When connected to the Internet it writes without access. WiFi without Internet access: Causes and solutions

In this article we will deal with a fairly common problem when connecting to wi-fi - “unidentified network without Internet access” or “ network without internet access" Starting from the seventh generation of Windows, the operating system itself checks network connections and if problems arise with access to the Internet, it signals an error. The connection error message appears instantly as soon as the operating system detects a problem.

When the message appears - error: " unidentified network without internet access" or " network without internet access» users decide to turn to specialists for help, don’t rush, we’ll try to carry out the work ourselves connection fixes.

The IPv6 protocol is being actively popularized in the Russian Federation, but compared to other protocols networks, the number of users whose equipment works with its use is still extremely small. Therefore, in this article we will consider the features of restoring access to the Internet, where the IPv4 protocol is used.

Important: Determine the cause of the malfunction, then solve the problem

For what reasons does the error appear?

The main reasons why problems with Internet access may arise. The most common are the following:

  • problems with the Internet provider;
  • user equipment (router) is configured incorrectly;
  • OS reinstallation
  • network protocols do not work correctly.

Problems on the provider side

Important: Make sure that you have paid for the services of your Internet provider, because... Due to late payment, access to the network may be limited.

It happens that a few days ago the laptop or computer was working properly, but during the next startup this error appeared. If before this the system functioned properly and there were no complaints about it, it is most likely an error wifi without internet access appeared due to the provider. We strongly recommend that you contact customer support before attempting to do anything yourself. Practice shows that most often the error occurs during technical work, when there is not enough money in the personal account, or the data transmission line is damaged.

It is quite possible that the support service will answer that everything is working without problems for them now. In this case, you will have to check the network, and if errors are found, try to configure the network yourself. In this case, the Internet provider will offer assistance from a full-time specialist.

Physical connection and problems with it

Important: Check the connection of the provider cable to the router to see if it is connected correctly. The cable must be firmly plugged into the WAN connector until it clicks.

One of the common reasons, why does not it work connection to the Internet, is a poor connection of contacts in the connectors, or a damaged network cable. If children or pets live in the house, the likelihood of encountering a similar problem increases significantly. Even if you use a router, do not forget that there is a cable connecting it. Make sure the wiring is intact. A strong bend can provoke a lack of connection. Look at the tightness of the plugs in the sockets, and whether they are actually inserted where they should be.

Have you checked the wiring, plugs and sockets, but the problem persists? In that case, let's move on.

We are looking for a connection problem in equipment: router, computer, laptop

Router address: Start ˃˃ System Tools-Windows ˃˃ Command Line ˃˃ Enter ipconfig.exe

Reboot the router together with the computer

Important: Routers, PCs and laptops may freeze from time to time.

Knowing about the problem of freezing and when an error occurs - " unidentified network without internet access"you need to reboot the equipment and try connect again. I do this: turn off the computer, laptop in the usual way, then I reboot the router (you can simply unplug the plug from the network and wait a minute and then plug the plug into the socket), then turn on the PC, and then, once the system has booted, I reboot the PC again.

If the error persists, connect directly to the computer by installing the Internet cable plug into the appropriate socket. If there is no result and the system is again writes without internet access, let's try to check the computer itself.

Checking your computer settings

Error - " unidentified network"may appear due to an incorrectly configured network connection configuration, or if changes are made to the network settings after reinstalling the OS: a problem with the correctness of the IP address

Verification algorithm:

IPv4 double-click with the left mouse button

Let's try both options:

  1. Obtain IP address and DNS automatically
  2. Set static (manual) IP and DNS settings
    1. IP address -
    2. Default gateway -
    3. Subnet mask –
    4. Preferred DNS is
    5. Alternative DNS -

If the point responsible for self-receipt the settings system is not checked, check it and save the changes. Often after this error, an unidentified network without Internet access disappears, and the connection is restored. If not, we continue checking.

How to find out the network address of a computer - IPv4

Right-click on the connection, then go to the “Status” line, select the “Details” menu. The new window will contain several lines - in our case, an IPv4 address is required. The numeric value starting with the numbers 192.168 and onwards is the address of your network.

IPv4 computer network address

Another way:

Start ˃˃ System Tools-Windows ˃˃ Command Prompt ˃˃ Enter ipconfig.exe

Windows “Command Line”, ipconfig.exe command

When Personal Computer the user stops establishing an uninterrupted connection to the Internet, an “unidentified network” error appears, the most worrying question is: “How to fix it? What should I do to restore the connection?

This article will talk about possible reasons the problem "unidentified network without access to Internet Windows 7": what to do and how to change the situation.

Reasons for the appearance of “Unidentified network without Internet access”

There are not many reasons for the “unidentified network” error. Most often its appearance is accompanied by reinstalling Windows 7 on the computer, changing the router or reconnecting the Internet provider. And only in some cases the cause is a virus introduced on the device. To restore a lost connection, you need to carefully study and check all possible points:

  1. IP address conflict.
  2. TCP/IP protocol error.
  3. Problems with the DHCP server.
  4. Faulty drivers.
  5. Obstacles to connection on the part of the provider.

To figure out how to set up the Internet for each reason, you should consider each in more detail. But it is important not to forget that before starting work, you need to check your computer for viruses. Anyone can handle this job.

IP address conflict on Windows 7

The computer does not see the network if:

  1. the device distributing the wireless network is connected to a dynamic Internet protocol, and a static address is indicated in the PC settings;
  2. the computer connects via dynamic IP, but the router does not have this capability;
  3. The Internet Protocol address you enter is already in use by another device on the specified network.

To fix the problem limited access unidentified network, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Go to the “Network and Sharing Management” section.

This can be done from the tray by clicking the icon indicating the network (an inscription about an unidentified connection also appears there), or through the Control Panel.

  • In the right menu, select “Change adapter settings”.

If an unidentified network is installed via WI-FI, you need to select a wireless connection, if via cable, a local network.

  • In the window that appears, you need to click on the “Properties” line at the very bottom.

  • From full list possible settings, select “Internet Protocol Version 4” and go to its properties.

  • Select automatic receipt of IP addresses or enter data received from your Internet provider.

  • Click "OK".
  • Check if the problem of lack of access in Windows 7 has been resolved.

ICP/IP protocol error

Another reason why the Internet without network access may be an error in the ICP/IP protocol settings. You can fix it by doing a normal reset. To do this you need:

  • Click the “Start” button.
  • In the search bar for files and folders, enter: cmd.exe.

  • Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.
  • Open the found program.

The completed steps will allow the user to launch a command line on Windows 7, which can be used to reset the protocol to fix the problem of an unidentified network.

To gain access to the Internet, you need to enter the command “ netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt", and confirm it with the "Enter" key. Restarting the computer should resolve the network without internet access problem.

Problems with the DHCP server

To make sure that it is the DHCP server that is causing the problem:

  • Write the command " ipconfig".
  • Check for the presence of a line with data like 169.***.*.*.

If such a line is present, we can say with 100% confidence that Windows 7 writes about an unidentified network due to an error in the DHCP parameters. What to do in this case?

You can also fix this problem yourself, without contacting service center. Stages of work:

  • Go to "Device Manager" in Windows 7.

Exist different ways to open this section. The simplest one is to right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop.

  • Open the "Advanced" tab.

  • Select the “Network Address” section.

  • Enter its value. It can be of any type, contain numbers from 0 to 9, and Latin letters from A to F.

  • Confirm the actions with the “OK” command.

  • Open Command Prompt.
  • Enter two tasks alternately - Ipconfig /release, Ipconfig /renew.
  • Restart your PC.

These steps will be enough to change the configuration settings and restore the Internet on Windows 7 if the network is unidentified.

Faulty drivers

If the user has reinstalled the operating system on his computer, he may encounter an unidentified network. This is caused by the lack of necessary drivers on the device. Since standard Windows drivers 7 fit technical specifications not for all PCs; in order for the Internet to become visible, you need to download special components from the website of the laptop manufacturer or built-in network card.

For those who don’t like to complicate their lives with extra work, there are special programs, which will allow automatic detection necessary drivers and, after confirmation, download them to your device. One of the most convenient ones is the DriverSolutionPack application.

Obstacles from the Internet provider

If the Internet stops working completely unexpectedly, the problem may be completely simple.

  1. Payment for using the network was not made on time.

Most providers require you to pay monthly for their services. If the user forgot to make a payment, his Internet connection will be suspended. This means that it is enough to deposit the required amount into the account for the work to continue.

  1. Engineering works.

All operators periodically carry out troubleshooting work and make changes, which may lead to temporary problems with access to the network. To obtain more information about technical work: dates and times of their holding, just call the number hotline working with clients.

  1. Changing router settings.

If for any reason the settings of the router you are using have been changed, the best way The problem will be fixed by resetting the parameters to standard. For this purpose, you can find a special “reset” button on any router model. You can always check with the manufacturers for instructions on further setup.

The reasons for the “unidentified network” error described above are the most common among users. If not a single method helps solve the problem, it may be worth seeking help from a specialized center.

Hello, friends. And again I will write about wireless Wi-Fi networks and setting up a router. The article about this raised a lot of questions. And as a rule, these are questions like: everything works, but Wi-Fi network without access to the Internet, or the Internet works via cable, but not via Wi-Fi. Well something like that.

Today, I decided to deal with this problem, I understand why such problems can arise.

Here are a few more questions from the article about setting up the TP-Link TL-WR841N router:

Or, Oleg asked the following question:

Hello, here’s the problem: everything is connected to Wi-Fi, you can connect to it both from the computer that distributes it, and from other devices, it sees it and connects, but without Internet access, write in a PM or here I will be very grateful, I’ve been suffering for days but nothing. Help.

So I decided to delve into this topic. Oleg has already configured everything, and everything works for him, but first things first.

I think the problem that we are going to solve now is clear, and you have the same, after setting it up Wi-Fi router and the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work, or only works via a cable from the router, or does not work at all through the router. We will consider this issue using routers from TP-Link as an example, although I have specific model TP-Link TL-WR841N, but still, I think that the settings are not very different from each other. In principle, if you have some other router, then read it anyway, it might come in handy.

Wi-Fi network without Internet access. What to do?

If a problem has already occurred that the device connects to the Wi-Fi network, but the sites do not open, then first of all we need to find what’s wrong. On the Internet itself, on a router, or on a laptop, tablet and phone.

Checking the Internet connection without a router

Let's go in order. First, we check whether the Internet is working, otherwise you never know. To do this, simply connect the network cable directly to the computer, without a router. If the Internet works fine, then everything is fine, let's move on. If not, then solve this problem with your provider.

If everything is fine with the Internet, then there is a problem either with the router, or with the laptop, or other device that you want to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

We find out whether the problem is in the router or laptop.

To do this, just try to connect not only one laptop to your router, but also a phone, tablet, or another laptop. If all devices find your Wi-Fi network, but when connected it will not have access to the Internet (this connection status can be seen on the laptop), or sites simply won’t open, then the problem is Wi-Fi settings router.

Well, if, for example, the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work on only one laptop, but other devices connect and open websites, then the problem is in the laptop (not necessarily a laptop, it could be ).

I hope you managed to find out what the problem is, in the router or in the laptop. And now we will look at how to solve, or at least try to solve, this or that case.

If the problem is with the laptop

If it turns out that you have a problem with your laptop and the network without the Internet is only on it, then you need to check the settings of the wireless network connection. Perhaps during the process of setting up the router, you changed some settings on the laptop, or you previously set up some other network. Personally, on my laptop with Windows 7, there are parameters by which the laptop automatically receives an IP address and DNS server from the router.

Everything works for me with these settings, my router is configured as written in the article. In order to check whether your wireless connection on your laptop is configured correctly, do this:

Connect to your network, the laptop should connect, but the notification bar icon that shows Wi-Fi will have a yellow triangle, meaning no internet access. Like this:

Then, in a new window, on the right, click on "Change adapter settings".

A window will open in which you need to select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button.

Another window will open in which you need to make sure that the items are checked and “Obtain DNS servers automatically”. If not, then mark these values ​​and click “Ok”.

Restart your laptop, and if your Wi-Fi router is configured correctly (and, as we found out above, it is configured correctly), then the Wi-Fi network on the laptop should work and the sites should open.

Another important point: very often the connection can be blocked by antiviruses and firewalls, so try disabling them.

Update! I wrote a detailed article in which I separately discussed the main problems with connecting a laptop to Wi-Fi -

If the problem is with the Wi-Fi router

Before you start setting up your router, it is advisable to reset the settings to factory settings. To do this, press with something sharp and hold the small button on the back panel of the router for 10 seconds (more details in the article). Then you can configure the router as written in the article on setting up TP-Link TL-WR841N (link is above).

In solving a problem with a network without Internet access, we are only interested in the tab WAN. In this section, we configure the Internet connection that we connect to the router, setting up the provider, so to speak.

And if your provider uses a different connection technology, for example Static IP, PPPoE, or PPTP, then setting up with Dynamic IP, like mine, will not work for you. Because the router simply cannot connect to the Internet, it creates a network, but there is no Internet. And exactly The whole problem is in these settings.

For example, we can consider the problem that Oleg had, which I wrote about at the beginning of the article. He has a Beeline provider, in the settings on the WAN tab, opposite WAN Connection Type: he chose Dynamic IP and therefore his Internet did not work.

After I started to figure out what the problem was, it turned out that Beeline uses L2TP/Russian L2TP technology. After Oleg installed L2TP/Russian L2TP opposite WAN Connection Type, entered his username and password, and made other settings, everything worked. This is what the router settings for Beeline look like:

As you already understand, this problem is solved very simply. You need to call your provider, or look on the Internet what connection method he uses to connect. And based on the information you receive from your provider, you need to configure the router, or rather the WAN tab. Here is another forum address http://forum.tp-linkru.com/viewtopic.php?p=253#p253 where it is written how to configure TP-Link routers, under some Russian providers, such as Beeline\Corbina, NetBayNet, QWERTY, Dom.ru, 2KOM, etc.

If the provider binds to the MAC address

And further about binding to MAC address. Some providers do this, and it can interfere with setting up your router. Therefore, you need to connect the router via network cable to a computer whose MAC address is registered with the provider, go to the MAC Clone tab in the router settings And click on the Clone MAC Address button, click Save.


They shared with me one solution that helped overcome this problem when connecting via Wi-Fi. The person had Windows 8 and everything worked fine. But he decided to install Windows 7 and after that the problems started. Laptop to wireless network connected, but “Without access to the Internet.” All the advice didn’t help, but this is what did:

Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center. Then, on the left select Wireless Network Management.

Right-click on the network that is having trouble connecting to it. Select properties.

Go to the tab Safety, then click on the button Extra options. Check the box next to Enable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliance mode for this network

I hope that I was able to clearly and step-by-step describe what could cause a problem when the network works through a router, but without access to the Internet. And how to solve this problem. Perhaps I didn’t write about something, so I ask you to fill me in in the comments. After all, it is impossible to write about all the ways to solve this problem, because there can be a lot of reasons for its occurrence. Good luck friends!

In the PC IP address text field, you need to set the address of the router (router).

In the “Default gateway”, “DNS server” text field, enter the router’s internet protocol address (the same IP address of the router). At the end of everything, we confirm our actions by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Second way.

We need to go to the router settings interface and set the range of IP addresses assigned by the router to automatic mode. Make sure that it does not include the PC IP address that we specified manually.

Type URL – in your browser, log in and the router’s admin panel will open in front of you.

There we need to find " Local network» and go to the DHPC server settings.

In the “Starting address of the IP address pool” item, enter an arbitrary address that follows the PC address that we set manually ( Finally, click on the “Apply” button.

I entered the following numbers - Now the router automatically sets addresses for each device, starting with it.

If you do not know the IP address of the router, then take a look at it. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates at the bottom all the data about the device, including the IP address.
