Types of lighting lamps - an overview and characteristics. Lighting equipment - lamps and light bulbs What are the types of lamps

To date, different types of lighting lamps are used, which differ in the nature of light, the main technical specifications and can also be used in various conditions.

Only the right choice of light source allows you to get optimal lighting efficiency with minimal electricity bills. We will consider the types and types of lighting lamps in the article.

What are lighting lamps? Depending on the conditions of the intended operation, it is necessary to choose the most suitable light source.

One of the most important features lighting device is the lamp power indicated by the manufacturer on the base or bulb of the light source. It is from these indicators, calculated in lumens, that the level of luminous flux directly depends.

Of no small importance when choosing a lamp is also such a parameter as light output, which determines the number of lumens of light per 1W of power:

  • in lamps with incandescent filaments - 7.0-17 lm / W;
  • in krypton lamps - 8.0-19 lm / W;
  • in halogen light sources - 14-30 lm / W;
  • in mercury lamps - 40-60 lm / W;
  • in luminescent light sources - 40-90 lm / W;
  • in compact fluorescent lighting fixtures - 40-90 lm / W;
  • in sodium lamps - 90-150 lm / W.

Ordinary incandescent lamps are the very first or oldest source of eclectic lighting. Despite general principle working with incandescent lamps, the most modern halogen bulbs are distinguished by the presence of a gas composition inside the cylinder, and in any fluorescent light sources, operation is based on the effect of electric current on mercury vapor.

However, a real breakthrough in the field of lighting technology was the emergence of very compact energy-saving lighting devices that differ not only in power, but also in the shape of the discharge tubes.

The principle of operation of LED lamps is the presence of the most common semiconductor, and when a certain amount of current passes, radiation or light is generated.

Incandescent lamps

This variant of artificial lighting is characterized by the formation of light from a filament body, which is heated to high temperatures under the influence of an electric current.

The design can be very diverse, which directly depends on the purpose or operating conditions, but the obligatory elements are always a glass bulb or cylinder, a heating body, hook holders, a leg, current inputs and a fuse, as well as a standard case, an insulator and bottom contacts in the base part .

The advantages of such lamps are presented:

  • high color-transmitting index;
  • affordable cost;
  • small size;
  • no need to use ballasts;
  • instant ignition;
  • low sensitivity to power outages;
  • the absence of toxic effects on others.

However, the decline in popularity is also due to some disadvantages, which can be considered low light output and a short service life.


The widespread use of fluorescent lamps is well justified. Such light sources differ in spectrum, diameter and shape of the bulb, power, physical characteristics of the base and their number, the need to use a starter or the ability to connect without the use of starting equipment.

The principle of operation, as well as features of operation fluorescent lamps are the same for the entire class of these lamps. Under the influence of an electric discharge in mercury vapor, ultraviolet radiation is formed, which is absorbed by the phosphor and forms light radiation.

Fluorescent lamp options

The disadvantages of such lighting devices include the toxicity of the bulb filler and, as a result, the need for proper disposal of failed lamps. It should also be taken into account that there is no soft start and the inability to adjust the brightness of the lighting.


Such lighting devices are presented in two types.

In the first case, the operability of the light bulb is ensured high voltage networks in 220V without the use of a transformer.

The second option is represented by devices operating in the conditions of using step-down transformers.

Halogen light sources are in great demand as additional illumination and, if necessary, provide complete security Therefore, they are often used in rooms with high humidity.

The main difference from a standard incandescent lamp is the presence of a gas composition with bromine or iodine in a cylinder, which allows you to effectively increase the temperature of the filament and at the same time reduce the level of tungsten evaporation.

LED lights

Lighting sources of the LED type have become known to domestic consumers relatively recently. The scope of operation of led-lamps is very wide, due to the following undeniable advantages:

  • high environmental friendliness and no emission of carbon dioxide or mercury vapor;
  • energy savings up to 60-70% compared to other light sources;
  • durability and no need for regular maintenance;
  • obtaining uniform lighting;
  • lack of effects represented by color spots, stripes and ripples.

Console models are especially popular, which differ high level power and uniform illumination of a large space.

All internal parts are provided with reliable protection, represented by a metal and polycarbonate shockproof case.

Types of lighting lamp bases

Regardless of the nature of light, all types of lamps have a common structural element - the base. In everyday life, light sources with a small (E14), medium (E27) and large (E40) base are used, as well as fluorescent and halogen lamps with a pin or G-base.

What types of lamps are used for artificial lighting?

According to its main purpose, all artificial lighting is divided into several types:

  • working lighting;
  • emergency lighting;
  • special lighting.
According to the implementation parameters, all artificial lighting can also be classified into the following groups:
  • general lighting;
  • local lighting;
  • accent lighting;
  • combined lighting.

In the direction of the light flux, artificial lighting can be direct and indirect, as well as mixed and diffused. In residential premises, it is advisable to use standard lighting devices equipped with incandescent lamps or energy-saving lamps with an increased coefficient of energy conversion into light.

Any halogen lamps are very sensitive to voltage drops and often fail at home, and a starting device is required to connect fluorescent lamps.

It is strongly not recommended to use neon, xenon and arc lamps in residential premises, which are characterized by high pressure in the bulb, limited service life, high starting and operating currents, as well as strong heating and fire hazard.


When choosing a light source, you need to focus primarily on the nature and operating conditions, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The most common incandescent lamps with thermal radiation in our country are very convenient and completely undemanding in operation, but it is customary to use fluorescent lamps in rooms where it is necessary to create the most favorable lighting conditions.

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Modern technologies in lighting have significantly expanded, but at the same time complicated the choice of light bulbs for home use. If earlier in 90% of apartments, apart from ordinary incandescent bulbs from 40 to 100W, there was little, but today there are a great many varieties and types of lighting lamps.

Buy in the store desired view lamps for the lamp is not such an easy task.
What do you want from high-quality lighting in the first place:

  • eye comfort
  • energy savings
  • harmless use

Plinth type

Before buying a light bulb, it is first important to determine the type of base you need. Most household lighting fixtures use two types of screw base:

It differs according to the diameter. The numbers in the designation and indicate its size in millimeters. That is, E-14=14mm, E-27=27mm. There are also adapters for lamps from one lamp to another.

If the ceiling lamps of the chandelier are small, or the lamp has some specifics, then a pin base is used.

It is denoted by the letter G and a number that indicates the distance in millimeters between the pins.
The most common are:

  • G5.3 - which are simply inserted into the socket of the lamp
  • GU10 - first inserted and then turned a quarter of a turn

The spotlights use the R7S base. It can be for both halogen and LED lamps.

The power of the lamp is selected based on the limitation of the lighting device in which it will be installed. Information about the type of base and the power limit of the lamp used can be seen:

  • on the box of the purchased lamp
  • on the ceiling of the already installed
  • or on the bulb itself

Flask shape

The next thing to pay attention to is the shape and size of the flask.

A flask with a threaded base may have:

Pear-shaped are designated by the nomenclature - A55, A60; ball - the letter G. The numbers correspond to the diameter.
Candles are marked with the Latin letter - C.

A flask with a pin base has the shape:

  • small capsule
  • or flat reflector

Lighting standards

Lighting brightness is an individual concept. However, it is generally accepted that for every 10m2 with a ceiling height of 2.7m, a minimum illumination equivalent to 100W is required.

Illumination is measured in lux. What is this unit? In simple words- when 1 lumen illuminates 1m2 of room area, then this is 1 lux.

For different rooms, the rules are different.

Illumination depends on many parameters:

  • distance from light source
  • surrounding wall colors
  • reflections of the light flux from foreign objects

Illumination is very easy to measure using familiar smartphones. Just download and install special program. For example - Luxmeter (link)

True, such programs and phone cameras usually lie compared to professional lux meters. But for domestic needs, this is more than enough.

Incandescent and halogen bulbs

The classic and most inexpensive solution for lighting an apartment is the familiar incandescent lamp, or its halogen version. Depending on the type of base, this is the most affordable purchase. Incandescent and halogen bulbs give a comfortable warm light without flickering and do not emit any harmful substances.

However, halogen lamps are not recommended to touch the bulb with your hands. Therefore, they must be packed in a separate bag.

When a halogen lamp burns, it heats up to a very high temperature. And if you touch her bulb with greasy hands, then residual voltage will form on it. As a result, the spiral in it will burn out much faster, thereby reducing its service life.

In addition, they are very sensitive to power surges and often burn out because of this. Therefore, they are put together with soft start devices or connected via dimmers.

Halogen lamps are mostly manufactured to operate from single-phase network with a voltage of 220-230 Volts. But there are also low-voltage 12 volts that require connection through a transformer for the corresponding type of lamp.

The halogen lamp shines brighter than the usual one, by about 30%, and consumes the same power. This is achieved due to the fact that it contains a mixture of inert gases.

In addition, during operation, particles of tungsten elements return back to the filament. In a conventional lamp, gradual evaporation occurs over time and these particles settle on the bulb. The light bulb dims and works half as much as a halogen one.

Color rendering and luminous flux

The advantage of conventional incandescent lamps is a good color rendering index. What it is?
Roughly speaking, this is an indicator of how much light close to the sun is contained in the scattered flux.

For example, when sodium and mercury lamps illuminate the streets at night, it is not entirely clear what color people's cars and clothes are. Since these sources have a poor color rendering index - in the region of 30 or 40%. If we take an incandescent lamp, then here the index is already more than 90%.

Now the sale and production of incandescent lamps with power over 100W are not allowed in retail stores. This is done for reasons of conservation of natural resources and energy savings.

Some still mistakenly choose lamps based on the power inscriptions on the package. Remember that this figure does not indicate how brightly it shines, but only how much electricity it consumes from the network.

The main indicator here is the luminous flux, which is measured in lumens. It is on him that you need to pay attention when choosing.

Since many of us previously focused on the popular power of 40-60-100W, manufacturers for modern economical lamps always indicate on the packaging or in the catalogs that their power corresponds to the power of a simple incandescent bulb. This is done solely for the convenience of your choice.

Luminescent - energy saving

Fluorescent lamps have a good level of energy saving. Inside them is a tube from which a flask is made, coated with phosphor powder. This provides a glow 5 times brighter than incandescent lamps at the same power.

Luminescent ones are not very environmentally friendly due to the deposition of mercury and phosphor inside. Therefore, they require careful disposal through certain organizations and containers for receiving used light bulbs and batteries.

They also have a flickering effect. It is easy to check this, just look at their glow on the display through the smartphone camera. It is because of this reason that it is not advisable to place such bulbs in residential areas where you are constantly located.


LED bulbs and lamps of different shapes and designs are widely used in various areas of life.

Their advantages:

  • thermal overload resistance
  • little effect on voltage drops
  • ease of assembly and use
  • high reliability under mechanical stress. Minimal risk that it will break when dropped.

LED lamps heat up very little during operation and therefore have a plastic light body. Thanks to this, they can be used where others cannot be installed. For example, in stretch ceilings.

Energy savings for LEDs are more significant than for luminescent and energy-saving ones. They consume about 8-10 times less than incandescent lamps.

If we roughly take the average parameters for power and luminous flux, then we can get the following data:

These results are approximate and in reality will always differ, since a lot depends on the voltage level, the brand of the manufacturer and many other parameters.

For example, in the USA, one fire station is still burning ordinary light bulb incandescent, which is already more than 100 years old. Even a special site was created, where through a web camera, online, you can watch her.

Everyone is waiting for it to burn down to record this historic moment. You can see.

Light flow

This is precisely its feature and advantage, which is widely used in open fixtures.

For example, if we are talking about crystal chandeliers, then when using an ordinary LED lamp in it, because of its matte surface, the crystal will not “play” and will not shimmer. It shines and reflects light only with a directed beam.

In this case, the chandelier does not look very rich. The use of filament in them reveals all the advantages and all the beauty of such a lamp.

These are all the main types of lighting lamps widely used in an apartment and a residential building. Choose the option you need according to the above characteristics and recommendations, and equip your home correctly and comfortably.

What lamps are best for home lighting? LED, fluorescent, halogen or incandescent? What are the advantages of one and what are the disadvantages of others? How cost-effective is it to use lamps of one type or another? Let's try to figure it out.

Incandescent lamps

The most common type of lamps in homes are still. To this day they are produced for various capacities, there are the most different sizes and shapes, suitable for installation in almost any lighting fixture, whether it be a lamp, a night lamp or a chandelier.

An incandescent lamp is the simplest electrical light source. It consists of a sealed transparent evacuated flask, a metal base, and a spiral is installed inside the flask - a tungsten filament.

During the operation of the lamp, the tungsten filament flows through electricity, just causing the heating of the filament to white. That is, the light in such a light bulb is obtained due to a tungsten filament heated by current, which emits visible light. At the same time, only 20% of the total energy supplied to the light bulb comes from light, the remaining 80% comes from heating. In principle, we can say that an incandescent lamp is a heating device that glows well during operation.

Of course, incandescent lamps are rapidly leaving the market, their production is not as intensive as before, but the cost of incandescent lamps is the lowest compared to other types of lamps.

Other types of lamps are more economical in operation than incandescent lamps, some are up to 10 times more economical, and even several times more reliable, but the cost of incandescent lamps is very low compared to other types. Therefore, those people who do not think about long-term payback continue to buy good old incandescent lamps for a penny, although in fact they incur losses by overpaying for electricity spent on lighting for many months.

Halogen lamps

An improved type of incandescent lamp - halogen lamp. Here, a tungsten filament heated by current also serves as a light source, but placed in a flask with halogen vapor. The light output is increased by the halogens, and the efficiency is slightly increased due to this.

Fluorescent lamps

Energy saving fluorescent lamps- the next step in the evolution of lighting devices. It is compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) that are called "energy-saving" today. Their consumption is much lower than that of incandescent lamps and halogen lamps with the same luminous flux.

Starting from 2010-2011, the active introduction of fluorescent lamps into home lighting systems began. And if earlier fluorescent lamps in the form of tubes were aesthetically suitable for industrial premises and offices equipped with special lamps for such tubes, then fluorescent lamps for a standard base (like a home incandescent lamp) began to be suitable for residential premises - I unscrewed the incandescent lamp, put it in this the same holder of an energy-saving fluorescent lamp, and no difficulty.

The basis of the functioning of a fluorescent lamp is an electrical discharge in mercury vapor. The ultraviolet radiation that arises in this case is converted into visible light due to the phosphor deposited on the inner walls of the bulb. As a phosphor, special compositions such as calcium halophosphate are used as part of a mixture with auxiliary components.

The light output of fluorescent lamps is approximately 5 times higher than that of incandescent lamps, and the service life of a high-quality fluorescent lamp can be measured in thousands of hours. Nevertheless, even fluorescent lamps are not by far the most efficient light sources for a home, not to mention the problem of disposing of defective lamps with mercury vapor inside.

LED bulbs

The crown of the evolution of light sources today - LED lamps, the most energy efficient. Next, we will visually compare the characteristics of lamps of various types, and this will become more obvious. LEDs are used here as light sources, so the design of an LED lamp is somewhat more complicated than that of an incandescent lamp, and therefore its cost is much higher.

However, LED lamps quickly pay for themselves during operation, and much earlier than their service life, which is tens of thousands of hours, expires. At the same time, LED lamps are extremely safe. They do not have a glass flask that can burst, causing harm to human health, for example by cutting it, as well as no mercury vapor and no other harmful components, that is, environmental safety is also ensured. Problems with disposal, if anything, will not arise at all.


From the above table it can be seen that with the same output luminous flux, the lamps different types consume different electrical power, and this power varies significantly. Pay special attention to the fact that an LED lamp consumes almost 8 times less electricity compared to an incandescent lamp, and at the same time gives the same amount of light. Imagine how this will affect your energy bills. As for the compact fluorescent lamp, it is 1.5 times inferior to the LED.

Do we need heat from a light bulb? Of course not, because there is a heating system for heating the home. It turns out that the more the lamp heats up, the more energy is spent in an inappropriate way, because we need the lamp for lighting, and not for heating. Meanwhile, an incandescent lamp converts 80% of the power consumed into heat. Halogen heats up to 65%. Luminescent by 15%. LED only by 2%.

Hull strength

As for strength, incandescent and halogen lamps have bulbs made of fragile thin glass, and if you drop such a lamp, you will immediately have to sweep up small fragments. Fluorescent lamps are no less fragile. They also contain mercury vapor, toxic vapors that will come out if the flask is accidentally broken, and ventilation and sanitization will be required.

LED lamps are in a winning position, they are not afraid of shock, the bulb is usually made of polycarbonate, there are no harmful gases here. If the LED lamp is accidentally dropped, then nothing will most likely happen to it, unless you should drop it from a great height so as not to damage the insides.

Life time

In terms of service life, LED lamps are clearly superior to any others: on average, LEDs will last 40 times longer than incandescent lamps, they can be considered eternal in this regard. Some manufacturers directly write on the packaging that the lamp is guaranteed to work for 30 or 40 years. Fluorescent lamps are slightly inferior, their manufacturers are confident that the lamp will last 10 years. As for the incandescent lamp, its average life for the current conditions electrical networks- 1 year.

Ease of replacement

To replace a light bulb, just unscrew it from the socket and screw in a new one. But halogen lamps cannot be screwed in haphazardly. First of all, you need to understand that a halogen lamp gets very hot during operation, for example, a 40 watt lamp heats up to 250 ° C. No, we are not talking now about the need to wait for the lamp to cool down before unscrewing it, something else is important here.

When you install a new halogen lamp, your hands should be exceptionally clean, and it is better to use a napkin at all, because any greasy spot on the bulb will burn out and a burnt mark will appear, the light will be spoiled. Still such a trace will lead to local overheating of the bulb, and it may crack. LED and fluorescent lamps do not heat up so much, so they can be unscrewed and screwed in even with bare hands.

Security aspects

Speaking of security, consider a couple of aspects. First, the quality of the light. Light quality is best for incandescent, halogen and LED lamps. Fluorescent lamps, on the other hand, have a harmful flicker that irritates the nervous system, and, as a rule, is distorted. Secondly, the content of mercury vapor is by no means in favor of fluorescent lamps. That is, in terms of safety, everyone wins except luminescent ones.

What is the result

The result is clear. From the point of view of efficiency and safety, LED lamps come first, followed by incandescent lamps (safe, but gluttonous), and finally fluorescent lamps (flicker, poor color reproduction, contain mercury).

Consider the financial side

Let's say the apartment has 15 incandescent lamps of 75 watts each, which you want to replace with LEDs. Let the lamps burn for about 4 hours a day. This means that lighting accounts for: 15 * 75 * 4 * 30 = 135 kWh per month. Let's say the cost of electricity in your region is 5 rubles per 1 kWh. This means that in a month only 675 rubles run up for the light.

If you switch to LED lamps with a power of 7.5 times less (as noted above), then the bill will be only 90 rubles. Let the replacement of lamps cost you 3450 rubles, then with a difference in bills of 585 rubles, the lamps will pay off in half a year! And this is with an estimated price of an LED lamp of 230 rubles. The benefit is there. If we now take into account that LED lamps will last 30 years, then you yourself understand what a huge savings we are talking about.

Three main advantages of LED lamps

    LED lamps last forever compared to incandescent lamps, which burn out quickly

    LED lamps quickly pay for themselves despite the high cost.

    LED lamps are environmentally friendly and not easy to break.

Best for home lighting - LED lamps

In conclusion, we can definitely say that LED lamps are best suited for home lighting from all points of view. Even if at first glance they seem expensive, consider the payback. The more lighting fixtures in your home, the faster the new light bulbs will pay off.

If left as is, the energy bills spent on inefficient lighting will eat up a lot in total. more money than you need to spend only once on the purchase of new efficient light bulbs.

See also on this topic:

Andrey Povny

When buying a lamp, it is important to know what type of lamp is suitable for it, because in the vast majority of cases it is not included with the lighting fixture. Today, lamps are presented in stores in a large assortment. They differ in shape, size, power consumption and plinth. The plinth is part light bulb, which allows you to mount it in the lamp socket, and through which current is supplied.

Plinths are made of metal or ceramic. Inside they are filled with electrodes (part of the lamp), and outside there are contacts. For each lamp, a specific socket is used, in which a lamp with a suitable base is installed. Before buying a chandelier, it is important to know what type of cartridge is suitable for it, and, accordingly, which lamp.

In addition, the lamps have to be changed periodically, as they are not durable. In order to make the right choice and not get confused in the whole variety of light sources, it is important to know what types of light bulbs and types of socles exist. In addition to the base, when buying a lamp, it is also important to take into account the maximum lamp power, voltage, dimensions and chandelier connection scheme.

What are plinths

Due to the variety of socles known today, a classification has been developed, according to which all types of lamp socles are usually divided into groups. Among them, two groups are considered the most common: threaded and pin.

The threaded base is considered traditional, or, as it is also called, the screw base. It is denoted by the Latin letter E. The threaded base is widely used for many types of lamps, including household ones. The letter, as a rule, is followed by a number, it indicates the diameter of the thread. The most common screw bases are designated E14 and E27. For high-power lamps, there are also bases, for example, E40.

A little less popular is the pin base, it is denoted by the letter G, which shows the gap between the contacts in millimeters. The scope of the pin base is also wide - suitable for many lamps: halogen, fluorescent and ordinary incandescent lamps.

In addition to the traditional ones, there are several more types of socles that are less common, but, nevertheless, are used for various types of lamps.

  • Plinths with recessed contact (R). They are used mainly for high-intensity appliances that operate on alternating current.
  • Pin (B). They allow you to quickly replace the lamp in the cartridge due to asymmetrical side contacts. They are an improved analogue of threaded plinths.
  • With one pin (F). Such plinths come in three subspecies: cylindrical, corrugated and special shape.
  • Soffit (S). Most often, light bulbs with such a base are used in hotels and cars. Their distinguishing feature is the two-way arrangement of contacts.
  • Fixing (P). Scope - special spotlights and lanterns.
  • Telephone (T). They are equipped with control panel lamps, backlights, signal lamps in automation panels.

Often the marking of the lamp consists of more than one letter. The second letter usually indicates a subspecies of the lighting device:

  1. V - base with a conical end
  2. U - energy saving
  3. A - automotive.

In this video, a specialist will talk in detail about the different types of plinths:

Types of light bulbs

We will talk about the most common lighting lamps, those that are usually used in home and industrial premises. These include incandescent, halogen, energy-saving, fluorescent and LED lamps.

It is rightfully considered the most massive of all types of lamps and is probably familiar to everyone. It has gained popularity due to its low cost, simplicity of design and familiarity. It is used in the simplest models of lamps. However, despite its wide popularity, the incandescent lamp is inferior in terms of technical characteristics to its "brothers". Its service life is approximately 1000 hours, but this is not the most serious drawback. The fact is that during operation, vapors are formed inside the lamp, which provoke clouding of the bulb, so the brightness decreases over time. The color rendering index is approximately 90%. The predominant tones in the glow spectrum are yellow, so the light from an ordinary incandescent lamp resembles sunlight. Most, if not all, incandescent lamps come with E14 and E27 bases.

There are incandescent reflector lamps. Their main and only difference from simple lamps– silver plated surface. This helps direct the light to a specific point, which is why such lamps are used to create directional light. In stores you can find reflector lamps with the designation R50, R63 and R80, where the number is the diameter of the lamp. Also, like simple incandescent lamps, reflex lamps have an E14 or E27 threaded base.

Halogen lamp

Able to last four times longer than an incandescent lamp. Its life span is approximately 4000 hours. Color rendering index - 100%. Technological process the production of halogen lamps involves the addition of a certain amount of iodine or bromine. This contributes to a better light output, which is 20-30 lumens / watt. Moreover, a consistently high light output is maintained throughout the entire period of operation and does not decrease, as with a conventional incandescent lamp.

Being smaller in size than conventional lamps, they are more diverse in shape, respectively, their scope is wider. Their bases can be as follows: G9, G4, R7S, GU10.

Energy-saving lamps

This term is usually used when talking about a small fluorescent lamp. Such light bulbs have gained extraordinary popularity due to the fact that they can reduce energy costs. They are sold everywhere, and install them in place old lamp incandescent is not a problem, since it does not require any alterations.

Thanks to the latest technologies production, energy-saving lamps have a compact size, various power options, a variety of shapes, but consistently long life and efficiency. However, it is important to remember that such lamps "do not like" frequent switching on and off. There is an opinion that this shortens their life.

Today, compact energy-saving lamps can be purchased with almost all types of socles: E14, E27, GU10, G9, GU5.3, G4, GU4.

Fluorescent lamps

They are sometimes called tubular or linear due to their characteristic shape. The T on the tube is the diameter, and the number after it is the diameter in inches (eighths). For example, T12 (diameter 12/8 inch=3.8 cm).

LED bulbs

The term "energy-saving" is also applicable to them, but this is not their main advantage. The main thing is an incredibly long service life, which ranges from 25,000 to 100,000 hours. If we translate this number into years, we get 3-12 years of continuous work. Light output is almost 100%.

In addition, LEDs do not heat up to a significant extent, so it is advisable to use such lamps in rooms where the temperature regime is strictly observed. Standard bases allow the use of LED lamps.


This video demonstrates different types of lamps:

For lighting arrangements, there are Various types lamps. In addition to traditional incandescent devices, other types of light bulbs have become widespread, for example, LED, fluorescent, halogen.

In the article we will consider the light sources most demanded by users, noting the features of their device, advantages and disadvantages.

A device of this type consists of a base, where the contacts are located, a fuse, an incandescent element and a glass cylinder.

The spiral is usually made of an alloy with tungsten, which is able to withstand a high combustion temperature of +3200 ° C for a long time. To prolong the burnout time, the cylinder is filled with argon or other inert gas; in some devices, on the contrary, they create a vacuum.

For the operation of the lamp, an electric current is passed through a conductor having a small cross section and a low degree of conductivity. The energy heats up the spiral, which emits light waves.

To illuminate the premises, various types of lamps are used, the choice of which depends on the purpose of the light source, the required brightness and other criteria.

There is a huge variety of light bulbs general purpose or LON for short: regular size or miniature for local lighting.

According to the type of execution, the flask can be:

  • painted;
  • frosted glass;
  • mirror.

LON modifications can have flasks not only with colorless, but also with multi-colored transparent glass. As a rule, they are used for decorative purposes.

Models with frosted glass bulbs are in demand, giving a soft, uniform light, which is especially appropriate for lighting bedrooms and children's rooms.

The most advanced models of this type are krypton, bispiral lamps, which have enhanced characteristics. However, they are inferior in quality to other categories of lighting fixtures.

In mirror devices, part of the balloon is covered with a special compound that reflects light, directing it in a narrow stream.

Such devices are often inserted into ceiling lights, since they only allow light to be cast downwards, without illuminating or heating the upper surface.

Light bulbs powered by 12, 24, 36 V require minimal electricity consumption, but they give a very dim weak light. They are used in flashlights or for emergency lighting.

Specifications LON:

  • light output - 9-19 lm / w;
  • power - 25-150 watts;
  • the period of operation is an average of a thousand hours at a voltage of 220 V;
  • Efficiency - less than 30%.

The advantages include low price, simple and accessible to everyone installation, pleasant yellowish lighting light.

Incandescent devices have much more disadvantages: they are fragile, quickly burn out during voltage drops, in addition, their surface is very hot, which can cause a fire.

There is an article on our website in which we talked in detail about the types of incandescent lamps, their marking, and also outlined the main criteria for their selection. For more details, go to.

Variety of halogen light sources

This type of device with a base has a design similar to incandescent lamps, but instead of an inert gas, the bulb is filled with compounds of iodine, bromine or other halogens. This reduces evaporation heating element and raise its temperature.

Halogen products emit an intense stream of light rays in a color that is pleasing to the eye. They are often used to highlight and highlight individual interior details.

In addition to base lamps, other options have become widespread, for example, linear halogens, which are tube-shaped. Impact-resistant models with intense light are used for street spotlights.

Capsular low-voltage devices with miniature dimensions are popular. They are often used for chandeliers or stretch ceilings, however, the connection to the network must be carried out through a special.

Another variety are reflective devices, in the design of which a special reflector is used - most often an aluminum disk. It allows you to adjust the angle of incidence of the light beam, directing it to the desired area of ​​the room.

Such devices are used to install ceiling lights, since they eliminate the heating of the upper surface.

Technical characteristics of halogens:

  • power - 1-20 W;
  • color rendering index - 100%;
  • flask heating - 500 °C;
  • light output - 15-22 Lm / W;
  • operates in the range from -60 to +100 °C;
  • service life - 2000-4000, when using a transformer up to 8000 hours;
  • Efficiency - 50-80%.

Among the advantages of this category of devices is a rather long service life, as well as the possibility of manufacturing miniature models that give bright light.

They have excellent color reproduction, and modern technology can give the emitted radiance both a warm and a cold shade.

Halogen devices can be high or low voltage. In the first case, they are powered directly from the mains, in the second, they should be connected through a transformer.

The disadvantages include a strong heating of the surface of the flask, which is why it is made of heat-resistant quartz glass. But even in this case it is not recommended to allow their contact with the ceiling or walls of the lamp.

Halogen lamps are very sensitive to pollution - touching them with bare hands can cause a burnout or even decay of the light bulb. They also do not tolerate power surges.

And how to choose a good halogen lamp, read in.

Fluorescent lamps (CFL and LL)

The devices consist of a flask, the inner surface of which is coated with a phosphor. The container where the electrodes are located is filled with a mixture of mercury vapor with an inert gas.

To start, a special unit is used - an electronic or mechanical ballast. When turned on, a charge is sent inside the flask, which causes the formation of ultraviolet waves, under the influence of which the phosphor begins to glow evenly.

Fluorescent lamps can emit light of different shades. Various markings are used to designate it. As an example, one can name LTB - a lamp of warm, LHB - cold, LE - natural light

Models are divided into two types:

  • linear devices (LL) - bulky tubes, at the ends of which there are two pins;
  • compact lamps (CFLs), having the form of a twisted spiral, in which the starting block is hidden in the base.

The G marking indicates devices with a pin design, and the letter E indicates a threaded cartridge.

Technical characteristics of CFL:

  • light output - 40-80 lm/w;
  • power - 15-80 watts;
  • service period - 10000-40000 hours.

An important advantage of fluorescents is their low operating temperature. Even when the product is switched on, you can safely touch it with your bare hand, making it safe to install it on any surface.

At the same time, such devices have many negative aspects. First of all, they are not environmentally friendly enough - the mercury vapor inside is poisonous.

Although in a closed bulb they do not have a detrimental effect on humans, broken or burned out light bulbs can be dangerous. Because of this, they require a recycling procedure: they will have to hand over their used products to recycling points, which are not always easy to find.

Fluorescent devices consume significantly less electricity than incandescent lamps, they have a long service life and good light output.

Other disadvantages include:

  1. Unstable operation at low temperatures. At -10 °C, even powerful devices shine extremely dimly.
  2. When turned on, the lamps do not light up immediately, but after a few seconds or minutes.
  3. Their cost is quite high.
  4. Operation may be accompanied by a low-frequency hum.
  5. Such models are difficult to compatible with dimmers, which makes it difficult to adjust the light intensity. It is also undesirable to use them together with switches that have backlight indicators.
  6. Although the service life is quite long, it is significantly reduced by frequent switching on and off.

In addition, the luminous flux emitted by these devices pulsates strongly, which tires the eyes.

You can read more about the design of fluorescent lamps, their advantages and disadvantages.

LED lamps (LED)

The design of light bulbs on diodes is based on semiconductor crystals, which in result p-n transitions emit light rays.

As a rule, they involve at least five diodes that are connected to the installation board. Functioning occurs with the help of a driver that converts alternating current to direct current.

The lamps practically do not heat up during operation, since they have special parts - radiators - to remove heat. Depending on the modification, the devices are equipped with screw or pin.

With the help of LED elements, you can create attractive compositions on stretch/suspended ceilings. The design made of lamps of different colors looks especially impressive.

Filament devices can be attributed to the varieties of LEDs. Outwardly, they resemble ordinary incandescent lamps, but instead of a spiral, semiconductor elements are installed in them, strung on a rod, which is placed in a flask with an inert gas.

In order for such a device to be screwed into the cartridge, it is supplemented with a traditional threaded base. Such models allow you to combine retro design with higher technical characteristics, such as energy efficiency, durability, and environmental friendliness.

Self-contained LED lamps are also gaining popularity. solar panels. They charge during daylight hours and turn on automatically when it gets dark. Such models can operate in a wide temperature range from -30 to +50 ° C.

Technical characteristics of LED lamps:

  • power - 3-30 W;
  • service life - 30000-50000 hours;
  • light output - 100-120 Lm / W;
  • light flux - 250-2500 lm.

LEDs can drastically reduce lighting costs by up to 85%, there is no thermal, ultraviolet and infrared radiation during their operation.

Since no harmful substances are used in their manufacture, they are considered environmentally friendly and do not require special disposal.

Filament lamps look great in retro style fixtures; they can be used for classic interior decoration or used for other purposes

Unlike fluorescent lamps, these devices light up instantly, in addition, most models are dimmable, which allows you to set the desired level of light intensity.

Of the shortcomings, one can note extremely high price in addition, ordinary lamps have a directed stream of light; filament devices are deprived of this shortcoming. Lighting a room usually requires several sources at once.

Rules for choosing the best lighting lamp

When choosing models for organizing lighting in residential premises, one should take into account not only the type to which the light bulb belongs, but also a number of other factors, namely:

  • plinth device;
  • power;
  • color rendering index;
  • light output;
  • luminous flux stability factor;
  • terms of Use.

Devices intended for connection with a cartridge have a common part - a base, with the help of which fasteners with wires are carried out. In order for the lamp to be installed in the socket, it is important to pay attention to the marking of this element.

Among the threaded connections, the most popular are three types: "minion" E14, medium in size E27 and. The second option is the most widely used, while the latter is usually used for street lighting.

Miniature fluorescent and halogen lamps often have G bases, which are attached to sockets using 2-4 pins. There are many options for such devices of different sizes, of which G9, G23, 2G10, 2G11 are especially in demand.

An important criterion is the power of the lamp; this indicator is indicated on the cylinder or base. If we take the same type of devices, then the intensity of light depends on this value.

However, this rule does not work if we take devices of different types: the brightness of a 5-6 W LED is almost equal to the glow of a 60-watt incandescent lamp.

Lumen output measures the number of lumens of light that a 1 watt bulb produces.

This factor is closely related to the energy efficiency of the device: a fluorescent device produces 600 lm at a power of 10-11 watts, while an incandescent device will need about 60 watts for a similar light output.

The design of the luminaire and lamp also has an influence. Often models of modern chandeliers or sconces are specially made for certain kind appliances such as halogen. In this case, in the instructions, the manufacturer usually indicates the characteristics of the required lamps.

To connect some types of lamps, you need to use additional equipment: power supplies, drivers, transformers. The figure shows electronic ballast required for fluorescent lamps

Certain types of devices also demonstrate increased sensitivity to voltage drops, which must be taken into account when living in regions where there are problems with the power grid.

There is also a difference caused by color temperature.

There are several standards for the most common markings:

  • 2700K denotes a warm tone, similar to incandescent lamps;
  • 4000 K - daylight neutral tone;
  • 6500 K - cold version.

The color rendering index R a indicates the correct perception of the color of the environment when illuminated by this type of lamp. As a rule, this indicator is indicated on the packaging, for example, 80 R a for LEDs.

Coefficient of light flux stability. This factor manifests itself during the entire period of operation of the device, during which the brightness should decrease by no more than 30% of the nominal value.

This indicator is of particular relevance for LEDs that do not burn out, but gradually lose their light intensity.

So if at the beginning such a device emits light of 1000 lumens, then at the end of its service life this figure should be at least 70% of the original, that is, 700 lm.

The best choice for different rooms

Interior decorators advise using compact LEDs or low-voltage miniature halogens for suspended or stretch ceilings.

It is also important to consider that the power of the lamps must correspond to that of the lamp or be lower. Violation of this rule can lead to serious consequences

Almost all types of lighting fixtures can be used in chandeliers and other suspended structures. If the fixtures are made of fusible materials, it is better to use LED or luminescent sources.

Small halogens, fluorescent models or traditional incandescent lamps are considered the best option for sconces. Often in such devices decorative modifications are used with flasks in the form of drops, flames, balls.

Suitable for lighting small led light bulbs or compact halogen, powered by a transformer.

In living rooms, a combination of several lighting fixtures is usually used. A ceiling or pendant chandelier is complemented by a wall lamp, a floor lamp, a decorative table lamp, as well as built-in lamps.

It is advisable to equip the main device, which will allow you to muffle its intensity.

In outdoor spotlights, linear halogen devices are predominantly used. Lighting design of the yard or plot is also possible with the use of LEDs, including those powered by solar panels, or powerful incandescent lamps.

In the basement and cellar, where there is usually a high level of humidity, it is necessary to use lamps with waterproofing and a completely closed socket.

To prevent a short circuit, it is advisable to use a step-down transformer. In this case, one or two 12-volt LED sources are best suited as a lighting device.

Similar requirements apply to lighting fixtures in bathrooms. As a rule, halogen / LED models, as well as incandescent lamps, are used to illuminate the space.

To equip the student's workplace, a flexible desk lamp to change the direction of the light beam. As a rule, a traditional 60-volt incandescent device with a transparent or frosted bulb is inserted into it.

With a lack of light, it is also desirable to add backlighting with built-in halogen lamps.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a light source for greenhouses. As studies by scientists have shown, the red and blue regions of the spectrum are especially useful for plants. The first has a powerful influence during the period of flowering and ovary of vegetables, the second - contributes to their active growth and development.

It is easiest to reproduce this range of light with the help of special LED lamps. You can make them yourself or buy them at the store.

A table that makes it easy to calculate required power different types of lamps. With its help, you can easily create the level of lighting required by the current SNiP

When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the shade of the emitted rays. As a rule, this factor depends on the preferences of users.

When determining the power of a lamp, one must take into account not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for which it is intended, but also the degree of natural light level: stronger devices are installed in darkened spaces with windows to the north.

It influences the choice and color scheme of the interior: for rooms with dark walls, more powerful lamps are needed.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The presented video tells in detail about the main characteristics of various types of light sources:

Continuation of the story, where we are talking about options for lamp bases and features of their application:

Despite the fact that light bulbs are elementary appliances, their role in creating a comfortable and cozy living environment is difficult to overestimate. Properly selected device will create comfortable lighting, which is an integral part of comfort in the house.

The lamp will serve stably for a long time, perfectly complementing a chandelier or other lamp. In addition, an energy-saving device will reduce the amount of utility bills due to energy savings.

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