What is a 1.2.3 level domain. First-level, second- and third-level domains - what are they? Bestof service - for socially significant projects

Hi all. Today I would like to tell you about free domains for a site of 2 and 3 levels, which absolutely any user can use. Moreover, you will receive not some nonsense, but full-fledged domains ru, com, tk, etc. If you want to try yourself as a webmaster and create your own website, then you don’t have to pay for Domain name. And then suddenly you try, but you do not like it. Or maybe you have a difficult time with finances, so you want to reduce all expenses to a minimum? In any case, today I will tell you on what resources you can fulfill your needs. I hope my list is helpful to you.

What are free domains commonly used for?

  • If you, as a novice webmaster, decide to create your resource on the Internet, it is not necessary to immediately buy a paid domain and hosting. You can practice for free.
  • In some cases, to promote your main resource, it is advisable to register several others and place texts on them with links to the main resource.
  • There are services that offer free hosting along with a domain. It has constructors installed, with the help of which it is convenient not only to make ordinary pages, but also to add a newsletter, video, blog, form feedback, even a shop. This can be convenient for both a beginner in site building and an experienced webmaster.

Free second level domains

Of course, it’s worth starting with what they are looking for more often, namely, from level 2 domains. It’s always more pleasant when the resource address does not contain any extensions.

Hosting payment

A second-level domain can be obtained free of charge for one year with the purchase of almost any long-term hosting. But it is possible that in the second and subsequent years you will have to pay for it at an inflated price (sometimes more than three times compared to buying it separately). This option is not the best, because there will be no savings here.

Freenom Service

And the first on our list will be the service freenom.com, in which for 1 year you can really register free second-level domains in the tk, ml, ga, cf, gq zone. But on condition that they will consist of more than three letters, and will not have an attractive name. The service determines the degree of attractiveness independently. Freenom claims to be the first and only provider of free domains, even though it's not.

To register a domain in these zones, you need to go to the company's website, which is partially Russified. It will be more convenient if a translator is built into the browser. Enter the desired name and check its availability. If the name is not taken, then a button with the name “get a domain now” will appear to the right of it, which you should click on. It will change color (become green), and another “checkout” button will appear on top.

Now you will see the next page where you need to select the period for which you want to register a name for the site. A free period of up to 12 months is available.

Freenom domains are characterized by the fact that the user who registered them is not a licensee. That is, the domains do not actually belong to him, there is no right to transfer them to another user. It is stated that the renewal is free. If you registered them for a year, then you can renew for the same period. There is a knowledge base that explains how to set up and manage domains.

On a note:

  • Do not register many domains at once or one in all free zones, for this your account may be blocked;
  • If you tried to do this, and this happened (blocked), go from another browser and IP, create new account with a new email.

What could be the problems

  • The above zones are very actively used by unscrupulous people to create web resources through which they commit illegal actions. That's why search engines often unfriendly to their customers, strenuously checking resources for fraud using certain algorithms. The slightest similarity of content with something suspicious can lead to blocking by search engines.
  • Since the domain zones belong to Tokelau, Mali, Gabon, Guinea, and the Central African Republic, it is conditionally considered that the content of the resources should also be oriented towards the population of these countries and be shown to them first of all. If we assume that our sites should be visited by representatives of Russia, the CIS countries, Europe, then search engines see the situation differently. The first to be issued to users of these countries will be offered resources from domain zones corresponding to them. And your sites for key queries run the risk of being “in the backyard” of the issuance, which few people get to.
  • Users do not particularly trust the information posted on the resources of these zones.

Conclusion: for short-term projects, experiments, learning to create websites and not complex tasks, the zones .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq are quite suitable. There is practically no difference between them.

1gb - domain names in the RU zone

Service 1gb.ru offers to register a free domain in the .ru zone. However, you will not be the owner of this name. However, you have the opportunity to redeem it at any time (again, it is 4 times more expensive than it would cost at a special registrar), or get it for free by ordering paid hosting services.

Along with this, you will also receive a very truncated hosting functionality (you won’t be able to install a forum, portal, CMS). There are restrictions on topics that can be placed on this resource. Erotic themes, religious, social are prohibited. You can not place file archives, photo and video materials other than copyrighted ones.

By the way, I already talked about this service in my article about. So I recommend that you read this article.

Bestof service - for socially significant projects

If you have a socially significant project, an interesting idea, or you are doing charity work, then this service will provide you with a free website address. There is also a list with certain second-level domain names in the .ru zone, which are provided free of charge. Advertising is not placed, the functionality is full. Your project or idea should already be partially completed, they will have to be submitted to the moderators for verification. There can be no talk of any commerce and benefit from the site.

Free third level domains

As a rule, a third-level domain is offered in conjunction with free hosting. For a novice webmaster, this is a great solution. Third-level domains in popular domain zones (.ru, .com, .org, etc.) are well indexed (located) by search engines. Such services are offered mainly in order to interest the paid option. For this, several days or a month of access to all paid services of the site are given. At the end of the trial period, you can return to the free option, or pay for hosting services. They can be both quite expensive and cheap with wide and convenient functionality. On some services, it is permissible to replace the third-level domain with your second-level one.

Let's analyze several services that offer free domains for a level 3 site.


The first will be the heavily advertised Wix.com. If you register there, your domain name will look like this: mysitik.wixsite.com/website. The service has a constructor with which you can make a website in a few minutes. It will be immediately adapted to mobile devices, have a stylish modern look. The domain name is easily changed. There are many applications that you can add to your resource for free: a feedback form, a newsletter subscription form, social network buttons, analytics, etc. At the very top of all pages of your site there will be an advertising line of the service. Part needed services– paid (adding a site icon). Poor indexing by search engines (or lack thereof). imposition paid services.


A noteworthy project is Tilda tilda.cc/ru. Quick convenient registration, functional constructor, simple, clear resource interface. The address of your site will look something like this: project907987.tilda.ws, but you can change the left side in the settings by coming up with the name you need. The domain name will not be very long and will look good. For one account, you can create one project with 50 pages, 50 MB of space is given. A trial period (two weeks) is immediately offered to test the full functionality (professional version). It has an extended number of constructor blocks and the ability to connect your own domain. AT free version block set is very limited.


Of course, you can not ignore ucoz.ru. There are several modules, including forum, blog, guestbook, news portal for which you don't have to pay. Login is available with accounts social networks. Website, blog, forum is created quickly and easily. Your domain will look quite short: mysitik.ucoz.net. The owners of the service actively encourage the connection of paid services. Various advertisements placed on the site of free clients are very intrusive for users.


The hut.ru resource for giving a free domain and hosting with many features (usually paid on other services), will place its advertisement on your site. Per additional fee you can disable ads, expand disk space, get an additional database, mailbox. The fee is small, but if you calculate everything in total, then the service of a full-fledged paid hosting often comes out cheaper. The constructor is not offered, but there are several installed scripts: catalog of sites, forum, chat, guest book.


Next resource: ru.000webhost.com - foreign hosting. Registration is quick and easy, with it you immediately need to choose a domain name. It will be long: sitename.000webhostapp.com. There is a designer with many blocks and a pre-installed WordPress engine. Extended functionality is provided (database, cron, statistics), a guarantee of high-quality server operation is given. A wide choice of interface languages, there is Russian. For mobile devices, as well as on Tilda, you will have to do some block adjustments yourself. On your site, at the bottom right, there will be an almost imperceptible advertising link to the hoster's site.

Among foreign hosting you can find many worthy ones providing their services for free (including domains). Difficulties only with the lack of a Russian-language control panel.

Site in a folder

The well-known resource Google also provides free "domains", so to speak. Only it will be just a folder for the site with your name. You need to log in through your account to the site sites.google.com/new page, click the plus sign in the lower right corner. A rather modest editor with several blocks will open in front of you. Having filled in all the necessary, we proceed to the publication. The domain name will be very cumbersome: sites.google.com/view/sitename.

The only advantage of this type of site is that it is better indexed by the Google search engine.


If you decide to get a free domain for your site, then you need to choose a resource that can provide it, based on your needs. For beginners, convenience and a clear interface are important. Decide if you also need hosting and dependence on it, a constructor, additional blocks (forum, blog, chat, etc.), extended functionality (databases, scripts, a lot of disk space for files, etc.). The general disadvantage of such domains and hosting is that at any time you can lose them without explanation, although they do not intentionally set such a goal.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

This article will help you understand some aspects among domains. There are several types of domains (levels). Let's try to understand the situation using "live" examples.


What's to the left of the "//" characters determines the type of protocol that is used to access the information behind the name (http:// is the standard protocol and https:// is the secure protocol). But this article is about something else. Remains www.forum.hostings.info. Here www means the World Wide Web (World Wide Web) and in many modern sites it makes no difference whether we enter www (www.forum.hostings.info) or without it (forum.hostings.info).

Therefore, to make it easier to understand, domain levels can be broken down like this:

info- first level domain

hostings.info - second level domain

forum.hostings.info - third level domain.

What are the levels of domains?

First level

These are domains that are tied to some state (ru - Russia, us - USA, kz - Kazakhstan, etc.) or topics (info - information sites, com - commercial, edu - for sites educational institutions etc.). Full list domain zones, rules for their registration, as well as prices from accredited registrars, see .

Second level

This is the name of the site, which can be registered if it is free.

Third level

As a rule, it is used to create separate sites, inside one large one. For example, on the site so-hosting.info, a third-level domain forum.so-hosting.info would be suitable for a forum. And if we wanted to create a site in different languages, we would make additional sites for this and link them to such domains: site or ua.hostings.info.

Fourth level and others

There are domains and more high level, for example level4..level4.. But it is not recommended to use such domains, because they are inconvenient for users and search engines do not particularly like them.

How to choose the right domain?

Domain Name Restrictions

  • Size requirement for each part of the domain name - it cannot be longer than 63 characters
  • No other characters can be used in the name, except for letters of the English alphabet in both cases, numbers and a hyphen, which can only be used inside the name
  • Certain restrictions can be imposed by administrators national domains- the minimum or maximum length of the name, the inadmissibility of registering names composed of only numbers and others.

In fact, such rules apply all over the world, with only minor differences. So, if someone wants to register their domain outside the Russian zone of the Internet, we advise you to carefully read the terms of domain registration in that country and in the domain that you have chosen for yourself.


Be careful, because second-level domains are registered for one year. Further, the agreement must be renewed and immediately find out the possibility of registering third-level domains within your domain. All legal nuances, such as who is the owner of a third-level domain, can be found out using special services - Whois (which can be roughly translated as "Who is who"), or you can use a special service on the website

Our studio is actively working with the "Car Manufacturers" segment, we even have a special project Car-Liner.ru for this category of customers, and when analyzing the situation for each car manufacturer, we often find that the brand owner of a car brand often uses a scheme when websites of dealers of this brand are built on the 3rd level domain, where the main domain is the automaker's domain.

Such automakers proceed from the logic:

  1. The site of a car dealer on a 3rd level domain promotes the site of an automaker
  2. It is easier for us (the automaker) to pay once for the development of the design and functionality of the site and distribute this site to dealers for free
  3. The whole system works like clockwork
Let's go through the points!

Statement one: The site of a car dealer on a 3rd level domain promotes the site of an automaker - this statement is fundamentally wrong! A site on a 3-level domain not only does not help the presence of dealer sites and a distributor site in search results, but also has an extremely negative effect on the promotion of sites on search queries! And that means pulling the entire dealer network down.

Let's look at the disadvantages of 3rd level domains:

  • Some search engines generally ignore such domains, which means that finding your site on the Internet will be much more difficult.
  • Your site's domain name is being extended.
  • The 3rd level domain, as a rule, is rigidly tied to some host and changing it means changing the domain.
  • Having spent a lot of effort or money on creating a site, choosing a unique, memorable domain for it, you will cross out most of your efforts by placing the resource in a non-commercial (3-level) hosting zone, because such a site loses its originality. And this is of great importance, especially if your site represents an enterprise that is doing serious business.
  • In addition, the use of non-commercial hosting raises doubts about the solvency of your company: the company simply cannot allocate funds for registering an individual second-level domain.
Domains located on non-commercial hosting should be used only for personal pages containing non-commercial information. In the case when you want to do business online or plan to create a business card site for your own company, there are many companies that are ready to offer you cheap hosting decent quality.

The second statement: it is easier for us (the automaker) to pay once for the design and common functionality and then distribute the sites to dealers for free - such a statement of the question is very common, but unfortunately, such dealer networks often lose weight and cannot understand why dealers ignore the promotion and promotion of their sites, which the automaker kindly provided to the dealer?

And really, why?

And all because in 98% of cases such a site cannot be configured for SEO, it is impossible to make the necessary settings on such a site and ... look at the first point - a site on a 3rd level domain! With all the ensuing consequences. We've had to deal with dealership executives and marketers who are forced to have such sites. Do you know what they say with one voice? "For us, dealers, such sales sites do not add. We are obliged to have them - that means we are obliged, and we make sales on our advanced and pumped sites!"

Statement three: The whole system works like clockwork - it is difficult to argue with this statement, only these clocks are moving in the opposite direction and the precious time required for the promotion of sites is melting.

Those who are familiar with the basics of SEO site promotion know that this is the most SEO site promotion, due to the fact that the leading search engines Yandex and Google are constantly changing their requirements for sites and ranking algorithms in search results, it becomes more complicated every year becomes more expensive. And what could be promoted in the issuance yesterday, today and tomorrow is no longer possible to promote.

So what to do? Persistently move in a dead end direction, create and maintain sites on third-level domains?

There is a solution! At the very beginning of our article, I wrote about our special project Car-Liner.ru. It was created specifically for managing a dealer network and eliminates all of the above problems. Car-Liner.ru is a turnkey solution that can be applied to any automaker and its dealers.

Car-Liner.ru includes everything a car manufacturer needs to manage its dealer network:

  • Corporate portal- employees of the car dealership on the one hand, and employees of dealerships on the other hand, connect to it to exchange files and messages.
  • News Management- all the news that a distributor posts on its website is automatically posted on the dealers' websites, which makes the dealers' websites manageable in the area information policy car brand
  • Model range management- all changes in model range are automatically placed on the websites of dealers, which makes the websites of dealers manageable in the field of car brand sales organization
  • Application for a test drive- the automaker sees and can control all test drive applications that potential buyers fill out on dealer websites
  • Press Portal(function under development) is a corporate portal for interaction with the media - a powerful tool for interaction between the automaker and various media - newspapers, Russian magazines, Internet portals, radio and television, independent journalists and bloggers.
  • Car stock(feature under development) - stock management, ordering cars by dealers.
If you have any questions about this topic, we are happy to talk!

Domain level - the location of a domain in the hierarchical structure of domain names on the Internet.

A domain is a website address or zone name. All computers are identified on a network by an IP address as a sequence of numbers. To access the server, it is important to know this address. But on one server of the hosting provider (on one IP address) 1000 sites can be hosted.

To find the right site created a domain name system. The English name is DNS or Domain Name System. A domain name is easier for users to remember than a sequence of numbers.

How to determine IP by domain - read .
How to check a domain name before registering - this .

A domain name can consist of a sequence of Latin letters or contain numbers, Cyrillic and a hyphen. The hyphen must only appear in the middle of the sequence. Letters are uppercase or lowercase, case does not matter.

There are 3 main types of domains. Consider who can own them, and how they differ.

First (top) level domains, what they are

Such domains are also called "first-level" or domain zones. Such domains cannot be bought. They are registered and made available for use by the ICANN organization. New domain zones are constantly appearing, for example.travel

Domain zones are provided to countries:

  • .ru - Russia;
  • .de - Germany;
  • .kz - Kazakhstan.

Or denote the type of organization using the domain:

  • .com is for commercial organizations.
  • .info - information sites.
  • .edu - for educational institutions.

They can be used to determine where the site is geographically located or what tasks it performs. At the same time, the site in the .com zone does not have to be commercial.

Second level domains

Domains are registered in one of the first-level zones (country or international domains). They are separated from the domain zone by a dot. The name must be unique within the same zone. The right of ownership is issued for a year, then you need to renew it for a fee.

Third level domains

Common third-level domains - refer to geographic regional domains. For example.msk.ru, .perm.ru. Such a domain is useful for local sites, such as news or a city portal.

Third-level domains not tied to geo-zones like.msk.ru, spb.ru are also called subdomains or subdomains. Registered with organizations that own second-level domains. In one such domain there can be an unlimited number of domains of the third. The user can set up a subdomain in the hosting control panel.

Read more about using subdomains.

Example of domains 1, 2, 3 levels

In domain names, the case does not matter.. Ru - they lead to the same site. For the same reason, you cannot register an existing domain by capitalizing it.

primerdomena.ru and primerdomena.info are in different zones, both can be registered.

In the examples above.ru - domain zone, ipipe and primerdomena are second-level domain names.

Megatool..ru, (domain zone ru) is an example of a third-level domain.

m.habrahabr.ru - site owner located on a subdomain mobile version site.

Domain names don't have to be short, but they should be easy to remember. Subdomains are suitable for individuals who are not chasing thousands of visitors, or for hosting a forum or an additional service on the site.

For organizations, commercial or non-commercial, it is better to use second-level domains. They inspire more trust among users and are easier to remember.
