Everything for business for 1000. Beeline corporate rates

Home network: Beeline network of the subject Russian Federation, on the territory of which the subscriber was connected to the Beeline network.

Incoming connections: The fee for incoming connections is not charged when you are in the connection area, as well as when traveling in Russia in the Beeline network, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Incoming SMS: No charge for incoming messages while in home network, while traveling in Russia and in international roaming.

Packages of minutes: The tariff includes minutes that are spent: for outgoing calls to numbers of any other mobile and fixed-line operators in Russia while in the home network; for outgoing calls while traveling around Russia in the Beeline network, including when you are on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in the networks of other operators; for incoming calls while on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and in international roaming in tariff zones CIS, Europe and popular countries.

Minute packages are not used when calling to numbers of subscribers in other countries.

SMS and MMS package: The included SMS package is spent on subscriber numbers Russian operators communications in the home network and when traveling in Russia, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, there are tariffs for communication services when traveling in Russia in the networks of other operators. The included MMS package in all tariff plans is spent on subscriber numbers of Russian telecom operators from the home network and when traveling around Russia in the Beeline network. The cost of one SMS-message and MMS-message to the numbers of subscribers of other countries is 5₽. Find out the rest of the traffic in packages: by calling free number 067406 or in the Personal Account my.beeline.ru

  1. Connections lasting less than 3 seconds are not included in the volume of mobile services provided. Payment is made in rubles. Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT and do not include a surcharge of 1.2%. When calculating the cost, the price without VAT is applied, which is obtained by dividing the price indicated in the price list by 1.18 and mathematical rounding to the nearest cent.
  2. For the services rendered, the Operator monthly (after the expiration of the billing period - the month of the provision of services) issues an invoice to the Subscriber in accordance with the current tariffs of the Operator. The invoice must be paid by the Subscriber within 20 days from the date of its issuance, unless another period is provided by the Agreement. 2. The subscription fee is charged at the end of the billing period (month). If there are blockings of the subscriber number during the billing period at the request of the Subscriber / the initiative of the Operator (in cases provided for by the Agreement and current legislation) subscription fee calculated daily. In case of blocking the subscriber's number due to late payment of the bill - charged in full.
  3. Provides the Subscriber with the opportunity to make unlimited (unlimited) outgoing/incoming local and long-distance calls to telephone numbers under the Intracorporate Mobile Agreement while in the home network and traveling around Russia in the Beeline network. Does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
  4. Provides the Subscriber with the opportunity to make unlimited (unlimited) outgoing/incoming, local and long-distance calls to Beeline telephone numbers while on the home network and traveling around Russia. Does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
  5. Communication services while traveling in Russia in the Beeline network - the presence of the Subscriber in the Beeline network outside the connection area on the territory of Russia (the service is provided automatically). International roaming - the presence of the Subscriber outside the territory of Russia (the service is provided automatically if an international connection is ordered). detailed information about zonal billing and international roaming on the website www.b2b.beeline.ru. or from the operators of the Customer Support Center (8-800-700-0628). Communication services while traveling in Russia in the networks of other operators - the presence of the Subscriber in Russia in the network of another operator (the service is provided automatically), more about the tariffs on the website: www.b2b.beeline.ru in the section "Roaming, long-distance and international communications" or at the operators of the Customer Support Center (8-800-700-0628).
  6. You can check the current classification of countries by zones on the website www.b2b.beeline.ru in the "Roaming, long-distance and international communications" section: for voice calls in the "My Planet" section, for mobile Internet in the "Internet Planet" section.
  7. When traveling in Russia in the networks of other operators and international roaming when sending MMS, Mobile Internet is also charged.
  8. If the monthly volume of traffic provided within the framework of the tariff plan is exceeded, the speed limit for receiving and transmitting data will be set to 64 Kbps until the end of the billing period (month of services). Possible break at speed limit current session. The non-charged amount of transmitted/received data at the beginning of each session is 1 KB. The amount of data sent/received during a session is rounded off to big side with an accuracy of up to 256 Kb. Tariffication is valid when the subscriber is on the territory of the Russian Federation in the home network and when traveling around Russia in the Beeline network, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. When traveling on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: the cost of 1 MB of Internet traffic is 9.95 rubles.
  9. The "Internet for Everything" service allows you to use the mobile Internet traffic included in the subscription fee of the "Everything for Business" tariff from other additional devices intended for the use of mobile Internet. The maximum number of devices from which traffic can be used is 5 (five). However, making voice calls with additional device will be impossible.
  10. The fee for the 40 Mb package is charged only if an Internet connection is established in international roaming. Unused MB included in the package are not transferred to the next day. When the first received/transmitted 40 Mb of traffic is reached, per-megabyte billing of 5 ₽/Mb is activated and is valid until the end of the day Moscow time. The amount of transmitted/received data is rounded up with an accuracy of 20 KB.
  11. The cost of the transition is indicated, provided that less than 1 month has passed since the previous replacement of the tariff plan. If more than 1 month has passed, the cost of the transition is 0₽.
  12. The guarantee fee is charged at a time from each subscriber number, which is connected to the Tariff plan. The return of the guarantee fee is made upon payment of the 4th monthly invoice (from the moment the tariff is connected), by reducing the invoice amount by the amount of the guarantee fee paid when connecting the tariff. If the Subscriber refuses services before the specified period, the guarantee fee is not refundable.
  13. The international communication service must be pre-ordered.
  14. The service allows you to prohibit the identification of your number when making outgoing calls to Beeline subscriber numbers in the DEF numbering code ( detailed description specified in clause 2 of Appendix No. 1 to the Price List).
  15. The time used by the caller to record a message is not paid by the Subscriber. The time spent by the Subscriber to perform operations using an answering machine from his subscriber number is paid in accordance with the Subscriber's tariff plan at the rates for outgoing calls to Beeline Business subscriber numbers of the corresponding directions.
  16. The service is provided only when the service " International connection».
  17. The participants of the conference call pay for the time of the conversation independently of each other in accordance with the Tariff plans and tariffication rules chosen by them. Possibility of forwarding incoming call to any mobile and landline. Calls forwarded locally are those that are forwarded to a local connection area number. Forwarded calls/connections to the numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators of the Russian Federation are included in the minute packages. Call forwarding to numbers of international operators is not available.
  18. The service notifies the Subscriber via SMS about incoming calls received during unavailability in the home network, trips across Russia or international roaming.
  19. The service notifies the Subscriber via SMS about incoming calls received during unavailability in the home network, trips across Russia or roaming.
  20. In addition, a monthly fee for room allocation is charged: the cost of local services telephone communication PJSC VimpelCom with spin-off additional number in ABC code. Specify the ranges of numbering capacities and their availability at Beeline offices.

On April 15, 2019, Beeline announced the launch of a new line of Bright Business tariff solutions designed for corporate clients. Beeline also has a line of "Forsage", focused on tablets, routers and modems. Let's take a closer look at the corporate tariffs of Beeline "Bright Business" and "Forsage".

Corporate rates"Bright Business" lines are easily adapted to the individual characteristics of the subscriber. Even on the same corporate agreement, different configurations can be selected for different clients.

All incoming calls within the country are absolutely free, tariffs are valid in the Crimea and Sevastopol. Many tariffs also provide a package of minutes for outgoing calls. This will make business trips more comfortable.

The considered rates refer only to Moscow and the Moscow region. It should be borne in mind that in the regions the cost of services may vary slightly.

"Bright business for 500"

The cost of the tariff package is 500 rubles per month.

For this price, the client receives:

  • 10 GB mobile internet;
  • 400 minutes of free calls;
  • one license for Cloud PBX;
  • multichannel number that allows you to receive up to 100 calls simultaneously from different parts of the country. When making calls, a single corporate number, not the numbers of individual employees. This will increase the visibility of the company;
  • voice menu. This feature allows you to quickly direct customers to the desired menu by simply pressing the buttons on your smartphone;
  • CRM system. This feature will be useful for different organizations, as it will allow you to maintain a customer database.

An additional option "Business roaming" is available for connection. It allows you to always stay in touch for only 600 rubles per day.

You can distribute the Internet to other devices for free by setting up your smartphone. It's very good for doing business.

"Bright business for 750"

The cost of this package is 750 rubles per month.

Within its framework, the subscriber receives:

  • 20 GB of internet;
  • 1000 minutes of free calls and 500 messages;
  • multichannel number;
  • active voice menu;
  • group caller ID;
  • CRM connector.

You can distribute Internet traffic to up to 5 devices simultaneously. A corporate agreement is concluded, which provides for communication between employees without additional subscription fees.

Calls to Beeline numbers, even if the limit is exceeded, are completely free. Calls to all numbers of other operators in Russia, if the tariff is exceeded, cost 2 rubles per minute. Separate conditions are provided for subscribers who are in the Crimea or Sevastopol.

"Bright business for 1200"

This package costs 1200 rubles per month.

The package includes:

  • 25 GB mobile internet;
  • 2000 free calls with subscribers of different operators;
  • 1000 SMS messages;
  • 1 Cloud PBX license, which allows you to get a whole call management system, not Standart room phone.

Thanks to the function multichannel number customers will always be able to call the company and will not hear "busy". It is possible to customize the voice menu. Due to this, you can inform customers about promotions and interesting offers.

When you are in the Crimea or Sevastopol, all outgoing calls are charged at 2 rubles per minute.

"Bright business for 1700"

For 1700 rubles per month, subscribers have access to:

  • 40 GB of Internet traffic;
  • 3500 free minutes for calls to subscribers of different operators;
  • 1000 SMS messages;
  • cloud-based PBX that allows you to manage calls. With this option, a multi-line telephone is available and single number, by which it will be easy for corporate clients to recognize the company.

The tariff includes the option "Internet for everything". Thanks to it, you can make your smartphone an access point and distribute traffic to several other devices.

The tariff plan also provides favorable prices for calls abroad. The cost of calls to different countries can be viewed on the company's website; calls to the CIS countries, as well as to the USA, Canada, China and Vietnam are the cheapest.

"Bright business for 3000"

For 3000 thousand rubles a month, the client is available:

  • unlimited mobile internet;
  • 5 thousand minutes of calls;
  • 1000 SMS messages;
  • Cloud PBX with a range of features. This includes a multi-line telephone and a voice menu, which immediately allows you to distribute calls by topic and reduce dialing time for individuals and companies.

Additional business options

The key task of the new tariff packages is to optimize communication services for corporate clients. The tariffs also include several additional options for business.

"Business roaming"

It is allowed to connect a package with a monthly or daily payment and always stay in touch.

  • 50 minutes and 300 Mb of Internet cost 610 rubles per day;
  • 100 minutes and 500 Mb of traffic cost 1016 rubles/day;
  • 200 minutes and 1000 Mb of Internet will cost the client almost 2034 rubles per day;
  • 300 minutes and 1500 Mb of traffic cost 3051 rubles/day;
  • 1 GB of Internet will cost 1424 rubles / day.

The desired tariff can be selected on the website, detailed conditions for connection are also indicated there. If for some reason the selected package does not suit you, you can always switch to another one.

"Internet for business"

The option offers high-speed Internet for employees and guests of the office.
Options options:

  • dedicated line of Internet connection and Wi-Fi;
  • free domain, access to static and dynamic IP addresses and mailboxes with own domain name to @bee-post.ru, @co.ru or @mailme.ru;
  • speed up to 10 Gbps;
  • defence from DDoS attacks, spam and viruses.

Subscription fee - 2033.9 rubles / month and 3457.63 rubles / month. The cost of connection is calculated individually.

Connectivity can be checked on the operator's website.

Parameters of the "Forsage" tariff family

Ideal for doing business and tariffs "Fast and the Furious". As part of these tariff plans, high-speed Internet is provided, which is available throughout Russia. The following packages are available for connection:

  • 6 GB - 390 rubles / month;
  • 12 GB - 600 rubles / month;
  • 30 GB - 1200 rubles / month.

To activate the tariff, it is enough to dial the number 06741724. Only mobile Internet and messages are available in this tariff, the cost of which is 1.5 rubles for domestic subscribers and 5.95 rubles for subscribers of other countries.

Detailed information can be obtained by phone hotline or in a call center. They also advise subscribers by calling 0628.

How to connect and disconnect a corporate tariff on Beeline

To connect a corporate tariff to Beeline, you should go to the website or in mobile app companies:

  • Select the tab "Tariffs for business".
  • Then the right package.
  • Next, click on the “Connect” tab and fill out the form that appears.
  • Indicate a telephone number for communication and a personal number.

If the subscriber already has a SIM card of the operator, then he can switch to the desired tariff in his personal account.

You can turn off the tariff at any time. To do this, go to your personal account or call the hotline. You can also connect and disconnect the service in the Beeline communication salon.

Checking the balance on a corporate account

To check the Beeline balance on a corporate account, you can use special commands:

  • *110*04# - find out about the amount payable: it contains invoices that have been issued, but not yet paid;
  • 067409321 - financial report;
  • 067416 (*110*16#) – information on the cost of provided communication services;
  • 067406 (*110*06#) - data on the balances of packages as part of corporate tariffs.

New tariff packages are designed as an alternative to closed tariffs. Corporate clients can use express mobile internet at any tariff line, cloud PBX, and corporate communications across Russia. At the same time, communication services cost exactly the same as in the home region, but this rule applies to RF numbers. It is possible to independently select the required number of minutes and Internet traffic based on your own needs.

For transfer to this tariff plan Beeline writes off "his" number from the personal account of the number 250 rubles.1. The subscription fee is indicated taking into account all the discounts provided by the Communications Corporation and the signing of additional agreements. The service is obligatory for payment and cannot be disabled. Details by phone (495) 225-25-77.
Maintaining a personal account is a mandatory monthly payment.
The package of 600 minutes is spent on outgoing calls to local numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators while in the home network.
4. Long-distance (international) calls are charged from the beginning of the conversation. Tariff calculation for long-distance (international) communication services is made by summing up the cost of a minute of long-distance (international) communication and the cost of a minute of local airtime in accordance with the selected tariff plan. When calculating the long-distance (international) component of the airtime cost, the duration telephone conversation rounded up to the nearest 60 seconds.
5. Provided when the "International Communication" service is activated. Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT. Tariffication is indicated taking into account discounts and adjustments when the number is in the home region. When specifying the tariff, mathematical rounding is allowed in the second decimal place. The tariff plan is based on a linear tariff. It is not a development of VimpelCom OJSC.
6. Prohibition of identifying your number for outgoing calls (not guaranteed for calls to other mobile networks).
7. If during the reporting period there are blockings of the subscriber number at the request of the subscriber/initiative of the Operator (in cases stipulated by the Agreement and current legislation), the subscription fee is calculated daily. In case of blocking the subscriber's number due to late payment of the bill - charged in full. In case of blocking the number at the request of the subscriber, a correction factor of 0.5 is applied.
8. The participants of the conference call pay for the airtime of the conversation independently of each other in accordance with the tariff plans and tariffication rules chosen by them.
9. Provided when the "International Communication" service is activated.
10. Calls forwarded to local phone number(including to the numbers of the Beeline network and other mobile operators in your city). Long-distance (international) calls are considered to be forwarded to long-distance (international) numbers; such calls are paid according to tariffs for long-distance (international) communication.
11. The included SMS and MMS package is spent on subscriber numbers of Russian telecom operators in the home network and during intranet roaming.The cost of one SMS-message and MMS-message to the numbers of subscribers of other countries - 6.45 rubles. In national and international roaming, when sending MMS, Mobile Internet is also charged.
12. Connection is free.
13. The coverage area is the whole of Russia. If the included amount of traffic exceeds 10 GB, the speed limit for receiving / transmitting data is 64 kbps.
Traffic increase unlimited internet included in the tariff is provided when the "Extend speed" option is activated. Unlimited Internet with a speed threshold of 1 Gb / 3 Gb is provided in the current billing period after the option is activated and is automatically disabled at the end of the billing period. At the same time, the basic Internet package at the tariff does not need to be connected or configured again. During one billing period, you can connect unlimited amount options. Also, the options are summed up with each other (Amount 4.5 GB = "Extend speed 1GB" + "Extend speed 3GB" / Volume 6.5 GB = "Extend speed 3GB" + "Extend speed 3GB"). The coverage area of ​​the option is all of Russia, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

The change of the tariff plan takes place from the first day of the month. An application for changing the tariff plan is accepted until the 25th day of the month.

Prices are indicated in rubles without VAT. Tariffication is indicated taking into account discounts when the number is in the home region.

The data published on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a public offer. In the event that the price of a product or service is indicated incorrectly due to a typo or technical error, the exact price will be given by the manager.

The Beeline operator offers favorable tariff plans not only for individuals. Any business needs stable, inexpensive and high-quality mobile communications. It is for this reason that Beeline has several favorable rates designed specifically for small firms and individual entrepreneurs, as well as for large companies with a large staff. What kind of Beeline corporate tariffs are available for business clients, and why should you pay attention to them?

Description of tariffs "All for business"

On this moment Beeline operator offers a line of tariff plans "Everything for Business", which consists of four corporate tariffs: "For business for 250", "For business for 450", "For business for 900" and "For business for 1500". Previously, similar business rates were called "Bronze", "Silver", "Gold" and "Platinum".

Corporate tariff plans provide an opportunity to communicate with Beeline subscribers for free, call, send SMS and MMS to company employees throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, free service packages and favorable terms of service are available, which can be found below.

Each of the presented tariff plans allows you to:

  • call any Beeline numbers for free;
  • make free calls, send SMS and MMS messages to corporate numbers;
  • use free packages of minutes, SMS for calls and sending to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators;
  • use free internet packages.

Action free services and packages is available when the subscriber is both in the home region and in intranet roaming in Russia. At the same time, one or several telephone numbers can be connected to any of the available tariff plans.

The size of the packages depends on the current tariff, which in turn differ in the size of the subscription fee:

The description of corporate tariffs "Everything for Business" is given for St. Petersburg and the region. For example, five similar tariff plans are already available for Moscow and the Moscow Region - “For business for 300”, “For business for 600”, as well as tariffs for 1000, 1500 and 3000 rubles, respectively.

The cost of mobile communication services after using up free packages is calculated as follows:

Calls to local phone numbers 1 rub./min.
Calls to operator numbers in roaming 3 rub./min.
SMS-messages to numbers of Russian operators 1 rub.
Send MMS 5 rub.

Beeline corporate tariffs differ from each other in the size of the subscription fee, the number of available minutes, SMS and MMS, as well as the amount of free Internet traffic. In addition, the most expensive tariffs - for 900 and 1500 rubles, allow their subscribers to use high-speed Internet connection via 4G network for free and unlimited.

For business for 250 rubles

The most affordable and cost-effective tariff of the "Everything for Business" line, thanks to which you can use free packages of minutes, SMS, MMS, and surf the Internet at high speed for a small price. All this is 250 rubles per month + a one-time guarantee fee of 300 rubles. This option is free of charge. The advantages include low cost and the availability of everything necessary for comfortable use. mobile communications. The disadvantages are a small amount of Internet traffic, which is enough only for web surfing.

For business for 450 rubles

A more advanced plan that is similar in many ways to the previous one, but offers larger free packages. 700 minutes and SMS is enough modern man actively using mobile communications. Available 8 GB of traffic is enough not only for comfortable web surfing, but also enough for occasional browsing multimedia content such as videos, photos, and listening to audio recordings. For such pleasure, you will have to pay a guarantee fee of 600 rubles and pay a monthly subscription fee of 450 rubles.

For business for 900 rubles

A serious package that opens up great opportunities for subscribers. Connecting to this tariff plan allows you to use packages for 1500 minutes, 1500 SMS and MMS messages for free, as well as spend 15 GB of Internet traffic. Such a large volume will be enough even for downloading a large number music, photos and videos, not to mention unlimited web surfing. The tariff plan "For business for 900 rubles" from Beeline is an excellent choice for subscribers who make a lot of calls and surf the Internet. The monthly subscription fee is 900 rubles, and a one-time guarantee payment upon connection is 1200.

For business for 1500 rubles

Corporate tariff with maximum opportunities, available for only 1500 rubles per month! Everyone who joins this plan gets 5,000 free minutes, 3,000 SMS and MMS, as well as an impressive 20 GB package of unlimited and high-speed 4G internet. This choice ideal for the most active users of mobile communications - it allows you not to think about the price of calls, as 5000 minutes per month is enough for any need. A large amount of traffic is suitable for watching online broadcasts, videos, downloading music, as well as for unlimited Internet surfing. This tariff is the choice for the most serious clients!

How to connect the tariff plan Beeline "All for business"?

Are you interested in corporate rates from mobile operator Beeline? You can connect the tariff plan you like "Everything for Business" on the Beeline website or by contacting one of the operator's salons.

To connect a corporate tariff through the site, simply select the tariff plan you like and fill out the order form, indicating your contact details and information about the company. Within a few hours after that, an account manager will contact you and tell you what to do next.

Disconnecting from Beeline's corporate tariff, for example, when a company is liquidated or dismissed, is also very simple. In order to deactivate any tariff from the "Everything for Business" line, you can use your personal account subscriber or contact the Beeline office, where they will help you cope with the disconnection procedure.
