Download a program to convert raw to jpeg. Comparing RAW converters

Since photographs in RAW format are increasingly becoming part of the life of an amateur photographer (pros have already had them for a long time), I bring to your attention a small list of RAW converters. With their help you can view, process, convert to other graphic formats your photographs that were taken in RAW format. Let's look at some RAW converters a little closer.

Adobe Camera RAW

Adobe Camera RAW - free plugin For Adobe Photoshop, which allows you to convert RAW files to other formats and process photos. The plugin records operations with a RAW file and embeds them in the source file (in the form of an XMP text header with settings), and the original image remains unchanged. Thus, all actions performed on the image do not affect the “source”. Adobe Camera RAW also has big amount settings.

Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom- full-fledged independent instrument for processing RAW files, which professionals will also appreciate.

Quite a powerful professional RAW converter that ensures high sharpness of the final images. It has a well-designed interface and batch processing capabilities. However, Capture One is quite demanding on system resources and is also quite expensive.

DxO Optics Pro

DxO Optics Pro is a product of the DxO Labs product company, which includes high-quality tools for processing and converting digital images. DxO Optics Pro can also be connected as a plug-in to the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor.

An interesting RAW converter with the ability to correct optical distortions.

Free RAW converter. UFRaw Available in versions for both Windows and Linux. The advantages of UFRaw include automatic drawing of curves, and also the fact that when processing an image, its edges are not cut off.

RAW Developer

A program for converting RAW files, created specifically for Mac OS X.
Advantages RAW Developer is good image detail, high file processing speed, the ability to view and edit the linear to nonlinear gamma conversion curve.

You will see your image almost instantly. This is not only because we work with images locally (accordingly, nothing is uploaded to the Internet), but also because the service is able to work with the raw data built into each JPG file. The service also allows you to switch to raw display mode to correct exposure and other photo parameters.

The service also displays in the right column useful information about the file (EXIF data).

Our converter allows you to convert many files from raw to jpeg at once. Drag the files into the browser window, click the "Convert All" button, set the conversion parameters and you will immediately receive the converted files.

To convert RAW files to JPG, you don't need anything other than a modern browser. Chrome, Firefox or Safari are great options. To start converting files, click .

Support Canon, Nikon, etc.

You probably know that there is no single RAW format. It is the generic name for over 100 different proprietary formats. Providing support for each of them is a complex and time-consuming process. Our online converter supports cameras from Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Pentax and Fuji. So if you need,

Each photographer can choose the most suitable RAW converter for himself, but which one is better? Which one is more convenient to work in? Which one gives the best processing results?

IN comparative tests converters will participate: Lightroom 4.1 build 829322 (LR), Capture One Pro 6.4.1 build 57301 (C1), DxO Optics Pro 7.2 build 104 (DxO), Capture NX 2.3.2 (NX), Bible PRO 5.2.1 (Bible ), Raw Photo Processor 4.6.0 build 1584 (RPP). For the test, RAW files of the PhaseOne P25+, PhaseOne P30+, Nikon D3X, Nikon D800, Nikon D700 systems will be used.

All processing was carried out using standard filters and modules.

The first test image shows a factory and the Moscow River. Nikon D800 camera.

Lightroom made the photo too blue. Although, of course, the picture was actually blue, because it was a clear sunny day outside, and the sky was well reflected in the water. So LR isn't lying. It conveys a realistic look, although it would be more pleasing to the eye to see less blue. NX2 also gave a blue tint, but in addition the red building turned out to be insufficiently contrasting and overexposed. RPP made the color look good enough, but the overall contrast of the photo was lacking. In terms of color correction, C1 became the leader. The elaboration of shadows, colors and overall contrast is excellent. There is a slight blue shift in some places, but it's almost unnoticeable.

The next shot of the girl was taken on a PhaseOne P25+. This model Only C1, LR and RPP support digital back. None of them showed a decent result. C1 and RPP gave too blue a shadow, and LR gave a "pink face". If we do not take into account the shadows, then we can say that C1 gave the most pleasant skin color.

The next photo is from the same camera. Here all the converters performed very well. Upon closer examination, you can notice a yellowish tint on the leaves in LR. In C1 green color The leaves and detail of the image are excellent, but in RPP the green is more realistic, so in this case it takes precedence.

The next photo was also taken with a digital back, but this time it's a P30+. A color target (X-Rite Color CheckerPassport) was used for this shoot. In LR construction color profile was done according to it. RPP showed very good detail and micro-contrast, but the overall picture was not very good. Learned too dry colors. LR gave a lot of red and weak contrast. C1 produced the highest quality results. C1 is a native converter for digital backs, so it gives the highest quality results in all aspects.

Another shot from the P30+. RPP, as in the previous test, showed excellent contrast at all levels, but the colors were again dry. LR and C1 have a nice color that is as close to real colors as possible. The C1 produced better contrast, so it has another win, although judging by the color rendition. then LR showed a better result.

And once again P30+. RPP again repeats its mistakes with color, but gives good micro-contrast. In terms of color quality and micro-contrast, C1 wins again, LR is again in second place.

More photos from the P30+. All converters showed radically different results. It’s difficult to give ratings, so you just have to compare how differently the converters render colors.

And the last shot from the P30+. Immediately noticeable are the spots of different colors on the hair after RPP treatment. LR gave a slightly yellowish tint to the face. C1 showed good results.

Now let’s look at a picture taken with a 700 camera. The photo was taken in difficult conditions for color rendering. One part of the frame shows a cloudy sky, and the other fluorescent lamps and the light from them. In addition, multi-colored walls add additional difficulty. DxO and NX2 gave very poor results, so these converters are no longer needed. RPP also screwed up. The color turned out dirty. C1 gave a good, but slightly oversaturated result. Bible, which is not that famous, showed a very decent result, but LR still won.

Now let's move on to the pictures taken with the D3x. These shots were taken in the studio using permanent sources Sveta. We immediately reject the dead colors of the DxO and RPP converters and the yellowish shades of LR. The native NX2 converter demonstrated a lack of detail and greening of the picture. Between Bible and C1, the winner is C1, although its performance is not very good. The C1 showed the most realistic picture, although the Bible showed excellent blacks.

The following photo was taken using pulsed light sources. DxO did a terrible job of converting the image. Bible gave a purple tint to the hand. In RPP, the photo became very dark, resulting in very high contrast. LR came out with a neutral version. Out of NX2 and C1, the winner was C1 as NX2 gave a yellowish tint to the face.

Another shot taken with the D3x. DxO and RPP converters are immediately out of the race. LR again shows a neutral result. NX2 again has a strange tint on its face. This time it's green. Bible this time demonstrated the most natural colors. C1 made the face slightly overexposed.

Now let's work with the material shot on the D800. The native converter produced a very good picture, very similar to HDR. RPP did a good job of detailing the clouds, although the image came out with low contrast. LR is somewhat similar to the output of a native converter. C1 showed the most realistic picture without oversaturation of colors. This is definitely the best option.

Here's what we can say in conclusion:

  • DxO is just terrible. All its modules cannot save it.
  • NX2 is not stable. He takes very good and very bad pictures. It also doesn't have enough controls to change parameters.
  • Bible Pro performed well. It works quite quickly and creates a good picture. It has one huge minus. This converter does not support modern cameras and is not updated.
  • RPP gives a too correct, dry picture, but it has great potential and is not bad overall.
  • Lightroom is quite stable. The result is always good, although not without flaws. Often there is a shift to yellow shades. The big advantage of LR is the presence of an image library and convenient batch processing.
  • Capture One Pro demonstrated consistently excellent quality regardless of photography style or shooting conditions.
  • It's worth going back to Raw Photo Processor. The next image shows a rose, which no converter could handle. Only RPP did all the red colors well.

Based on materials from the site:

Any RAW file conversion program is a kind of processing philosophy. Converters can be divided into two groups:

  • Classic, based on the rendering principle (all settings are applied to a small copy of the image - preview, after which the program converts the source file).
  • Working with images in real time (Abobe Lightroom, Apple Aperture).

Both approaches have their advantages. In the first case, the load on computer resources is minimal, which allows you to comfortably process large files. This method is usually used by converters that can work with studio digital backs, such as Capture One. The second approach is relatively new and is more effective if you have a powerful work station and the size of RAW files does not exceed 100 MB.

The method of working with data is also important. The so-called non-destructive processing is in fashion. When opening a file RAW program automatically creates Text Document(usually a file with the XMP extension), where it records all the information about the progress of working with the RAW source. After a while, you can return to the conversion parameters, rather than having to process from the very beginning or work with data exported in TIFF or JPEG formats. This allows you to get best quality at the exit.

Most of the differences in conversion results are due to the default settings that the user uses. Differences between programs of the same generation usually relate to color rendering - they are subjective. Converters of different generations may also differ at the level of technology: older programs work worse with details, since RAW processing algorithms are constantly being improved.

Adobe Camera RAW

A component of Photoshop that is updated as an external module or Plug-in and weighs only a couple of megabytes. ACR is launched when you try to open a RAW file in Adobe Photoshop. Its advantage is that it is compatible with a large number of cameras (including latest news), the disadvantage is the “tight” interface. True to the principle of non-destructive processing, the utility embeds a test XMP header with settings into the source files.

The Abode Camera RAW interface is simple and concise: the tools are collected within one dialog box. There are all the tools for working with the “raw” format: a histogram of RGB channels, fine-tuning the temperature (Temperature and Tint parameters, eyedroppers), exposure compensation, adjusting contrast, saturation, brightness and sharpness. Functions for correcting optical artifacts (aberrations, vignetting and geometric distortions) are collected in the Lens Correction tab.

In the current version of the utility (4.3), the tool responsible for edge sharpening (Edge Sharpen) has been improved. When sharpening, the algorithm affects only the brightness component, helping to reduce the inevitable increase in noise for such an operation.

Adobe Lightroom

A “full cycle” program aimed only at working with photos and capable of solving any task - from viewing a photo archive to printing.

Numerous tools are divided into four tabs: Library (working with catalogs and tags), Develop (working with images), Slideshow, Print. Along with the metadata organization functions ( keywords, tags, ratings, groups) classic Workflow is allowed based on the physical placement of files on disk (directory hierarchy). Lightroom works with files in real time, which is different from Camera RAW in Photoshop. The tools used when working with raw files are also used when processing images in JPEG or TIFF formats.

The tools are the same as in Camera RAW. There are only two differences: a list of quick editing presets and the Tone Curve, which replaces three Photoshop tools at once - Layers, Curves and Shadow/Highlight.

IN new version Lightroom 1.3 tools of the Develop group have been improved - Noise Reduction, Sharpening, appeared new parameter Clarity. Sharpening now only affects brightness information (in color channels, using “sharp” leads to artifacts). Clarity ("clarity" or "clarity") combines sharpening and contrast correction in midtones, which allows you to achieve optimal Cost - $300.

Apple Aperture

The developers were driven by the idea of ​​offering an alternative to the traditional image processing software division, offering a high-quality universal product that meets the full processing cycle - from RAW conversion to displaying images to the customer and printing. In addition to RAW format processing, Aperture can be used for photo editing (TIFF and JPEG processing), as well as for organizing a photo archive and demonstrating images to the customer.

All images are stored in one place (Vault), which simplifies the process Reserve copy on external drives and allows you to transfer operations for organizing files from physical directories to the program itself. If you decide not to purchase the program after your trial period (around $350), you can retrieve the original images from Vault using the Relocate Masters command.

Aperture automatically creates different “versions” of the master image (in Aperture terminology, master is the source file, version is the result of the conversion), storing them in the library as a hierarchical structure. Settings information is contained in a text header with metadata (XMP). Various options for organizing files are possible (tags, ratings, keywords, groups). A group of settings can be saved as templates and then applied to other images. Operations are performed in real time, which dictates increased demands on computer resources (memory - at least 1 GB).

Interface elements can be easily removed, freeing up screen space for the images themselves. Work with multiple files has been thought out: you can display two images for comparison or work with them in desktop mode, moving and scaling them within the work area. Adjustments such as hue, saturation and brightness are separated by color (red, green, cyan, indigo, magenta, yellow). Thus, color components can be subjected to selective correction. For example, enhance the blue component in a landscape photo, raising the saturation of the sky without affecting other areas.

The first version of Aperture caused conflicting reviews among many photographers: on the one hand, the working interface claims to be the most convenient in its class. On the other hand, Aperture's performance as a RAW converter is not the best. But Apple listened to the photographers' feedback. As a result, the new version of the program (1.5.6) is more than competitive in terms of quality.

Bibble Labs Pro

Bibble is a dinosaur among converters. The first version appeared back in 2000, when good digital cameras were not nearly as accessible as they are today. Bibble is one of two converters that can work not only in Windows and Mac operating systems, but also in Linux.

The current version 4.9 supports most digital camera models, but is slightly inferior in terms of Adobe Camera RAW compatibility. Along with RAW, processing of JPEG files is allowed, but in TIFF format You can only save images. Bibble's interface can be customized using a dialog box that the user sees when first launching the program. Bibble offers a “classic” scheme for working with files: first, processing source file, then rendering and exporting. The principle of non-destructive processing is implemented without a universal XMP header. For every image ever opened in the program, a 3 KB file with a BIB extension is created, which contains information about the settings.

Batch conversion is one of the key functions Bibble. Of course, all competitors have it, but only Bibble works with large amounts of data so quickly, producing consistently high-quality results. Nine out of ten photos converted with default settings will look great. The “smart” automatic processing algorithm is the main advantage of Bibble.

The list of tools is standard: curves, sharpening, exposure, white balance, rotation and crop. They are complemented by several “branded” lotions. To correct optical distortions, use the BPTLens Correction tab. Bibble intelligently works with the brightest and darkest areas of the image, “pulling out” maximum details. The Hightlight Recovery and Fill Light tools are used for these purposes. Bibble includes today's leading noise reduction filter, Noise Ninja, as well as Athentech's Perfectly Clear dynamic range optimization technology. In addition, Bibble supports additional filters (for example, for “artistic” conversion of color photos to black and white). Numerous advantages and excellent results are complemented by the relatively low price of the license - for the Pro version only $130.

DxO Optics Pro

IN this moment The fifth version of this utility is at the testing stage, which will become available for purchase in the near future. The advantage of this version is a completely redesigned color interpolation technology, which, according to the developer, provides better results in terms of detail and color reproduction. Whether this is actually true can be checked on the program’s website, where examples are presented for comparison. Another key feature of DxO Optics Pro v5 is a fundamentally new noise reduction that works on early stage conversion, preserving most of the details.

The interface is simple. All tools are collected on the left side of the program window and combined into nine collapsible panels, four of which are responsible for setting parameters: Light, Color, Geometry, Details. The settings are stored inside the program's own database. New technology Removing traces of dust and artifacts works much the same as the automatic red-eye correction tool. It is enough to click the mouse on the area with the artifact, and it is immediately “covered up” by the program. Price Pro version- $170, Elite versions - $300 (the difference between versions is the class of compatible cameras - for DSLRs Canon level Mark III will require the Elite version). After purchasing one of the versions, you can download modules for specific lenses. This feature of the program increases efficiency during automatic processing.

The advantage of DxO Optics is its batch processing results. The creators of the program paid special attention to automatic functions that allow you to achieve high-quality results without user intervention (elimination of optical distortions, color parameters, exposure compensation).

Lightcrafts LightZone

In terms of revolutionaryness, LightZone can compete with Aperture. LightZone is a “full cycle” program that provides advanced processing capabilities for RAW, TIFF, JPEG and DNG files. Price full version for Windows and Mac - $250, and under Linux program distributed free of charge.

A “visual” approach to the process of working with images allows you to focus directly on working with them. Operations are carried out in real time. Each setting can be canceled separately from the others, regardless of the sequence of operations. All settings are done in 16-bit representation to eliminate any loss at this stage. LightZone has tools for adjusting exposure, saturation, color rendering, white balance, sharpness (selectively to different areas by brightness), artifact removal and noise reduction. The Relight tool allows you to change the lighting distribution in your images, selectively affecting the contrast and brightness of individual areas of the histogram.

The program has a powerful tool for editing some metadata fields, but in terms of organizing work with photo archives it is significantly inferior to such giants as Aperture and Lightroom. A special feature of LightZone is a set of processing “styles”: High Dynamic Range (HDR processing), Contrast and Pop (pop art style), Lomo Look (lomography) and others. Styles are not just a set of specific parameters. By applying one of the presets, you trigger an automatic processing algorithm that takes into account the properties of the source file, even when it comes to batch processing data. Styles can be combined into groups (folders) and even shared, like Actions in Photoshop.

Nikon Capture NX

The most advanced NEF file converter (also works with TIFF and JPEG). Included in the D300 and D3 professional DSLR cameras, but supports all Nikon digital cameras released over the past few years that are capable of shooting in RAW format. Price - about $200.

The benefits of Capture NX aren't just great processing results. The program has an advanced interface based on the concept of " control points"(U-point). The interface allows you to mark individual areas of the image and perform complex masking or layer processing. Each “point” stores the color correction settings selected for that area. Working with “points” allows you to fully realize the potential advantages inherent in the concept of non-destructive processing. You can change certain parameters many times without affecting the original data, and you can also selectively undo changes made. To track the results of the correction, there is a watch points panel that displays color parameters at “observation points” randomly placed on the image.

The program has standard means correction of optical distortions (aberrations, vignetting, barrel effect). It makes sense to use the noise reduction tool Noise Reduction not only for its intended purpose, but also to “soften” portraits. Interface elements, including the curves and levels windows that take up a lot of space, are hidden in collapsible side panels.

The functionality of the program can be expanded using the Color eFex Pro filter plug-in from Nik Multimedia.

Phase One Capture One Pro

The most loved RAW converter by professionals, but also the most expensive ($500 per license). Not so different broad support various cameras, such as Adobe Camera RAW or LightZone, but supports all professional models. The program was originally created for remote control and processing of images taken using digital backs for studio cameras from Phase One.

Capture One is intended for RAW work only and is not intended to replace graphics editor and a program for creating photo archives. It works on the principle of rendering. To select images, there is a file browser that allows you to navigate through physical directories on your PC. The set of tools is standard - from working with white balance and exposure to correcting optical distortions (Lens Cast). True, the latter tool includes good selection presets for the most popular lenses.

The Exposure tab also contains some interesting settings. For example, the “Film Mode”, which allows you to change the brightness curve, bringing the processing result closer to the images obtained when shooting on a negative. The Curves and Levels tools can be used separately from each other. The Color Balance tool is very thoughtfully designed. The color choice is clear: instead of sliders, there is a window with a color wheel.

In the Focus tab, the settings are divided into two groups - Sharpening and Noise. There are two “sharpness” modes - Soft Look (for portraits) and Standard. The noise filter is simple, inferior to specialized solutions like Noise Ninja, but it has a means of combating the banding effect.

With default settings, the results are inferior to some competitors (for example, Bibble). It seems that Capture One is more aimed at deep individual work with images than the Batch Process. This is confirmed by not the highest rates of batch processing speed.

Silkypix Developer Studio

A good program from Japanese developers. Designed for amateur photographers and enthusiasts and supports about 120 (!) digital camera models, including many advanced non-mirror cameras. The license price is $150.

Tools for working with the “raw” format: white balance, contrast, sharpness, saturation, correction of optical and perspective distortions, noise reduction, cropping, printing images. This is not a feature of the program standard list instruments, but their specific content. Silkipix comes with a ton of white balance presets (plus color wheel adjustments like Capture One) and sharpening. The Noise Reduction (NR) filter assumes fine settings parameters (separately for color channels and brightness), which are used to save small details.

The program does not work with real-time images. The principle of non-destructive processing is fully implemented. Conversion options can be saved as individual user preferences (Tastes) and then applied to other images.

In the new version 3.0, the developers have improved the converter engine and expanded the capabilities of the Gamma, Tone Curve and Highlight tools to more accurately work with shadows and highlights. All this could not but affect the results. Silkipix version 3.0 is one of best converters in terms of image detail. Another advantage of the program is its consistently accurate color rendering when using the default settings.

With the help of professional cameras you can take excellent quality photographs. And if you are lucky and such a camera is in your hands, you will notice that the format of the resulting images is quite unique. RAW format is popular and can be said to be one of the most common. But how can you edit, print, or forward such pictures to other users? There are two ways: either use special (expensive and complex) professional programs, designed for working with RAW files, or convert RAW files into compact JPEG format. The second method seems more acceptable for the following reasons. RAW files take up a lot of disk space and, most importantly, all your images are saved in one international format. The best thing Convert RAW to JPEG using a special converter program, such as Total Image Converter. The main advantages of this RAW JPEG converter are:
  1. User-friendly interface
  2. Fast and high-quality conversion
  3. Convenient size selection option that allows you to get smaller RAW files
  4. Ability to crop images at your discretion
  5. Convert RAW photos in whole groups
  6. Watermarking option: you can add a comment, logo, or indicate the shooting date

To convert RAW to JPEG, download and install the program, then mark the RAW files you need to convert. Select the JPEG format and specify the folder where you want to place the final files. That's all that is required of you. Total Image Converter will do the rest on its own. All you have to do is sit back and calmly watch as bulky “negatives” turn into compact JPEG photographs.

Total Image Converter is an excellent choice for beginner photographers, as well as for those who regularly edit finished images. This is not only easy, but also useful, particularly for professional photographers and designers, since the converter is very fast and can handle a lot of work.

With Total Image Converter, you can not only convert RAW photos, but also edit them. You can change the size and quality parameters of images (which is very important when placing files on web resources), as well as apply watermarks, which will help you protect your copyright on them. And most importantly - Total Image Converter converts everything necessary files simultaneously. Now you do not need to carry out the procedure on each file separately. Just mark the files you need and start the conversion. What could be simpler?
