Homemade from old phones. What can be done from an old phone

Good evening, Dear friends! So the next weekend has come, which means you can relax or make something from a pile of used household appliances. I'm sitting in social network Vkontakte, I'm flipping through the page, and my thoughts are completely different, they think what can be useful to make. And then, suddenly, my eyes fell on cellular telephone. I remembered that I had an old cell phone lying around in the bins, which works, but the model is outdated and the need for it has disappeared. Without thinking for a long time, I came up with the idea of ​​making an alarm out of it via a GSM channel. So let's get started.

First you need to find an old cell phone, which is not a pity to disassemble and "spoil" a little. I personally had a Siemens S65 model at hand. The old, kind, reliable model was, in principle, and now it has remained :-) Your phone must have a speed dialing function (well, for example, when you press key 2, then your saved subscriber under this key is called up).

I took it apart without problems, since I had a set of these screwdrivers for a long time. We will need a green keyboard board.

This is how it looks from the side where the buttons are pressed. We find key 2 (personally, you can use any of the numbers) and remove the round metal plate on it.

When the metal plate is removed, you should end up like mine. These are the contacts that closed when the number 2 key was pressed.

Now we take a soldering iron and carefully solder two wires there, one wire to the central point, and the second wire to the ring. Take a thin wire, otherwise your case will not close later. Now we collect everything in place, all parts of the phone should be where they were before disassembling the phone.

Everything, the phone is assembled, but two wires are sticking out, we clean them. Now we take an additional SIM card and install it in this phone. I want to say that if the SIM card is new, it will be even better, since no one will call this number and no extra messages will come either (in particular, any advertisements from short numbers). After that, save your personal number under the 2 key, like a speed dial, and in your personal phone the number of this SIM card that you inserted into this upgraded phone with wiring, for example, under the name "Car Security". On the same phone, you can turn off the backlight of the screen, be sure to turn off the vibration, ringer. That's it, now close the two wires and wait for your phone to receive a call from the alarm of this phone. Thus, you can listen to what is happening where this upgraded phone is installed, for example, the conversation of robbers. I have a reed switch at the end of the wires (this is a glass tube, there are contacts inside it, the contacts work when a magnet is brought to it). They are in the radio store, but instead of them, you can put a regular microswitch with open contacts. Their number is not limited, you can put as many switches as you have guarded doors, for example, in a car or in a country house.
Well, I forgot to say, if the phone is very old, then let it always be on charge, so there is more guarantee that the battery has not run out. Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. This article will improve and become more complicated, so for starters, I started with a simple one, so that even those who have never taken a soldering iron in their hands could assemble it, and even more so household appliances did not understand. Collect, try, experiment, well, share what you got out of it :-) See you soon, Dear friends! Thank you for your attention!
P.S. Here's a short video of how it works.

"Everything is temporary. Love, art, planet Earth, you, me. Especially me." (99 Franks)

Nothing in this world lasts forever, and the life of gadgets is sometimes very fleeting. But if you love retro style, are frugal and resourceful by nature, then you can give them a second chance by converting them into something useful and looking retro.

5. Turning an old mouse into a wireless one

Older mice aren't as comfortable and ergonomic as newer models, but they feel as comfortable as an old shirt that's so old that you sneak it around the house on the weekends while no one sees, simply because it's been with you for a long time and you you are used to it :) If you are still using an old wired mouse, or have kept it as an old battle friend, then now is the time to convert it to a wireless Bluetooth mouse, simply by replacing the insides of the old mouse with the insides of the new one.

Let's say right away that this is a decision dictated solely by a sense of nostalgia, rather than practical considerations. If an old mouse is too uncomfortable for weekly use, then you can make a camera shutter out of it.

4. Turning an analog TV into an information terminal

Most likely, you have already updated your entire fleet of TVs for a long time, and the old people, CRT monitors, are gathering dust at best, somewhere in the country. You can give an old TV a new lease of life by turning it into a YBOX (homemade information screen that shows, for example, the weather).

An alternative use is a retro photo frame, which can be placed in the living room. To turn a TV into a photo frame, you need to remove the insides of the TV and replace them with the old sockets and power cord from the lamp, screw in a low power CFL lamp, insert a printed image on the screen, close it and turn on the “TV”.

Now you have a fun retro frame.

If you don't want to waste electricity, make their old monitor a trash can.

3. We make an aquarium out of an old TV or computer

A project from the "incredible but true" series marked "dangerous". Do at your own risk. if you have old tv, computer or other unnecessary equipment with large quantity places inside, you can turn it into an aquarium.

If you want to use Floppy disks for their intended purpose, then you can put USB in them.

1. Making a VoIP phone out of a rotary phone

If it is morally difficult for you to say goodbye to your old rotary telephone, you can turn it into a fun PC headset to use with Google Voice, Skype, or any other VoIP solution.

If you have some unnecessary cordless phones(not quite old), you can make good walkie-talkie radios out of them.

I hope this collection of ideas for transforming old gadgets has inspired you. By following the links you will see visual guides on how to do this or that thing, on English language. All guides are provided with a good visualization of each of the conversion steps.

Due to the constant decrease in the cost of cell phones and the regular appearance of new models, almost everyone can find several unused cell phones of varying degrees of obsolescence. If the phone, although outdated, is in good working order, then you can make some kind of remote notification system out of it, for example, a GSM alarm or a GSM microphone. Another thing is if you got the device in an incomplete configuration or even in the form of wreckage.

It seems that nothing useful can be extracted from such a device, but this is not so. It is natural to shoot for reuse SMD elements are completely not rational. But any cell phone has a vibration motor.

vibration motor

The vibration motor can be used in different ways, in the simplest case it can become the main part of the simplest vibration robot. The basis of such a robot is a board made of foil fiberglass, approximately 40 x 10 mm in size.

Two holes are made in the board, one for installing the battery, the other for the vibration motor eccentric. In fact, the board consists of two supply conductors from the power source to the outputs of the vibration motor.

From the bottom side, to the "body" of the robot, "legs" are glued from some kind of elastic material, for example, from a foamed polymer (polyurethane foam, microporous rubber, etc.).

The vibration motor is fixed with epoxy plasticine.

Contacts for the battery are made of brass foil.

Thus, we get the simplest design, which, due to the unequal height of its supports, unevenness and inclination of the surface, will write out intricate trajectories. However, the vibrorobot can be made more complicated, for example, forced to follow the line .

LCD screen

In addition to the vibration motor, you can use a liquid crystal screen. Finding technical documentation for this particular screen can be difficult. But due to the peculiarities of the physics of work, any liquid crystal screen has films that polarize light.

Polarization of light is a phenomenon proving that electromagnetic (and, as a special case, light) waves are transverse, that is, the vectors characterizing the electric and magnetic components of an electromagnetic wave are always directed perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. An example of mechanical transverse waves are waves on the surface of water, where the liquid oscillates up and down, while the wave propagates horizontally. Without going into the physics of wave phenomena, I will simply note that in addition to transverse waves, there are longitudinal ones, an example of which can be sound waves. In longitudinal waves, particles oscillate along the direction of wave propagation. However, you can read about all this in a good physics textbook, or at least here.

Now it is important for us that the coating of the liquid crystal screen can polarize light, i.e. from all possible electromagnetic oscillations, choose only waves oriented in a certain way. Thus, the polarizer immediately attenuates natural light by half.

After passing through the polarizer, only waves oscillating in a certain plane remained in the light beam. Now, if one more polarizing film is placed in the path of the light beam (it is called an analyzer), then by changing the mutual orientation of the polarizer and the analyzer, you can smoothly change the brightness of the light beam. On the last photo the light source is not completely extinguished, which indicates the incomplete polarization of the light. The laser beam is initially completely polarized, so an analyzer is not needed to change its brightness. As for the practical application of this phenomenon, they are quite diverse. For example, reflected light is almost always partially polarized, so glasses with polarizers or a polarizing filter on a camera lens greatly reduce glare.


  1. http://radiokot.ru/articles/68/
  2. http://elwo.ru/publ/schemy_okhrannykh_ustrojstv/okhrannaja_signalizacija_gsm_svoimi_rukami/18-1-0-427
  3. http://website/publ/mobilniki/okhrannaja_signalizacija_s_mobilnym_telefonom/19-1-0-437
  4. http://elwo.ru/publ/schemy_okhrannykh_ustrojstv/okhranno_pozharnaja_signalizacija/18-1-0-455
  5. http://site/publ/mobilniki/gsm_proslushka/19-1-0-177
  6. http://website/publ/mobilniki/mobilnyj_zhuchek/19-1-0-322
  7. Mamichev D. Vibrohod. Radio magazine №6 2013 p.49
  8. Mamichev D. Vibrohod goes along the line. Radio Magazine No. 11 2013 pp. 49-50
  9. Dmitriev A. S. The laws of physics in Everyday life. M.: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2013. - 244 p.
  10. Elementary course of physics: Proc. Benefit. In 3 volumes / Ed. acad. G. S. Landsberg: V. 3. Oscillations and waves. Optics. Atomic and nuclear physics. - 13th ed. - M.: FIZMATLIT, 2006. - S. 367 - 372.
  11. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarization_of waves

The material was prepared specifically for the site. If you have additions - write to the conference. Denev


No matter how good and high-quality any thing is, over time it inevitably breaks down, and often in such a way that it is impossible to restore it. And sometimes it happens that in honor of a birthday (or just for no reason) you receive a novelty as a gift, and then you puzzle over what use to find an old, but quite suitable thing. Just throwing it away is a pity, but storing it without use is not interesting. In this article we will tell you what can be done from Perhaps some of our ideas will seem quite interesting to you.

If everything is in order with the phone, it can be used for a second SIM card or sold. In the latter case, it makes sense to look for a store that accepts old mobile phones for spare parts. Prices for admission there are small, but if they offer too little, you can try to place an ad on the forum or in the newspaper. In the latter case, you will have to wait until there is someone who wants to (if there is still one), but then you will get more money.

What can be done from the old mobile phone if the hull is damaged

In this case, it will be very original to come up with an exclusive design for the device from improvised means. A new case can, for example, be knitted or made from an ordinary pack of cigarettes. Here, as they say, who has enough imagination for what. As a result, no one will have such an apparatus. You can try to make a USB camera out of it for communicating on the network or an alarm for a car.

What can be done from an old mobile phone if the display is damaged

Oddly enough, this part of the cell breaks very often. Either manufacturers deliberately limit the service life of their products in this way, or it does not occur to them to improve the strength of their devices. Should the phone fall to the ground one or several times, and at best there will be an ugly scratch, and at worst, the display will stop showing anything at all. If this is just your situation, do not rush to get upset. Firstly, the display can be completely replaced with another one, and for older models the cost of such a repair is relatively small. Secondly, such a device can be used as an independent mobile device for listening to uplifting music.

The only thing you will need to take care of is the speakers and, possibly, if the model is old, an adapter from the headphone jack on the old phone to a regular 3.5 mm diameter.

What can be done from if it does not even turn on

The first thing that comes to mind is a mobile phone throwing competition! Surely you have a few friends who also do not know what can be done from an old mobile phone when nothing works at all in it. In this way, it will be possible not only to have fun, but also to meet friends who have not been seen for a long time. So, put an empty box in an open area at a distance of 5-7 meters - and you can start the competition for accuracy! Or you can simply bet who will throw their device further. Creative and fun!

First of all, do not rush to make something unique out of an old mobile phone. Perhaps you will be able to sell it more or less profitably. To do this, you can contact a store that sells used devices, or place an advertisement for the sale of the phone in a local newspaper / Internet.

Also you can use your old cell phone for a second SIM card or give it to your grandmother. It will not be difficult for her to learn how to use it if it is not equipped with a large number of functions.

What can be done from an old mobile phone if its case is damaged

In this case, it will be very useful to come up with an exclusive design for an old mobile phone from improvised means. For example, you can make original case from a pack of cigarettes, knit or sew and decorate with beads.

As a result, you will get a unique thing that you are not ashamed to show off to your friends. In addition, you can try to make a car alarm or a usb camera for network communication from an old mobile phone.

do not want to apply extra effort? In this case, just give yourself a relaxing self-massage. Turn on the vibration mode on your phone and enjoy the pleasant sensations.

What can be done from an old mobile phone if its display is damaged

This part of the mobile phone breaks down very often. Once the device falls to the ground one or more times, at best, an unaesthetic scratch will appear, and at worst, the display will stop showing anything at all. If this is your situation, don't fret.

A damaged display can be replaced with another one. The cost of such repairs for older devices is relatively low. In addition, you can use the machine as an independent mobile device to listen to uplifting music.

The only thing you need to worry about is the speakers. If the model is very old, you will need an adapter for the connector on the outdated device.

What can be done from an old mobile phone if it does not turn on at all

If the old device is completely out of order and in general, you can arrange a competition with friends in throwing mobile phones. Surely you have a few friends who also do not know what can be done from an old mobile phone when nothing works in it.

So you can have a pretty fun time, and at the same time meet your friends whom you have not seen for a long time. So, in an open area, put an empty box at a certain distance (for example, 5-7 meters) and start holding a competition for accuracy. Alternatively, you can bet which of you will throw your cell phone the farthest. Fun and!

If this option does not suit you, make a puzzle. Take apart an old cell phone piece by piece and then try to put it back together when you don't know what else to do.

In the event that you do not want to break or disassemble your favorite thing, start collecting from old mobile phones. Perhaps in some 10-20 years they will already become a rarity.

Finally, one more idea that may come in handy: leaving the cover from an old mobile phone, make a cigarette case.
