The best channels on YouTube. Only the most useful and interesting! Interesting YouTube channels Scientific channels on youtube

Google video hosting has long ceased to be an archive of funny videos. In the vastness of the service, there are many unusual interesting videos, and sometimes entire channels, on which they post quite high-quality and unique content.

Here is our selection of 10 unusual channels:


Number of rollers: 454
Number of subscribers: 8 552 143

This channel has collected more than 8 million subscribers from all over the world, which means that such creativity finds its admirers on the network.


Number of rollers: 139
Number of subscribers: 4 183 000

These guys make cool quality content. They shoot parody videos for feature films and games. Sometimes it turns out funny, and sometimes it's a little strange.

3.Hydraulic Press Channel

Number of rollers: 116
Number of subscribers: 1 643 000

4. The Slow Mo Guys

Number of rollers: 140
Number of subscribers: 8 865 000

The channel develops the theme of the popular show "Mythbusters". The presenters do not aim to refute something, but simply want to show how this or that phenomenon occurs.

For this, a cool Slo-Mo camera is used, so you can see explosions, falls and collisions in the smallest detail.

5. The Backyard Scientist

Number of rollers: 125
Number of subscribers: 2 411 000

The usefulness of some experiments is questionable. For example, why pour molten metal into a watermelon? Of course, to get a cool picture, there is more that the guy has the equipment - what you need.

6. Shoe Nice

Number of rollers: 432
Number of subscribers: 557 000

He absorbs other alcoholic drinks and inedible objects even faster.

7. Igor Presnyakov

Number of rollers: 523
Number of subscribers: 881 000

Igor Presnyakov is a virtuoso guitarist with Russian roots living in the Netherlands. On an acoustic guitar, he performs famous world hits. Igor gained great popularity on the network after performing soundtracks for popular TV shows and computer games.

8 Smooth McGroove

Number of rollers: 154
Number of subscribers: 1 704 000

9. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Number of rollers: 56
Number of subscribers: 3 567 000

Fascinating animation channel. In each video, the authors clearly talk about some natural phenomenon, event or interesting fact.

10. ElectroBOOM

Number of rollers: 57
Number of subscribers: 898 000

A very colorful engineer who talks about technologies in an accessible way and shows how things and gadgets around us work.

These unusual videos and channels sometimes come across on YouTube.

On the channel Mr. Betts' Class don't tell stories, they sing. So find out what it was like " New Deal Roosevelt or how the United States tried to cope with the Great Depression, you can watch a rather witty parody of Uptown Funk. All lyrics of the modified lyrics are in subtitles.

Hairstyle master classes
from past

Janet Stevens is a professional hair stylist. On her channel, she not only talks about how hairstyles looked like in ancient Greece or medieval France, but also shows in detail how you can do the same. In each video, Janet gives a brief historical background: why the hairstyle was exactly the way it was, when and who wore it, in what sources information about these hairstyles was found.

Humorous intensive
all over the world

The Crash Course channel was created by two brothers, one about history and the other about astronomy, biology and chemistry. They create animations for each video, and in the video itself they joke in a very American way, simply and clearly explain why, for example, the Roman Empire fell, or fit two millennia of Chinese history into 12 minutes. The channel's content is so popular that enthusiasts translate videos into other languages. Some of them in Russian can be found in "VKontakte".

Turning points in history in simple terms

Keith Hughes, creator of the channel, has taught history at the State University of New York at Buffalo for the past 15 years. Hughes, of course, is not one of those professors whose lectures students doze off. He also talks about free love in the Oneida commune, which was created in the 19th century in the United States, when they seemed to be tired of Christian morality, and about current processes that will become historical, such as the adoption of a law on same-sex marriage.

The evolution of computers and the IT industry

Channel that collects information about the story computer science, software and new inventions in the field of technology. ComputerHistory is directly linked to the real Museum computer history in California. It publishes lectures and interviews with those who create and develop technologies: for example, with Elizabeth Holmes, "Steve Jobs in a skirt" and the youngest female billionaire in the United States (she is only 31), who made a fortune on the development of the Theranos health diagnostic system.

Drunken historical tales

From the name Drunk History it is already clear that this is a story that not quite sober people will tell you. While the narrator is trying to explain individual episodes from the story, Hollywood stars of the first magnitude are playing skits. True, their remarks are voiced by the narrator. The project was created by the American cable channel Comedy Central; to get an idea, watch a video about Al Capone, who, in the interpretation of the narrator, turned out to be a complete idiot and syphilitic (the latter, by the way, is a real historical fact).

"What if..."

The Alternative History Hub channel talks about what would happen if everything went wrong in history: Christianity would not have appeared, Persia would have conquered Greece, and Hitler would not have been a nationalist. Here the well-established rule “there is no subjunctive mood in history” does not apply, but subscribers are satisfied with this.

"Smoking Room Gutenberg"

Gutenberg's Smoking Room is one of the most successful and popular lecture halls of Obrazovach. The channel has videos on various topics, including many lectures on history. For example, about how atheism was formed in the USSR, what were the punishments in medieval Russia, or how world architecture developed.

One hundred years of beauty

The 100 Years of Beauty project was launched by the Cut channel. In their videos, as its name implies, they show the evolution of beauty and style over the past hundred years in different countries - from the USA and Mexico to Russia, Korea and the Philippines. Some of the images look, however, deliberately stylized as specific historical figures.

The phenomenal popularity of the YouTube service has given rise to a whole trend on the Internet - video blogging. The most popular YouTube channels have several million subscribers and tens (or even hundreds) of billions of views. These fabulous numbers give rise to even more fabulous rumors about the "golden rivers" in which top YouTube bloggers bathe. Which, in turn, forces more and more new users to start their own channels on YouTube, post a lot of videos of ambiguous quality and content, and in every way imitate the “YouTube stars”. This is happening all over the world, in Russia in particular. But the vast majority of channels on Russian-speaking YouTube do not have a share of the popularity that the top 10 Russian-language YouTube channels have. In terms of the number of subscribers, the total "army" of these channels exceeds the figure of 77 million!

Well, now more about each of them.

The leader of the top 10 YouTube channels in Russia is Ivangay

This incredibly popular video blogger owns a channel of the same name (Ivangay, formerly EeOneGuy), which has already 11 million 798 thousand subscribers! Just a scary number.

As of the date of this review, the 310 videos posted by Ivangay on his channel have collected a total of more than 2.6 BILLION views (although he is only in 2nd place in this indicator).

How did the channel of the most popular Russian-speaking YouTuber start? No matter how trite - from Minecraft let's plays. If the last 2 words are unfamiliar to you, then (this is good) we are ready to “pump” your erudition by telling you what it is.

So, the term "let's play" is explained in Wikipedia as follows:

Those. a video blogger films how he plays and comments on the gameplay, and then someone watches it. If you ask yourself the question “Why is it necessary?”, then it’s better not to ask. The let's play genre is so popular that there are even special TV channels dedicated to this matter, and the "streams" on video hosting sites gather millions of viewers around the world, bringing millions, but already dollars, to video bloggers-let's players.

So what is Minecraft? Again, ask the all-knowing Wiki:

To make it even more clear, this “indie game” looks something like this:

Again you ask the question "Who needs it"? Then you are either too old for "all this", or simply not "in trend" 🙂 . As you will see below, Minecraft has become the "launching pad" for the lion's share of our top 10 Russian language channels on Youtube.

The first video of the blogger Ivangai is dated March 24, 2013, i.e. he posted it 5 days after the launch of the channel on YouTube.

At first, the video played only the gameplay under voice guidance Ivangay's comments, but already from the 9th video blogger decided to "open his face to the world", which was displayed in the corner of the screen. Vivid emotions, comments and cuteness of the "presenter" definitely contributed to the increase in the popularity of EeOneGuy's videos on YouTube.

Thanks to whom did Ivangai's YouTube channel become so popular? Of course, thanks to the main "consumers" of such content - schoolchildren and schoolgirls aged 12-15, who consider it their idol. Guys like to watch how a person of the same age (or a little older) frankly grimace at the camera or plays and carries what he wants, and the girls squeak from “what Ivangay is cute.”

It is clear that the fame of Ivan Rudsky (yes, that is the real name of this blogger) is not some kind of spontaneous accident. Still, the number 1 video blogger on Russian YouTube makes quite high-quality content: here is the staging, and good mixing of the video, and quality sound with a picture. Well, in the end, Vanya himself is never a fool.

An example of his video from a time closer to our days:

Qualitatively, with humor, for many it is very interesting. The result - more than 9 million views of a 6-minute video!

This is it, the secret of success.

Let's move on to "YouTube Mastodon" number 2.

No. 2 in the top 10Russian YouTube channels - Masha and the Bear

No matter how strange it may be, but the second in terms of the number of subscribers and the first in terms of the number of views in the rating of Russian-language YouTube channels is an animated project, originally aimed "on TV":

Yes, yes, this is everyone's favorite (especially by the children's audience) cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

As of June 2017, the number of subscribers on the YouTube channel of this project has exceeded 10.3 million people, while it has an unrealistic 12.1 BILLION views!

If the television viewer was first introduced to "Masha and the Bear" in January 2009, then the YouTube audience saw this cartoon on its "own field" much later: the Russian-language channel "Masha and the Bear" was created here on May 31, 2011.

Unlike many creators of movies and cartoons, the promoters of this project in no way interfere with the free access of viewers to their offspring. On the contrary, they contribute to such a “viral” distribution of the animated series on various, including pirated, resources. The conquest of the YouTube space was also quite logical and far-sighted: it is not only the promotion of the project, but also a good income from partnership with YouTube (displaying ads). Moreover, the creators of "Masha and the Bear" are waging a very cunning struggle for views: for each series of the cartoon, several "trailers" are preliminarily laid out, which themselves gain from several hundred to millions of views. Well, uploading a full-fledged series is guaranteed to have more than a million viewers.

So, the absolute record was set by episode 33 "Sweet Life": 627 and a half million views!

The reasons for the popularity and second place in the ranking of Russian YouTube channels, we believe, they do not need strong explanations: "Masha and the Bear" deservedly enjoys the attention of families with children due to its very high-quality performance: in less than 10 minutes, children are told another interesting, fascinating and funny story with original and beloved characters. Mischievous Masha and poor Mishka, looking at whose adventures anyone will start to smile, is reinforced concrete proof that the Russian animation school not only has not lost the heritage of the Soviet past, but is also capable of making a modern product that will be close to every child, no matter what language it is in spoke. Proof of this is more than 10 foreign YouTube channels - clones of "Masha and the Bear", views on which also number in the millions.

And, by tradition, the first video from the channel:

Third place in the ranking of RussiansYouTube channels: CrazyRussianHacker

To be honest, we cheated a little by including this channel in our Top 10. The fact is that from Russian there is only the video blogger himself, a couple of dozen videos with the name in Russian, and the word “Russian” in the name of this YouTube channel:

All videos on the CrazyRussianHacker channel are made on English language with an indescribable Russian accent! In fact, the creator of the project - Taras Kulakov - is generally from Ukraine. But, having moved to the USA for the "American dream" and somehow came to video blogging, he nevertheless began to use the image of the "Russian guy". This is understandable - stereotypes about Russians in the United States will be clearly more famous than anything about Ukrainians (gentlemen, Ukrainians, if you are reading this now - no offense).

So, what statistics is this channel ready to show off?

Subscribers - 9,905,572 (as of June 2017).

Number of videos - 1037! Bearing in mind that the channel was created later than the two "competitors" already considered, Taras's productivity is clearly higher. Although, given that there are still fewer views, we can conclude that he takes not quality, but quantity 🙂 .

Although in reality this conclusion would be wrong - in terms of its usefulness, the CrazyRussianHacker channel will give odds to both the already reviewed and less popular channels. His videos are full of various experiments, life hacks and do-it-yourself reviews, so useful information for the viewer, it's just an insane amount. However, the trouble with YouTube is precisely that the vast majority of users come here to watch something “precool”, funny and not burdening the brain, which is why such a useful channel loses so much to the same Ivangai.

How did the CrazyRussianHacker YouTube channel start? In May 2012, this video was posted:

Of course, this video did not get even 300 thousand views, but the style and presentation of the material are already visible here. And it's really interesting! With the growing popularity of the channel, the videos posted by Taras began to gain much more views. For example, here is a touching video with a "dog" - 6 million:

We strongly recommend that Russian-speaking users familiarize themselves with this channel, since the “subtitles” function will allow those who do not have much “pumped” English to understand what our fellow countryman says in his videos.

Top 10 Russian speakersYouTube channels:SlivkiShow in 4th place

The SlivkiShow channel is another example of the triumph of a Ukrainian video blogger on YouTube. Since the channel was registered on December 11, 2012, it has already gained 8.5 million subscribers (as of June 2017). His 189 videos in total collected 1 billion 214 million 470 thousand views.

And the videos on the SlivkiShow channel definitely have the coolest and most touching intro!

What does video blogger Yuri Yaniv talk about on his channel? The videos of this author are both interesting and informative. Some are even funny 🙂

The first video on the channel, for example, was about how to cope with the heat (relevant for many in the summer):

Here is an interesting observation for you: if at the beginning of his “career” Yuri Yaniv actively starred himself in his releases, then later his face disappeared from the commercials, but his pets appeared - the cat Kuki and the hamster Styopa. Such a change in the main characters affected the popularity of the SlivkiShow channel in an extremely positive way! After all, we all know that cats rule the Internet 🙂 .

Now the channel is actively developing, it clearly shows “following trends”, that is, coverage of the most interesting topics of all. So Y. Yaniv can be considered a very perspicacious person - after all, he knows how to attract even more subscribers to his "army".

It remains to wish him good luck, and YouTube - more such channels, which, instead of clogging the brain of young people, bring real benefits in terms of the overall development of the audience.

Middle Top 10 - channel "Adam Thomas Moran»

On the this moment the channel "AdamThomasMoran" has 8 million 308 thousand subscribers, who in total "have seen" 1 billion 622 million views. What is so captivating young viewers?

Incredible Interesting Facts, entertaining plot? No, well, who needs this! But Max Golopolosov jokes well and just masterfully swears! Well, what else can attract the attention of a teenager of 13-15 years old, who do exactly the same thing most of the time. Okay, okay, let's not put a cliché on the audience of this channel - we just emphasize its main - so to speak, distinctive - features. It’s just that no one else in our Top gives out such a “mix”.

The channel started on July 25, 2010. From the very beginning, the author stated that the idea was borrowed from the mega-popular American blogger of the time - Ray William Johnson. The essence of the idea: take some interesting and funny videos, show them to YouTube viewers and provide all this hodgepodge with original author's comments. And the first video on the channel is proof of that:

Please note that neither the terrible sound nor the equally terrible quality of the “picture” prevented the video from gaining more than 8 million views.

In other matters, Max quickly corrected the quality of sound and video, but left the “content” and the leopard wall unchanged throughout all 427 videos (as of June 2017).

With his successful experience, Max "infected" many YouTubers, who subsequently also succeeded very well on YouTube. Thanks to him in the vast this service a lot of funny content appeared, for which you can say “thank you” 🙂 .

But enough about all the famous Maxim, let's move on to the next member.

Sixth place in the top 10 Russian YouTubers - FROST channel

The video blogger FROST and its channel of the same name are another example of how popular the Letsplay genre is on the Internet. The vast majority of the 1,180 videos here are about the author (alone or with friends) playing video games. And yes, the name "Minecraft" is also found here many, many times!

As of June 2017, Frost's channel has over 6.5 million subscribers and over 2.5 billion views. Just imagine how many people were sitting staring at the monitor and watching the blogger play games! Well, isn't it weird?

Who is this Mr Frost? This is a simple guy from Nizhny Novgorod, Yuri Murlin, who in October 2012 decided that he was also ready to show the entire Internet how cool he plays Minecraft and what kind of “head thoughts” he reproduces at the same time. Of course, he poured his thoughts into the ears of a grateful audience.

It is worth noting that Yuri Frost is not at all shy about showing off his face, loves to communicate with the audience and generally demonstrates in every possible way how cool he is. And, judging by the number of subscribers, many agree with the fact that "he's cool". Also, obviously, in order to increase the popularity of the channel, FROST actively diversifies its content by filming "challenges", parodies and just fooling around on camera. Yes, yes, those who are just fooling around can also collect several million views.

The most popular video of the “frozen” YouTuber has so far gained more than 12.5 million views – that’s how much popularity you can “grab” at the mention of another popular blogger.

What can you say about the channel in general? If you like to watch how a young self-confident jock plays various games and has fun in other ways - you are here!

7th place in the ranking of popular RussiansYouTube channels -ThisIsXorosho

It just so happened that often the top bloggers on Russian YouTube are not Russian citizens at all. We have already seen several Ukrainians here, the turn has come for the Latvians to declare themselves. And they said! The Latvian team, known primarily for the face of the host Stas Davydov, in October 2010 created a Russian-language channel, which over the almost 7 years of its existence has "overgrown" with 6 million subscribers! Both subscribers and other viewers have viewed 712 videos posted on the channel, a total of 1 billion 268 million 620 thousand times! And we are sure that both the army of the This Is Xorosho channel and the number of views will only increase.

The fact is that the guys creating this project really put all their talent into it. And, if, at first, the content looked “damp”, and the host showed himself not quite confident, then over time, the show jumped not just over its head, but over its head, and a few more goals. A kind of humor, a considerable amount of sarcasm, references to trending events on the Internet, interesting "author's" inserts, the absence of swearing tirades that cut the ear - that's what a successful YouTube channel turned out to be!

And it all started with this:

Well, after 5 years, the show looks like this (feel the difference):

Oh, yes - we did not talk about the main thing - about the format of the show itself. Remember Max +100500? He also has a channel called AdamThomasMoran, and he is in our Top 10 YouTube Channels at the 5th position. So, This Is Xorosho is almost the same, only without a stream of obscenities and with "chips": Nastenka, Channing, Nebrityabr, "Russian Videos from DVRs", "Random Comment" and much more. This channel reviews videos that have either gone viral on the Internet or are the most interesting of those videos that were sent to the channel by viewers. Yes, yes, the cunning creators of this channel simply ask viewers to send interesting “vidos”, which will then be shown to them 🙂 . Brilliant? Not that word!

The audience of this YouTube channel is also not particularly solid, but thanks to the more “intelligent” humor, This Is Xorosho videos are watched by people aged 25, 30, and more.

Let's be honest - we like this channel 🙂 .

Well, who is on the 8th line of our "Top"?

Top Russian channelsYoutube-TheKateClapp in 8th place

The idol of millions of girls aged 11-15, video blogger Katya Klep has 5.6 million subscribers on her channel of the same name. Ekaterina Trofimova (real name) won her audience with her spontaneity (often adjacent to deliberate infantilism), the variety of “actors” (Katya uses “stage images” of various characters invented by herself and performed by her), an abundance of thematic content (videos for girls - make-up, clothing, etc. In general, we can say that the Youtube channel of the 24-year-old “vlogger” is an example of the successful implementation of acting, directing, and marketing talents!

TheKateClapp channel appeared on Youtube on December 6, 2010, and the first video on it is made in the form of a dialogue with an existing devoted viewer:

You should not be surprised at such a presentation: the fact is that TheKateClapp is the second channel of a popular video blogger. The first one is called FoggyDisaster and it was launched as much as 2.5 years earlier - on August 20, 2008. True, it did not gain such popularity, therefore it does not appear in our Top 10 most popular channels on YouTube.

By the number of videos, Katya Clapp’s channel does not try to be “ahead of the rest” - in total, as of June 2017, there are 364 videos. But almost each of them has collected more than 2 million views. Well, such a “creation” by Katya Clapp has stepped over, for example, the mark of 8 million!

So solid 🙂

If there is a channel for girls aged 11-15, then somewhere there must be a channel for boys of the same age. And he is! Even two. They "rest" in the last places of our Top 10 most popular channels on Youtube in Russia.

9th place -Youtube channelTheBrianMaps

The channel with over 5.3 million subscribers is owned by a guy who turns 18 on September 25, 2017! And the name of this young genius is Maxim Tarasenko. He took the pseudonym "Brian", which then became the basis for the name of the channel.

What has this blogger been doing on Youtube since June 2012, when the channel was launched? 13-year-old Brian began to “letsplay” in Minecraft - i.e. followed fashion trends the then YouTube. And I didn't guess. By the way, M. Tarasenko's acquaintance with video blogging did not begin with the covered channel, but with the long-abandoned "Maxutko99", which Brian launched a year earlier.

But let's not talk about the past, because among all the projects of Maxim, it was TheBrainMaps that got into our Top 10.

So, as of June 2017, we have 288 videos, the total number of views of which is more than 600 million!

First video on the channel:

It is dated June 30, 2012 and has already 604.5 thousand views. Not bad for an "ancient" video, and even very good.
As stated on the Web, Brain is watched and loved not only for trending videos (in addition to Minecraft and reviews of other games, the channel has been replenished with challenges, sketches in the style of “My cat is trying to kill me” and even rap over the past 2 years), but also for the abundance humor in the video.
You can appreciate this humor yourself by watching the video, which, as of June 2017, scored the maximum number of views on the channel, namely 18 million 187 thousand of those:

Of the latest creative research, perhaps it is worth paying attention to "Rap from a daring nanny":

The blogger has been here for almost 18 years, and therefore he allows himself much more "daring" 🙂 . Well, if you pay attention to the comments, you will notice that the age of the viewers does not keep pace with the age of the author.

However, we note once again that the TheBrainMaps channel still found its grateful 5 million audience, which means that such content is needed by the “mass consumer” of YouTube. And, of course, the influence of video bloggers like Maxim Tarasenko on the release of similar “teenage antics” on the Web is difficult to underestimate.

And finally, we are moving on to the “closing” in our orderly series of top channels on Russian Youtube.

10th place in the ranking of the most popularRussian Youtube channels:MrLololoshka

The MrLololoshka channel can be safely put in first place in terms of the number of videos shot - there are an unimaginable number of them here - 1263 pieces! Given the date of the channel's creation - May 28, 2012, video blogger Roman Filchenkov turned out to be the most "hard-working" of all the candidates presented in our rating. True, this did not help him to gain a foothold above the last place of the Top 10 Youtube channels.

You can find a lot of reasons for this, but the main one, perhaps, is that the video blogger MrLololoshka has lagged behind the trends: while other top bloggers diversify their content as much as possible (the main thing is to catch the hype), the video genre on this channel has not changed over not a drop for the last 5 years: how Romka filmed his process of passing in 2012 computer games, and continues to shoot. The only thing that has changed during this time is the voice of the "host". It is not surprising, because the 19-year-old "Mr. Lololoshka" (date of birth 04/17/1998) is getting older every year than its main audience.

What's the statistic? 5 million 75 thousand 982 subscribers at the time of our review, the total number of views on the channel - more than 1.3 billion - cooler than Brian, Katya Clapp and SlivkiShow!

We will also give the very first video on the channel - so to speak, "for show":

One can only guess how the channel will continue to develop from the last place in our rating of the most popular Russian Youtube channels: the hype around let's plays is gradually subsiding - and this is reflected in the number of video views (over the past couple of years, their number has decreased significantly). Perhaps comedy rapper MC'Lololoshka will conquer Youtube soon, or stand-ups and vlogs will appear on the channel - who knows where the "wind of hype" will take Roman Filchenkov ?! In the meantime, YouTube's school audiences can have fun watching an older idol play with toys for them.

That's it, the Top 10 is complete. Whether it was useful, whether it was interesting - it's up to you! We will be glad to see your opinion in the comments 🙂 . Good content to all and safe Internet surfing!!

P.S. If you want to find out on your own the earnings of a certain channel, which is not in our Top 10, we recommend that you read the review that was published on our website.

Article Top 10 Russian-language channels on YouTube by the number of subscribers - counting the personal armies of bloggers was modified: July 4, 2018 by the author netobserver

Today - another selection of interesting channels on YouTube: 20 best scientific and educational channels. If you like videos of this kind - you will definitely like the selection!

Interesting channels on YouTube: TOP-20 popular science in Russian

1.Science and technology - popular science channel in Russian

2. Science 2.0 is another interesting YouTube channel



Documentary and popular science films and TV shows, lecture series, TV magazines, guides, video tutorials, video experiments, etc.

5. Channel interesting video

Archaeological finds that contradict official science are scattered around the world. Artifacts of ancient civilizations and the rediscovery of the knowledge of the lost civilizations of the Earth.

6. SuperGressus

7 Naked Science

Video about science and technology from foreign sources in Russian.

8.Sci-One TV

Reports from scientific and technical events, interviews with experts and educational stories that reveal certain issues of science.

9. Science

Animated videos that explain in a popular and humorous way scientific facts and answer related questions.

10 Gutenberg Smoking Room

Channel of the educational project "Lectorium" Obrazovacha ": Gutenberg's Smoking Room". Videos of lectures from open events dedicated to popular science topics appear here.

11. PostScience

Recordings of lectures on fundamental science, in which Russian scientists talk about their research in the first person.

12. Arzamas

Video lectures and short stories given by Russian scientists on issues of the humanities.

13. Attic

14. Lectorium

Recordings of lectures given in different universities of Russia.

15. Everything is like animals

Evgenia Timonova, together with her assistants, travels the world and shoots stories about a person and the nature around him.

Watch channel →


A channel about inventions, technology, experiments and curious features of nature. Ideas and creative ways to bring them to life.

Best and useful youtube channels for those who are not indifferent to themselves, are set on self-development and understand that successful people are not born, but become. Loads of useful information. It will be interesting because you will learn how to spend time usefully on the Internet, including how to make money online now.

This collection contains useful YouTube channels on scientific and educational topics, including the popular youtube channel in English. Here you will also find an excellent YouTube channel about sports, as well as for everyone who is interested in ways to make money on the Internet - 2 reliable educational channels on this topic.

So here they are

Useful YouTube Channels - 14 Best

1. Thoisoi

The channel is dedicated to experiments in inorganic and organic chemistry! Here you can find many chemical experiments, each of which contains explanations that will be understandable even to the most distant people from chemistry.

The author in his video experiments also indicates formulas that will help you understand the essence of chemical reactions and transformations. It's practically a chemistry tutorial. Schoolchildren will see a lot of interesting things here, but everything they see should be repeated under the supervision of adults.

2. qwerty

It is time to abandon the myths and return to reality.

Interesting and not boring about science from QWERTY. A channel for everyone who believes in science, critical thinking and common sense.

QWERTY is a platform for communication and discussion of current topics in the field of science and technology. These are live broadcasts with leading scientific experts, regular news releases (really important news), programs on medicine, physics, mathematics, astronomy, biology, social psychology. They are preparing to launch programs in chemistry, economics and other sciences.

An interesting and useful popular science channel in Russian YouTube.

3. PostScience

Official representation of the PostNauka project (postnauka website) on YouTube.

Here are lectures, interviews and articles about fundamental science and the scientists who create it.

PostNauka - everything you wanted to know about science, but didn't know who to ask. Very interesting and informative channel.


SIMPLE SCIENCE - fascinating experiences and experiments.

The SIMPLE-SCIENCE channel is a fascinating physical, chemical experiments and experiments for children and, of course, adult children.

The channel was created by Denis Mokhov Studio.


"Attic" is a scientific and educational project. The authors write about science - Russian and not only.

They talk about interesting popular science lectures, exhibitions, and , show experiments and answer quasi-scientific questions about surrounding reality.

6. Arzamas

Videos are devoted to humanitarian knowledge. Just a treasure trove of great materials about humanities- history, literature, philosophy, art, anthropology.

A collection of photo galleries and fragments of newsreels, from forgotten books and interviews with experts.

Come on, it will be interesting.

7. "History of Russia for Dummies"

Bright and colorful videos that tell briefly and succinctly about historical events, famous personalities, and humorous comments add their "zest".

With such a channel, learning history is more fun. Great help to understand school curriculum by history.

If you didn’t have a relationship with history at school, watch these videos.

YouTube channels for kids and teens

8. simple drawings

Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw? See how easy it is. The author in each video shows how to draw a simple drawing with a regular gel pen in a few minutes on a piece of paper in a box.

Android, giraffe, dress, lion cub and much more is understandable and fun.

Show this channel to children, let them learn to draw their favorite characters together with the author of the channel.


Funny and bright animated videos in an interesting format, stylized as drawings that are drawn in the process.

The subject matter is interesting and presented in an unusual way. Juicy, clear about robots, the universe, space, music, global warming, intuition, allergies, radiation, frame 25, the Bermuda Triangle and much more.

Really curious. An unusual visual embodiment of serious topics on the screen draws you in when viewing. You watch one video, and after 3 hours you find yourself watching half the channel.

This makes studying science much more interesting. See for yourself - just watch the video. One definitely won't do.

YouTube channels for learning English


YouTube channels about making money online

11. Matvey Severyanin's channel

A novice YouTube blogger will find a lot of useful training material here. If you are interested in the question: "How to make money on YouTube without basic knowledge?", then these tips will come in handy at 100%.

The fact is that Matvey Severyanin professionally engaged in Youtube. He is an experienced practitioner with a good reputation and real results.

His first channel now has nearly half a million subscribers. But making videos yourself is a long and tedious business. Therefore, since 2016, Severyanin has been creating channels that he monetizes by uploading other people's videos that are freely available (" gray content"). In his videos, he teaches this profitable direction.

For reference: "gray content" is allowed to reuse videos, they can be "re-uploaded" to your video channels and the Creative Commons license gives this full right. Videos can be copied, distributed, edited, remixed and used as a basis, all legally and under copyright law.

"Grey channels" is an interesting and profitable direction, but only a few can work with him. Working on Youtube since 2012, Matvey Severyanin has developed his own work algorithm, according to which he himself promotes and earns on YouTube.

Many people have been looking for a magic pill all their lives, but you just need to know what to do and not be lazy.

12. Channel and blog of Eugene Vergus

And more about making money online. For those who are interested in this topic, watch and learn from a practitioner with great experience on the Internet, who is competent and knowledgeable in this.

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All materials of Vergus are his personal developments, he talks about active sources of income on the Internet with all the details. Lots of subtleties and hacks. Who is interested in the topic of affiliate programs - this source of free information is the best.

Here are some helpful resources:

  • Free Affiliate Marketing Essentials Kit >>>
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You can watch Vergus' video on the topic of making money online right now.⇓ How to learn how to earn on affiliate programs. Motivates!
