Call forwarding gsm how it works. Self-configuring call forwarding

For network security specialists and others interested in the topic, there is no need to introduce reaver - a utility for selecting a WPS PIN code.

However, very often, even if there is a good signal level and the WPS function is enabled on the router, hacking does not go or goes very slowly.

Recently, I ran into this problem again and decided to spend a little time on solving it.

Problem: after verifying another PIN, reaver sends a WPS Nack and the access point sends a "deauthentication packet". Subsequent authentication and association take a significant amount of time, and after the Nth attempt, the point refuses to work with us at all:
12:57:04 Sending Authentication Request (Open System)
12:57:04 Authentication successful
12:57:04 Sending Association Request
12:57:04 Denied (code 12), wrong ESSID or WPA ?



Need to download:
2. Software Environment Programmer's Manual (useful later. Also contains instructions for installing the stack on Linux and Solaris)
3. MAP Test Utility User Guide (these are descriptions of test utilities that will generate traffic. At least section 5 Running the MTU and MTR application is of interest)

When installing DSI, there is no need to mark drivers (SS7HD, SPCI, etc) - we will work only with Sigtran, which does not require special hardware.
After installation, there will be 2 important folders in the C:\DSI\UPD\RUN folder - MTU (generates MAP protocol messages) and MTR (responds to messages).
MAP is the Mobile Application Part, a protocol that is responsible for many things in the GSM network, incl. - subscriber registration and SMS transmission. These test applications generate several kinds of messages, but the most notable is MAP-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE. in plain language- SMS transmission.
This completes the installation phase.

Part 2. Description of the SS7 stack

The stack works like this:
1. First, a modular system is used. SS7 is a set of protocols. So, each of them is implemented in this stack by a separate module (read the application).
Let me explain with an example. If SS7 over TDM is used (via E1 streams), then the signal board handles MTP1 (physics) and MTP2 ( link layer). On the server, mtp3.exe is launched (MTP3 module - partially network layer of the OSI model), and then, depending on the purpose of the system:

sccp.exe+tcap.exe+map/inap.exe (for MAP/INAP traffic).

It is possible not to use modules upper levels, and instead write your own application to handle them. Many software vendors for mobile operators do just that.
2. Each module has an identifier (module_id) that is used to route messages within the stack. These are numbers from 0 to 254, usually written in hexadecimal format.
Some modules have reserved numbers. You can read about it in the Software Environment Manual. The document is difficult to understand, because it is written more for developers and contains a lot of programming specifics.
3. The stack is launched by the gctload utility. She reads the main configuration file system.txt, creates message queues for all modules in memory, launches all these modules (registered in system.txt) and something else (I, unfortunately, do not know all the details).
The system.txt file contains all the modules that are initialized at startup, all applications (the path to the application, launch options).
4. Licensing. Most interesting moment :)
Since the stack is modular, licenses go to each module. Plus, if a signal card is used, then it has a place to install a special license button for the MTP2 protocol (looks like a battery for motherboard, but thicker). The new signal cards already use a software license.
The nicest thing about licensing from Dialogic is the ability to use trial mode. To use it, you need to specify the key when starting the module (m3ua.exe, m2pa.exe, sccp.exe) -t.
A couple of years ago, trial mode allowed to work for 8 hours (which somehow had to be used even in a production system). It's only 1 hour now. Modules honestly admit this at startup and after one hour they simply stop processing traffic. The stack must be restarted to continue working.

Part 3. Launching the SS7 stack.

1. If you are using Virtual Box, then in the settings you need to select Bridged network (Network bridge) and most likely configure the IP addresses manually. It also worked for me through the "Virtual Host Adapter". I'm not sure if these are the only options, but through NAT, which is used by default, Sigtran will most likely not work. Another very important point - you need to turn off the fucking Windows defender. For half an hour I could not understand why the packets only go in one direction :)

2. Before starting, you need to write the correct system.txt. Fortunately, Dialogic helped here and in the C:\DSI\UPD\RUN\MTU\M3UA_CONFIG\ folder there is already a ready-made example for the "sender" of messages (SMSC emulation).

Similarly, in the C:\DSI\UPD\RUN\MTR\M3UA_CONFIG\ folder there is an example for a "recipient" of messages.

One problem is the Linux example, so we move system.txt to our "root" (C:\DSI\) and fix the paths in all FORK_PROCESS ( system call The OS is responsible for creating a process with a new process id). Additionally, I had to remove the "Read Only" attribute from the file. I ended up with something like this (I quote only the end of the file):


FORK_PROCESS s7_mgt -d

FORK_PROCESS s7_log -fss7.log -tt

* SCTP and SCTPD for non-native SCTP


FORK_PROCESS sctpd.exe

* SCTPn for native SCTP

*FORK_PROCESS ../../../../sctpn





An important note for those installing the stack on Linux/Solaris. Since these are normal network operating systems (unlike Windows), they already have SCTP support at the kernel level.

3. Check that the configuration is correct.

To do this, you can try to run the stack. For the first time, it is better to do this through the console (Start-Run-cmd). Then go to the c:\DSI folder, and run gctload.exe in it

In my case, Windows swore at the missing library, so I called in the console

Got the current value of the search paths, and then

PATH=copy current paths;C:\DSI\LIB32 (or LIB64 if you have a 64-bit OS)

4. gctload will give some messages on startup:

(3588)gctload: Verification started.

(3588)gctload: Verification complete.

(3588)gctload: Initialization complete.

S7_log: mod ID=0xef, options=0xaf0d, max_param_len=320

S7_log: Writing log file ss7.log --- this is a log file. Various useful messages will be written there. It's hard to read them, though.

Failed to open s7_mgt configuration file: config.txt --- we haven't written config.txt yet, so we don't pay attention

Cannot open configuration file config.txt

SS7 TCAP started in trial mode.

--- and here is the license for 1 hour

SS7 MAP started in trial mode.

This binary will terminate after 1 hour.

SS7 SCCP started in trial mode.

This binary will terminate after 1 hour.

SS7 M3UA started in trial mode.

This binary will terminate after 1 hour.

5. Important information.
You can also stop gctload with Ctrl-C. But I highly recommend not doing this. Previously, even in all the documentation, this was not recommended. For a correct stop, you need to do in another console: gctload.exe -x
Otherwise, there is a chance that the stack will leave its service message queues in memory and the next time it simply will not start or will not work correctly. It may have been fixed a long time ago, but it's better not to risk it.

6. System.txt specifies the launch of s7_mgt. These are applications for configuring SS7 stack options. By default, it uses the config.txt file, an example of which is in C:\DSI\UPD\RUN\MTU\M3UA_CONFIG\

This file needs a more detailed fix.

* Local IP Address Configuration

CNSYS:IPADDR=; - address of the interface that will be used to send/receive messages.

Before specifying the address, make sure that both OSes are on the same network. It is best to first check with ping that the systems "see" each other, and then set up the stack. AND DON'T FORGET TO DISABLE WINDOWS DEFENDER.

* SCTP Association configuration to Remote IPSP

SNSLI:SNLINK=1,IPADDR= ,SNTYPE=M3UA, SNEND=C; - here the address of the second OS is indicated. I hope it is clear that on the second computer the addresses are reversed?

SNEND determines who will be the server (SNEND=S) and who will be the client (SNEND=C). Therefore, on one machine we put C, on the other S.
You can also specify ports (HPORT and PPORT) in this command, but 2905 is used by default.

* Remote Application Server Configuration

SNRAI:RAS=1,DPC=2; - Specify the Destination Point Code of the remote system. This is MTP3 layer addressing (the M3UA we are configuring is an implementation of MTP3 over SCTP).

* Add Remote AS to Association

SNALI:SNAL=1,RAS=1,SNLINK=1; - this point should be read in the documentation. But it looks like binding a remote Application Server to a specific association (an association is analogous to a signaling link in MTP2).

SCCP_CONFIG 1 0x8 0x0102 0x01

Here we indicate the local Point Code (one system will be with 1, the second with 2), SSF (a pointer to the protocol, which is after MTP3. In this case, it will be SCCP (0x08).

Options (0x0102) are described in the documentation and their calculation is not a trivial task. Convert the number to binary form the right bits(make them equal to 1), then convert everything to hexadecimal.

We do not touch the rest of the parameters. We save the config.txt file.

7. Now we try to start the stack in turn on both systems.
If everything was correct, then in the console we get something like this:

S7_MGT Boot complete -- is an important line. Says the stack has started

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Association Status: id=0 UP

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Indication: ASP UP, Association=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Notify: AS Inactive, Association=0 ASP=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Indication: ASP ACTIVE, Association=0 AS=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Indication: AS ACTIVE, AS=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Notify: AS Active, Association=0 ASP=0 -- - Association available

After the stack is launched, you can try to send SMS.

MTR.exe must already be running on the recipient side (the application is registered in system.txt for MTR).

MTU must be started manually in the console.
A launch example is written if the parameters are entered incorrectly (or without parameters at all).

Although the parameters specified in this case are incorrect. Alternatively, you can try this:
mtu -d0 -p2 -a43020008 -g43010008 -i222331234567890 -s"Test message"

If you have any questions - ask in the comments. I'll try to answer.


Thanks to everyone who responded to my request and answered the questionnaire
If you do not remember very well about numbering plans in GSM networks, then you can read my old article. The reader's question related specifically to the procedure for registering a subscriber of one of the American networks in the European one. The "European" registration procedure includes the conversion of the subscriber's IMSI (E.212) into a hybrid numbering plan - E.214, which is easily routed by prefix (similar to E.164) in the networks of transit operators. The conversion is carried out on VLR (or MSC?) and consists in replacing MCC with CC and MNC with NDC.

Everything is fine as long as we are in Europe, where operators are allocated separate (not geographical) phone codes. In North America, the situation is more complicated - initially, each operator had a mass of geographical codes (area codes), which they use to number subscribers from different regions. If I'm not mistaken, now operators additionally use non-geographic codes. In any case, a simple conversion of MNC to area code cannot be done - there are too many codes. Instead, the American operator "asks" to translate MNC into one of its own codes.

If it weren't for the differences in ANSI/ITU SS7 protocols, it would be enough to send an E.214 message to the network and wait for a response. But in this case, it is necessary to convert between formats using some intermediate node. There are many such nodes, but each specific operator works only with certain nodes. For example, one of the largest US operators AT&T uses the services of 2 nodes - Syniverse and TELEGLOBE (now Tata Communications). In the European part of the SS7 network, these nodes are connected to many large carrier and transit networks, such as France Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, Belgacom, British Telecom, etc. In the American part of the network, they are connected directly to GSM operators.

Therefore, the whole procedure for registering an American subscriber in a European network looks like this:

  1. The subscriber's IMSI is broadcast to MGT using advance information from the US operator;
  2. a message in E.214 (ITU) format with CountryCode=1 is routed to the ITU/ANSI conversion point;

Incoming call forwarding is a very necessary and convenient feature in our high-speed time. It will always allow you to get through to you: you are not available, do not have the opportunity to answer or are busy.

What is call forwarding

The meaning of forwarding is that when the service is connected, you will be sure that you will not miss any important phone call. For example, someone is trying to reach you on a phone that is currently busy. The call will be automatically redirected to another number specified by the owner. The call forwarding function will also help if you have forgotten your phone somewhere, but still want to be called.

Varieties of redirection

Before activating the call forwarding service, we recommend that you decide on its type. Call forwarding can be: unconditional, no answer, unavailable and busy. Without conditional redirect— this is the forwarding of absolutely all and always calls to the specified by you telephone number. Forwarding on no response is triggered when no response has been received from you at the end of a certain time (time can be configured in the range from 5 to 30 seconds) .

Diverting on unreachability is enabled when your machine is turned off or the machine cannot access the network. Forwarding on busy is carried out if your first number is on this moment busy. In this case, the call is redirected to another phone number.

Another type of redirection can be distinguished - conditional. Such forwarding is activated if the called party cannot answer (busy, unavailable, does not answer). The caller will hear an answering machine, which will prompt him to switch to tone dialing. In tone mode, you will need to enter some combination of numbers and characters, allowing you to connect with the subscriber.

It is important to remember that you will pay for the forwarded call. The cost of such a call will correspond to the cost of a regular call in your tariff plan. All modern operators mobile communications offer such a service. Connecting it is very simple - you can do it yourself or with the help of an operator. In most cases, to connect call forwarding, a specific command is entered and the phone number is indicated to which the call will be directly forwarded.

All mobile operators have their own unique call forward binding command. The binding depends not only on the specific operator, but also on the type of redirection, they were described above. You can activate this service on your own on the official website of your operator in your personal account, you can also call the operator or come directly to the office, where you will receive qualified assistance from a specialist.

Related articles:

  • How to activate the service “Child under…

Today, there are a huge number of ways that will help you connect anonymous control of any phone, regardless of its brand, model and year of manufacture, as well as preinstalled operating system- Android or iOS (iPhone). The step-by-step instructions will be approximately the same.

In this informative article, we will look at how to forward to another number, forward a text message to email, check the calls of someone else's number deleted.

What is a redirect

Incoming call forwarding is a convenient feature for many subscribers, which allows you to always, regardless of circumstances, get through to a person, even if he is busy, unavailable, or simply cannot answer.

The principle of operation is simple: any call received on your phone is redirected to another number that you specify. Officially, you can only connect your SIM card, because when activating the service, confirmation that you are the owner is required. However, there are methods that allow you to track the conversations of other people's numbers completely anonymously.

The service is useful in such cases:

  • you forgot your phone at home, but you need to receive calls at work;
  • you are in a place where your operator's network does not work, but others do;
  • when you switch from one number to another or change your phone model, you want to temporarily set call forwarding from the old number to the new one.

Varieties of call forwarding and SMS messages

Before you activate the service, you need to decide which type of call forwarding is right for you.

Unconditional for non-response, for unavailability and for employment. Unconditional forwarding works all the time and absolutely all calls will be forwarded.

  • Forward on no answer will be triggered if you have not picked up the phone within a certain time. You adjust this interval yourself from 5 to 30 seconds.
  • Forwarding on unavailability. Carried out when mobile phone will be offline or disabled.
  • Forwarding on a busy line is performed when the first number is busy and the call is transferred to another number.

Please note that you will be charged for the redirected call and will cost the same as a regular call to your account. tariff plan, although using the call forwarding service is free. When contacting the customer center, the operator may charge additional fee for setting up a redirect. For example, in MTS it costs 30 rubles.

How to set up call forwarding to another number

In order for all incoming calls to be redirected from one mobile number to another, you need to use:

1. Phone menu or using special codes

2. Contact the customer service

3. Personal account of the mobile operator.

4. In our service

Most affordable way enable call forwarding through phone settings. Below is the instruction for Android and iOS. Works through any Russian operator- MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 or Yota

Enabling call forwarding on iOS:

go to "Settings" -> "Phone" -> "Forwarding".

Enabling call forwarding on Android:

open in the application "Phone" -> "Settings" -> "Calls" -> "Call forwarding"

Similarly, you can enable forwarding via USSD request:

**21*phone number for forwarding# and call button.

21 is the unconditional forwarding code, in which all calls will be transferred without exception.

67 is a call forwarding command if your phone is busy, i.e. you are talking to a person on the line.

62 - call forwarding will be set if the phone has lost connection with the tower and is out of network coverage, or is completely turned off.

61 - forwarding will turn on if you do not answer the call to the previous number.

##002# - cancel all set redirects.

If you do not have access to the phone from which you want to set call forwarding, call the operator's subscriber service. The dispatcher will connect it to any number for you. Naturally, only after you confirm your identity by dictating your passport data specified in the contract with the operator.

The forwarding setting is displayed with a special icon in the status bar:

How to enable call forwarding of someone else's number

As you already understood, you can only set up your own call forwarding. In order to connect someone else's number, you must have access to it, however, in this case, acting through the phone, most likely, you will be noticed! After all, if duplication of calls is configured, then there is a special icon and the owner will easily expose you.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations, we suggest ordering a service for anonymous forwarding of SMS and calls to any mobile number in our service. So you can receive daily reports on someone else's conversation.

How duplication of other people's SMS messages works

If it comes incoming message on the desired number, then it is sent to your phone in real time with text, it works automatically, like a regular email forwarding.

All our activities are carried out through the server of the cellular company. We do not contact the subscriber number in any way and make the settings exclusively through mobile server, so the person will not notice anything, there will be no alerts and icons.

How does duplication of calls to someone else's number happen

If we synchronize two numbers, for example, one will belong to the wife, the other to the husband. If it will be incoming call on the first phone and it will immediately be redirected to someone else's, then only the second phone will receive it. Therefore, we do not recommend doing such synchronization, since absolutely all calls will be forwarded to your number. The subscriber will clearly notice the catch and most likely change the SIM card as non-working.

Therefore, we do delayed forwarding, i.e. Once a day, you receive a report with all the numbers with which the subscriber communicated by e-mail. This function is completely hidden and invisible, in addition, the person will not know that his number is set to duplication. You, in turn, will exercise anonymous control of the other subscriber.

UIS provides many additional features. Among them, setting a call forwarding melody, related operations for failed calls, forced pickup, queuing with the possibility of hinting about the place in it, setting a hint for an employee, voice mail, call recording, voice menu and more than 30 options.


Forwarding to another number is an opportunity without which it is difficult to imagine a modern cloud PBX. A wide range of options allows you to both forward calls to another number, and fit it into the business processes of the company, taking into account the specifics of its work.

Forwarding to another number

Call forwarding on the phone is a service for transferring incoming calls to a landline, mobile or long distance number. You can also forward the call to voice mail your company. How it works? Call forwarding is effective because, by connecting it, you do not leave a single request of a potential client unattended. The visitor will definitely contact a specialist and get answers to his questions, even under such conditions:

    the number he is dialing is busy

    the subscriber pressed the call end button

    your office phone is off

    you are out of network coverage

    you did not respond within the specified time interval

Thus, call forwarding allows you to always remain available for communication. Each incoming call will be processed in a timely manner, which will not allow your customers to go to a competing company for the necessary advice.

Forwarding options

    Standard - in the Personal Account. The minimum settings take only a few minutes. First you need to add a number to which calls will be transferred, then set a dialing rule.

    With the help of our manager. He will advise how call forwarding works, what features it provides, and also help you set everything up remotely.

Is it possible to set up forwarding from landline to mobile phone? Of course, this is one of the basic features. Moreover, you can purchase direct numbers in the cities where the company's clients live, and indicate your cell phone number to transfer calls to it.

Contact a specialist to clarify how much the service costs and get advice on how to set up call forwarding and manage its functions.


Smartphone users are sometimes faced with the need to set up call forwarding to certain number. There are several options for when this might come in handy:

  • You change the phone number and for some time it needs to redirect calls from the old number to the new one;
  • You are outside the access area of ​​one operator, but communication is available to you through another;
  • You went on a business trip, took your corporate phone with you, but forgot yours at home;
  • You have lost your phone.

In each of these cases, you will stay in touch if you know how to set call forwarding on your phone. You can redirect incoming calls yourself, through the phone settings, or use the service provided by operators cellular communication.

By the way, if you want to know how to find a lost Android phone, you can read about it in our material.

Self-configuring call forwarding

The easiest way to forward calls to a specific mobile number is to use the settings on your phone. Consider step by step actions on the example of the sixth version of Android:

  • Go to the smartphone settings;
  • Click on the Phone icon;
  • In the right upper corner click on the dropdown menu;
  • Go to contact settings;
  • You take SIM settings and your operator
  • Click on "Call Forwarding".

AT this menu 4 points will be available to you. First of all, we turn on the forwarding function. Next, you need to specify the number to which calls will be redirected in three cases:

  • The number is busy;
  • No answer;
  • The number is not available.

Please note that the number to which you will direct calls is up-to-date and always has access to it.

Services of mobile operators

Now let's move on to how to put forwarding to a specific number through a mobile operator. Every cellular service provider has an incoming call forwarding service. The service is connected according to approximately the same template, however, the cost and additional conditions may vary.

If you don’t want to fiddle with phone settings, you can use the Call Forwarding service provided by Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 mobile operators. Connection of the service for all operators is built according to the same scheme. Only the cost of the service will differ.

To find out how to forward to a specific number through the technical support service, dial the number:

  • Beeline 8-495-974-88-88
  • MTS 8-800-250-0890

Also, for Beeline and MTS, the call forwarding service can be connected and configured in your account on the official website.

For example, consider how to set up a redirect via Personal Area Beeline:

  1. Go to the site
  2. Find the forwarding service in the list of services or through the search
  3. Click on the "Connect" button

Here you can also fine-tune the operation of the service in case the number does not answer, is busy or unavailable.

All cellular operators The Big Four use special USSD commands to connect and manage the call forwarding service

  • Service connection: *110*031# call
  • Redirect all incoming: **21*phone number# call
  • If the number does not answer: **61*phone number**time#call. The time after which the call will be redirected must be specified in seconds, for example, 10, 20 or 30.
  • If the number is busy: **67*phone number# call.
  • If the number is not available: **62*phone number# call.

To disable the service, dial ##002# call. There are also several commands to disable certain features of the service:

  • Cancel forward all calls - ##21#
  • Cancel redirect missed calls - ##61#
  • Cancel call forwarding to a busy number - ##67#
  • Cancel forwarding to an unavailable number - ##62#

By the way, Tele2 also has an SMS forwarding service. True, it does not work in all regions of Russia. To connect the call forwarding service text messages, you need to dial the command * 286 * 1 * phone number in the format + 7-XXX-XXX-XX-XX # and click on the call.

Using the call forwarding service for each operator will differ only in the cost of connection and use.

Beeline: free connection, missing subscription fee, transferring a call to a Beeline number is free. If a incoming call transferred to the number of another operator, to landline phone or to a number in roaming, payment is calculated according to the tariff.

MTS: free connection, subscription fee - 0 rubles. The cost of a forwarded call depends on the tariff plan.

Megaphone: there is no fee for connection and use. For transferring a call to mobile and landline numbers, the operator will charge 2.5 rubles per minute of conversation. Other calls are calculated according to the tariff.

Tele 2: Free connection and use. Each redirected call is charged according to the tariff.

Whichever way you choose to connect call forwarding, the main thing is that you have a reliable and powerful mobile gadget in your hands. We recommend paying attention to the smartphones of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing affordable and high-quality gadgets that meet all current user needs. Excellent image quality on the display, powerful processor, capacious battery, cameras with which you can take your best shots - all this the user will find in every smartphone from Fly.

One of best smartphones from the British brand over the past few months can rightly be considered Fly Cirrus 9. In this model, Fly engineers have embodied all modern trends mobile technology. The large 5.5-inch IPS HD screen displays natural and rich colors. The 1.25GHz quad-core processor handles everything in no time, from launching an app to downloading and playing voluminous videos.

For a stable offline work A capacious 2800 mAh battery responds throughout the day at various loads. You will not be left at the most inopportune moment with a discharged smartphone in your hands, even if you activate the LTE 4G module for several hours.

If you are interested this model, you can purchase it without leaving your monitor using the Fly branded online store.

Now you know not only how to put call forwarding to a number, but also on which smartphone this can be done. Choose the most convenient way for you, and we can only wish you to always stay in touch.

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