this is not a problem in the full sense of the word, it seemed strange to me that the version that is positioned as work station for developers, does not include compilers or utilities for controlling source code versions.

I think RHEL 7 should be compared to other stability focused distributions such as SUSE, Debian and Ubuntu LTS. I don't want to sound alarmist, but I'm afraid that Red Hat is lagging behind the competition in terms of attractive features. Although it still leads the way when it comes to the duration and quality of support, I'm afraid RHEL is losing out in other areas. In particular, SUSE has fantastic administration tools and leads the way in providing support for Btrfs. Ubuntu has great utilities for deploying an operating system with services enabled plus Ubuntu already supports Docker. Debian has good stability and performance, as well as a recent long-term support release. Experience with this release candidate shows that RHEL puts everything on the quality of support, I don't know if this is a good idea.

Seven years ago, everyone I knew in the "real world" used Red Hat Enterprise Linux or another distribution in its family, such as Fedora or CentOS, whether desktop or server. Today, almost everyone I know has switched to the Ubuntu family. I know one admin who is still on CentOS, but everyone else has moved or is in the process of moving. Red Hat is a highly profitable company, they do good things in the enterprise market and are a strong force in the open source software market. But this RHEL release is not so much a "re-evaluation of the enterprise operating system" as a release to support conservative business customers, demanded only in the corporate market.

Copyright © 2005 Red Hat Inc.
Translation © 2005 Inventa


1. Changes to this guide 2. Architecture-related information 3. Document conventions 4. Subscription activation 4.1. Data input account Red Hat 4.2. Entering the subscription number 4.3. Connecting the system 5. Using the mouse 6. Copying and pasting text in the X environment 7. Future changes 7.1. We need your feedback!

I. Installation questions

1. Installation using Kickstart 1.1. What is a Kickstart installation? 1.2. How to do a Kickstart installation? 1.3. Creating a Kickstart File 1.4. Kickstart Options 1.5. Choice of packages 1.6. Pre-Installation Script 1.7. Post-Installation Script 1.8. Making the Kickstart file available 1.9. Making the Installation Directory Tree Accessible View Sample Recipe 1.10. Getting Started with Kickstart 2. Setting up Kickstart 2.1. Basic configuration 2.2. Installation method 2.3. Bootloader options 2.4. Section information 2.5. Network setup 2.6. Authentication 2.7. Firewall Configuration 2.8. Display setup 2.9. Package selection 2.10. Pre-Installation Script 2.11. Post-Installation Script View Sample Recipe 2.12. Saving the file 3. Installing over a network using PXE 3.1. Setting up a network server 3.2. Configuring PXE Boot 3.3. Adding PXE Hosts 3.4. launch tftp servers 3.5. Setting up a DHCP server 3.6. Adding Your Download Message 3.7. Performing a PXE Install 4. Diskless Environments 4.1. Starting the tftp server 4.2. Setting up a DHCP server 4.3. Setting up an NFS server 4.4. Completing the Diskless Environment Setup 4.5. Adding nodes 4.6. Loading Nodes 5. System Recovery Basics 5.1. Common problems 5.2. Boot in recovery mode 5.3. Booting in exclusive mode 5.4. Boot in emergency mode

II. File systems

6. File system ext3 6.1. Features of ext3 6.2. Creating an ext3 File System View Sample Recipe 6.3. Transition to the ext3 file system 6.4. Reverting to the ext2 File System 7. Logical Volume Manager (LVM) 7.1. What is LVM? 7.2. What is LVM2? 7.3. Additional Resources 8. Configuring LVM 8.1. Automatic disk partitioning 8.2. Partitioning LVM manually 9. Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) 9.1. What is RAID? 9.2. Who Should Use RAID? 9.3. Comparison of Hardware and Software RAID 9.4. RAID Levels and Linear RAID 10. Configuring Software RAID 10.1. Creating RAID Partitions View Sample Recipe 10.2. Creating RAID Devices and Mount Points 11. Swap Space 11.1. What is swap space? 11.2. Adding Swap Space View Sample Recipe 11.3. Deleting Swap Space View Sample Recipe 11.4. Moving Swap Space 12. Disk Storage Management 12.1. Standard partitions in parted 12.2. Managing LVM Partitions 13. Implementing Disk Quotas 13.1. Configuring Disk Quotas View Sample Recipe 13.2. Disk Quota Management View Sample Recipe 13.3. Additional Resources 14. Access Control Lists 14.1. Mounting Filesystems View Sample Recipe 14.2. Assigning an Access ACL View Sample Recipe 14.3. Assigning a Default ACL View Sample Recipe 14.4. Obtaining an ACL 14.5. Archiving Filesystems with ACLs View Sample Recipe 14.6. Compatibility with Early Systems View Sample Recipe 14.7. Additional Resources

III. Package management

15. Managing Packages with RPM View Sample Recipe 15.1. Goals of RPM Development 15.2. Using RPMs Section 15.3. Checking the Signature of a Package View Sample Recipe 15.4. Surprise your friends with RPM 15.5. Additional resources 16. Package Manager 16.1. Installing Packages 16.2. Removing packages 17. Red Hat Network

IV. Network configuration

18. Network setup 18.1. Overview 18.2. Establishing an Ethernet Connection View Sample Recipe 18.3. Establishing an ISDN Connection View Sample Recipe 18.4. Setting up a modem connection View Sample Recipe 18.5. Installing an xDSL Connection View Sample Recipe 18.6. Establishing a Token Ring Connection View Sample Recipe 18.7. Installation wireless connection 18.8. Managing DNS Settings View Sample Recipe 18.9. Node Management View Sample Recipe 18.10. Working with Profiles View Sample Recipe 18.11. Device Aliases View Sample Recipe 18.12. Establishing an IPsec Connection View Sample Recipe 18.13. Saving and Restoring Network Settings 19. Basic Firewall Configuration 19.1. Security level setting tool 19.2. Activating the iptables service 20. Managing access to services 20.1. Runlevels 20.2. TCP Shells Section 20.3. Service Configuration Tool 20.4. ntsysv 20.5. chkconfig 20.6. Additional Resources 21. OpenSSH 21.1. Why use OpenSSH? 21.2. Configuring the OpenSSH Server View Sample Recipe 21.3. Configuring the OpenSSH Client View Sample Recipe 21.4. Additional Resources 22. Network File System (NFS) 22.1. Why use NFS? 22.2. Mounting NFS File Systems View Sample Recipe 22.3. Exporting NFS File Systems View Sample Recipe 22.4. Additional Resources 23. Samba 23.1. Why use Samba? 23.2. Setting samba servers 23.3. Connection to shared resource Samba 23.4. Additional Resources 24. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 24.1. Why use DHCP? 24.2. Configuring a DHCP Server View Sample Recipe 24.3. Configuring a DHCP Client View Sample Recipe 24.4. Additional Resources 25. Configuring the Apache HTTP Server 25.1. Basic parameters 25.2. Default Options 25.3. Parameters of virtual nodes 25.4. Server Options 25.5. Performance tuning 25.6. Saving Your Settings 25.7. Additional Resources 26. Configuring Apache Secure HTTP Server 26.1. Introduction 26.2. Overview of Security Related Packages View Sample Recipe 26.3. Overview of certificates and security 26.4. Using existing keys and certificates 26.5. Types of certificates 26.6. Key generation 26.7. Formation of a request to the certification authority for a certificate 26.8. Independent formation of the certificate 26.9. Checking the certificate 26.10. Calling the Server 26.11. Additional Resources 27. Configuring Authentication 27.1. User information 27.2. Authentication 27.3. Command line version

V. System setup

28. Console Access 28.1. Shutdown inhibition with -- 28.2. Denying Access to Console Programs View Sample Recipe 28.3. Defining a Console View Sample Recipe 28.4. Providing Access to Files from the Console View Sample Recipe 28.5. Allowing Console Access to Other Applications View Sample Recipe 28.6. The floppy group 29. Setting the date and time 29.1. Date and Time Properties View Sample Recipe 29.2. Properties network protocol time (NTP) 29.3. Time Zone Selection 30. Keyboard Setup 31. Mouse Setup 32. X Window System Setup 32.1. Display settings 32.2. Display hardware settings 32.3. Dual Monitor Display Settings 33. User and Group Management 33.1. Creating a New User 33.2. Changing user properties 33.3. Creation new group 33.4. Modifying Group Properties View Sample Recipe 33.5. Using the Command Line Recipe 33.6. Explanation of the process 33.7. Additional Information 34. Printer setup 34.1. Adding a Local Printer View Sample Recipe 34.2. Adding an IPP Printer View Sample Recipe 34.3. Adding a Remote UNIX Printer (LPD) View Sample Recipe 34.4. Adding a Samba (SMB) Printer View Sample Recipe 34.5. Adding a Novell NetWare (NCP) Printer View Sample Recipe 34.6. Adding a JetDirect Printer View Sample Recipe 34.7. Choosing a Printer Model and Completing Setup View Sample Recipe 34.8. Printing a Test Page View Sample Recipe 34.9. Change settings installed printers 34.10. Saving a Configuration File View Sample Recipe 34.11. Using the Command Line Recipe 34.12. Print Job Management View Sample Recipe 34.13. Sharing a Printer View Sample Recipe 34.14. Additional Resources 35. Automating Tasks 35.1. Cron 35.2. at and batch jobs 35.3. Additional Resources 36. Log Files 36.1. Log File Locations View Sample Recipe 36.2. Viewing Log Files View Sample Recipe 36.3. Adding a Log File View Sample Recipe 36.4. Analyzing Log Files 37. Manually Upgrading the Kernel 37.1. Overview of Kernel Packages 37.2. Preparing for the update 37.3. Loading the Updated Kernel 37.4. Performing an update 37.5. Checking the Initial RAM Disk Image View Sample Recipe 37.6. Checking the Bootloader 38. Kernel Modules 38.1. Managing Kernel Modules 38.2. Static Module Loading View Sample Recipe 38.3. Additional Resources 39. Configuring the Mail Delivery Agent (MTA)

VI. System monitoring

40. Collection of information about the system 40.1. System processes 40.2. Memory Usage Section 40.3. File systems 40.4. Equipment 40.5. Additional Resources 41. OProfile 41.1. Overview of tools 41.2. Customizing OProfile 41.3. Starting and Stopping OProfile Recipe 41.4. Saving data 41.5. Data analysis 41.6. Exploring /dev/oprofile/ 41.7. Usage example 41.8. GUI 41.9. Additional Resources

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