Tracking from Finland. Posti Finland Economy - tracking parcels and postal items

Some buyers receive a tracking number from the seller with a non-standard FI ending. This method sending is quite rare and there is almost no information on the Internet on this issue.

Can a parcel from China go through Finland? Will such a package arrive?

The method of sending a parcel through Finland is indeed possible. Some sellers choose this method to bypass New Year's congestion at customs, since the load on holidays increases many times over.

Previously, when there were congestions at China Post during the holidays due to large quantity shipments, sellers used Singapore Post, as they have a large sorting center that is designed for large loads. But in recent years, during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the volumes have increased so much that now even Singapore Post cannot cope with them. As a result, sellers are increasingly looking for workarounds to make purchases arrive faster. Delivery via Finnish Post can especially please residents of St. Petersburg, since the parcel will not hang up at Moscow customs and then take a long time to travel by Russian Post to the northern capital. As a result, your purchase will reach you in a matter of days. Which makes Aliexpress customers very happy.

Shipments via Finnish Post, like other transit parcels (such as those sent by Singapore Post), begin their journey with a courier service, which physically delivers them to the postal service's sorting facility. A striking example is the company 4px. Chinese sellers reserve a tracking number in advance, send it to the buyer, and wait for the courier to pick up your order from them. Then the parcel goes through a sorting process at the courier service and is sent to the designated postal service. In this case, the track will not be read anywhere except in the local database of the courier service. In our case, on the official website

Thus, your order can travel for about 10 days before it is sorted at the sender's post office. And only after this the track data will be distributed to other track number tracking services.
That is why there is a rule that for 10 days you shouldn’t even worry about your track not being read. And only after the end of this period you can start asking questions to the seller.

There are two options for Finnish postal tracking numbers that you can receive from the seller:

1) Track type RA*********FI

In 10 days, this track will be tracked first at Finnish Post at, and then on other tracking services.

This option is considered reliable and quite fast.

2) Track type RT ********FI

Tracks of this type of non-existent postal service HongkongExpressPost. Fictional postal service with fake service

Sellers issue such a track for goods worth up to $10. Sellers save on shipping and send the goods without a track. But since the AliExpress system necessarily requires them to indicate a tracking number, some store owners on Aliexpress send you a false track, which seems to be tracked, but in reality the parcel will arrive with a completely different tracking number, which will be assigned to the parcel when it crosses the border. Accordingly, it will be impossible to track such a parcel.

But sellers are forced to do this because they want to sell the product cheaper, and the generation of a left track number leads to panic among the buyer and the immediate opening of a dispute. Moreover, usually a dispute in such a situation leads to a refund to the buyer, and some buyers also manage to receive the parcel =))))

And by indicating a false track and providing a link to the tracking website, they calm the client’s vigilance and the package manages to arrive. As a result, everyone is happy. The buyer thinks that he controls the journey of the package and receives it. (Since in the end a notification comes to his address that the parcel has arrived). And, of course, the seller is happy, since he got such a good deal.
Of course, having received such a track, the buyer should not relax, since this service scammers actively use it. Therefore, having received a tracking track by the HonkongExpressPost service, you can safely assume that your goods are shipped without a tracking number and it will be impossible to track its movement. Next, make a decision whether to wait for such a parcel or immediately begin the long procedure of returning your money.

Finnish Post is respected by the local population due to its good service and social projects. For example, in 2016, Finland Post offered a service for mowing lawns and clearing snow, and in 2017, older people can inexpensively purchase a “walking buddy” service.

On our website we are often asked about tracking parcels from Aliexpress by Finnish Post. And this is due to the fact that Chinese sellers, due to the large flow of goods through China Post, Singapore Post and Hong Kong Post, began to look for alternative options.

Posti Finland Economy (Itella post) is especially convenient for residents of St. Petersburg - you can track a parcel from Finland in a matter of days. To other cities, shipments from Finland to Russia take 30-40 days.

The most convenient and reliable tracking of Posti Finland mail items is on the website. When added to personal list parcel movement is updated automatically.

Finnish Post is a state-owned enterprise that carries out international postal exchange and services for domestic postal items in Finland. Also, Finland Post is part of the worldwide EMS cooperative and delivers EMS items. Delivery of Posti Finland mail and EMS items takes place according to general rules Universal Postal Union, which guarantees freedom of transit of parcels moved by land, sea and air between members of a single postal territory.

As a member of the Universal Postal Union, Finnish Post operates in accordance with the rules of the Universal Postal Convention, which regulates international postal exchanges between participants. An essential provision of this regulation is the prohibition on the carriage of certain items; Finnish Post has no right to forward such parcels. These include explosive, flammable or radioactive substances, as well as other dangerous goods, counterfeit and pirated products, items of an obscene or immoral nature, etc.

Types of Posti Finland tracking numbers

EMS items and parcels are always assigned a tracking number by Finland Post. Small packages may be unregistered and may not be tracked.

The international postal identifier consists of an alphanumeric series:

  • For small packages weighing up to 2 kg – Rx123456785FI;
  • For parcels weighing from 2 to 20 kg – Cx123456785FI;
  • For EMS shipments – Ex123456785FI.

The first letter R indicates that the small package is registered, for the parcel there will be the letter C, EMC mail begins with the Latin E. The numbers guarantee the uniqueness of the number. But the last letters determine the country of the postal service from where the parcel was sent.

Posti Finland tracking

International postal tracking from Finland can be a very useful tool for monitoring the movement of packages. Post statuses will inform you at what stage the shipment is at.

Conventionally, Posti Finland international shipments go through the following main stages:

  • Sending the item at a Posti Finland branch;
  • Processing and distribution at the sorting center;
  • The parcel arrives at the place of international postal exchange, where it is prepared for further movement;
  • Customs clearance in the sender's country;
  • Export;
  • Import;
  • Customs clearance in the recipient country;
  • Sorting of parcels in the destination country;
  • Delivery of the parcel to the recipient.

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What kind of innovations have we come across lately, what is the company’s arrival in Russia worth, but this time we will touch on the topic of a new method of delivering parcels for many. Everyone is well aware that most goods are delivered to AliExpress by China Post and Hong Kong Post; we do not take into account courier postal services, which few people use, except in cases where delivery speed is extremely important. Lately, mostly free ways delivery, a new, seemingly very strange method has been added, namely delivery with Aliexpress by Finnish Post (Itella). The issue of tracking postal items in Finland is worth understanding in detail, which is what we will do now.

It would seem that where is Finland and where is China, different sides of the world and what they may have in common, but common ground was found in logistics. The thing is that such a service as the national post of China already processes most of the orders and works almost to its limit, the sorting shops are never empty, and on the eve of major international holidays there is a complete blockage in delivery. Sorting shops simply cannot cope with such turnover of parcels and delivery delays occur.

Without hesitation, enterprising Chinese found the optimal, and seemingly strange at first glance, delivery method - sending parcels through the Finnish postal service Itella. Of course, all shipments are registered and each parcel is assigned its own unique track code.

For parcels from Finnish Post Itella, the track code is as follows - RA111889293FI

Where “R” indicates that the postal item is registered (registered), “A” is not insured, then there is a unique parcel number and at the very end “FI”, which indicates the territorial affiliation of the transport company.

Having received this kind of track code, all that remains is to figure out how to track the Itella postal item. The most optimal and the right way Your parcel will be tracked at (Posti). In addition to the Finnish version, the site is also available on English language, so there should be no problems with tracking. The official version is available for smartphone owners mobile app for iOS and Android, so you can track your parcel even without a computer.

For example, let's take Aliexpress and try to check its status on the Itella official website. After entering the track code, in addition to information about the movement of the parcel, we can find out its weight even before receipt, the transport company carrying out the delivery, in our case Itella transport, the type of shipment - Registered Letter and the destination indicating the postal code and country code.

Then next to it, on the right, there will be information about the entire path of movement of your parcel; a typical path for a regular parcel will look something like this:

  • Item has been registered (mail item is registered)
  • Itella has received advance information of the item (data about the postal item has been transferred to the Itella transport company)
  • Item has arrived to warehouse (the parcel arrived at the carrier’s warehouse)
  • Item has been registered (mail item is registered at the warehouse)
  • Item has departed from the warehouse (the parcel has left the warehouse)
  • The item is in transport (mail on the way)
  • Item arrived in the destination country (the parcel arrived at the sorting point of the destination country)
  • The item has been submitted to customs clearance in the destination country (the parcel is undergoing customs clearance)

And of course, the final stage, which will later be displayed when tracking Finnish Post parcels, will be delivery.

How long does it take to send a parcel by Finnish Post (Itella)

Usually, the speed of delivery by Finnish mail is several times faster than usual, but you always need to take your location into account; this option will be optimal in terms of speed for the regions of central and western Russia. If, for example, you are in Novosibirsk, then it would be naive to assume that your parcel will arrive quickly, in which case it is better for you to use the national postal service of China. But for residents of St. Petersburg, this delivery option will be the most optimal, since Finland is just a stone’s throw away.

For residents of Belarus and Ukraine, parcel delivery by Finnish mail arrives even faster, which is only the track code that we took as an example. If you try to track it, you will see that the destination country is Belarus, the first date when the parcel began to be tracked was 05/14/2015, and arrived in the destination country already on 06/02/2015, therefore, the parcel reached Belarus in 19 days. To roughly understand how far the parcel has traveled, just look at the distance from Minsk to Helsinki on the map.

Typically, the maximum delivery time for Itella is 35 days. If you are waiting for your parcel and see that the time is coming to an end, it makes sense to ask the seller to extend the protection time, thus protecting yourself. The average delivery time according to statistics is 20-30 days, the vast majority of parcels are delivered within this period, as you can see for yourself by tracking postal items from Finland.

Recently it has become increasingly popular the new kind delivery via Finland, this time we are talking about Post Finland Economy. turned on this type delivery to the list of recommended ones; today delivery is carried out only to Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. There are, of course, differences between the classic delivery “Itella” and “Post Finland Economy”, and the advantages are on the side of Itella.

Firstly, the track code format is completely different:

At the beginning there are two letters “LP”, followed by a 14-digit number that ensures the uniqueness of the shipment.

Luckily tracking parcels Post Finland Economy is still available, but not to the fullest extent as we would like; it is not surprising that the delivery name contains the word “Economy”, indicating the low cost of the shipment.

How to track Post Finland Economy

Most often, sellers, when sending a parcel using this type, mistakenly indicate the wrong tracking site; usually the link leads to the Itella tracking page. You can endlessly try to check your track code, but data on it will never appear on this site, so what's the matter?

The thing is that Post Finland Economy works in close cooperation with one of the largest logistics companies. Therefore, you need to check the track code issued to you on the YANWEN website, and not the Finnish postal service. It's much easier to check your track codes in . Here is the tracking result of one of the Post Finland Economy parcels:

As you can see, on January 22, the parcel left the sorting point in China, in other words, it flew to the recipient. On this Post tracking Finland Economy ends, since such parcels are tracked only until the moment of export from China, in contrast to full Itella delivery, where the track code can be tracked after import into the destination country, until delivery to the recipient.

The average delivery time for Post Finland Economy is slightly longer than for Itella and is 35-50 days from the moment of export from China, namely export, and not receipt of a track code from the seller.

Restriction of forwarded goods by Finnish Post (Itella)

Everything would be fine - acceptable delivery time, tracking capabilities, but not all goods that can be found on Aliexpress are accepted for shipment through the Finnish postal service. So today, prohibited goods include:

  • Electronics including tablets, phones, charging device and other devices containing Li-ion batteries(USPS also uses a similar restriction)
  • Food products, including tea and other fast food products
  • Cosmetics, be it lipstick, nail polish, mascara, etc.

Therefore, delivery through Finland with aliexpress is best suited for clothes, shoes and other small items, such as toys for children, dishes, decorative elements and various accessories for home. But if from free types The seller offers delivery by Post Finland (Itella) and you are in the central or northwestern part of Russia, be sure to agree.

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Delivery of orders from China by Posti Finland Economy (Finland Post), part of the Itella network, is popular among Chinese sellers. The Aliexpress trading platform in Russian began cooperation with this company in March 2015.

What is Posti Finland Economy?

Posti Finland Economy is a postal service for delivering inexpensive parcels, usually up to $7 and weighing up to 2 kg with trading platform Aliexpress, but it is forbidden to send Cell phones, tablets, batteries, other electronics.

What does the Posti Finland Economy track number look like?

Among the well-known Posti Finland Economy track numbers are:
- LPxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2 letters and 14 numbers)
- RA***FI
The track numbers of this delivery service are tracked (tracked) mainly only in China, and then the parcel is not tracked. Posti Finland Economy parcels are sent through the postal company Yanwen Logistics.
In terms of time, the average delivery time using Posti Finland Economy to Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus is 20-35 days.

Posti Finland Economy offers users a door-to-door delivery service.

Where can I track the Posti Finland Economy track number?

Orders sent by Posti Finland Economy postal service can be tracked on the official website:
in the tracking section:
Itella Posti tracking is also available in Russian:

You can also track mail sent by this postal service using a universal tracker (just insert the track into the tracking form).

Statuses of parcels sent by Posti Finland Economy

- Itella has received advance information of the item. Posti has received advance information of the item. The item is not yet in Posti. The parcel has been accepted.
- Item has arrived to warehouse. Item received for transport. The package is on its way.
- In transit. Item has been registered. Item in sorting. On the way - Left the intermediate point.
- Item has departed from the warehouse. Arrived at the customs office of the country of departure.
- Item in process in office of exchange. Export from the country of origin.
- The item is in transport. The item is on its way to the destination country. Import to destination country.
- Item arrived in the destination country. Arrived at customs.
- The item has been submitted to customs clearance in the destination country. Arrived at my destination.
- Item ready for pick up at the destination country place of collection. The parcel has been delivered.
- Item delivered to the recipient. Unsuccessful attempt of delivery.

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If you are interested in where to track Finnish Post or are tormented by the question of Finnish Post tracking a parcel, then you are in in the right place. After all, you can track a Posti Finland Economy parcel like any other international parcel from Finland is very easy with a mail tracker website

Posti Finland Economy tracking

So, how to track a Finland Post parcel? Having in your hands a Posti Finland track number similar to R..FI, where the second letter can be anything, and there are 9 numbers between the letters, and the track ends with FI, you can quickly and accurately track your Aliexpress Posti Finland Economy parcel and find out where your order.

Just paste or type in the parcel tracking number into the parcel search form above, and our service will show you all the known information about the parcel in Russian.

With the site, tracking an international parcel from Finland, as well as parcels going through Finland, is easy!

Track your Aliexpress parcel Posti Finland Economy

Aliexpress sellers who provide delivery by Finnish Post designate the delivery method as Posti Finland Economy. AliExpress has included this type of delivery in the list of recommended ones; today delivery is carried out only to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Posti Finland Economy and Posti (Itella) a little different ways delivery, processing and dispatch of goods have significant differences.

Posti Finland Economy works together with the Chinese transport company Yanwen. Processing, warehousing - by Finnish Post, shipment and delivery to the Posti logistics center is carried out by the transport company Yanwen

For customers whose order was sent via Posti Finland Economy delivery, the tracking site is (by mistake) shown in the order status, for a track number like LP*****. But the Aliexpress system takes tracking data from the Yanwen website

Since this is a low-cost type of delivery, you can view the movement of the shipment only before the parcel is exported from China. There is no tracking provided in the destination country.

So how can you track an order on Posti Finland Economy when there are so many options in the search, where the information is more accurate and complete?

I dare to offer my own parcel tracker, which checks not only the Finnish Post website, but also SF-Express, which often delivers parcels through Finland, Russian Post, Ukrposhta, Belposhta and other necessary postal services.

Plus I put a lot of effort and knowledge into creating neural network, which calculates the delivery speed of Finland Post, predicts delays, and calculates an accurate forecast of the parcel delivery time.

Posti Finland Economy delivery times

The average delivery time for Posti Finland Economy to Russia is 30-35 days.

To find out a more accurate delivery time and estimate the speed of delivery of Finnish Post to your city, track the parcel on our website. We collect statistics on the delivery of Finnish Post parcels to every city in Russia, and we will be able to show you the most current delivery times to your city.

Our system automatically takes into account possible delays by Finland Post in order to more accurately predict the date of arrival of the parcel at the post office.

Sometimes the package gets stuck in Finland, and then you just have to be patient and monitor the order protection period in order to open a dispute in time.

What does fi mean in a mail code?

The parcel track code ending in FI means that the parcel was sent from or in transit through Finland and is delivered by the state postal service Finnish Post.

Translations of Finnish Post statuses and place names

  • HKI VANTAA transfer - Vantaa Airport, Helsinki
  • HKI VANTAA ULKOMAANTERMINAALI transfer - Vantaa Airport, Helsinki, Overseas Terminal
  • HKI VANTAA ULKOMAANTERMINAALI The item is in transport - Vantaa Airport, Helsinki, Foreign Terminal, Departure in transit
  • The item is on its way to the destination country translation into Russian - Departure on the way to the destination country
  • Awaiting dispatch from Finland - Russian Post status means that Posti Finland has notified Russian Post about the incoming parcel
  • Item has been registered translation - The shipment was registered in one of intermediate points. The package can be registered several times, which means that the barcode of the package has been scanned and it will soon be sent on its way.

Posti Finland what is it

The Chinese are constantly looking for a way to improve the reliability and speed of delivery, and therefore are constantly looking for new logistics partners, one of which is Finland Post.

The work scheme is simple: China-Finland-Russia (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus). That is, various logistics companies in China pick up parcels from sellers, deliver them to a sorting center in Finland, from where the parcels are scattered around the world and delivered by the state post of your country, as
