Hosting from ucoz. What is better uCoz or paid hosting? Pros and cons of Yukoz

Good day to all! In this post, I want to consider the question, what is better uCoz (yukoz) or paid hosting? It just so happened that beginners often create their first sites using the uCoz constructor (yukoz), and not on paid hosting with a free engine. Yes, and actually there is nothing surprising in this. A beginner who is just trying to figure out how to make money on the Internet from scratch is trying various ways. And he does not want to invest his money in a trial project, because there is no certainty that it will pay for itself and bring profit.

Also here should be attributed the moment - the beginner does not yet have the required skills to properly maintain the site. And he still needs to acquire these skills and knowledge in order to succeed. And in this regard, the free website builder uCoz (yukoz) has its advantage, because it gives you the opportunity to try your hand, get the first site building skills, and understand what's what. But, from personal experience, I will say that uCoz is not suitable for developing your business on the Internet.

Cons of free hosting on uCoz

Here are the main reasons why you should create a standalone site for a serious project (on a paid hosting and with a second level domain):

  1. Many advertising affiliates do not accept sites located on free hosting and with a 3rd level domain. For example, Yandex Direct advertising cannot be placed, since this item is specified in the requirements for the site.
  2. A similar situation is observed with affiliate programs for the sale of eternal links. For example, it does not accept sites for yukoz.
  3. Similar examples affiliate programs that do not accept cooperation sites for yukoz can be cited more. Therefore, to make money, it is better to create a website on a paid hosting.
  4. If you look, uCoz is not a completely free website builder. Yes, indeed, you do not need to pay money for hosting a site on the uCoz platform. But uCoz, in exchange for free use of its platform and hosting, places an advertising banner on your site. Which is located in the upper right corner and creates some inconvenience for site users. Actually it is located strongly intrusively. You can disable this banner for $3 per month. But, if you look, then $ 3 per month is the cost of paid hosting. Per additional fee uCoz offers to connect other functions - an online store, disable the counter of visitors, etc.
  5. The next reason is that the site is conditionally yours, but in case of violation of the rules of the uCoz system, the administration may block your site. And you will lose all the materials that you posted on it. On paid hosting, you can create backup copies of the site, so that in which case you do not lose the results of many days of work.
  6. uCoz also has a quarantine time - 30 days after creation. During which the site cannot be added to search engines, i.e. it is closed from search robots.

Benefits of creating a site on Yukoz

  1. A free website builder, as mentioned above, you can practice creating and customizing websites on it. But, it should be understood that uCoz is different from other content management systems, such as the WordPress engine. And, if you want to master WordPress, you will have to figure it out almost from scratch, although now there is such an abundance of materials on creating a site on WordPress that there will be no difficulties. You just need to read and apply on your site.
  2. The site created on uCoz works stably. While cheap hosting often falls and the site is out of service for some time. The importance of choosing high-quality and reliable hosting is written in. And one more important aspect - hosting cannot be cheap and high quality at the same time. Many new hosting companies lure clients with their cheapness, but when there are a lot of clients, their servers simply cannot stand up and constant failures begin. Or, when your site is gaining popularity and the load on hosting from a cheap host increases, the site stops working stably, which may adversely affect the further development of your project. Therefore, you should immediately choose a reliable host in order to save yourself from such problems in the future.
  3. If you used a premium account on uCoz and did not pay for services for the next month, then the site will not be blocked, but those functions that are not paid will simply be disabled.

What do you think about this? Where is it better to create your first site on yukoz or paid hosting.

Nowadays, own website is an important and very profitable component of any business. However, it is not always possible to order the services of web studios. In this case, website builders come to the rescue.

One of the most famous and functional of them is Ucoz- a combination of free hosting with built-in CMS for beginners and professionals.

The constructor includes a huge number of various modules (guest book, blog, forum, etc.). Consider step by step guide about how to create a website on Ucoz.

Preparation: Choosing a Domain Name

Any website starts with a name, and the first thing you need to do is come up with one. The Ucoz service offers two options to choose from: either register a third-level domain, or link your own second-level domain to the site you are creating.

It is advisable to immediately choose the second option, because, firstly, the possibilities of working with the site will expand significantly, and secondly, such shortcomings of Ucoz free hosting as advertising that sometimes covers half the screen or the issue of rights to your site will be eliminated.

The main advantage of using your own domain name is the trust of advertisers and visitors, and this is the most important component of the site's success.

Keep in mind that subdomains are much less trusted and provide fewer opportunities for site optimization and link building than domains.

A site with a second-level domain can make a profit using Yandex advertising network, Google adsense and various reference exchanges. Paying 100 rubles for hosting every month, you invest this amount in stability and reliability.

Remember: the miser pays twice.


With all the conveniences, the Ucoz website builder also has the other side of the coin: a whole army of spammers who create websites extremely Low quality and content on a large scale.

This led to a thirty-day trial period for new sites, during which the site is closed for indexing by search engines.

For respectable webmasters, this is not a problem, since 30 days is almost the ideal time to work with the site. During this time, you will be able to install all the widgets you need, figure out the design and prepare the site for a full start.

During quarantine, take care of not only the design and construction of the site, but also interesting content. Create a material that will make visitors return to your resource and recommend it to friends and acquaintances. So, how to create a website on Ucoz?

Creating a site on Ucoz: registration

Go to Ucoz home page and click in the window that opens on the button "Create a site»:

Enter your e-mail, password and within a few minutes to the address you specified Email You will receive a registration confirmation email:

Everything that you filled out correctly will be marked in green, everything that is incorrect will be marked in red:

After clicking on the " Registration" button, the following window will appear:

An email has been sent to the specified e-mail. Check your email and follow the link below:

After that, you will be transferred to the Ucoz website, where you need to enter a security code. This completes the registration.

Click on "Login with uID":

Enter your phone number:

The site creation window will appear. Enter his name, domain, security code and click "Create a site":

Your site has been successfully created. Go to the admin panel:

If you were not automatically "thrown" to a webtop (the appearance of which resembles a working Windows table), follow the link and enter the password:

Click on the bottom left button of the webtop and select "Create a site":

Write again the domain name and captcha. Check the box " Agree with the rules"and click" Continue ":

Now your site is finally created. Click on the button " Site control panel»:

In the window that appears, enter the name of your site and select a design template from the list:

The design option used can always be changed in the control panel. Click on the Continue button.

In the new window, select the modules you need for your site and click "Continue" again:

In the control panel that appears, select " Site News"In the upper left side of the screen, and then" Material management».

Click on the wrench to the right of " Main page»:

We see that news will be displayed on the main page of our site. Save the changes and follow the provided link to the site page:

Site completion

There are several ways to fill the site with content. First, choose a topic that interests you and that you know best. You must be able to reveal the topic on the site so that people are interested.

If you do not have the slightest inclination to write texts, you can buy information to fill the site on article exchanges.

Also, you can copy information from sites with similar topics. However, doing this is only permissible if you are a beginner and the traffic rating does not matter to you, since search engines, having learned that your site is filled with stolen text, will send it to the very bottom of the issue.

Another option for filling the site is rewriting: after reading several articles from sites of similar subjects, you can write your own or entrust this work freelancers who can be found on specialized resources.

In order for people to be interested in your site and they return to it, you need regular content updates.

By the way, you can give individual users certain rights. After they pass authorization on the site, they will have access to a shortened admin bar. Some users may have the authority to add various materials to the resource, moderation, etc.

At the top of the site, click on " Constructor"And select" Enable constructor". Click on " My site"To change this inscription, and then on" Add news».

Let's add news and an image using the built-in editor tools:

Save your changes. Now the news has been added and will be displayed on the main page.

By the same principle, it is necessary to regularly add up-to-date information to the site:

In order to add a new menu item, go to the site control panel, click "Design", and then " Menu builder»:

Let's remove the section Information about the site"And add the item" News»:

The generated news page looks like this:

Create a sitemap

Sitemap file - a document with information about all pages of your portal. With it, search engines find out which pages of the site need to be indexed, determine the frequency of updating information on the pages, indexing priority, etc.

Ucoz allows you to generate an XML code for Yandex and Google, as well as create a visual site map for its visitors. You will be able to start creating it only a month after you start working with UCOZ, but it will not be superfluous to describe this process now.

Follow, for example, the link, click on " Generate XML Map". When the card code appears in the window, click " Download sitemap.xml and save it to your computer.

After that, go to the site, then in " Page editor' and select ' File manager ". Click the Browse button and upload the sitemap file. After that, you can add your resource to all search engines.

Benefits of Ucoz

  • Ease of learning. In order to create an online site, it is enough to register, select the name of the created resource and fill it with information;
  • Simple and intuitive control panel;
  • Unlimited disk space;
  • Templates for Ucoz. There are hundreds to choose from free templates for your site, which can be radically changed or left in its original form;
  • In Ucoz, you can create a website for free and fully use the resource without paying a penny for hosting and a domain name;
  • A huge number of ready-made modules for the site;
  • Scripts for Ucoz;
  • Operational technical support. Moreover, there is both a paid mode, in which applications are considered out of turn, and a free one;
  • Low promotion costs.

However, it was not without a fly in the ointment. The Ucoz service also has many disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Ucoz

  • Again, free. Free hosting does not inspire confidence, since its use is an indicator of the poverty of the owner of the resource, who cannot allocate 30-100 rubles per month and use a full-fledged hosting;
  • The third-level domain is also not trusted by users;
  • Advertising. Your site will constantly contain tons of advertising, and not always decent content, for which you will not be charged a penny. Since hosting is free, you have to earn;
  • Exclusively paid use of Perl , ASP and PHP ;
  • Resource monetization. It is possible in case of using advertising services TAK, WMLINK, however, it will bring a penny. Advertising services of a more serious level do not accept sites hosted on free hosting, and this is stated in a completely direct text: “ Websites created on free Ucoz hosting are not accepted in any form»;
  • Site owner and ban. Ucoz has a bit of a confusing legal system, and understanding who owns what's created in this constructor site is quite difficult. You can be banned for life for violating the rules of the service at any time;
  • Monthly quarantine of the site, starting from the moment of registration in the service, which can be removed by purchasing a premium account or increasing the traffic of the resource.


If you are new to creating websites and want to gain experience in this area, Ucoz, due to its convenience and simplicity, suits you perfectly.

If you do not need web programming skills, but you need to create a beautiful website in a short time, it is better to use designers that do not require even minimal knowledge to create a resource. You can get acquainted with the most popular website builders in our special website.

For advanced users, uCoz can become the only platform, replacing everything. In it, you can make atypical sites with an individual design and structure. Looking at the site, no one will understand what it was made of. That is, Yukoz does not have a characteristic "handwriting" of its sites (unless you use a regular template without customization or look at the html code of the page). In the hands of an experienced developer, the result can be anything, without any special signs. And this is a big plus, especially for web studios and freelancers.

There are places to turn for help to solve incomprehensible situations:

uCoz should be chosen, rather, not by the level of your skill, but by what kind of site you need to create and how closely you plan to master the craft of a developer or webmaster. The system will be able to offer the desired solution to almost everyone. The ideal portrait of a uCoz user is a beginner with a good idea and a desire to work.


uCoz is not an ordinary constructor. It is more correct to consider its capabilities not as a whole and in the aggregate, but using a block approach. The system consists of diverse modules connected by a single interface and large quantity general, advanced settings and opportunities. You can use them, or you can leave them inactive. Thus, Yukoz will be the way it is needed to solve the user's problem. At the same time, any of the modules maximally fully fulfills the functional task, for the solution of which it is imprisoned.

Speaking of universality in the case of Yukoz, we do not mean the formal possibility of creating a large number of types of sites at the level of “it seems like it’s possible, but it’s better not to”, but a full-fledged one. Modules that carry specific functionality like a blog, an online store or a forum are powerful applications with a lot of useful settings. They can be considered separately, each as a complete system for solving one specific large-scale problem. All modules are implemented equally well.

The interface of this constructor is unlike any other. The structure of the options, the design of the control panel and the presentation of the functionality are their own, individual. It cannot be confused with anything, because the project developed its own way, bypassing generally accepted trends and copying other people's concepts. The modular structure is very convenient, it allows you to significantly simplify the interface and speed up the development of the system.

Here is a complete list of modules with a brief description of each:

  1. Users– a module in which you can manage the list of registered users, configure their access rights, delete them in bulk or transfer them to groups, define default avatars for them, set up authorization via social networks or uID, registration form, etc.
  2. Page editor- allows you to create and edit static pages. You can assign a separate template for each of them, groups of users who can view them and, of course, fill them with content through a convenient editor.
  3. Site news– a module through which you can create news categories and publish fresh materials. Blog site - a practical example of using the capabilities of this module.
  4. Forum is an important module for creating forums. It has a huge number of various settings, allowing you to create both excellent separate forum sites and forums within a different type of site. You can choose template themes, customize them, customize the display of topic branches, notifications, control buttons for visitors, and much more. good example The official uCoz forum serves to implement the module's capabilities.
  5. catalogue of articles- a powerful module for storing and publishing articles. You can customize the structure of the output of materials, comments, RSS feed, participation in the content rating from uCoz, and more.
  6. File Catalog- the same, in fact, as the catalog of articles, but here you have to work not with materials, but with uploaded files. You can create categories and customize them. Everything you need is at hand.
  7. Website directory- using this module, you can create catalogs of sites. The settings are the same as for the previous two modules, but the type of content that is to be organized and published is different.
  8. Bulletin board- a convenient module for creating bulletin boards. The range includes the possibility of grouping materials into categories and sections, setting up filters for displaying ads, output structures, and more. The functionality of this module is closest in terms of settings to the forum.
  9. Blog– here you will find everything you need to create and publish a quality blog. Manage posts, create categories for them, customize the output structure of new posts. In general, there are a lot of settings, the module is very flexible in this regard. Combines everything you need to create a complete blog. The official uCoz blog is built on the capabilities of this module.
  10. Photo albums- a module for working with images. You can organize them into categories, set up filters and other graphics output options. All this will simplify the search and navigation through images, which is especially true for large sites. Allows you to create convenient catalogs with image categories, filters and other tools that simplify navigation and work with photo albums.
  11. Online games - through this module you can add anything you want to your site a large number of online browser games. There is also a standard set of those, which you can expand at your discretion.
  12. Guest book - here is collected all the necessary functionality for creating a guest book on the site. You can set the rules for publishing messages, configure the settings for the message entry form, and more. Unfortunately, the functionality of the module is often used by spam bots.
  13. FAQ - allows you to create instructions of any plan in the "question-answer" format.
  14. Site search - setting the search parameters that site visitors will use: the number of materials in the search results, filters, the choice of modules involved in the search, and so on.
  15. Tests
  16. Mini-chat is a module required to create a mini-chat for exchanging messages between site visitors. All settings useful for displaying this type of functionality are available.
  17. Mail forms - a module for organizing feedback mail communication with site visitors. You can design mail forms yourself by adjusting the number, nature and type of their fields.
  18. Polls - a module for creating and publishing various kinds of polls and polls on the site. You can place them anywhere on the page.
  19. Site statistics - a module for collecting and displaying visitor statistics that site visitors can see. You can also see the texts search queries that bring users to the site.
  20. Online store - the so-called uShop module, which becomes available to users who have paid for the "Shop" or "Maximum" tariff plan. This is one of the most powerful and useful components of uCoz. It allows you to create and flexibly customize trading floor any complexity. There is an import of goods, accounting for discounts, delivery, promotions and much more.
  21. Video - a module for placing video files of various formats on the site. You can upload your own videos or use ready-made ones taken from popular channels and video hosting sites.
  22. Posting to social networks - the module allows you to automatically publish content to specified social network accounts. Export of materials from the modules "Site news", "Bulletin board", "Article catalog" and "Blog" is supported.
  23. The SEO module is a component of the base degree of importance. Presented in 2 versions: Free (limited functionality) and Pro (advanced version, activation of which will require payment of a premium plan). The module is a wide range of tools needed to optimize the site and promote it in PS. Allows you to view visit statistics, puzomerki (the number of pages in the index and links to the site from external resources), set up 301 redirects and monitor site positions, as well as Title, Description and Keywords tags.
  24. Yandex.Feeds is a module that allows you to provide the search engine with up-to-date data on materials on the topics of vacancies (YVL) and real estate (YRL) - sites for employment and sale / rent of real estate.

From this set of modules it is necessary to form the backbone of the site's functionality. The uCoz control panel looks nice. Thanks to this design and successful structure, the huge mass of options contained in its depths look more friendly and understandable than they could. At the top there is a menu with sections of options, in the left sidebar items from active partition, and in the workspace - the settings of a particular module, page, or some other functional unit. Despite the wealth of items and settings, it is difficult to get confused, because you always see which section and sub-item you are in. You get used to the logic of the control panel structure in a couple of days.

Most sections of the service admin panel contain more than a dozen sub-items leading to fine tuning some individual functions and modules. Everywhere extremely understandable names are used for most of those who have even read about creating sites, not to mention the practice.

Structure of the uCoz Control Panel:

  1. Modules- a section where you can see full list installed modules and access the settings for each of them.

    Modules can be added or removed at your discretion. All static pages of the site are also displayed here. You can edit existing ones, delete and create new ones.

  2. Users– the section is responsible for everything related to accounts within the site:

    • List - a complete list of users registered on the site, their status, ID, personal data. You can add or remove accounts manually
    • Settings - enable / disable the "Users" module, configure authorization rules, template personal account and authorization, login through social networks and construction of the registration form (steps). Here you can also set the possibility of using a ranking system, avatars, reputation, correspondence between users and other organizational settings on the site.
    • Authorization through social networks - activation of the ability to enter the site through Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
    • Ranks - setting up a hierarchy of user ranks depending on the number of messages they sent. You can change the names of awards, the type of icons (insignia by rank) and the number of messages to reach each stage
    • Auto transfer of users – creation of conditions under which users will be automatically transferred to one or another group. Possible factors include: number of posts, ads, uploaded files, articles, account age
    • Bulk deletion transfer - creating rules for user groups, upon execution of which they will be automatically moved to another group or deleted. Factors: last login in days, activity, group membership, email verification
    • Registration rules - the text that will be displayed when registering new users
    • Avatars - a collection of standard sets of avatars. You can upload your own or deactivate the extra ones
    • Groups - setting rights for each group on the site, creating new groups, deleting and editing them
    • Mailing list - activation of mailing lists, which can be configured according to the following criteria: mailing list category, recipient group, subject and text of the letter, return address. All mailings can be grouped into categories, view archives for them and lists of subscribers
    • Privacy policy is a ready-made form, the presence of which is required by the law of the Russian Federation on the processing of personal data. You can not change anything, use the default. It is desirable to read
    • The user agreement is another form that will allow your site to comply with the letter of the law of the Russian Federation.

  3. Settings– a section with parameters that organize the basics of the site:

    • The main ones are the name, site URL, language of the site and control panel (16 are available to choose from), themes for the buttons for editing materials, activation of the version of the site for the visually impaired
    • Search - the choice of modules in which you can search for the user's request, the number of displayed search results in general and within one page in particular. Here you can also set the paths for the location of Sitemap files and the rules for sorting the search by tags
    • Date and time - date format, time and time zone. You can also assign the display of the current date on the site as "Today", which is clear for blogs and forums
    • System - the choice of plugins used (Ajax and jquery version), setting captcha parameters, selecting home page, CNC and counter of visitors who are online
    • Advertising and copyright - setting up copyright in the footer, as well as the format and content of the advertising banner displayed on the sites of Yukoz free accounts
    • API - activation of access to the system API, obtaining an individual access code
    • Comments – selection of a set of modules in which comments will be available. Customizing the output of comments (number per page, format, design, signature type)
    • Contact details - your personal details, mail, full name and avatar
    • Domains - a panel for attaching an existing or buying a new domain. Available for immediate registration are free domain names in zones ru, su, rf, net, com, info, name, tv, me, cc, biz
    • Form editor - format selection ( visual editor, BB-codes+HTML or pure HTML) and content editor panel design. It is possible to load your CSS styles.

  4. – a section with a large number of settings for important additional site parameters:
    • File manager - interface for downloading (drug-n-drop or via explorer) files, editing the contents of service files and pages, data for connecting to the site via FTP
    • RSS import - import of information from RSS channels of any other sites (currency rates, news, store products, weather, and everything else). You can customize the design of the RSS output template for each channel separately (via code), select the number of materials and columns displayed within the page
    • Informers - allow you to display materials from any module on the desired page or third-party site. Output format, sorting, number of materials and columns, as well as templates can be configured very flexibly
    • Recommend to a friend - allows you to create a form code for materials that you want to allow visitors to recommend to their friends by sending them to e-mail;
    • Smiley editor - add or change the set of smileys that work on the site
    • Social bar - connection social buttons from the branded service
    • Site toolbar - setting the format, display and design of the administrative panel for quick search, editing materials, receiving notifications, commenting
    • Spam filter - parameters for moderating problematic messages (with a specified number of complaints), differentiation of rights to distribute complaints by groups, automatic actions against spam, etc.
    • Backup - Create backups(content from all modules and uploaded files). Copies can be downloaded as an archive on a PC
    • Webmaster tools - connecting Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Metrica
    • Replacement labels - here you will get a list of all the standard labels on the site, which are divided into categories. You can change any of them or restore the default values;
    • Awards - the introduction of awards (images of medals, orders, crowns, hearts) that administrators and representatives of other groups can present to registered users of the site
    • Banner rotator - adding banners to the site in the form of an image, code, link or flash animation. You can set the number of impressions, priority, start and end date of the rotation, as well as impressions by day of the week

  5. – settings section about everything that directly or indirectly affects the security of the site:
    • General parameters - allow you to set the number of simultaneous logins to the control panel (up to a maximum of 4 accounts), session timeout, linking accounts logged into the admin panel by IP address, IP login restrictions, adding a list of addresses from which it is allowed to log into the control panel
    • Setting up SSL– transferring the site to HTTPS, which will encrypt data based on SSL certificates
    • Phone verification - linking an account to a phone number, which will allow you to restore it in case of loss of access
    • Password replacement - you can use the global password of the uID account to enter the control panel, or you can assign a separate one for this site
    • Change of site owner - transfer of all domains of the site of your account to a new owner. To do this, you need to enter the e-mail of the site recipient registered in the system. The operation can be canceled no more than 2 times for the entire time
    • Change FTP password - change the password that allows you to access bulk file uploads to the site through special programs like FileZilla, FTP Navigator
    • Site protection from cloning - blocking a list of suspicious IP addresses, entire countries (two-letter code - US, UK, DE, etc.), which will help protect the site from robots that can download its content for subsequent project cloning
    • Top IP Addresses - A list of the most frequently accessed IP addresses for your site. Bots can be excluded from the list search engines, as well as set up automatic blocking of IPs, the number of hits from which exceeds the specified number of times
    • IP blocking - direct blocking of any IP addresses, the motivation for blacklisting is up to you
    • URL blocking - blocking URLs of other sites. Users will not be able to add messages with them to your site
    • Action log - a list of all events involving site administrators
    • Delete site - complete removal all site data. Used domains will become available for re-registration in an hour. The action is irreversible.

  6. Design- settings section appearance site:

    • Template - a section for replacing the current template of both the entire site and individual pages, blocks and elements by editing their code directly
    • Site frame - editing a common part of the site code for all pages
    • Replacing sections of code - the tool is used to quick change sections of HTML code. It is convenient to use, for example, to replace the name of something at once on all pages of the site
    • Importing remote code - adding information from a third-party site to a selected page of yours. Content Parsing
    • Menu constructor - creating and editing menus, individual items, building a site navigation structure
    • Miscellaneous - Activation mobile version template, as well as adding your own sets of emoticons to the site
    • Watermark - enable copyright overlay on site images (regular or stylized text, picture)
    • Backup - create backup copies of the site in 1 click. All copies (up to 20 copies) are displayed in chronological order and are available for download as a zip archive
    • Editor - editor of the template code of all modules connected to the site.

  7. - tariff scale, the history of your payments in the system, the purchase of a domain.

  8. Market– the section contains a built-in template store.
  9. – access to technical support, links to useful materials on the system (FAQ, community, script store, freelance exchange).

In Yukoz, much attention is paid to the use of shortcodes ($CODE$, $FLAG$ format), which allow you to quickly add standard elements to the site. You can also set up templates for the output of materials for various modules, add additional fields to the modules of the bulletin board, site directory, news, blog, and some others.

And you will also get a convenient admin bar - a panel that will allow you to add, search for materials on the fly, view notifications and add products to the store without going to the control panel. In addition, the control panel has a system of widgets on the main screen - you can collect your set of necessary from 11 options: recent orders, users, comments, sales statistics, users, materials, comments, forum, latest messages in the mini-chat and on the forum . Drag the ones you need into the workspace and, along with bookmarks, create a quick access panel to frequently used functions and sections of the service. Comfortable things and, moreover, flexibly configured.

uCoz implements a flexible system for managing all comments on the site. Forum owners will especially appreciate it. You can comfortably monitor unwanted publications and delete all at once, belonging to a specific user - not one at a time, but all at once. This simplifies the control of spammers, saves a lot of time for moderation.

Implemented integrations of uCalc, a proprietary constructor for cost calculators for goods/services, and amoCRM, a popular service for keeping records of all applications received on the site. For convenience, you can set up the synchronization of the calculator and CRM by manually selecting the types of data that will come from one application to another. Using this opportunity, you will continue to receive email and SMS notifications about accepted applications.

By the nature of the interaction, uCoz feels like a CMS with a lot of installed plugins. Functionality for almost everything is provided right out of the box. You don't have to install anything extra. The ability to work with code is not necessary, most of the actions can be performed by simply switching sliders, dragging elements, checking / unchecking checkboxes.

Designs and working with templates

uCoz can offer over 20 template categories with a total of 400+ templates. Business, transportation, fashion and beauty, education, real estate, computers and communications are some examples of topic titles.

The quality of system templates varies markedly. There are both uninteresting outdated options, and clearly cool, modern designs with adaptive design. It is best to choose from new templates, they are at the top of the list in any category, you won’t get confused.

The most interesting can be found in the built-in template store, located in the "Market" section. A large thematic assortment of premium templates, filtering to simplify the choice and an average cost of around $15 (payment by card or from a personal account). Installation is free, takes place in automatic mode. Each design comes with instructions for customizing modules based on it. New versions of already purchased templates are paid if they contain fresh functionality. Updates that include only bug fixes are free. In addition, templates can be purchased from the external store.

During the installation of a new design, an automatic backup data. You can rollback to a previous state if necessary.

Note that there are studios that can create any custom template for your site on uCoz. Of course, the cost of an individual service will be an order of magnitude higher than the purchase of a finished design. However, to create an A-class project, you may need a 100% unique version of the template.

Ukoza places a huge emphasis on the ability to edit the design code. For example, you can separately edit the code of the page for the list of materials, blog comments, and the site login form. Everyone has it installed module in the design editor, you can see a list of blocks and elements available for editing.

That is, the possibilities for customization are practically unlimited for those who know how to work with code. Using additional scripts will allow you to achieve incredible scalability of the uCoz site in terms of functionality.

SEO optimization and promotion

uCoz has an advanced SEO module. Some of its features are not available in the free version. AT full version(all functionality is unlocked after paying for the "Optimal" tariff) the module's capabilities will be enough for the most demanding users.

The SEO module has the following structure:

  1. home– general information about the site (TIC, the number of pages and external links indexed by search engines)
  2. Settings– selection of rules for the formation of meta tags and CNC, page indexing parameters, activation of the Yandex tools “Ping Monitoring” and “Original Texts”
  3. Redirects– adding 301 redirects that allow you to change the URL of the material without losing page performance in search engines
  4. Promotion e - a comprehensive service for link building. Allows you to work with the budget, deploy advertising campaigns, control positions, expenses, conduct textual and technical analysis of the site. You can run several projects in the desired regions in parallel
  5. Monitoring– selection of regions for promotion and search engines for collecting statistical data on them.

Website promotion on Yukoz works according to the same laws as in any other systems. There are no fundamental differences: to get into the TOP of search results, your site must be systematically filled and developed, you need unique texts, well-filled meta tag fields, CNC (human-understandable URL), moderate use keywords, image optimization, internal linking, external links from thematic resources to your site, work in social networks, on YouTube, the ability to analyze and use analytics statistics from Google and Yandex.

By itself, uCoz stands out for its rich settings, which will allow you to effectively administer the promotion process. Sites created in uCoz are quickly indexed by both Yandex and Google. That is, there will be no obstacles to the success of the project from the side of the engine at all. Success depends only on the literacy of your promotion actions and the budget that you are willing to invest. Built-in promotion tools are best in class website builders.

uShop - a module for creating an online store

Premium plans allow you to use all the features of uCoz to the maximum and without restrictions! Full list of benefits paid tariffs see price table.

We note the possibility completely free use uCoz. In this case, you can get 400 MB of disk space, modules (without a store and an advanced version of the SEO module), as well as an advertising banner for the system. Free is suitable for those who want to get acquainted with the possibilities of a serious system without money.

How to get -50% discount on any tariff

uCoz has a continuous PROMOTION: in the first two days of the site's life, you can connect any tariff plan with a 50% discount. In fact, anyone can pay only half, and the period of use of services at a reduced cost is not limited. Even if you have a test account older than two days, get a new one, pay the required tariff and enjoy all the benefits best designer sites at half price.

In general, Yukoz for new users is always half the price. Don't forget about it when registering!

Disabling ads for non-commercial sites

uCoz has long been in the practice of removing banner ads for social and educational websites for free. To receive a preference, the project must meet the terms of the user agreement of the service (there is nothing wrong with them, almost all thematic resources approve).

The list of beneficiaries is as follows:

  • Official sites of kindergartens, schools, colleges, colleges
  • Student and student projects
  • Sites of circles, classes and creative associations
  • Methodological sites for teachers and others.

To take advantage free opportunity to remove an advertisement, it is necessary to write a letter on the letterhead (download) of the organization addressed to the general director of Yukoz Media LLC - Kurt Evgeny Aleksandrovich. In the letter you need to ask to remove advertising from your site. The form must be certified with a signature and seal, scanned, and then sent to the post office [email protected] The paper version does not need to be sent.

If the request satisfies the requirements, the advertising banner will be removed for 1 year. If after this period you do not abandon the site and do not change its focus, you can resubmit the application. The second time the banner will be removed for a longer period or even forever. If you do not send a second letter, the banner will appear again.

Advertising is displayed only on sites hosted on free tariff. To disable ads, you need to become a uCoz premium user, that is, switch to one of the paid tariff plans (for example, "Basic"). We recommend paying immediately for 12 months in advance - this way you will be given a -20% discount, and when you switch to "Optimal" or "Shop" you can get a free domain (like of your choice as a gift. After connecting a paid package, all advertisements will automatically disappear.

uCoz is the only website builder that non-profit and government organizations use to make websites for free. All servers are physically located on the territory of the Russian Federation (in Moscow), there is a built-in free version website for the visually impaired. As a rule, a school or a teacher does not have free funds to order a website from a web studio. uCoz is doing the noblest thing in this case, making life easier for these kinds of institutions and professionals.

Pros and cons

uCoz is a unique and one of a kind product. There are many services that partially or completely cover certain areas of Yukoz's capabilities in terms of functionality or quality of presentation, but there is no website builder configuration that is similar in terms of thoughtfulness and richness.

Even if we are talking about CMS, it is even easier for Yukoz to compete with them than with high-quality cloud-based website builders. And all because CMS without plugins is usually tailored for the creation of 1-2 related types of sites. The rest needs to be made up with code and installation of modules / plugins / components, many of which are paid. In its pure form, there is simply no competition, although in certain areas of functionality (shop, blog or forum, for example), specialized CMS can surpass uCoz. But not devastating and after tangible improvements. And bringing the CMS to mind, the desired functional condition is far from being possible for every user, even in theory.

ucoz Pros:

  • High quality individual modules. It is expressed in the flexibility and detail of their settings.
  • Free access to the uCoz API, which allows professionals to customize the functionality of the modules, create their own applications or new site control panels for their clients. All documentation is in the public domain.
  • Full access to code editing.
  • Possibility to install own template with custom design.
  • A large number of tariff plans with a clear delineation of functionality
  • Moderate cost, big discounts, significant bonuses, as well as the possibility of free use.
  • Modular design is easy to handle. Allows you to select what you need, leaving redundant options for the current task inactive. Simplifies use.
  • Flexible tools for working with user groups.
  • Customizable admin bar and control panel home screen for quick access to frequently used functions.
  • A powerful SEO module that allows you to set up and automate advertising campaigns.
  • An excellent forum module that can compete in efficiency with specialized CMS. It is one of the most popular in Runet.
  • Professional store module - uShop. It contains significantly more features than most analogues.
  • The presence of a premium template store built into the control panel. Good quality latest versions built-in templates. Almost endless design customization potential.
  • Integration of amoCRM and uCalc functionality out of the box.
  • A developed system of shortcodes, the use of which allows you to significantly simplify and speed up the addition of standard elements to the site pages.
  • Excellent server protection against DDoS attacks.
  • Possibility SSL connections certificate to the domain (https protocol). Many settings for protecting access to the site, control over hits from other people's IP addresses, a log of the actions of all users with access to the control panel.
  • Visually pleasing interface design, convenient block structure with settings.
  • Competent technical support, an extensive user community, a developed knowledge base on the system, the availability of useful partner services (uPartner, uSocial, uScript, uCalc,, etc.). In general, a highly developed ecosystem.
  • Suitable for use by a wide audience of users. From beginners to professionals with long experience and a list of skills.

Cons of uCoz:

  • Restrictions free plan: banner, incomplete SEO module, system copyright, small amount of disk space.
  • Number of control panel options. At the first acquaintance, it can scare beginners.

With uCoz, almost everything related to functionality can be called a plus. We have chosen only what not everyone has. You can also note the blog module, which easily competes in usability and efficiency with WordPress and far outperforms any blog from site builders on a visual editor.

The ability to edit the code, a large number of general settings, a powerful visual content editor, API access, shortcodes, scripts, and more make Yukoz an extremely successful, solid product. The system is perceived and works as a single large-scale tool.

So, the cons are the apparent complexity and limitations of Free. The first is subjective, the second is 100% treated by buying a tariff. Preferably "Optimal" for a blog, business card, forum, bulletin board or portal. Or the "Shop" - it is clear why. Get an increase in bonuses, places, removal of all copyrights, full possibilities of modules.

Alternatives and competitors

uCoz has no realistic alternatives. Let's say control panels for WYSIWYG systems like uKit are easier to learn and make a business card. From this point of view, they win over Yukoz. In Webasyst, the store functionality is slightly wider, since the system is profiled. However, it is even more difficult for uCoz to master and more expensive. At the same time, in other usage scenarios (except for creating a store), Webasist is inferior.

That is, there are many services for which part or even the entire selection of standard templates looks better than Yukoz’s, for example, Wix. There are those that will be much easier for a beginner to start using, which will shorten the distance to the target. But they are narrower functionally, often cost more and generally give less to the user. That is, the platforms known to us can compete with uCoz only pointwise - similar cost, quality of templates, simplicity, convenience of the control panel. But not all at once. That is, you can choose a competitor in taste and color to solve a specific problem (for example, any good WYSIWYG service for creating the first business card), but there is no alternative in the full sense of the word. Objectively, in terms of the combination of qualities (price, opportunities, prospects for use), uCoz is the best.

Comparison of uCoz with competitors: uKit, WordPress.

uWeb is an improved version of uCoz

Functionally, the uWeb website builder is similar to uCoz. The differences are in the technical base and tighter control of the sites created. The service control panels look exactly the same. The transition between them is painless. If you used one, you can use the second.

Youweb is a paid website builder. There is a 15 day trial period, then you have to pay.

The uWeb tariff scale is as follows:

  1. Basic (490 rubles / month)– 5 GB of disk space, the ability to hide the statistics counter, overlay watermarks on images and file attachments in mail forms, 2nd level domain for free (if you pay for the year at once)
  2. Standard (700 rubles / month)– 10 GB of space, online store, advanced SEO module, support for PHP scripts, chat with technical support
  3. Premium (1295 rubles/month)- 20 GB of space, the ability to disable uWeb copyright, a personal manager.

Question: why uWeb if there is uCoz? First, the site will have a dedicated IP address. That is, there will be no dubious neighbors with you on the same IP. Secondly, Juweb servers have increased bandwidth and provide an increased level of security. Thirdly, the administration filters out from the system sites that violate copyright law (torrents, cinemas, warezniks, music portals), sites for adults and those that carry a dangerous or simply immoral message.

Sites that have grown into serious projects with thousands of visitors and require additional server resources usually move to uWeb.

uWeb can be called the premium VIP version of uCoz. Faster site performance with a large influx of traffic, separate IP, prosperous neighbors, higher priority of technical support, automatic site backup, increased security the servers themselves. If the above matters to you, you can try.

Websites on the uCoz constructor

In Runet, there is simply a huge number of sites on uCoz (more than 3.5 million). They do not have any characteristic features - the variation in design, type and quality is very large. Many gaming sites (clan, fan sites), movie sites, blogs, online stores, portals and forums are made by uCoz. The same applies to public sites (schools, administrations, hospitals, kindergartens) - a good half of them were born in uCoz. Our point is that you have probably seen more Yukoz sites than you can imagine.

We have prepared a selection of diverse sites created in uCoz. We believe, looking at them, you will appreciate the scope of the possibilities and the prospects of this constructor.

1. Registering a new user (creating a uID profile).

Go to registration page and select the registration method (entering e-mail or logging in through a social network). We recommend that you start registration using the first method, then we will consider this particular method.

Enter valid data, as you create not just a new site, but a uID profile, in which you can later create an unlimited number of sites. come up with complex password, which does not match the password from your mail.

2. After entering e-mail address or click on social network, the "Create a new site" form will open. Fill in all the fields, check the box next to "I confirm the terms of use of the community uID". Click "Register".

3. After successful completion, we should display information that a letter has been sent to your e-mail address asking you to confirm the address. Now you should go to your mailbox.

4. In the box, open the letter under the heading "uID - welcome to our community!". In this letter, click the "Continue" button to confirm the address.

5. Clicking this button will open the "E-mail verified!" page. Enter your phone number and select Secret Question and the answer to it (in the future, to remove modules or the site itself, each time you will need to answer your security question).

Here you need to come up with a separate password for the site. The previous password was specifically for your uID profile, with which you can log in to other uCoz sites.

6. After filling in all the fields, click "Start creating". Before us is a page with the choice of the address of the site, enter the name of the site on the English layout and select domain zone(,, etc.) and then click "Create a site".

7. The site is almost created, you need to enter the name of the site, select one of the proposed standard designs, select the language of the site (in the future, all this can be changed).

By clicking "Select Design", a window with templates will open. Choose the one that you like or the one that best suits your theme.

Click Continue.

8. Next, we see a list of modules (not complete) that we want to see on the site. Check the boxes that you need (modules can be added and removed in the future). Click Continue.

9. Now you get to the "Control Panel" site. Here you can customize the design, all modules, etc.

10. Here you see the address of your site, click on it and it will open in a new browser tab.

11. At the bottom right you will see hints. Read them so you can master uCoz faster. Here you see the admin panel.

12. Use it to turn on the designer mode, click "Enable designer".

13. Now you can change the name of the site in this mode, drag blocks, change their content, add new blocks or delete them. To edit, click on the gear, to delete the red cross.

14. After the changes made, you need to save the changes in the same admin panel, for this, in the "Designer" tab, click "Save changes", then "Disable designer".

The changes are saved and you are back in normal mode.

15. Write your first article! To do this, click on your site "Add news" or in the admin panel "Add material to site news". You will be redirected to the page for adding news.

This is where creativity begins! Write the title of the news (the title of the article), write the full text of the material directly to your article.

Then, at the very bottom of the page, click the "Add" button.

These are the very first steps. Tune in to work, or in other words, to write good and useful articles, because. this is what is very important now, the first month devote yourself to this.

If you want to change the design of your site, then read the material on how
