Topics for a fashionable mom blog. Blog for mom - for what purpose? Blog of a young mother

So, I divided the topics for articles into headings:

Pregnancy and childbirth

  • Proper pregnancy planning
  • Hooray, I'm pregnant! What's next?
  • What to watch for a pregnant woman? The best list of films about pregnancy and childbirth
  • 5 pregnancy myths
  • How to hide your belly in a photo
  • Bag to the hospital
  • One real pregnancy story
  • What age is better to give birth to the first child, and is there an ideal age for childbirth
  • My birth story

Life on maternity leave

  • The last month of freedom, or what needs to be done before childbirth
  • What to do on maternity leave before childbirth? 7 ideas for expectant mothers
  • How to do everything with a small child
  • Tired of being at home with your kids? Make a schedule!
  • How and why to meet mothers on the site
  • Our first trip to the country with a baby
  • What have I managed to do in six months of living with a child?
  • How not to go crazy on maternity leave? Say no to depression and Groundhog Day!

happy motherhood

  • Why family outings are so important
  • Why are children needed?
  • How the first minutes of a baby's life affect the relationship between mother and child
  • Co-sleeping: for or against? Why I went from opponents to supporters of co-sleeping
  • What is a sling, or how to become a mobile mother
  • How to bring romance back into a relationship after having a baby?
  • What does crying baby mean? Learning to understand the baby

Child development

  • Why does the child sleep badly during the day?
  • How to put a child to sleep without motion sickness? lazy mom method
  • General massage for babies at 3 months. Our results
  • How much does it cost, how long does it take and how many days is the massage course for babies, and other questions
  • Sleep crisis at 4 months - what to do and how to help your baby
  • Baby day schedule at 5 months
  • How much should an infant weigh? Table of weight norms for children up to a year
  • Age crises of child development. Growth spurt calendar up to a year
  • Crisis 26 weeks. What will a growth spurt in 6 months bring?
  • Why children should read books from birth

Child and finance

  • How much money do you need to have a child? Newborn shopping list
  • Luzhkov's payment: how much and how to get
  • How much money do you need for the first year of a child
  • What benefits are paid for pregnancy and childbirth. Maximum size and calculation of payments
  • Child care allowance for a working mother. Calculation example

Literature for parents

  • Secret support. Review
  • The art of breastfeeding. Review
  • What does your baby want. Review
  • The child in the family and the church. Review
  • The purpose of being a mother. Review


  • Breastfeeding - why breastfeeding is so important
  • Is a breastfeeding diet necessary?
  • Proper nutrition while breastfeeding. Menu for the week

I hope you will be interested in the proposed topics. I think that in the process they will be supplemented, because motherhood opens up so many new things every day. If there are any other wishes, I will be glad to see them in the comments and add them to the list. See you on my blog!

During the decree, women often rethink their lives. They realize that they don't want to go back to the office for the monotonous nine-to-six job anymore. That is why at this time many women start.

However, household chores do not leave much time for promoting your own business. What is a young mother to do and how to make money on maternity leave at home? How do you balance work and caring for a child? Here are some examples of simple business ideas for moms on maternity leave.

1. Blog of a young mother

Knitting a hat, scarf or snood is quite simple - even a beginner can handle many patterns and models. And mothers on maternity leave are often fond of knitting, so why not combine business with pleasure?

You can acquaintances and friends, and over time, accumulate a gallery of works and start a page on social networks or on special sites for needlewomen. If you decide to go public, you will need:

  • a certain level of skill - the buyer prefers high-quality, neat and solid products;
  • find your unique style and target audience - an original and interesting hat will be bought more readily than a replicated style that you can make yourself.


  • Many mothers knit with great pleasure, which means that this good start for a business that will bring not only profit, but also joy. In addition, your business is always with you - you can knit not only at home, but also while you are sitting in line at the clinic or waiting for a grown-up child at some developmental program.
  • Knitting is a great way to make money on maternity leave, as well as self-realization. There are several well-known brands that started with beanies and grew to millions of turnovers in a year.


  • Starting investments are needed for the purchase of threads, knitting needles, hooks.
  • Knitting is a rather long and laborious process.
  • To develop your own style, you will have to work on it, get acquainted with fashion news and the work of other craftswomen.

4. Creative earnings on microstocks

Microstocks are online databases that host pictures, photos, video and audio products for sale. Moreover, they do not impose high requirements on the works, and they can be sold an infinite number of times. Therefore, if you have the skills to work with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, this way, how to make money on maternity leave, is quite suitable.


  • Relatively passive income - by uploading a picture or cartoon once, you can sell it to thousands of people. With each sale, the percentage of profit increases. The more you sell, the more you earn.
  • This method is suitable for beginners (you can work from scratch) and does not require starting investments.


  • Microstocks are highly competitive. To get noticed, you need to create interesting products.
  • Profits grow very slowly - it may take months before you start to receive substantial money. For successful sales, you need to know the rules of working with each microstock well.

5. Organization of classes or activities for children

Developing schools and circles are now very relevant and in demand. - you don't even need to rent a room if you conduct classes in your own apartment.

For events like this Teacher Education not necessary. If the children are easy and interesting with you, this will be enough. And other mothers will be happy to be able to relax while their child develops. If you are far from pedagogy, look after someone else's child or even several children - arrange a kind of kindergarten at home.


  • Quick earnings - you immediately receive money from everyone who attends classes.
  • If you teach well, you will quickly gain a large number of clients. And for sought-after tutors and teachers, incomes reach several hundred thousand rubles a month.


  • Preparation is required before each class.
  • Starting investments will be required - for pencils, paper, educational toys.
  • During classes, you will not always be able to be distracted by your child and devote enough time to him, which means that you need to resolve the issue with the nanny / grandmother in advance.

6. Photography

Starting with a photo of their baby, moms often dig deep into the process and start taking photography professionally. This could become good source income - children's and family photo shoots are always in demand by everyone. It is best to promote such a service on social networks after you have built a portfolio.


  • Photography is a creative, creative, interesting and rather profitable hobby.
  • Work allows you to communicate a lot and make new acquaintances, which is sometimes not enough for mom on maternity leave.


  • For professional photography, you need good equipment, which means a serious initial investment.
  • Processing and retouching photos takes a lot of time.
  • There may be conflicts with dissatisfied customers who did not like the photo.

7. Copywriting

Copywriting, or writing articles to order, is one of the favorite activities of moms on maternity leave. If you're good at writing, feel free to try. You can search for customers on exchanges, forums or through friends.


  • Your potential customers are everyone who creates or wants to create their own website / social network page / online store. There are a lot of them.
  • You can write at any convenient time.
  • If you choose familiar and understandable topics, the work will not take much time. The more complex the field in which you write, the more more money you can take the text.


  • A beginner copywriter works for very modest fees.
  • Content exchanges take a percentage of earnings for their services.
  • Finding good customers can take several months.

8. Reviews

Many resources pay money for reviews on household appliances, cosmetics and more. Why don't you write in a free moment, for example, while the child is sleeping, what do you think about the purchased stroller, new powder or diapers? By the way, there are also paid surveys which can sometimes be accessed online.


  • You write about what you know, so it will be easy to work.
  • There are a lot of similar sites, which means that you don’t have to look for customers and fight competitors.


  • Sites often require to accompany the review with photographs, detailed descriptions. This may take additional time.
  • They pay very modestly for work, so you should not expect significant profits.

9. Cooking

Do you like to cook, bake with pleasure and know how to create not only delicious, but also beautiful cakes? Try to make it to order. You can search for clients through social networks or acquaintances.


  • At the first stages, the business does not require large investments - money will be required to purchase products and a minimum of necessary equipment.
  • You can start even without special education - there are many videos on the Internet that teach you how to decorate cakes and cupcakes.
  • People are willing to pay for beautiful and tasty pastries. If you take it seriously, you can earn a lot.


  • If the child is very small, you are unlikely to have time to conjure for hours on a complex cake.
  • Professional equipment for confectioners is quite expensive.

10. Make-up, haircuts, manicure

To provide such services, you will need special education and tools. But if you already have all this, then it is quite possible to receive clients at home.


  • If you have at least 10 regular customers, you can have a decent stable income. In this case, you can plan your own working day.


  • In the process, you will not be able to be distracted by the child.
  • It is difficult and expensive to start working as a hairdresser or manicurist from scratch: you need money for courses, tools and materials, as well as time to gain experience.

11. Outsourcing

If an entrepreneur needs an accountant, he does not have to hire an employee - he can order the necessary services from his mother on maternity leave.



  • Not all professions allow outsourcing.
  • It is difficult to control the amount and time of work.

And a few more non-banal options

12. Online consultations

Suitable for lawyers, HR-specialists, economists, doctors, designers, real estate agents.

13. Product manager

You can also call clients remotely.

14. Managers (administrators) of social networks

All that is needed is to maintain pages on social networks of a fitness club, a beauty salon, a children's toy store.

15. Tutor

If you know a foreign language well or you can pull up a schoolchild (student) in any discipline (mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology), Skype will help!

16. Online course

In fact, the previous block, but only make small video tutorials and sell them as courses on specialized sites and social networks.

17. Conducting webinars and master classes via Skype

In recent years, the popularity of fitness and yoga trainers who conduct consultations remotely has increased.

How to combine everything? You can work remotely during your child's daytime naps or while your child is busy playing. Sometimes (in the evening or on weekends) you can delegate part of the duties to dad or call grandma for help.

18. Writing essays, term papers and theses (in the humanities or technical specialties)

Register on the exchange student work. Coursework costs from 900 rubles, abstract - from 350 rubles. You will give only 5% to the resource for mediation.

19. Translations

Also, a transcriber is now in great demand - a person who can quickly decipher an audio recording. Both journalists and authors of trainings, wealthy students pay for these services. Deciphering an hour of recording costs about 450 rubles.

20. Content management

Purely mechanical work: you will be required to describe the goods on the site (characteristics, features).

21. Fashion tailoring

You can start by selling products online. It is better to choose promoted sites, for example, the "Fair of Masters".

22. Making handicrafts

Soap making, making unusual holiday cards, panels, photo frames, decorative candles, wedding paraphernalia, soft toys - all this may be of interest to a narrow audience. And also, for example, writing poems for anniversaries and holidays.

23. Online trading

Surely among your friends there are those who want to get rid of unnecessary things, but do not have the opportunity to mess with it.

Offer your services and for a small percentage help solve this problem with the help of Avito or Yula Internet flea markets. Another way is to help those who are not in trouble with the computer to buy cheap things on the Internet sites Taobao or eBay. The most daring can be advised to organize their own online store.

24. Mystery shopper

Firms, especially those associated with the sale of children's goods, often hire mothers on maternity leave for this job, considering them the most meticulous customers.

25. Dog walking

In Moscow, a zoonanny receives from 200 rubles for a regular walk. per hour, for walking with training - from 550 rubles. in hour.

Modern life provides mothers on maternity leave with unlimited opportunities to realize themselves in new areas and at the same time earn good money. The main thing is not to be afraid to try new things, not to give in to difficulties and choose the activity that brings the most pleasure. Live interestingly and let your hobbies work for you!

business expert, marketer, MBA from the University of Hamburg and head of the Business School, @svetlanakurako

Raise a happy and healthy child, keep fit, earn money and be the keeper of the hearth. There are girls who can do everything at once. Not sure if this is possible? Then check out the blogs of the most active moms.

Anna is the mother of Arisha and Lyosha, future social educator and author of the blog For Children. The girl runs a website about education, development and training. In several sections, you will learn how to easily and quickly entertain a baby, what to read to a restless child. Anna shares her travel experiences and exciting routes.

Nastya's blog for those who admire active mothers. The girl shares life stories in which she describes in detail the adventures of the family. Anastasia Kuzmina is not only stylish, but also original. Everyone will envy her delicate taste and radiant smile. The author of the blog in colors can describe each publication.

Elena's resource is adorned by her fashionista daughter Shura. However, in addition to the achievements of a small star, mom also shares her findings. So, Elena Pestrova gives practical advice on education, proper nutrition, and sports. The girl lives in a big way and happily tells subscribers about her fashion preferences.

Vijay of music TV channels, journalist, vegetarian and mother. All this about Irene. The girl manages to be on top in every aspect of her busy life. Thanks to her sense of style, her son has become no less popular than his famous mother. Stylish and original images of the boy delight the numerous subscribers of the blogger.

Mukhina Katya is the first director of the fashion department of Russian Vogue. However, in addition to working in the most stylish gloss, the girl maintains her own website. Here Katya talks about fashion trends, travel, health and, of course, about her daughter Masha. The site has selections and reviews for every taste.

Heather Armstrong

Heather, like most bloggers, writes about everything that bothers her. This caring girl often publishes articles about animal cruelty. Also in her arsenal are hundreds of first-class photographs of nature and its inhabitants. Heather Armstrong is also the mother of two daughters, about whom she writes many interesting stories.

Rebecca Wolf

Mom of four children and a rebel in one bottle. Rebecca managed not only to start an interesting blog, but also to write a book. The girl's passion is rock and photography. Actually, this is what we observe when reading her site. Rebecca Wolf also writes for several popular portals: MSN, SMITH magazine and The Huffington Post.

Katherine Connors

Katherine's blog is a godsend for altruists. She writes useful materials about sick children, about famine in Africa, about orphans. Her articles are published in many publications, and Katherine Connors herself is often called as an expert. On the site you will see a lot of pictures and stories about cats, which the girl simply adores.

Jenny Lawson

Extraordinary Jenny Lawson does not skimp on sharp words, because that is what makes her blog so exciting. Jenny writes about everything that happens to her. Her stories are filled with excellent sarcasm and humor. Not everyone will accept this style of writing. But you will never regret reading at least one story of this talented girl.

Alice Bradley

This is perhaps the most honest and sensual blog. Everything here is presented without embellishment. Life as it is. Ellis writes about his son and his work on a jury. In addition to the heading with stories from life, the site has an active dialogue with readers. Ellis Bradley often asks subscribers for advice, which inspires confidence among curious mothers.

Now, perhaps the lazy one has not started a blog on Instagram, but for some girls it quickly becomes popular, while others gain several thousand subscribers over the years. Let's take a look at what their secret of success is and how to promote your account quickly and efficiently.

To get started, let's look at the main types of blogs that a mom can keep:

Lifestyle blog. If you have an eventful life, you are constantly on the road and looking for impressions, you can share this with your subscribers. Beautiful lifestyle blogs with an active audience showcase clothing and cosmetics brands, hotels and restaurants, so there is something to strive for.

Hobby blog. If you knit, draw or bake cakes, it's high time you sell your services through Instagram. Such a blog has several advantages: you can collaborate with other bloggers on related topics and exchange audiences, as well as receive devices that you need for your work as a gift.

Blog about the life and development of the baby. This topic overlaps with lifestyle, but this blog is completely focused on your child. Accordingly, all brands of children's clothing, toys and educational games will cooperate with you on a barter or paid basis.

Professional blog. Suitable if your work is far from children's topics: psychologist, marketer, manicurist. Instagram is a great platform for attracting new customers and partners, be sure to use it.

What does it take to start a blogging career?

Blogging is a daily work and the pursuit of the attention of subscribers. Usually we see only a beautiful picture, and several hours of work can be hidden behind each frame.

In this photo we see a carefree morning, it seems that the model has just woken up and is about to order coffee in bed.

In fact, the model put on makeup, changed several poses, the photographer played with the settings and angles, until the perfect shot was taken 1.5 hours.

If difficulties do not scare you, go for the necessary equipment and accessories. You will need:

- Phone or camera. I recommend iPhone 6 and newer models, or samsung galaxy. Choosing a camera is more difficult, for starters, choose a compact one with wifi function, for example, Olympus PEN.

– Accessories for your camera. You can start with a tripod to capture selfies, conversational videos, and beautiful hand layups.

- Colored and textured backgrounds to create a unified style in the account. Sheets of colored cardboard, wrapping paper and fabrics will do.

Also check out the sites that help you automatically promote your account:

– Delayed  service. Now it is not necessary to upload photos manually, you can automate this process.

– Service for , promo code instat16.

– A service that helps  in other accounts. Indispensable if you are looking for bloggers for collaboration or advertising.

How to create content that gets likes

In order for your account to be of interest to advertisers, it must be active. First of all, they look at the ratio of likes and comments to the total number of subscribers.

Ideally, if 5-8% of your followers are active. The higher this indicator, the more expensive you can sell posts.

To achieve this, follow 5 simple rules:

1. Shoot in daylight, then all the photos will be in the same style. Daylight easy to process, it smooths out minor imperfections.

Focus on minimalism. A white wall, marble surface, or wooden background is a win-win option for a spectacular shot. Insta photo trends can always be found at.

3. Use editing apps. Instagram filters alone are not enough, pay attention to popular apps in your App or Google store. In the same Pinterest, there is  mainly for the VSCO application.

4. Tell stories. Subscribers love it when your account turns into a live magazine. Do not be afraid long texts, people like to read on Instagram. To write well, read

5. Ask questions. To provoke activity, leave a call to action at the end of each post. Be interested in the opinion of subscribers, ask for an assessment of what you read, in the end, let them thank you with a like for your efforts.

Checklist for starting a new Instagram account

If you have just registered an account, check if you have done everything to successfully start your blog.

1. Your nickname is simple, it is easy to drive it into the search.

2. In the account name, your first name, last name or keywords, which depend on the topic of the blog. This line participates in Instagram organic search, check if it works for you.

3. The account description contains information about your activities, a contact phone number or email address so that customers and advertisers can contact you. If you have a website or blog, leave active link and write a call to action: new post, action, read about the project, etc.

4. You have a content plan for at least a week ahead. Without this, it is difficult to post every day and be interesting to subscribers.

5. The last 6 photos show the theme of your account. If at first glance the topic of your blog is incomprehensible, it's time to think.

6. You respond to all comments of your subscribers. Even if it's a smiley face or a monosyllabic compliment. This is important for several reasons:

  • to increase the activity of your account, as new comments raise your post in the feed;
  • people always

Women on maternity leave have the opportunity to earn! Find out how to do it with Instagram.

Modern women have become more independent and, even being in maternity leave, wish not to depend on a man. Entrepreneurial and smart mothers can bring income to the family no less, and sometimes more than a man. Instagram gives excellent earning opportunities for young mothers. In this social network people sit around the clock, so you can find a lot of subscribers in it, from which you will “drip” money.

We offer TOP 9 ideas for Instagram

1. Mom is a teacher. One of the topical topics of interest to a large female audience will always be life hacks on how to properly develop a baby. You can make money on your blog if you post cool developments. You can invent them yourself or use well-known methods as a basis.

2. Mom is a professional. Think about your diploma, about your work. You can talk about the intricacies of your profession as a cook, confectioner, financier. Be sure that there will be a lot of subscribers! Come up with a blog section where you will periodically talk about unusual cases from work, about how to get out of any situation, your observations and innovations.

3. Mom is losing weight. Fitness mom. A “sick” issue for girls who have recently given birth is considered overweight. If you managed to lose pounds or you are in the process of finding the perfect figure, and you already have serious success, but open your blog. Good advice about the right diet, exercise and behavior can bring you a good income.

4. Cooking. This section does not require a long explanation. Everything is simple and clear here. You can just post everything you cook every day, come up with your own recipes and interestingly interpret classic dishes. Today, stories and recipes for the right children's menu, tips on complementary foods and a delicious diet, how to make a child eat in a playful way, etc. are very popular today.

5. Mom is an expert. Today, the topic of analyzing the composition of products, especially children's food, is gaining momentum. Moms are interested in comparing the quality of children's cosmetics, diapers, things, shoes. Publish your interesting reviews, and the army of your subscribers will grow every day.

6. Mom is a shopaholic. If your blog consists of advice on how to buy products online, there will be a lot of subscribers among new mothers. You yourself can create product reviews, give characteristics, describe your impression of the purchase, etc. Such reviews are of interest to other shopaholics who want to make a successful purchase.

7. Mom-shopper. Do you like shopping? Excellent! Make a blog on this topic. Walk, buy, look for better prices, compare quality. Be sure to highlight promotions and discounts in children's stores. Moms who become your subscribers will be grateful to you. And you can make good money.

8. Mom is a creative person. Do you compose poems well, draw beautifully, embroider or knit in an original way? Connoisseurs of your talent, mothers with similar interests will definitely subscribe to you. An exhibition of your work will allow you to score a lot of likes and earn extra money.

9. Mom-weiner. Young mothers with a sense of humor can shoot and edit funny videos about mothers and for them. Instagram visitors are very fond of such videos, so viners are quickly becoming in demand.

10. Mom is a traveler. If you are traveling on your own, you can easily give advice to the same desperate mothers!

11. Large family. It will always be interesting how you deal with a bunch of kids. Only for Instagram you don’t need to give birth to children, don’t fall into this trap. Childbearing is a huge responsibility, both for you and your partner.

12. Eco-mother. A mother who shows how to love our planet, not to spend money on expensive and unnecessary things made of plastic, to raise children in an understanding of the goodness of the environment - will soon be very popular!

13. Mom fabulous weekend. A mother who goes somewhere with her child every weekend (not for shopping!), will be interesting in your area! Performances, theaters, museums, master classes, parks, circles, cinemas, new venues are suitable.

14. Mom is a foreigner. If you moved to another country and will broadcast how to get settled in it, you will be able to win a part of the audience that can not sit and want change.

15. Mom is everything for the house. Talk about repairing, building a house, or just being a mom who makes the house even more comfortable every day! Why not?

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