Correct copypasta. What is copy-paste? Content theft protection methods

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Copy-paste - translated from English "copy" and "paste". If you copy text from a third-party site and place it on your resource, then this is a copy-paste site.

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For example, we all know that da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Delighted visitors come to the museum to look only at the Mona Lisa. This is the ideal of a portrait with an accurate display of anatomy, soft outlines, smooth strokes, which is the embodiment of a real person.

But suddenly we are shown the same picture, only they say that the author of the portrait is another person, a locksmith Vasily Petrov. This picture was drawn a year ago, exhibited in mall Voronezh, and you can buy it for 1 million rubles. Will anyone buy a painting by Vasya Petrov for 1 million rubles? Will she gather admiring glances from a crowd of art connoisseurs from all over the world? What threatens Vasya Petrov from the point of view of the law?

Everyone knows that the Mona Lisa is best job da Vinci. Only in the Louvre can one enjoy this priceless work of art. Mona Lisa by Vasya Petrov is a copy-paste in analogy with real life. Let's now consider what it is - copy-paste on the Internet.

Online copy-paste - punishable theft or permitted use

Many readers will now be surprised. Often Internet users are sure that information on the network is available for free use, despite the fact that each text has an author. But first you need to decide how exactly you can use someone else's text.

If you download the text to your computer and re-read an interesting article millions of times, then you can copy as much as you like. But if you want to place someone else's text on your site, then this is already theft for the purposes of commercial use. Partial copy-paste is no exception, in which pieces of text are taken from different sites, and from this “hodgepodge” an own article is compiled. But do not forget that each piece of text also has its own author.

For stealing a text without specifying the source, you can get punished with a ruble if the author goes to court. But this is the least of the troubles.

If you provide a direct link to the source from which the text you liked (or part of the text) was copied, then this will not be a violation of the law. True, this will not bring any benefit to your site, but it will not do much harm either if the volume of someone else's text does not exceed 10-15% of the total volume of all texts on your site.

Creating a site on copy-paste - risks and pitfalls

About 10 years ago, there were amateurs on the Internet who created sites on copy-paste. Dubious sites Low quality brought a stable income without much investment from the developers. But a satisfying life ended after Yandex launched the AGS algorithm, nicknamed the "attack of the clones", which removed resources with non-unique content from the index.

Later, Google took care of the fight against copy-paste sites, which stopped indexing them or began to hide resources in the search results. That is, if Google finds the same content on 10 sites, then only one site remains in the search results. Unfortunately, this will not necessarily be a source resource, but the probability that it will be your site with stolen content, in this case, will be only 10%.

Currently, webmasters are afraid of filters and bans from search engines, so they pay special attention to unique content that is interesting to the user. And copy-paste is now rewritten manually for each site, which gives the texts a certain uniqueness. Despite the fact that such sites can still get into the index and even participate in the search, their life always hangs in the balance.

Website promotion on copy-paste - an example from life

A few years ago, a well-known webmaster created 10 sites for the exchange of selling links in order to make easy money. He acquired different domains, while one of the sites he left under the SDL (site for people), the rest began to fill with texts from third-party sources (copy-paste). In an attempt to get around the problem of working with search engines, he developed his own copy-paste algorithm.

  • Texts were copied from little-known sources manually.
  • On each page of the site, copy-paste was placed from several sources.
  • Unique meta tags were installed on each page of the site.
  • Watermarks were removed from the copied pictures.
  • Headings and subheadings of stolen articles changed.
  • Work was carried out with external and internal links, as well as with mobile versions sites and microdata.

Thanks to this algorithm Search engines have indeed indexed dubious sites. Each of the sites had traffic. But so far, not a single site has appeared in the first places in the search results, even according to the most low frequency requests, despite the painstaking work to promote sites on copy-paste. Currently, 9 sites out of 10 are under the filter of Yandex and Google.

On the this example it can be seen that the method of promoting sites on copy-paste can work, but any day a dubious site can get a filter, and all efforts will be in vain.

Believe me: from the development of high-quality sites and pleasure you get many times more, and the risks are reduced to zero.

Greetings blog site readers. Copy-paste of articles is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that almost every Internet user systematically encounters.

Recall if you noticed that after a query in a search engine, you had to observe several resources that contain the same information.

No, the owners of these resources do not write the same texts, they are simply stolen from one site and installed on others, which is copy-paste.

Who is copy-pasting and why? Copying materials is carried out by owners of low-quality resources who want to increase the amount of information on their site, but at the same time do not want to spend money and effort on its creation.

There is nothing easier than collecting a lot of materials from other sites and putting them on your site, but such actions do not lead to anything good.

As practice shows, search engines fight hard with webmasters who copy articles from other sites and ban their resources, or exclude some pages from the search.

Given this factor, the use of copy-paste is the most the worst option to fill the site.

In addition to the fact that webmasters using copy-paste have problems with search engines, they systematically have to deal with copyright issues.

The fact is that the owner of the site has the copyright to the articles, therefore, when copying information, web masters violate the law. The exceptions are cases when the author indicates the possibility of copying materials accompanied by an active link.

If there is no information on the site, then initially you will need to ask permission to copy from the author of the site.

Unscrupulous owners of promoted sites quite often use copy-paste, and cause problems for the owners of "young" resources. The fact is that developing sites are indexed longer than already promoted projects, so by “stealing” an article, a webmaster can become a primary source for search engines.

In this case, the author of the article is considered a copypaste and it is quite possible that search engines will react negatively to this. To avoid such situations, steadily add unique materials to your site and thus you will increase the indexing speed.

Finally, I would like to say that we strongly recommend that you exclude such an option for filling the site as copy-paste.

If you want to implement a really high-quality site, then it is better to fill it with copywriting or at least deep rewriting, in addition to a good attitude of search engines to your activity, you will definitely have regular visitors.

Copy-paste, how to do?

This is surprising, but some people are interested in how to copy materials from other people's sites. In order not to create copies of certain sites, first a few suitable resources are found or the necessary requests are simply driven in and the first pages of the TOP are opened.

After that, the text is selected and copied to the clipboard:

Then the data is inserted into new page site and just posted. You can check copy-paste without problems, but not every webmaster does this.

The easiest way to check is through programs for determining the percentage of uniqueness, such as. If the text is added to your site, simply enter it in the "Ignore domains" field or use the address bar, to check directly:

In addition, a special service has been created, where it is enough to enter the page address to find all copies on the Internet. For the test, we added home page of our blog, it turns out that it is copied to a couple of resources:

Now you can go to these sites to write to their owners about the need to delete. If they do not respond, you will have to write to the hosters (). Hosting providers do not need problems with the law, so they will block the site with copy-paste without any problems.

How do sites develop on copy-paste?

Now copy-paste and rewriting are actively used, despite the negative attitude of search engines to such types of content extraction. It's just that some resource owners choose other ways of development.

There are plenty of examples of large projects developing despite the fact that they are filled with copied information. A great example, offering to receive interesting materials in one feed.

The most interesting materials are selected, and people show interest in the site, since it has everything that is published on various resources:

The organizers of this project know firsthand what copy-paste means and actively use it.

Even though they don’t get traffic from search engines (since there is no unique information), there are other sources as well. They do not violate the law, they offer the site owners themselves to maintain accounts, as well as leave a link to the original.

Mostly users from social networks go here.

Now you also know what copy-paste of articles is, how it is used and why copy materials at all. If there is a quality resource, it is better not to resort to this method information extraction, as search engines still remain the main source of traffic.

Although you should not completely refuse copy-paste, sometimes it comes in handy. For example, to post interesting news on the site (the main thing is not to forget to put a link to the source).

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Hello dear site readers! To be honest, I shouldn’t have such a post on my blog, because it’s somehow wrong to tell someone how to copy someone else’s content and create a site on this site that will also bring profit.

I want to convey with this article that many factors related to the ranking of the site are involved and the uniqueness of the content is not the most important.

If the site is useful, helps the visitor find answers to their questions, but has copied content, then such a site will be indexed and bring traffic from the search, which can be safely monetized.

I'm sure you've seen the site and his clones, but how do you like his attendance?

And there are many such examples, now let's move from words to deeds ...

Steps to create a website based on non-unique content

It all started about 4 years ago, when I tried to make batches of sites for Sapa, and since I bought a lot of domains, I decided to leave one of them on the SDL project, but it will be filled with articles from other sources.

After reading a dozen articles on the forums, I realized that there are tens of thousands of similar projects on the network, and many of them have reached decent traffic and, of course, income.

I do not take into account the news sites, which are mostly created on 100% copy-paste. I was interested in MFA (made for Adsense) content projects.

The process of filling the site did the following scheme:

  1. With the help of the Kay Collector, I collected semantic core on the chosen topic, leaving less competitive requests.
  2. Articles should be used with different sources, preferably from little-known ones.
  3. Posts are placed manually, down with parsers and programs for automatic filling (such as ).
  4. Change TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS the latter may not be used at all. Come up with unique meta tags, but keep them relevant to the article.
  5. We decorate the copied text a little (quotes, numbered and bulleted list), making links to other posts.
  6. Images are taken without watermarks. It would be best to use other pictures, but I left the same ones as in the donor article, although I changed their name.
  7. Combining some articles. If possible, then make one out of two articles so that it turns out to be more detailed and solves the visitor's question from all sides.
  8. To avoid claims from the authors, it is better to put a link to the source at the end of the post (I did not do this).
  9. We add no more than 4 articles per day. There will not be enough strength for more, as the work is very dreary and monotonous.

The site itself should be easy and pleasant to read, because your task is to keep the visitor. For example, I used a not very hackneyed template, which I modified a little, plus I created a .

As a result, search engines gradually indexed all the content without any problems, but no one will rank such articles in the first places in the TOP results.

Personally, I think that the whole thing is in the Trust, which the new project does not have. There were some attempts to get links from comments, forums, but quickly got tired of this business, the more you understand that everything may turn out to be in vain.

In the end, see what happened below:

  • The first traffic came from , but in the next update the site received a filter and today its visibility in foreign searches is almost zero.

  • Then Yandex pulled itself up, although there is not much traffic there, but it is there. While I was publishing posts, growth was observed, for more than a year I have completely scored on the project.

What we have according to statistics:

  • In total, about 150 - 180 articles have been published,
  • TIC - 20,
  • Daily traffic - 350 - 400 visitors.

The most interesting thing is that in those years when Yandex rolled out the AGS-40 filter and it reset all my sites from Sapa (some had rewrite and scanned content), the copy-paste site felt great and only the only one survived. ((

I didn’t put Google Analytics on the site on purpose, so I can’t say anything about the bounce rate, but looking at the data from it, you can see that the visitor stays on the site for about a minute and does not view more than one page.

The site receives most of the clicks on low-frequency queries.

That's all, as you can see this technique works and sites with non-unique content can also receive traffic, I am sure that if you work on the link profile, micro-markup, structure and usability of the site, the result will be even better.

I just don’t want to get a filter one day so that the efforts are in vain.

Therefore, I am all for high-quality sites, believe me, you get much more pleasure from this, as well as confidence in the future.

I would be glad to know in the comments your stories on creating sites on stolen content, what kind of traffic does anyone have?

Of course, if the copy-pastor will stupidly and head-on steal texts from any resources he likes, then his site, most likely, but not always.

Exactly this “not always” can most often manifest itself in relation to young projects that are very poorly protected from copy-paste in search engine algorithms. Why? It's all about Yandex, or rather, the speed of its indexing of young projects.

I don’t know exactly how things are now, but a year and a half ago, when the site was still a young project, a new article on the blog could be indexed by this search engine for a week, and sometimes more (while it flew into the index almost immediately) .

Copy-paste and how to protect yourself from it

By itself, the fact of slow indexing of new materials on young projects may not seem so important. Well, new articles will get into the index of this search engine with a backlash of one week - that's okay. But, unfortunately, this will only be true in the ideal case, when copy-paste of your unique texts bad people you do not take into account.

In general, you need to understand one simple thing - while your article (or an article written, for example, from the exchange) with a unique text is waiting in line for indexing, it can borrow more than one a dozen "not clean hands" webmasters.

Yes, you wrote the unique text for the article, but it can get into the index faster from the resource of one of the webmasters who skillfully used copy-paste (from two English words Copy and paste, i.e. copy and paste).

Look at this through the eyes of a search engine - you are no longer the author of this article for it, which means you will be significantly lowered in ranking for those for which you have optimized your articles, or you will not participate in your text at all.

The situation is extremely sad, and although not everyone has it in this way, it still copy-paste does a lot of harm already experiencing a lot of difficulties for novice webmasters and authors of unique texts on young projects.

And the saddest thing there are no radical ways to deal with copypaste. You can try to protect your unique texts from copying, for example, using a script that makes simple copypast impossible (text cannot be copied from
about the page using the usual hot keys and using the items context menu). Yes, and view source code pages can also be disabled using scripts.

But, firstly, this will not provide 100% protection, because people who do this professionally and earn a lot of money by copying content (better in white ways) know all the “inputs and outputs”, and therefore your copy protection will not represent for them serious barrier. But your own readers may not be happy that you can not copy any piece of your unique text for completely harmless and everyday needs.

And the dissatisfaction of users (albeit a few) will result in deterioration, which may lead to a decrease due to a reduction in search traffic. In general, everything is interconnected, and such a method of protection against copy-paste, in my opinion, can do more harm than good.

Personally, at one time I read and thought quite a lot on topic of combating illegal copying of texts. Actually, I never came up with anything other than the simplest and not always effective protection measures. Although, perhaps, I managed to protect myself to some extent from schoolchildren who trade in the field of copypast. What did I do? Nothing special.

First, I realized that in order to improve the overall impression of the article (from the point of view of search engines), various elements should be presented in it. Html language, including images (which themselves can participate in searches by ), then I decided that it would be nice to put .

God knows what, but sometimes it can discourage a copy-paste webmaster from contacting my blog, because there are a lot of others who do not use such the simplest defense from copying resources.

Secondly, I began to insert a link to my blog in the form of . And in general, it has significantly increased the number of internal links from articles to other materials of its own resource. In this case, a simple and uncomplicated copypast could even bring me certain dividends under a successful set of circumstances.

For example, if plagiarism took place already after this article was indexed by search engines and an inexperienced copy-pastor did not bother to process the text in any way, then I received free external links with the anchors I needed. Think it's all nonsense?

Perhaps, but one respected author in the SEO world is seriously developing this topic for use in promotion (only he is so respected that I forgot who exactly wrote about it, but I remember exactly that I read it and was very surprised at the non-standard approach of “catching on live bait "through copy-paste).

True, some dashing webmasters, when copying, completely remove all links from the text in order to avoid complications, and there are those who make them internal links to similar materials on my site, which nullifies all my efforts to protect texts from copying.

But not everything is so sad. If you manage to successfully avoid mass and quick copying of your unique texts at the initial stage of your project development, then over time Yandex will respect you and start indexing new texts fairly quickly, thereby preventing copy pasters from successfully intercepting your content.

Another interesting question is sharing in social networks. It is possible that such copying does not cause any harm to the web project, because it is rare that large articles get there completely.

All in all, panacea for this disease called copypast, as I said, no (concerning mostly young projects) or, more precisely, there was not until recently.

Now Yandex is trying to turn its face to webmasters and offer them a tool that allows them to secure the authorship of unique texts posted on their sites. After that, replication of materials will no longer be able to cause such irreparable damage to your project.

No, of course, you could have previously certified your unique texts with a notary public and then make official claims to copy-pasters, but who in our country “in their right mind and sober memory” will do this. Perhaps that no one or a few.

How to secure authorship in Google and resist copypast

When it appeared and gained popularity, then among webmasters there was a chance to fix the authorship in a simple way, which I described in detail at the link provided (at the end of the publication).

Moreover, in the Google search results after that, your photo from the social network account will be displayed next to the link to your project.

It is possible that this will slightly increase the CTR of your resource and improve its behavioral factors.

This feature is in beta testing and does not guarantee anything. To use it, you will need, if you do not yet have one. There are several ways to verify authorship with Google.

Yandex tool for protection against copy-paste

And Yandex recently offered us (webmasters) a fairly simple solution - before publishing an article, you first upload its unique text into a special form located on the Yandex Webmaster panel of your site (see the link to the article about it below), and this fact will be somehow This will be taken into account when ranking documents.

True, consider you automatically the author of this unique text search system most likely won't. After all, a situation is possible that you simply may not yet know about this wonderful tool, but a cunning webmaster doing copy-paste already knows about it and successfully slips the search engine through his Webmaster panel the unique texts of your site that have not yet been indexed. Here you, even with all your desire, do not prove to Yandex that copypast was not done by you, but vice versa.

I really hope that the innovation that I want to talk about below will justify the hopes of many webmasters in terms of combating plagiarism. It still needs to be clarified whether it is really important for Yandex to determine the authorship of texts and whether it is interested in spending effort and money on creating appropriate tools.

It is possible that what the search engine is now offering us as anti-copypaste tool, is only a consequence of the importunity of the authors of unique texts that were stolen from them with the help of a banal, but prompt copying.

Now the project to protect against theft of content in Yandex is at the stage of only alpha testing, and its further fate and impact on rankings are not yet known. It can be assumed that if Yandex does not have a commercial interest in the implementation of this protection, then everything will return to normal.

You need to understand that a search engine, like any other project, is primarily interested in providing the convenience of its visitors, and not us (webmasters), thanks to which, in fact, it exists. But there are many of us (you can sacrifice part of it), but there are few search engines (if you quarrel even with one of them, then we will lose a huge part of the traffic), and they are actually omnipotent and omnipotent to do as they see fit.

By the way, information about Yandex's intention to fight plagiarism appeared not only on the Ya.Poisk blog, but also in the help. In any case, to take part in alpha testing, you are offered first (if not already added), and then follow this link.

There you will be prompted to connect a new section "Original Lyrics":

Which will appear in the left menu of the Webmaster panel, inside the "Site Content" section:

In the right area, the "Add new text" button will appear, by clicking on which you will be able to insert the unique text of your new article into a special form, and then click on the "Save" button.

But here, however, there is a nuance that is not entirely clear to me, which is emphasized in the very first screenshot - the possibility try to protect yourself from copy-paste have only those sites whose greater than or equal to 10. AT otherwise you will be given a lapel turn when you try to activate an additional section in Yandex Webmaster:

I would like to hope that this measure will be effective only at the stage of testing a new tool, because just projects that do not yet have Tic=10 need to be protected from copy-paste and its consequences in the first place. Trust resources are indexed quite quickly and efficiently by Yandex in most cases.

In addition, the question arises - in what form should unique texts be added to the Yandex Webmaster form? Whether in the form of pure text, or in Html format code. I did not gain clarity on this matter, even after reading a short FAQ on this new Yandex tool for combating copy-paste. Although, I think, it is still clean, because our tags are most likely absolutely not interesting to the search engine.

In general, alpha testing is alpha testing. The idea so far, in my opinion, although a good one, is still crude, and the possible impact of this “anti-plagiarism” tool on ranking is generally vague and veiled. Either it already exists, or it doesn't exist yet. What do you think about this and about the threat of copy-paste to your projects, dear readers?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

Comments and reviews

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Evgeny Likhman

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Evgeny Likhman

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Let's talk about today copy-paste. The myth that copy-paste is evil is just a myth. Sites with copy-paste live well in the index, it is important to be able to prepare it correctly. Here are some tips for copy-pasting articles correctly.

  • 1. Rewrite the title of the article. This will take a little time, but you will have a unique page title, which will reduce the likelihood of being filtered. If at the same time you sharpen the title of the article under some kind of low frequency, then you will also get .

  • 2. Add pictures to the article. Into those woofers under which you sharpened the name.

  • 3. Beautifully design articles. Many people are very bothered, but, for some reason, they completely forget about its design. Although for Yandes, according to my observations, it plays a big role. Perhaps, including on these grounds, HS are calculated, where the text without paragraphs is often stupidly dumped into one heap. So highlight and underline keywords in the text, insert quotes, etc. All this will add .

  • 4. Finish the first paragraph of the article. If you take a good, but not optimized article from somewhere, then you can add a small introductory paragraph to it, saturating it with the keyword under which you sharpened the title and which you entered in the alt of the picture. This is done in the following way.
    Let's say you take an article on how to choose a TV. tells us that the keyword “how to choose a TV” is requested 5944 times a month. It will be difficult for a non-unique article to reach the TOP for this key without links. But there is a key "how to choose the right TV" (390 impressions). Under it and we will sharpen.
    We write the name - “How to choose the right TV” - add a picture of the TV set to the article, also enter “How to choose the right TV” in the alt. Next, write the first paragraph. More or less like this:
    Many families think before buying how to choose the right TV. In this article, we will try to tell you in detail about the right choice: plasma or LCD, diagonal, price, etc. Here are some tips and tricks on choosing the right TV (website rewritten):
    Such a simple text, firstly, will make the article more unique, and secondly, it will increase the key density, which will bring additional traffic.

  • 5. Link to source. To put it or not is a matter of conscience. Although it is not always possible to determine exactly who exactly is the primary source. In any case, if you still put a link, then in order not to glue your article, put it on the face, and not on the page of the article.

Dear readers and subscribers of the blog. Write in the comments questions and topics that interest you. I will try to cover them in future posts.

Author: Alexey Abramov.

More materials on this topic:


remove the border from the pictures, otherwise square emoticons look ugly)
required- April 9, 2010 @ 0:02

Interesting to try...
PS: The border is a feature, without it it will not be the same))
Quacker- April 9, 2010 @ 0:20

In principle, everything was written correctly. But I will still continue to rewrite with a large% uniqueness. With an optimized rewrite, you will rush to the top in an instant!
Promising Blogger- April 9, 2010 @ 2:19 am

For me, this copy-paste should still be in moderation, and I choose the following percentage: out of 10 articles - 6-7 unique, and 3-4 can be copy-pasted and such sites live in the index
Mikasi- April 9, 2010 @ 6:07 am

A medical fact - the life expectancy of a copy-paste directly correlates with how much hands grow out of *ops =]
Johnny- April 9, 2010 @ 8:01 am

you already had a similar topic and you gave the address to the vareznichek there, which is made like that. So, he did not survive the April Fools' AGS. Can you give statistics, how many sites have done this and how many survived the ACS?
Phantom Lord- April 9, 2010 @ 9:20 am

As for me, the example with TVs is not very good. Explicit overkill. Two mentions are enough. Although if the goal is only traffic and money, then it doesn’t matter.
igorka- April 9, 2010 @ 10:58 am

A good post, but IMHO every beginner SEO should know this, because this is the main way to raise traffic at the expense of low-frequency traffic!
Interns- April 9, 2010 @ 11:20 am

It depends on where to write an article, if it’s on a portal for people, then I think it’s better to rewrite, and if it’s for traffic, then you can go out using your technology, but still, unique content will always be better than a solid copy-paste.
A couple of times I already asked you to write about how to promote warez / adult / movies online, you promised in old articles, but so far there hasn’t been. Interesting to read.
Ilyukha- April 9, 2010 @ 11:53 am

By the way, “... well-known events related to hosting mchost ...” is just an example of the fact that people shit in the place that fed them.
seoded- April 9, 2010 @ 13:33

About hosting! Prompt under dle, and in general a reliable hoster!
Denis- April 9, 2010 @ 13:33

Cool. Seoded, share your experience better than vilify the paravoz - throw a link to the materials of your experience. I climbed your megasite - the paravoz blog is somehow more interesting to read.
Advert, thanks for the post! I will try to “modernize” my first splogs using this technology. The last volley of the AGS-a mowed down only what was in my sap, and the rest lives on for now. Lex rules!
Alive- April 9, 2010 @ 18:02

Answer the question: HOW MANY pages should be on the site? Approximately, of course. It's one thing to copy-paste 10 and wait for the result, another 300-400. I heard that Yandex noticed the site and it brought more or less at least some kind of traffic, there should be about 300 pages. Tobish, in order to accumulate, process and paste 300 pages, even at super speed you need min 5 300x5 = DAY !! %(
Victor- April 9, 2010 @ 20:29

I'm a little crazy about this!
1) I left a comment here with you an hour ago
2) Half an hour ago I looked at LI (accidentally) and found a view from this post
3) 2 minutes ago I looked into Ya.Webmaster and finally swelled up - there is a back on me from this post (!)
As they say, comments are superfluous)))
Alive- April 9, 2010 @ 20:52

Of course, for me it's better to rewrite it, and not copy-paste.
And so you can try.
border is a feature.
Zalizna people- April 9, 2010 @ 22:42

Sometimes you can just buy articles on the stock exchange or order. Especially when you need to quickly fill the site with unique text. Indeed, if you rewrite it yourself, it will take too much time!
aidos- April 9, 2010 @ 22:53

I'm very interested in text processing for dorovs, everything I haven't tried (Markovka, Panchenko's algorithm, at the suggestion from all files, Marx) is unstable, in most cases dors are banned, preliminary synonymization with M1pluss does not improve the result (((Maybe you will reveal this topic in the future or at least hint?
Seryoga- April 10, 2010 @ 10:14 pm

I don’t understand why you need copy-paste if there is a scan? It's not that expensive...
doctor- April 11, 2010 @ 19:11

Although I use rewrite, but for the sake of testing, I copied this manual for myself))
Garlic- April 12, 2010 @ 2:35 am

aries, do you believe that copy-paste sites can get into dmoz?)
starche- April 12, 2010 @ 9:13 am

Ruslan- 12 April 2010 @ 17:06

Good advice on copy-paste .. I’ll have to try .... well, in general, I usually look for articles in English and translate .. then you definitely won’t call it copy-paste in Russian)))
Alexander- 12 April 2010 @ 18:21

The main thing here is to correctly choose synonyms so that the text changes and the meaning remains the same
dem- April 13, 2010 @ 2:31 pm

Thanks, interesting blog, little water, lots of practice.
seomanka- April 16, 2010 @ 9:27 am

He told me something new. My site consists entirely of copy-paste, so I really appreciate your advice.
Blenker- April 18, 2010 @ 21:41

Copy-paste is gaining momentum)
Good article. Recently, I myself have been using this method to create sites for Sapa.
You can also dilute the text with quotes and anecdotes.
I look forward to more sensible articles)
ahmetoff- 19 April 2010 @ 15:08

I also had a site on mchost, I had to do this with people.
You are right, now sites are not banned for copy-paste, if you follow all the above points, I personally watched two sites, one was just copy-paste, it did not hang in the index for a long time, but copy-paste with a different name and suitable pictures is still in the index!
Barbie- April 20, 2010 @ 12:28 pm

I myself sometimes indulge in copy-paste. Good point about pictures.
PS. Don't remove the border from the pictures, it's more fun))
GodCow- 20 April 2010 @ 16:32

Thank you very much for the article, you can really sometimes dilute the rewrite with copy-paste and everything will be ok. And such a question, I heard that Yandex does not respond to copy-paste until corrupt links appear on the site, what can you say about this?
Alex- 21 April 2010 @ 15:05

Copy-paste is bad! Rite is good! But not a shit rewrite, but a good rewrite! Climbing to the top with copy-paste is not realistic ... although, no matter what search engine, Google often skips copy-paste sites to the top!
Rick- April 24, 2010 @ 22:50

Alex, most likely this is not so, at least I have not met with such a person and have never heard of it.
realn00b- April 25, 2010 @ 0:40

it seems that everyone was paid money - a complete asshole to the author and the article. everyone has long known that copy-paste is not valued .. unique is valued. content!!! Even sites with unique content flies out of Yandex, but what about copy-paste?
Butya- April 26, 2010 @ 9:24 am

Checked today, flew out of the box. I always rewrote a little for the last two articles, I was too lazy and made copy-paste, so Yasha's boat sailed away, but it doesn't sit badly in Gosh. Do not be lazy and rewrite)) but rather move the balls in your head
gunato- May 1, 2010 @ 23:11

Copy-paste will be life long if you leave a link to the source. Everyone knows this ... But I also recommend that everyone take five minutes to give the “stolen” material at least some uniqueness.
Denis- May 12, 2010 @ 0:39

and if you correctly change 2-3 synonyms per sentence in copy-paste, then Yasha can eat like unique =)
Gomelchanin- June 3, 2010 @ 21:59

it takes a very long time to do a rewrite yourself, and it’s expensive to buy (if you need a lot of articles) ... scans also take a long time to process after to give a normal look ... therefore, in any case, you will need to work, we want to earn money, if you please, work hard
Alex- June 17, 2010 @ 10:57 am

copy-paste with a normal readable synonymy more or less lives, but you need to dilute it with a unique or deep rewrite
Alexander163- June 17, 2010 @ 11:00 am

I thought that copy-paste was not effective at all, it’s interesting about rewriting the title ...
Nastyuwka- July 15, 2010 @ 8:24 am

Sorry for getting into such a heated discussion, but copy-paste is different, what prevents you from making a semi-SDL with copy-paste? There are a lot of examples of such sites, they hang in the index for quite a long time and enjoy life. In general, you just need to come up with your head, but what about changing the title of each post, the method is effective, of course, but if we say this is a slog with auto-completion? Editing 10-20 posts a day is very difficult, especially in a grid.
Vyacheslav- August 28, 2010 @ 3:29 am

And yet it is not clear how to “sharpen” it for keywords? How many of them should be 5 or 10 or 100?
Vadim- October 13, 2010 @ 0:27

Copy-paste does not feel great.
Another thing about its survivability, but it already depends on how you cook it.
Artem- October 22, 2010 @ 1:01 am

If this is an auto-splog, then it's enough to set up a double translation script and it's in the header))
Anton- November 12, 2010 @ 1:08 am

Anton, in which CMS is it better to do this and what plugin is used?
Mark- November 16, 2010 @ 12:43 pm

CMS – wordpress, plugin – Double Translator WordPress Plugin
Anton- November 16, 2010 @ 15:58

I'm new to this business
I don’t know yet how useful the recommendations of the author of the site are, but from the whole article and sensible comments I learned a lot of useful and interesting things for myself.
I want to say thank you to everyone!
Andrew- January 18, 2011 @ 10:37 am

I want to say in defense of copy-paste, and criticize rewriting and copyright.
Creating a site for People, the main thing is that the site would be interesting for people! And in this case, copy-paste is simply necessary! Let's say developing any topic - recipes, SEO, vareznik, etc. you, as an author, even though seven spans in your forehead, will not be able to fill the site with interesting articles that are completely unique. In any case, this will be a repetition of the ideas and materials of which are millions on the Internet. And if you just chase unique text, then on such sites it's just BORING! there is nothing interesting, but the author is proud of himself - everything is unique for me ... and who needs it ?! Went in and ran away from this site! Therefore, a site with copy-paste can be very good for PEOPLE, because the admin has the opportunity to CHOOSE the best, add with his knowledge, unify, collect several ideas from different sites in one post, according to the right topic. And such a site is doomed to success! Because there is not unique WATER, but necessary and interesting information! The user did not come to the site to analyze the author's water, take it to the laboratory! The visitor needs info! And the task of the author is to collect a lot of interesting things in one place! And Yasha is not strongly against this, he does not keep such sites in bad positions.
And about the fact that Yasha begins to treat badly the sites on which the corrupt articles and links are posted - this is true! While my site was in Liex, Yasha had only about 150 pages left in the index! As soon as I removed this disgrace, over 1000 pages returned to the index in a couple of weeks!
from and draw conclusions ... and make sites for people, not for Yasha, even unique if people don’t need it, then Yasha doesn’t need this site either! :+))
Alexandra- February 13, 2011 @ 10:18

A good way to copy-paste is copy-paste in the form of a presentation. As in school - I read and stated in my own words. The author will distinguish his article, but for the search engine it will be pure copyright.
John Lemon- February 16, 2011 @ 17:11

From the comments above, I realized that you can’t do without copy-paste at all. You just need it in moderation, and of course, do a rewrite.
megasprut- April 27, 2011 @ 9:42 am

Copy-paste is by no means needed, it is better to make a high-quality rewrite with filling in keywords
damir tote- September 12, 2011 @ 10:45 am

A good article, I’ll add on my own that a site offering repair services, with copy-paste, lives well in the regional issue. If a person lives in Uryupinsk, he needs an Uryupin site offering repair services, where he wants to find the information he needs. And then copy-paste to the site visitor in the subject. Alexander correctly says that a normal person will not post any crap for his clients on his website, the information will be sorted and selected.
And the seoded needs to heal his nerves
workyga- January 6, 2012 @ 12:23 pm
