Rozanov Y. K

Book "Fundamentals of Power Electronics" will allow a novice radio amateur to step by step with a soldering iron to go through thorns to the stars - from comprehending the basics of power electronics to the mountain peaks of professional skill.

The information presented in the book is divided into three categories of training levels for a specialist in the field of power electronics. After mastering the next stage of preparation and answering the original examination questions, the student is "transferred" to the next level of knowledge.

The book provides practical, theoretical and reference information sufficient for the reader to independently calculate, assemble and adjust the electronic design he likes as he moves through the pages of the book. To improve the professional skills of the reader, the book contains numerous proven practice helpful tips, as well as real schemes of electronic devices.
The publication can be useful to readers of different ages and levels of training who are interested in the creation, design, improvement and repair of elements and assemblies of power electronics.


Chapter I. Mastering the Basics of Power Electronics
1.1. Definitions and laws of electrical engineering
1.2. Basic elements of power electronics
1.3. Series-parallel and other connection
elements of radio electronics
Series-parallel connection of resistors
Series-parallel connection of capacitors
Series-parallel connection of inductors
Series-parallel connection of semiconductor diodes
Composite transistors
Darlington and Shiklai-Norton schemes
Parallel connection of transistors
Serial connection of transistors
1.4. Transients in RLC circuits
Transients in CR and RC circuits
Transients in LR and RL circuits
Transients in CL and LC circuits
1.5. Linear transformer power supplies
Typical block diagram of a classic secondary power supply
1.6. Rectifiers
1.7. Smoothing Power Filters
Single-element, single-section C-filter
Single element single link L-filter
Two-element single-section L-shaped LC filter
Two-element single-section L-shaped RC filter
Three-element single-section U-shaped diode anti-aliasing filter
Compensation filter
Multi-section smoothing filters
Active filters
Transistor smoothing filter
Series transistor filter
Transistor Parallel Filter
Comparative characteristics of power supply filters
1.8. Surge Protectors
Parallel Voltage Regulator
on the increased power loads
Series Voltage Regulator
Series compensation stabilizer
using an operational amplifier
Voltage stabilizers on integrated circuits
1.9. Voltage converters
Capacitor voltage converters
Voltage converters with self-excitation
Voltage converters with external excitation
Pulse voltage converters
1.10. Questions and tasks for self-examination of knowledge

Chapter II. Practical Power Electronics Designs
2.1. Rectifiers
Single-phase two-channel and step-controlled rectifiers
Schemes of three-phase (poly-phase) rectifiers
Half-wave multi-phase rectifier
2.2. Voltage multipliers
2.3. Smoothing Power Filters
2.4. Stabilizers direct current
Stable Current Generators
current mirror
Stable current generators on field-effect transistors
Stable current generators on field and bipolar transistors
Stable current generators using operational amplifiers
GTS using specialized chips
2.5. Surge Protectors
Reference voltage sources
Parallel Type Voltage Stabilizers
on specialized microcircuits
Switching stabilized voltage regulator
Step-down switching voltage regulator
Laboratory stabilized power supply
Switching voltage stabilizers
2.6. Voltage converters
DC/DC Boost Converter
Stabilized voltage converter
Voltage converter 1.5 / 9 V to power the multimeter
Simple voltage converter 12/220 V 50 Hz
Voltage converter 12V/230V 50Hz
Typical circuit of DC/DC converter with galvanic isolation on TOPSwitch
Voltage converter 5/5 V with galvanic isolation
2.7. Voltage converters for powering gas-discharge and LED
light sources
Low-voltage power supply for LDS with brightness control
Voltage converter for powering a fluorescent lamp
LDS power converter for TVS-110LA
Energy saving lamp power converter
Drivers for powering LED light sources
for powering LED light sources from galvanic
finger or rechargeable batteries
Voltage converters on microcircuits
for powering LED light sources from AC mains
2.8. Dimmers
Dimmers for controlling the intensity of the glow of incandescent lamps
Dimmers to control the intensity of radiation
LED light sources
2.9. Batteries and charging device
Comparative characteristics of batteries
Universal chargers
for charging NiCd/NiMH batteries
Li-Pol charge controller battery on a chip
Charger for Li-Pol battery
Device for charging LiFePO4 and Li-Ion batteries
Solar powered automatic chargers
Wireless chargers
2.10. Regulators and stabilizers of the frequency of rotation of the shaft of electric motors
Characteristics of electric motors
DC motors
Speed ​​controllers for DC motors
on integrated circuits
Cooler speed controller for computer
Temperature dependent fan switch
Electric motor shaft speed stabilizer
Regulation and stabilization of the frequency of rotation of the DC motor
DC Motor Speed ​​Controller
PWM speed controllers for DC motors
Motor speed controller with reversing
AC motors
Connection of a three-phase asynchronous electric motor
to a single-phase network
Three-phase voltage from the electric motor
Converter of single-phase voltage to three-phase
Three-phase voltage conditioners based on
electronic analogue of the Scott transformer
Wide range three-phase voltage generator
Frequency converters for powering three-phase asynchronous
electric motors
Using Pulse Width Modulation
to control the speed of the electric motor
Stepper Motor Speed ​​Controller
Motor overload protection device
2.11. Power factor correctors
Power Triangle
Power factor correction methods
Passive power factor correction
Active power factor correction
2.12. Line Voltage Stabilizers
Main characteristics of stabilizers
Ferro-resonance stabilizers
Electromechanical stabilizers
Electronic Stabilizers
Inverter stabilizers
Uninterruptible or backup power supplies
2.13. Repair and adjustment of power electronics units
2.14. Questions and tasks for self-examination of knowledge
to go to the next step

Chapter III. Professional technical solutions power electronics
3.1. Methodological foundations of engineering and technical creativity in solving
practical tasks of radio electronics
3.2. Methods for solving creative problems
Solving creative problems of the first level of complexity
Time or magnifying glass method
Solving creative problems of the second level of complexity
Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming)
Solving creative problems of the third level of complexity
Functional cost analysis
Power electronics tasks
to develop creative imagination
3.3. Patents and new ideas in the field of power electronics
New patents in the field of power electronics
Compensation stabilizer constant voltage
DC Voltage Stabilizer
AC to DC step down converter
Converter of unipolar voltage to bipolar
Micropower unipolar to bipolar voltage converter
Barrier-resistive elements - baristors and their application
induction heating
Current transformer for heating the coolant
3.4. Power Electronics Extraordinary Phenomena
Paradoxical experiments and their interpretation
Kirlian photography technique
Installation for the study of gas-discharge processes
Circuitry of devices for "Kirlian" photography
Generator for obtaining "Kirlian" photographs
Devices for ultraton therapy
Electronic radioactive dust traps - electronic vacuum cleaner
ion engine
Ionophone or singing arc
Plasma ball
Simple linear accelerator - Gauss gun
3.5. Features of the use of passive elements in power electronics
Rows of Resistors and Capacitors
Resistors for power electronics
Capacitors for power electronics
Frequency characteristics of capacitors various types
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors
Inductors for power electronics
Basic parameters of inductors
Frequency properties of inductors
3.6. Features of the use of semiconductor devices in power electronics
n-p-junction properties
Bipolar transistors
3.7 Snubbers
3.8. Cooling of power electronics
Comparative characteristics of cooling systems
air cooling
liquid cooling
Thermal coolers using the Peltier effect
Piezoelectric Active Cooling Modules
3.9. Questions and tasks for self-examination of knowledge

Appendix 1. Ways of winding toroidal transformers
Annex 2. Safety precautions in the manufacture, commissioning
and operation of power electronics devices
References and Internet resources

Download Fundamentals of power electronics (2017) Shustov M.A.

In this article we will talk about power electronics. What power electronics what is it based on, what advantages does it provide, and what are its prospects? Let's stop at constituent parts power electronics, let's briefly consider what they are, how they differ from each other, and for what applications certain types of semiconductor switches are convenient. Let us give examples of power electronics devices used in Everyday life, at work and at home.

In recent years, power electronics devices have made it possible to make a serious technological breakthrough in energy saving. Power semiconductor devices, due to their flexible controllability, allow efficient conversion of electricity. The weight and size indicators and efficiency achieved today have already brought the converter devices to a qualitatively new level.

Many industries use soft starters, speed controllers, sources uninterruptible power supply operating on a modern semiconductor base and showing high efficiency. These are all power electronics.

The control of electrical energy flows in power electronics is carried out using semiconductor switches, which replace mechanical switches, and which can be controlled according to the required algorithm in order to obtain the desired average power and precise action of the working body of a particular equipment.

So, power electronics is used in transport, in the mining industry, in the field of communications, in many industries, and not a single powerful household appliance does not do today without the power electronic units included in its design.

The main building blocks of power electronics are semiconductor key components capable of different speed, up to megahertz, open and close the circuit. In the on state, the resistance of the key is units and fractions of an ohm, and in the off state it is megaohms.

Key control does not require much power, and key losses that occur during switching, with a well-designed driver, do not exceed one percent. For this reason, the efficiency of power electronics is high compared to the losing ground iron transformers and mechanical switches such as conventional relays.

Power electronic devices are devices in which the effective current is greater than or equal to 10 amperes. In this case, the key semiconductor elements can be: bipolar transistors, field-effect transistors, IGBT transistors, thyristors, triacs, lockable thyristors, and lockable thyristors with integrated control.

Low control power also allows you to create power microcircuits that combine several blocks at once: the key itself, the control circuit and the control circuit, these are the so-called intelligent circuits.

These electronic bricks are used both in powerful industrial installations and in household electrical appliances. An induction oven for a couple of megawatts or a home steamer for a couple of kilowatts - both have semiconductor power switches that simply operate with different powers.

Thus, power thyristors operate in converters with a power of more than 1 MVA, in circuits of DC electric drives and high-voltage AC drives, are used in reactive power compensation installations, in induction melting installations.

Latched thyristors are more flexible, they are used to control compressors, fans, pumps with a capacity of hundreds of KVA, and the potential switching power exceeds 3 MVA. make it possible to implement converters with power up to units of MVA for various purposes, both for controlling motors and for providing uninterrupted power supply and switching high currents in many static installations.

MOSFETs have excellent controllability at frequencies of hundreds of kilohertz, which significantly expands their scope of application compared to IGBTs.

Triacs are optimal for starting and controlling AC motors, they are capable of operating at frequencies up to 50 kHz, and they require less energy to control than IGBT transistors.

Today, IGBT transistors reach a maximum switching voltage of 3500 volts, and potentially 7000 volts. These components may replace bipolar transistors in the coming years, and they will be used on equipment up to MVA units. For low-power converters, MOSFET transistors will remain more acceptable, and for more than 3 MVA, turn-off thyristors.

Analysts predict that most of the power semiconductors in the future will have a modular design, when in one package there are from two to six key elements. The use of modules allows to reduce the weight, dimensions and cost of the equipment in which they will be used.

For IGBT transistors, progress will be an increase in currents up to 2 kA at voltages up to 3.5 kV and an increase in operating frequencies up to 70 kHz with a simplification of control circuits. One module can contain not only switches and a rectifier, but also a driver and active protection circuits.

Transistors, diodes, thyristors produced in recent years have already significantly improved their parameters, such as current, voltage, speed, and progress does not stand still.

For better conversion of alternating current into direct current, controlled rectifiers are used, which make it possible to smoothly change the rectified voltage in the range from zero to nominal.

Today, in the excitation systems of DC electric drives for synchronous motors, mainly thyristors are used. Dual thyristors - triacs, have only one control electrode for two thyristors connected in anti-parallel, which makes control even easier.

To carry out the reverse process, converting direct voltage to alternating voltage is used. Independent inverters on semiconductor keys give the output frequency, shape and amplitude, determined by electronic circuit, not a network. Inverters are made on the basis of various types of key elements, but for high powers, more than 1 MVA, again, inverters based on IGBT transistors come out on top.

Unlike thyristors, IGBT transistors make it possible to more widely and more accurately form the current and voltage at the output. Low-power automotive inverters use field-effect transistors in their work, which, at powers up to 3 kW, do an excellent job of converting the direct current of a battery with a voltage of 12 volts, first into a constant current, using a high-frequency pulse converter operating at a frequency of 50 kHz to hundreds of kilohertz, then - to variable 50 or 60 Hz.

To transfer the current of one frequency to the current of another frequency is used. Previously, this was done exclusively on the basis of thyristors, which did not have full controllability; it was necessary to design complex circuits for the forced locking of thyristors.

The use of field MOSFETs and IGBTs facilitates the design and implementation of frequency converters, and it can be predicted that in the future, thyristors, especially in low power devices, will be abandoned in favor of transistors.

Thyristors are still used to reverse electric drives, it is enough to have two sets of thyristor converters to provide two different directions of current without the need for switching. This is how modern non-contact reversing starters work.

We hope that our short article was useful for you, and now you know what power electronics is, what elements of power electronics are used in power electronic devices, and how great is the potential of power electronics for our future.

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter first. Basic elements of power electronics
    • 1.1. Power semiconductors
      • 1.1.1. Power diodes
      • 1.1.2. Power transistors
      • 1.1.3. Thyristors
      • 1.1.4. Power Semiconductor Applications
    • 1.2. Transformers and reactors
    • 1.3. Capacitors
  • Chapter two. Rectifiers
    • 2.1. General information
    • 2.2. Basic rectification circuits
      • 2.2.1. Single-phase full-wave circuit with midpoint
      • 2.2.2. Single phase bridge
      • 2.2.3. Three-phase circuit with a midpoint
      • 2.2.4. Three-phase bridge
      • 2.2.5. Multi-bridge circuits
      • 2.2.6. Harmonic composition of rectified voltage and primary currents in rectification circuits
    • 2.3. Switching and operating modes of rectifiers
    • 2.4. Energy characteristics of rectifiers and ways to improve them
      • 2.4.1. Power factor and efficiency of rectifiers
      • 2.4.2. Power Factor Improvement of Controlled Rectifiers
    • 2.5. Features of the operation of rectifiers for capacitive load and back-EMF
    • 2.6. Smoothing filters
    • 2.7. Rectifier operation from a source of comparable power
  • Chapter three. Inverters and frequency converters
    • 3.1. Grid Driven Inverters
      • 3.1.1. Single-phase mid-point inverter
      • 3.1.2. Three Phase Bridge Inverter
      • 3.1.3. Power balance in grid-driven inverter
      • 3.1.4. Main characteristics and operating modes of grid-driven inverters
    • 3.2. Autonomous inverters
      • 3.2.1. Current inverters
      • 3.2.2. Voltage inverters
      • 3.2.3. Thyristor voltage inverters
      • 3.2.4. Resonant Inverters
    • 3.3. Frequency converters
      • 3.3.1. Frequency converters with intermediate DC link
      • 3.3.2. Frequency converters with direct connection
    • 3.4. Regulation of the output voltage of autonomous inverters
      • 3.4.1. General principles regulation
      • 3.4.2. Control devices of current inverters
      • 3.4.3. Output voltage regulation by wi-i rbt pulse modulation (PWM)
      • 3.4.4. Geometric addition of stresses
    • 3.5. Ways to improve the shape of the output voltage of inverters and frequency converters
      • 3.5.1. Effect of non-sinusoidal voltage on electricity consumers
      • 3.5.2. Inverter output filters
      • 3.5.3. Reduction of higher harmonics in the output voltage without the use of filters
  • Chapter Four. Regulators-stabilizers and static contactors
    • 4.1. AC Voltage Regulators
    • 4.2. DC Regulators
      • 4.2.1. Parametric stabilizers
      • 4.2.2. Continuous Stabilizers
      • 4.2.3. Switching regulators
      • 4.2.4. Development of structures of switching regulators
      • 4.2.5. Thyristor-capacitor DC controllers with metered energy transfer to the load
      • 4.2.6. Combined converter-regulators
    • 4.3. Static contactors
      • 4.3.1. Thyristor AC Contactors
      • 4.3.2. Thyristor DC contactors
  • Chapter five. Converter control systems
    • 5.1. General information
    • 5.2. Structural diagrams of control systems of converting devices
      • 5.2.1. Control systems for rectifiers and dependent inverters
      • 5.2.2. Control systems for frequency converters with direct connection
      • 5.2.3. Autonomous inverter control systems
      • 5.2.4. Stabilizer control systems
    • 5.3. Microprocessor systems in converter technology
      • 5.3.1. Typical generalized microprocessor structures
      • 5.3.2. Examples of using microprocessor control systems
  • Chapter six. Application of power electronic devices
    • 6.1. Areas of rational application
    • 6.2. General technical requirements
    • 6.3. Emergency protection
    • 6.4. Operational control and diagnostics of technical condition
    • 6.5. Ensuring parallel operation of converters
    • 6.6. Electromagnetic interference
  • Bibliography


In electronic engineering, power and information electronics are distinguished. Power electronics originally arose as a field of technology associated primarily with the conversion of various types of electricity based on the use of electronic appliances. Further advances in semiconductor technology have made it possible to significantly expand functionality, power electronic devices and, accordingly, their areas of application.

Devices of modern power electronics make it possible to control the flow of electricity not only for the purpose of its transformation from one type to another, but also for distribution, organization of high-speed protection electrical circuits, reactive power compensation, etc. These functions, closely related to the traditional tasks of the electric power industry, have also determined another name for power electronics - power electronics. Information electronics is predominantly used to control information processes. In particular, information electronics devices are the basis of control and regulation systems for various objects, including power electronics devices.

However, despite the intensive expansion of the functions of power electronics devices and their areas of application, the main scientific and technical problems and tasks solved in the field of power electronics are associated with. conversion of electrical energy.

Electricity is used in various forms: in the form of alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz, in the form of direct current (over 20% of all generated electricity), as well as alternating current of increased frequency or special forms of current (for example, pulsed, etc.). This difference is mainly due to the diversity and specifics of consumers, and in some cases (for example, in autonomous power supply systems) and primary sources of electricity.

The diversity in the types of electricity consumed and generated makes it necessary to transform it. The main types of electricity conversion are:

  • 1) rectification (conversion of alternating current to direct current);
  • 2) inverting (converting direct current to alternating current);
  • 3) frequency conversion (conversion of alternating current of one frequency to alternating current of another frequency).

There is also a number of other, less common types of conversion: the shape of the current curve, the number of phases, etc. In some cases, a combination of several types of conversion is used. In addition, electricity can be converted in order to improve the quality of its parameters, for example, to stabilize the voltage or frequency of the alternating current.

Electricity conversion can be done in various ways. In particular, it is traditional for electrical engineering to transform by means of electric machine units, consisting of an engine and a generator, united by a common shaft. However, this conversion method has a number of disadvantages: the presence of moving parts, inertia, etc. Therefore, in parallel with the development of electrical machine conversion in electrical engineering, much attention was paid to the development of methods for static conversion of electricity. Most of these developments were based on the use non-linear elements electronic technology. The main elements of power electronics, which became the basis for the creation of static converters, were semiconductor devices. The conductivity of most semiconductor devices depends to a large extent on the direction electric current: in the forward direction, their conductivity is large, in the reverse direction, it is small (i.e., a semiconductor device has two pronounced states: open and closed). Semiconductor devices are unmanaged and controlled. In the latter, it is possible to control the moment of their high conductivity (switching on) by means of low power control pulses. The first domestic works devoted to the study of semiconductor devices and their use for converting electricity were the works of Academicians V. F. Mitkevich, N. D. Papeleksi and others.

In the 1930s, gas-discharge devices (mercury valves, thyratrons, gastrons, etc.) were widespread in the USSR and abroad. Simultaneously with the development of gas-discharge devices, the theory of electric power conversion was developed. The main types of circuits were developed and extensive research was carried out on the electromagnetic processes that occur during rectification and inversion of alternating current. At the same time, the first works on the analysis of autonomous inverter circuits appeared. In the development of the theory of ionic converters, the works of Soviet scientists I. L. Kaganov, M. A. Chernyshev, D. A. Zavalishin, as well as foreign scientists: K. Müller-Lübeck, M. Demontvinier, V. Schiling, and others, played an important role.

A new stage in the development of converting technology began in the late 50s, when powerful semiconductor devices appeared - diodes and thyristors. These devices, developed on the basis of silicon, are technical specifications far superior to gas-discharge devices. They have small dimensions and weight, have a high efficiency, have high speed and increased reliability when operating in a wide temperature range.

The use of power semiconductor devices has significantly influenced the development of power electronics. They became the basis for the development of high-performance converter devices of all types. In these developments, many fundamentally new circuitry and design solutions were adopted. The development of power semiconductor devices of electric power by the industry has intensified research and development in this area and the creation of new technologies. Taking into account the specifics of power semiconductor devices, old methods of circuit analysis were refined and new ones were developed. The classes of circuits of autonomous inverters, frequency converters, DC regulators and many others have significantly expanded, as well as new types of power electronics devices have appeared - static contactors with natural and artificial switching, thyristor reactive power compensators, high-speed protection devices with voltage limiters, etc.

One of the main areas effective use power electronics has become an electric drive. Thyristor units and complete devices have been developed for DC electric drive, which are successfully used in metallurgy, machine tool building, transport and other industries. The development of thyristors has led to significant progress in the field of adjustable AC electric drive.

Highly efficient devices have been created that convert industrial frequency current into variable frequency alternating current to control the speed of electric motors. For various fields of technology, many types of frequency converters with stabilized output parameters have been developed. In particular, high-frequency powerful thyristor units have been created for induction heating of metal, which give a great technical and economic effect by increasing their service life compared to electric machine units.

Based on the introduction of semiconductor converters, a reconstruction was carried out electrical substations for mobile electric vehicles. Significantly improved the quality of some technological processes in the electrometallurgical and chemical industries through the introduction of rectifier units with deep regulation of the output voltage and current.

The advantages of semiconductor converters have determined their widespread use in uninterruptible power supply systems. The field of application of power electronic devices in the field of consumer electronics (voltage regulators, etc.) has expanded.

Since the beginning of the 80s, thanks to the intensive development of electronics, the creation of a new generation of products "power electronics" begins. The basis for it was the development and development of new types of power semiconductor devices by the industry: lockable thyristors, bipolar transistors, MOS transistors, etc. At the same time, the the speed of semiconductor devices, the values ​​of the limiting parameters of diodes and thyristors, integrated and hybrid technologies for the manufacture of semiconductor devices of various types have developed, microprocessor technology has begun to be widely introduced to control and monitor converter devices.

The use of a new element base has made it possible to fundamentally improve such important technical and economic indicators as efficiency, specific values ​​of mass and volume, reliability, quality of output parameters, etc. A trend has been identified to increase the frequency of electricity conversion. At present, miniature secondary power sources of low and medium power with intermediate conversion of electricity at supersonic frequencies have been developed. The development of the high-frequency (over 1 MHz) range has led to the need to solve a set of scientific and technical problems in the design of converter devices and ensure their electromagnetic compatibility as part of technical systems. The technical and economic effect obtained due to the transition to higher frequencies fully compensated for the costs of solving these problems. Therefore, at present, the trend of creating many types of converter devices with an intermediate high-frequency link is preserved.

It should be noted that the use of fully controlled high-speed semiconductor devices in traditional circuits significantly expands their capabilities in providing new operating modes and, consequently, new functional properties of power electronic products.

Textbook. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, 1999.

Parts: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

This textbook is intended (with two levels of depth of presentation of the material) for students of the faculties of FES, EMF, who are not "specialists" in power electronics, but who study courses of various names on the use of power electronics devices in electrical power, electromechanical, electrical systems. Sections of the textbook, highlighted in sans serif, are intended (also at two levels of depth of presentation) for additional, deeper study of the course, which allows you to use it as tutorial for students of the specialty "Promelectronics" of the REF, who are preparing "as specialists" in power electronics. Thus, the proposed edition implements the principle of "four in one". Reviews of scientific and technical literature on the relevant sections of the course added to separate sections allow us to recommend the manual as an information publication for undergraduates and graduate students.

Scientific, technical and methodological foundations for the study of power electronics devices.
Methodology of a systematic approach to the analysis of power electronics devices.
Energy indicators of the quality of energy conversion in valve converters.
Energy indicators of the quality of electromagnetic processes.
Energy indicators of the quality of use of the elements of the device and the device as a whole.
Element base of valve converters.
Power semiconductor devices.
Valves with partial control.
Full control valves.
Lockable thyristors, transistors.
Transformers and reactors.
Types of electrical energy converters.
Methods for calculating energy indicators.
Mathematical models of valve converters.
Methods for calculating the energy performance of converters.
integral method.
Spectral method.
direct method.
Adu method.
Adu method.
Adu(1) method.
Adum1, Adum2, Adum(1) methods.
The theory of transformation of alternating current into direct current with ideal parameters of the converter.
Rectifier as a system. Basic definitions and notation.
The mechanism for converting AC to rectified in the base cell Dt / From.
Two-phase single-phase current rectifier (m1 = 1, m2 = 2, q = 1).
Single-phase current bridge rectifier (m1 = m2 = 1, q = 2).
Three-phase current rectifier with trans winding connection diagram.
triangle formatter - star with zero output (m1 = m2 = 3, q ​​= 1).
A three-phase current rectifier with a star-zigzag transformer winding connection scheme with zero (m1 = m2 = 3, q ​​= 1).
A six-phase three-phase current rectifier with a star-reverse star connection of the secondary windings of the transformer with an equalizing reactor (m1 \u003d 3, m2 \u003d 2 x 3, q ​​\u003d 1).
Three-phase current rectifier in bridge circuit (m1=m2=3, q=2).
controlled rectifiers. Regulating characteristic is the theory of converting alternating current into direct current (with recuperation) taking into account the real parameters of the converter elements.
The switching process in a controlled rectifier with a real transformer. External characteristic.
The theory of operation of the rectifier on the counter emf at a finite value of the inductance Ld.
Intermittent current mode (? 2?/qm2).
Limit-continuous current mode (? = 2?/qm2).
Continuous current mode (? 2?/qm2).
Operation of a rectifier with a capacitor smoothing filter.
Reversal of the active power flow direction in a valve converter with back EMF in the DC link - dependent inversion mode.
Dependent single-phase current inverter (m1=1, m2=2, q=1).
Three-phase current dependent inverter (m1=3, m2=3, q=1).
The general dependence of the primary current of the rectifier on the anode and rectified currents (Chernyshev's law).
Spectra of primary currents of rectifier transformers and dependent inverters.
Spectra of the rectified and inverted voltages of the valve converter.
Optimization of the number of secondary phases of the rectifier transformer. Equivalent polyphase rectifier circuits.
The influence of switching on the effective values ​​of the currents of the transformer and its typical power.
Efficiency and power factor of the valve converter in the mode of rectification and dependent inversion.
Power factor.
Rectifiers on fully controlled valves.
Rectifier with advanced phase regulation.
Rectifier with pulse-width regulation of the rectified voltage.
Rectifier with forced shaping of the current drawn from the mains.
Reversing valve converter (reversing rectifier).
Electromagnetic compatibility of the valve converter with the supply network.
Model example of electrical design of a rectifier.
Choice of rectifier circuit (stage of structural synthesis).
Calculation of the parameters of the elements of the controlled rectifier circuit (stage of parametric synthesis).
Subject index.

see also

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  • added April 20, 2011

Novosibirsk: NSTU, 1999. - 204 p. This textbook is intended (with two levels of depth of presentation of the material) for students of the faculties of FES, EMF, who are not "specialists" in power electronics, but who study courses of various names on the use of power electronics devices in electrical power, electromechanical, electrical systems. The sections of the textbook, highlighted in sans serif, are intended (also at two levels of depth ...

Zinovev G.S. Fundamentals of power electronics. Part 1

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  • size 1.22 MB
  • added October 11, 2010

Novosibirsk: NSTU, 1999. This textbook is intended (with two levels of depth of presentation of the material) for students of the faculties of FES, EMF, who are not "specialists" in power electronics, but who study courses of various names on the use of power electronics devices in electrical power, electromechanical, electrical systems . The sections of the textbook, highlighted in sans serif, are intended (also at two levels of depth of exposition ...

Zinoviev G.S. Fundamentals of Power Electronics (1/2)

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  • added June 19, 2007

Textbook. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, Part one. 1999. - 199 p. This textbook is intended (with two levels of depth of presentation of the material) for students of the faculties of FES, EMF, who are not "specialists" in power electronics, but who study courses of various names on the use of power electronics devices in electrical power, electromechanical, electrical systems. The sections of the textbook, highlighted in sans serif, are intended ...

Zinoviev G.S. Fundamentals of power electronics. Volume 2,3,4

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  • added November 18, 2009

Textbook. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, Parts two, three and four. 2000. - 197 p. The second part of the textbook, being a continuation of the first part, published in 1999, is devoted to the presentation of the basic circuits of DC-to-DC converters, DC-to-AC converters (autonomous inverters), AC-to-AC voltage of constant or adjustable frequency. The material is also structured according to the principle "...

Zinoviev G.S. Fundamentals of power electronics. Volume 5

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  • added May 18, 2009

Textbook. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of NSTU, Part Five. 2000. - 197 p. The second part of the textbook, being a continuation of the first part, published in 1999, is devoted to the presentation of the basic circuits of DC-to-DC converters, DC-to-AC converters (autonomous inverters), AC-to-AC voltage of constant or adjustable frequency. The material is also structured in accordance with the principle of "four in one" by...

Zinoviev G.S. Fundamentals of power electronics. Part 2

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  • size 3.62 MB
  • added April 20, 2011

Novosibirsk: NSTU, 2000. This textbook is the second part of three planned for the course "Fundamentals of Power Electronics". The first part of the textbook is accompanied by a methodological guide to laboratory work implemented using the departmental software package for modeling power electronics devices PARUS-PARAGRAPH. The material of the second part of the textbook is supported by computerized laboratory work courses.

Reviewer Doctor of Technical Sciences F. I. Kovalev

The principles of converting electrical energy are outlined: rectification, inversion, frequency conversion, etc. The main circuits of converting devices, methods of controlling them and regulating the main parameters are described, areas of rational use of various types of converters are shown. The features of design and operation are considered.

For engineers and technicians in the development and operation of electrical systems containing converter devices, as well as those involved in the testing and maintenance of converter equipment.

Rozanov Yu.K. Fundamentals of Power Electronics. - Moscow, publishing house Energoatomizdat, 1992.- 296 p.


Chapter first. Basic elements of power electronics
1.1. Power semiconductors
1.1.1. Power diodes
1.1.2. Power transistors
1.1.3. Thyristors
1.1.4. Power Semiconductor Applications
1.2. Transformers and reactors
1.3. Capacitors

Chapter two. Rectifiers
2.1. General information
2.2. Basic rectification circuits
2.2.1. Single-phase full-wave circuit with midpoint
2.2.2. Single phase bridge
2.2.3. Three-phase circuit with a midpoint
2.2.4. Three-phase bridge
2.2.5. Multi-bridge circuits
2.2.6. Harmonic composition of rectified voltage and primary currents in rectification circuits
2.3. Switching and operating modes of rectifiers
2.3.1. Switching currents in rectifier circuits
2.3.2. External characteristics of rectifiers
2.4. Energy characteristics of rectifiers and ways to improve them
2.4.1. Power factor and efficiency of rectifiers
2.4.2. Power Factor Improvement of Controlled Rectifiers
2.5. Features of the operation of rectifiers for capacitive load and back-EMF
2.6. Smoothing filters
2.7. Rectifier operation from a source of comparable power

Chapter three. Inverters and frequency converters
3.1. Grid Driven Inverters
3.1.1. Single-phase mid-point inverter
3.1.2. Three Phase Bridge Inverter
3.1.3. Power balance in grid-driven inverter
3.1.4. Main characteristics and operating modes of grid-driven inverters
3.2. Autonomous inverters
3.2.1. Current inverters
3.2.2. Voltage inverters
3.2.3. Thyristor voltage inverters
3.2.4. Resonant Inverters
3.3. Frequency converters
3.3.1. Frequency converters with intermediate DC link
3.3.2. Frequency converters with direct connection
3.4. Regulation of the output voltage of autonomous inverters
3.4.1. General principles of regulation
3.4.2. Control devices of current inverters
3.4.3. Output voltage regulation by pulse-width modulation (PWM)
3.4.4. Geometric addition of stresses
3.5. Ways to improve the shape of the output voltage of inverters and frequency converters
3.5.1. Effect of non-sinusoidal voltage on electricity consumers
3.5.2. Inverter output filters
3.5.3. Reduction of higher harmonics in the output voltage without the use of filters

Chapter Four. Regulators-stabilizers and static contactors
4.1. AC Voltage Regulators
4.2. DC Regulators
4.2.1. Parametric stabilizers
4.2.2. Continuous Stabilizers
4.2.3. Switching regulators
4.2.4. Development of structures of switching regulators
4.2.5. Thyristor-capacitor DC controllers with metered energy transfer to the load
4.2.6. Combined converter-regulators
4.3. Static contactors
4.3.1. Thyristor AC Contactors
4.3.2. Thyristor DC contactors

Chapter five. Converter control systems
5.1. General information
5.2. Structural diagrams of control systems of converting devices
5.2.1. Control systems for rectifiers and dependent inverters
5.2.2. Control systems for frequency converters with direct connection
5.2.3. Autonomous inverter control systems
5.2.4. Stabilizer control systems
5.3. Microprocessor systems in converter technology
5.3.1. Typical generalized microprocessor structures
5.3.2. Examples of using microprocessor control systems

Chapter six. Application of power electronic devices
6.1. Areas of rational application
6.2. General technical requirements
6.3. Emergency protection
6.4. Operational control and diagnostics of technical condition
6.5. Ensuring parallel operation of converters
6.6. Electromagnetic interference

1. GOST 20859.1-89 (ST SEV 1135-88). Semiconductor power devices of a single unified series. General specifications.

2. Chebovsky O. G., Moiseev L. G., Nedoshivin R. P. Power semiconductor devices: A Handbook. -2nd ed., revised. and additional Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1985.

3 Iravis B. Discrete power semiconductors //EDN. 1984 Vol. 29, No. 18. P. 106-127.

4. Nakagawa A.e.a. 1800V bipolar-mode MOSFET (IGBT) /A. Nakagawa, K. Imamure, K. Furukawa //Toshiba Review. 1987. N 161. P. 34-37.

5 Chen D. Semiconductors: fast, tough and compact // IEEE Spectrum. 1987 Vol. 24, No. 9. P. 30-35.

6. Power semiconductor modules abroad / V. B. Zilbershtein, S. V. Mashin, V. A. Potapchuk et al. // Electrotechnical industry. Ser. 05. Power converter technology. 1988. Issue. 18. S. 1-44.

7. Rischmiiller K. Smatries intelligente Ihstungshalbeitereine neue Halblieter-generation // Electronikpraxis. 1987. N6. S. 118-122.

8. Yu. S. Rusin, A. N. Gorsky, and Yu. Converting technology. 1983. No. 10. S. 3-6.

9. Berzan V. P., Gelikman B. Yu., Guraevskiy M. N., Ed. G. S. Kuchinsky. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1987.

10. Semiconductor rectifiers / Ed. F.I.Kovalev and G.P. Mostkova. Moscow: Energy, 1978.

11. Circuit configuration of the GTO converter for superconducting magnetic energy storage / Toshifumi JSE, James J. Skiles, Kohert L., K. V. Stom, J. Wang//IEEE 19th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC"88), Kyoto, Japan, April 11-14, 1988. P. 108-115.

12. Rozanov Yu. K. Fundamentals of power converter technology. Moscow: Energy, 1979.

13. Chizhenko I. M., Rudenko V. S., Seiko V. I. Fundamentals of converting technology. Moscow: Higher school, 1974.

14. Ivanov V. A. Dynamics of autonomous inverters with direct switching. Moscow: Energy, 1979.

15. F. I. Kovalev, G. M. Mustafa, and G. V. Baregemyan, “Computable prediction control by a pulse converter with a sinusoidal output voltage,” Elektrotekhnicheskaya promyshlennost’, no. Converting technology. 1981. No. 6 (34). 10-14.

16. Middelbrook R. D. Isolation and multiple output extensions of a new optimum topology switching DC - tV - DC converter / / IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC "78), 1978. P. 256-264.

17. Bulatov O. G., Tsarenko A. I. Thyristor-capacitor converters. M. Energoizdat, 1982.

18. Rozinov Yu. K. Semiconductor converters with an increased frequency link. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1987.

19. Kalabekov A. A. Microprocessors and their application in signal transmission and processing systems. Moscow: Radio and communication, 1988.

20. Stroganov R. P. Control machines and their application. Moscow: Higher school, 1986.

21. Obukhov ST., Ramizevich T. V. Application of micro-computers to control valve converters // Electrotechnical industry. Converting technology. 1983. Issue. 3(151). S. 9

22. Management of valve converters based on microprocessors / Yu. M. Bykov, I. T. Par, L. Ya. Raskin, L. P. Detkin // Electrotechnical industry. Converting technology. 1985. Issue. 10. S. 117.

23. Matsui N., Takeshk T., Vura M. One-Chip Micro - Computer - Based controller for the MC Hurray Junerter // IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 1984. Vol. JE-31, No. 3. P. 249-254.

24. Bulatov O. G., Ivanov V. S., Panfilov D. I. Semiconductor chargers for capacitive energy storage devices. Moscow: Radio and communication, 1986.


Power electronics is a constantly developing and promising field of electrical engineering. The achievements of modern power electronics have a great influence on the pace of technological progress in all advanced industrial societies. In this regard, there is a need for a wide range of scientific and technical workers in a clearer understanding of the foundations of modern power electronics.

Power electronics currently has a fairly well-developed theoretical foundations, but the author did not set himself the task of even a partial presentation of them, since numerous monographs and textbooks are devoted to these issues. The content of this book and the method of its presentation are intended primarily for engineering and technical workers who are not specialists in the field of power electronics, but are associated with the use and operation of electronic devices and apparatuses and who want to get an idea of ​​the basic principles of operation of electronic devices, their circuitry and general provisions for development and operation. In addition, most sections of the book can also be used by students of various technical educational institutions in the study of disciplines, the program of which includes issues of power electronics.
