The computer does not make beeps. The computer does not turn on at all, or turns on and makes strange sounds

Diagnosing a computer malfunction is not such a difficult task if motherboard The device works properly and there are no problems with loading BIOS. The basic system, whose task is to determine the boot process of the computer, serves as an excellent diagnostic tool if you know how to read the information it provides.

The BIOS has its own language through which the system communicates with users. The sound signals (squeaks) emitted when the system boots are a kind of “Morse code”, and they can be used to determine the malfunction if deciphered correctly. When your computer beeps and won’t turn on, you should immediately decide what to do. BIOS type, which is installed in the motherboard. To do this, press the Del button on the keyboard immediately after turning on the computer. The BIOS will start, and it will be possible to determine its type, and then, based on the description of the signals, the computer user can easily determine the malfunction for which basic system indicates using squeaks.

If the diagnostic signals of any basic system can be compared to Morse code, then it is BIOS Phoenix. Its creators have developed their own system for notifying the user about errors, which is based on sending short alternating signals. They should be “read” as follows:

  • 1-2-1: malfunction of the motherboard. It is recommended to remove the battery from the board and leave it without power for 20-30 minutes. After this, the battery is reinstalled, and you can make a new attempt to boot the computer;
  • 1-3-1: errors in reading information from memory modules. The RAM needs to be replaced. If several modules are installed in the computer, you can leave one and try to turn on the computer, thus identifying the memory stick that is faulty;
  • 1-4-1: Problems loading the motherboard; it may need to be replaced. It is recommended to restart the computer, and if the problem is not solved, then disconnect and reconnect all elements;
  • 1-4-2: motherboard cannot read data from random access memory. Check that the modules are installed correctly, as well as the slots in which they are installed;
  • 1-1-3: There is a problem when reading information from CMOS memory. In such a situation, it is recommended to replace the battery that powers the CMOS memory.
  • 1-2-3: problems arise in the data channel associated with DMA memory. In such a situation, it is recommended to replace the motherboard;
  • 1-3-3/1-3-4/4-3-1: checking information coming from the first 64 kilobytes of RAM leads to an error. In such a situation, it is necessary to remove all memory modules from the system unit and connect them one by one to determine the plug that causes the problem. If the system unit has one RAM module connected to the motherboard, it needs to be replaced;
  • 1-4-3/4-2-1/4-3-4: the malfunction is related to the system timer, which is responsible for the operation of the motherboard. In such a situation, you can reset the timer by removing the battery for half an hour and then installing it again. If the procedures carried out did not solve the problem, the motherboard will need to be replaced;
  • 1-1-4: Errors occur when loading the Phoenix BIOS, which is flashed onto the Flash card in the motherboard. It is necessary to flash the memory card or replace the BIOS chip;
  • 1-4-4: the problem arises with the motherboard ports responsible for input/output of information. It is necessary to check the connection of the mouse, keyboard, monitor (if it is connected directly to the motherboard). It is recommended to disconnect all connected devices and turn on the computer, connecting them one by one to find the I/O element that is causing problems;
  • 3-1-1/3-1-2: The problem occurs during the DMA channel check phase. In such a situation, the motherboard will need to be replaced;
  • 3-1-4: unspecified error in the operation of the motherboard. In such a situation, it is recommended to disconnect all components from the board, remove the battery from it and leave it without power for 30-40 minutes. After this, the battery and all elements are installed in place, and then the system is started. If the problem cannot be solved in this way, the motherboard will need to be replaced;
  • 3-2-4/4-2-3: The malfunction is caused by the connector and controller for connecting the keyboard. The motherboard cannot receive information from the input device. If the error persists after rebooting, the motherboard may need to be replaced;
  • 3-3-4: The problem is with the computer's video card. If the video memory is built into the motherboard, you will need to replace the motherboard or install discrete graphics and try to start the computer while the monitor is connected to it. If your computer already has a discrete graphics card, make sure it is connected correctly;
  • 4-2-4: Motherboard diagnostic systems detected problems on the side of reading data from the central processor. It is recommended to check the socket for bent legs;
  • 4-4-1: an error in the operation of the RS-232 port, which is better known as the “serial port”. Most often it is used to connect a source uninterruptible power supply. To diagnose the error, try disconnecting all consumers from it and starting the computer;
  • 4-4-2: A legacy error that indicates a parallel port failure. It was previously used to transfer data from a printer to a computer, but now such ports are not provided on mass-produced motherboards, and if it is necessary to connect a printer to a parallel port, adapters for the USB connector are used;
  • 4-4-3: The motherboard cannot read data from the math coprocessor. If the error persists after restarting the computer, the motherboard may need to be replaced.

Please note that the above are the most common diagnostic sounds produced by the Phoenix BIOS. In total, the base system software contains more than 100 commands, but the remaining ones are much less common, and they mostly indicate errors in the operation of class “A” lines on the motherboard.

A motherboard with an Award version of the base BIOS system may report various faults with the following signals:

  • 1 short signal repeated every second: There are problems with the operation of the power supply. You should clean it from dust and try to turn on the computer again;
  • 1 long signal repeated every second:. Remove the memory modules and install them again;
  • 1 short signal: standard diagnostics performed motherboard, and no errors were found. After one short beep, the computer should turn on;
  • Continuous computer beeping: and does not fulfill its functions. It is possible that it is incorrect;
  • 2 short beeps: diagnostic system discovered problems in data transfer between computer elements. Basic BIOS system in such cases, it prompts the user to run CMOS Utility, a program through which you can disable the need to check some computer components. In situations where the computer beeps twice when turned on, it is necessary to check the secure fastening of all cables, especially those that transmit information from the motherboard to the hard drives;
  • 3 long beeps: When the motherboard processed information from the keyboard controller, problems occurred. unexpected errors. In such a situation, it is recommended to restart the computer, but if this does not solve the problem, the motherboard will need to be replaced;
  • 1 long beep and 1 short beep: RAM is detected by the computer, but data cannot be read from it. It is recommended to check the memory modules for correct connections. If your computer has multiple memory modules installed, leave one and try starting the computer;
  • 1 long beep and 2 short beeps: The motherboard is not receiving data from the video card. The probable cause of the problem is incorrect installation of the video card or the lack of connection of the monitor to the video card port;
  • 1 long beep and 3 short beeps: the motherboard cannot detect the keyboard connection, you need to check the reliability of the connection;
  • 1 long beep and 9 short beeps: Cannot read information written to read-only memory (ROM). You should try restarting your computer. If the error occurs again, you need to reflash the contents of the storage device, but not all motherboards support the update mode software for this component.

Award BIOS beeps are distinguished by their clarity. They can easily be used to diagnose a computer malfunction if you know what they mean.

Diagnosis of computer malfunctions in AMI BIOS is implemented using short and long signals, which makes this basic system reminiscent of Award BIOS.

Short signals:

  • 1: the motherboard carried out diagnostics of all components that are connected to it, and the computer began booting. This signal is standard when the system operates error-free;
  • 2: There are problems connecting the computer's memory modules. It is necessary to check at what positions the memory is installed, and if several dies are inserted into the computer, it is recommended to insert them one at a time and start the system to determine the faulty module;
  • 3: Just like the previous error, this one indicates problems while reading data from RAM. The solution to the problem is identical to the situation with 2 beeps;
  • 4: The system timer of the motherboard has gone wrong or failed. You need to remove the battery from the motherboard and wait half an hour until the information is reset to factory settings. Then you can reinstall the battery and turn on the computer;
  • 5: The motherboard cannot receive information from the central processor. Check the processor for physical damage. If the problem cannot be determined visually, the processor will need to be replaced;
  • 6: No information is received from the keyboard controller. First of all, check that the input device is securely connected to the connector. If there are no problems with this, you need to replace the keyboard or the motherboard itself, depending on which device has failed;
  • 7: The motherboard cannot start booting due to an unspecified fault. It needs to be replaced.
  • 8: The computer's video card (built-in or discrete) is working with errors. Check the reliability of the connection if we are talking about a discrete video card;
  • 9: The information written in the BIOS is not read. In such a situation, the motherboard will need to be re-flashed or replaced;
  • 10: The problem is caused by the inability to write information to the computer's CMOS memory. Repair for such an error consists of replacing the CMOS chip, which is most often more expensive than buying a new motherboard;
  • 11: The motherboard software cannot read information from the external cache memory.

Combined signals:

  • 1 long and 8 short signals: in most cases, the BIOS reports in this way that the data output device, that is, the monitor, is not connected. It is recommended to check the reliability of the connection;
  • 1 long and 3 short beeps (2 short beeps): The computer's video card is faulty or not connected correctly. You need to make sure that it is securely installed in the required slot and that all the necessary wires are connected to it.

If the computer beeps when turned on and does not boot, you need to determine the nature of the sound, and then begin troubleshooting. Most often the problem is a poor connection of components or a malfunction of the motherboard itself.

Read in the article, examples of malfunction sounds hard drive and how to identify them. Sounds of clicking or rustling, vibration or whistling that were not there before. A working hard drive is a fairly quiet device that can only be heard by a soft click when accessing it or turning on/off the computer. But if, over time, the sounds of clicking or rustling, as well as vibration or whistling that were not heard before, are heard from the hard drive, then such HDD may have malfunctioned.

Western Digital

The dull sound of faulty hard drive heads.

Faulty disk heads click slowly several times, after which the disk spins slower.

Slowdown of the rotation of the hard disk platters after the failed heads produce several clicking sounds.

A hard drive with a jammed spindle cannot spin up.

Clicking sounds of a hard drive with a failed preamp chip.

A disk with unstable heads that stops after several clicks.

A laptop hard drive with a jammed spindle that tries to spin up, making a sound similar to a siren.

The computer hard drive cannot spin up due to faulty bearings.


Rustling and clicking sounds made by a disk with inoperative heads.

The sounds that a disk with damaged heads makes during startup (plate spinning).

Clicks of faulty laptop hard drive heads.

A disk with a jammed spindle is trying to unwind.

The drilling sound of broken disk heads.


A computer hard drive with a non-working or broken head unit.

Clicks of inoperative heads.

The sound made by a disk with a jammed spindle.


A fast clicking sound indicates the failure of the hard drive heads.

Same as with the previous disc.

The sound of damaged hard drive heads.

A worn-out computer disk that makes a scratching sound when accessing bad sectors.


A laptop hard drive with damaged heads clicks during startup and then beeps.

A worn-out computer drive that makes a scratching sound when accessing an area with bad sectors.

A disk with worn plates and head block makes wheezing and howling sounds.

The whirring of a laptop disk with a jammed spindle that is trying to unwind.


The sound of failed laptop hard drive bearings.

The sound of worn-out laptop hard drive bearings.

The sound of the laptop hard drive bearings seizing.


Worn laptop hard drive heads.

Faulty laptop hard drive heads.

The sound of worn-out computer hard drive platters.


Faulty head block.

What to do if your hard drive starts making strange sounds

  • First of all, make sure that the hard drive is the source of the sound.
  • Once you are sure that it is the hard drive that is making the sounds that are bothering you, run a diagnostic scan. hard utility disk. You can use both those supplied by manufacturers with the device, and from third-party manufacturers. Just keep in mind that, at best, the diagnostic utility will detect and limit the use of broken sectors of hard disk, which may cause the disk to malfunction or become unstable. If there are mechanical damage or wear of the hard drive - they cannot be corrected using software.
  • If, after using the diagnostic software, nothing has changed in the operation of the disk, it is recommended to immediately create a copy of the data on such a hard disk or its image for further recovery.
    How to create an image of a failed or damaged disk using Hetman Partition Recovery.
  • If, as a result of using diagnostic or repair software, the sounds of the hard drive partially or completely disappeared, then there may be problems with it. bad sectors. In this case, it is still recommended to create a backup of all hard data disk and think about replacing it, since bad sectors may continue to appear on the disk and this will eventually lead to data loss or failure.

Other sounds your computer may make

The hard drive is not the only device on the computer that can produce sound. It could also be a power supply, cooler, CD/DVD drive, or other devices connected to it. SSD drives do not make any sounds because they have no moving parts. Therefore, before taking any action, it is important to correctly determine the source of the sound.

If the computer is performing some complex tasks or running a resource-intensive game, then it will be normal if the computer becomes louder - the computer cooler will spin faster to cool it. Sometimes, a dirty or broken cooler makes more noise than other devices.

After you press the computer's power button, you hear a characteristic sound. It is supplied by the BIOS system upon successful completion of the self-test. This signal “says” that everything is fine with your PC, the system is ready to work. But what to do if when you turn on the computer there is no sound signal? Let's look together at the causes of the problem, consider expert advice on how to fix the problem, and also take a closer look at the BIOS signals - how they report a particular malfunction with their sounds. Shall we begin?

Characteristic signs of the problem

There is no beep when turning on the computer. Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. The problem itself rarely manifests itself. Most often it is accompanied by a black monitor - there are no images on the screen.

At the same time, you can hear how the computer coolers work properly. What could these signs mean?

What happened to the computer?

When you turn on the computer, there is no sound signal, and the device itself looks “dead” and does not react in any way to your manipulations?

Here is the consequence of the PC failing the self-test. If you haven't opened it before system unit, then it can only mean one thing: your BIOS, the heart of the entire system, has been screwed up. Only a professional computer technician can deal with the problem and solve it.

But in any situation there are exceptions. Perhaps the problem is not that serious. Therefore, if there is no sound signal when you turn on the computer, you should not immediately rush to take the PC to the service center. First you need to carry out self-diagnosis for more easily fixable problems.

Poor contact

Why is there no beep when I turn on my computer? It may be a bad connection in one of the connections. So check carefully:

  • Are they connected well? computer mouse and a keyboard to the system unit.
  • Is the monitor connector securely screwed in, etc.

Bad contact in itself is no joke. This problem can lead to quite sad consequences. It is a bad connection that can cause the following troubles: your processor, motherboard or monitor will burn out.

Video card malfunctions

Does your computer not beep when you turn it on? The system may not be able to pass the self-test due to some problem with the graphics card. Unfortunately, computers have not yet learned to respond properly to all possible scenarios of component failure. Therefore, such a sad answer may come out.

The BIOS self-test text was designed in such a way that a sequential check of all system components is carried out. And the video card is right at the very beginning of this list. It’s easy to check that the root of the problem lies precisely there: carefully remove the element from the system unit. Try turning on your computer after this.

If in response to these actions the BIOS deafens you with a squeak, then the problem is correctly identified - the video card is faulty. The issue can be resolved by replacing it with a similar working device.

It is much more difficult to deal with the problem if your computer has an integrated video card. After all, in this case you cannot do without a second device. If after installing the second video card the computer starts to turn on normally again, then the problem is clearly defined. Its root is in the integrated staffing system.

However, such a problem is not at all a reason to say goodbye to a computer that has a working motherboard and a perfectly functioning processor. As practice shows, with an external video card, a PC can last the user up to ten years!

Incorrect installation of equipment

When you turn on your computer, the BIOS sound does not turn on? Perhaps the source of the problem was your careless actions. This applies to those cases when you yourself replaced any components in the system unit.

How to understand that this is the problem? Turn off the computer, and then remove the newly installed equipment from the system unit. If the characteristic BIOS beep appears again when you turn it on, then the problem is your actions. More likely, new board is either faulty or incompatible with your computer.

BIOS update

No sound when you turn on your computer? Let's look at rarer, but still occurring cases. Sometimes the root of the problem is in the BIOS itself, namely in updating it. You may have equipped your PC with a new BIOS that is not compatible with your device.

How to avoid such trouble in the future? Pay attention to the test program, which is usually supplied with each BIOS equipment. Don't be lazy to run it on your PC.

Is the new BIOS fully compatible with your computer components? Don't rush to install it right away. First of all, protect your computer from sudden power outages. A UPS - uninterruptible power supply - will help you with this.

Why is this necessary? If the power supply stops while updating the BIOS on your computer, there is a 99.9% chance that the device will never turn on.

No internal speaker

How to make a BIOS sound when you turn on your computer? The user himself cannot configure this characteristic squeak and cannot activate it. The only thing that is possible is to turn on the melody when greeting Windows. But the OS interface settings have nothing to do with our problem.

So, you do not hear the characteristic BIOS signal when you turn on the computer. Moreover, the splash screen with the name of your motherboard did not appear, and there is no report message with the results of checking the system status. But at the same time you see a greeting operating system, The PC boots normally.

What it is? Your computer is functioning normally! We have a “false alarm” before us. The problem is that the PC does not have an internal speaker. This does not prevent it from functioning normally, but it can become a source of problems in the future. After all, it is through this speaker that the BIOS reports normal operation or certain system problems. With such an omission, you should contact the assembler of your system unit. Most likely, he simply forgot to install the beeper.

What is POST?

Let's now get acquainted with the test, the successful completion of which is indicated by this signal. Power-On-Self-Test - diagnostic program self-testing of the system, which is recorded in the BIOS ROM.

POST is designed to check all the most important components of the system:

  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • motherboard chips.

Information about the completion of the test is, accordingly, announced through the internal speaker of the system with a certain sound signal. If any of the components is inoperative, a specific series of long and short beeps will be issued. After this, most likely, the computer will turn off automatically.

What should be done in this case? Listen carefully to the signal and remember, write down the sequence of short and long beeps. If you did not have time to do this, then turn on the computer 30 seconds after its automatic deactivation. The signal will repeat.

What to do next? Refer to your motherboard manufacturer's instructions. Most likely, it will contain a table with a decoding of the BIOS signal. Such information is also available on the official websites of motherboard manufacturers. Decoding the signal will help you find out for yourself what is wrong with your computer, which of its components is faulty.

IBM BIOS Signals

Each motherboard model usually has its own decryption table. Unfortunately, there is no universal one. As an example, we will present the most common one - IBM BIOS. The sounds when turned on are as follows:

  • One short signal - the test was completed successfully.
  • There is no signal - the power supply is damaged.
  • Continuous beeping - the power supply is damaged.
  • Repeated short beeps indicate problems with the power supply.
  • Long and short beep - motherboard malfunction.
  • A short signal coupled with a black screen means the video card is damaged.
  • A long signal and two short ones means problems with the video system.
  • A long signal and three short ones means problems with the video system.
  • Two short beeps - the monitor is not connected.
  • Three long beeps - the motherboard is faulty, a keyboard controller error has been detected.

The usual beeping sound from the internal speaker when you turn on your computer is an important signal that tells you that your PC is working properly and is ready to work. If there is no such sound message, then this may indicate a problem with the BIOS, or other malfunctions that we also considered. We advise you to find a table with signals on the motherboard manufacturer’s website in order to identify the problem in time and solve it.

  1. What does the computer tell us when we turn it on? Is he saying something? Have you noticed that when you turn on your computer, you hear a beep? The computer wants to tell you that everything is fine, I’m booting, or if a sequence of many beeps and possibly non-stop signals indicates that the computer is not working properly. Based on these signals, you can understand and conduct, let’s say, a superficial diagnosis of the computer. Below are the tables of sound signals and the name of the manufacturer bios/ AWARD, AMI, IBM, AST, Phoenix, Compaq, DELL, Quadtel
  2. What if there is no beep?

  3. If there is no sound signal when you turn on the computer? There are several options why this could happen:
  4. 1.) There may be no speaker through which your computer communicates post code beeps to you.
  5. 2.) Bios is damaged.
  6. 3.) In this case, you need to judge by other visual actions of your computer. Let's say, as an example, does it turn on at all? =)
  7. If you don't get a beep when you turn on your computer, let's figure out why this happens? Write in the comment at the bottom of the page what actions does the computer perform when turned on? What errors occur when you turn it on? Describe in more detail in the comments and your message will be sent to my phone. I will answer your questions.

    Help on how to understand the information in the tables below:

  8. Beep codes are represented by a sequence of beeps. For example, 1-1-2 means 1 beep, pause, 1 beep, pause, and 2 beeps.
  9. AWARD BIOS beeps

    Signal Meaning (Error Description)
    1 short The POST procedure has been completed, no errors were detected, and the system continues booting.
    2 short A non-critical error has occurred that can be fixed using BIOS settings Setup. The signal may be accompanied by a message describing the error and a message prompting you to log in. BIOS Setup.
    3 long Keyboard controller error. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the error occurs again, the problem lies with the motherboard.
    1 short, 1 long RAM error. It is recommended to restart the computer, remove the RAM modules from the slots, and insert them back. If the error repeats, you will need to replace the RAM modules.
    1 long, 2 short
    1 long, 3 short
    1 long, 9 short The error occurs if there are problems reading the BIOS or if the BIOS chip is faulty. Often, the solution to this problem is flashing the BIOS.
    Repeating short The power supply is faulty. The PSU needs to be replaced. The error also occurs when there is a short circuit in the power supply circuits.
    Repeating long RAM error. The signal may occur if the RAM modules are installed incorrectly (or one of the RAM modules is faulty)
    Continuous The power supply is faulty. The PSU needs to be replaced.
    No signal The power supply is faulty or not connected to the motherboard

    AMI BIOS beeps

    Signal Meaning (error description)
    1 short POST completed, no errors found, system boot continues
    2 short RAM parity error. It is recommended to restart the computer, remove the RAM modules from the slots, and insert them back. If the error repeats, you will need to replace the RAM modules.
    3 short Error in the first 64 KB of RAM. It is recommended to restart the computer, remove the RAM modules from the slots, and insert them back. If the error repeats, you will need to replace the RAM modules.
    4 short The motherboard system timer is faulty. If the error appears every time you turn on the computer, you need to replace the motherboard.
    5 short Problems with the processor. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the problem persists, the CPU must be replaced.
    6 short Keyboard error. It is necessary to check the quality of the connection between the keyboard connector and the connector on the motherboard. The signal may occur if the keyboard or motherboard is faulty.
    7 short Motherboard error. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the problem persists, the system board must be replaced.
    8 short Video adapter not detected or video memory error. Check the quality of installation of the video card in the expansion slot. If the video card is integrated, the motherboard may need to be replaced.
    9 short BIOS checksum error. The signal may be accompanied by a message describing the error. The problem may be solved by updating (firmware) the BIOS contents.
    10 short Error writing to CMOS memory. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the problem persists, you need to replace the system board or CMOS chip
    11 short External cache memory error (this is the memory that is installed in the system board slots).
    1 long 2 short
    1 long 3 short Video adapter not detected. The error may occur if the video adapter is not connected or is faulty. Check the quality of installation of the video card in the expansion slot. If the problem is not resolved, you will most likely need to replace the video card.
    1 long 8 short Video adapter not detected or video memory error. Check the quality of installation of the video card in the expansion slot. If the video card is integrated, the motherboard may need to be replaced. The signal may occur if a monitor is not connected to the video card.
    No signals The power supply is faulty or not connected to the motherboard.

    IBM BIOS beeps

    Signal Meaning (error description)
    1 short Successful POST
    1 beep and blank screen Video system is faulty
    2 short Video system is faulty
    3 long Motherboard faulty (keyboard controller error), RAM faulty
    1 long, 1 short Motherboard is faulty
    1 long, 2 short Video system faulty (Mono/CGA)
    1 long, 3 short Video system (EGA/VGA) is faulty
    Repeating short Malfunctions related to the power supply or motherboard
    Continuous Problems with the power supply or motherboard
    Absent The power supply, motherboard, or speaker is faulty

    AST BIOS beeps

    Signal Meaning (error description)
    1 short Error when checking processor registers. Processor failure
    2 short Keyboard controller buffer error. Keyboard controller malfunction.
    3 short Keyboard controller reset error. The keyboard controller or system board is faulty.
    4 short Keyboard communication error.
    5 short Keyboard error.
    6 short System board error.
    9 short BIOS ROM checksum mismatch. The BIOS ROM chip is faulty.
    10 short System timer error. The system timer chip is faulty.
    11 short Chip error system logic(chipset).
    12 short Power management register error in non-volatile memory.
    1 long DMA controller error 0. The channel 0 DMA controller chip is faulty.
    1 long, 1 short DMA controller error 1. The channel 1 DMA controller chip is faulty.
    1 long, 2 short Frame retrace suppression error. The video adapter may be faulty.
    1 long, 3 short Error in video memory. The memory of the video adapter is faulty.
    1 long, 4 short Video adapter error. The video adapter is faulty.
    1 long, 5 short Memory error 64K.
    1 long, 6 short Failed to load interrupt vectors. BIOS was unable to load interrupt vectors into memory
    1 long, 7 short The video subsystem failed to initialize.
    1 long, 8 short Video memory error.

    Phoenix BIOS beeps

    Signal Meaning (error description)
    1-1-2 Error during processor test. The processor is faulty. Replace the processor
    1-1-3 Error writing/reading data to/from CMOS memory.
    1-1-4 An error was detected while calculating the checksum of the BIOS contents.
    1-2-2 or 1-2-3 DMA controller initialization error.
    1-3-1 Error in initializing the RAM regeneration circuit.
    1-3-3 or 1-3-4 Error initializing the first 64 KB of RAM.
    1-4-1 Motherboard initialization error.
    1-4-4 Error writing/reading to/from one of the I/O ports.
    2-1-1 An error was detected when reading/writing bit 0 (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 1st bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 2nd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 3rd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 4th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 5th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 6th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 7th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 8th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 9th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 10th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 11th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 12th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 13th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 14th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 15th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    3-1-1 Error initializing the second DMA channel.
    3-1-2 or 3-1-4 Error initializing the first DMA channel.
    3-3-4 Error initializing video memory.
    3-4-1 Serious problems arose when trying to access the monitor.
    3-4-2 The video card BIOS cannot be initialized.
    4-2-1 Error initializing the system timer.
    4-2-2 Testing is complete.
    4-2-3 Keyboard controller initialization error.
    4-2-4 Critical error when the CPU enters protected mode.
    4-3-1 Error initializing RAM.
    4-3-2 Error initializing the first timer.
    4-3-3 Error initializing the second timer.
    4-4-1 Error initializing one of the serial ports.
    4-4-2 Parallel port initialization error.
    4-4-3 Error initializing math coprocessor.
    Long, continuous beeps The motherboard is faulty.
    Siren sound from high to low frequency The video card is faulty, check the electrolytic capacitors for leaks or replace everything with new ones that are known to be good.
    Continuous signal The CPU cooler is not connected (faulty).

    Compaq BIOS beeps

    Signal Meaning (error description)
    1 short
    1 long + 1 short BIOS CMOS memory checksum error. The ROM battery may have run out.
    2 short Global error.
    1 long + 2 short Error initializing video card. Check that the video card is installed correctly.
    7 beeps (1 long, 1 s, 1?, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short) AGP video card malfunction. Check that the installation is correct.
    1 long constant RAM error, try rebooting.
    1 short + 2 long RAM malfunction. Reboot via Reset.

    DELL BIOS beeps

    Quadtel BIOS beeps

    I repeat, each BIOS manufacturer has its own sound signals
  10. At the end of the article I wanted to offer you a repair service computer equipment in Podolsk

Let's find out the reasons why the computer does not turn on: the speaker does not squeak or emits signals. That is, when when you press the power button, the computer does not show any signs of life, or if it does, it is not what we would like. The reasons can be as simple as no power, or as complex as a device (memory, HDD, etc.) has failed.

Before we begin to deal with this problem, you need to check the simplest thing:

  • Is there a plug in the socket?
  • Is the surge protector enabled?
  • Is the light turned off?
  • Pay attention to the monitor. The computer may be turned on, but the monitor itself is turned off via a button or there is no power. Is the monitor cable connected (VGA or DVI).

Of course, the above is mandatory so that you can see what is happening in the computer, but sometimes users do not pay attention to these points, thereby creating other complications that are more time-consuming.

220V does not come

Power may not be supplied to the computer if:

No voltage at input- for example, the socket is faulty. It’s easy to check - connect from another outlet, or plug in a known-good electrical appliance into this outlet. For example, a kettle, hair dryer or surge protector with indicator. Usually I use a surge protector to determine whether the socket is working or not; if it lights up, then everything is fine with it. We think further.

On the back of the system unit there is a special button for the power supply. You need this button to be in position “1” - on, if “0” - off. If this button is missing, then you do not take any action at this stage.

The power cable may come loose- move it, or pull it out and connect it again.

The cable itself is faulty- test it with a tester or indicator. If you don’t have these tools at hand, you can take another power cable and replace it while checking. If the computer turns on, then the problem was in the power cable and you just need to replace it (the cost of the cable is about 100 rubles)

So, we are convinced that everything is in order with the cable, let's move on.

Monitor and video card

If you pressed the power button on the computer and it made a noise and turned on, then you need to check the cables from the system unit to the monitor. Very often the cables come off the monitor, so you don’t see anything on the monitor, but in fact the computer is turned on and working.

There must be a cable from the system unit that transmits the image to the monitor and a cable from the surge protector that supplies energy. If everything is in order with these cables, then pay attention to the video card (if you have an external one).

If the graphics card is faulty, a “No Signal” pop-up will appear on the monitor. First of all, you should check VGA cable or DVI, this is what kind of connection you have. Check whether it is inserted tightly and whether the contact pins are bent. Pull out the video card and clean the contacts with an eraser.

If all else fails, try pulling it out and switch the cable to the video card built into the motherboard, if there is one, of course.

Iron malfunctions

It all starts with the power button, and that's where we'll start. Now you need to open the cover of the system unit and look for breaks in the wires. Be sure to check it out!

BIOS signals

When you press the power button, the POST self-test program starts and if it fails (equipment is not connected or poor contact), the boot simply stops and the speaker (speaker) begins to emit beeps. Their sequence depends on the BIOS. From them you can determine the source of the error.

You will always find these signals in my article: “”. If you find out which device is faulty, try replacing it with another one, borrow it from friends or neighbors. If everything works, you can buy this component.

Broken wire for the Power button

From my own experience I can say that this problem rare, but it should not be discarded to the last stage of testing. If you have a broken wire from Power buttons, then you will not turn on the computer and therefore make sure that everything is in order with the wire that comes from this button.

Once I was testing a computer that did not want to turn on. It seemed like I did everything I could, but there was no reaction from the computer. Then I removed the front cover of the system unit and found a wire break there. In a couple of minutes I connected it, wrapped it with electrical tape and it turned on without question. Apparently someone had already taken it apart before me and accidentally pinched this wire, thereby breaking it when closing the front cover.

So, if you have removed the cover of the system unit, then do not be too lazy to open the front cover.

power unit

Nowadays there is a choice to buy a power supply and of course people buy what is cheaper because they think that it will not affect the operation of the computer in any way. If you buy a cheap Chinese power supply, then we can say that your computer will live next to a powder keg that can explode at the most inopportune moment.

Note: it is better to save, for example, on a computer case and buy a normal power supply.

The power supply is a very important component in a computer, as it supplies energy to all devices on the computer. Therefore, if your computer does not turn on - the monitor screen is black, then the power supply may be the cause of this breakdown.

In this section we will experiment, but if you have a spare power supply or borrow it for a while from another computer (neighbor or friend), then it is better to immediately connect another power supply to your computer. This way you will save your time. At a minimum, its characteristics should be the same as yours or better - that would be most correct. All data on the power supply can be found on the sticker located on it.

The very first thing you can do is disconnect the power cable from: the floppy drive, floppy drive and hard drive. Next, disconnect the video card, if you have an external one, and remove the RAM from the motherboard. Then try to turn on the computer. If the computer buzzes and turns on, then turn it off, connect one device, then turn on the computer, if it turns on, then connect another device, etc. You must understand what device prevented the computer from turning on.

To test the power supply you will need a voltage tester. Eh, sighed users who do not have this device. I understand you, but there are still people who purchased it, since electronic failures are not uncommon. We take a tester and any power connector that comes out of the power supply and measure the voltage. There should be 5V between black and red, and 12V between black and yellow.

If, when testing the power supply, the voltages differ from the numbers I mentioned above, then it’s time to go to the computer store for a new one. By the way, there are permissible deviations when measuring voltage. Approximately 5% is allowed. If you have, for example, 11.9, then everything is fine with your power supply and you need to look for the problem elsewhere.

If you want a modern power supply, then buy 400 - 500 W. Take the average one.

Often problems arise due to a low battery on the motherboard. If you have recently had occasions when your computer's time has gone wrong, then most likely you need to change the battery. The battery is inexpensive and you can buy it at any computer store.

To check the battery, remove it and check its voltage or simply replace it.

If the computer beeps and does not turn on, then it is possible that the memory sticks are faulty. There is also a small chance that the computer is not making any sounds because the speakers are not working. Remove the memory from the slot on the motherboard and clean the contacts with an eraser. Put them back in place and try to turn them on, if it still doesn’t turn on, take them out again and plug them in one at a time. Perhaps one line is faulty.

If there are other connectors on the motherboard that you did not use to connect the RAM module(s), then try using them.


So, another option for what to do if the computer does not turn on. If you have recently made any changes to the BIOS, now you need to return the settings to default. Of course, the question arises: how to do this if you don’t see anything?

You need to disconnect the battery from the motherboard, connect power to the computer and press the power button several times. Next, leave the computer without the battery for 20-30 minutes and then connect it back.

If some messages appear on the monitor screen when you turn on the computer, but Windows does not load, then you can go to the BIOS and find a function to reset the settings to factory settings. Then don't forget to save changes made in the BIOS by pressing the F10 button (usually).


So we come to the very last section of this article, and also the most disappointing one - the motherboard. If your motherboard is broken, repairing it can cost a pretty penny.

If you are going to repair it, then think, is there any point? Sometimes its repair can exceed 50% of the cost, and then the question arises: isn’t it easier to buy a new one?

So that you don’t have questions about why your computer won’t turn on and what to do in this situation, perform preventative maintenance on it once a year - clean out the dust and replace the thermal paste once every 2-3 years (approximately). By the way, dust in the computer greatly interferes with the operation of the computer, and once you have opened the system unit, clean everything from the inside.
