How to change the start type on windows 7. Why the start button has changed and how to fix it

This time we bring to your attention the topic of how to clean RAM a computer with Windows 10. This will consider several ways to safely free up RAM and increase system performance.

Ways to free up RAM on Windows 10

When the computer has little RAM, it starts to slow down and running applications are slow to respond to user actions. In this case, working on a PC becomes extremely uncomfortable. Of course, you can purchase another stick of RAM (if there is a free slot on the motherboard) and speed up the system a little. However, what to do if this is not possible? How to free up RAM on a Windows 10 computer?

Method number 1. Using a custom script

To free up RAM on a Windows 10 computer, use the following script:

  • Right-click on the desktop and select New.
  • Next, select "Text Document" and give it any name. Open the document with Notepad and paste the following lines: FreeMem = Space(3200000), where 3200000 is 32 MB (you can safely delete 32 MB without harming the system).
  • Next, save the document and choose Rename. Change the extension from .txt to .vbs.

  • I run the file on my PC and expect the result. Checking the speed of the system. This file can be reused once the system starts to slow down.

Method number 2. Closing unnecessary programs

Computer memory consumed various applications. Some of them are added to the system startup during installation and work without the user's knowledge. If you do not use any programs, then you should disable them in advance. To do this, do the following:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Task Manager.

  • A new window will open. Go to the "Processes" tab and end everything related to unused programs (use the right mouse button).

We check whether this “cleaning” has given results.

IMPORTANT! If you have unused programs displayed in the "Background Processes" section, then remove them there.

Method number 3. Startup cleaning

Another way to clean up RAM is to remove programs that you rarely use from startup. To do this, you can go to the startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Startup and delete shortcuts for unused applications. Or press "Win + R" and enter "msconfig".

After excluding programs from startup, Windows 10 will start faster.

Method number 4. Restart Windows Explorer

To make the system work faster, you can try restarting Windows Explorer. To do this, do the following:

  • Launch the "Task Manager" and go to the "Details" tab. Here we find "explorer".

  • After the task is completed, you need to go back to the "Task Manager" and click "File", "Run a new task".

  • The Run command window will appear. Enter "exe".

  • After restarting the Explorer, the amount of RAM will increase. However, do not expect "cosmic" growth.

There is another way to restart Explorer. Create on desktop Text Document, open it with Notepad and type "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe, start explorer.exe". After saving the file with the .bat extension, you can restart explorer.

Method number 5. Setting graphic theme Aero

This theme has several display modes. Can be turned off best performance or disable any effects altogether. To do this, we recommend that you read the topic How to improve desktop performance for Windows Aero. Only by disabling effects that consume RAM can you speed up your PC.

Method number 6. Programmatic way

A RAM cleaner program can also help fix the problem. Among the many software we recommend using Wise Memory Optimizer.

In the program, you need to mark the objects for cleaning, set the size of the RAM and click "Optimize".

It is important to note that you need to both clear the program cache and start cleaning the system of garbage. Sufficient hard disk space and an optimal amount of RAM will ensure maximum system performance.

The deterioration in computer speed is most often associated with the load of random access memory (RAM). Lots of open programs and applications significantly affect its performance.

Therefore, the easiest way out of this situation is to reduce the load on the PC by optimizing computing processes. In this case, there is no need to overload the system - there are several alternative effective methods.

Closing unnecessary programs

The degree of efficiency of the functioning of the EP directly depends on open applications. Some of them are system ones that cannot be deactivated. In this case, there is a possibility system error or even more deterioration in the performance of the computer. Therefore, one should adhere to a certain methodology, which differs depending on the type of active software(ON).

Extra applications

If the RAM is so overloaded that it is impossible to enter the program (hanging), you must perform the following steps:

However, there is a high chance of data loss. Therefore, it is recommended to use this technique only as a last resort. It is best to wait a while for the program to go into normal mode and terminate it gracefully.

background programs

In addition to visible processes, background processes may run while the computer is turned on and running. They are not visible on the current taskbar, but can significantly affect the workload of the OP. To close them, you can use the above method.

After activating the task manager, go to the processes tab. For clarity, you can sort by the value of memory.

Active components will be arranged according to the degree of allocated volume of OP for their work. It is possible to complete certain processes only after full confidence that their absence will not affect the speed and functioning of the PC. These tasks include system tasks that are responsible for connecting the network and the operation of external equipment (printers, scanners, etc.).

Some background processes may appear in the Control Panel in the lower right corner. You can determine the name by placing the mouse cursor on it - the name of the application will be displayed in a pop-up window. In most cases, you can exit it by pressing the right mouse button and selecting the appropriate menu item. For some antivirus programs no such function exists. First, you need to open the software with the left mouse button and perform deactivation from the main menu.

We clean autoload

To improve user comfort, there is an autoload function. During computer startup, it initiates selected applications. Some software developers configure the installation so that programs run automatically without the user's knowledge. This is especially true for background processes. You can remove them from startup in the following ways.

Editing the contents of a folder:
  1. on the system drive find the startup folder;
  2. it is located in the following path: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Startup;
  3. it contains shortcuts to software that is loaded simultaneously with the operating system. To clean up startup, just remove the extra shortcut.

Msconfig utility:

However, this method will not allow you to release the OP - for this you need to restart the computer.

Restart Windows Explorer

Explorer is integrated into the operating system file manager. It is possible to restart it without closing other operations.

Task Manager:

  • the key combination Alt+Ctrl+Del opens the utility;
  • in the "Processes" tab we find the name of the image explorer.exe. By clicking on the “End” button, the process will deactivate the task.

When this happens, the taskbar and the Start button will disappear. No need to be afraid - other applications will remain active.

To restart:

batch file:

  • on the desktop using Notepad is created standard file, which originally has a .txt extension;
  • having opened it, we write the following lines: taskkill /f /im explorer.exe, start explorer.exe
  • after saving, rename it: "restart explorer.bat".

It is important to trace the change in the extension and icon. The latter should be displayed as a gear. Reloading explorer will be performed after clicking on the file icon. The system will take some time - so no need to try to do a re-initialization. AT otherwise several conductors will start, which will lead to the opposite result - a decrease in free RAM.

Video: clean memory

How to clear RAM without restarting your computer

One of effective ways is manual setting Windows registry settings.

It will quickly clear the RAM and increase the speed of the computer. However, you should immediately warn that setting incorrect values ​​\u200b\u200bcan cause a decrease in work efficiency. Therefore, you should act strictly according to the instructions.

Regedit command

To enable the command line, go to the Start button and in the Accessories folder, click Run. AT command line we type regedit, opening the registry menu.

You can then follow these procedures to increase the amount of free RAM:

This is one of the simplest and safe ways improve OS settings. However, during the work in the registry, multiple errors accumulate, which can be corrected only with the help of special utilities. The most effective are CCleaner and RegistryLife.

Virus removal

One of the reasons for the decrease in the amount of free OP is the presence of viruses. In addition to direct harm to the software, their activities lower the performance of the computer. The methods described above are not suitable for their removal - viruses are often hidden from standard detection mechanisms. It is best to use anti-virus utilities - DrWeb, Kaspersky anti-virus. Of the shareware, Avast can be distinguished.

Currently, there are both paid and shareware versions on the web. With increased intensity of work, it is best to use the first. After installation and the first launch, the antivirus usually conducts operational diagnostics. Then you should run full check all disks, including prelaunch, up to Windows boot. With this approach, the probability of detecting third-party software is high.

For effective operation of the antivirus, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • set the settings to automatic update.
  • in the settings, specify a full scan at least once a week and correctly set the characteristics of continuous monitoring.

By adhering to these rules, you can not only increase the volume free memory on your computer, but also to secure its functioning, to protect important information from possible hacking.

Memory optimization

Currently, so-called memory optimizers have become widespread. Is it paid or free utilities, which, according to the assurances of the developers, correctly distribute the processes among the free sectors of the OP.

In fact, they have very low efficiency. The built-in manager handles this task best of all. To check this statement in the standard Widows set, run the application Resource Monitor. By activating several software, you can observe a sharp load on the OP. However, over time, its level will drop to the old value. At the same time, the software was not closed.

During the operation of the software, various areas are accessed hard drive. If it is filled to the maximum, the time for performing operations increases.

To solve this problem, you can do the following:

  1. delete extra files from the hard drive.
  2. defragment it, optimized the distribution of space occupied by the software. This is the standard windows function. The launch shortcut is located in the Standard folder, subfolder - System Tools. After enabling the utility, to start the process, click the Defragment button.

The best way to optimize the OP is to remove unnecessary software and minimize the amount of startup. You also need to constantly check the antivirus and clean the registry. This will maximize the performance of your computer.


When too many programs are launched on the PC, then the RAM may no longer be enough and the computer will begin to “slow down”. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to clear the RAM before opening "large" applications (games, video editors, graphics). It will also not be superfluous to do a little cleaning and setting up applications to disable all little-used programs.

By the way, this article will be especially relevant for those who have to work on computers with a small amount of RAM (most often no more than 1-2 GB). On such PCs, the lack of RAM is felt, as they say, “by eye”.

1. How to reduce RAM usage (Windows 7, 8)

Windows 7 introduced one function that stores in the computer's RAM (in addition to information about running programs, libraries, processes, etc.) information about each program that the user could run (in order to speed up work, of course). This function is called - Superfetch.

If there is not a lot of memory on the computer (no more than 2 GB), then this function, most often, does not speed up the work, but rather slows it down. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to disable it.

How to disable Superfetch

1) Go to the panel Windows controls and go to the "System and Security" section.

Rice. 1. Administration -> services

3) In the list of services we find the necessary one (in this case Superfetch), open it and put it in the column "launch type" - disabled, additionally turn it off. Next, save the settings and restart the PC.

After restarting the computer, RAM usage should decrease. On average, it helps to reduce RAM usage by 100-300 MB (not much, but not so little with 1-2 GB of RAM).

2. How to free up RAM

Many users do not even know what programs "eat up" the computer's RAM. Before launching "large" applications, in order to reduce the number of brakes, it is recommended to close some programs that are not needed at the moment.

By the way, many programs, even if you closed them, can be located in the PC's RAM!

To view all the processes and programs in RAM, it is recommended to open the task manager (you can also use the process explorer utility).

To do this, press the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC buttons.

By the way, the Explorer system process often takes up a lot of memory (many novice users do not restart it, since everything disappears from the desktop and you have to restart the PC).

Meanwhile, restarting Explorer is easy enough. First, remove the task from the “explorer” - as a result, you will have a “blank screen” and a task manager on the monitor (see Fig. 4). After that, click in the task manager "file / new task" and write the command " explorer"(See Fig. 5), press the Enter key.

Explorer will be restarted!

3. Programs for quick cleaning of RAM

1) Advanced System Care

An excellent utility not only for cleaning and Windows optimizations, but also to control the computer's RAM. After installing the program on the right upper corner there will be a small window (see Fig. 6) in which you can monitor the load of the processor, RAM, network. There is also a button for quick cleaning of RAM - very convenient!

Rice. 6.Advance System Care

2) Mem Reduce

Official site:

A great little utility that will display a small icon next to the tray clock and show how much % of memory is used. You can clear the RAM in one click - to do this, open the main program window and click on the "Clear memory" button (see Fig. 7).

By the way, the program is small in size (~300 Kb), supports Russian, is free, there is a portable version that does not need to be installed. In general, it’s hard to think of a better one!


That's all for me. I hope so simple actions you make your PC run faster 🙂

RAM personal computer responsible for speed. The more at the same time running applications and games, the less RAM is left for fast work operating system. RAM memory is loaded by both active and background processes, so they need to be periodically "cleaned" and get rid of unnecessary ones. Let's see how to clean up the computer's RAM on Windows 10.

As with any other issue related to setting up a PC or laptop, the problem can be solved in several ways:

Freeing up RAM allows you to significantly speed up your PC. Let's consider all optimization options in more detail.

Cleaning by hand

In this case, you will have to independently determine which processes will be removed to unload the RAM and clean it from garbage. Since each running program uses at least the minimum amount of RAM, you will need the "Task Manager" to see the entire list of enabled processes. We perform the following actions:

  1. We launch the "Task Manager". The easiest way to open an application is with a combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + Esc . Open the first tab "Processes".
  1. The "Memory" column contains information about the amount of RAM used by this process in MB. Click on it to sort the list in descending order. As a result, those processes that use the most RAM will be at the top.
  1. To achieve a greater offload effect, sort all processes by CPU (central processing unit) load.
  1. Select a program and right-click on it. In the menu, click on "End Task".
  1. If you want to terminate the execution of all processes associated with this application, then click on "End Process Tree".

You can't be afraid to close system processes, which will "eat" RAM - OS from Microsoft will not allow you to do this and will show a warning window.

If the program refuses to close and continues to “hang” in the list, the RAM begins to fill up over time more and more and there is an obvious memory leak, then the problem is related to malware and viruses. The standard Windows Defender will not help to get rid of such processes. For virus cleaning and optimization, you need the AdwCleaner program. It can be downloaded from the developers website at

This way you can speed up your device. However, the next time you turn on the PC, some of the applications will be launched again. So that you do not have to close them manually every time, you need to use the autoload settings:

  1. Open Task Manager again.
  1. Here you can find those programs that load RAM and run constantly when you start your PC. According to the “Startup Impact” column, you can understand how much resources this utility takes up when you turn on the PC.
  1. Use the right mouse button to open the menu and click on "Disable". Now the application will not start when the computer is turned on.

All the described methods are fully working on Windows 10 of all versions and bit depths (x32-bit and x64-bit).

Third party software

If you do not want to optimize the loading of the RAM cache manually, then they will come to the rescue special programs. The following utilities will be discussed below:

  • KCleaner;
  • mz RAM Booster;
  • Wise Memory Optimizer;
  • cleanmem.

With the help of these utilities, you can free up memory and improve PC performance.


You can download this RAM cleaner from the official website at the link. On the page, click the "Download" button.

After the standard installation procedure, launch KCleaner. In the program window, you will see the option to free up RAM manually and automatic modes. To start cleaning the clogged RAM memory, click on the "Clear" button (1). Using the buttons under the number "2" you can start cleaning with the subsequent action (turn off / restart the computer, close the program).

The "Start" button (1) allows you to enable cleaning in the background.

Click on "Expert Mode" (2) to see a list of processes and their impact on RAM usage:

Mz RAM Booster

This utility is a kind of analogue of the "Task Manager". It can track the current load on physical memory, processor, video memory, etc. In the "Tasks" block, you must click the "Smart Optimize" button to use the built-in optimizer:

Also Mz RAM Booster optimizes the performance of the CPU, virtual file paging, etc. The utility performs all tasks automatically.

Wise Memory Optimizer


To start cleaning, you need to right-click on the widget and select "Clean Memory Now" from the menu:

Using a script

If you do not want to manually close each process and remove it from startup options, but installing third-party programs does not suit you either, then you can create your own script. It automates the cleaning process and makes it easier. Just follow the directions.

Open a standard Notepad and copy the text into it:

MsgBox "Clear RAM?",0,"Clear RAM by hand"
Msgbox"Cleanup complete",0,"Cleanup RAM by hand"

The number 409600000 should represent your amount of RAM. The value is calculated using the formula N*1024+00000. Instead of the multiplier N, you need to put the amount of RAM in GB.

Now save the finished file with any name and extension.vbs:

Run the script so that the following window appears:

After clicking on OK, the script will clean up the RAM in the background.


Freeing up RAM from unnecessary processes will significantly speed up your computer. Also, cleaning will help to identify the presence malware. You can use like manual method, and install third-party programs with a convenient GUI and widgets.


If you have any difficulties with cleaning the RAM using the described methods, then a video with a visual description of all the actions will help you understand the instructions.

RAM is an important component in a computer that is used as a data store for processing processes and programs. In fact, without RAM, the system will not be able to launch and work with programs and games, and therefore any failures can lead to serious consequences.

Over time, computer performance begins to weaken, programs freeze and in order to fix this problem First of all, you need to try to ease the load on the RAM. In this article, you will learn how to clean up RAM windows computer 7 using built-in or downloaded programs.

Disabling programs through Autorun

To ease the load on the RAM and the entire system as a whole, you must disable all load programs running in auto mode. After all, as a rule, most programs start automatically when you turn on the computer, and you have to turn them off every time. But these programs can be disabled on permanent basis without deleting them. To do this, you need to use the Autorun function:

  1. To open the Autorun page, click on the buttons Win (windows icon) and "R", which will open the window "Run".
  2. Next enter the word msconfig and click on OK.
  3. With this command, System Configuration will open, and the Autorun tab is located a little higher, between "Services" and "Service".
  4. By clicking on the tab, you will see a list of programs that are turned off or start automatically when you turn on the computer. Check the checkboxes for those programs that should not be started automatically, and click on the button "Disable All".

Also in tab "Services" you can disable all unnecessary processes that are built into Windows and start automatically.


With the help of a special CCleaner program, you can quickly and easily disable all desired programs and thereby significantly free the RAM from the load. You can download the program via the Internet, while as free version. After you have opened it, click on the Tools button on the left side of the screen and click on the Startup tab. Then everything is in the same order, turn off unnecessary programs and save the settings.

It is worth noting that CCleaner performs various functions, with the help of it you can delete temporary files, clean the registry and various programs. Thus, using all the functions of CCleaner, you can significantly reduce the load on the system and fix many errors and crashes.

other methods

Now you know how to clean the RAM of a windows 7 computer. Also, to ease the load on the system, try simply checking your computer for viruses. For this it is not necessary to use paid antiviruses, just download and perform a full scan of the files. Good luck!
